EM Test Service Console shows down

We have changed the port webservice HTTPS, since then EM Console Service Test is marked as inactive.
The States of error messages that connect to the port 7799 is refused.

How the operational test?


Hi s/n,.

Follow the navigation provided below to resolve this issue:

The https prot is changed, you can change the URL for the Service of Console test in the page ' Edit Service: EM Console Service test ":

-Nagivate to targets > Services
-From the Services page, click Service of Console EM
-Click on the Configuration of the Analysis tab
-Click Service trials and tags
-With the EM Test selected Service Console, click on change
-Change the URL for step access Logout

Now, this should work fine.

Best regards

Tags: Enterprise Manager

Similar Questions

  • Test Service Console EM down

    I have a new installation of EM Cloud Control. Due to the configuration of the firewall after installation, I needed to change the HTTPS to the Web service port, default 7799 to 9043.

    After the change of the EM Console Service Test ist marked as inactive, the error messages States that the connection to the port 7799 is refused. Of course, it is, because I changed the port as described in note (EM 12 c: how to change the HTTP and HTTPS Upload & Ports after Installation of the Console.) [REF 1381030.1]) to Metalink, however I can't find how to set up this test, so that it uses the correct port, or how to restart that goal. Obviously, the howto to Metalink is not enough...

    If you want to see the screenshot for the error messages:

    So how do I fix this, so that the test is shown as running, without having to install everything new?

    Ciao, Gerrit

    Published by: Gerrit Haase on 08.03.2012 17:14 THIS

    Hi Gerrit,

    You can change the URL for the Service of Console test in the page ' Edit Service: EM Console Service test ":

    -Nagivate to targets > Services
    -From the Services page, click Service of Console EM
    -Click on the Configuration of the Analysis tab
    -Click Service trials and tags
    -With the EM Test selected Service Console, click on change
    -From there, you can continue to change the URL for the step to access Logout

    Kind regards

  • Service Console isolation Clarification

    I have read the Security Hardening Guide but I have some questions about the isolation of isolation of service console.

    1. What are the security risks? I found that newspapers are sent clear test that represents a risk, but in a fully routed network once newspapers leave the service console network they may be captured or read on the syslog network, unless an ipsec tunnel is created between the two systems. Another risk I've read is that if the console service is on the same vswitch as an internet workstation or network type VM service console could be exposed to the internet. Other risks?

    2. If the service console is isolated on its own vswitch/network, but the network outside the vm environment has other systems not necessarily vm systems is always considered a risk or the physical environment also must be isolated to only management traffic? In order to clarify if the service console is located on a network and this network have physical systems connected to this same network is the console service at risk? Again, what are the risks and that no matter the fully active physical network and uses the isolation of port? If a company has a fully routed network isolation really provides increased security? To be compliant with the Safety Guide is the key to keep isolated from the internet access management network/traffic?

    For some reason, I'm having trouble getting this concept and the security risks. Thanks in advance for the help in the understanding of console service isolation.

    Also remember that if your service console came down, you could lose the ability to manage all the virtual machines that reside on this ESX host.

  • Trade rules do not appear in the Regional service console

    Guru HI

    We use the Application confort Hyperion Planning

    We have created business rules for our planning application using Calc Manager and they work very well.

    But my doubt is that calculations do appear in the essbase.

    WT could be the reason for this... Please suggest.

    Thank you.


    The Regional service console will show you only the calculation scripts, not the rules for calculation of the Manager. This is a technical limitation.

    Prior to version, we also had business rules. These were available in the Regional service console. Then, you had a section in the view of the company next to Administration, servers Essbase called Business Rules. I usually call them Hyperion Business rules (HBR) because users easily get confused with all the scripts and rules.

    In planning, you can see the calculation scripts and rules for calculation of the Manager.

    I hope that clarifies the situation and will help you.

