Comments about the Web site

I wonder if someone could give me some feedback on my first website. there are a number of problems with the site.  1. I want to get rid of the margin at the top of the site, but may not know how to do this. Ideally I would also get rid of the side margins when the browser width is less than the minimum width of the site. 2. There is something weird with the css. I have two sets of attributes for the body, one at the top which deals with filling and the other down, which deals with all the other elements. I would have thought these two series could be combined, but this sends the whole layout of evil. 3. maybe related to this issue, a css validation gives me an error of analysis for the first reference of body, but I have no idea what this error is. 4. I started to try a liquid layer, but this proved difficult because I lost control of the text. Ultimately, minimum/maximum width sizes had to be forced, it might simply be better set the width...  4. the text in Safari OSX behaves strangely in the gardens page. When the width of the browser is extended beyond a certain point, the adjacent text in the div to 'transparency' goes vertically so there is only one or two words per line. Happening to the adjacent to the 'slide show' div text, even if the two divs are positioned the same way. 5. what cause side the site looks ok in CSOS Safari and Firefox. I wasn't able to look at the site on a Windows PC. Laboratory of Adobe, it would seem that the text is very pixelated in IE7 and horribly in Firefox. I understand there will be differences, but that seems a little excessive.  I think that's it.  Thank you very much.

To delete margin at top of page add the below to your 'body' css.

margin: 0;

Whilst in your css file delete the following (probably why your getting an error)