CSS background moves down

So, I'm working on my school website in my Web development background, and everything seems fine. I have enctountered a problem, I have a divider with a table which is our navigation bar and below the content of the site. When design/code view, it seems, as shown in Figure 1

css background move (NORM VIEW).png

then when it is presented in preview in any browser or in live mode view, he moves down like 10ish pixels... There is no margin on any of the div either.

css background move (LIVE VIEW).png

and here's the code for you to watch.

< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" > ""

" < html xmlns =" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml ">

< head >

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"

< title > Belmont High School - homepage < /title >

< style type = "text/css" >



fonts: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

background: #666666;

margin: 0; / * It is advisable to zero, the margin and the filling of the body to hold element has a different default browser * /.

padding: 0;

text-align: center; / * This centers the container in IE 5 * browsers. The text is then set left aligned by default in the #container selector * /.

color: #000000;


.oneColFixCtr #container #content #center {}

float: left;

height: 520px;

width: 400 PX;

are-family: "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif;

text-align: center;

background-image: url(images/center.png);

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: top center;


.oneColFixCtr #container #content #right ul {}

are-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

are-size: 11px;


.oneColFixCtr #container #content #right {}

float: right;

height: 520px;

width: 200px;

are-family: Tahoma, Geneva, without serif.

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: top center;

background-image: url (file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web%20Design/BHS%20website%202011-2012/Homepage-%20Bing % 20and%20Ryan/images/right.png);

padding: 0px;

margin: 0px;


.oneColFixCtr #container #content .the {}

float: left;

height: 520px;

width: 200px;

are-family: Tahoma, Geneva, without serif.

are-size: 16px;

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: top center;

text-align: left;

background-image: url (file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web%20Design/BHS%20website%202011-2012/Homepage-%20Bing % 20and%20Ryan/images/left.png);


.oneColFixCtr #container {}

width: 800px; / * margins (in conjunction with a width) auto Center the page * /.

border: 1px solid #000000;

text-align: left; / * This setting overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */

height: 1020px;

margin-top: 0;

margin-right: auto;

margin-bottom: 0;

margin left: auto;

background-color: #830A 16;


.oneColFixCtr #container #bubble {}

height: 300px;

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: left top;

text-align: center;

are-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

padding: 0px;

border-top-width: 0px;

border-right-width: 0px;

border-bottom-width: 0px;

border-left-width: 0px;

border-top-style: 0;

border-right-style: 0;

border-bottom-style: 0;

border-left-style: 0;

-font size: 17px;

make-style: normal;

background-image: url(images/bubble.png);

top of the margin: 5px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 0px;

margin-left: 0px;


.oneColFixCtr #navigation {}

height: 30px;


.oneColFixCtr #container #content {}

height: 820px;

width: 800px;



< / style >

"< script src="/Scripts/swfobject_modified.js "type =" text/javascript"> < / script >

< script type = "text/javascript" >


function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0

var d = document; If (d.images) {if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p = new Array();

var i, j is d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments; for (i = 0; i <.) Length; i ++)

If (a [i].indexOf("#")! = 0) {d.MM_p [j] = new Image; d.MM_p [j ++] .src = a [i] ;}}


function MM_findObj (n, d) {//v4.01

var p, i, x;  if(!d) d = document; If ((p = n.IndexOf ("?")) > 0 & & parent.frames.length) {}

d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}

If (!) () x = d [n]) & & copyrights) x = d.all [n]; for (i = 0;! x & & i < d.forms.length; i ++) x = d.forms [i] [n];

for (i = 0;! x & & d.layers & & I < d.layers.length; i ++) x = MM_findObj (n, d.layers [i] .document);

If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


function MM_nbGroup (event, grpName) {//v6.0

var i, img, nbArr, args is MM_nbGroup.arguments;

If (event == "init" & & args.length > 2) {}

If ((img = MM_findObj(args[2]))! = null & &! img.) MM_init) {}

IMG. MM_init = true; IMG. MM_up = args [3]; IMG. MM_dn = img.src;

