database "noSQL".

e' a po' moda del momento e, by a couple of progetti stadio embrionale, it "our hero programmatore" sta valutando use, al posto di UN consueto MSSQL2008, questi nuovi che essere forse più used a Google database di progetti del tipo "a struttura e elastica an indefinita crescita.

Adesso sta litigando by just come funziona Cassandra che, per chi non lo sapesse, e he been db e usato da facebook e nobodies.

C 'e letteratura enough knew come if comporta su MSSQL vSphere, a po' meno sugli altri db relazionali "linuxiani" MySQL, my su questo tipo di tipo database this not e enough poca.

Qualcuno TR e gia scontrato con sistemi faux?

P.S.: no, no we want fare UN YAFF (yet another F... Facebook )


In effetti di letteratura could not not e'. In linea di principio TR should comportare molto meglio degli RDBMS towns (a parita' di workload), simply because by un'approccio opposing opposto (monolitico/intensification vs distribuito/scale-out).

Vista dal punto di/o, per esempio, uno dei objectives di cassandra (nobodies (e) e' proprio di alleggerire point delle Presidents i/o sia in termini di numerosita di' che di "replicabilita" (ergo, senza sistemi di dei malioboro contorti sync old cluster, just merge to cache oracle RAC, asm, crs e tutto it castello che not William).

Quindi, come dici rightly, un'approccio cassandra/nosql/ecc e ' proprio orientato all'elasticita ", pensati United being by scalable applications, ed being nati in a ' era con realta' consolidate the cloud come of it of virtualizzazione e a pochi passi...

My 2 cents


Da: Tinto1970 [email protected]

Inviato: Thursday, July 7, 2011 17:08

R: Piergiorgio Spagnolatti

Oggetto: New message: "database «noSQL"»

Http:// communities >

database "noSQL".

created by Tinto1970> in Italy area VMware User Group - discover the full discussion on

Tags: VMware

Similar Questions

  • the RESTful web service and database NoSql.

    I configured a database version Oracle NoSQL 3.0.5.

    I wrote the below 12 c JDev RestFul web service.

    the Rest works well, but when running query (GET) it returns the following error.

    I don't know how to correct it. Need help

    package store;

    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSetFormatter;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Syntax;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;


    Import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.Get;

    Import oracle.rdf.kv.client.jena.OracleModelNoSql;
    Import oracle.rdf.kv.client.jena.OracleNoSqlConnection;

    @Path ("store")
    public class StoreResourceHandle {}
    public StoreResourceHandle() {}

    public static String queryStoreNoSQL() {}
    String StoreName = "semep;
    String HostName = 'localhost ';
    String HostPort = "5000";
    String szModelName = "";
    String ModelName = "http://Repository";
    OracleNoSqlConnection conn = OracleNoSqlConnection.createInstance (StoreName, HostPort, HostName);
    Model = OracleModelNoSql.createOracleModelNoSql (ModelName, conn);

    String szQuery = "SELECT? s? p? o\n +.
    "where {\n" +
    "  { ?s  ?p  ?o}\n" +

    System.out.println ("Execute query" + szQuery);

    Query query = QueryFactory.create (szQuery, Syntax.syntaxARQ);
    QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create (query, model);
    ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect ();
    String textResults = ResultSetFormatter.asText (results);

    qexec. Close();
    Model.Close ();
    Conn.Dispose ();
    Return textResults;

    public String getStoreQuery() {}
    String result = StoreResourceHandle.queryStoreNoSQL ();
    System.out.println ("result");
    return the result;


    [Running the application on IntegratedWebLogicServer StoreResource...]
    [21: 45:44] StoreWebApp.war of Module Web recognized in the project Store.jpr
    [Another instance of the storeresource application is running on the server.  JDeveloper redeploy the application.]
    [21: 45:44]-deployment began.  ----
    [21: 45:44] the target platform's (Weblogic 12.x).
    [21: 45:44] recovery of the existing application information
    [21: 45:44] analysis of the dependence running...
    [21: 45:44] deployment 2 profiles...
    [21: 45:44] wrote on the Web for C:\Users\memus\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\o.j2ee\drs\StoreResource\StoreWebApp.war application Module
    [21: 45:44] wrote the Module Enterprise Application to C:\Users\memus\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\o.j2ee\drs\StoreResource
    [21: 45:44] application is not transferred
    [21: 45:44] the constriction of context following URLS have been defined and can be used as a starting point for testing your application:
    [21: 45:44] http://localhost:7101 / StoreResource-store-context-root
    [21: 45:44] time to deployment: 1 second
    [21: 45:44]-deployment is complete.  ----
    Run start time: 554 ms.
    [Application running on IntegratedWebLogicServer StoreResource]

