Creating ent via API and post processing event handlers

I have a number of post-processing-event handlers defined for the creation of the organization. They all work fine and do what they need to do when I create an organization via the web interface. However if I create an organization that uses the Java API, managers of events do not run. They are not supposed to run? I think that IOM should handle all the same applications - everywhere where they are generated.

Here is my example of API:

Import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPlException;
Import Thor.API.Operations.tcOrganizationOperationslntf;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.HashMap;
Import oracle.iam. platform. OIMClient;

public class test {}
Public Shared Sub main (string [] args)
Hashtable env = new HashtableQ;
approx. put (0IMc1 I ent. jAvA_NAMING_FACTORY_INITIAL, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitiialContextFactory");
env.put (mpta OIMC]. JAVA_NAMING_PROVIDER_URL, "t3: / / localhost:14000");
OIMClient oimclient = new olMClient (env);
try {}
oimclient. Login ("xelsysadm", args [O] .tocharArrayO); II the password is the only argument
} catch (System.Exception e)
System.out.println ("ERROR: connection exception.") Please check your username / password are correct. ») ;
tcorganizationOperationsintf orgManager = (tcOrganizationOperationsintf.class) oimclient.getservice;
< String, String > HashMap hmorgDetails = new HashMap < String, String > ();
hmOrgDetails.put ('Organizations.organizationName', 'org test');
hmorgDetails.put ('Organizations.Type', 'Branch')
orgManager.createOrganization (hmorgDetails);
} catch (Exception e) {}
System.out.println (e. getMessage())

and my definition of post processing:
<? XML version = 'l.O' encoding = "uTF - 8"? >
< eventhandlers xmlns = ""
xmlns: xsi = "".
xsi: schemaLocation = ""
-hand] ers. XSD">
<! - custom preprocess event handlers - >
< entity-type of the action handler = operation 'Organization' = 'CRΘER. '
Class =' ' corn.corp.AutoCreateRoles
name = 'Run in creating org'
Stadium = "post-processing".
order = "2000".
Sync = "TRUE" / >

Try to use OrganizationManager service class in your java code instead of the tcOrganizationOperationsIntf inheritance. Which should trigger the event handler. Recently, I had a problem where using the EntityManager on user has not triggered the eventhandler but only when using the UserManager triggered it.
It would be possible only when you are using the legacy API, a new orchestration is not produced, and therefore the event handler is not called.


Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    We should write a process post event handler that updates the field Manager. So, I used the following code to update the Manager field when a user is created:


    public EventResult run (long processId, long eventId,
    Orchestration of the orchestration) {}
    System.out.println ("Test for the event handler");
    Take string = getUserKey (processId, orchestration);
    System.out.println ("USERKEY1" + take);
    UserManager userMgmt = Platform.getService (UserManager.class);
    System.out.println ("USERMANAGEMENT" + userMgmt);
    System.out.println (userMgmt.modify (User (take))) of new;
    userMgmt.modify ("usr_mgr_key", "28", new User (take));
    System.out.println ("USERKEY2" + take);

    } catch (ValidationFailedException e) {}
    System.out.println ("Exception1");
    } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {}
    System.out.println ("Exception2") ;} {} catch (UserModifyException e)
    System.out.println ("Exception3") ;} {} catch (NoSuchUserException e)
    System.out.println ("Exception4") ;} {} catch (SearchKeyNotUniqueException e)
    return new EventResult();

    private String getUserKey (long processID, orchestration of the Orchestration) {}
    Take string;
    String entityType = orchestration.getTarget () .getType ();
    Result of the EventResult;
    result = new EventResult();
    System.out.println ("Feature Type" + entityType);
    System.out.println ("PID" + processID);

    If (! orchestration.getOperation () .equals ("CREATE")) {}
    Take = orchestration.getTarget () .getEntityId ();
    System.out.println ("UserKEY0" + take);
    } else {}
    OrchestrationEngine orchEngine = (OrchestrationEngine.class) Platform.getService;
    Take = (String) orchEngine.getActionResult (processID);
    System.out.println ("Take-1" + take);
    Return take;


    It compiles very well, and when we try to create a user, the user is created successfully. But the expected behaviours of the upadting field Manager with the key to the user '28' are not the case. My highest approach: is it good or is there another method that will make it work?