If ((nbArr = document[grpName]) == null) nbArr = document [grpName] = new Array();

[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;

for (I = 4; I < args.length - 1; i += 2) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}

If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

IMG.src = img. MM_dn = args [i + 1];

[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;

} }

} Else if (event == "over") {}

document. MM_nbOver is nbArr = new Array();.

for (i = 1; I < args.length - 1; i += 3) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}

If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

IMG. SRC = (img. MM_dn & & args [i + 2])? args [i + 2]: ((args[i+1])? args [i + 1]: img.) MM_up);

[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;


} Else if (event == 'out') {}

for (i = 0; i < document.) MM_nbOver.length; i++) {

IMG = document. MM_nbOver [i]; IMG. SRC = (img. MM_dn)? IMG. MM_dn: img. MM_up; }

} Else if (event == 'down') {}

nbArr = document [grpName];

If (nbArr)

for (i = 0; i < nbArr.length; i ++) {img = nbArr [i]; img.src = img. MM_up; IMG. MM_dn = 0; }

document [grpName] is nbArr = new Array();.

for (i = 2; I < args.length - 1; i += 2) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}

If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

IMG.src = img. MM_dn = (args [i + 1])? args [i + 1]: img. MM_up;

[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;

} }



< /script >

< / head >

< body class = "oneColFixCtr" onload = "MM_preloadImages (' queue: / / / U |)" / fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design / BHS website 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/Home_DOWN.png','file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS website 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/home_OVER.png','file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/aboutus_DOWN.png','file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS Web site site Web-2011-2012 / Bing home page and Ryan/images/aboutus_OVER.png' , 'file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web design/BHS website 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/departments_DOWN.png','file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS website 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/departments_OVER.png','file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS website 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/sports_DOWN.png','file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS website 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/sports_OVER.png' ' file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web design/BHS website 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/guidance_DOWN.png','file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS website 2011-2012/page home-Bing and Ryan/images/guidance_OVER.png') ">"

< div id = "container" >

< div class = "header" id = "header" >

< object classid = "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width = "800" height = "148" id = "bhs_header" title = "Belmont High School slide show" > "

< param name = "movie" value = "movie/header_slideshow.swf" / > "

< param name = "quality" value = "high" / >

< param name = "wmode" value = "opaque" / >

< param name = "swfversion' value =""/ >

<!-this param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 or later to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you do not want users to display the prompt. ->

"< param name ="expressinstall"value="/Scripts/expressInstall.swf "/ >

<!-next object tag is for non - IE browsers. Then he hide from IE using IECC. ->

<!-[if! IE] >->

< object type = "application/x-shockwave-flash" data = "movie/header_slideshow.swf" width = "800" height = "148" > "

<!-<! [endif]-->

< param name = "quality" value = "high" / >

< param name = "wmode" value = "opaque" / >

< param name = "swfversion' value =""/ >

"< param name ="expressinstall"value="/Scripts/expressInstall.swf "/ >

<!-the browser displays the following alternative content for users of Flash Player 6.0 and higher. ->

< div >

< h4 > the content of this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. < / h4 >

" < p > < a href =" http://www.Adobe.com/go/getflashplayer_fr "> < img src = ' http://www.Adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif "alt = 'Get Adobe Flash player' width = '112' height ="33"/ > < /a > < /p > "

< / div >

<!-[if! IE] >->

< / object >

<!-<! [endif]-->

< / object >

< / div >

<! - endheadercontainer - >

< div id = "navigation" >

< table border = "0" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >

< b >

< td > < a href = "index.html" target = "_top" onclick ="MM_nbGroup ("down"," group1', ' home ',' file: / / / U | ") (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site Web 2011-2012/Homepage/images/Home_DOWN.png',1)' onmouseover = "MM_nbGroup ('more', 'Home',' queue: / / / U | / fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design / BHS site 2011-2012/Homepage/images/home_OVER.png',", 1) "onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out')"> < img src =" images/home_UP.png "alt = name of home' = 'home' width = '80' height ="30"border ="0"id ="home"onload =" "/ > < /a > < table >"

