create a listener for a custom class?

I have a custom class that loads a couple of XMLs. I create an instance of this class in another class and I need to know when it is done so that I can then call a function of loading in this class of parent.

How can I do this?

pls know me if I need to explain differently.

Thank you!

When you create your instance of the class:


classinstance.addEventListener ("xmlloadingcomplete", f);

private void f(e:Event):void {}




and in your xml, class loading, loading is complete:

this.dispatchEvent (new Event ("xmlloadingcomplete"));

Tags: Adobe Animate

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  • create an alias for a custom device page

    Is there a way to create an alias for a custom device page?

    I wish that a button on the home page of my device custom (in solution system Explorer) allow the user to create an alias and linking this alias on a channel of the system. My Vi is the following:

    This VI returns the following error:

    "Error 1172 to error creating instance of aliases in the assembly NationalInstruments.VeriStand.SystemDefinitionAPI.Alias, NationalInstruments.VeriStand.SystemDefinitionAPI, Version = 2012.0.1.0, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken is a6d690c380daa308, (System.NullReferenceException: determined reference is not set to an instance of an object.).

    Is there a solution?

    Hmmm... good point. You can change my original solution to configure the alias using the basic underlying storage system node type. It should work regardless of the type of channel. As for your second question, custom devices written for 2012 should be recompiled in 2013 of LabVIEW with the support of 2013 VeriStand installed. You don't have to change your code, but you must recompile the LLBs.

    In this workaround, you start by creating an alias that links to nothing. Then, you update the alias to set the DependentNode property, which connects it to the channel. You should not do it this way, but this will work around the original bug.

  • Implementing custom listener for ListField

    I'm trying to implement a listener for a custom field I created that would launch a new screen when you click on the field. However, nothing happens when I click on the custom field. I use BlackBerry Java plug-in for Eclipse, JDK 1.3 and JRE 6.0. All my code is attached. contains the code where I'm trying to implement a function fieldChanged.

