document temporary response API


Hope anyone can shed more light on this issue. When you use the API v4 transientDocument operation I got an answer 200 (OK) but a content of a weird response, instead of a JSON response, I got a text/html

Any help would be most welcome, thank you very much

URL / api/rest/v4/transientDocuments



content-type: text/html

status: 200

x-request-id: 28c593a8-5999-4f08-99d0-e0bf10b4aac7


eyJ0cmFuc2llbnREb2N1bWVudElkIjoiM0FBQUJMYmxxWmhESUluOGV6cHZtZ3NOWDh2TnRlM1JGdVdkNTUzQkhvYm xpTDBVNEFudmwyWjkxdmprcGNYeGVSRFdSMjFtSkluekNTa1poYzFKSjZpcUhGdVR1SndrbE4yYmhBQW9uc1hrMEVm ektrOGFBM01UeUJWOXV2cFZud3h1cS1NY0N6SldjVmk3dF9RbFlMQWFTWXVId005dUhpY3ZaWTcwWTM0aWwyZUg0N1 NzMVNjanAxY3RLelB6RjFhQnJoenA3MzJjY3dUMUxqZmFaS1p6MVQ1cW5uaHhPIn0 =



cache-control: non-cache

content-type: multipart/form-data; Boundary = MultiPartFileBoundary150dde63685

Connection: keep-alive


access token: 3AAABLxxxxxx

original-path: / rest/v4/transientDocuments

content-length: 2793

accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q =. 2

method: POST

user-agent: Java/1.7.0_51

requestUrl: rest/later / transientDocuments

pragma: non-cache


Boundary = MultiPartFileBoundary150dde63685

Content-Disposition: form-data; name = "file name".


Boundary = MultiPartFileBoundary150dde63685

Content-Disposition: form-data; name = 'Mime-Type '.


Boundary = MultiPartFileBoundary150dde63685

Content-Disposition: form-data; name = "file"; File name = 'MyFileName '.