    Target application w- http://localhost:7101/StoreResource-Store-context-root/resources/application.wadl

    Target URL - http://localhost:7101 / StoreResource-store-context-root/resources/store
    < 25 may 2014 21: 45 CEST > < error > < com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse > < BEA-000000 > < exception contained in MappableContainerException could not be mapped to a response, re - throw to the HTTP container
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/rdf/kv/customer/jena/OracleNoSqlConnection
    to the store. StoreResourceHandle.queryStoreNoSQL (
    to the store. StoreResourceHandle.getStoreQuery (
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Truncated. check the log file full stacktrace
    < 25 may 2014 21: 45 CEST > < error > < HTTP > < BEA-101017 > < [ServletContext@10446167[app:StoreResource module: StoreResource-store-context-spec: null, path root-version: 3.0], request: [ weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl@1e35577
    GET StoreResource-Store-context-root/resources/store HTTP/1.1
    Connection: TE
    TE: trailers, deflate, gzip, compress
    User-Agent: Oracle HTTPClient Version 10: 00
    Accept: text/plain
    X HTTPAnalyzer-Rules: 1@localhost:8099

    Root cause]] of ServletException.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/rdf/kv/customer/jena/OracleNoSqlConnection
    to the store. StoreResourceHandle.queryStoreNoSQL (
    to the store. StoreResourceHandle.getStoreQuery (
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Truncated. check the log file full stacktrace
    < 25 may 2014 21: 45 CEST > < opinion > < Diagnostics > < BEA-320068 > < Watch "UncheckedException" in the module "Module-FMWDFW" with severity "Notice" on the server "DefaultServer" triggered on 25 may 2014 21: 45 CEST. Details of the notification:
    WatchRuleType: Journal
    WatchRule: (SEVERITY = "Error") AND ((MSGID = ' WL-101020') OR (MSGID = "WL-101017'") OR (MSGID = "WL-000802'") OR (MSGID = "BEA-101020'") OR (MSGID = "BEA-101017'") OR (MSGID = "BEA-000802'"))
    WatchData: DATE = may 25, 2014 21: 45 CEST SERVER = DefaultServer MESSAGE = [ServletContext@10446167[app:StoreResource module: StoreResource-store-context-spec: null, path root-version: 3.0], request: [ weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl@1e35577
    GET StoreResource-Store-context-root/resources/store HTTP/1.1
    Connection: TE
    TE: trailers, deflate, gzip, compress
    User-Agent: Oracle HTTPClient Version 10: 00
    Accept: text/plain
    X HTTPAnalyzer-Rules: 1@localhost:8099

    Root cause]] of ServletException.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/rdf/kv/customer/jena/OracleNoSqlConnection
    to the store. StoreResourceHandle.queryStoreNoSQL (
    to the store. StoreResourceHandle.getStoreQuery (
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    to com.sun.jersey.spi.container.JavaMethodInvokerFactory$ 1.invoke(
    to com.sun.jersey.server.impl.model.method.dispatch.AbstractResourceMethodDispatchProvider$ TypeOutInvoker._dispatch (
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.model.method.dispatch.ResourceJavaMethodDispatcher.dispatch(
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.HttpMethodRule.accept(
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.ResourceClassRule.accept(
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.RightHandPathRule.accept(
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.RootResourceClassesRule.accept(
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl._handleRequest(
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl._handleRequest(
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl.handleRequest(
    at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl.handleRequest(
    at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.service(
    at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer.service(
    at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer.service(
    at weblogic.jaxrs.server.portable.servlet.ServletContainer.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at (Native Method)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun (
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ (
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.doSecuredExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    to weblogic.servlet.provider.ContainerSupportProviderImpl$ (
    Subsystem = HTTP USERID < WLS Kernel > = SEVERITY = error THREAD = ExecuteThread [ASSET]: '1' for the queue: MSGID "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default" = BEA - 101017 MACHINE = mustapha TXID = the CONTEXTID = 6a226c0c-6115-47df-833a-8465cd21cc68-0000002f TIMESTAMP = 1401047153802
    WatchAlarmType: AutomaticReset
    WatchAlarmResetPeriod: 30000
    < 25 may 2014 21: 46 CEST > < emergency > < oracle.dfw.incident > < BEA-000000 > < 65 incident created with the key to problem "DFW-99998 [java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError] [] [StoreResource]" >

    Hi MEMU,.

