Date Picker help

public static String Selectdate() { DateTimePicker datePicker = DateTimePicker.createInstance(); datePicker.doModal(); Calendar cal = datePicker.getDateTime(); Date date = cal.getTime(); return date.toString(); }

I use the method above to choose the date, but it also shows me the time that I need to see the time I just wants to select only the date. Can someone help me please...

The API tells you how to do that is it not?

public static DateTimePicker createInstance (calendar, calendar,
String datePattern,
String timePattern)

Returns a date with an initial display date picker and the format of the date and time. If datePattern and timePattern are null, then will serve as the default time and date formats.
calendar - original date to display
datePattern - the SimpleDateFormat to date. If datePattern is null and timePattern is not null, then a date will not be shown. The model should include only text templates (for example ' / ',': ') and date of models for example DateFormat.YEAR_FIELD, DateFormat.MONTH_FIELD, DateFormat.DATE_FIELD, DateFormat.DAY_OF_WEEK_FIELD. Other symbols of format will be ignored.
timePattern - the SimpleDateFormat for now. Passing null will not display a time if timePattern is null and datePattern is not null, then an hour does not appear.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

Similar Questions

  • Generate report with a date picker. Help, please


    I'm building an interactive report which should display the records corresponding to the date picker.

    I'm going to pull a report emp_name and LOAD_DT.  LOAD_DT is a date column from table1.

    Select "emp_name," LOAD_DT from table1

    where LOAD_DT =: P44_PICK_A_DATE;

    I chose article page to submit P44_PICK_A_DATE

    When I choose a date, he gives no error data

    Help, please.

    Thank you


    Bind variable in the APEX will behave as strings. I normally apply TO_DATE(:P1_MY_DATE) without the date format and rely on application session formats / align.

    In your case, it would be more efficient to

    where load_date = to_date(:P44_PICK_A_DATE)

    unless you do something specific with date formats, then you would be just details the to_date

    Keep in mind, this also applies to the numbers, it would be more explicit

    where id = to_number(:P1_ID)

    Which is related to why there is a function v() and nv().

  • Help with Date Picker months classic display in


    Topic: business 3


    I have two selectors classical fields of dates that represent a Date "from" and "to this day".

    When you click on the calendar icon and change the month in the select list on the "Date from" and selecting a date, and then by opening the 'to Date' by clicking on the icon of the month calendar is displayed corresponds to the current month (sysdate) in the Select list.

    Demand for the user must have the month in the match of the calendar 'To Date' the month selected on the calendar "Date from" when you click on the calendar icon on "Date to the.

    Since this announcement, the current month is September. If the month is changed in October and a date is selected in the 'Date' then I click on the 'To Date' calendar icon the month displayed in the list select should be October not September.

    How can this be achieved?

    Thank you


    Joe R wrote:


    Topic: business 3

    I have two selectors classical fields of dates that represent a Date "from" and "to this day".

    The two dates selectors 'Business' and classic theme 3 are well beyond their expiration date. A modernization program for this app would be a very good idea...

    When you click on the calendar icon and change the month in the select list on the "Date from" and selecting a date, and then by opening the 'to Date' by clicking on the icon of the month calendar is displayed corresponds to the current month (sysdate) in the Select list.

    Demand for the user must have the month in the match of the calendar 'To Date' the month selected on the calendar "Date from" when you click on the calendar icon on "Date to the.

    Since this announcement, the current month is September. If the month is changed in October and a date is selected in the 'Date' then I click on the 'To Date' calendar icon the month displayed in the list select should be October not September.

    How can this be achieved?

    It can be done with dynamic action of executing JavaScript Code. I'd like to think that there is a better way to do it than that, which basically extract the picker of the year and month, then rewrites the JS code that triggers the date picker To use them as parameters month and year.

    Dynamic action

    Event: Mouse enter

    Selection type: jQuery Selector

    jQuery Selector: #P1_TO_IMG

    Real Actions

    Action: Run the JavaScript Code

    Fire on Page load: NO.


    var from, d, y, m, button, href, js, p;
    from = $v('P1_FROM');
    if (from) {
      d = new Date(from);
      y = d.getUTCFullYear().toString();
      m = (d.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString();
      button = $('#P1_TO_fieldset.datepicker a');
      href = button.attr('href');
      js = href.match(/^(javascript:void\(\$p_DatePicker\()(.+)(\)\);$)/);
      p = js[2].split(',');
      p[8]  = "'" + y + "'";
      p[13] = "'" + ((m.length === 1) ? "0" + m : m) + "'";
      href = js[1].concat(p.join(), js[3]);
      button.attr('href', href);

    Replace P1_FROM and P1_TO with the names of your items as needed.


