donot find 50001 user id in the HSP_USERS table

Hi all

I use EMP and that you want to import a planning application. In one of the threads I read that you should keep a backup of the SID of the HSP_USERS table in the schema where the USER) iD = 50001.

But I donot have a record in the HSP_USERS table with this userid (50001).

Please can someone explain why I didn't...

Thanks in advance...



Sometimes you don't have to update all the records in the HSP_USERS table, if migration is between applications that use the same shared services then you too need planning.
Also, if you have created the application of planning with the admin account by default as it does not change between environments.

If you do not need to change, to change the record where the role = 3, make sure that it is the same username between environments as well.

See you soon


Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Published by: Regent1904 on November 3, 2009 02:52
      :NEW.users := V('APP_USER');

    Try it like this.

    : NEW.users specifies the new value of the users who is updated column.


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    That is to say.

    When a row is inserted the PERMATTINELIGIBLE of all records for this employee for the month is recalculated.

    There would be only two or three records for an employee for a month.

    PERMMINS is the number of minutes to use as short leave.

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    If this isn't normally the date is not eligible for the attendance for this employee premium.

    but an exception is that if a short leaves of DISP employee allowed a month (IE. ( SSLINASTRETCH ) in a straight line, IE. one day, that day is eligible for the bonus of presence.

    That is to say. Why the number of short leaves in a month is taken. If it's one and done minutes use is lower to SSLINASTRETCH, then the day is eligible for the attendance bonus.

    But when I try to create the trigger I get error, PL/SQL: ORA-00907: missing a right parenthesis.

    Help, please

    I use oracle 10g

    I want to update the column PERMATTINELIGIBLE in the same table, when each row is inserted.

    No - you do NOT want to do in a trigger.

    You cannot query the same table that the trigger is activated on. -C' is a MUTANT and you will get an exception.

    When a row is inserted is recalculated to the PERMATTINELIGIBLE of all the records for that employee for that month.

    There would be only two or three records for an employee for a month.

    PERMMINS is the number of minutes to use as short leave.

    If it is less than 60 is eligible for the bonus to attendance for this employee.

    If is not normally the day is not eligible for the premium of attendance for this employee.

    but an exception is that if a short leaves of DISP employee allowed a month (IE. SSLINASTRETCH) in a straight line, IE. one day, that day is eligible for the bonus of presence.

    That is to say. Why the number of short leaves in a month is taken. If it's one and done minutes use is less than SSLINASTRETCH, then the day is eligible for the bonus of presence.

    But when I try to create the trigger I get error, PL/SQL: ORA-00907: missing a right parenthesis.

    You can not do in a trigger. Even if correct you this error of syntax, you will get the exception that I mentioned above.

    Oracle is a multi-user system. Other users can modify the same table that you use.

    So even if you could try to interview "all the records for this employee" some of them may be locked if other users access them. Also, an insert statement could try to insert two rows for an employee and the trigger could not have seen the other lines still.

    If you want to work with data SETS (all records for an employee), you must write the PL/SQL code that LOCKS all lines updated to prevent others to interfere.

    Then you make your operations but NOT in a trigger. Perform inserts and then use an UPDATE query to set this value.

    Then VALIDATE to unlock the lines.

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    Post your question in the TechNet Server Forums, as your question kindly is beyond the scope of these Forums.

    See you soon.

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    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft Community.

    If I understand correctly that you have problems with downloading files on Windows Vista.


    Please follow the below mentioned thread that addresses a similar issue:

    Note: The thread also applies to Windows Vista.

    Hope the helps of information. We know if you need help. We will be happy to help you.

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    Need help


    1. doesn't this problem occurs only with download of word or other files?

    2. what version of internet explore do you use?

    I suggest that you try to upload to another location and check.

    Method 01:

    I suggest also allows you to check in SafeMode with network.

    Advanced, including safe mode startup options

    I suggest you to follow the methods and check.

    Method 02:

    How to remove the contents of the temporary Internet files folder

    Method 03:

    I suggest you to follow the steps and check.

    Run the command to reset the low integrity level on the low folder

    (a) click the start Pearl, click on "All programs" and click on "Accessories".

    (b) right-click "Command Prompt" and click "Run as Administrator".

    (c) in the window "Administrator: command prompt", copy and paste (without the quotes)

    (d) "ICACLS"% userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low"/setintegritylevel (OI) (CI) low.

    (e) press ENTER.

    (f) restart the computer and test the issue.

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    Like Windows 7...

    Create a new user account and transfer your files and settings to the new account.


    Note: The easy transfer will not migrate type .dat and .tmp files

    J W Stuart:

    If that were the case, might as well the user simply copy the content of the personal folder under C:\Documents & Settings of an external hard drive.

    Question is the part of a domain user account? If so, that may be why he won't let you rename (without permission).

    If you are, I recommend the UN machine in the domain join then rename the account.

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    Thank you!

    Original title: Windows cannot find ' C:\... zip "make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.

    Hi StephanieCowley,

    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft Community.

    In addition, how are you doing today?

    You have a problem with opening the Zip files on the computer. This can be very frustrating for you, and I appreciate the efforts you have put in. Let us work together as a team and try to get this fixed number.

    We start with a few questions-

    (1) is this problem limited to opening files on Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome?

    (2) you are able to open other files zip on the computer?

    (3) you have a program to open ZIP files installed on the computer?

    (4) you are able to open the same file on another computer (running the same version of the operating system)?

    (5) you get an error code?

    (6) do you have made further changes on the computer before the show?

    I would like more information about the issue.

    It is possible the file association by default to open this type of file is either corrupted or needs to be changed.

    Method 1-

    I would like that you try to open other files zip on the computer. Check if it helps.

    Method 2-

    I would have you scan a System File Checker to verify violations of integrity.

    See the article-

    How to use the System File Checker tool to fix the system files missing or corrupted on Windows Vista or Windows 7

    Method 2-

    I would have you look at the article-

    Change the programs that Windows uses by default

    We know if you need help. We will be happy to help you. We, at tender Microsoft to excellence.

    Thank you.

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    You try to buy the subscription?

    See link below:

    For further assistance contact the Support from Adobe:

    Click always need Help (help), and then select the Chat option:

    Contact the customer service

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    Kind regards

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    See you soon,.

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