Edition edition old SWF FLAs.

I have a FLA with some external code, objects on stage, etc.

When I make a change and publish it, the former State previews.

Then, I moved some items to see if they published, they do not have.

I deleted the essential lines of the code in order to prevent the feature, the swf file is still the same.

I removed ALL of the code in the FLA.  same SWF.

I deleted all the graphics, layers, code, all the way back to a single image, document monolayer with no purpose and no code.

the same swf published after reboot, restart, reproduce the document.

Is there something cached my swf?

Create a new directory.  Save your fla to this directory and publish this directory.

Test your swf file into this new directory.   any problem?

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    You cannot change a swf with Flash (or any other software that I know).  You must purchase the version fla of the file to edit and publish a swf updated with it.

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    Direct them best.

    Stefano Bianchi text

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    You know what?
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    If the form is a separate Flash file and you have the source fla for that file, you pretty much have two options.  Copy the timeline of the file of the form into a movieclip in your other file, or dynamically load the swf file when the file is running on a server.  How you load the file dynamically depends on which version of Actionscript you are using.

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    Yes and no.

    No, you can't dynamically change the size of the stage.

    Yes, you can view your SWF file in any size space.

    What do I mean?

    When you embed the object in the HTML code, you can set the width and height to whatever size you want, regardless of the size of the stage.  You can even change these settings dynamically with Javascript if you want to.

    Then, in the SWF file (you can do it in the embed as well) - you set the ScaleMode to "noScale" and the attribute align 'C' and you have the effect of a larger scene, without changing.

    How to change the ScaleMode and align, you ask?

    If you use Actionscript 2, in the first frame actions:

    Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";

    Stage.Align = "C";

    The Stage.align has many other parameters (and 'C' is not documented as an option).  'C' centers completely from the scene.  Then there is "TL" - TopLeft, 'T', 'TR', 'L', 'R', 'BL', 'B', 'BR' one for each of the 9 spots on the grid.

    If you use Actionscript 3:

    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

    AS3 automatically sets the attribute align C for you.  If you want to change it:

    internship. Align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; (or one of the others)

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    * I accepted the guest about all old Actionscripts is refreshed - to continue to effectively use the CC *.

    You can find older versions of test on the site below.

    Don't forget to follow the steps described in the Note: very important article Instructions on the pages to download to this site or the download may not work properly.


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    Thanks to everyone out there in the universe

    The universe has changed. Britney Spears has lost her children and monks are being massacred in Burma.

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    Restart the digital edition.

    Reopen the eBook.

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