    Hi, I want to use the date picker as it... and set to the current value of default.and use another text box to display the selected value... to datepicker.can someone give me the entire code? If I want to write the value selected, run time using a picture as a textbox, what should I do?... Please help me... its urgent...

    OK, but I used the images for what little arrows... to prevmonth, nextmonth, prevyear and next.

    Here's the code...

    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.PopupScreen;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.HorizontalFieldManager;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.Color;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.Font;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.Display;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.DrawStyle;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.Characters;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
    import net.rim.device.api.util.DateTimeUtilities;
    import net.rim.device.api.i18n.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    import com.LMS.CustomManagers.TableLayoutManager;
    public class CalendarPopup extends PopupScreen implements FieldChangeListener {
        private boolean isClosed = false;
        private static SimpleDateFormat sdfWeekDay = new SimpleDateFormat("Ei");
        private static SimpleDateFormat sdfMonth = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM yyyy");
        private Calendar _cl = Calendar.getInstance();
        private Bitmap PrevYearFocus = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cal_previous_year.png");
        private Bitmap PrevMonthFocus = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cal_previous_month.png");
        private Bitmap NextMonthFocus = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cal_next_month.png");
        private Bitmap NextYearFocus = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cal_next_year.png");
        private Bitmap PrevYear = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cal_previous_year_focus.png");
        private Bitmap PrevMonth = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cal_previous_month_focus.png");
        private Bitmap NextMonth = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cal_next_month_focus.png");
        private Bitmap NextYear = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("cal_next_year_focus.png");
        private static int [] tableStyles = new int [] {
        private int [] tableSizes = new int [7];
        private TableLayoutManager _monthManager; // This is where we display the Dates
        private static String FIELD_SIZE_STRING = " 30 ";
        private static String SINGLE_BLANK = " ";
        private int _currentFocusDay;
        private int _currentMonth; // This is the month as usually defined. // In Calendar, January is month 0.
        private int _currentYear;
        private String _currentMonthString = "MMM yyyy";
        private Field _initialFocusField = null;
        private int _selectedDay = -1; // None selected
        private Font _normalFont;
        private Font _boldFont;
        private ClickbleImage PrevYearBut, PrevMonthBut, NextMonthBut, NextYearBut;
        private BorderedLabel MonthDisplay,Today;
        public CalendarPopup(Date selectedDate) {
            super(new VerticalFieldManager(){
                    public void sublayout(int width, int height) {
            createScreen(_cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), _cl.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, _cl.get(Calendar.YEAR));
        public boolean isClosed(){
            return isClosed;
        private void displayMonth() {
            _monthManager.deleteAll(); // Delete the stuff currently there
            // Determine start of the Month
            _cl.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
            _cl.set(Calendar.MONTH, _currentMonth - 1);
            _cl.set(Calendar.YEAR, _currentYear);
            _cl.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12);
            _cl.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
            _cl.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
            _cl.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 1);
            long startOfMonth = _cl.getTime().getTime();  
            // set Month in 'header'
            _currentMonthString = sdfMonth.formatLocal(_cl.getTime().getTime());
            // Figure out where the month display needs to start
            int workDay = _cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
            int startAt = 0;
            switch (workDay) {
                case(Calendar.MONDAY): {
                    startAt = 0;
