Hidden fields fields visible to move down when hidden fields become visible?


I have a form that I have a couple of hidden fields on. If the things in the user list a specific choice in a drop-down list, the fields become visible. The question I have is how to ensure that when the fields are invisible visible fields are close together and then when a selection is made to one or more of the visible invisible fields the rest of the fields below it move down to make of the place?

It's like this:

field 1

[space hidden field]

field 2

[space hidden field]

area 3

That's how I like it on the cloth:

field 1

field 2

area 3

And if a selection is made of field 1:

field 1

[visible hidden field because of the selection in the field 1]

field moved down 2 make room for visible hidden field of selection field 1

area 3 moved down to make room for visible hidden selection field 1 field

Thanks in advance for any help!


The second option in the example in this post: Re: how to replace elements of the menu drop-down list view script to make it work.

Please note that objects must be in a FLOWED subform and the form should be saved as DYNAMIC.

Good luck


Tags: Adobe LiveCycle

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    Here's a code in my template file:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    <meta name="description" content="Hondo Fire and Rescue serves the Arroyo Hondo and Canada Village areas of Santa Fe County, NM." />
    <meta name="keywords" content="hondo, hondo fire, hondo vfd, hondo fire department, santa fe county fire department, santa fe county, volunteer fire department, hondo volunteer fire department" />
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    echo $theData;
        <td>Fire Calls</td>
    $myFile = "/home/hondovf1/public_html/membersonly/firecalls.txt";
    $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
    $theData = fread($fh, filesize($myFile));
    echo $theData;
        <td>Other Calls</td>
    $myFile = "/home/hondovf1/public_html/membersonly/othercalls.txt";
    $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
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    And here is my CSS file:

    body {
         font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
         font-size: 12px;
         width: auto;
         color: #333333;
         margin-top: 0;
         margin-right: 0;
         margin-bottom: 0;
         margin-left: 0;
         padding-top: 0;
         padding-right: 0;
         padding-bottom: 0;
         padding-left: 0;
         background-image: url(images/main-right.png);
         background-repeat: repeat-y;
    .thrColLiqHdr #container {
         width: 95%; /* this overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */
         margin-top: 0;
         margin-right: auto;
         margin-bottom: 0;
         margin-left: auto;
         height: auto;
         background-image: url(/images/halftone1.png);
    .thrColLiqHdr #header {
         padding: 0 10px;
         height: 100px;/* this padding matches the left alignment of the elements in the divs that appear beneath it. If an image is used in the #header instead of text, you may want to remove the padding. */
         background-image: url(images/header.jpg);
         background-repeat: no-repeat;
         border-bottom-width: 5px;
         border-bottom-style: solid;
         border-bottom-color: #000;
    .thrColLiqHdr #navbar {
    .thrColLiqHdr #header h1 {
         margin: 0; /* zeroing the margin of the last element in the #header div will avoid margin collapse - an unexplainable space between divs. If the div has a border around it, this is not necessary as that also avoids the margin collapse */
         padding: 10px 0; /* using padding instead of margin will allow you to keep the element away from the edges of the div */
    /* Tips for sidebars:
    1. Since we are working in percentages, it's best not to use side padding on the sidebars. It will be added to the width for standards compliant browsers creating an unknown actual width. 
    2. Space between the side of the div and the elements within it can be created by placing a left and right margin on those elements as seen in the ".thrColLiqHdr #sidebar1 p" rule.
    3. Since Explorer calculates widths after the parent element is rendered, you may occasionally run into unexplained bugs with percentage-based columns. If you need more predictable results, you may choose to change to pixel sized columns.
    .thrColLiqHdr #sidebar1 {
         float: left; /* this element must precede in the source order any element you would like it be positioned next to */
         width: 15%; /* top and bottom padding create visual space within this div  */
         height: 100%;
         padding-top: 15px;
         padding-right: 0;
         padding-bottom: 15px;
         padding-left: 0;
         min-width: 150px;
    .thrColLiqHdr #sidebar2 {
         float: right; /* this element must precede in the source order any element you would like it be positioned next to */
         width: 15%; /* top and bottom padding create visual space within this div */
         padding-top: 0px;
         padding-right: 0;
         padding-bottom: 15px;
         padding-left: 0;
         min-width: 150px;
    .thrColLiqHdr #sidebar3 {
         float: right; /* this element must precede in the source order any element you would like it be positioned next to */
         width: 275px; /* top and bottom padding create visual space within this div */
         padding-top: 0px;
         padding-right: 0;
         padding-bottom: 15px;
         padding-left: 0;
         min-width: 150px;
    .thrColLiqHdr #sidebar1 p, .thrColLiqHdr #sidebar1 h3, .thrColLiqHdr #sidebar2 p, .thrColLiqHdr #sidebar2 h3 {
         margin-left: 10px; /* the left and right margin should be given to every element that will be placed in the side columns */
         margin-right: 10px;
         text-align: center;
    /* Tips for mainContent:
    1. the space between the mainContent and sidebars is created with the left and right margins on the mainContent div.
    2. to avoid float drop at a supported minimum 800 x 600 resolution, elements within the mainContent div should be 300px or smaller (this includes images).
    3. in the Internet Explorer Conditional Comment below, the zoom property is used to give the mainContent "hasLayout." This avoids several IE-specific bugs.
    .thrColLiqHdr #mainContent {
         margin-top: 10px;
         margin-bottom: 10px;
         float: left;
         width: 65%;
         background-image: url(images/main-right.png);
         background-repeat: repeat-y;
         background-position: right;
    .h2 {
         color: #B4241B;
         font-size: 20px;
         letter-spacing: -2px;
         font-weight: 100;
         font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
         padding-top: 0px;
         padding-right: 0px;
         padding-bottom: 0px;
         padding-left: 0px;
         line-height: normal;
    .thrColLiqHdr #footer {
         text-align: center;
         color: #666;
         font-size: 11px;
         padding: 10px;
         background: #f7f7f7;
         border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
         width: auto;
    .thrColLiqHdr #footer p {
         margin: 0; /* zeroing the margins of the first element in the footer will avoid the possibility of margin collapse - a space between divs */
         padding: 2px 0; /* padding on this element will create space, just as the the margin would have, without the margin collapse issue */
    /* Miscellaneous classes for reuse */
    .fltrt { /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
         float: right;
         margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
         float: left;
         margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class should be placed on a div or break element and should be the final element before the close of a container that should fully contain its child floats */
        font-size: 1px;
        line-height: 0px;
    .topleft {
         float: left;
    .top {
         background-image: url(images/top.png);
         width: auto;
    .topright {
         float: right;
         text-align: justify;
         padding-right: 40px;
         padding-left: 40px;
         background-repeat: repeat-y;
         background-image: url(images/main-left.png);
         width: auto;
         clear: left;
    .wrapright {
         background-repeat: repeat-y;
         float: right;
    .bottomleft {
         float: left;
         clear: left;
    .bottom {
         background-image: url(images/bottom.png);
         width: auto;
    .bottomright {
         float: right;

