Discussion of competitor Manager

When the size of the Cache is a default size and sleep is 30 seconds (I didn't consider Cache here)

-> Suggests actual and target processes are 15.

When the simultaneous handler function wakes up after 30 seconds, it picks up 15 concurrent request and starts to run those applications and go to sleep. If these 15 applications processed in 10 seconds, CM will not select other applications that are present. Once he wakes up after 30 seconds, it will pick up further and starts processing.

Suppose that when the Manager wakes, he 50 requests made at the time. How application manager will resume and what would be the State of other applications?

I think I understand: all 50 requests will be in Normal condition pending once submitted. When Manager wakes it pick up 15 applications and start running them.

What will be the immediate status of concurrent application once it is submitted. Corresponding Manager is in place and works very well. (Normal standby)

Please correct if I am wrong.

PL show details of the operating system, database and versions EBS

944988 wrote:
When the size of the Cache is a default size and sleep is 30 seconds (I didn't consider Cache here)

---> Suggests actual and target processes are 15.

When the simultaneous handler function wakes up after 30 seconds, it picks up 15 concurrent request and starts to run those applications and go to sleep. If these 15 applications processed in 10 seconds, CM will not select other applications that are present. Once he wakes up after 30 seconds, it will pick up further and starts processing.



Suppose that when the Manager wakes, he 50 requests made at the time. How application manager will resume and what would be the State of other applications?

I think I understand: all 50 requests will be in Normal condition pending once submitted. When Manager wakes it pick up 15 applications and start running them.



What will be the immediate status of concurrent application once it is submitted. Corresponding Manager is in place and works very well. (Normal standby)

Please correct if I am wrong.



Tags: Oracle Applications

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    Any kind of help would be very appreciated.

    Thank you


    Check the trace file in the database alert log file and if the error matches of (simultaneous treatment - ORA-00060: Deadlock detected - UPDATED FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES (Doc ID 866298.1)), you must apply the hotfix mentioned in the doc.

    Thank you


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    Platform: AIX 5.3

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    9i DB

    I have sought a response on this forum and blogs, but he could not understand how to solve this problem.

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    When you start the application startup script:

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    You run adcmctl.sh version 115.19

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    Commissioning ORACLE RDBMS Version:

    Parameters of the system with default values:

    _trace_files_public = TRUE

    process = 800

    sessions = 885


    shared_pool_size = 301989888


    _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc = 4100

    JAVA_POOL_SIZE = 67108864

    enqueue_resources = 32000

    nls_language = American

    nls_territory = America

    nls_sort = binary


    nls_numeric_characters =.,.

    nls_comp = binary

    nls_length_semantics = BYTE

    control_files = oradata/proddata/cntrl01.dbf, oradata2/data/cntrl02.dbf, /oradata/proddata/cntrl03.dbf

    db_block_checksum = TRUE

    DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192

    db_cache_size = 167772160

    compatible = 9.2.0

    log_buffer = 10485760

    log_checkpoint_interval = 100000

    log_checkpoint_timeout = 1200

    DB_FILES = 512

    db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8

    log_checkpoints_to_alert = TRUE

    dml_locks = 10000

    row_locking = always


    undo_tablespace = APPS_UNDOTS1

    undo_suppress_errors = FALSE


    db_block_checking = FALSE

    max_enabled_roles = 100


    session_cached_cursors = 200

    UTL_FILE_DIR = / usr/tmp, /oratech/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/PROD_clodb


