I wrote the code in my computer which is in all my applications, such as dictionary, Iphone - well, it looks like at this until Ive managed to convince the hijacker some;

0.027 misc: time of day: 1450233758.832315 (tz =-28800)

0.034 CopyIMSConfigValue: ConferenceCalling.conferenceServer. = NULL

CopyIMSConfigValue 0.038: Voice.EnableVolteByDefault. = NULL

CopyIMSConfigValue 0.038: Voice.BlockCallsOverCS. = {value = false}

CopyIMSConfigValue 0.038: SMS.enableInNonVoLTEMode. = {value = false}

0.040 CopyIMSConfigValue: Voice.ttyIMSSupported. = {value = true}

0,041 CopyIMSConfigValue: XCAP.supported. = {value = false}

0.001 [I] misc: Communications Centre past sandbox_init_with_parameters. homeDirPath: ' / ' Users/dept84.films, usersBasePath: ' / users, realHomeDirPath: ' / ' Users/dept84.films, realUsersBasePath: ' / users

0.001 [I] misc: Center of Communications, quarantined successfully

0.001 [N] misc: CommCenter Init: initialization

0.003 [I] evt: event "awd_config_change" shooting

0.019 [I | 4 +] xpc.tracker: Tracker with stats = false (connected = false, searchable = false)

0,019 [I] xpc.tracker: Tracker with stats = false (connected = false, searchable = false)

0.019 [I | 4] xpc.tracker: Tracker with stats = false (connected = false, searchable = false)

0.022 [I] rm: machine = x86_64 model = MacBookPro10, 1

0,023 [I] NOBB:NoBBRadioModule:NoBBRadioModule:

0,023 [I] rm: computer name: x86_64

0,023 [I] rm: model name: MacBookPro10, 1

0,023 [I] rm:-from NoBBRadioModule.

0,023 [I] NoBBAudioRoutingModel:NoBBAudioRoutingModel:

0.025 [I] trc: / tmp/CommCenter.dumping deletion failed, err = no such file or directory

0.027 [I] evt: event "csi_logging_enabled" shooting: with params = 1

0.027 [I] trc: CSILog: long story set to 32 MB

0.027 [I] rm: - created traceModule -

0.027 [I] data: DATA: ServiceInterface:createWithParameters: creation without transport

0.028 [I] DATA: Collocation_NoBB:0:NoBBDataCollocation:

0.028 [I] DATA: Collocation_NoBB:1:NoBBDataCollocation:

0.028 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: fRadioSimModeSink:kUnknown

0.028 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionInternet

0,029 [I] DATA: connection: Internet: initAgent: 7B0B9E62-EF69-463A-B801-78075406E5DF NWAgent registered

0,029 [I] DATA: connection: Internet: setPolicy: creation policy for unscoped Internet for the first time NWAgent 7B0B9E62-EF69-463A-B801-78075406E5DF

0.030 [I | 6 +] call: CallCommandDriver updated IMSCallCommandDriver

0.030 [I] DATA: connection: Internet: setPolicy: creation policy to NWAgent 7B0B9E62-EF69-463A-B801-78075406E5DF

0.031 [I | 11 +] DataNetworkMonitorOSX:___ZN21DataNetworkMonitorOSX26registerForInterfaceEventsE v_block_invoke: notify the registration State: 0, token: 30, this:<0x7fc1f050b728>

0.031 [I: 11] DataNetworkMonitorOSX:handleNetworkStateChanged_sync: nwi_state: 0x7fc1f0702030

0,031 [I] DATA: connection: Internet: updateAgent: NWAgent update 7B0B9E62-EF69-463A-B801-78075406E5DF

0.031 [I: 11] DataNetworkMonitorOSX:checkIPConnectivity_sync: * ipConnectivityAvailable: true

0.031 [I: 11] DataNetworkMonitorOSX:checkIPConnectivity_sync: ipConnectivity upward. Current main interface: 'en0 '.