    It's one of the problems with the liquid (%) according to. In your default.css file, replace the top 2o selection rules with the following:

    do-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
    do-size: 12px;
    Color: #333;
    margin: 0;

    padding: 0;
    background: url(images/main-right.png) repeat-y;
    .thrColLiqHdr #container {}
    Width: 95%;

    min-width: 870px; / * prevent collapsing page * /.
    Auto margin: 0;
    background: url(/images/halftone1.png);

    Nancy O.
    ALT-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

  • Read only fields become unlocked when PDF is open again

    I created a quote that is has several buttons on it.  The buttons perform many actions such as the Add/Remove lines, add or remove columns, etc.  There is a "Finalize" button at the bottom of the form that locks all the text fields and hides all buttons so that they cannot be changed by the customer when the quote is sent to them.

    The problem occurs when the form is completed, saved, and then reopened.  All the buttons become visible again and the text field becomes editable when the PDF file is reopened.  Is there a way to keep the hidden buttons and text read-only fields?

    Thank you.

    The "State" of the form is not saved automatically. Under the form of file/properties/Defaults make the checkbox 'Keep changes to the scripts to form when registering' is set on automatically.


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    How can I make a clickable object, and when I click it, it moves down another object (extend)?

    Only with a specific widget. Check the usual sites, if is not the default widgets menu and the accordion.


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    -- I already have "block pop-up windows" activated and ThinkProgress is not one of the allowed exceptions.
    -- I am using Mac OSX 10.9.2 on a 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

    Ahh... This is a header. Some web pages, when you move down, place it in
    the top of the screen. If you go up to the top of the page, it should
    Go away.

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    Hi mclark4013,

    To try to prevent the paper to move, we can allow the setting prevent abrasion on the printer paper.  To do this, please follow these steps:

    1. press the MENU key.

