Chip color character/paragraph style


When I double-click a paragraph style or character and try and change the color chip, it does not bring up the color picker. I have a list of predetermined process colors, but I can't make my own. That's probably the problem?

Thank you


Change the color of your screen type using the swatches or color

Click once on the name of the style (you will notice a sign more)

and the more went showing your selection matches and confirming that the style has been redefined

All instances using this style now displays the new color.

Tags: Illustrator

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    If you create a paragraph style, and then change to any attribute, the style has a substitution. If you want to keep this substitution and redefine style click the button to "redefine the selected style of attributes" (highlighted in the screenshot).

    More info is here:

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    If you want to keep the order of the colors in your RED letters > PURPLE > GREEN you have to exclude white space and choose 'Letters' instead of 'characters '.

    In your case after the Green letter 'Y', the next letter 'V' should be red, but it's Purple

  • best judgment for paragraph styles, object styles and character styles

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    Paragraph styles are whole paragraphs.

    Character styles are letters or isolated words. Do not use the long of an entire paragraph. Do not set all the attributes, only those who are different for the properties of the paragraph Style. Unlike Quark Xpress, in InDesign are character Styles used only for the difference of isolated words.

    Paragraph styles can include the character automatically Style: Styles, GREP, nested Styles, initial letters, chips automatic & numbers and line styles.

    Object styles , set the frame of the object. They include separate definitions of all of the object, the stroke and fill.

    Object styles can also be applied to images in a frame and groups.

    Object styles may also include in the following paragraph Style and a style of paragraphs in automatic way.

    Object styles have several categories, you can choose which category is relevant to apply. For example, it is possible to apply the first style object to give the stroke and fill and apply a different object style to format the corners only and then apply the next. (With this method last only the applied object Style is linked).

    Styles of the opportunity to make global changes in a document. If you build in a smart way, they are a huge time saver. They can be stored in the CC libraries or libraries with objects that are applied to them. If you have created once these styles, you can use them again, and with one or two clicks, you can make their own to new document.

    My recommendation: the habit of Styles, name them always with the same names that it helps you to be accustomed to them and to work faster, much faster.

    There are more models: Table Styles, Styles of cell, the Master Pages and color chart.

  • Color of the paragraph Styles is not overridden CS5.5.

    I have some documents and I have a few Styles to paragraph (PStyles) I load in the latest documents.

    I have some who are in fact PStyles within a Table. 2 small problems; I can live with the first:

    1. It does not actually load the PStyle formatted correctly;
    2. Once I have format the PStyle as I want, the PStyle coloring does not replace the text that I assign. For example I have orange text, I then choose PStyle 1 (orange), the font is changed to the correct font type but the color does not change.

    It is certainly a fault?

    Make sure that all of the text in the paragraph of style [none] has also defined as the style of his character. You could have a paragraph style with the filling of text defined on orange and a character style with a black fill applied to all the words in the paragraph. In this case, the text would be black.

    Alternatively, you can substitute the paragraph styles. If this is the case when the text is selected, a + sign appears in the paragraph Styles Panel, next to the name of the style.

  • The font color do not apply on a paragraph style


    I try to change color on a paragraph style, and it won't change. I try another color, another paper, same thing. So, it's a software problem. Not a file. I delete InDesign and re-install. I fix the permission with disk utility and Cocktail. I restart the computer. I have reset PRAM.  I run the last ID CC 2014 on Yosemite. No problem since the update. Do you have a solution for me? Thank you in advance.

    capture 2015-02-12 à 13.38.10.JPG

    If you select the entire title is an applied character style? The character style must be set to [none]. What you are showing can also occur via a style nested inside the paragraph style.

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    Thank you.

    The paragraph style is defined on paper for the fill color or you have a character Hat applied style changes the color of paper.

  • Character vs drop cap style paragraph style

    I guess that I do not understand the character styles and having problems with them carrying through when I don't want them.

    I created a called the body text paragraph style. I then created a paragraph called style, first paragraph, which is the same as the body of the text except that it uses one style character drop cap, which is a different color and melting.

    When I apply the body text of a paragraph, it works fine. However, if I apply the first paragraph, but changed my mind and apply the body of the text, I can't get rid of different color and the police of the drop cap. In fact, it apply this character style to the whole paragraph.

    Of course, I did something wrong. Any clue?

    I think you're on the right track, but you have made some bad decisions. First of all, you want your style of bodywork with your first paragraph style to be the same, with the exception of the drop cap. It can be useful if you were to remove the first paragraph style and then make a new copy of the body style, rename it, first paragraph and make it based on body style. Simply change the appearance of the drop cap number of characters and lines you want.

    You want not any formatting local on paragraphs, so the first thing to do is to select the first two paragraphs and click the style of body while pressing the Option key (Mac, maybe the Alt key if you are using Windows). This will apply the paragraph style of the body with no local replacement (the style). Then claire on character styles by selecting no style in the palette styles of character (while the two paragraphs are always selected with the text tool).

    Now, click in the first paragraph and select the first paragraph style. It should look the same as the body style, but have a drop cap. At this point, if you want a different font, bold/italic, color, etc., you can start thinking about a character style. You will apply the character style in the portion of the paragraph style initials, and it will effect only the number of characters that you specified for the drop cap.

    Make a new character style and only define the perameters that you want to be different. For example, if you want time to your basic fonts and italic foie gras for the drop cap, set font Style in the Formats section of basic characters of the character in Bold Italic Style palette, but leave the empty police. In this way, if you decide later than Helvetica as standard paragraph font, you will not be left with a drop cap times bold italic character (instead of this, bold and italic are going to stay, but they will on Helvetica).