    _system_trig_enabled = TRUE


    parallel_min_servers = 0


    background_dump_dest = /oratech/proddb/9.2.0/admin/PROD_clodb/bdump

    user_dump_dest = /oratech/proddb/9.2.0/admin/PROD_clodb/udump

    max_dump_file_size = 20480

    core_dump_dest = /oratech/proddb/9.2.0/admin/PROD_clodb/cdump

    optimizer_features_enable = 9.2.0

    db_name = PROD

    open_cursors = 600

    iFile = /oratech/proddb/9.2.0/dbs/PROD_clodb_ifile.ora

    SQL_Trace = FALSE

    _sort_elimination_cost_ratio = 5

    _b_tree_bitmap_plans = FALSE

    _fast_full_scan_enabled = FALSE

    optimizer_max_permutations = 2000

    query_rewrite_enabled = true

    _index_join_enabled = FALSE

    _sqlexec_progression_cost = 2147483647

    _like_with_bind_as_equality = TRUE

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    aq_tm_processes = 1

    olap_page_pool_size = 4194304

    PMON started with pid = 2

    DBW0 started with pid = 3

    LGWR started with pid = 4

    CKPT started with pid = 5

    SMON started with pid = 6

    RECCE has started with pid = 7

    CJQ0 started with pid = 8

    QMN0 started with pid = 9

    Sun Mar 23 18:10:09 2014


    Sun Mar 23 18:10:13 2014

    Mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 254776577.

    Sun Mar 23 18:10:13 2014

    Database mounted in exclusive Mode.


    Sun Mar 23 18:10:13 2014


    Sun Mar 23 18:10:15 2014

    Thread 1 is open to the sequence of journal 9194

    Currently Journal # 2 seq # 9194 mem # 0: /oradata/proddata/log02a.dbf

    Currently Journal # 2 seq # 9194 mem # 1: /orada

    Where should I start in order to solve this problem.

    I don't know why are you fndsm missing entry tns. AutoConfig should have created the tnsnames.ora with this entry.

    Assuming that the architecture you have is

    clodb - only db level

    cloapp - applications (cm, forms, apache)

    1. check if you have the correct entry for FNDSM_CLOAPP_PROD tns in tnsnames.ora on the application tier

    2. make sure that apps listener is running

    If it does not, the cleaner way than it would be to:

    1. stop all application services

    2. run exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean (); only applications

    3. run autoconfig on dbtier

    4. run autoconfig on level apps

    Check fnd_nodes, you should have entries for the nodes and the check tnsnames.ora, should have entered correct tns.

    5 start services.

    Thank you


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    Thank you!


    Use FNDLOAD.

    Note: 247126.1 - 510 AOL:How to download application definition Set from a single Instance and Upload on another Instance

    Note: 375031.1 - FNDLOAD does not load the stages of an application set

    Note: 371603.1 - why FNDLOAD not download all the data when it is called with the ID query sets?

    Kind regards

  • Issue of competitor Manager

    Is it possible to set up a program to run through simultaneous Manager command line? It is a UNIX-based environment. Thank you

    You can save your program as a hosted executable and then use it to set a simultaneous broadcast. See the developer documentation guide. In addition, be aware of how parameters can be sent and processed by the command line program.

  • Dynamically activate the display/settings - competitor Manager

    Hello gurus, I have 10 parameters for a simultaneous custom program. I want to activate / display of the second parameter if the value of the parameter 1 90 characters long. There is no validation on all the parameters and the values for each parameter sets are not the type of array. Is it achievable? Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, Naveen.

    Yes, it is possible, here's how. I would like to know how it works for you. For more information on relying on special validation value sets, you can check a post about it, I did. Later, I will document this case too with screenshots.

    1. Add a placeholder
    Sequence: between the first and the second parameter
    Value: AR_SRS_NULL - none none posted working, using this all simply because I had to pick a
    Display: N - value it there initially to allow you to test, then you can hide
    Default type: SQL statement
    Default value:


    -FND_CHAR_240 must match the name of the value associated with the first parameter to the value

    2. set a special value for parameter 2
    Name: XXBOL_MY_VSET - any name matches the standards you use
    Format of Validation: required
    Posting type: special
    Click on "edit information".
    Select 'Validate' the LOV and specify the following on the textarea field:

      IF ':$FLEX$.AR_SRS_NULL'  = 'Y' THEN
      END IF;

    3. edit your second parameter to use this newly defined value set.

    4 behavior to be observed at the opening of the settings for your program:
    -Model setting enabled, the value zero
    -Setting 2 off by default
    -Enter a value on the parameter with a different length of 90 1
    -Setting model remains empty, parameter 2 is disabled
    -Enter a value on the parameter length equal to 90 1
    -Model parameter value should change to Y
    -Parameter 2 must be enabled

    Published by: unusual Cuauhtemoc on 5 June 2013 13:28
    -Modified code to put in the form to make it more readable

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    Step by step how to check the internal operations, Manager of competitor status in Oracle Apps R12 of front end and how to start their.