    package mypackage;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.CodeModuleManager;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
     * This class extends the UiApplication class, providing a
     * graphical user interface.
    public class MyApp extends UiApplication
         * Entry point for application
         * @param args Command line arguments (not used)
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Create a new instance of the application and make the currently
            // running thread the application's event dispatch thread.
            MyApp theApp = new MyApp();
         * Creates a new MyApp object
        public MyApp()
            // Push a screen onto the UI stack for rendering.
            pushScreen(new MyScreen());
    package mypackage;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*; //for vertical manager
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
    //import net.rim.device.api.ui.Screen;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.Color;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.decor.BackgroundFactory;
     * A class extending the MainScreen class, which provides default standard
     * behavior for BlackBerry GUI applications.
    public final class MyScreen extends MainScreen
         * Creates a new MyScreen object
        private CustomField cField;
        public MyScreen()
            // Set the displayed title of the screen
            setTitle("My New App");
            cField = new CustomField("4.PNG","This is my 4th custom field!!");
            ButtonClickListener listener = new ButtonClickListener();
        }//MyScreen function
        class ButtonClickListener implements FieldChangeListener
            public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context)
                  //we need to determine which button was clicked
                  if(field == cField)
                      new SpeedBumpScreen();
    package mypackage;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*;
    class CustomField extends ListField implements ListFieldCallback {
        private Vector rows;
        public CustomField(String customImg, String customLabel) {
            super(0, ListField.MULTI_SELECT);
            setEmptyString("Hooray, no items here!", DrawStyle.HCENTER);
            Bitmap p1 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource(customImg); 
            rows = new Vector();
            TableRowManager row = new TableRowManager();
            row.add(new BitmapField(p1));
            // SET THE item NAME LABELFIELD
            // if overdue, bold/underline
            LabelField item = new LabelField("item #" + customLabel,
            // overdue
                Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINED));
            // SET THE LIST NAME
            row.add(new LabelField("List Name #" + String.valueOf(1),
                DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS) {
                protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
            // SET THE DUE DATE/TIME
            row.add(new LabelField("Due Date #" + String.valueOf(1),
                    DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH
                    | DrawStyle.RIGHT) {
                protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
        } //end public CustomField()
        // ListFieldCallback Implementation
        public void drawListRow(ListField listField, Graphics g, int index, int y,
                int width) {
            CustomField list = (CustomField) listField;
            TableRowManager rowManager = (TableRowManager) list.rows
            rowManager.drawRow(g, 0, y, width, list.getRowHeight());
        } //end drawListRow()
        private class TableRowManager extends Manager {
            public TableRowManager() {
            } //end pulic TableRowManager
            // Causes the fields within this row manager to be layed out then
            // painted.
            public void drawRow(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
                // Arrange the cell fields within this row manager.
                layout(width, height);
                // Place this row manager within its enclosing list.
                setPosition(x, y);
                // Apply a translating/clipping transformation to the graphics
                // context so that this row paints in the right area.
                // Paint this manager's controlled fields.
                g.drawLine(0, 0, getPreferredWidth(), 0);
                // Restore the graphics context.
            }//end drawRow()
            // Arranges this manager's controlled fields from left to right within
            // the enclosing table's columns.
            protected void sublayout(int width, int height) {
                // set the size and position of each field.
                int fontHeight = Font.getDefault().getHeight();
                int preferredWidth = getPreferredWidth();
                // start with the Bitmap Field of the priority icon
                Field field = getField(0);
                layoutChild(field, 32, 32);
                setPositionChild(field, 0, 0);
                // set the item name label field
                field = getField(1);
                layoutChild(field, preferredWidth - 16, fontHeight + 1);
                setPositionChild(field, 34, 3);
                // set the list name label field
                field = getField(2);
                layoutChild(field, 150, fontHeight + 1);
                setPositionChild(field, 34, fontHeight + 6);
                // set the due time name label field
                field = getField(3);
                layoutChild(field, 150, fontHeight + 1);
                setPositionChild(field, preferredWidth - 152, fontHeight + 6);
                setExtent(preferredWidth, getPreferredHeight());
            }//end sublayout()
            // The preferred width of a row is defined by the list renderer.
            public int getPreferredWidth() {
                return Graphics.BLACK;
            // The preferred height of a row is the "row height" as defined in the
            // enclosing list.
            public int getPreferredHeight() {
                return getRowHeight();
        }// private class TableRowManager extends Manager 
        public Object get(ListField listField, int index) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;
        public int getPreferredWidth(ListField listField) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return 0;
        public int indexOfList(ListField listField, String prefix, int start) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return 0;
    } //end class CustomField extends ListField implements ListFieldCallback
    package mypackage;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.RichTextField;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
    public final class SpeedBumpScreen extends MainScreen
         * Creates a new HelloWorldScreen object
            // Set the displayed title of the screen
            setTitle("Speed bump screen");
            // Add a read only text field (RichTextField) to the screen.  The
            // RichTextField is focusable by default. Here we provide a style
            // parameter to make the field non-focusable.
            add(new RichTextField("This is the speed bump screen!", Field.NON_FOCUSABLE));

    In addition, there is nothing in the ListField that will actually generate an event.

    Here is a simple extension to the ListField which will make "clickable".  In your FieldChangeListener you can use getSelectedindex to determine which line has the focus.

    Please ask if this isn't clear:

    public class ClickableListField extends ListField {
        public ClickableListField(int numberOfRows) {
        protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
            return true;
        protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent message) {
            int x = message.getX( 1 );
            int y = message.getY( 1 );
            if( x < 0 || y < 0 || x > getExtent().width || y > getExtent().height ) {
                    // Outside the field
                    return false;
            // If click, process Field changed
            if ( message.getEvent() == TouchEvent.CLICK ) {
                return true;
            return super.touchEvent(message);
  • Creating a new workspace of object for a custom object


    I have a problem with creating workspace object for my custom in the plugin object. I am trying to create something similar to 'chassis-rack' example that comes with the SDK. I added a new category of app and I want to display lists of the inventory of the various objects custom under him. For each custom object, I can see it has objects and its own properties. So I did everything as in the sample "chassis-rack". I am able to display lists of custom my objects. However, when I click on a specific object in the list, its workspace does not appear (although it is defined in plugin.xml), I get a blank screen with a message: "you don't have privileges to view this object, or there is not." I added two custom objects, and both behave the same way.

    I checked the newspaper and there is nothing interesting. I also have it debugged and discovered that "getData" function of the object DataAdapter recorded for these objects is not called when I click on the object in question, so I guess that the problem is linked to the workspace object, but I can not find or understand how I can find it.

    I'll be very grateful for the help.

