Determine the size of each Dimension of an array of 2D in TestStand

How can I determine the size of each dimension of an array of 2D in TestStand?  myArray.GetNumElements () refers to the TOTAL number of elements in the table (2D) and does not help me.  I need to iterate on a single dimension.

Thank you


GetUpperBounds are but just not in this context. Try something like the following...

Locals.MyDimensions = Locals.MyArray.Type.ArrayDimensions.GetUpperBounds)

Where Locals.MyArray represents the 2D table you want dimensions of and Locals.MyDimensions is a 1 d array to store the dimensions. Something like...

Locals.MyArray.Type.ArrayDimensions.GetUpperBounds () [0]

... might work as well, this example returns the number of elements in the first dimension of Locals.MyArray.

Kind regards

Steven Zittrower

Technical sales engineer

National Instruments

Tags: NI Software

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    Take a look at the net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics class

    To determine the size of the screen use the static methods:

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    Graphics.getScreenHeight ();

    To determine the resolution of the screen in pixels per meter (PPM), use the following static methods:

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    Graphics.getScreenVerticalResolution ();

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            lbl.widthProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>(){
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            lbl.heightProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>(){
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    After the third change, I have the dimensions of the label. With this method, I would have to push all of the text in labels to figure out what can be displayed.

    Is there a better way to do it?

    My basic problem was with the size of the labels. Try to find a solution I had a look at LabelSkinBase which uses the Utils class in the same package. This class provides methods (although private package) to calculate the size of the text that results from:

    static Text helper = new Text();
    static double computeTextWidth(Font font, String text, double wrappingWidth) {
      // Note that the wrapping width needs to be set to zero before
     // getting the text's real preferred width.
      double w = Math.min(helper.prefWidth(-1), wrappingWidth);
      return Math.ceil(helper.getLayoutBounds().getWidth());
    static double computeTextHeight(Font font, String text, double wrappingWidth) {
      return computeTextHeight(font, text, wrappingWidth, 0);
    static double computeTextHeight(Font font, String text, double wrappingWidth, double lineSpacing) {
      return helper.getLayoutBounds().getHeight();
    static int computeTruncationIndex(Font font, String text, double width) {
      // The -2 is a fudge to make sure the result more often matches
      // what we get from using computeTextWidth instead. It's not yet
      // clear what causes the small discrepancies.
      Bounds bounds = helper.getLayoutBounds();
      Point2D endPoint = new Point2D(width - 2, bounds.getMinY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2);
      return helper.impl_hitTestChar(endPoint).getCharIndex();

    With that, I am able to determine the amount of text can be put into the label, without the chain of ellipsis appears.

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            private var _imgCategory:Image = new Image();
            private var _lblTitle:Label = new Label();
            private var _matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
            private var _sprBackgroundColor:Sprite = new Sprite();
            private var _tfmtTitle:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
            public function HeaderContainer()
                margins = Vector.([5,5,5,5]);
                debugColor = 0xCCCCCC; // grey
                flow = ContainerFlow.HORIZONTAL;
                align = ContainerAlign.NEAR;
                size = MyConstants.HEADER_SIZE;
                sizeUnit = SizeUnit.PERCENT;
            public function initializeUI() : void
                with (_sprBackgroundColor)
                    x = y = 0;
                    graphics.beginFill(0x0000FF, 1);
                    graphics.drawRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);

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