                case(Calendar.TUESDAY): {
                    startAt = -1;
                case(Calendar.WEDNESDAY): {
                    startAt = -2;
                case(Calendar.THURSDAY): {
                    startAt = -3;
                case(Calendar.FRIDAY): {
                    startAt = -4;
                case(Calendar.SATURDAY): {
                    startAt = -5;
                case(Calendar.SUNDAY): {
                    startAt = -6;
            Date workDate = _cl.getTime();
            long workDateTime = workDate.getTime() + ((long)startAt) * ((long)DateTimeUtilities.ONEDAY);
            //long dayTime = workDateTime;
            for ( int i = 0; i < 42; i++ ) { // Need at most 6 rows
                workDateTime = workDateTime + DateTimeUtilities.ONEDAY;
                BorderedLabel blf = null;
                //int actualDate = _cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                int actualDate = _cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                String tempDateString = Integer.toString(actualDate);
                int textColor = Color.BLACK;
                if ( _cl.get(Calendar.MONTH) == _currentMonth - 1 ) {
                    if ( _currentFocusDay == actualDate ) {
                        _initialFocusField = blf;
                        textColor = Color.RED;
                    blf = new BorderedLabel(tempDateString, LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.HCENTER | LabelField.FOCUSABLE,textColor);
                } else
                if ( (i % 7 == 0) && (startOfMonth < _cl.getTime().getTime()) ) {
                    // We have finished the month
                } else {
                    blf = new BorderedLabel(tempDateString, LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.HCENTER,Color.LIGHTGREY);
            if ( this.isDisplayed() && _initialFocusField != null ) {
                _initialFocusField = null;
        private void createScreen(int focusDay, int startMonth, int startYear) {
            // Initial values for Screen
            _currentFocusDay = focusDay;
            _currentMonth = startMonth;
            _currentYear = startYear;
            final VerticalFieldManager topManager = new VerticalFieldManager(FIELD_HCENTER){
                    public void paint(Graphics g){
            int columnSize = this.getFont().getAdvance(FIELD_SIZE_STRING);
            for ( int i = 0; i < tableSizes.length; i++ ) {
                tableSizes[i] = columnSize;
            _monthManager = new TableLayoutManager(tableStyles, tableSizes, 0, TableLayoutManager.FIELD_HCENTER){
                    public void paint(Graphics g){
            VerticalFieldManager bottomManager = new VerticalFieldManager(FIELD_HCENTER){
                    public void paint(Graphics g){
                    protected void sublayout(int width, int height) {
                        super.sublayout(width, height);
                        setExtent(topManager.getWidth(), 30);
            PrevYearBut = new ClickbleImage(PrevYearFocus,PrevYear,FIELD_HCENTER | FOCUSABLE);
            PrevMonthBut = new ClickbleImage(PrevMonthFocus,PrevMonth,FIELD_HCENTER | FOCUSABLE);
            MonthDisplay = new BorderedLabel(_currentMonthString,NON_FOCUSABLE,Color.WHITE);
            NextMonthBut = new ClickbleImage(NextMonthFocus,NextMonth,FIELD_HCENTER | FOCUSABLE);
            NextYearBut = new ClickbleImage(NextYearFocus,NextYear,FIELD_HCENTER | FOCUSABLE);
            HorizontalFieldManager hfm  = new HorizontalFieldManager(FIELD_HCENTER);
            hfm.add(PrevYearBut);hfm.add(new VerticalSpacer(5,3));
            hfm.add(PrevMonthBut);hfm.add(new VerticalSpacer(5,3));
            hfm.add(MonthDisplay);hfm.add(new VerticalSpacer(5,3));
            hfm.add(NextMonthBut);hfm.add(new VerticalSpacer(5,3));
            TableLayoutManager _daysManager = new TableLayoutManager(tableStyles, tableSizes, 0,TableLayoutManager.FIELD_HCENTER);
            String [] days = {"Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa","Su"};
            for(int i = 0 ; i < days.length;i++){
                _daysManager.add(new BorderedLabel(days[i],NON_FOCUSABLE | FIELD_HCENTER,Color.WHITE));
            HorizontalFieldManager hfm1  = new HorizontalFieldManager();
            Today = new BorderedLabel("Today",FOCUSABLE | FIELD_VCENTER,Color.WHITE);
            int space = Display.getWidth() >= 480 ? 130 : 90;
            hfm1.add(new VerticalSpacer(30,space));hfm1.add(Today);hfm1.add(new VerticalSpacer(30,space));
        protected void onDisplay() {
            if ( _initialFocusField != null ) {
                _initialFocusField = null;
        public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context){
            _currentFocusDay = -1; // Leave focus on 'button'