    Here's my plugin.xml:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    < id = "com.emc.ecs.scaleioPlugin plugin"

    moduleUri = "Scaleiopluginui.swf" defaultBundle = "ScaleiopluginuiResources" > "

    < resources >

    < local resources = "en_US" >

    <! - relative path of the .swf resource generated by the build script - >

    < uri="locales/scaleio-plugin-ui-resources-en_US.swf"/ module >

    < / resource >

    < / resource >


    ================================== General ===================================


    <!-add "ScaleIO ECS' node in the view of the Virtual Infrastructure of the object

    Navigator. This category node is used below for the MDM group collection. ->

    < id = "com.emc.ecs.scaleioAppCategory extension" >

    < extendedPoint > vise.navigator.nodespecs < / extendedPoint >

    < object >

    < title > #{scaleioAppCategory} < /title >

    < parentUid > vsphere.core.navigator.virtualInfrastructure < / parentUid >

    < / object >

    < / extension >


    ==================================== MDM =====================================


    < id = "com.emc.ecs.mdm.objectType extension" >

    < extendedPoint > vsphere.core.objectTypes < / extendedPoint >

    < object >

    < types >

    < string > ecs:Mdm < / String >

    < / types >

    < label > #{mdmLabel} < / label >

    < labelPlural > #{mdmLabelPlural} < / labelPlural >

    icon <>#{mdmIcon} < / icon >

    < / object >

    < / extension >

    < templateInstance id = "com.emc.ecs.mdm.viewTemplateInstance" >

    < templateId > vsphere.core.inventory.objectViewTemplate < / templateId >

    < variable name = "namespace" value="com.emc.ecs.mdm"/ >

    < variable name = "objectType" value = "ecs:Mdm" / >

    < / templateInstance >

    < templateInstance id = "com.emc.ecs.lists.allMdm" >

    < templateId > vsphere.core.inventorylist.objectCollectionTemplate < / templateId >

    < variable name = "namespace" value="com.emc.ecs.mdmCollection"/ >

    < variable name = "title" value = "#{mdmLabel}" / >

    < variable name = "icon" value = "#{mdmIcon}" / >

    < variable name = "objectType" value = "ecs:Mdm" / >

    < variable name = value="com.emc.ecs.mdm.list"/ "listViewId" >

    < variable name = value="com.emc.ecs.scaleioAppCategory"/ "parentUid" >

    < / templateInstance >

    < id = "com.emc.ecs.mdm.list.sampleColumns extension" >

    < extendedPoint > com.emc.ecs.mdm.list.columns < / extendedPoint >

    < object >

    elements <>

    < com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnContainer >

    com.EMC.ECS.MDM.column.IP < uid > < / uid >

    < dataInfo >

    < com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnDataSourceInfo >

    < requestedProperties >

    < string > ip < / String >

    < / requestedProperties >

    intellectual property < sortProperty > < / sortProperty >

    < exportProperty > ip < / exportProperty >

    < /com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnDataSourceInfo >

    < / dataInfo >

    < item >

    < mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn >

    Ip address < headerText > < / headerText >

    intellectual property < dataField > < / dataField >

    < /mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn >

    < / component >

    < /com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnContainer >

    < com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnContainer >

    com.EMC.ECS.MDM.column.Type < uid > < / uid >

    < dataInfo >

    < com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnDataSourceInfo >

    < requestedProperties >

    Type < string > < / String >

    < / requestedProperties >

    Type < exportProperty > < / exportProperty >

    < /com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnDataSourceInfo >

    < / dataInfo >

    < item >

    < mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn >

    < headerText > MDM Type < / headerText >

    Type < dataField > < / dataField >

    < /mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn >

    < / component >

    < /com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnContainer >

    < / object >

    < / object >

    < / extension >


    ================================ MDM Cluster =================================


    < templateInstance id = "com.emc.ecs.mdmCluster.viewTemplate" >

    < templateId > vsphere.core.inventory.objectViewTemplate < / templateId >

    < variable name = "namespace" value="com.emc.ecs.mdmCluster"/ >

    < variable name = "objectType" value = "ecs:MdmCluster" / >

    < / templateInstance >

    < templateInstance id = "com.emc.ecs.lists.allMdmCluster" >

    < templateId > vsphere.core.inventorylist.objectCollectionTemplate < / templateId >

    < variable name = "namespace" value="com.emc.ecs.mdmClusterCollection"/ >

    < variable name = "title" value = "#{mdmClusterLabel}" / >

    < variable name = "icon" value = "#{mdmClusterIcon}" / >

    < variable name = "objectType" value = "ecs:MdmCluster" / >

    < variable name = value="com.emc.ecs.mdmCluster.list"/ "listViewId" >

    < variable name = value="com.emc.ecs.scaleioAppCategory"/ "parentUid" >

    < / templateInstance >

    < id = "com.emc.ecs.mdmCluster.list.sampleColumns extension" >

    < extendedPoint > com.emc.ecs.mdmCluster.list.columns < / extendedPoint >

    < object >

    elements <>

    < com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnContainer > < uid > < / uid >

