County of time including null values?

Hi here is hoping that you can help, should be fwd directly, but was looking too long, hopefully simple to a new set of eyes

create the table test_log_table

(number, date of created_on id)

insert into test_log_table values (1, 03.33.52 March 19, 15 ')

insert into test_log_table values (2, 03.33.52 March 19, 15 ')

insert into test_log_table values (3, 03.46.52 March 19, 15')

insert into test_log_table values (4, 03.59.52 March 19, 15 ')

Select * from test_log_table

ID, created_on

1, MARCH 19, 15 03.33.52

2, 19 MARCH 15 03.33.52

3, MARCH 19, 15 03.46.52

4, 19 MARCH 15 03.59.52

desired output

count "intervals of 5 min"

MARCH 19, 15 03.30.00 2

MARCH 19, 15 03.35.00 0

MARCH 19, 15 03.40.00 0

MARCH 19, 15 03.45.00 1

MARCH 19, 15 03.50.00 0

MARCH 19, 15 03.55.00 1

19 MARCH 15 04.00.00 0

Here's one way:

SQL> with ranges (start_dt, max_dt) as (
  2    select trunc(min(created_on), 'MI') - numtodsinterval(mod(extract(minute from cast(min(created_on) as timestamp)), 5), 'MINUTE')
  3         , max(created_on)
  4    from test_log_table
  5    union all
  6    select start_dt + interval '5' minute, max_dt
  7    from ranges
  8    where start_dt < max_dt
  9  )
 10  select r.start_dt
 11       , count( as cnt
 12  from ranges r
 13       left outer join test_log_table t
 14                    on t.created_on >= r.start_dt
 15                   and t.created_on < r.start_dt + interval '5' minute
 16  group by r.start_dt
 17  order by r.start_dt ;

START_DT                   CNT
------------------- ----------
19/03/2015 03:30:00          2
19/03/2015 03:35:00          0
19/03/2015 03:40:00          0
19/03/2015 03:45:00          1
19/03/2015 03:50:00          0
19/03/2015 03:55:00          1
19/03/2015 04:00:00          0

7 rows selected.

In this example, events that occur on the upper limit of the range belong to the next interval, but it is easy to adapt logic for other cases.

Tags: Database

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  • Creating an external Table using Xml Dataset - how to include null values?

    The script below works fine, but I'm fails as soon as the xml file does not contain a column for a line, or has the value as "< ACTUAL_FLAG / >.

    Is there way I can show the missing values as null?

    With the help of "missing field is null values" does not work for me.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    < < < < < < < < < <
    / * Formatting on the 2010-05-24 14:53:01 (v5.136.908.31019 PS5) * /.

    status VARCHAR2 (50).
    number of ledger_id (15),
    set_of_books_id NUMBER (15),
    accounting_date DATE,
    Date_Created DATE,
    created_by NUMBER (15),
    actual_flag VARCHAR2 (1).
    user_je_category_name VARCHAR2 (25).
    user_je_source_name VARCHAR2 (25).
    Segment1 VARCHAR2 (25).
    Segment2 VARCHAR2 (25).
    segment3 VARCHAR2 (25).
    segment4 VARCHAR2 (25).
    segment5 VARCHAR2 (25).
    segment6 VARCHAR2 (25).
    segment7 VARCHAR2 (25).
    entered_dr NUMBER,
    entered_cr NUMBER,
    accounted_dr NUMBER,
    accounted_cr NUMBER,
    Reference1 VARCHAR2 (100)
    records delimited by ' < / GL_REC >.
    BadFile "temp.bad."
    logfile "temp.log.