    I have it. And he has deployed in the built-in container. It works very well. Note that I did the following.

    (1) change the project properties,

    In the libraries and Classpath, I need to add in Classpath entries associated Jena libraries, slf4j, sdordfnosqlclient.jar, kvclient.jar etc.

    (2) use the xercesImpl - 2.9.1.jar instead of xercesImpl - 2.10.0.  Jdev 12 c appears to use an older version of xerces as bundles of Jena.

    Once done the configurations above, I can execute your project without changing Java code.

    Here is the result:

    [14: 34:08] wrote the Web application Module for /home/alwu/.jdeveloper/system12.

    [14: 34:09] wrote the Module Enterprise Application to /home/alwu/.jdeveloper/system12.

    [14: 34:09] Application deployment...

    [14: 34:15] Application deployed successfully.

    [14: 34:15] the constriction of context following URLS have been defined and can be used as a starting point for testing your application:

    [14: 34:15] / UniversalSparqlQuery-application-context-root

    [14: 34:16] for deployment time: 9 seconds

    [14: 34:16]-deployment is complete.  ----

    Run start time: 9573 ms.

    [Application running on IntegratedWebLogicServer UniversalSparqlQuery]

    Target application w- http://localhost:7101/UniversalSparqlQuery-query-context-root/resources/application.wadl

    Target URL - / UniversalSparqlQuery-query context root/resources/query/select/home/store/port/model/application

    I went in a universal store

    I create the connection to: model

    Run the select query

    I leave the store: store

    I spent in-store universal semep

    I create the connection to: http://Repository

    Run select select? s? p? o where {? s? p? o}

    I leave the store: semep

    It will be useful,

    Zhe Wu

  • White Book of Oracle database NoSQL (application)

    Hi all

    Please, I would like to have an answer to the following questions:
    (1) what do you mean by topology - when you say "the client driver maintains a copy of the topology?
    (2) not working in the NoSQL of Oracle database as a client/server? Do we not have to install the client on every PC that needs to use the store? How will we if we have a new PC? End users have a customer on their PC? I don't really understand where the client has to be installed.
    (3) you say: '30 replication groups are stored on nodes of storage 30, distributed on the two data centers' why 30 storage nodes? It should be 90 knots since we have a factor of replication of 3.
    (4) how can the customer get the answer to a read request? The customer directly reads the response of a log file on one of the replication node? Those that read the request was transmitted?
    Thank you

    user962305 wrote:
    Hi all

    Please, I would like to have an answer to the following questions:
    (1) what do you mean by topology - when you say "the client driver maintains a copy of the topology?

    Topology is the location of the nodes in the system and that the partitions that they contain. By knowing the topology, the customer can contact the node holding the requested data directly.

    (2) not working in the NoSQL of Oracle database as a client/server? Do we not have to install the client on every PC that needs to use the store? How will we if we have a new PC? End users have a customer on their PC? I don't really understand where the client has to be installed.

    Any application that wants to use the NoSQL database must have the kvclient - M.N.P.jar in the classpath. This pot located in the KVHOME/lib directory.

    (3) you say: '30 replication groups are stored on nodes of storage 30, distributed on the two data centers' why 30 storage nodes? It should be 90 knots since we have a factor of replication of 3.

    Can you tell me the location of the book and what page you are talking about?

    (4) how can the customer get the answer to a read request? The customer directly reads the response of a log file on one of the replication node? Those that read the request was transmitted?

    If a request has been sent, the response is returned to the client via the transfer node.

    Charles Lamb

  • Build Oracle NoSQL C API errors


    I'm currently building the NoSQL Database C customer pilot available Oracle from: Oracle database NoSQL downloads

    kV - c - 2.1.57.tar

    I get the following error when I try to run cmake:

    -Identifying C compiler is GNU

    -Identification of CXX compiler is GNU

    -Check for the work of the C compiler: GCC

    -Check for the work of the C compiler: GCC - works

    -Detection of compiler ABI C information

    -Detection info ABI C compiler - done

    -Check compiler CXX work: / usr/bin/c ++

    -Check compiler CXX work: / usr/bin/c ++-work

    -Detection of information CXX compiler ABI

    -Detection info ABI CXX compiler - done

    At CMakeLists.txt:71 (message) CMake error:

    NYI is not found

    -Incomplete configuration, errors have occurred!