    < dataInfo >

    < com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnDataSourceInfo >

    < requestedProperties >

    < string > name < / String >

    < / requestedProperties >

    < sortProperty > name < / sortProperty >

    name of < exportProperty > < / exportProperty >

    < /com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnDataSourceInfo >

    < / dataInfo >

    < item >

    < mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn >

    < headerText > name < / headerText >

    < dataField > name < / dataField >

    < /mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn >

    < / component >

    < /com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnContainer >

    < com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnContainer >

    com.emc.ecs.mdmCluster.column.mode < uid > < / uid >

    < dataInfo >

    < com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnDataSourceInfo >

    < requestedProperties >

    mode of < string > < / String >

    < / requestedProperties >

    mode of < exportProperty > < / exportProperty >

    < /com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnDataSourceInfo >

    < / dataInfo >

    < item >

    < mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn >

    < headerText > Mode < / headerText >

    mode of < dataField > < / dataField >

    < /mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn >

    < / component >

    < /com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnContainer >

    < / object >

    < / object >

    < / extension >

    < id = "com.emc.ecs.mdmCluster.objectType extension" >

    < extendedPoint > vsphere.core.objectTypes < / extendedPoint >

    < object >

    < types >

    < string > ecs:MdmCluster < / String >

    < / types >

    < label > #{mdmClusterLabel} < / label >

    < labelPlural > #{mdmClusterLabelPlural} < / labelPlural >

    icon <>#{mdmClusterIcon} < / icon >

    < / object >

    < / extension >

    < / plugin >

    Thanks for your help, laurentsd. I think that I managed to find the problem (actually, it looks like some sort of bug).

    I think there is a problem when the word "cluster" appears in the object type, because when I changed the type of the object to "ecs:mdmCluster" to "ecs: something ' in all places where it appears, everything started working. I'm sure that if collect you chassis and change the type "samples: chassis ' in ' samples: Cluster ', you will get the same problem I experienced. In any case, my problem is already solved.

  • Creation of local listener for 11.2

    Version: 11g Rel 2
    Platform: Solaris 10
    2 node RAC

    Because of our custom requirements, we create our DBs CARS manually. Due to downtime, we create a listener for each DBs.

    If you are using dbca, all the below mentioned are the things in dbca. But if I used dbca I shouldn't know the existence of the file endpoints_listener.ora... and so on.

    Here's the scenario

    We already have our SCAN listener running on the port 31548.
    Now we create our local listener. So, I used netca to create the listener.

    DB name                 : HEWPROD
    Listener name           : LSNRHEWPROD (using netca to create this listener)
    Port                    : 25382
    Host name of Node1     : HWSTM348
    Host name of Node2     : HWSTM349
    NETCA added the following lines the listener.ora and endpoints_listener.ora
    1. listener.ora
    ENABLE_GLOBAL_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINT_LSNRHEWPROD=ON                                                    # line added by Agent
    2. endpoints_listener.ora
    What is the endpoints_listener.ora file? What does the word "point limit"?

    After the creation of the earpiece using netca, we follow these steps on each nodes to get the listener service DB
    alter system set local_listener='listener_<instance_name>' scope=both;
    alter system set local_listener='listener_hewprod1' scope=both;
    The statement above works despite the fact that he has none of these headphones with the name
    The real listener created by netca is LSNRHEWPROD. But how the (parameter LOCAL_LISTENER) command above?

    Yes, they can listen on the same port because each process uses a different IP address.

    The SCAN_LISTENER is listenening to a maximum of 3 different IP addresses.
    The local listener is listening on the virtual IP address, which is different from the SCAN LISTENER addresses.

    Do not hesitate if you have any questions!


  • can I create a key for key restart (windows) on the Helpsite Ergo 4000 keyboard?

    Original title: MS Ergo 4000 kb.


    Should be easy. On my old or dead logitech keyboard had a touch restart (windows). can I create a key for this custom 4000?
    I looked into the keyboard software, but didn't find any option.

    Thank you

    P. S.

    Why is it I already signed in the community, I took particapate then he forced me to start a new connection?
    Now I have 2 connections 1. bradfeuerhelm 2.bradfeuerhelm1954! Also your hardware forum is not listed in the category!