    Richa says:
    Step by step how to check the internal operations, Manager of competitor status in Oracle Apps R12 from front end

    Simultaneous treatment - platform generic competitor Manager Questions / answers [ID 105133.1]

    and how to start the

    (1) using the adcmctl.sh (from the backend)
    (2) using the button Activate (from front) - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18727_01/doc.121/e12893/T174296T174302.htm#4334248

    Thank you

  • Manager node of competitor name question

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    Recently one of the EBS 11i ( + RHEL 4.7) node (node VM) has been cloned to another node. So I had to change the cloned application host name. I followed the link meta notes 338003.1 and 341322.1. I changed the host name successfully and able to access the application as well. When I check the status of the concurrent process manager, its real-1 display and target-1. B * c the problem is that some of the process node name shows the name of the previous node (the name of the node where cloned). * for output example node name Post Processor shows the previous and his status showing real - 0 and target - 1. Please let me know why this has happened and also how can I solve this problem?

    Thank you

    Run the cmclean.sql script according to the (simultaneous treatment - CMCLEAN. SQL - Non destructive Script own competitor Manager tables [134007.1 ID]) and then check.

    If you still have the same problem, update FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES table (column TARGET_NODE) - troubleshooting the "error occurred while attempting to establish a connection to the server file Applications" [117012.1 ID]

    See also (simultaneous treatment - CCM.sql Script of diagnosis to diagnose the problems of Common competitor Manager [171855.1 ID]).

    Thank you

  • Competitor number Manager

    Database and applications are on the same node.

    I copied the appstier/PROD /appshome / * and dbtier/orahome/PROD / * cold daughter backup from node A b with at the same place as in the node a. I also have the same user at node B that are owner of /appshome and /orahome so, I put the same IP address to B, who is A.After this application and connect all the users successfully , but after the filing of the application the application always goes to the State idle nomanager, it happens with any author's request.

    After that, I checked the listener to apps
    [prod1@uat1 scripts]$ adalnctl.sh status apps/*****

    adalnctl.sh version 120.3

    Checking status for listener process APPS_UAT.

    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 25-AUG-2011 23:57:58

    Copyright (c) 1991, 2004, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=uat1)(Port=1626))
    Alias                     APPS_UAT
    Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    Start Date                25-AUG-2011 23:52:33
    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 5 min. 25 sec
    Trace Level               off
    Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
    SNMP                      OFF
    Listener Parameter File   /appshome/PROD/inst/apps/UAT_uat1/ora/10.1.2/network/admin/listener.ora
    Listener Log File         /appshome/PROD/inst/apps/UAT_uat1/logs/ora/10.1.2/network/apps_uat.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
      (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=*<--------------------------------------------here it shows why not ip of its node*Services Summary...
    Service "FNDFS" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "FNDFS", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "FNDSM" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "FNDSM", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully

    adalnctl.sh: exiting with status 0

    adalnctl.sh: check the logfile /appshome/PROD/inst/apps/UAT_uat1/logs/appl/admin/log/adalnctl.txt for more information ...
    (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST= (PORT = 1626))) * <-here it shows, why not its node ip *.

    tnsping is also a failure.
    [prod1@uat1 admin]$ tnsping FNDSM_uat1_uat
    TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 26-AUG-2011 00:01:12
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2003, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=uat1.parazelsus.pk)(PORT=1626)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=FNDSM)))
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
    which goes beyond the question for competitor manager inactive with nomanager State when the request is sent or there may be another issue please help.