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    status (50) tank surrounded by '<>STATUS' and ' < / STATUS >. "
    ledger_id char (15), framed by '< LEDGER_ID >' and ' < / LEDGER_ID >, "
    set_of_books_id char (15), framed by '< SET_OF_BOOKS_ID >' and ' < / SET_OF_BOOKS_ID >, "
    accounting_date char (11), framed by '< ACCOUNTING_DATE >' and ' < / ACCOUNTING_DATE >, "
    Char (15) currency_code framed by '< CURRENCY_CODE >' and ' < / CURRENCY_CODE >. "
    tank (11) Date_Created framed by '< DATE_CREATED >' and ' < / DATE_CREATED > "date_format DATE mask MON/dd/yyyy". "
    created_by char (12), framed by '< CREATED_BY >' and ' < / CREATED_BY >. "
    actual_flag char (1) surrounded by '< ACTUAL_FLAG >' and ' < / ACTUAL_FLAG >, "
    user_je_category_name tank (25), framed by '< USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME >' and ' < / USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME >, "
    user_je_source_name tank (25), framed by '< USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME >' and ' < / USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME >, "
    tank (25) Segment1 framed by '< SEGMENT1 >' and ' < / SEGMENT1 >. "
    tank (25) Segment2 framed by '< SEGMENT2 >' and ' < / SEGMENT2 >. "
    tank (25) segment3 framed by '< SEGMENT3 >' and ' < / SEGMENT3 >. "
    segment4 tank (25), framed by '< SEGMENT4 >' and ' < / SEGMENT4 >, "
    tank (25) segment5 framed by '< SEGMENT5 >' and ' < / SEGMENT5 >, "
    segment6 tank (25), framed by '< SEGMENT6 >' and ' < / SEGMENT6 >, "
    segment7 tank (25), framed by '< SEGMENT7 >' and ' < / SEGMENT7 >. "
    entered_dr char (15), framed by '< ENTERED_DR >' and ' < / ENTERED_DR >, "
    entered_cr char (15), framed by '< ENTERED_CR >' and ' < / ENTERED_CR >, "
    accounted_dr char (15), framed by '< ACCOUNTED_DR >' and ' < / ACCOUNTED_DR >, "
    accounted_cr char (15), framed by '< ACCOUNTED_CR >' and ' < / ACCOUNTED_CR >, "
    tank (100) of reference1 framed by '< REFERENCE1 >' and ' < / REFERENCE1 >.

    LOCATION ("books2.xml")

    Select * from ENE_GL_SAP_TEMP;

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


    It's funny, I never thought of parsing an XML through SQL * Loader before.

    Are you aware of the XML DB features? They are intended only for what you are doing here.

    Also, please look at function XMLTable. It allows you to directly map your XML file in columns and relational rows.

    For example, by giving an example of file "book.xml" like this:


    Then, just do:

    SELECT *
    FROM XMLTable(
     passing xmltype( bfilename('XML_DIR','book.xml'), nls_charset_id('CHAR_CS') )
      status varchar2(50) path 'STATUS',
      ledger_id varchar2(15) path 'LEDGER_ID',
      segment1 varchar2(25) path 'SEGMENT1',
      segment2 varchar2(25) path 'SEGMENT2'
  • APEX 3.2 copying the model Vertical Type 2 (including null values)

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    In the reports to a SQL report attributes TAB, I start using the "default report: vertical, look2 (include the Null columns)" for my report. I went to shared components, make a copy of the model that has been referenced in my application. (Took me by surprise, but he appeared in lists) When I go to replace the expression with the new COPY of the template, it is not in the LOV for models. I checked the copy worked and it is present if I show all THE MODELS...

    Why it displayed verses list reports?

    Can the attributes of reports / Tempalte LOV reports updated to include my new model?

    Thanks - Jim

    I start by using the "default report: vertical, look2 (include the Null columns).

    default: report models are hardwired into APEX and cannot be changed the way the theme templates can.

    In the reports to a SQL report attributes TAB, I start using the "default report: vertical, look2 (include the Null columns)" for my report. I went to shared components, make a copy of the model that has been referenced in my application. (Took me by surprise, but he appeared in lists) When I go to replace the expression with the new COPY of the template, it is not in the LOV for models. I checked the copy worked and it is present if I show all THE MODELS...