    Kind regards

    Philip Hulsebosch

  • How to create users in bulk in Hpyerion Shared Services Console

    Hi all

    I need to create users in bulk in the Shared Services Console. Since I have many users, so I don't want to use Front End. Instead, I prefer to download a CSV of things sort.

    For this I export the console shared services and open the file Users.csv.

    Now my plan is to add all my users here and then going to import this backup of the Shared Services Console.

    The only point where I am confused is that how should I indicate the passwords encrypted in the file Users.csv and also what should I write in the column "internal_id."

    If you use LCM and native users then you should be able to enter a uncrypted password and when it is imported, it must be encrypted.

    Leave empty internal id column for new users, by creating a new test user.

    See you soon



  • How to access the ESX service console

    Hi all.

    I'm a TV engineer trying to solve a problem of network with our equipment. I'm not a network engineer.

    I'm trying to follow the VMWareKB: "Troubleshooting connection problems network using the Protocol ARP (Address Resolution)" I'm just trying to check the ARP table exists on our ESX Server and has some entries.

    KB said running 'arp - a' for a list of the ARP table.

    To do this, I need to open a service console. I have now read articles 3 or 4 on the use of the Service Console but I am still unable to open it to run the command. I do not understand what I am doing wrong, I am incredibly stupid or miss me something completely.

    An article said, press 'Alt F1"exactly where I am doing this? A virtual machine is connected to the ESX? An article said "to VIM summary screen' I tried logging on the virtual machine and point a web browser on the server, I get a screen of welcome of ESX with link"Connecting to Web Access", when I click on it I get"Internet Explorer Can t Open The Web page.

    I had a look at VIM, I can see the details of the Vswitch network on the configuration page, including the IP address of the console service. Can't see how to open a service console. VIM of pointing at the address for service console is unable to do anything.

    I just need to know how to open the Service console and check the tables of ARP based on the KB.

    Please dumb down of your responses to me!

    The fundamental problem is about some units of electric distribution that we use to power the equipment in the racks. They have a network connection which we track using Virtual Machines to the report of a third person of monitoring and control software. The virtual machines are running alarm software driver used to report to the third party. The virtual machine is on a blade server.

    We have a problem where a unit of the IML has been replaced but configured with incorrect default gateway address. In the hours to do so, the monitoring and control software lost connection to ILM and one by one, all units of the IML began to send the ARP requests - "who has'.

    Finally, the MDU constantly send ARP requests and the MDU have lost connectivity to the virtual computer. If we open the VM machine, follow up and a MUD, the ping command ping fails, if we put a laptop in place an ILM and ping the machine VM, the ping works fine.

    If power us off/on the ILM voltage they are good, but we are a 24/7 operation and power cycling the MDU is considered risky.

    We have had this problem before and the only solution was to rebuild the virtual machine and assign all MDU to a new network address.

    All switches ILM is connected (foundry Falstron GS) have been verified by the support of our network guys and we are told are all good. The blade server hosts about 20 VM and they work just fine from other systems SNMP traffic monitoring.

    If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears.


    As stated, the console is the administration interface that you can use directly on the hardware. It is not a VM (as such) that connect you with the standard management GUI. You can SSH in the network or you can be "physically connected" as you say (I would use HP SIM or the ILO to connect directly to the blade). Once you have that screen upward, press 'Alt + F1' and you connect. Then you should be able to follow the KB to check the ARP table.

    See you soon,.

  • Overview of the data in the service Console Regional on the client machine generates an error.

    When I saw the data in the Regional (version service console on a client workstation, I get a "cannot sign in the field. "Error of initialization of the ORB.java.io.FileNotFoundException: domain.db (access is denied)" error. Now, if I use the client URL to Admin Console on the same computer am able to preview the data correctly. Also when I saw the data on the client installed on the server can't correctly preview data. Just when I use the Admin console client installed on a workstation, I get this error. Any suggestions?