Content-Type: application/pdf

Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMyAwIG9iajw8L0JTPDwvVyAwL1MvUz4 + L0E8PC9VUkkoaHR0cDovL3d3dy5SZXppQm94Lm NvbSkvUy9VUkk + Pi9TdWJ0eXBlL0xpbmsvUmVjdFs4MC4yMSA1NzIuMSAxMzEuMTggNTgyLjgyXT4 + CmVuZG9iago0 IDAgb2JqPDwvQlM8PC9XIDAvUy9TPj4vQTw8L1VSSShodHRwOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUmV6aWJveCkvUy9VUkk + IP 9TdWJ0eXBlL0xpbmsvUmVjdFs5MC4zNCA1NjEuMzggMTMyLjc5IDU3Mi4xXT4 + CmVuZG9iago1IDAgb2JqPDwvQlss ssssssS9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGU + PnN0cmVhbQp4nI1VTU/cMBC9 + 1dMD6itBFM7sfNBLy0CpFaiFSgSh6oH7 66zCeRjyQZoWvW / d + wkm11EWZRD/NZv3jzPeLJ37CRhHCIpMIogWbCzhF2yO8aR + 6GCR + bBV9q / YYLDBfvxk8OC + QF EXFl + yZSK0YtGXIzYD5BLgkTdWm5YGbtmFeWIVRAFwFEFPIzozWMpPGiWTHoQcIl9Bt8q9rAYoRIRxh5hYm6vR1rGU rJtH1KjI344F0DSScqE + 1WQLwhjhUJAUrJ3OGuMvoU/sNJLc + TA0cykdWOOQRePult/hL/vkxtbn2flKHcYROg7tVO jGzi9 + HKQmEpX8w5b + 24xzZt1 + 02X5uBwnxY1RMZO7NpAph8MNGZu8gezgK6 + b8hnVxqS3KcjJAah0. nctnqe9fFvi wLSvNrV6jOs9moGUYjUNquZZLq6tSKgScxUN3XXS65b3YFud4qwauqVadoOZ/d5scirJVa2FG/2pfMletKluzJL3Sz WY/GITM/U4BiD7VgVgoqkvRo29qzUeXEMQ2ikkAu3LSVdMhEoih1gsYE + 3VCCI/kJHMj2qj1vYCIOHjJTFPWnK/M7P 6 l/4bwud4 / + jP + Qzj7cgtlknqNnt30MhTXvCxTRiItt7NmxmOhPoGO/YH8gjhas79krfQc + yv7aJY9525pmYz7m6Es ieBjHzryHYTziYhvbWk/sXeS4/7 c + gf/QSN9CdwYL/EjcuxqLvNa4ovXIh53puZnV9OzmPUQrH8ALn3Hft7XExYYGh UMcjLzWuv3S9p36ThNYp2k + N0AjV9GoQUZTuQbdGLioqwUNZ1vDeZPT6hBiXVqoVmNf7T/AJfsHsYhvPAplbmRzdHJ lYW0KZW5kb2JqCjEgMCBvYmo8PC9QYXJlbnQgNyAwIFIvQ29udGVudHMgNiAwIxxxxxxx8L1Byb2NTZXQgWy9QREYg L1RleHQgL0ltYWdlQiAvSW1hZ2VDIC9JbWFnZUldL0ZvbnQ8PC9GMSAyIDAgUj4 + Pj4vTWVkaWFCb3hbMCAwIDU5NS 4yOCA4NDEuODhdL0Fubm90c1szIDAgUiA0IDAgUiA1IDAgUl0 + PgplbmRvYmoKOCAwIG9iaiA8PC9MZW5ndGggMTcy L0ZpbHRlci9GbGF0ZURlY29kZT4 +. c3RyZWFtCnicdU89C8IwFNzfr7hRl5ikSZuugg6CQyHgIA5iP6TYpJWCf9 + FB3vLuvbvjbqC1JQ6jBDMGtqSNpYIG4ownmcaDJHbh35Lg2NPxxFFSksJwHfkdaZ0zaWZ8m3GSMq4CDNSv9cO60oFc sI1zb2KE1VZASNiaxHQVUBKZESzNYTtaXLwbKzfCO4y kWt + h6 / Rn5sKcmnbGPmvg1ZTr1 + Hl5Qx9lbHwgU9AWiFO3EKZW 5kc3RyZWFtCmVuZG9iago5IDAgb2JqPDwvUGFyZW50IDcgMCBSL0NvbnRlbnRzIDggMCBSL1R5cGUvUGFnZS9SZXNv dXJjZXM8PC9Qcm9jU2V0IFsvUERGIC9UZXh0IC9JbWFnZUIgL0ltYWdlQyAvSW1hZ2VJXS9Gb250PDwvRjEgMiAwIF I + Pj4 + L01lZGlhQm94WzAgMCA1OTUuMjggODQxLjg4XT4 + CmVuZG9iagoyIDAgb2JqPDwvQmFzZUZvbnQvVGltZXMt Um9tYW4vVHlwZS9Gb250L0VuY29kaW5nL1dpbkFuc2lFbmNvZGluZy9TdWJ0eXBlL1R5cGUxPj4KZW5kb2JqCjcgMC BvYmo8PC9UeXBlL1BhZ2VzL0NvdW50IDIvS2lkc1sxIDAgUiA5IDAgUl0 + PgplbmRvYmoKMTAgMCBvYmo8PC9UeXBl L0NhdGFsb2cvUGFnZXMgNyAwIFI + PgplbmRvYmoKMTEgMCBvYmo8PC9Qcm9kdWNlcihpVGV4dCAyLjAuOCBcKGJ5IG xvd2FnaWUuY29tXCkpL01vZERhdGUoRDoyMDE1MTEwNjE3MDIxNlopL0NyZWF0aW9uRGF0ZShEOjIwMTUxMTA2MTcw MjE2Wik + PgplbmRvYmoKeHJlZgoxxxxxxxxOCAwMDAwMCBuIAowMDAwMDAxODYzIDAwMDAwIG4gCnRyYWlsZXIKPDw vUm9vdCAxMCAwIFIvSUQgWzw3Zjk1ZTA4ZGJmMzllMjg3Yzk4NDAzMTE2NTk1M2M1ND48NmRjZmRlMjkxMGY4MTRlN DVlMGU3M2M2MTc3MjFlNmU + XS9JbmZvIDExIDAgUi9TaXplIDEyPj4Kc3RhcnR4cmVmCjE5ODMKJSVFT0YK

