Dates of publication and approval of in-app purchases

We have a multi-folio with right and subscription itunes application. My questions are regarding the folio publication dates and approval of in-app purchases for unique folios.

Let's say that you want the date of publication of your folio February to 04/02/2013. This date is important because we want to make sure that, regardless of how a subscription was purchased the first number is the same. If you buy one registered 04/02/2013 by Apple fulfillment or the system our company to purchase your first folio system should be the February issue.

As far as I know, a folio must be published in order for Apple to review as part of the in-app purchase approval process. So what happens when you publish a folio on 04/02/2013, but it is not yet approved for an exemplary one in-app purchase? It is available for the subscribers of the law? Others see the folio but can not buy? And above all, is there a way to make the folio available to Apple for review before 04/02/2013 and not for the users of the application?

Try to submit the app first purchase without publishing the folio. If Apple approves, as they have done with many customers, you don't need to worry about the time. Simply submit that in-app purchases in advance and publish folios when ready.

If Apple does not approve, you might play a little game to publish the folio of detail as public and submitting the in-app purchase. When Apple approves, change the status of folio in private until it is ready to publish. Then re - publish the folio when ready.

Tags: Digital Publishing Suite

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    So, I would be extremely grateful for any help or lights.

    Greetings from the Germany,

    Der Bäcker Scholz

    You select and submit it?

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    In-app purchase is only for the issue of retail sales.

    You can publish free folios of dashboard DPS, which will automatically appear in app Live.

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    Correct, assuming that the entry in-app for the second folio purchase has already been approved by Apple.


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    Hello world

    I frequently import XML files into InDesign. The XML structure always contains the following, among others:

    start date

    start time

    end date

    end time

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    21.08.2013, 25.08.2013, 09:00-18:00

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    21.08.2013, 09:00 - 18:00

    Is it possible to do it through GREP?

    Thanks in advance!

    This will do


    // By Trevor
    app.doScript("formatDates ()", ScriptLanguage.javascript, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "GREP: date/time search and replace");
    function formatDates ()
            app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
            app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\\d\\d\r\\d\\d:\\d\\d\r\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\\d\\d\r(?=\\d\\d:\\d\\d\r)";
            var doc = app.activeDocument,
                  dateFinds = doc.findGrep(),
                  l = dateFinds.length, dates;
            while (l--)
                    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "(\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\\d\\d)";
                    dates = dateFinds[l].findGrep();
                    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "(\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\\d\\d)\r(\\d\\d:\\d\\d)\r(\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\.\\d\\d\\d\\d)\r";
                    if (dates[0].contents == dates[1].contents) app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = "$1 $2 - ";
                    else app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = "$1 $2 - $3 ";
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    Thank you


    Apple approves the in-app purchases based on the Description and screenshots. You can create breakthroughs in-App purchases and that you do not ready for sale to the date of publication.