0,031 [I] DATA: connection: Internet: DataConnectionInternet: created<0x7fc1f0618720>

0.031 [I | 11] evt: event "dataWifiAvailable" shooting: with params = 1, {en0}

0,031 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionVVM

0,031 [I] DATA: connection: VVM:updateAgent: update NWAgent DF6F8B00-38D0-4143-840F-512436D3C4D7

0,031 [I] DATA: connection: VVM:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent DF6F8B00-38D0-4143-840F-512436D3C4D7

0.031 [I | 6 +] call. CmdDriver.IMS: IMSCallCommandDriver::fillUpDefaultCallCapabilities

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: VVM:handleFailure: NWAgent DF6F8B00 - 38 d 0-4143-840F-512436D3C4D7, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: VVM:DataConnectionVVM: created<0x7fc1f2109ba0>

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionMMS

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: MMS:updateAgent: update NWAgent D633C1AE-8B30-4292-A3B2-3F2F3BC0EC4B

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: MMS:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent D633C1AE-8B30-4292-A3B2-3F2F3BC0EC4B

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: MMS:handleFailure: NWAgent D633C1AE-8B30-4292-A3B2-3F2F3BC0EC4B, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: MMS:DataConnectionMMS: created<0x7fc1f210a920>

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionPushEmail

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: PushEmail:updateAgent: NWAgent update 3ED034C0-3F74-453E-A889-8916DC7CC66F

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: PushEmail:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 3ED034C0-3F74-453E-A889-8916DC7CC66F

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: PushEmail:handleFailure: NWAgent 3ED034C0-3F74-453F-A889-8916DC7CC66F, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionWirelessModemTraffic

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: WirelessModemTraffic:updateAgent: NWAgent update 0CAB5291-2E0D-4F9C-BAEE-72F70462FDFD

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: WirelessModemTraffic:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 0CAB5291-2E0D-4F9C-BAEE-72F70462FDFD

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: WirelessModemTraffic:handleFailure: NWAgent 0CAB5291-2E0D-4F9C-BAKARA-72F70462FDFD, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: WirelessModemTraffic:DataConnectionWirelessModemTraffic: created<0x7fc1f210c270>

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionWirelessModemAuthentication

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: WirelessModemAuthentication:updateAgent: update NWAgent D3C0B9B4-EE03-4067-95BD-2F72AF18AE43

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: WirelessModemAuthentication:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent D3C0B9B4-EE03-4067-95BD-2F72AF18AE43

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: WirelessModemAuthentication:handleFailure: NWAgent D3C0B9B4-EE03-4067-95BD-2F72AF18AE43, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: WirelessModemAuthentication:DataConnectionWirelessModemAuthenti cation: created<0x7fc1f210d110>

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionCellularDataPlanProvisioning

0.032 [I]: DATA connection: commissioning: updateAgent: update NWAgent DB987CC3-5975-484B-9B00-9C2E65838834

0.032 [I]: DATA connection: commissioning: updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent DB987CC3-5975-484B-9B00-9C2E65838834

0.032 [I]: DATA connection: commissioning: handleFailure: NWAgent DB987CC3-5975-484 b - 9B 00-9C2E65838834, failure restoration, abandon

0.032 [I]: DATA connection: commissioning: DataConnectionProvisioning: created<0x7fc1f210df70>

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionAppleWirelessDiagnostics

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: AppleWirelessDiagnostics:updateAgent: update NWAgent CDC80122-14E8-4309-B797-8662998E6E84

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: AppleWirelessDiagnostics:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent CDC80122-14E8-4309-B797-8662998E6E84

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: AppleWirelessDiagnostics:handleFailure: NWAgent CDC80122-14E8-4309-B797-8662998E6E84, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionDataTest

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: DataTest:updateAgent: NWAgent update 02E436D4-4CA4-4B92-BB6E-10659ADFF6D2

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: DataTest:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 02E436D4-4CA4-4B92-BB6E-10659ADFF6D2

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: DataTest:handleFailure: NWAgent 02E436D4-4CA4-4B92-BB6E-10659ADFF6D2, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionOTAActivation

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: OTAActivation:updateAgent: update NWAgent CFE45574-8A33-4482-87BF-5984CC1A568B

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: OTAActivation:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent CFE45574-8A33-4482-87BF-5984CC1A568B

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: OTAActivation:handleFailure: NWAgent CFE45574-8A33-4482-87BF-5984CC1A568B, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: OTAActivation:DataConnectionOTAActivation: created<0x7fc1f2110710>