Boundary = MultiPartFileBoundary150dde63685



Hi Javier,

I think I was getting the same error. I contacted the support and that's what I was told:

Our engineering team is of the opinion that they found the resolution, I received the information below:

In our last version 8.0, we started to honor the 'text/html' in the HTTP Accept header. This was done to allow some new integrations that awaits a response from text/html. Finance Snap API requests are the following to the Accept header:

accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q =. 2

Thus, the service is honoring the priority of text/html and return in the proper format. Could you please try changing the value of the header in the integration:

Accept: * / *.

This will ensure that we can properly respond to your request of API as well as applications for other integrators.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

I modified my Java code to include the following text:

headers.put (RestApiUtils.HttpHeaderField.Accept.ToString (), "* / *");

Tags: Adobe Sign

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    HI Brandon,.

    If I understand your question, you can run the command on a TC endpoint:

    xcommand booking list

    This will provide information about the meeting, as well as the following line:

    * r BookingsListResult booking 1 role: Master

    If it is not master it will say slave

    Hope that answers your question


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    Hi Marco,.

    To get the Id of the virtual machine in the entity report request, you have the following option: -.

    • Go step by step to VM, in this approach, you have to call according to API
    1. Get all the hierarchies, GET hierarchies--> this response API, get the id of the hierarchy based on the hierarchy name (name of the hierarchy will be same as the name of the Organization to vCloud Director)
    2. Hierarchy of browse, GET /hierarchy/ {hierarchyId} / browse--> this the API response, you get the id of the entity of the root of the hierarchy
    3. Entity to browse, GET /entity/ /hierarchy/ {hierarchyId} {entityId} / browse--> this response from the API, you will GET the ID of the entity for immediate children of the entity of the root of the hierarchy
    4. Go by calling the entity API browse recursively until you reach your desired VM (or entity).

    Please note that travel entity API returns very few details about the entity (name and entity id). If you want to filter your VM (or other entity) based on the name, this might be enough for you.

    But if you want to filter your VM (or other entity) on other criteria, you may need to call ' entity Get GET /entity/ /hierarchy/ {hierarchyId} {entityId} "API for more details on the entity.

    If you to filter the VM (or other entity) based on the attribute custom, you can use the API ' get the attributes of an entity, GET /hierarchy/ {hierarchyId} /entity/ {entityId} / attribute.

    • If the size of your hierarchy is not great (you don't have too many entities in the hierarchy), you can follow the following approach: -.
    1. Get all the hierarchies, GET hierarchies--> this response API, get the id of the hierarchy based on the hierarchy name (name of the hierarchy will be same as the name of the Organization to vCloud Director)
    2. Get hierarchy, GET /hierarchy/ {hierarchyId}--> this response API returns you all entities in the hierarchy with a single blow. Once again very little detail of the entity is returned (name and entity id), if you want to refine your entity on other criteria rather than by name, then you need to use 'Get entity' or 'Get the attributes of the entity year' as explained above.

    Please note that if Director vCloud in vCenter Chargeback hierarchies that are filled automatically, there is a named "vCloudEntityId" located on the rebilling of entities corresponding to entities vCloud Director of custom attributes. The value of the custom attribute "vCloudEntityId" represents the entity type id and the vCloud vCloud Director entity.

    For example, if a TIME named "helloVapp" has id 123456 into vCloud Director. Then in vCenter chargeback the value of the custom attribute "vCloudEntityId" will be "VcloudVappEntity-123456"for this "helloVapp" TIME."

    I hope this helps.


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    Thank you.