    Thank you

    Published by: Teddd on March 26, 2013 14:51

    TimG says:
    I certainly say it is your problem (I don't even know how to see / control when installing local vs. web-Launcher finds Java, or if indeed there is a difference) but I think it's plausible enough to a test value

    In the Regional (not the web version) service console will resume java installed on the machine, if Java has not been installed it will use the settings in the admincon.lax file for example lax.nl.current.vm=E:\Hyperion\common\JRE\Sun\1.5.0\bin\java.exe
    So basically if you have installed Java 1.6 it will pick up and use that otherwise it will use the default JRE INSTALLED with Hyperion. The web console needs a version of Java installed in order to use Java Web Start.
    And I agree to have a different version of Java that sustained can cause problems using the Regional service console.

    See you soon


  • Slow performance NFS (16 MB/s) of the Service Console

    I'm trying to set up an environment with ghettoVCB but I have problems with the flow to the NFS share.

    My configuration:

    ESXi host:

    ESXi 4.0.0 164009

    Reference Dell R710 with 8x300GB 10 k SAS.

    NAS server:

    Nexenta 3.1.0

    Dell PE2950 with 6x2TB Sata

    Local write on the nas performance is around 230 Mbps. tested by running these two commands in two different sessions of PuTTY:

    zpool iostat tank 5
    dd if=/dev/zero of=sometestfile2 bs=1024000 count=5000

    Zpool iostat output:

                   capacity     operations    bandwidth
    pool        alloc   free   read  write   read  write
    ----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
    tank        7.59G  10.9T      0      0      0      0
    tank        6.74G  10.9T      0    709      0  64.2M
    tank        8.11G  10.9T      0  2.06K      0   235M
    tank        9.62G  10.9T      0  2.07K      0   254M
    tank        10.8G  10.9T      0  1.81K      0   219M

    Switch dedicated for storage area network:

    Cisco 3750 with mtu 9000 system

    Nexenta hosts both ESXi are connected to the switch with network cards with Jumbo enabled frames.

    I created an NFS share and mounted as a data store in ESXi. When I run the command "dd" even the service console, I get this:

    tank        6.94G  10.9T      0    178      0  16.9M
    tank        7.03G  10.9T      0    190      0  16.2M
    tank        7.11G  10.9T      0    180      0  17.0M

    To test another way, I created a vmnic in the vSwitch dedicated for nfs and then attached this nic to a guest vm under Debian. I mounted the same nfs share and run the same command "dd":

    splunk01:mount 192.168.XXX.XXX:/volumes/tank/vmbackup /mnt/nas0
    splunk01:/mnt/nas0# dd if=/dev/zero of=sometestfile4 bs=1024000 count=5000
    5000+0 records in
    5000+0 records out
    5120000000 bytes (5.1 GB) copied, 56.1965 s, 91.1 MB/s

    zpool iostat output:

    admin@nas0:~$ zpool iostat tank 5
                 capacity     operations    bandwidth
    pool        alloc   free   read  write   read  write
    ----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
    tank        8.73G  10.9T      0      1  5.72K   143K
    tank        8.73G  10.9T      0      0      0      0
    tank        8.73G  10.9T      0    389      0  47.5M
    tank        9.49G  10.9T      0    684      0  80.7M
    tank        4.24G  10.9T      0    702      0  84.6M
    tank        4.63G  10.9T      0    780      0  92.7M
    tank        4.63G  10.9T      0    750      0  91.1M
    tank        5.74G  10.9T      0    820      0  98.4M
    tank        6.27G  10.9T      0    729      0  87.9M
    tank        6.27G  10.9T      0    756      0  91.1M
    tank        7.28G  10.9T      0    785      0  94.9M
    tank        7.80G  10.9T      0    694      0  83.6M
    tank        7.80G  10.9T      0    801      0  96.6M
    tank        8.74G  10.9T      0    595      0  69.2M
    tank        8.74G  10.9T      0      0      0      0

    So there is clearly no problem on the side of Nexenta.