            _initialFocusField = field;
            int monthIncrement = 33;
            if(field instanceof ClickbleImage){
                if(field == PrevYearBut){
                    _currentYear = _cl.get(Calendar.YEAR)-1;
                }else if(field == PrevMonthBut){
                    monthIncrement = -3;
                }else if(field == NextMonthBut){
                }else if(field == NextYearBut){
                    _currentYear = _cl.get(Calendar.YEAR)+1;
            }else if(field instanceof BorderedLabel){
                if(field == MonthDisplay){
                }else if(field == Today){
                    _cl.setTime(new Date());
                    _currentFocusDay = _cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                    _currentMonth = _cl.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
                    _currentYear = _cl.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                }else {
                    LabelField lab = (LabelField) field;
                    _selectedDay = Integer.parseInt(lab.getText());
        private void processMonth(int monthIncrement){
            _cl.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
            _cl.set(Calendar.MONTH, _currentMonth-1);
            _cl.set(Calendar.YEAR, _currentYear);
            Date workDate = _cl.getTime();
            workDate.setTime(workDate.getTime() + (((long)monthIncrement) * ((long)DateTimeUtilities.ONEDAY)));
            _currentMonth = _cl.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
            _currentYear = _cl.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        public void close() {
        public Date getSelectedDate() {
            if ( _selectedDay == -1 ) {
                return null;
            Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance();
            cl.set(Calendar.YEAR, _currentYear);
            cl.set(Calendar.MONTH, _currentMonth - 1);
            cl.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, _selectedDay);
            cl.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
            cl.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
            cl.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
            cl.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 1);
            return cl.getTime();
        public boolean keyChar(char key, int status, int time) {
            boolean retval = false;
            switch (key) {
                case Characters.ENTER: {
                    // We have selected something
                case Characters.ESCAPE: {
                    isClosed = true;
                    retval = true;
           return retval;
    class ClickbleImage extends Field {
        private Bitmap bitmap1,bitmap2,img;
        private boolean isFocus = false;
        public ClickbleImage(Bitmap bitmap1,Bitmap bitmap2,long style) {
            this.bitmap1 = bitmap1;
            this.bitmap2 = bitmap2;
            img = bitmap1;
        protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
            return true;
        protected void onUnfocus() {
            isFocus = false;
            img =  bitmap1;
        protected void onFocus(int direction) {
            isFocus = true;
            img =  bitmap2;
        public void paint(Graphics g){
        protected void layout(int w, int h){
        protected void drawFocus(Graphics graphics, boolean on) {
    class BorderedLabel extends LabelField {
        int width,height,color;
        private String text;
        private Font font;
        public BorderedLabel(String text, long style,int TextColor) {
            super(text, style);
            this.color = TextColor;
            this.text = text;
        public void SetText(String text){
            this.text = text;
        public void paint(Graphics g) {
            width = this.getWidth();
            height = this.getHeight();
            }else {
            g.drawText(text, (getWidth() - font.getAdvance(text))/2, (getHeight() - font.getHeight())/2);
        protected void onFocus(int direction) {
        protected void onUnfocus() {
        private void SetFont(int font_style, int font_size) {
            font = Font.getDefault().derive(font_style,font_size);
        protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
            return true;
    class VerticalSpacer extends Field {
        // Only for VerticalFieldManagers
        private int _height;
        private int _width;
        public VerticalSpacer(int height, int width) {
            _height = height;
            _width = width;
        public void layout(int width, int hieght) {
            setExtent(_width, _height);
        public void paint(Graphics g) {