    The output message I see is:

    Test for the event handler
    TypeUser entity
    Process ID140343
    < 27 February 2012 10:56:41 hours GMT > < WARNING > < oracle.iam.callbacks.common > < ARA-2030146 > < [CALLBACKMSG] are present for this eventhandler async to policies? : false >
    < 27 February 2012 10:56:44 hours GMT > < error > < oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.impl > < ARA-3051212 > < an error occurred when searching for users -: [usr_mgr_key]. >

    Thank you

    I hope that the incorrect coding.
    Use this code.

    UserManager userMgmt = oimClient.getService (UserManager.class);
    Attribute to change
    HashMap atrrMap = new HashMap ();
    atrrMap.put ("usr_manager_key", Long.valueOf("1")); the user will be updated with key Manager 1 (xelsysadm) make sure usr_key 1 (Manager) are in IOM.
    get the user you want to change
    User user = userMgmt.getDetails ("usr_key", "41", null);
    User = new User (String.valueOf (user.getId ()), atrrMap);
    Result UserManagerResult = userMgmt.modify ("usr_key", String.valueOf("41"), user);
    UserManagerResult str = userMgmt.modify ("usr_mgr_key", "111", new User ("41"));
    System.out.println ("UserUpdate.Process ()" + result.getStatus ());

    Also do not use the UserManager class, he can go for a loop.
    EntityManager entityManager = Platform.getService (EntityManager.class);
    entityManager.modifyEntity (orchestrationTarget.getType (), take, mapAttrs);

    I assume you want to use the manager associated with use of the user cases.

    Thank you

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    Haven't tried it but can you try PolicyDefinitionService.class or the OESPolicyService.class and check if it works for you?
    It has the following methods:

    createPolicy(AuthzPolicy paramAuthzPolicy)
    modifyPolicy(AuthzPolicy paramAuthzPolicy)
    deletePolicy(String paramString)


  • Event handlers and the question of access to IOM policy



    We created the Post process event handlers to fill some fields on the user form.
    We created an access policy to configure the AD resource to the user.
    We had used the cards to prepopulate to fill in the form process AD.

    Now, as a user is created through reconciliation:
    (1) user is created at the IOM.
    (2) handlers process events post generates fields (name common example seen on balls)
    (3) access policy triggers and using prepopulate adapters process form is filled
    (4) fields like first name, last name are entered on the form of courses
    (5) the fields that are generated by using common name event handlers are filled under vacuum in the form of courses.

    Reason is that, before the common name is saved on the user (generated by the event handler) form access policy is drawn and prepopulate the recalled adapters and resources is put into service.

    How can I ensure that fires after access policy fields are recorded on the form user generated by post process event handlers.

    Yes, you need a different order for diff eventhandler. But preprocessing and postprocessing can have the same

    for example pre eventhandler-1003, 1005
    post eventhandler may also have some 1003,1005

    but you can't put even in order in the same type of eventhandler

    If the command does not try my approach 2 from the previous post

  • Post-processing of handler for recon trust - 11 G Release2

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    I am disable a user in post process eventhandler bulkExecution method. When the event handler is triggered only the user is already created IOM? Change the user already created? Or all the changes made to any user for the orchestration process are engaged in the development... Can someone tell me how things happens on the side db?

    Thanks in advance

    Handler to process post is raised after the user created in the database. You can check by retrieving the attribute usr_key of the user profile that is generated in the database. So if you disable a user by using the post-process event handler, it means that the user is already created in the database. For what is orchestration framework is user is created during the period of the orchestration and all event handlers and access policies are evaluated after that.

    Kind regards

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    The JavaScript API in Strobe Media Playback is exploratory. It will probably change in the future the press.

    We have the best 'documentation' is our samples. You can find samples in the html-template directory if you download the zip of the source. You can also view the source code of the live samples:

    The simplest example is the following:

    As you will see in the source code, you must pass the name of a JavaScript callback function that we will take care of all the player state changes.

    To call a method in the built-in player of StrobeMediaPlayback, you must call one of the methods of the API of the audiences of MediaPlayer:

    Player = document.getElementById (playerId);

    Player.MUTE ();

    Player.Seek (100);

    Note that play got renamed to play2() - because of security restrictions in Internet Explorer.

    You can also access the public properties in Media Player, by calling a getter function or the Set accessor:

    var State = player.getState ();

    player.setVolume (0.5);

    In the future we will probably explore more around the approach we currently used within the plugin jQuery, so if you have more time, I recommend that you look more closely at this implementation.