    Why it displayed verses list reports?

    Models 'appear' under lists will list templates, not report models. Any similarity of name to a default: model report is a coincident.

    Can the attributes of reports / Tempalte LOV reports updated to include my new model?

    It will show only integrated default: / export: templates and report from the current theme templates.

    Using the web Inspector in a browser with the tools of development such as Safari or Firefox + Firebug you can look at the source of the report with a default: model to determine the HTML structure and classes used and applied by the APEX CSS selectors, so either replace these in a your own style sheet, or create a custom theme version of the model from scratch.

  • using % for all null values or empty including

    Hello all;

    Below is the sample data
    create table t1
    ID varchar2(200),
    time_create date
    insert into t1
        (id, time_create)
        ('A', sysdate);
      insert into t1
        (id, time_create)
        ('B', sysdate);
        insert into t1
        (id, time_create)
        (null, sysdate);
    I have the below sql statement
        select * from t1
        where like decode(:id, 'ALL', '%', :id);
    now I have a situation where if user input is EVERYTHING, I want to get all the results, including null values or values space, how can I change the decode statement to do.

    This is the output I want below for ALL
    A   5/23/2011 11:14:23 PM
    B   5/23/2011 11:14:24 PM
         5/23/2011  11:14:25 PM
    Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


    Select * from t1
    where (: id = 'ALL')
    OR id =: id);

    Or something similar depending on


  • Bar chart stacked - strange behavior on display null values

    Hi all

    I'm trying to graph a county of the end dates of the activities over several years by months grouped by project.

    The problem I have is that there is a gap of 3 months where none of the activities that I am tracking complete. The default value for the stacked bar chart is to ignore the columns with no data (in my case it October-December 2015).

    To view these any given month I went to properties graphic and ticked the box "Include Null values. At this point, I get a very strange behavior. Once this option is selected, the legend explodes, showing each project in the database regardless if it meets my criteria for analysis.

    Has anyone another considering that happen? I'm doing something wrong?

    If it's important I'm in the OBI

    Thank you for your help,

    Kevin Wolfe


    You have a filter on the list of projects you want to see?

    Based on the way you describe your analysis I guess you don't have any what filter on the list of projects, but some of the filters on the other dimensions/attributes and these filters were limiting the list of projects.

    If this is the case then what you see is not a weird behavior, but everything you've asked your analysis.

    "Include null values" is not limited to the time dimension, it fits any dimension of your analysis, so no filter on projects = all projects.

  • Bug - window Plan can't handle "UNPIVOT INCLUDE NULLS" (v.

    SQL-Developer has a problem with the command "UNPIVOT INCLUDE NULLS", when used in PL/SQL packages.

    This problem still exists in version build 14.48

    When the command "UNPIVOT INCLUDE NULL values" is used, the preview window shows nothing, or something strange.

    Example of

    create or replace PACKAGE bug_demonstration of BODY


    PROCEDURE unpivot_no_nulls


    l_city VARCHAR2 (4000);


    SELECT c_val

    IN l_city

    FROM (SELECT 'Long road' AS Street, "New Port" AS city FROM DUAL)

    UNPIVOT (c_val FOR c_key (Street, CITY))

    WHERE c_key = "CITY";

    END unpivot_no_nulls;

    PROCEDURE unpivot_include_nulls


    l_city VARCHAR2 (4000);


    SELECT c_val

    IN l_city

    FROM (SELECT 'Long road' AS Street, "New Port" AS city FROM DUAL)


    INCLUDE NULL values

    (c_val FOR c_key (Street, CITY))

    WHERE c_key = "CITY";

    END unpivot_include_nulls;

    END bug_demonstration;

    The above example leads to a weird display in the window structure:



    • l_city

    When "INCLUDE NULL values" in the "unpivot_include_nulls" procedure is commented out of the window structure works as expected:



    • unpivot_no_nulls
    • unpivot_include_nulls

    Best regards

    Matthias Schulz

    The bug was filed as:

    Bug 18375456 : OUTLINE WINDOW cannot HANDLE "MUST INCLUDE NULL values.