    My environment:

    I'm using Oracle Linux 6.5. Extracts /usr/local/jdk1.7.0_51 and JAVA_HOME set to /usr/local/jdk1.7.0_51 Java JDK

    I have already installed the prerequisite not listed in BUILDING.html:

    1 KVHOME=/var/kv/kv-2.1.57

    2 updated version 1.7 of Java 51

    3 Avro C library installed in the default location: / usr/local

    Any ideas?

    Thank you


    OK, I was able to solve my problem by uninstalling yum cmake and manually build the latest version of CMake - Cross platform make. (to date, the current stable version is

    Very simple installation


    tar - xvvf cmake -

    CD cmake -

    . / bootstrap


    make install

    update your PATH

    After that, I was able to run cmake again for c - kv - 2.1.57 successfully.

    But then I met another problem over do it with the following error message:

    LD WARNING not found (not exact error, do not remember)

    /usr/lib/JVM/JRE/lib/AMD64/ refers to 'awt_FreeDrawingSurface@SUNWprivate_1.1' the undefined


    To resolve this problem, I ran:


    Choose the one with jre/lib/amd64/xawt and set that RPATH path in my environment.

    Export RPATH = / your/path/may/change/jre/lib/amd64/xawt

    Then ran once again. Then make install. Success!

    Hope this helps someone else.

    Thank you


  • Why and when Nosql?


    I tried to enter in the Nosql world for awhile, more precisely to where it could be useful or appropriate.
    Can someone tell me that if you want to use a nosql for something as a financial application database, HR, or you would use just for it, a social network or back-end of the online game?

    And if use you it, how easy would it program on this subject?
    In addition, if you wanted to "go down a hierarchy" (for example) you would have to scroll several pairs of keys to find information? continuously getting the value of a key, then use this value as a key and so on?

    Thank you.

    Hi Pinela,

    To complete the first part of your question, NoSQL databases are usually used for applications where you need a guaranteed response time (say under 50 milliseconds) no matter how much load is thrown to the cluster. In addition, another place, we see the databases NoSQL used in when you need store and retrieve data that is unstructure or sem-structure and you need to do this very quickly. Also note that NoSQL databases will not give you the richness of a language for structured data query, then you would give a lot of features on the side of the query if what you're trying to do is to store relational data in a NoSQL store. On the other hand, if what you need is serious responses to low-latency applications, compromise can be worth it for you.


  • Scaling in Amazon EC2


    I intend to spend my framework for ColdFusion in the cloud, Amazon EC2.  It will expose web services as the need for mobile devices and also regular web sites.

    My infrastructure requires a report database to manage users, authentication, etc.  I want to be able to add web frontend servers.

    What do you think?

    Do you think that session management is going to be a problem?

    What hosting my files in amazon S3? or just in the local web server?

    I think the current BOYFRIEND with cold Fusion 10 is a good option.

    I'm kind again to see all the tips or other considerations are welcome.

    Thank you very much

    Comments online.

    > My framework requires a report database to manage users, authentication, etc.  I want to be able to add web frontend servers.

    > What do you think?

    For the scaling, you can use elastic load balancer, add additional application servers or Web servers. But it is important that you validate your architecture with your first request, depending on the traffic you expect.

    In general, it is recommended to use either relational or database NoSQL to manage the authentication/client management. Ideally you should watch a server separate from the DB for scalability and easier maintenance. You can use the services provided by Amazon as RDS or of your choice (see

    However if the installation program is low, you can use the MySQL DB available with ColdFusion's FRIEND

    > Do you think that session management is going to be a problem?

    When you use two Web servers? I don't think so. You can also

    (1) enabled sessions

    (2) session handle using a cache of elastic

    BTW, a web service should ideally be stateless.

    > What about hosting my files in amazon S3? or just in the local web server?

    Both are valid. ColdFusion FRIEND being supported EBS, files locally would persist too. But save a FRIEND to your needs with all the files of configuration/local.

    > I think the current BOYFRIEND with cold Fusion 10 is a good option.

    Yes, even I think

    > I'm kind again to see all the tips or other considerations are welcome.

    It is recommended when you use your production server, you need to implement locking security guide for CF10. It hardens your server against security attacks.