    2. Select SETTINGS, then press the OK button.

    3. Select DEVICE SETTINGS, then press the OK button. The device settings screen appears.

    4. use the up/down arrow keys to select the PRINT PARAMETERS, and then press the OK button.

    5. use the up/down arrow keys to select the parameter AVOID the ABRASION of PAPER, and then press the OK button.

    6. use the up/down arrow keys to select Yes, then press the OK button.

    Please try printing again.  Once printing is complete, please be sure to set this parameter to OFF.

    If you still have problems, we ask that you call please 1-866-261-9362, Monday - Friday 10:00-10: 00 ET (excluding holidays) for assistance.  A Canon technical support representative will be happy to help you.  There is no charge for this call.

  • Why the tree in Explorer drop down when you open a folder in Windows 7?

    I don't know what kind of joke someone plays, but it is not . I have already most likely to get surgery on both of my hands soon for carpal syndrome severe. For each round of a mouse wheel and all the clicks that I have to endure it's useless, my pain and my symptoms are growing more intense. I have 7 hard drives in my computer. I have search and locate and organize and delete and add files of ALL TIME. I'm in the Explorer of ALL TIME. It is deplorable that I had XP Pro because of threats of compliant. XP has at least had an Explorer who worked perfectly. Now of having to learn a new platform (Windows 7) and I am forced to support a program who has a child of 12 years could have better designed! How long still is * going to go? I discovered only recently that Explorer in Windows 7 has a tree that falls to the bottom of the page fricking every time that a file is opened, so I am forced to dive to the bottom of the page to locate the folder. So I started the research on the forums to see if I was losing my mind and just something wrong. I read messages from people complaining about this BS in 2007. Why is that, after 4 years this perverted arrogant control problem still exists?

    * original title - I just Windows 7.  Why the tree of the menu forsaken God in the Explorer drop down when I open a folder? *

    I just Windows 7. Why the tree of the menu forsaken God in the Explorer drop down when I open a folder?

    This is the Bug of scrolling in the left pane.

    See the bottom of this post for help with the left pane scroll bug using Classic shell.

    Say you want Microsoft fixed it by voting on the Microsoft Connect Web site:


    Look at the left pane scrolling bug:
    Video testimony of the bug of scrolling in the left pane using Windows Explorer in Windows 7
    This illustrates a way to reproduce it, by clicking on the triangle to expand a folder, that you are currently viewing as it reproduces.

    Son of left pane scroll Bug:

    1 bug: Windows Explorer develops bad records, jumping the folder develop you to the bottom of the navigation pane

    2 tree of Windows explore expands downstairs, not upstairs like it used to be

    3. Windows Explorer navigation pane problem

    4. Explorer moves the folder selected to the bottom of the folder list. How can I stop this?

    5. behavior of strange folder in the left pane of Windows Explorer


    The classic interface mainly eliminates the bug in Windows Explorer, but it will still exist in the open/save dialog boxes.

    Pane left scrolling bug (and other corrections):

    Using the classic interface to restore functionality of Windows Explorer

    After you have installed the free Classic Shell , you can customize Windows Explorer more closely to how you want it, the quote below is just a way to do it. Click here to see some of the options that you can customize, and here is the FAQ page for the classic interface.

    A solution that works for the restoration of some features.

    1) install the free Classic shell.  It's very customizable and works like a mod for Windows Explorer rather than a full blown replacement. You don't need to install the classic Start Menu option, but you can if you wish.
    2) restart the computer.

    3) launch Windows Explorer (Start - computer) and turn on "Always show Menus" (organize - Layout - check menu bar). It's just for the configuration, you can disable it again later if you wish.
    4) right click on the menu bar and turn on the 'Classic Explorer Bar.' This adds a series of icons for cut/copy/paste in Explorer. Basically, it also adds the "Configuration" icon
    5) go in the configuration and from there, you can change things to your heart's content. To kill the horrible record-jumping 7 Windows, place you Vista in 'Style Navigation pane. You can even hit back to XP mode if you want (this adds lines to the tree of folders and adds a classic icon "+" for the expansion of folders). The Windows Vista folder display style looks about the same as the view from Windows 7, but it gets rid of the horrible blow.
    6) adjust other settings you want.

    After that, you can activate the toolbar and menus walk back to explore if you wish. Explorer Windows seems largely the same, but folders is no longer jumping around.  Vote for Microsoft to fix this bug.