  • 2.1 ai2 - Export using "fixed" merges the fields in the presence of null values

    If you have a result set that includes NULL values and export you them to 'Fixed' format, any NULL field does not include spaces appropriate between it and the next field. Here's a test case and an example of the problem:

    create table TEST_EXPORT (ID number, varchar2 (100) Field1, Field2 varchar2 (100), FIELD3 varchar2 (100));
    insert into TEST_EXPORT values (1, ' line 1 - zone 1 ","line 1 - zone 2 ","line 1-3 field ');
    insert into TEST_EXPORT values (2, ' line 2 - zone 1 ", null, 'line 2-3 field');
    Insert into TEST_EXPORT values (3, 'line 3 - zone "line 3 - zone 2", "3 - zone 3" line 1 ");
    insert into TEST_EXPORT values (4, ' line 4 - zone 1 ", null, null);
    Insert in the TEST_EXPORT values (5, null, null, null);
    Select * from TEST_EXPORT by id;

    Then, right-click on the result set, export data, set the Clipboard

    As you can see here, the NULL fields have no space after the "":

    'ID' 'FIELD1', 'FIELD2' "FIELD3".
    "1" "line 1 - field 1" "line 1 - field 2" "line 1 - field 3" "."
    "2' ' line 2 - field 1" "" "line 2 - field 3" "". "
    "3' ' line 3 - field 1" "line 3 - field 2" "line 3 - field 3" "."
    "4' ' line 4 - field 1" ' ' "."
    "5" """"""

    Here is my version SQLDeveloper data:

    Oracle SQL Developer
    Build a HAND - 63.10
    Copyright © 2005,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
    The IDE version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product version:

    Version of the component
    =========     =======
    Java (TM) Platform 1.6.0_11
    Oracle IDE
    Support versioning

    Bug 9182502 - OTNFORUM: FIXED TRAINER is not EXPORT NULL COLUMNS CORRECTLY... filed and fixed

  • test for the null value to IN request (null, 'a ', ' b', 'c')



    I think the following query is incorrect, in my opinion. (there is an index on the collar, but NULL values are ignored?

    SELECT COUNT (*) < table > where col in (null, 'a ', ' b', 'c')

    It works (no errors) and forth fast enough.

    However, I think the correct query would

    SELECT COUNT (*) < table > where IS NULL or neck neck ('a', 'b', 'c')

    It takes a lot of time. As I see it, he performs a table scan for part of the value NULL and use the index for the rest, as the index cannot be used for NULL values.

    I would appreicate an explanation on this matter, particularly why Oracle accepts the first query "where col in (null, 'a ', ' b', 'c')" without any problem.

    Thank you

    A null value is not equal to what whatsoever, not even another null value. This is consistent with the definition of the ANSI. For your first request is not what you think it does, even if it is not syntactically incorrect.

    The second query is correct. If you want to use an index, you must create a bitmap index (which requires Enterprise Edition licenses), because they do not include the values NULL, unlike B * tree index.

  • oci_bind_by_name and null values

    Hi, I'm developing a PHP application that allows users to execute SQL statements on an Oracle database. The idea behind the app does the administrator pass a query with some bind variables, for example:


    After this, users are presented with a series of screens that allow them to select columns that they want to see (in our case they could choose between NAME, SALARY and/or DEPTNO) and enter values for the bind variables (in our case it would be salary and deptno). So far, everything works as expected.

    The problem I have is that if a value null is entered (say for example in deptno, we know the employees that are part of any Ministry), the oci_bind_by_name() function function that I use php to make the bindings of variables does not match all records. I understand that if you put something like "AND DEPTNO = NULL" the query should return no results. But, is it possible to do with oci_bind_by_name() behave similarly as if the query would have been "AND DEPTNO IS NULL" when it receives a null value?