    Sorry to document is not that us will catch up on what we are approaching a stable implementation.


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    It is not an event open explicit document. Code you place in a JavaScript to the document level runs when the document is opened.

    To get the Page open/close events, open the Pages navigation pane, select the page you want, right click > Page Properties > Actions

  • Process event causing another event of creating user

    I have a setup of successful automatic provision made of OIM to OID. When I create a user in the IOM, she get supplied with OID immediately.

    I recently added a Post-quadrichromie event handler code to the event to "create a user". PostProccessEvent code generate a custom Unique Id and set it to one of the custom user (named "MicamUniqueId") attributes during the creation of the user through the screen of the IOM. This works as expected and I see the value of the attribute "MicamUniqueId" once the user successfully created.

    However, now I see two events provisioning tab resources.
    (1) one with the status 'configured '.
    (2) other 'Provisioning' status: details report, said "the user already exists."

    The status of 'user already exists' must be the PostProcess event. Looks like the code post-process triggers another event "Create User" instead of "Update User' event.» I guess I'm doing something wrong in the code of PostProcessEventHandler. Here is the code snippet.

    Anyone can understand the error?

    Thank you!

    public class GuidGenerationPostProcEventHandler implements
    public EventResult run (long processId, long eventId, orchestration of the Orchestration) {}
    HashMap < String, Serializable > params = orchestration.getParameters ();
    String uid = this.getParamaterValue (params, Constants.USERID);
    OimUserManagerOperations usrModifyOperation = new OimUserManagerOperations();
    usrMgrOperation.modifyUserAttr (uid, "Micam Unique Id", getGUIDinString()); see the class UserManagerOperations
    Return (new EventResult()) End Function

    public class UserManagerOperations {}
    ' public void modifyUserAttr (String uid, String, attrName, attrValue String) {}
    the oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.vo.User user = new User (null);
    user.setAttribute (attrName, attrValue);

    try {}
    usrMgrService.modify (Constants.USERID, uid, user);
    catch (...)

    I faced a similar with API UserManager sometimes question of return, I used entitymanager and it worked.
    You can use the entityManager as follows API

    Bishop EntityManager = Platform.getService (EntityManager.class);
    OrchestrationTarget target = orchestration.getTarget ();
    String entityType = target.getType ();
    String entityId = target.getEntityId ();
    attrs.put ("StatusHidden", "Disabled");
    e = mgr.modifyEntity (entityType, entityId, uploading);

  • Handler process events post is not kept up-to-date of the user confidently Recon

    Hi, I have this code for an event handler for post-processing, and I need for a reconciliation of trust.
    I can see all the "System.out.println" works well in the newspaper, but there is no update in the created users.
    I need to update the user manager key, so I get ManagerID and search among employees to be one with the employee number and place it in the field Manager Key.
    This code works very well as a preprocess in EventResult to create users in IOM, but no results for PostProcess in BulkEventResult of a reconciliation of trust.

    Here is the code:

    public BulkEventResult run (long arg0, long arg1, arg2 BulkOrchestration) {}

    System.out.println ("Executing method BulkEventResult");
    HashMap < String, Serializable > [] params = arg2.getBulkParameters ();
    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i ++) {}
    < String, Serializable > HashMap orchParam = params [i];

    String managerID = getParamaterValue (orchParam, "ManagerID"); Gets the 'Manager' of the user created.

    System.out.println ("Manager ID is:" + managerID);

    If ((managerID! = null)) {}

    < User > list list = findManager (managerID); Records in a list, the key Manager "ManagerID.

    If (! (list.isEmpty ()) |) (liste! = null)) {

    String managerKey = list.get (0) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString (); Converts the item in the list a string.

    managerKey = managerKey.substring (managerKey.indexOf ("=") + 1, managerKey.length () - 1);

    System.out.println ("key management is:" + managerKey);

    Arg2.addParameter (UserManagerConstants.AttributeName.MANAGER_KEY. GetId(), Integer.parseInt (managerKey)); Updates the user manager key.




    System.out.println ("development of method BulkEventResult");

    return new BulkEventResult();


    I'd appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!

    Be awared that will give the UserManager in another orchestration as well

    modification of the user. But in general, it will be

    User user = new User (strUsrKey);

    user.setManagerKey (strMgrKey);

    UserManager usrMgr = Platform.getService (UserManager.class);

    usrMgr.modify (user);

    12:41, community-admin Tuesday, December 9, 2014

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    Original title: create tickets by e-mail

    Hey guys,.