    Hi Brad,

    Microsoft keyboard you can reassign some keys to access the various commands, shortcuts or IntelliType Pro features to better fit your work style.

    How to redirect to my keyboard access keys?

    You can also create shortcuts keyboard that contains the executable program file.

    (a) right click on desktop

    (b) click on new > shortcut

    (c) type "shutdown.exe - r-t 00" click Next

    (d) type the name as "restart", and then click Ok

    (e) click right to restart the icon on the desktop

    (f) click Properties, and then click the shortcut key

    (g) you can press Ctrl + Alt + R or according to the letter that you like.

    h) click 'Applies' > Ok

    (i) now when you press the shortcut key, your computer will restart.

    (j) don't forget to quickly save everything before you press the shortcut key.

    For more information, see this link:

    Create keyboard shortcuts to open programs

    You can use a single Microsoft live id to connect to the Microsoft Community website. You can give different names, you want to appear on the thread by changing the profile display name.

    (a) sign in to using your Windows live ID.

    (b) click on your user name, then click on edit profile.

    (c) change the nickname you like.

    I hope this helps. If you need help with Windows, let us know and will be happy to help you.

  • Cannot find where to create "Customization Specifications" for the VM

    So I am creating a specification of "customization." I found several articles that point to this:


    But, I have simply connecting to vCenter. That is just missing for me:

    Where is he to Horizon of VMware View now?

    Thank you.

    What operating system you are trying to create a pool for? Custom features are the "corrected" (if you want) for SysPrep. These are created on the vCenter server and you will need appropriate permissions (if you are not an administrator of vCenter) to make of these. You need it for every single Guest OS (Windows or some Linux distributions) installation (by example, if you had 3 installs different from XP that had different needs, you'd have 3 plug custom, if however, you used a volume license and they had all the same basic settings with DHCP and used the VM name for the name of the computer) you have only one).

    You just 'install' the sysprep files during the setup of XP. Vista and later have the SysPrep files natively installed.

  • Passing arguments to a custom class of MC constructor

    I have problems with the Builder for a custom class linked to a MovieClip library.

    I have a MovieClip in my library called circle, which is related to the com.shapes.Circle class. I want the contstructor of class circle to take 2 arguments, xScale and yScale:

    public function Circle (xScale:Number, yScale:Number) End Sub

    However, if I try to call it from code, for example ball circle = new Circle (3.14,2.0); , I always get a 'number of Incorrect arguments. Waiting 0 " error.

    Is it possible to have a custom class linked to a MovieClip that can take arguments, or Flash not allow this? I had asked about this before and thought I figured out, but look at it now, I apparently had not thought of it and has resorted to a workaround sloppy; I'm hoping to fix now.

    Library items cannot have constructor arguments, because the user can drag on the stage and in this way has no way of passing arguments. If you wat to initialize instances, define public void init() where you can add as many arguments as you want.

  • Listen to the event within the custom class

    I created a custom class that publishes on a webpage to authorize a user. How can I listen to an event within the custom class?

    It is my code in my main class.

    var customClass:CustomClass = new CustomClass();

    var testingString = customClass.authorize ("[email protected]", "password");

    the fuction "authorizes" within the customClass looks like this:

    public void authorize(user:String,_password:String):void


    jSession = new URLVariables();

    j_Loader = new URLLoader();

    jSession.j_username = user;

    jSession.j_password = password;

    jSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = jSession

    j_Loader.load (jSend)


    How can I trigger an event in my main class once the j_Loader triggers Event.COMPLETE?

    You can raise an event using the dispatchEvent() function.

    In your main class, you assign a listener to the event the CustomClass distributes when there are.

  • How can I create an event listener for the change of variable shared or similar?


    I have a 'big' 6 devices communicating measurement system via the TCP protocol. The system is designed to use REST (the representative State transfer) with JSON (JavaScript object notation).

    Now, I need to add labview program to this environment. I've implemented a solution to 'work' with the help of this forum. Thank you for this! Now, I need to do better (currently no timestamps, large delays, etc.).

    I currently have a web service deployed using http-get as input. My web service .vi is just passing the web entrance to shared variables that are then questioned in real measurement program. Reason is that when I put the measurement program directly to the web service, it does not (something about rights and dependencies). Measurement program includes one third of the owners (Instron) drivers. Also I would not direct access via the network to our mechanical testing device potentially dangerous.