    I think you have the right to TableLayoutManager? If this isn't the case, then search the forum and you will get. Which I used here.

    call this class-

    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

    You can use any format here (above)

    CalendarPopup dd = new CalendarPopup (date)

    UiApplication.getUiApplication () .pushModalScreen (dd);
    {if (!) CDI IsClosed())}
    Date selectedDate = dd.getSelectedDate ();
    String DateStrValue = formatter.format (selectedDate) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();
    textbox.setText ((DateStrValue) formatter.format m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    TextBox is the lable field or anything like that

  • Deactivation of tabular date picker icon

    Hi all

    I have a manual tabular presentation with the following region source:


    EmpNo | apex_item. Hidden (1, empno) as empno,.

    apex_item. Text (3, ename) as ename,

    apex_item.select_list_from_lov (4, deptno, 'DEPT_LOV', 'onchange = "test (this)" ') as deptno,.

    apex_item.date_popup2(5, HireDate) as hiredate,

    apex_item. Text (6, sal) as sal,

    apex_item. Text (7, comm) as Comm.,

    apex_item. Text (8, emp_comment) as emp_comment



    Here's the function I call you:

    function test (pThis) {}

    get the index of line curren on changes

    var currIndex = $('select[name="''"]').index (pThis);

    check the current value of points (return value of lov)

    20 = RESEARCH Department

    If (pThis.value == '20') {}

    If true, change the value of column f02

    $('select[name="f04"]') [currIndex] .value = "20";

    Disable hiredate

    $('input[name="f05"]') [currIndex] .readOnly = true;

    disable the date picker icon

    $('#f05_'+currIndex).next('button.ui-datepicker-trigger') .removeClass ('apex_disabled').unbind('click');



    It makes the column hiredate read-only as expected but I'm still able to change the date by clicking the calendar icon.

    Is it possible to disable or hide the calendar icon?

    I'm using the Oracle 11 g with apex 5.

    Thank you


    I created a new function named test2

    and the name of the HIREDATE column

    hope that helps

  • Date Picker APEX 4.2 validation

    Hi all

    In our application, we created a date picker in the format below.

    1 the name of the article-> P1_ENG_DATE

    2. under settings-> Format mask-> fmDay, months GFMD, YYYY

    3. under default-> to_char (sysdate, ' fmDay, months GFMD, YYYY')

    4. once the application under the ar-ticle column loading Date that we can see the release date

    5 now if they choose to date picker application survey allows you to submit the form.

    6 but if they change the date manually i., e instead of Thursday, if we enter Wednesday, June 18,2015 while that submit the form she will the error ' error ORA-01861: literal does not match the format string "because they change from day.

    7. not only change the day, if change us on the wrong day, wrong Date and delete last two digits of the year we can see literal error problem.


    1. If we want to read only option date picker where we do.

    2. how to manage the validation of using Java date picker script & PL/SQL.

    Could you please help me with this request.

    Kind regards


    Hi Nanoo Tamiri,

    Sruthi Tamiri wrote:

    1. If we want to read only option date picker where we do.

    2. how to manage the validation of using Java date picker script & PL/SQL.

    The first thing: access the datepicker-> settings section element and value

    • See her-> when click on icon

    In the section of the element:

    • CSS classes to elements of HTML form-> apex_disabled
    • Attributes of the HTML Form element-> readonly = 'true '.

    This will force the user to select a date in the date only picker and avoid the mistakes of your format.

    The second point is not clear as to how you want to manage the validation of the datePicker using JavaScript / PL/SQL.

    I hope this helps!

    Kind regards


  • Date picker control limit

    Hello all;

    I have a date picker I want to limit: of sysdate sysdate + 10 days. I tried to use this solution: Oracle & Apex Geekery: Dynamic Date Range in APEX Datepicker - no need to Plugin

    but it did not work for me. I created two hidden and picker dates min max and created dynamic actions, but it does nothing. I don't know if I'm away from the steps. Please notify.

    Thank you

    Hi Haisai,.

    If you try the following:

    in your article in date picker under the section 'Settings' for 'Minimum Date' add + 0 d and for 'Maximum Date' add + 10 d

    Hope this helps


  • Place a value max and min on the date picker

    Apex 4.2

    I have a report interactive apex which is framed by a start_date and end_date a. We will call P1_START and P1_END. They are the two fields of date picker. Once the user selects a date, the report is updated accordingly display the results falling between the date ranges. Pretty sImple. As we know, the date picker has throughout the calendar year. Is there a way to limit the date picker to go only to come or already in a month? So if the user were using the application today, would later return they might choose 24/10/2013 and the furthest in the future would be 12 24, 2013, honorably.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Change your date picker control object

    Go to the settings section

    The value of minimum date to "-1 m".

    Maximum date "m + 1"

    Click on the legends of the attribute for more options.

  • element on the page (date picker)

    I added a date picker to my report. and in the report source, I added a clause where clause to filter the report based on the selected date (which is one of the columns of the table), but it showed nothing.

    When I remove the where clause appear all the records and when I return it... nothing there.
    can someone help me?

    Published by: hasni-IT on May 4, 2013 07:19

    You have data, it's good. You have isolated the problem to what seems to be the WHERE clause, all right. The WHERE clause is simple, good. So, it would seem DATE NOT =: P23_DATE corresponding to your query.