    Now if only MS allows to code correctly so that we don't have to mess with third-party applications to get Windows actually works...

    You can also let Microsoft know you want this bug fixed here: http://mymfe.Microsoft.com/Windows%207/feedback.aspx?formid=195

    Note: do not have the message that is too long, there is a size limit for your message, even if page does not tell you on this subject.

  • CSS background moves down

    So, I'm working on my school website in my Web development background, and everything seems fine. I have enctountered a problem, I have a divider with a table which is our navigation bar and below the content of the site. When design/code view, it seems, as shown in Figure 1

    css background move (NORM VIEW).png

    then when it is presented in preview in any browser or in live mode view, he moves down like 10ish pixels... There is no margin on any of the div either.

    css background move (LIVE VIEW).png

    and here's the code for you to watch.

    < ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" > ""

    " < html xmlns =" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml ">

    < head >

    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"

    < title > Belmont High School - homepage < /title >

    < style type = "text/css" >



    fonts: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

    background: #666666;

    margin: 0; / * It is advisable to zero, the margin and the filling of the body to hold element has a different default browser * /.

    padding: 0;

    text-align: center; / * This centers the container in IE 5 * browsers. The text is then set left aligned by default in the #container selector * /.

    color: #000000;


    .oneColFixCtr #container #content #center {}

    float: left;

    height: 520px;

    width: 400 PX;

    are-family: "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif;

    text-align: center;

    background-image: url(images/center.png);

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    background-position: top center;


    .oneColFixCtr #container #content #right ul {}

    are-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

    are-size: 11px;


    .oneColFixCtr #container #content #right {}

    float: right;

    height: 520px;

    width: 200px;

    are-family: Tahoma, Geneva, without serif.

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    background-position: top center;

    background-image: url (file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web%20Design/BHS%20website%202011-2012/Homepage-%20Bing % 20and%20Ryan/images/right.png);

    padding: 0px;

    margin: 0px;


    .oneColFixCtr #container #content .the {}

    float: left;

    height: 520px;

    width: 200px;

    are-family: Tahoma, Geneva, without serif.

    are-size: 16px;

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    background-position: top center;

    text-align: left;

    background-image: url (file:///U|/Fall-Spring2010_11/Web%20Design/BHS%20website%202011-2012/Homepage-%20Bing % 20and%20Ryan/images/left.png);


    .oneColFixCtr #container {}

    width: 800px; / * margins (in conjunction with a width) auto Center the page * /.

    border: 1px solid #000000;

    text-align: left; / * This setting overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */

    height: 1020px;

    margin-top: 0;

    margin-right: auto;

    margin-bottom: 0;

    margin left: auto;

    background-color: #830A 16;


    .oneColFixCtr #container #bubble {}

    height: 300px;

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    background-position: left top;

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    d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}

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    function MM_nbGroup (event, grpName) {//v6.0

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    If ((img = MM_findObj(args[2]))! = null & &! img.) MM_init) {}

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    If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

    IMG.src = img. MM_dn = args [i + 1];

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    document. MM_nbOver is nbArr = new Array();.

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    If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

    IMG. SRC = (img. MM_dn & & args [i + 2])? args [i + 2]: ((args[i+1])? args [i + 1]: img.) MM_up);

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    } Else if (event == 'out') {}

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    nbArr = document [grpName];

    If (nbArr)

    for (i = 0; i < nbArr.length; i ++) {img = nbArr [i]; img.src = img. MM_up; IMG. MM_dn = 0; }

    document [grpName] is nbArr = new Array();.

    for (i = 2; I < args.length - 1; i += 2) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}

    If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

    IMG.src = img. MM_dn = (args [i + 1])? args [i + 1]: img. MM_up;

    [nbArr.length] nbArr = img;

    } }



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    < div class = 'bubble' id = 'bubble' >

    < /P > < p > Mission statement

    < i > < p > < font size = "3" > the mission of Belmont high school is to develop the contribution

    < br > members of society who are communicators and life long learners. < here > < / police > < /p > < / i >

    < p > < /p > statement of intent

    < i >

    < p > < font size = "3" > Belmont high school established a learning environment that promotes intellectual and creative growth and social, emotional and physical development. Professional staff, with the support of the inhabitants of the Shaker regional School District, acknowledges and accepts the responsibility to promote academic excellence in all areas of the curriculum and develop young adults who have the skills, knowledge, and social responsibility. High school Belmont realizes that learning is continuous and that our objectives include today and opportunities for learning. < / police > < / p >