    Delphi 7

    Adobe Acrobat Professional 9



    AVDoc: Variant;

    PDDoc: Variant;

    ArqDOC, ArqPDF: OleVariant;

    County: integer;


    ArqDOC: = "c:\temp\test.doc"

    ArqPDF: = 'c:\temp\test.pdf ';


    AVDoc: = CreateOleObject ('AcroExch.AVDoc');

    AVDoc.Open(ArqDOC, '');


    County: = 0;

    While (not AVDoc.IsValid) and (count < 15) don't


    Sleep (1000);

    Inc. (Count);


    If AVDoc.IsValid then


    PDDoc: = AVDoc.GetPDDoc;

    PDDoc.SetInfo ("Title", ");

    PDDoc.SetInfo ("Author", ");

    PDDoc.SetInfo ("Subject", ");

    PDDoc.SetInfo ("Key words", ");

    PDDoc.Save (1 or 4 or 32, ArqPDF);




    AVDoc.Close (False);


    VarClear (PDDoc);

    VarClear (AVDoc);




    The use of AVDoc.Open () on any other than PDF format is not supported.

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    I DO NOT have a Vista dvd/cd so please do not suggest I reinstall.

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    AMD Athlon X 2 Dual-Core QL-65 2.10 GHz

    2.00 GB OF RAM

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    I just give up and hand the thing to someone to reinstall Vista? Can I go directly to Windows 7 instead?

    Thanks for any help

    Free unlimited installation and compatibility support is available for Windows Vista, but only for Service Pack 2 (SP2). This support for SP2 is valid until August 30, 2010.

    Microsoft free support for Vista SP2 at the link above.


    Vista recovery media obtain and/or use the Partition Recovery Vista on your computer to the factory settings .

    There is no Vista free download legal available.

    Contact your computer manufacturer and ask them to send a recovery disk/s Vista set.

    Normally, they do this for a cost of $ small.


    In addition, ask them if you have a recovery Partition on your computer/laptop to restore it to factory settings.

    See if a manual provided with the computer or go to the manufacturer's website, email or you can call for information on how to make a recovery.

    Normally, you have to press F10 or F11 at startup to start the recovery process...

    Another way I've seen on some models is press F8 and go to a list of startup options, and launch a recovery of standards of plant with it, by selecting the repair option.


    Also ask them if it is possible to do the recovery disk/s for the recovery Partition in case of a system Crash or hard drive failure.

    They will tell you how to do this.

    Every computer manufacturer has their own way of making recovery disk/s.


    Or borrow a good Microsoft Vista DVD (not Dell, HP, Acer, recovery disk/s etc).
    A good Vista DVD contains all versions of Vista.
    The product key determines which version of Vista is installed.

    There are 2 disks of Vista: one for 32-bit operating system, and one for 64-bit operating system.

    If install a cleaning is required with a good DVD of Vista (not HP, Dell recovery disks):

    At the startup/power on you should see at the bottom of the screen either F2 or DELETE, go to Setup/Bios or F12 for the Boot Menu

    Go to your Bios/Setup, or the Boot Menu at startup and change the Boot order to make the DVD/CD drive 1st in the boot order, then reboot with the disk in the drive.

    MS advice on the conduct of clean install.

    A tutorial on the use of a clean install

    Super Guide Windows Vista Installation

    After installation > go to the website of the manufacturer of your computer/notebook > drivers and downloads Section > key in your model number > get latest Vista drivers for it > download/install them.


    For any question on Windows 7:

    Link above is Windows 7 Forum for questions on Windows 7.

    Windows 7 questions should be directed to / stationed there.

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

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    I want to try to get rid of my account and delete the other folder, once I have move the files and see if this solves the problem, because I have my own laptop now and I'm about to come out, but I'm afraid the computer could do weird things so my account and the file is deleted.



    I suggest to create a new administrator account and copy the settings of the current administrator account to the new. After that, you can delete your user account. A possible cause of this behavior change the username of the profile.