< td > < a href = "index_aboutus.html" target = "_top" onclick ="MM_nbGroup ("down","Group 1", record of" aboutus,': / / / U | ") (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site Web 2011-2012/Homepage/images/aboutus_UP.png',1) "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ("over", record of "aboutus,': / / / U |") " (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site 2011-2012/Homepage/images/aboutus_OVER.png', '', 1)' onmouseout = "MM_nbGroup ('out')" > < img src = "images/aboutus_DOWN.png" alt = "About Us" name = "aboutus" width = "80" height = "30" border = "0" id = "aboutus" onload ="" / > < /a > < table >

< td > < a href = "" javascript:; "target ="_top"onclick =" MM_nbGroup ("down", "group1,' file of the 'departments',: / / / U |") (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site Web 2011-2012/Homepage/images/departments_DOWN.png',1) "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('more', file a "departments,': / / / U |") " (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site 2011-2012/Homepage/images/departments_OVER.png', '', 1)' onmouseout = "MM_nbGroup ('out')" > < img src = "images/departments_UP.png" alt = "departments" is "departments" width = "80" height = "30" border = "0" id = "departments" onload is"" / > < /a > < table >

< td > < a href = "" javascript:; "target ="_top"onclick =" MM_nbGroup ("down", "group1 ', 'sports',' queue: / / / U |") (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site Web 2011-2012/Homepage/images/sports_DOWN.png',1)' onmouseover = "MM_nbGroup ("over", 'sports' file,': / / / U | / fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design / BHS site 2011-2012/Homepage/images/sports_OVER.png',", 1) "onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out')"> < img src =" images/sports_UP.png "alt ="Sports"name = 'sports' width = '80' height ="30"border ="0"id ="sportsmen"onload =" "/ > < /a > < table >"

< td > < a href = "" javascript:; "target ="_top"onclick =" MM_nbGroup ("down", "group1,' file 'resources,': / / / U |") (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site Web 2011-2012/Homepage/images/resources_DOWN.png',1) "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ("over", file of "resources,': / / / U |") " (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site 2011-2012/Homepage/images/resources_OVER.png', '', 1)' onmouseout = "MM_nbGroup ('out')" > < img src = "images/resources_UP.png' alt = 'Resources' name is 'resources' width = '80' height ="30"border ="0"id = 'resources' onload is" "/ > < /a > < table >

"< td > < a href =" "javascript:;" target = "_top" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ("down","Group 1", 'orientation',' file: / / / U | / fall-Spring2010_11/Web Design / BHS website 2011-2012/Homepage/images/guidance_DOWN.png',1)" onmouseover = "MM_nbGroup ('over ', 'direction',' file: / / / U |)" (/ automne-Spring2010_11/Web Design/BHS site 2011-2012/Homepage/images/guidance_OVER.png', '', 1)' onmouseout = "MM_nbGroup ('out')" > < img src = "images/guidance_UP.png" alt = name of the "Orientation" = "guidance" width = "80" height = "30" border = "0" id = onload "guidance" ="" / > < /a > < table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< / div >

<!-end #navigationcontainer->

< div class = 'bubble' id = 'bubble' >

< /P > < p > Mission statement

< i > < p > < font size = "3" > the mission of Belmont high school is to develop the contribution

< br > members of society who are communicators and life long learners. < here > < / police > < /p > < / i >

< p > < /p > statement of intent

< i >

< p > < font size = "3" > Belmont high school established a learning environment that promotes intellectual and creative growth and social, emotional and physical development. Professional staff, with the support of the inhabitants of the Shaker regional School District, acknowledges and accepts the responsibility to promote academic excellence in all areas of the curriculum and develop young adults who have the skills, knowledge, and social responsibility. High school Belmont realizes that learning is continuous and that our objectives include today and opportunities for learning. < / police > < / p >

" < p > < a href ="http://www.maps.google.com"target ="_blank"> Directions < /a > "

< /p >

< /i > < / div >

<!-end #bubble->

< div class = "content" id 'content' = >

< div class = "left" >

< table width = "200" height = "421" border = "0" >

< b >

< td width = "65" height = "21" align = "right" scope = "col" > < table > Quick

< td width = "125" scope = "col" > < table > links

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< Table > < td > teacher pages

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< Td > < table > student guide

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< td > < p > Plato (summer program) < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "42" height > < table >

< td > < table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< / div >

< div class = "center" id = "center" >

Welcome to Belmont High School!