    Don't forget - or noted that if you didn't know these are page elements (always?, for most) strings. As Jeff intimates, if the DATE is a date, you get implicit date conversion in your WHERE clause. (BTW, isn't DAY a reserved word?) May I suggest trying "DATE = TO_DATE (: P23_DATE, 'the date format') ' make explicit a conversion?

    Also, I recommend that you run any question, you have a problem with in the APEX SQL command window. Then, you can see immediately what APEX has returned for your query. It helps my a lot of debugging.

    Kind regards

  • date picker - remove the calendar icon


    is there a way I can remove the calendar date picker icon?

    Thanks for the help!

    Kind regards


    -Change the page element date picker
    -Find the "Settings" section
    -Select "development" to the selection list 'Show '.

    To hide the date picker calendar icon.

  • Date Picker Widget doesn't do not model job pages created (copied)


    I'm trying to put in place a form of PDF document for a customer using Adobe Acrobat Pro XI.  I have several fields of the date where I am wanting to use the router form Date Picker Widget (that has been downloaded and installed).  It works perfectly fine when it is just a page.  However, I use a model with a script that creates a copy of the first page activated by a button - ideally to allow users to create many pages however they want before any shipment.  The key code is as follows:

    var myTemplateArray = this.templates;

    myTemplate = myTemplateArray var [0];

    myTemplate.spawn (this.numPages, true, false);

    Get the name prefix field that Acrobat will automatically add the new fields

    var f_prefix = 'P' + (this.numPages - 1) + ".cvcIntake";

    Reset the newly created fields

    this.resetForm ([f_prefix]);

    Go to the new page

    this.pageNum = this.numPages - 1;

    The problem starts when a new page is added.  If I try to click on the datePicker on the second page, it appears on the first page next to the very field that was copied.  And if a date is enabled it is entered in the field on the first page.

    Looking at what goes wrong, I found several things.  First, the aspect of naming in the copied page creates all objects in calendar with the prefix 'P1.cvcIntake.fld' ('fld' is the prefix of the fields on form on the first page).  Second, go to the properties of the date picker control object, its name was changed to 'P1.cvcIntake.FR_00000_CALENDARBUTTON_fld. Start_date"and this code of the action is:

    FormRouter_PlaceCalendar (getField ("FLD. (Start_date"), 3, 'yyyy-mm-dd", 18.61102294921875);

    Obviously the name and the action code will get him to do what he does now.  Unfortunately I do not know what to try to fix things, that my ability to write code to Acrobat is probably just a bit better than the beginners.  It seems to me that I need to use a completely different approach for this part.  Does anyone have advice on how I might be able to handle this problem?

    Thank you for your time and consideration,


    It took a while for me to solve this problem, but there are even more time to post here (my apologies to all those who are looking for a solution for it before now).  Anyway, the real thing for me has been to discover that I didn't have to explicitly numbering ratings after adding new fields (such as ' # ' + this.pageNum)-it turns out that the numbering of appropriate rating is handled automatically.

    While I don't know the real pros out there might be able to find lots of ways to handle some aspects better, here's the result of a great many hours of research, trial and error, and persistence.  Given the help that I received from this forum, I would be very happy if I could make a contribution that helps anyone with this problem.  If so, I'd be happy to hear from you!  In any case, if anyone has any comments or questions please let me know.

    Download templates in the table.

    var aTemplates = this.templates;

    myTemplate = aTemplates var [0];

    Rogue new form page to end using the page renaming.

    myTemplate.spawn (this.numPages, true, false);

    Download the name prefix field that Acrobat automatically adds the new page field.

    var fldNamePrefix = 'P' + (this.numPages - 1) + ".cvcIntake";

    Reset the fields newly created to be rid of all the data.

    this.resetForm ([fldNamePrefix]);

    Counter table for fields found calendar init.

    var calFldsCnt = 0;

    Table for the fields found unusable copied calendar.

    var aCvcIntakeCalFlds = [];

    var pageCnt = this.numPages - 1;

    Loop through all areas.

    for (var i = 0; i)

    var f = this.getField (this.getNthFieldName (i));

    var aNameSlice =".");

    Find that all copied calendar template-renamed fields and register names in the table.