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnection3GFaceTimeTraffic

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: 3GFaceTimeTraffic:updateAgent: NWAgent update 4248B1E8-16AE-4A2D-9824-840BF557A381

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: 3GFaceTimeTraffic:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 4248B1E8-16AE-4A2D-9824-840BF557A381

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: 3GFaceTimeTraffic:handleFailure: NWAgent 4248B1E8-16AE-4A2D-9824-840BF557A381, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnection3GFaceTimeAuthentication

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: 3GFaceTimeAuthentication:updateAgent: NWAgent update 4F8E052A-F5E8-43F0-B9C2-9D3ADAB3C650

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: 3GFaceTimeAuthentication:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 4F8E052A-F5E8-43F0-B9C2-9D3ADAB3C650

0.032 [I] DATA: connection: 3GFaceTimeAuthentication:handleFailure: NWAgent 4F8E052A-F5E8-43F0-B9C2-9D3ADAB3C650, restore failed, give up everything

0.032 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionOMADM

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: OMADM:updateAgent: update NWAgent D5BE07A1-0C3B-4416-A402-0690777EDF22

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: OMADM:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent D5BE07A1-0C3B-4416-A402-0690777EDF22

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: OMADM:handleFailure: NWAgent D5BE07A1-0C3B-4416-A402-0690777EDF22, restore failed, give up everything

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: OMADM:DataConnectionOMADM: created<0x7fc1f2112e60>

0,033 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionOTAInternet

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: OTAInternet:updateAgent: NWAgent update 62DC374C-EC36-4B1C-BA9E-DDFA2B8193E8

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: OTAInternet:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 62DC374C-EC36-4B1C-BA9E-DDFA2B8193E8

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: OTAInternet:handleFailure: NWAgent 62DC374C-CE36-4B1C-BA9E-DDFA2B8193E8, restore failed, give up everything

0,033 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionZeroRated

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: ZeroRated:updateAgent: NWAgent update 0853917E-0CB4-46F9-AEE2-4ECABB5D583D

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: ZeroRated:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 0853917E-0CB4-46F9-AEE2-4ECABB5D583D

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: ZeroRated:handleFailure: NWAgent 0853917E-0CB4-46F9-AEE2-4ECABB5D583D, restore failed, give up everything

0,033 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionEntitlementTraffic

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: EntitlementTraffic:updateAgent: NWAgent update 630E8DDF-EFEA-43D7-B5B2-78BAFC410A41

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: EntitlementTraffic:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 630E8DDF-EFEA-43D7-B5B2-78BAFC410A41

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: EntitlementTraffic:handleFailure: NWAgent 630E8DDF-EFEA - 43 D 7 - B5B2 - 78BAFC410A41, restore failed, give up everything

0,033 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionInternalDataProbe

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: InternalDataProbe:updateAgent: NWAgent update 24D3E7CA-F342-4E9E-8C81-D2B69C4F673C

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: InternalDataProbe:updateAgent: failed to update NWAgent 24D3E7CA-F342-4E9E-8C81-D2B69C4F673C

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: InternalDataProbe:handleFailure: NWAgent 24D3E7CA-F342-4E9E-8 C 81-D2B69C4F673C, restore failed, give up everything

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: InternalDataProbe:DataConnectionInternalDataProbe: created<0x7fc1f21161b0>

0,033 [I] DATA: ServiceController:___ZN21DataServiceControllerC1ERK16ModuleParameters_bloc k_invoke: created service kDataConnectionIM

0,033 [I] DATA: connection: iw5:updateAgent: Upd please someone who can write code

Post edited by: kimwritingproduction@me

All 3rd party extensions you are running?

EtreCheck is a simple little app to display the important details of your system configuration and allows you to copy this information to the Clipboard. It is intended to be used with Apple Support communities to help people to help you with your Mac.


Tags: Mac OS & System Software

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    Please launch the Console application in one of the following ways:

    ☞ Enter the first letters of his name in a Spotlight search. Select from the results (it should be at the top).

    ☞ In the Finder, select go utilities ▹ of menu bar or press the combination of keys shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.

    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.

    The title of the Console window should be all Messages. If it isn't, select

    SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ all Messages

    in the list of logs on the left. If you don't see this list, select

    List of newspapers seen ▹ display

    in the menu at the top of the screen bar.