    Salvation; localhost.localdomain localhost uat1

    Please edit your sub file/etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost

    Current AFPEIM met

    To see the error:
    Log file ICM shows "CONC-SM TNS FAIL", "Call to PingProcess failed" or "the call to StopProcess failed" to FNDCPGSC/FNDOPP [1312632.1 ID]
    Simultaneous treatment - TNS CONC-SM FAIL in the log inner competitor Manager (ICM) with the Configuration of the virtual hosts [ID 961216.1]

    See also:
    Emails are not received by using simultaneous delivery Option while submitting request in R12.1.3 [ID 1339491.1]

    Respect of

  • How to assign request to the Manager of competitor Custom

    Dear all,
    How to assign the query to execute in competitor Custom Manager



    Pelase check:
    How to create and Custom competitor Manager [ID 250755.1]

    For other notes too see Hussein great snoussi previous post
    Re: create new custom simultaneous Manager

    Respect of

  • Manager of competitor (Post Processor output) down


    EBS 11i
    RHEL 4.6

    I checked the status of our competitor Manager > output Post Processor

    and the status is real = 0 target = 1

    I run cmclean.sql but still the state changes do not.

    What other solutions for this problem?

    Thank you very much

    Ms. K


    The question is how can I do OPP real status = 1 target = 1 :(
    Its misleading. There is something that I have to clean the data side.

    You have been already requested to check the OPP log file.

    Thank you

  • Where is business manager of focus group

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    Thank you.

    Bill Wagman

    For someone else lost, it's here: Enterprise Manager.

  • Change the name of a manager at Standard Manager

    Hi all

    I just fell on a version of instance (12.1.3) R12 and OS in RHEL Db.

    I check, I see 32 simultaneous internal managers running instead of the Standard Manager. On the deep dive using the short "STANDARD" name, I found that these are actually standards managers who have been appointed as simultaneous internal managers. I'm new to R12. What is the expected way?

    Is it possible to rename them to Standard Manager? If so, is - anyone can share an identifier of note.



    Hi KK,.

    Exactly. And also I noticed that we have not any visible Manager by name "internal concurrent manager." Her by the name "internal manager" that bears the name short as 'FNDICM '.

    Please note that when you go to the competitor > Manager > set, the internal Manager of competitor's name as "Manager internal" (you will not be able to interview as "internal competitor Manager", but rather to the query in the form "House Manager")

    But when you go to the competitor > Manager > manage, you will find it as 'internal competitor Manager'

    Which means internal Manager Manager competitor = internal, but the Manager internal! = Standard Manager

    So, a person who set up this forum by accident named the standard Manager (short name STANDARD) simultaneous Manager inside. I will rename it ' Manager standard. "

    Correct, you will need to fix this!

    Thank you &

    Best regards

  • Increase the number of simultaneous processes of Standard Manager

    Hi guys,.

    How to increase the number of simultaneous processes of Standard Manager from 8 to 12?

    Oracle Applications 11i

    Database 10 g


    Thank you

    It depends on how your system is used (number of users.., the number of applications, number of CMs and process, etc).

    You must try it yourself and see how your application behaves if you notice any performance degradation, so you should be good to keep the new numbering.

    I also suggest to review the following documents.

    Simultaneous treatment - CP Analyzer for E-Business Suite (Doc ID 1411723.1)

    Simultaneous treatment - platform generic competitor Manager Questions / answers (Doc ID 105133.1)

    EBS - technology field - Webcast recording ' E-Business Suite - competitor Manager Performance - best practices"[video] (Doc ID 1367676.1)

    Thank you


  • Question Manager / accumulated simultaneous


    I'm looking to implement a manager of the working day and affect a blood of the working day to run several processes from 06:00 to 19:00.  I know this is supposed to help balance the workload so that the standard Manager is not running everything.

    My question is, how does it balance the workload?  I'm posting on the process of 5 or 6 to use Manager of this day's work, but I'm unable to find documentation as to how this affects the balance so that I can convince my managers that this is a good idea and I'm not just wasting time.

    If anyone has advice on how this works I would be very happy.  (DB 11i, R12 Apps)

    Kind regards



    Please see the links following/docs.

    Simultaneous treatment - platform generic competitor Manager Questions / answers (Doc ID 105133.1)

    EBS - technology field - Webcast recording ' E-Business Suite - competitor Manager Performance - best practices"[video] (Doc ID 1367676.1)

    How to create a competitor Manager custom (Doc ID 170524.1)

    The Oracle Applications system administrator's Guide: definition of managers and their shifts


    Thank you


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