    Modify the query using PHP is an option that I would avoid because I can't make all the assumptions on the query as it is entered by an administrator.

    Thank you for your time.

    Because this behavior is not specific to PHP OCI8 or the use of bind variables, you'll need to arrive at a SQL solution.

    Your comment about not being able to make assumptions on the motion seem strange: If the administrator wants the semantics you describe, they will need to write the SQL statement that is appropriate for their desired output.

    Other types of solutions include put (s) in a PL/SQL procedure that returns a ref cursor You can hide the complexity of PHP by linking only to the PL/SQL procedure parameters. But this seems to deviate away from your goals.

  • Alter the State of Session? -Apex form publishes text with null value

    Recently I discovered a problem with our Apex facility in which all selected as source for a text field value will eventually be displayed as a null value in the database.
    We run APEX version 3.2 in an Oracle database using Oracle HTTP Server from 10 g companion disc.

    At first glance, everything seems to work as expected; I created a simple table called "oracle_sr" with 2 columns, as both not null:

    SQL > desc capacity.oracle_sr
    Name Null? Type

    In APEX, the form wizard has been used to create a form on this table.
    After execution of the pages and you enter a value for the timestamp field, I can create folders without problem.

    The question arises when I choose a source for the timestamp field value.
    All the source options causes the same error (including a static value) so I'll focus on the SQL query to the source as:

    Select sysdate double;

    This should replace the date system in the area of text timestamp when the page is executed.
    As expected, the value appears in the text box, but when I submit the form to create the folder I get the error:

    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ('ABILITY'. "" "" ORACLE_SR '. "" TIMESTAMP")

    I have worked with APEX for quite awhile and have successfully used this technique in many applications but just to begin to see this error in recent days. What's particularly odd about this message is by default postings "not null" created by the form wizard sees timestamp class as having a value. Session state information included below reports a value yet the database is to launch the ORA-01400.

    Someone has a similar problem? I have spent a good amount of time to try looking for this problem but can't seem to find any similar messages.

    I have included the release of my test page, debugging from what I see, it seems to be a value associated with the filed timestamp:

    0.00: a C C E P t: request = "CRΘER."
    0.00: metadata: go look up the definition and application shortcuts
    0.00: NLS: wwv_flow.g_flow_language_derived_from = FLOW_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE: wwv_flow.g_browser_language = en - us
    0.00: alter session set nls_language = "AMERICAN."
    0.00: alter session set nls_territory = 'AMERICA '.
    0.00: NLS: CSV charset = WE8MSWIN1252
    0.00:... "NLS: decimal separator Set =". »
    0.00:... NLS: Set NLS Group separator = ",".
    0.00:... NLS: Date Format Set = "DD-MON-RR.
    0.01:... Setting session time_zone in-06: 00
    0.01: setting NLS_DATE_FORMAT application date format: DD-MON-RR
    0.01:... NLS: Date Format Set = "DD-MON-RR.
    0.01: fetch database session state
    0.01:... Check the owner of the 2303701116904676 session
    0.01: setting NLS_DATE_FORMAT application date format: DD-MON-RR
    0.02:... NLS: Date Format Set = "DD-MON-RR.
    0.02:... Check for expiration of the session:
    0.02:... Metadata: Page Fetch, calculation, process and branch
    0.02: session: extract information from session header
    0.02:... Metadata: Retrieve the attributes of the page for application 109, page 50
    0.02:... Validate page affinity point.
    0.02:... Check off the items hidden_protected.
    0.03:... Check authorization security systems
    0.03: session state: Save elements of form and p_arg_values
    0.03: *... Session state: you save newValue of the object "P50_ORACLE_SR_ID" = "" "escape_on_input ="N"* 0.03: *..." " Session state: you save the object "P50_TIMESTAMP" = newValue ' 26 May 09 "" escape_on_input = "N" * ""»
    0.03:... Session state: Save "P0_CURRENT_PERSONNEL_ID" - registration of same value: "1."
    0.03:... Session state: Save "P0_OFFSET" - registration of same value: "0".
    0.03:... Session state: Save "P0_ACTIVE_WEEK" - registration of same value: "24 May 09".
    0.03: point of treatment: ON_SUBMIT_BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.03: branch point: BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.03: point of calculation: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.03: tabs: make the connection for the tab queries
    0.03: branch point: BEFORE_VALIDATION
    0.03: perform validations:
    0.03:... Point Not Null Validation: P50_TIMESTAMP
    0.04: branch point: BEFORE_PROCESSING
    0.04: point of treatment: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.04:... Process 'PK get': PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) declare function get_pk return varchar2 is begin C1 in (select ORACLE_SR_SEQ.nextval double next_val) loop return c1.next_val; end loop; end; Start: P50_ORACLE_SR_ID: = get_pk; end;
    0.04:... * session state: saved point new value "P50_ORACLE_SR_ID" = "6."
    0.04: see the error page...
    0.04: execute rollback...