< p > we are proud of our school and our community. This site is your online resource for more information on us as well as recent news and upcoming events. < /p >

< p > located at Belmont Belmont (New Hampshire), high school was built in 1998 and services about 467 students. < br / >

< /p >

< p > the student body is composed of students from the cities of Belmont and Canterbury.

The school is part of the Shaker Regional School District. < /p >

< color = "#999999" > < p > THE CAKE IS a LIE! < /p > < / police > < img src = "images/serving-the - communities.png" width = "350" height = "30" alt = "Serving the communities of Belmont and Canterbury" / > < br / > < here >

< br > < here >

This site was created by students during the site development Mr. Fricks

< / div >

<!-end #center->

< div class = "right" id = "right" >

< table width = "201" border = "0" >

< b >

< th width = '10' scope = "col" > < /th >

< td width = "181" scope = "col" > ads: < table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< ul >

Saturday May 14 09:00 - 12:30 in the auditorium of the high school in Bedford, there will be a SERVICE of the ACADEMY MILITARY NH DAY. < /ul >

< ul > year books are now on sale for $35.00 book your copy today. < /ul >

< ul > main breakfast 6/3 < /ul >

< ul > congratulations to Mr. Hill to receive teaching awards 2010 NH JumpStart < /ul >

< ul > The BHS robotics team qualified for the 2011 VEX Robotics < /ul > World Championship

< ul > congratulations to Mr. Acquilano "class M Sport Director of the Year". < /ul >

< ul > congratulations to Mr. Wormald on being selected among the five finalists for the 2010 great American master of the year < /ul >

< / div >

<!-end #right->

< / div >

<!-end #content->

< / div >

<!-end #container->

< script type = "text/javascript" >


swfobject.registerObject ("bhs_header");


< /script >

< / body >

< / html >

Browsers add their own default margins and padding to items in markup.  You can use a Reset CSS. Or add a universal selector rule to the top of your CSS code:

* {margin: 0; padding: 0}

Nancy O.
ALT-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    The second option in the example in this post: Re: how to replace elements of the menu drop-down list view script to make it work.

    Please note that objects must be in a FLOWED subform and the form should be saved as DYNAMIC.

    Good luck


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    Thank you

    [Moved Discussion General Dreamweaver Forum by moderator]

    {.thrColFixHdr #mainContent
    border: 1px solid red;
    margin: 0 260px;
    padding: 0 10px;
    Width: 500px;

    On this rule, you have to a margin applied so that you're asking for zero top and bottom and left and right 260px.  I think that it is enough that the margin left to remove what in your sidebar.


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    padding: 0px;
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    Width: 499px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    left margin: 0px;

    What should I do to make showcorrectly in IE?

    In addition, in Firefox, the center column is actually centered between the two boxes, but I wish it were. Clues?

    Thank you for this beginner!

    I'll answer my own question in case someone else has this problem in the future.

    I found the solution at http://www.kingcosmonaut.de/journal/3col-layout/

    Basically, I placed the left sidebar (floating on the left) and the content of (floating on the right) Center in a wrapper, with the right sidebar floating just outside of the package. The problem is that IE really hates two columns, floating in the same direction, which seemed necessary to have 3-column navigation. There is a little nice and simple fix!

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    Thank you

    You can find the code at the height of the tab bar in this file that you open through the address bar.