    Chandan Kumar

  • The problem of the distribution of the data in the cluster of NoSQL Oracle databases


    I write (about 10 G) data in an Oracle Databae NoSQL cluster (which consists of three nodes: ud1, Node2, node3). It has only one table in the DB and I create an index on a field.

    The amount of data in each node is about 16G.

    Then I write the same data (about 10G) in an Oracle NoSQL Database (Only one node) and I create an index on the same lot.

    But the amount of data is about 46G.

    So I assumed that each node holds no data complete. Then if the failure of a node, the cluster can still work but some data cannot be queried. Am I wrong?

    There is an intersection in the form of database on each node?

    You should take a look at the documentation. For example:


  • Business using the NoSQL in Oracle database application development


    I followed the link given by Lai Re, to develop the application of Kvitter using the NoSQL database below. But there is no link to the code example in the blog below.

    Developing applications using the NoSQL of Oracle database

    Please help me with the link for the Code of the Kvitter Application.

    Thank you.


    Jean-Luc Reynaud

    Hi, Aymeric

    Here is the direct link to the source code for the sample program above. The link is also displayed under the programs section of demo/sample.


  • NoSQL Oracle database charger with EE last does not work

    I am unable to run the NoSQL Oracle database loader to load data at: which is included in the documentation with the latest download of Oracle NoSQL. I downloaded the EA on my Unix machine and have the JAVA version:
    race of '1.7.0_17 '.

    (I'm under KVlite. I was able to run the Hello Big World Data example).

    This is step 6 in the Readme.txt file that I can't run.6. To load the contents of the tweeter to the Bank to run this command:
    $java - cp SAMPLE_HOME/OLH/ONLH/deploy/onlh.jar; SAMPLE_HOME/OLH/ONLH/lib/NoSQL/kvclient-1.2.123.jar oracle.kv.sample.Loader-i SAMPLE_HOME/OLH/ONLH/deploy/airline_tweets_search-03-01-2012-082206.xml m ' < username > US ' - n "username <>" - v "< user name > < userID >" d "|" xml t

    I have the tweets.xml of the airline and the jar two files onlh.jar and kvclient - 1.2.123.jar in the deploy directory. When I unzip the package does NOT contain the HLO directory (as shown in above command) if it is a question with above. Also; use the JAVA throw errors in above.
    I ran the following:

    [deployment cloudera@localhost] $ java - cp onlh.jar - jar kvclient.jar oracle.kv.sample.Loader-i airline_tweets_search-03-01-2012 - 082206.xml - m ' < username > US ' - n "username <>" - v "< user name > < userID >" d "|" xml t

    My output:


    (I don't get a validation error message invalid as described in examples of java files. I tried many variations that precedes. In addition, the sample in the README.txt step 6 also does not align with the documentation available in the java file < tagname1 > < tagname2 > use. I am able to run step 5 to see the use of arguments.

    I'm out of options on how to solve this problem and would appreciate some advice asap for a demo that I build. I certainly need to have this job so I can load my own cvs (with a few tweaks to the arguments). I'm beginner JAVA Programmer so explanations with examples are greatly useful.
    Thank you


    [deployment cloudera@localhost] $ java - cp onlh.jar - jar kvclient.jar oracle.kv.sample.Loader-i airline_tweets_search-03-01-2012 - 082206.xml - m "US "-n ""-v " " d "|" xml t

    The file README says to the kvclient and the onlh.jar - cp, not onlh.jar in cp and the kvclient as the - pot arg. If you move the kvclient.jar to the - CP

    only.jar:.../kvclient.jar - cp

    It will work.


  • ADF BC works on a NoSQL database?

    I guess that the answer is hardly, but I wanted to get a confirmation from the experts.
    In which case it's important I use :)

    I assume that you are using a device BigData we can convert data in a NoSQL database in a SQL DB base and then used ADF BC above it?

    If you want to access NoSQL from an ADF application you should probably use JPA/EJB as the layer that access the DB.
    Looks like EclipseLink (which is the implementation of JPA in JDev) working with NoSQL-
    And you can then use the rest of the ADF layers above it:

  • Create the data source NoSQL Oracle using Oracle Weblogic 11 g


    I'm working on a VINE by which I want to connect NoSQL Oracle database with Oracle Weblogic11g as a new source of data in Oracle Database 11 g of accompaniment.

    So my question is that Oracle Weblogic 11 g support NoSQL Oracle database as a data source OR can I plug NoSQL Oracle database as the source of data with Oracle Weblogic11g?