    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ('ABILITY'. "" "" ORACLE_SR '. "" TIMESTAMP")

    Cannot process the row in the ORACLE_SR table.
    Back by demand.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Thank you


    If you have changed the Source Type of an element of database column to something else, so he cannot participate in the automated line choreography Fetch/automatic line processing (DML). You must leave the Type of Source, as it was and change the default value of the element fill when the ARF process retrieves a null value for the column.


  • How to replace a. null value in obiee report

    Hi gurus,

    In a single column, we get. as the data, how to replace. with the null value

    Please provide your inputs

    Thank you for your time in advance

    Try it out below mentioned formula.

    REPLACE ('service request'. "RS #"(, '.', '') "

  • Freeze frame layer twinkle in gamma (?) when following a null value

    I thought I solved the problem by changing the quality and sampling area, but there are still questions, including a slight deformation based on casual. Any suggestions? I tried rendering framework, and with that same question. If I unparent it to my null value, the layer is a freeze frame plain ol again. The first image is fine, the following conditions are significantly different. The circulation area is low and there is no motion blur. The Null value is animated in the Position, scale and Rotation. I tried to disable rotation and scale, the problem persists.

    I had the help of Robert Kjettrup, who suggested that the problem was due to the complexity of the noise in the particular image I've used. Keeping this aspect, he proposed to conceal the lack of precision with a separate (unprocessed) layer which has been re-grainy, then use a mask of track in the areas you will need to re-grain with this layer.

    I normally Denoise my images, but in this case I had left it the shot as he was, so I was not used to meet a problem like this. Thanks also to Rick Gerard for his help also.

  • NULL values and cardinality

    Hello Experts,

    I read a slide (five things you probably don't know about SQL) on the values NULL and the cardinality of Tom Kyte. He has demonstrated this indexed column with estimate cardinality evil cause NULL values. However, I do not understand why it causes the estimation of cardinality wrond? You have an idea?

    Party suite comes from the slide. Here's the proof, but is not written why.

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > create table t

    2 20 PCTFREE

    3 as

    4. Select a.*,

    5 case when mod(rownum,100) < = 50

    6 then last_ddl_time

    7 end end_date

    8 object;

    Table created.

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > create indexes t_idx

    2 on t (end_date);

    The index is created.

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > select count (*)

    2 t

    3 where end_date

    4 between to_date ('01 - sep - 2010 "," dd-mon-yyyy "")

    5 and to_date ('30-Oct-2010, ' mon-dd-yyyy "");

    COUNT (*)



    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > start

    DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats 2 (user, 't');

    3 end;


    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > select count (*),

    2. count (distinct end_date)

    count (end_date) 3,.

    min (end_date) 4,

    5 max (end_date)

    6 t;


    ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------

    72228 703 36850 1 OCTOBER 02 SEP 30.-11

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > set autotrace traceonly explain

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > select *.