    Step 1.
    Let us create a new account of ser u with administrator privileges.
    See the link below to create a new user account.
    Create a user account

    Step 2.
    Once the user account is created copy the settings of the current administrator account to the new.
    Refer to the article below for the procedure.
    Difficulty of a corrupted user profile

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you, and in what concerns:
    Shekhar S - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
    If this post can help solve your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

  • Sending data to the web and try again

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    I want to send my bb to my web application data, sometimes the text, sometimes media / other.  I want it will retry connections if it is not complete fully and hold until it does (or timeout after that # attempts then abandon).  If the sending of a photo on the EDGE and connection falls Mid-upload, I want he's trying to take over.  If theres no data connection, save and try again later.  I'm sure that it's simple, but I couldn't find anything in my research.

    Thanks for any help,


    Browse documents of the API, including at the level of the connector, class HttpConnection, CoverageInfo and coverage. Once you are familiar with those, you can get what you want easily.

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    * This question is memory of the Z10 device only Webworks *.

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    We have created several games using HTML5 which has great sound and special effects.  Only problem, is that we have heard that some people have had memory problems with applications Webworks.

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    It worked fine in the Simulator about 3 / 6 times, with the other 3 times drawing a blank screen. We have not tested on a device yet. The game is flowing on the desktop browser 100% of the time.  We assume that failures of loading in the card sim is due to problems of memory?

    What is the total maximum memory allowed use for applications webworks? I heard that it's much lower than native applications.  We have a great game that has been in high demand for awhile now and it is very good for Blackberry players who pay for games - but unfortuntaely I'm not sure if we can publish now.

    There are 10 BlackBerry applications that exceed 1 GB in size and a very high memory usage. based on your numbers I do not plan to be a problem.

    As a general rule, if an application causes the operating system to run out of memory, the operating system will start cleaning things upwards (starting with the offending application) to free up resources. This will result in the application of closing; not a white screen.

    As a general rule, if you see a white screen on startup, it means that there was an error in the JavaScript code when loading.

    Did you by chance has created a debug version and connected Web Inspector to monitor for errors when starting?

    You use frames? BBUI.js, etc. ? If Yes, can you confirm that you expect for the event the window.load event * before * trying to access the document or WebWorks APIs?

  • Modules of sanitation Firesight 6.0.1 - missing PIX

    I installed WCF from scratch to 6.0 (upgrade to 6.0.1). We tested initially on 5.4, and it included the restoration for PIX of Shun module, which, from what I could tell, has worked for the ASA thus.  With 6.0, it does not include the PIX Shun module. First, is there a reason for this? I can't find anything documented. In the second place, which would be necessary to remove 5.4 and install it on 6.0? I want to just copy the /var/sf/remediation_modules/cisco_pix.tgz file to the new system (same directory)?  I just ran across some documents on the API, so if anyone knows an easy answer, I'm all for it.


    I can see the PIX shun module under strategies > Action > modules on 6.0

    Is this the place you are looking at?

    You can also copy the file or try to install sanitation policies > Actions > page modules.

    Check it for more details on the API

    He notes help to.


  • Activation Photoshop

    Creative cloud / Error: api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing

    Help please. Before go me crazy.

    Hi Ronc9272238,

    As you get "error: api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing" I would recommend that you try the diagnosis shared in the Sub help document:

    Error: api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing.

    Let us know if that helps.

  • Without permission to create email?

    Hey Nick, so this end point you are trying to use is endpoint Eloqua committed, are not part of the standard API.  This requires access authorization and is not the same as a regular role.

    Hi Nick,

    I'm sorry, I should have specified in the original document (Eloqua REST API - sending emails), you will need to have access to the product undertake to use endpoints of messaging deployment.

    I've updated the original document to account for this and please let me know if you need more information.

    Thank you


  • \b in the transition from text to text elements. How to get just the plain text?

    I use C++ FDK and get TextItems with FTI_String from the active document. But the text in the text elements contains characters that do not appear in the text. For example, \b. What is this character and how can I get only the plain text without any character of metadata of FrameMaker.


    I think you could see tabs. Presented as an escape sequence, \b translates the BACKSPACE (0x08) ASCII character. For some reason, that's how the tabs are represented when you get the text of a document with the API. You expect to show that \t or ASCII 0 x 09, but they did not.