    • chrome://browser/skin/browser.CSS

    I use code like the following to adjust the height:

    @namespace url("https://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */
    /* Tab bar: adjust height - chrome://browser/skin/browser.css */
    .tab-background-end[selected=true]::before {
      min-height: 24px!important;
    #tabbrowser-tabs {height:26px!important;}
    #tabbrowser-tabs toolbar button > .toolbarbutton-icon { padding-bottom:2px !important; }

    For the icon and the text, you can change the padding or the margin of these elements with these selectors:

    .tab-text {padding-bottom:3px !important; }
    .tab-throbber, .tab-icon-image  {padding-left:2px !important; }
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    Please download MiniToolBox on your desktop, double-click it, select only the options below and press go. It will create a journal, please send the contents of it in your next reply.

    • Flush DNS
    • Reset of IE Proxy settings
    • Reset the FF Proxy settings
    • List of installed programs
    • List of Restore Points

    Download CCleaner from here. Once installed, open it and head over to the Tools tab, and then select start. In the lower right corner, select Save in the text file and select a name for it. Open the saved document and display its content in your next reply. As-well as. Click the 'clean' tab, keep all the boxes to check it and press run cleaner.
    Download Autoruns from here, save it to your desktop and then extract it. Double-click the extracted folder and navigate to autoruns, and double-click it. Select the file, save and replace the 'save as type' text file. Type a name for it, like Autoruns log, and then click Save. Please post its content in your next reply.
    Run the System File Checker
    Run the disk check
    I also recommend that you run a scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and AdwCleaner. If you have problems by the foregoing, I recommend to start in safe mode and try the steps.
    Thank you
    Party of Lighthouse

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    Essentially during the development of a email campaign which make use of the background-size property, the mail in Windows 8/8.1 and same Windows 10 Technical preview application will remove altogether, when it is expressed as follows:

    background-size: 200px 200px;

    If you use the background with a shortcut property it still works OK:

    Background: URL(image-2x.jpg) 0 0 / 200px 200px no-repeat;

    Can someone explain why this behavior is present in the mail application? Is this a bug?

    Hello James,.

    Thanks for posting your query in Microsoft Community Forum.

    I suggest that you re - ask your question in the MSDN forum rather than on this forum to check the settings. MSDN is examined by developers and other it professionals who would more than likely be able to help.

    Hope this information is useful.

  • Move down button


    I use Apex 5.0 & universal theme.

    I have a region with elements and a button ("Refresh"):


    Is it possible to move to the bottom of my button of upper border of several pixels as close elements?

    Please, help me.

    Thank you.



    Thanks for the creation of the example.

    The other controls on the form in the region are currently complemented by a CSS rule targeting the class t-Form-inputContainer , which is automatically applied to their column container. I see no reason why the buttons displayed in the body of the region should be treated differently to the other question, but for now they are. To keep things consistent, the best approach is to use the same rule, so I manually added the t-Form-inputContainer class to the property of the Column of Classes CSS Grid Layout button.

  • When I click on a clip on a timeline, it automatically moves down to 45 seconds and another track

    So I don't know what I did, or if it's a weird bug on my system, but all of a sudden whenever I click on an item to move it, the clip moves to the low about 45 seconds to the right and down a track.  Everything else I have point to works very well and it seems constant, that's why I thought it would be some adjustments, but I can't understand and it drives me crazy.  I uninstalled and got rid of the preferences, but the behavior returned.  If I open AE, pliers movement is normal.   New projects of first are the same. Any thoughs?

    Hmm.  I thought about it, it has something to do with the multiple Mac monitors.  I extend instead to use spaces and discreet work for some reason any first can get confused.  I was moving the windows on different monitors and it fixed the issue.

  • CSS Menu - drop down list help.

    Hi guys,.

    I am re - create a website for a friend and am currently finding the difficult Menu CSS coding.

    Here is MY version of the Web site:


    Here is the current version, which I am trying to copy:


    Pages: Our types of customers and what you need to have special css menu dropdown lists that come when you hover over the button.