    Click on the clear view icon in the toolbar. Then take an action that does not work the way you expect. Select all of the lines that appear in the Console window. Copy to the Clipboard by pressing Control-C key combination. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command + V.

    The journal contains a large amount of information, almost everything that is not relevant to solve a particular problem. When you post a journal excerpt, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.

    Please don't dump blindly thousands of lines in the journal in this discussion.

    Please do not post screenshots of log messages - text poster.

    Some private information, such as your name or e-mail address, can appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

    When you post the journal excerpt, an error message may appear on the web page: "you include content in your post that is not allowed", or "the message contains invalid characters." It's a bug in the forum software. Thanks for posting the text on Pastebin, then post here a link to the page you created.

    If you have an account on Pastebin, please do not select private in exposure menu to paste on the page, because no one else that you will be able to see it.

  • Whenever I restart my computer, OS Capitan forget what application to open a document

    Capitan preview to open any MS Office document and makes similar mistakes with other types of documents and records. Right-clicking does NOT have the correct application as a possibility. To fix it is a laborious process to right click, and then find the correct application of a long list, then use 'get info' to set the correct application of all documents of this type. In this case, chromium (which I'm forced to use it because it is the only browser with language translation capabilities adequate) hangs my computer on a regular basis, and whenever I restart I am back to the same problem with OS not knowing how to open a file. It is a very basic function of BONES, to recognize that .docx must be opened with Word.

    Select a file that as this "problem."

    CTRL + click and select Getinfo.

    in the "open with:" section, mount the correct application and below, click on the button "change everything".


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    Mi IMac is a 27-inch, late 2013, 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5, and use a Wacom Intuos Pro.

    Could possibly be interfering with the entry Wacom drivers.

    Start safe mode and see if there are still have the problem there. Safe mode is slow and some things do not work, but it prevents some third-party boot loading software. If your keyboard works properly in Mode without fail, this would imply that some third-party software is causing the problem. If so, check the updates.

    It also takes more time to start because the BONE is clean some system caches that can also help.

    Try safe mode if your Mac does not end commissioning - Apple Support

  • Can I have both Yosemite and El Capitan, installed on separate partitions on my Macbook Pro?

    I want to upgrade my Macbook Pro (Intel Core i7 2.8 GHz, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3) to El Capitan. However, I have an important piece of the software - Avid Pro Tools HD 11 - which runs on Yosemite, but not on El Capitan. Can I create two partitions, each containing one of these two operating systems and then choose to start the partition of Yosemite, when I need to use Pro Tools? If so, how should I do this? Is there a support article, I can read to help me? Can you Yosemite partition contain only the BONES of Yosemite, and the rest are on the other partition? Thank you.

    Yes, you can run them both. I guess the process is similar to this:

    http://osxdaily.com/2011/03/12/how-to-install-dual-boot-Mac-OS-x-10-7-Lion-and-1 0-6-snow-leopard.

    Having two OSs on separate partitions is like owning two computers, they are completely separate. You want to see in the two places will have to literally be in two places. Copy the files from one OS to another will be facilitated by a USB stick as if it were two separate machines, for example.

  • Restore iTunes after the recovery of the El Capitan of Time Machine OS

    So, I installed El Capitan.  And Safari does not work... so I made the recovery of TM to previous operating system (10.11.5).  Fixed my problem Safari but not iTunes (this copy of iTunes is damaged or is not installed properly. Please reinstall iTunes. (-42037)) Cannot remove iTunes icon and impossible to reinstall iTunes.

    I used the Machine time 'recover all'... but it does not give me 100% snapshot/restored the machine... just a previous BONE restored.  Ideas?

    It's maybe just me, but I thought has retrieve anything using TM would give me a machine 'duplicate' of the past to be fully functional.

    Thanks in advance!  See you soon

    http://Apple.StackExchange.com/questions/115916/how-to-manually-restore-a-iTunes - and - iphoto library

    https://www.macissues.com/2015/07/02/how-to-fix-corrupted-iTunes-libraries-after-activation-Apple-musique /.

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    Hello girls n guyz,.