    There is no way to avoid retrieving a character entered by the user when you F_ApiGetText(). You must simply do a search and replace once you have the string in your code.

    I hope I understand what you're asking here.


  • Fix the activation parameters for caching the results of the customer? No performance gain

    I gathered and made every detail I could search. I use Oracle EE 11.2 g 32-bit on Windows 7 64 bit

    But despite I activate client caching result, I see no difference response API despite I have remote, connect to the server on LAN 1Gbit network

    I see > difference 1 sec only when you enable caching of server (2nd opening files 300% faster 57 dry-> 18 s) and 32 MB are cached for the opening.
    I don't know how to see the client_result_cache except the network traffic, detours, IO
    * 1.* I activated the parameter setting Statement Caching on the client and dbhome and set it equal to my ora.ini file OPEN_CURSORS (300) the registry as possible. And rebooted the system, of course.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > ORACLE > KEY_OraClient11g_home1 > OLED > StmtCacheSize
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > ORACLE > KEY_OraDb11g_home1 > OLED > StmtCacheSize
    -There is no standard oracle registry dir - probably cause its 64 bit +.
    -* 2 I have Super-activated all relevant SYSTEM parameters. 3 X the size necessary to be cached, FORCED cach, 100% of the result, 600000ms lag(10min)
    client_result_cache_lag... large integer 600000
    client_result_cache_size... great integer.100M
    db_cache_advice... chain... WE
    db_cache_size... large integer 0
    ... full object_cache_max_size_percent... 10
    ... full object_cache_optimal_size... 102400
    ... full result_cache_max_result... 100
    result_cache_max_size... big integer.100M-this is for caching wright + server
    result_cache_mode... chain... FORCE
    ... full result_cache_remote_expiration... 30
    session_cached_cursors... around... 50
    -Is everything OK? Why not better time response then?
    The LAN 1Gbit 1 customer is perhaps too fast anyway, and I should try via internet or something?

    Hope that you have an idea, I can't search to find or think of something.

    As said by John, SQL * Plus does not implement caching the result to the client. You write an application for OIC (or another application that knows the OIC calls appropriate to make) that implements the setting cache the result of the customer.

    Your test is behaving as expected.


  • Sort order pre-computed not maintained when sorting on other properties


    We use MDEX version 6.2.1
    I put a digdx flag as below, in general to maintain order, if no sorting is selected by the user, product will be displayed in alphabetical order of display_Name.
    < arg - > sort < / arg >
    display_Name < arg > | CSA < / arg >

    We have two more properties enabled to sort, namely the Vintage and price (user can choose to screen and sort the results), but I'm not defining all the indicators of digdx for these two, but their enequery updated nuer setNavActiveSortKeys (ERecSortKeyList)
    1. by default search results are coming in alphabetical order of display_Name - works fine as expected
    2. where a sort of user on Vintage - the results are sorted by Vintage as expected, however two or more records with the same value vintage (links on the Vintage) do not come in alphabetical order of the display_Name

    Surprised by this behavior, because when I used digdx flag his defining clearly records alphabetically on display_Name on index, but why this order is not maintained when the results are tied to vintage, completely distraught

    Can someone help out me, am I missing something here or BUGs you guys together?

    Thank you

    Published by: 928681 on May 31, 2012 21:45

    Published by: 928681 on May 31, 2012 21:51

    Hi Dev,

    When the request is made to sort explicitly on the 'Vintage', it will not automatically cascade to use the "display_Name" like breaking to sort the records with the same value of "Vintage". You can observe that the setNavActiveSortKeys method accepts an ERecSortKeyList. This ERecSortKeyList allows you to create a list of the properties and dimensions for sorting. If you want to sort by Vintage first, followed by display_Name, then 'Add' ERecSortKey 'Vintage' first, followed of an ERecSortKey corresponding to 'display_Name '. This will update the sort order to meet your needs.

    More information on this method found in the documents of the API here:

    Kind regards


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