    So, you have a character style and a paragraph style. Just set the character style to the drop cap in the paragraph style, first paragraph, (its just beside the number of characters and lines). You can then switch back between the body and the first paragraph without the problem you are having now.

    EDIT: I just had another thought. Your paragraph styles contain nested styles?

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    I was thrilled to learn that the GREP function, then completely disappointed with this limitation. InDesign offers the possibility to automate this, so I must not cross and Center each paragraph corresponding to the hand?

    Thank you!

    InDesign provides a way to automate this so?

    Yes and no. There is no dynamically linked paragraph styles to a paragraph about his boss, but he has at least two alternatives:

    (1) use Grep-F/C

    (2) use the script FindChangeByList or MultiFindChange which is basically automate operations F/C



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    Working on a new site because my old site muse become buggy...

    and now, my paragraph styles have disappeared and are now appearing as the character styles

    Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 5.07.55 PM.png

    Thank you for sending the files. One of the files does not contain any character or paragraph Styles. In the other, I see the character styles named as paragraph styles. All indications from within the file are that they were created as character styles. The file format includes indications of the type of the style as well on everything that they are applied and in the list displayed in the palette. All of these styles are indicated by styles of characters in both places. The attributes that are in the styles are limited to what is allowed in a character style.

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  • Add the tab character before the content of particular paragraph style

    I have to add the tab character before the content of particular paragraph style

    app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item ("IDX2");

    list = app.activeDocument.findText ();

    // 2. For each found the point...

    for (i = 0; i < list.length; i ++)


    App.Select (list [i])



    But the code above only works in the first instance. But I must add the tab character all the content of the paragraph applied

    How to do this


    Another way without GREP...

    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var myStories=doc.stories;
    var J= myStories.length;
    while( J-- ){
        var mStorie = myStories[J];
        var K= mStorie.paragraphs.length
        while( K-- ){
            if  (mStorie.paragraphs[K] == "toto") {
                mStorie.paragraphs[K].contents= "\t" + mStorie.paragraphs[K].contents;
  • How to delete, modify or rename/available/imported/defined existing chips and lists numbering in the paragraph style?

    How to rename, delete or change lists in the chips section and numbering in the paragraph Style?

    Screen Shot 2015-05-02 at 13.40.00.png

    Open you select paragraph from the option panel (icon at the top right corner) sets the list (below). Or change the selected list bullet in the bullets & numbering

  • script to duplicate the standard paragraph style, and then change the size of the character point

    I want to create a script that will create a cascade of paragraph based on the style settings [standard paragraph] styles. My goal is to point size of each new paragraph style character as a percentage of the original [standard paragraph]. So if [standard paragraph] is 100% (point character size 10pt), the script would create a paragraph style called 120% ' that has a point size of character of 12 points. Then 133%, 140%, and on and on. I modified a script found on this forum to generate these new styles, but I don't know how to be based on the [standard paragraph]. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

    current script:

    var doc = app.activeDocument,

    pStyle = ['100% ', '120% ', '133% '];

    for (var i = 0; i < pstyle.length; i ++)


    If (pstyle [i] is "100 %")


    doc.paragraphStyles.add ({name: pstyle [i], appliedFont: 'Deer', pointSize:10});})


    ElseIf (pstyle [i] == "120 %")


    doc.paragraphStyles.add ({name: pstyle [i], appliedFont: "Deer", pointSize:10 * 1,2})


    ElseIf (pstyle [i] == "133 %")


    doc.paragraphStyles.add ({name: pstyle [i], appliedFont: "Deer", pointSize:10 * 1.33333})



    Try this,

    var doc = app.activeDocument,
        pstyle = ["100%", "120%", "133%" ];
    for(var i =0;i

    Kind regards


  • Problems with character and paragraph styles!


    I have a problem to inDesign that I don't normally.

    (I work on a macbook pro)

    I'm adding a text in a template document. I have two character styles and the paragraphstyles.

    This is how I work:

    I place my text I have the text box. (placing a word document) First I get all of the italicized words in the text placed and they give a character style: italic. Then, I want to give a definition to the whole text. It is a 'regular' from the same font of type version. When I do that, all of the text get this pink-ish marking meens that the text has not been completely changed the style AND a little plus (+) next to the paragraph style accurs. Normally I just press alternative (alt) as I click the paragraph style and thus cancels the problem. BUT when I do that now all the text becomes italic - witch is not in the selected paragraph style. Why?

    I'm really lost how can I solve this problem - I don't want to create a new document because it is a model that I use each month for a magazine and normally it works.

    Would be - this code in the word document? Or what?

    Thank you!



    Create your paragraph style

    Paste your text

    Run the Script PrepText

    This will apply/create character styles etc. italic, bold in all the text that you pasted in this text.

    Select all of your text - and click the clear button the replacements at the bottom of the paragraph Style Panel.

    Simple and fast

  • Ordinals, paragraph styles, character function OpenType


    My understanding about OpenType and ordinal is if I set the ordinal feature in a paragraph style (or select a paragraph and ordinals in the character Panel), then InDesign's smart and use only the ordinal characters where they are needed, for example in the 3rd, 5th.

    However, when I turn on the functionality of ordinals in a paragraph style and apply the style to a paragraph, almost every Word turns into a character followed by the exhibitors. I'm doing something wrong?

    Basically I want only InDesign to apply the exponent to the 3rd, 5th, etc. 1.

    This is for CS4. Thank you.

    Your understanding is incorrect. Ordinals is intended to only be applied to the selected text.

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