    2 t

    3 where end_date

    4 between to_date (' 01-sep-2010', 'dd-mon-yyyy')

    5 and to_date ('30-Oct-2010, 'dd-mon-yyyy');

    Execution plan


    Hash value of plan: 1601196873


    | ID | Operation | Name | Lines | Bytes | Cost (% CPU). Time |


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |      | 36024 |  3588K |   339 (1) | 00:00:05 |

    |*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL | T    | 36024 |  3588K |   339 (1) | 00:00:05 |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    1 Filter ("End_date" < = TO_DATE (' 2010-09-30 00:00:00 ',' syyyy-mm-dd '))

    HH24:MI:SS') AND 'End_date' > = TO_DATE (' 2010-09-01 00:00:00 ', ')

    'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss"))

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > update t

    End_date set 2 =.

    3 to_date ('01 - jan - 9999',' mon-dd-yyyy "")

    4 where End_date is null;

    35378 lines to date.

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > commit;

    Validation complete.

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > start

    DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats 2 (user, 't');

    3 end;


    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    OPS$ % ORA11GR2 tkyte > select *.

    2 t

    3 where end_date

    4 between to_date ('01 - sep - 2010 "," dd-mon-yyyy "")

    5 and to_date ('30-Oct-2010, ' mon-dd-yyyy "");

    Execution plan


    Hash value of plan: 470836197


    | ID | Operation | Name | Lines | Bytes | Cost (% CPU).


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |       |   175. 18375 |    10 (0) |

    |   1.  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | T     |   175. 18375 |    10 (0) |

    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN | T_IDX |   175 |       |     2 (0) |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    1 Filter ("End_date" < = TO_DATE (' 2010-09-30 00:00:00 ',' syyyy-mm-dd '))

    HH24:MI:SS') AND 'End_date' > = TO_DATE (' 2010-09-01 00:00:00 ', ')

    'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss"))

    Thanks in advance.


    Jonathan has hit it on the head.

    the index has nothing really to do with anything.

    See ask Tom: on queries to external tables, the consistency of data and nothing

    " NULL values and cardinality.

  • Conversion of NULL values to 0 in graphics

    Hello again everyone,

    I use Oracle Business Intelligence

    In our chart, we have 2 lines with made cumulative information, but whenever this information is equal to 0, it will not draw the line, only for items > 0.

    I tried to change the data format to: #0;-#; 0 but it does not work...

    Although the table indicates 0 where NULL values are supposed to be, when he tries to draw the graph, the line appears only for values > 0...

    Is it possible to convert NULL values to 0 in graphics?

    Thanks a lot for all the help and have a nice day!

    Kind regards

    Frederico Barracha.

    Hi Fred,.

    It's not because you have NULL values in the table. This is because there is no entry in the warehouse.

    For example, you wise date data for March 1 to March 5. in this March 4 isn't any data in the table. That is to say, there is no entry for March 4. In this case, you can see graphs broken. You can follow one of the below approach.

    Combine a similar request and add the column date dimension of time where all date entries are there and all the other Null columns. It will be visible from the graph in uninterrupted.

    Another thing to do is cross join with a date column so that the data will come for all dates.

  • Styling Null value in the column attributes

    I tend to the attributes of user input placeholder to display things like "Enter blah blah blah". Then I use the attributes of color CSS placeholder the placeholder with a value lighter than the normal entrance to style text. If the placeholder is paler than normal text entry.

    I would like to DISPLAY NULL VALUE text style that I provide to select LOV is in the same color. For a line given in table format placeholders and select LOV NULL DISPLAY VALUES are consistent.

    Someone knows how to do?

    For example, if I had a list of report selection. And I used a NULL DISPLAY VALUE of 'State of entry', I might have a # 444 color when "Enter State" is displayed and a #bbb color when you see "Georgia."

    I tried including the HTML to the NULL VALUE. Put something like a DISPLAY NULL VALUE < span class = "plus-couleur" > </span > state entry. That did not work.

    Thank you.

    90% solved using this approach strategies for select menu drop-down lists placeholder. Theory of the code

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