    " < p > < a href ="http://www.maps.google.com"target ="_blank"> Directions < /a > "

    < /p >

    < /i > < / div >

    <!-end #bubble->

    < div class = "content" id 'content' = >

    < div class = "left" >

    < table width = "200" height = "421" border = "0" >

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    < td width = "65" height = "21" align = "right" scope = "col" > < table > Quick

    < td width = "125" scope = "col" > < table > links

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < Table > < td > teacher pages

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < Td > < table > student guide

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < td > < p > Plato (summer program) < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td = "42" height > < table >

    < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < /table >

    < / div >

    < div class = "center" id = "center" >

    Welcome to Belmont High School!

    < p > we are proud of our school and our community. This site is your online resource for more information on us as well as recent news and upcoming events. < /p >

    < p > located at Belmont Belmont (New Hampshire), high school was built in 1998 and services about 467 students. < br / >

    < /p >

    < p > the student body is composed of students from the cities of Belmont and Canterbury.

    The school is part of the Shaker Regional School District. < /p >

    < color = "#999999" > < p > THE CAKE IS a LIE! < /p > < / police > < img src = "images/serving-the - communities.png" width = "350" height = "30" alt = "Serving the communities of Belmont and Canterbury" / > < br / > < here >

    < br > < here >

    This site was created by students during the site development Mr. Fricks

    < / div >

    <!-end #center->

    < div class = "right" id = "right" >

    < table width = "201" border = "0" >

    < b >

    < th width = '10' scope = "col" > < /th >

    < td width = "181" scope = "col" > ads: < table >

    < /tr >

    < /table >

    < ul >

    Saturday May 14 09:00 - 12:30 in the auditorium of the high school in Bedford, there will be a SERVICE of the ACADEMY MILITARY NH DAY. < /ul >

    < ul > year books are now on sale for $35.00 book your copy today. < /ul >

    < ul > main breakfast 6/3 < /ul >

    < ul > congratulations to Mr. Hill to receive teaching awards 2010 NH JumpStart < /ul >

    < ul > The BHS robotics team qualified for the 2011 VEX Robotics < /ul > World Championship

    < ul > congratulations to Mr. Acquilano "class M Sport Director of the Year". < /ul >

    < ul > congratulations to Mr. Wormald on being selected among the five finalists for the 2010 great American master of the year < /ul >

    < / div >

    <!-end #right->

    < / div >

    <!-end #content->

    < / div >

    <!-end #container->

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    swfobject.registerObject ("bhs_header");


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    < / body >

    < / html >

    Browsers add their own default margins and padding to items in markup.  You can use a Reset CSS. Or add a universal selector rule to the top of your CSS code:

    * {margin: 0; padding: 0}

    Nancy O.
    ALT-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

  • Satellite L755 - battery falls down when it is turned off


    I just bought a L755 Satellite and the battery goes down when it is turned off. Does this make sense?
    I charge for a few hours and it seems that the battery still lasts, but in a few days, the load comes down to 83%.

    Thanks for supporting.


    As stated in this thread: some features should be disabled in the BIOS and the system.
    I mean some features already mentioned options:
    Wake On LAN (in the BIOS and in device-> Lan Card Properties Manager)
    Wake on keyboard
    USB sleep & fees

  • HP ENVY x 360-15-w100nt: wi - fi connection slows down when the charger is not plugged


    My wi - fi connection slows down when the charger is not plugged in. Correct the wireless lan drivers. So far, I appreciate all kinds of advice for this problem.

    Thanks in advance

    Hello @JohannNewma,

    Welcome to the HP support community! I read your post and wanted to tender hand can help you!

    I understand that you notice a decrease in speed wireless on the x 360-15-w100nt laptop computer ENVY when running off the battery voltage.

    You can check and adjust the power options on the system as it is probably trying to save battery power by reducing wireless performance.

    If you're still having problems, you can follow the steps described in this document to troubleshoot the network settings and internet wireless.

    Please get back to me how that happens. To show that you like, or are grateful for my post, please click the Thumbs up below.

    Thank you!

  • My computer shuts down when not used how can I stop this?

    What should I do to keep my computer of shuttting down when it is not used for a while? Vista is what I have.

    What should I do to keep my computer of shuttting down when it is not used for a while? Vista is what I have.