    If ((aNameSlice [1] == "cvcIntake" && aNameSlice [2] == "FR_00000_CALENDARBUTTON_fld") |) ((aNameSlice [1] == "cvcIntake" && aNameSlice [2] == "FR_00000_Calendar"))) {

    aCvcIntakeCalFlds [calFldsCnt] =;

    calFldsCnt ++;


    Ignore the fields of model-renamed.

    } ElseIf (aNameSlice [1] == 'cvcIntake') {}



    Find other fields that buttons calaendar to create the copy of the new page.

    If (aNameSlice [0] == 'FR_00000_Calendar') {}

    var calFieldsName = aNameSlice [0] + '. ' + aNameSlice [1];

    var calField = this.addField (calFieldsName, f.type, pageCnt, f.rect);

    var t = this.getField (calFieldsName);

    Copy without function proprties of the calendar page 0 fields.

    for (var p in f) {}

    try {}

    If (typeof f [p]! = 'function') {}

    If (p! = 'name': p! = 'page' | p! = "rect" | p! = 'type') {}

    t [p] = f [p];



    } catch (e) {}


    By default all to hidden.

    t.Display = display.hidden;

    Define the 'CalendarMonth' elements because they are on page 0.

    If (aNameSlice [1] == 'CalendarMonth') {}

    var aMonths = new Array (["January", "1"],)

    ['February', '2'],

    ['March', '3'],

    ['April', '4'],

    ["Can", "5"],

    ['June', '6'].

    ['July', '7'],

    ['Augustus', '8'],

    ['September', '9'],

    ['October', '10'],

    ['November', '11'],

    (["December", "12"]) ;

    t.setItems (aMonths);


    Copy button captions.

    If (f.type = 'button') {}

    t.buttonSetCaption (f.buttonGetCaption ());


    Action game for all the "Day_X" of the calendar fields.

    If (calFieldsName.indexOf ("Day_") > 0) {}

    t.setAction ("MouseUp","FormRouter_SetCurrentDate ( ());");



    Find calendar buttons page 0 and making new copies of the page.

    If (aNameSlice [0] == 'FR_00000_CALENDARBUTTON_fld') {}

    var calButtonName = "FR_00000_CALENDARBUTTON_P" + pageCnt + ".." cvcIntake.fld.' + aNameSlice [1];

    var calButton = this.addField (calButtonName, f.type, pageCnt, f.rect);

    var t = this.getField (calButtonName);

    Copy without function proprties 0 calendar of page buttons.

    for (var p in f) {}

    try {}

    If (typeof f [p]! = 'function') {}

    If (p! = 'name': p! = 'page' | p! = "rect" | p! = 'type') {}

    t [p] = f [p];



    } catch (e) {}


    Get the icon copy button.

    t.buttonSetIcon (f.buttonGetIcon ());

    Set up the name of the variable for the action of the button calling the activation of the calendar.

    var dateFieldName = pageCnt + 'P' + '. '. cvcIntake.fld.' + aNameSlice [1];

    t.setAction ("MouseUp", "FormRouter_PlaceCalendar (getField (" + "\" "+ dateFieldName +"-""+"), 1, \"mm\/dd\/yyyy\ ", 0);'");



    Go through the array of captured fields not in use a copy model calendar and buttons, deletion of page.

    for (i = 0; i<=aCvcIntakeCalFlds.length;>

    this.removeField (aCvcIntakeCalFlds [i]);


    Go to the new page

    this.pageNum = pageCnt;

  • For Adobe 10 date picker

    From the little research I've done, there is no function in Adobe 10 date picker.  I tried to find some sort of plug-in/Add-on-it/something in this sense, if I can include a date picker in a form adobe I'll put in place.  As I understand it, the jQuery widget is used for web pages is not good, unless of course, I misunderstood that.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

    Have a look here:

  • Date picker - strange behavior?

    Hi all

    I'm playing with a system of reservation and thought, a date picker could suit my needs.

    Each 'series' opening scene button (makes visible) the same DateChooser component and what is the

    Click on frame 1 script code provides the data in a dynamic text box (code at the end of this post).

    My problem is when you click on the date in the 'calendar', the info is delivered to a dynamic text box and it displays

    in one of the two apparently random formats (see photo) that is with or "GMT + 0100" on the end of the string.