    I just wanted to ask if you guyz have the same problem as I do after I've updated my new MBA in el capitan, I thought mac's amazing computer 2 millennia, but after update on el capitan, is quite ordinary for laptop, freezing can I somehow turn back any good type of BONE? Also, I found a lot of forums on el capitan freezes or other problems.


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    (1) a disk external drive 2 TB of work works well under windows, old Mac (2012); just revealed in the new Mac EL capitan for the first month;

    (2) never appeared in DISK UTILITY;

    (3) "command + Option + P + R' does not work.

    It seems that APPLE has denied this defect in their product.  It's completely a waste of money.

    I want a refund! Please, I beg you.

    Were not apple, and any problems you encounter with a 3rd party device on your hardware Apple will not be covered by restitution by Apple

    Read the EULA, go to section O. If you want a refund speak to the manufacture of the drive.

    If the drive needed 3rd party utility delete it, no matter what party utility 3rd by the reader to work inside the BONE is not recommended.

    Open terminal


    list of diskutili

    expand the window

    take a screenshot

    post it here.

    How to take a screenshot on your Mac - Apple Support

  • need to uninstall El Capitan and return to the latest OS

    Can someone tell me how to get back to the BONE before El Capitan?   My connections to government security need the other oldest.

    cleonard wrote:

    Can someone tell me how to get back to the BONE before El Capitan?   My connections to government security need the other oldest.

    You have a Time Machine backup of your system from when you run Yosemite?

  • Utility drive Mac Mini - El Capitan problem-

    I've upgraded to the new OS El Capitan, and lost the function of a few programs that are important to me.

    Is there a way to take a step back to something like Yosemite OS?

    My main problem, as I type...

    I record live music, and the end files are engraved on DVD-Audio (DVD-A) discs.  I used to drag the created DVD-A iso.image file in my disk utility window and ask for a burn it.

    In El Capitan, there is no possibility to do this kind of disc burning.

    In addition, El Capitan I cannot use my favorite audio playback software, gear, and play audio files FLAC.

    So on top of my head, these two are the main grind for me and this new OS.

    Is it possible to take a step back into the BONE, far from El Capitan?

    OS X El Capitan: revert to a previous version of OS X

    Good day.

  • Why this upcoming Dungeon ' imranpatel699@yahoo. Co.UK "by identifying Apple app store, since the update to El Capitan, 10.11.04 version. I can't access my update of the app now?

    When I updated my El Capitan of the latest operating system updates for her 10.11.04. the following email ' [email protected]' comes up constantly in the apple id section. I enter my apple ID and password, but it does not allow me access and goes back to ' [email protected]'. I can access all my other apple products through my apple ID, but it does not work on my MacAir.

    I can so my MacAir is more up-to-date. I don't have this problem on my Mac Air when I connect to iTunes, it's only in-App store

    One else have this problem since update? and how do I get rid of it and have access to my App Store once more.

    Help, please

    You have installed at least one pirate app, initially from the Mac App Store. It contains the reception for a different application, downloaded by using an account that we can't control. You need to identify and remove the pirate app.

    Important: The application, you need to delete maybe not one mentioned in the Act of updating. For example, the App Store could you invite to update 'Angry Birds' or 'Twitter', but the pirate app could be "Final Cut Pro". Don't make assumptions about the app you're looking for. To find it, you must perform a systematic search with spotlight.

    1. Please triple - click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select:


    Copy the selected text in the Clipboard by pressing Control-C key combination.

    2. in the Finder, press Command-F to open a search window or select

    ▹ Find file

    in the menu bar. In the search window, select

    Search: This Mac

    from the line of chips below the toolbar. Below that is a context menu of the search criteria, type display. In this menu, select


    A sheet will fall. In this sheet, select

    Raw request

    as a criterion, and then click OK or press return.

    Now, there will be a text box to the right of the search criteria menu. This is where you enter the raw request. Click in this box and paste the text you copied previously by pressing command + V.

    3. the search engine will display all the App Store products that are installed. Compare these results with the list of your purchases on the App Store. To see the full list, you may need to Show hidden purchases. If applications have been downloaded from the App Store using other Apple ID that you control, connect to the Bank in respect of each of these codes and check purchases.

    4. at least one of the applications in the Spotlight search results is not among your purchases in the App Store. Remove each such point.

    5. exit and relaunch the App Store. Test.

    If you find these confusing instructions, request another method.

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