    Here is the CSS code that I have so far:

    #holding ul {}

    margin: 0px;

    padding-left: 0px;

    list-style-type: none;

    do-family: Arial;

    do-size: 14px;

    make-weight: bolder;

    color: #506F1A;

    background-image: url(images/navbg.jpg);

    position: absolute;

    left: 0px;



    #holding ul li {}

    float: left;

    Width: 200px;

    margin: 0px;

    make-weight: bold;


    #holding ul li a {}

    do-family: Arial;

    do-size: 11pt;

    color: #506F1A;

    text-decoration: none;

    background-color: Transparent;

    text-align: center;

    display: block;

    padding: 5px;


    #navigation {}


    #holding ul li a: hover {}

    color: #FFF;

    background-color: #333;

    make-weight: bolder;

    do-size: 14px;


    .menu {}


    Here is the HTML code I use:

    < ul >

    < li > < a href = "index.html" > HOME < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "ourclienttypes.html" > OUR CUSTOMER TYPES < /a > < /li > ""

    < li > < a href = "whatdoyouneed.html" > of WHAT do you NEED? " < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "casestudies.html" > CASE STUDIES < /a > < /li > ""

    < li > < a href = "managementteam.html" > MANAGEMENT TEAM < /a > < /li > ""

    < /ul >

    If someone could help it would be much appreciated.

    Thank you all!

    . Selected a: hover {}

    background-color: #444;

    color: #fff;


    }< remove="" that="">

  • Style CSS - background does not show?

    Hello world
    first of all, I'm quite new to the word Dreamweaver and Web design so... Sorry if I make mistakes

    When you try to prewiew on my site, or in dreamweaver itself, I can't see my bottom (made a .png whit photoshop file, slightly degraded some simple effects)
    I tried to use the site manage and set the image by default folded, but this has not solved anything!

    It's my HTML code (oh yes, I write in HTML5 site):

    <! doctype html >

    < html >

    < head >

    < meta charset = "utf-8" >

    < title > Untitled Document < /title >

    < link href = "CSS/SitoCSS.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > "

    < / style >

    < / head >

    < body >

    < div id = 'Main' > < / div >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    And the page of CSS styling:

    @charset "utf-8";

    / * CSS document * /.


    background-color: #03F;

    background-image: url(Images/sfondo.png);

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    left margin: 0px;

    margin-top: 0px;

    margin-right: 0px;

    margin-bottom: 0px;



    do-family: "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif;

    background-color: #000;

    float: left;

    height: auto;

    Width: 901px;


    Thanks to you all

    Without seeing the live page it's hard to analyze, BUT here are a number of things, you could look:

    (1) is the name of your folder really Images with an 'I' CAP or is it images with a lowercase 'i'?


    (2) is your png file saved as RGB and CMYK color space and not?

    (3) looking at what you have posted the path to your bg image is probably improper

    background-image: url(Images/sfondo.png);

    Should be: (note of the... / before the name of the pictures folder):

    background-image: url (.. / Images/sfondo.png);

  • Is there a better way to do it?  Rules CSS/Background image/tables


    I am designing a site and I used a table for the banner.  Another page is displayed each time the image of the banner exchange.  I created HTML pages, and I created a large number of css rules to change the background image.  I think there must be an efficiant way more to do?


    ALSO... I need to find a way to make links (flight hover/active States) knit on all pages... I thought about it on the index page, but I don't know that there is a better css rule?

    Put a div in the head section?  Surely you jest!

    But you hint at the easy way - just have a style sheet embedded in the head of each page that changed the background image only on this page.  No need of any other complexities.

    In other words on page 1, you can change this.

    on this subject.

    and on page 2 change to this-


  • The body of CSS background graphics


    I recently tried to redesign a Web page which images the photo shop incorparates and illustator. When I click again on

    Photoshop and illustator to create the background image I do not know what as the width and height in pixels of the

    image should be. So that when I incorparate the image on the web page of the body is just the right size that is to say, it does not extend or is not too short

    or too big seen on different screens. If anyone can help.

    It's the css that displays the image on the web. What would be the right width and height in pixel to design my background image using photoshop or illustrator.

    background: url(images/img03.jpg);
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0;
    do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
    do-size: 12px;


    Wrong forum. It comes to application development. You will get better results in the Dreamweaver forum.

Maybe you are looking for