    See the following articles:

    Change, create, or delete a power plan (scheme)

    Disable on Windows 7 or Vista power management

    Management of power (Windows 7 and Vista) Options

  • Screen shuddered up and down when on the Internet.

    Original title: monitor quivers up and down

    Watch the flutters up and down when on the internet.  no flicker in offline mode

    1. what browser do you use?
    2. it happens when you visit a particular Web site, or on any websites?
    3 does the problem occur when you access the Explorer?
    4. you remember of any changes to your machine before the question?
    5. are you able to access other applications normally when connected to the Internet?
    I suggest you to Update the Chipset drivers and see if it works very well.
    Aziz Nadeem - Microsoft Support

    [If this post was helpful, please click the button "Vote as helpful" (green triangle). If it can help solve your problem, click on the button 'Propose as answer' or 'mark as answer '. [By proposing / marking a post as answer or useful you help others find the answer more quickly.]

  • Are there problems with Microsoft 7 and Frontpage 2002? The system shuts down when I try to add a hyperlink.

    The system shuts down when I try to add a hyperlink.  The hyperlink insertion page opens.  But when I try to click on the link that reads "Microsoft Frontpage has stopped working.  A problem caused the blocking of the program works correctly.  Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. »

    Edited to add: if I type in the hyperlink, it seems to work.  But in the past, I just clicked it.  But now when I click on it is when she stops.  Strange.  Did not this on the Vista computer.

    Hello CaptainKAG,

    Thanks for posting on the Microsoft answers Forum.

    I recommend you post in the Forum Office where this problem is related to FrontPage 2002. We can install on Windows 7, but is not fully compatible, so some features may not work properly. Office 2003 and Office 2007 are fully compatible with Windows 7.

    Click here to post in the Forum Office.

    Sincerely, Marilyn
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

  • How to delete a contact in the menu 'To' drop down when starting a new email?

    How to delete a contact in the menu 'To' drop down when starting a new email?  Email is no longer in my list of contacts, but he continues to appear in the menu drop down and too often I am wrong send something to the wrong email since it is at the top of the drop-down list.

    2 possibilities:

    1. you have an invitation, that you still need to answer. The name stays on until you refuse the invitation. Then it will go away.

    Open outlook.com > top left, place your cursor on the Outlook logo > an arrow will appear > click on the arrow > click on people > here's the window of your people.
    Toolbar at the top, click on manage the > click on View Invitations > do you see an invitation? If so, decline the prompt will remove the names of th.
    2. There may be a suggestion of the application of the 'AutoComplete suggestion» It gives you the names so that you, at the same time, sent emails.
    You can remove this suggestion by doing this...

    Open outlook.com > top right, next to your name, click on the gear icon > click on e-mail settings more > under customization of Outlook, click Advanced Privacy settings > click the front point 'Only suggest people in my contact list' > click on save when finished.


  • about to buy a video.  It contains options for speed on the overview of the site, do get the same options to slow down the video down when I buy the video?

    about to buy a video.  It contains options for speed on the overview of the site, do get the same options to slow down the video down when I buy the video?

    The videos is not 'options '. They are exactly as described. You can use first to add slowed to any video. Correction of the one who is already slowed to normal speed may not produce get results.

    But to answer the question, the videos are exactly as in preview. It would be to you on how you change them and with which application.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Impossible to get my USB keyboard to wake up sleep NB100 - (Windows 7)

    I use a monitor, USB wireless mouse and a wired keyboard USB with my NB100. My keyboard has a power button and it is configured to put the computer in mode standby when you press on, which works very well. My problem is that the only way I can wake u

  • problem with update

    I installed Windows 7 build 7000 after 2 weeks I couldn't aupdate windows eror code I have recived is: "WindowsUpdate_80080005" "WindowsUpdate_dt000"Help, please...

  • floating point No. the chain with the same precision

    I use "format string" to convert floating point No. to a string. Most of the numbers have a single decimal digit, so I use '%^0.1f' in the format in the connection string. But for our whole. like 150, it gets converted to 150,0. I want to avoid this,

  • KB3067505 download Micrsoft site error 8DDD0010

    The website has encountered a problem [Error number: 8DDD0010] There is a problem with the page you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. Please, try the following: Contact the Web site administrator and inform them that this error has occurre

  • BlackBerry smartphones can I change the default backup destination?

    When I save my curve 8320 the default destination is c: my documents. I would have preferred that he went to a folder on my drive hard usb and don't want to have to keep the selection, I would rather change the default