    So my question is how can I handle / manipulate / control the formatting of the data?
    I ideally want it presented like this: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 (with NO time included).

    NB - the 'game' on the left and the 'am' on the right are just buttons and graphics on my scene.


    All and any help / advice / links tutorials much apprecited.

    Best wishes


    Code of the button "set":

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    on (release) {}
    calendar_dc._visible = 1
    Quando = 1;

    chronology (image1) code:

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    var dcListener:Object = new Object();
    dcListener.change = {function (evt_obj:Object)}
    var thisDate:Date =;

    If (_root.quando == 1) {}
    Date1 = thisDate;
    } Else if (_root.quando == 2) {}
    date2 = thisDate;
    } Else if (_root.quando == 3) {}
    Date3 = thisDate;
    } Else if (_root.quando == 4) {}
    Date4 = thisDate;
    } Else if (_root.quando == 5) {}
    Date.5 = thisDate;

    calendar_dc._visible = 0;

    calendar_dc.addEventListener ("change", dcListener);

    use:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    var monthA:Array = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", etc...];  Use any format you want

    var dcListener:Object = new Object();
    dcListener.change = {function (evt_obj:Object)}
    var d: Date =;

    "var thisDate:String=d.getDay() + ' ' + monthA [d.getMonth ()] + ' '+ d.getDate ();

    If (_root.quando == 1) {}
    Date1 = thisDate;
    } Else if (_root.quando == 2) {}
    date2 = thisDate;
    } Else if (_root.quando == 3) {}
    Date3 = thisDate;
    } Else if (_root.quando == 4) {}
    Date4 = thisDate;
    } Else if (_root.quando == 5) {}
    Date.5 = thisDate;

    calendar_dc._visible = 0;

    calendar_dc.addEventListener ("change", dcListener);

  • Calendar does not when you choose in the date picker

    Hi guys,.

    I hope someone can help.

    I have a calendar on Page 2. This calendar contains a date picker (P2_CALENDAR_DATE) that allows that a user to select a date, and then the calendar updates with the selected date.

    The problem is that the format of date selectors P2_CALENDAR_DATE, it's not how we want to what he (YYYYMMDDD) so we changed to (DDMMYYYY). The problem is when we submit page update the calendar does not allow for this format.

    So I guess my question is, where is the process that updates the calendar according to the date (im assuming that it's built in).

    Thanks in advance!



    Hi Spam,

    ApEx integrated processes that allow the movement around a calendar expect the calendar date format is YYYYMMDD, so you don't want to mess around with the format of P2_CALENDAR_DATE. There is a way around this:

    (1) start with get parameters of P2_CALENDAR_DATE back to the way they were created. Back to a hidden field and set the format to YYYYMMDD (remember the format specified in the item parameter by default as well).

    (2) create a new date picker item, call P2_PICK_DATE for example. The date of this item to DDMMYYYY format.

    (3) create a "print" button if you don't already have one that submits the page with the entry P2_PICK_DATE.

    (4) create a sur-soumettre PL/SQL conditional processes when you press your button 'print', with the following code:


    Therefore, when the user enters / picks a date in P2_PICK_DATE and clicks "go", this process is triggered which will convert the date chosen in ApEx format expected and store it in P2_CALENDAR_DATE. During the updating of the agenda, it will be on the selected date.

    Hope this helps,

    If you find this information useful, please do not forget to mark the 'useful' or 'correct' post so that others benefit as well.

  • Question of the calendar date Picker

    For the last few days I am looking for a way to integrate a date picker in my php (developed with Dreamweaver CS5) page /Calendar (such as those that travel agencies have for example) which allows a user to enter a text entry field the date or if he or she chooses to click on a button that displays a calendar (if all goes well aligned on the text field) - the user must be able to Click on a given date: action that triggers the dissapearance of the calendar and the selected date to be included in the text field: this seems pretty basic - but for some reason I can't find a widget to something that works this way.

    Any help is appreciated.


    Loving jQuery!

    There is also an extension to Adobe Dreamweaver Exchange [HERE]

    But I did have the chance to test this one and some of the extensions are a little outdated and IE8 - so test to be sure.

    I hope this helps!

    Lawrence * Adobe Community Professional *.
    All Shopping Cart Adobe Dreamweaver

    Stay up to date - friend, follow and bookmark!

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