Convert char [] array of IP address

How can I convert an array of char [] (acquired from the user input text box) to the IP address?  It seems there being no previous discussion about this.

I have to use an intermediate step of dumping the content I want to check in a textbox.  Why is there not a function that works directly on a table of char []?  It seems faster for me.

Control of intellectual property is designed as a UI control where the user can interactively enter a text to be used as an IP. The instrument limits user input to the characters 'legal' to an IP address (e.g. only numbers and periods are allowed).

Since the instrument is distributed with the full code, you may want to consider IsIPvalid (char * string) function in the code: the function is not exposed by the instrument, however, you can check the code and finally transfer to your application if you feel it is valid for your application.

Tags: NI Software

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    BatchTest Corp.

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    Below him is based on my date format NLS source Oracle database as DD-MON-RR (query on the database - SELECT * > OF nls_database_parameters WHERE the PARAMETER = "NLS_DATE_FORMAT").

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    Word has received

    (Header)   (----------------------------------Word Count------------------------------)   (Number of errors)
    0            120     0               44              221          155          96             48             0              0

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    0            120     0               44              221          155          96             48             0              0
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    Thank you!

    mkirzon wrote:

    The program I'm developing is to communicate and to poll an external device that includes a Protocol well documented. The messages that I built in clusters contain components accurate that expected from the other device. So, if my program adds any additional info (such as this array/string lengths), monitor the device external won't recognize messages and returns an error.

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    I was also wondering if there is a better way to import data from Excel?  Is it possible to import directly into a cluster immediately rather than put everything as strings?  I have attached a Subvi showing how I currently bring in data (found on the forum somewhere).  It comes as table 2D, which I divided into 3 separate tables that I mention above.

    I am open to any suggestion.  Thank you very much.


    Instead of trying to create a cluster, I think I would use only variant attributes.

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    Thank you best regards &,.

    Harish. G.

    Hi Haris,

    use the above solution as it seems you really want figures BCD...

    Or this slightly improved version:

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    $vCenterServer = "".

    $serverCluster = "cluster 02."

    $primaryDNS = "".

    $secondaryDNS = "".

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    $jumpstartCustomization = "newAutoSpec".

    $jumpstartCurrentTemplate = "template".

    $jumpstartDatastore = "data store".

    $jumpstartFolder = 'test '.

    $jumpstartPrefix = 'server '.

    $jumpstartSubnetMask = "".

    $jumpstartGateway = "".

    $jumpstartRange = "10.11.150".

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    $vmCount = '2 '.

    $ipArray = "need some help here.

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    to connect-viServer-Server $vCenterServer

    # Define technical mapping of NIC customization

    Get-OSCustomizationSpec-name $jumsptartCustomization | Get-OSCustomizationNicMapping | Game-OSCustomizationNicMapping - IpMode UseStaticIP - IpAddress [$a] $IParray - $jumpstartSubnetMask - passerelle_par_defaut $jumpstartGateway - $primaryDNS, $secondaryDNS Dns subnet mask

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    $y = "{020:D3}" f $_

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    but the last piece I am trying to understand is the IP address table.  Here's what I want to do with it, see if anyone can help with thoughts on that.

    • Ping (or connect remotely) a range of IP addresses, in this case - and released those who fail a connection to a range of IP.  The goal is to use this to fill in the information of IP address for servers that are being created.

    As a little more description here, maybe this contributes to possible scripting, I'm creating servers with the 3 last even as long as the last octet of the IP address.  Thus, the script will run, find IPS that are open (not ping response) and deploy servers model based on IP addresses.  For example, if is crazy, does not, the script will deploy the server of server055 with the IP address of

    Thanks in advance for the help

    Something like this will provide a table with IP addresses that do not respond.

    $array = 1.20 | % {'$192.168.1 _"}

    $freeIP = $array | %{

    If (!) () Test-Connection - ComputerName $_-count 1 - quiet - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {}





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    ORDER BY y

    Which produces the results I'm looking for.

    However, I use the 'FORM ON A TABLE WITH REPORT' by their SUMMIT. It is perfect for what I need, but here's my question:

    How can I go about adding my custom SQL string to be able to use the feature to sort of this 'FORM ON A TABLE WITH REPORT "?

    In the above form, it gives the ability to sort by any column. Is there a way I could do a column hidden, associated with the IP column to sort results?

    Sorry if I'm not in all this that claire here - let me see if I can be more specific.

    I have the IP addresses which of course do not sort numerically. So I wrote the SQL script above to convert a portion of these IP addresses in a number format.

    Is it possible to combine the two in the search function in 'Form on a Table with report' so I can get a user sort by IP number, but behind the scenes it sorts using the SUBSTR value from above?

    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction on this subject!


    Hi Igor,.

    You can get a custom sort order added to your IP column without needing a second column.

    Consider that the sorting is done strictly from left to right across a string in the column. The string can be any content valid HTML. So you can wrap your string in, say, a SPAN tag and add an attribute to the tag that contains the sort order, you need to forward the text that is displayed to the user. As long as the attribute is properly structured (in other words, all instances are the same length, for example), then sort will work correctly. For example:

    '' || IP || '' Y
    FROM ...

    Now you must make sure that the PAD_IP_ADDRESS() function returns the correct values. In IP addresses, you have whatever it is "" to "". To sort "digitally", you need fill one or two numbers to get three numbers for each value of - so, "" becomes "" You can create a function to do this - something like:

      vIP VARCHAR2(15);
      vSEP VARCHAR2(1);
      vSEP := '';
      vIP := '';
      FOR x IN 1..vTEMP.COUNT
        vIP := vIP || vSEP || TRIM(TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(vTEMP(x)),'000'));
        vSEP := '.';
      END LOOP;
      RETURN vIP;

    The result of this would look like:

    <span title=""></span>
    <span title=""></span>
    <span title=""></span>


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    But this is implemented in labVIEW already, or should I implement the code c cited?

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    This should be possible if you have available MathScript.

    See attachment (LV 8.6.1)

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    Thank you

    Something like that.

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    Thank you

    What you really want to use is the string of Format in function. Example:


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