    I need to create a support metric and most of our users are used for sending emails to the support mailbox and do not connect a ticket. Service Manager Console 2012 can create tickets via email through any kind of process/workflow? I know another system that can - I did not know if the MSC can?
    I hope that makes sense.  THX,

    This issue is beyond the scope of this site and must be placed on Technet or MSDN

  • Best laptop and monitor for the post-processing digital image

    Hi all

    I'm looking for advice on my best options for a new Dell laptop and the monitor.

    Main use will be post processing of digital images using DxO 10 and Photoshop CS5.  Other I will use Word, Excel and internet access (for my WordPress web site and blog, the video/TV streaming and others).

    Preliminary research suggests one of the Ultrasharp monitors is probably what I need.  I presume that would be connected via a docking station.  I'm also running backup on an external hard drive.

    Most gifted in computer of friends tell me that my new laptop would have better I7 CPU, the more powerful video card stand-alone capable of handling the laptop sufficiently fast RAM, minimum USB3 ports and a HDMI connection.

    I live in Australia and, of course, need suggestions for templates available there.  My budget is of roughly$ 2,500, but I could go a little higher if there is a compelling reason to do so.  While I do not have a lot of use of computing I am not very computer technical, where my request for advice.



    Hi Donny54,

    All Ultrasharp monitors works well for you. You will need to make sure that the laptop has a port for an external monitor or a docking station.

    You should probably review the XPS laptops.

  • API bulk: creating custom objects, fields, and lists?

    Hi all

    I have searched and passed through the ticket of support for routing, but have not yet managed to find an answer to this question, so I thought that maybe the people who write the API would be the best ones to talk to

    Anyway, in summary, my question is:-

    Is it possible to create lists of contacts, the Contact fields and items customized by using the bulk API 1.0?

    I know, it is possible to create new contacts and add them to an existing list, but I want to create a new list with the bulk API and then add my contacts on this new list.

    Same kind of thing for the Contact fields. I want to be able to check if there is a Contact field and if not create one and then fill in the import.

    Once again, even for custom objects. I know I can do a GET for all currently available Custom objects, but can I create a new using the API as a whole?

    Any help would be most appreciated.

    Thank you

    Hi Chris,

    You cannot create contact fields, shared lists or the custom objects through the bulk API (which in fact is a RESTful API), they must exist already.

    You can use the REST or lists The SOAP API to create only shared the REST API to create the contact fields, but SOAP or REST currently supports the creation of custom data objects.

    If you don't have it already, please take a look here, building on The Eloqua Platform - A Resource Guide and there REST API - Documentation for kernel objects that will hopefully more questions.


  • I created an adobe account and I am currently trying to install creative cloud to be able to try the trial version of photoshop and lightroom, however I can get insofar as the process of checking e-mail and adobe is sending the e-mail to my nephews one em

    I created an adobe account and I am currently trying to install creative cloud in order to try the trial version of photoshop and lightroom, but I can't get insofar as the process of checking e-mail and adobe is sending the e-mail to my email from hotmail to nephews who is not associated with this account.  He used my iMac in November but I only created this adobe account this week.  His e-mail address is not linked to this account anyway... help.  I really need to try out photoshop and lightroom and do not want to buy the monthly where the same problems occurs.  Thanks in advance.

    > He used my iMac in November

    What you need to do is to get him to sign with the cloud on your computer, uninstall and clean all Adobe, then login with your account

    Disconnect the TWO accounts... Uninstall... to run vacuuming...

    - (and uninstall)

    -using the vacuuming after uninstalling and before reinstalling is often necessary


    -Restart your computer... Sign in to YOUR account... Reinstall

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    Say I did a lot of treatment/post processing of the images using Photoshop CC and they are saved as PSD or TIFF, the question is, I'll be able to open it in Photoshop CS6?

    Yes, you will be able to open it in Photoshop cs6 until unless you save it in another extension of Photoshop cs6 file do not have.

    There is however no such file extensions that will be different in Photoshop CC compared with Ph CS6.

  • Type of the CAW API to create the party organization and the PERSON

    HI people,

    Have a confusion here,

    asked customers to create customers by using the API of CAW, who will both be the ORGANIZATION that no ONE type.

    Could someone tell me which API should be used?

    I use r12.

    Thanks in advance.

    Refer to this - create client API account (person or organization)

Maybe you are looking for