    Thank you...


    By 'data source' I assume you mean a JDBC data source. Is this fair?

    If so, please be aware that NoSQL DB does not support SQL or JDBC, although these features can be added in the future. Currently, to access data in the NoSQL database from your application, you must use the Java APIs in the pilot of the client which is included in the package. Please see the Starter Guide for more information.

    That answer your question?


  • GeoSPARQL on Oracle NoSQL


    Can the NoSQL Oracle support for the vocabulary of GeoSPARQL?

    See you soon

    Hi Joguerra,

    Currently, the semantic graph RDF for Oracle NoSQL Database can't vocabulary GeoSPARQL. You can, however, use semantic graph RDF for Oracle Database (12 c) and it comes with a GeoSPARQL support.

    There is a strong requirement to have some features Geo space with RDF for Oracle NoSQL Database, please file a feature request.

    It will be useful,

    Zhe Wu

  • Ontology protégé on Oracle NoSQL


    I created an ontology on 4.3 protected it seems good. I added the plugin NoSQL protégé and I saved the model and inference in the database. Everything worked smooth far and the database is not complain with the ontology. Now, I use joseki endpoint to query the database. Joseki runs on Tomcat 7.0.X and the application seems correct.

    If I run the query below on protected against my ontology, it works. But when I return to the Joseki, this does not

    PREFIX rdf: >

    PREFIX rdfs: >

    PREFIX xsd: >

    PREFIX owl: >

    Fn PREFIX: >

    PREFIX ouext: >

    PREFIX oext: < >

    PREFIX ORACLE_SEM_FS_NS:, qid = 123 >

    SELECT * WHERE {? x? y? z}

    LIMIT OF 100

    The Joseki, I have updated the file joseki - config.ttl with the configuration of my store, I restarted the tomcat, but nothing happens. The same query, does not seem to work but nothing complains against her.

    < #oracle > RDF: type oracle - nosql:Dataset;

    Joseki:poolSize 2;         # Number of simultaneous connections allowed for this dataset.

    Oracle - nosql:connection # NoSQL connection


    RDF: type oracle - nosql:NoSQLConnection;

    Oracle - nosql:hostName "myhost."

    Oracle - nosql:storeName 'test '.

    Oracle - nosql:hostPort '5000 ';


    ##oracle - nosql:allGraphs [];         # Descriptions chart

    [Oracle - nosql:defaultGraph];

    ##oracle - nosql:namedGraph [oracle - nosql:graphName <http://g1>];


    I'm not entirely sure where the problem is, the database is running, even if I think the question is whether the request is well formatted and the configuration is correct. Can anyone around help me find out where is the problem?

    Thank you and I would appreciate any idea

    Hi Joguerra,

    You can read the ontology saved in protégé of NoSQL DB?

    Zhe Wu

  • NoSQL Oracle under Windows.

    Hi all

    I am new to Oracle NoSQL, and I'm trying to develop the same application. so I do it on windows 7 OS. But cannot run kvclient on windows.

    So, how can I do?

    Please suggest me.

    Thanks in advance!

    Just to let you know, Windows is not an officially support platform for Oracle NoSQL Database.  You can use kvlite to get an idea of the NoSQL APIs and to test a simulated application, but we don't certify Windows as a product platform.  Are you referring to the kvlient.jat file when you say that you are unable to run kvlient on Windows?


  • basic questions about the Bigdata, NOSQL, and Hadoop


    I have fundamental questions related to Bigdata. (I have Googled it but still want to confirm with experts)

    Please correct me if I'm wrong on below.

    (1) as far as I know data large are the collection of unstructured data. We can even store relational data as well.

    (2) NOSQL is a product of Oracle to manage bigdata (UN structured data and relational data as well)

    (3) Hadoop is the only framework that is available on the market to manage the bigdata.

    What are the other systems of database that we have in the market to manage the bigdata.

    See you soon,.



    NoSQL is a distributed (with indexing and schematics) database. From a database point of view, NoSQL is a good place to start you off. Hadoop is a framework for distributed processing, rather than a database. If you are looking to take advantage of your database skills, then I suggest starting with NoSQL.

    Oracle Press has recently published "Oracle Big Data Handbook," which is an overview of the suite of large data Oracle technology products. I would start there. You can find the book on Oracle Press or Amazon , Barnes & Noble.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards


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