  • In-App purchase issue

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    Here's my source, my main.qml of my application file code:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.platform 1.0
    import com.sample.payment 1.0
    TabbedPane {
        id: tabbedPane
        property variant payment
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            id: appMenu
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "About"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_info.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Contact Us"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_email.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        emailInvocation.query.uri = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Shopping For eBay App: Contact"
                ActionItem {
                    id: upgradeAction
                    title: "Remove Ads"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_clear_list.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        if (tabbedPane.payment) {
                            /* replace the values in quotes "" below with the values from
                             * your vendor account for this application's add-on. */
                   = "{REMOVED}"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.sku = "{REMOVED}"
                   = "Remove Ads"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.metadata = "Purchasing this will remove the adverts!"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.getPrice(, payment.mPaymentControl.sku);
                            payment.mPaymentControl.purchase(, payment.mPaymentControl.sku,, payment.mPaymentControl.metadata)
                    attachedObjects: [
                        // Definition to hold the PaymentControl so it is only created when neccesary
                        ComponentDefinition {
                            id: paymentdef
                            Container {
                                id: payContainer
                                onCreationCompleted: {
                                    console.log("Payment Definition Created - Checking for Existing Purchases")
                                property alias mPaymentControl: paymentControl
                                attachedObjects: [
                                    PaymentServiceControl {
                                        id: paymentControl
                                        property string pid
                                        property string sku
                                        property string name
                                        property string metadata
                                        // Play receipt animation on purchase response
                                        onPurchaseResponseSuccess: {
                                            cpp.saveValueFor("removedAds", "23");
                                            root.removedAds = 23;
                                            console.log("purchaseResponse - " + receiptString)
                                        onInfoResponseError: {
                                            console.log("Purchase Error - " + errorCode + " - " + errorText)
                                        onExistingPurchasesResponseSuccess: {
                                            if (receiptsString == "(No purchases)") {
                                                console.log("existing unable to find receipt")
                                            } else {
                                                console.log("existing receiptString - " + receiptsString)
                                                cpp.saveValueFor("removedAds", "23");
                                                root.removedAds = 23;
                                            console.log("existingPurchaseResponse Success - " + receiptsString)
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Share App"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_share.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                ActionItem {
                    title: "More Apps"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_buy.png"
                    onTriggered: {
            attachedObjects: [
                Sheet {
                    id: aboutSheet
                    About {
                Invocation {
                    id: invokeShare
                    query {
                        mimeType: "text/plain"
                        data: qsTr("Get your shopping done easily on your #BlackBerry10 with 'Shopping For eBay'; check it out in @BlackBerry World:")
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.SHARE"
                Invocation {
                    id: invokebb
                    query {
                        mimeType: "text/html"
                        uri: "appworld://vendor/64825/"
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.OPEN"
                Invocation {
                    id: emailInvocation
                    query.mimeType: "text/plain"
                    query.invokeTargetId: ""
                    query.invokeActionId: "bb.action.SENDEMAIL"
                    onArmed: {
        showTabsOnActionBar: false
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Home") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
            imageSource: "IMG/101.Home.png"
            NavigationPane {
                id: navigationPane0
                Page {
                    onCreationCompleted: {
                        root.removedAds = parseInt(cpp.getValueFor("removedAds", ""))
                        if (root.removedAds != 23) {
                            tabbedPane.payment = paymentdef.createObject(navigationPane0);
                        } else {
                            console.log("Not Creating Payment Definition, User has Already Paid To Remove Ads")
                    id: page1
                    //actionBar actions
                    //Title bar
                    Container {
                        id: root
                        property int removedAds
                        onRemovedAdsChanged: {
                            if (removedAds == 23) {
                                myAds.visible = false
                                myAds2.visible = false
                        Container {
                            id: myAds
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                            layout: StackLayout {
                            MyAds {
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                topPadding: 15.0
                        Container {
                            layout: DockLayout {
                            // To enable scrolling in the WebView, it is put inside a ScrollView.
                            ScrollView {
                                id: scrollView
                                scrollViewProperties.overScrollEffectMode: OverScrollEffectMode.None
                                // We let the scroll view scroll in both x and y and enable zooming,
                                // max and min content zoom property is set in the WebViews onMinContentScaleChanged
                                // and onMaxContentScaleChanged signal handlers.
                                scrollViewProperties {
                                    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
                                    pinchToZoomEnabled: true
                            } // ScrollView// A progress indicator that is used to show the loading status
                            Container {
                                bottomPadding: 25
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                                ProgressIndicator {
                                    id: progressIndicator
                                    opacity: 0.0
                    } // End of container
        } //End of first tab
    } //End of tabbedPane

    Any help and advice in this regard would be greatly appricated.

    Thanks in advance!

    If you test using a sandbox past purchases account cannot be restored. Purchases made with a sandbox account did not get connected to the server, so if you try to restore (ex after you remove and then re - install the app even) then no purchase will be returned.

    You can test your rollback logic with purchases in the same session of the app: open the app, make a purchase, try a restore, all this without closing the application.

    The only other option would be to remove your account from the sandbox and try buying using real $$

  • Unable to do "in app purchase".

    Hello, Apple, I use to make in-app purchase before but now, for some reason, I can't even make any purchase in game. Can you please help me with it?

    I recommend you to close all your applications by double clicking the home button and sliding upward on all screens, then now the lock and the "home" button until the device turns off, then the Apple logo appears. Once you see the logo release the buttons. Then I recommend to enter your institution and the signature of your Apple ID and then insert it again. Now, try and see if in-app purchases work. If this isn't the case, I recommend you back up your device and then restore it in iTunes.

    I hope this helps!

  • "In App Purchase feature is not present in your binary."

    Our application was rejected twice now by iTunes.

    The first time we presented as an application multi-folio, with in-app purchases/non-consommables/0 layer $ price.  Told us that app in the purchase was not present in the binary file.

    " We found that, while you have submitted products In App Purchase for your application, the In App Purchase feature is not present in your binary.

    If you want to use to buy the App in your application, you will need to download a new binary that incorporates the in App purchase API to allow users to make a purchase

    Once you edit and resubmit your binary file, you also have to resubmit your in-App purchases for review, because they are in the State developer Action required. For each product in the IPA pointed out, please be sure to change the information in detail or to cancel the request to change the information in detail for App purchases using iTunes Connect. »

    We resubmitted as an application multi-folio with subscription iTunes, newsstand has enabled, with and without subscription in-app purchases / free. Yet once again, we have been rejected and said that app in the purchase was not present in the binary file.