    Now, I want to change the message from the web services .vi commensurate .vi. Currently I have a loop of 10ms to query for changes in the shared variable. Is there a better way to do this? I thought create a listener to the shared variable change events.

    In addition, if you have any ideas (preferably, working code example) how to make the interface between labview and TCP-JSON I would really appreciate it.



    Currently in LabVIEW, the only way to create an event listener or event NSV is to use the DSC toolkit.  Most of the time the DSC is a very expensive tool that simply encapsulates the functionality that is built into the motor of the PSP and OAS and which is accessible to anyone who can program in LabWindows/CVI.

    If you want to collaborate, I would like to create a small library of LV that would create a base SV events using a vi LV reminder or possibly passing return user LV event which is how works the DSC toolkit.  I asked OR several times to explain how do this and they're very tight discreet about it.  I guess that they do not want to give users LV less reason to buy the DSC.

  • How long does it take for the custom field created in SFDC appears in the list of field mapping?

    How long does it take for the custom field created in SFDC appears in the list of field mapping? I hit the refresh field button, but it does not appear after 5 min. I just need to have patience?

    I had the same problem yesterday, I think it took about 10-15 minutes to appear.

  • creation of listener for the manually created database

    Hi all

    Oracle 11 g 2

    RHEL 5

    I have a server with a single database that is installed with the default listener listen to 1521.

    Now, I'll create another data base to help create database statement. I want to have a separate listener called listener2 on port 1522. How the database manually created to listen to listerner2...

    Kind regards

    1 / created the database manually


    For additional info check documentation for version you use.

    2 / create a new listener


    For additional info check documentation for version you use.

    3 / update the database using the parameter local_listener with the new name of listening port?

    Using sqlplus > alter system set local_listener = scope = <> = sid<>

    For additional info check documentation for version you use.

  • I created a site of Muse for a customer who wishes to host with Business Catalyst. How to publish the site with their account instead of using one of my free sites?

    I created a site of Muse for a customer who wishes to host with Business Catalyst. How to publish the site with their account instead of using one of my free sites? This is so I can keep my ones that are free for personal projects but also so they can pay for their own accommodation. I'm happy to put everything to them but don't know what to do.


    You can use their IDs of BC and use them, which to publish the site will be under their account.

    Please change the login of BC's Edit > preferences > Publish > switch accounts, for Mac, there Adobe Muse > preferences

    Thank you


  • How to create a service listening for 10g in Win2k?


    I accidentally deleted the service listening for 10g in our win2k server using the wizard netconfig.
    I want to create a new, but I can't do the net assistant is just hangging forever.

    I can still start the listener to prompt back and set it up manually using the manual editing of LISTENER.ora

    How to create a service back order please. Or do I need to create a?

    Thank you very much

    Edited by: KinsaKaUy? on June 30, 2011 23:07

    KinsaKaUy? wrote:

    I accidentally deleted the service listening for 10g in our win2k server using the wizard netconfig.
    I want to create a new, but I can't do the net assistant is just hangging forever.

    I can still start the listener to prompt back and set it up manually using the manual editing of LISTENER.ora

    How to create a service back order please. Or do I need to create a?

    Thank you very much

    Edited by: KinsaKaUy? on June 30, 2011 23:07

    If you create a listener using NETCA, service will be created.

  • Events and listeners between custom classes

    I have a project that I worked on for weeks that I have yet another problem with. I am trying to learn AS3, that is why it takes so long, but that is not important for this position.

    I wanted to create a custom event class so that I could make sure the event did not interfere with other 'COMPLETE' events that are passed between the classes. In other words, I have a few things to finish before a function called... we're loading XML and another is a police. So, I thought about creating a custom FontLoaded class that extends the event and do type something like "FontLoadedEvent.LOADED". In this way I could listen to 'Event.COMPLETE' XML and this event of police also.

    Please tell me if I'm going down the wrong path here, but I don't seem to receive in the event of a return to my new custom event. Also, how we detect if it is being distributed differently if the eventListener is triggered? Other ways to test this?

    You can follow the event to see if it has sent.

    In addition, this isn't a good deal to create a new event. Custom events are used to store additional information. MouseEvent exists because the event has not localX, locally, properties etc. Since you don't seem to be throwing additional properties, you can use a regular event.

    trace (dispatchEvent (new Event ("panelFontsLoaded"));

    addEventListener ("panelFontsLoaded", onFontsLoaded);

    Static Consts are used to help debug the typos. The type of event is just a string, often stored in a const.

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