    We try to understand what we're doing wrong and Apple was not much help.

    Bottom line, we want to offer our monthly magazine free of charge via the iOS app, just as we in the Google game store? Can anyone point us in the right direction?

    Don't implement everything in-app purchase in iTunes. Just post your public/free content in Folio Producer.


  • retail in-app purchases and the apple approval process

    Hi, I would like to clarify and discuss a workflow for the presentation of the folios of the retail and apple application approval process. When you submit in-app for download purchase at retail how to let team demonstration/test purchase app from apple? Since the in-app purchase is not yet approved and I publish in the public Manager of folio + purchase, it will not be displayed in library view. Apple first approve/activate the ID of the product before the test? How apple examines this folio at retail?

    Apple first approve/activate the ID of the product before the test?

    Yes, it is recommended to present an in-app purchase with a demo of screenshot of the question in advance. Apple customers in-app purchases based on metadata and the screenshot. Most of the publishers get a lot of in-app purchases pre-approved to avoid problems closer to the date of publication.

  • Finance App on windows 8, the tiles of the watchlist are not up-to-date ive uninstalled and reinstalled can anyone help

    Finance App on windows 8, the tiles of the watchlist are not up-to-date ive uninstalled and reinstalled can anyone help

    Hi Denise,

    I suggest you try to do a system restore to an earlier point of time before the problem occurred. Check the link and see if it helps:

    How to restore, refresh or reset your PC

    Let us know if it helps.

  • Date of Publication of Folio

    I want to download 2 years ' worth of issues on the back of the organizer of Folio producer and make them go live automatically without lifting me a finger.

    If I have an in-app purchase which is approved by Apple and is on sale, but the publication date is not until 90 days from now, it will always show upward?

    If you want them to go live without lifting a finger, you can use our scheduled publishing feature. Note, however, that you can schedule only a release up to a week in advance. If you have the value of a year of content you will need to open a session whenever it's time to publish this content and press publish.


  • You can use Windows Explorer (in Windows XP) to view my files according to their DATE OF PUBLICATION (rather than the date of creation or modification).

    I have a lot of cuts in MY Documents. They are variously in format (TXT, WORD, and PDF). Using Windows Explorer, I know exactly how to display these documents based on their date of creation or update. But how to display these documents based on their release date.

    (1) there must be a way to set "date of publication" as a property of TXT, Word, and PDF files.

    (2) there must be a way to display in chronological order the files in Windows Explorer - not according to their creation or modification date, but according to their date of publication.

    Can someone please? Maybe someone write an essay with many historical sources can feel my pain. I was playing with MS Word properties and trying to create custom, attributes but so far I still did not understand how to format a) correctly a new attribute for b) search for this custom in Windows Explorer or the Publication Date attribute.

    In short, I want to see all my files, because they have been published so that I can have a "timeline of events" outcome of saved newspaper clippings.

    Name/rename the files with numbers on the front of the file name; for example, 01-11-2009 - historicaldocument1.doc, 02-13-1957 - historicaldocument2.doc. There is no way for Windows can read the text of a file whether it refers to the great Chicago Fire what on such and such a date.

    If you are doing historical research, you can check on some forums/newsgroup user on your particular area to see if other people use the documents management software. It would be the best way to go. MS - MVP - Elephant Boy computers - don't panic!

  • Multi-Folio: presentation and approval

    My project gave the go ahead as we approach launch.

    I read the accompanying Adobe edition for iPad Guide, searched the forum and google but found no answers about how a multi-folio application is submitted and approved. I understand that an application multi-folio is a feature of Adobe DPS based on a shell/container library application. The viewer multi-folio get app submitted to Apple? If Yes, do I need to do a layout for it (use a professional license)?

    Is there a step by step guide that I missed the details of the creation and submission of an application multi-folio?

    Thank you


    You must submit this application to Apple, but you must also ensure some content available to be downloaded immediately for review. You can have your first edition as free and public or maybe a sample problem.

  • Download and install the CC Apps / / new membership


    I am a new Member in creative cloud. I have one full year membership. I would like to download and install programs, but unfortunetly the desktop app CC tells me, that programs are already installed and implemented.

    Well, it is not true, they are not, there is no installation.

    I need help - how do I install them? What I am doing wrong?

    It seems pretty stupid to me, but I'm really not a stupid person. When I go to download CC site and try to download apps, it tells me the same. See screenshot. I have no possibility to download any file.

    I would be really grateful for some support!

    Thank you very much!

    Best wishes


    Bildschirmfoto 2013-09-25 um 18.55.48.png

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