    What I am doing wrong?

    Is there a problem with this build exakt?



    you try this optimalizations in the GUI:

    1 / disable ZIL
    Settings-> preferences-> system
    Sys_zfs_nocacheflush Yes (default: No.)
    WARNING: it is dangerous without UPS

    2 / disable Nagel algoritm
    Settings-> preferences-> network
    Net_tcp_naglim_def 1 (default: 4095)

    3 / adapt for HDD SATA

    Settings-> preferences-> system
    Sys_zfs_vdev_max_pending 1 (default: 10)

    4 / disabling synchronization

    Data-> actions-> folder xxx management

    Turning off synchronization (default: Standard)

  • VMkernel and Service Console in the same vSwitch?


    Be aware that this may have been covered elsewhere (and I should be grateful if you would be redirected to the correct answer), but I need clarification on the installer to our servers ESX 4.1. I have a switch virtual vswitch1 with webcam live and test port groups running through a NIC 4 etherchannel trunk to a Cisco switch stack with load balancing of the IP Hash for our virtual machines (works fine).

    Due to limited network adapters, I wanted to know if I could have the VMKernel (vmotion) and the Service Console on the same virtual switch (vSwitch0) but separated by VLAN ID in 2 groups of ports, run through an another etherchannel to our Cisco switches (mounting similar to vswitch1 etherchannel trunk). Are these two functions OK on the same vSwitch?

    I say with this configuration, we will have redundancy with 2 network cards in vswitch0 and traffic will be isolated between the SC and vmotion with VLAN. Im not sure if best practices should have the VMkernel SC on separate vSwitches, or even if the VMkernel and HC would work even as a separate Exchange with an ID vswitch1 VLANS separated to release 2 network cards.

    As a result, I read elsewhere, that a default installation with a switch distributed (that we want to use in the near future) would use a dvSwitch for VMs and a vSwitch for SC and functions VMKernel, separating them, so at this point would be a good idea.

    Any advice would be welcome.

    Thank you


    When I have 2 NICs for network management and vMotion, I use usually 1 vSwitch for them. I configure ports of physical switch as connection ports (no etherchannel), set the VLAN ID on port groups and configure groups of two ports for active / standby. For example, the management network has active vmnic0, Eve and vMotion active vmnic1 vmnic0 a vmnic1, as yesterday. In this way each "service" uses its dedicated uplink unless there is a failure.

    BTW, you should consider installing instead of ESX ESXi, ESX 4.1 is the latest version of ESX. ESXi will only be available in the future and transition from ESX to ESXi requires a fresh install of the hosts.


  • In the Service Console the path value preferred on vSphere?


    We have a problem here.

    Environmental: political vSphere Host, 8 HBAs, path: fixed path of vmware, on 1,000 paths to storage

    To reduce the total number of paths we want to reconfigure our warehouses of data and reduce the number of used HBA for warehouses of test and reference using only 2 of the 8 host bus adapters. We use all the time, then put 6 of them on all our servers of vsphere for people with reduced mobility, only two remain active.

    That is why we have active and people with disabilities with the help of a script on paths of console service - it works very well.

    But after that we reduce active host bus adapters, vsphere seems to forget reset the preferred path (just checked in the GUI). We put vmhba1 and vmhba7 to be active, 0-8 (except no. 6 as is the lsi controller) should be disabled, but on most of these disabled HBA Lun remains the favorite.

    On esx 3.5 service console, we were used to:

    / usr/sbin/esxcfg-mpath - favorite - political fixed = - lun = $lun - path = $: ${lun # *------:}}

    but these options (favorite, political) seem to be outdated since vsphere, which apparently obtained these commands on the api storage?

    Can someone answer the following questions on this issue:

    1 did affect the feature if you prefer the path is one of the disabled?

    2 will be the vsphere host keeps this configuration after reboot (disabled HBA to a lun, active paths)?

    3. is there a new command to set the access path AND / OR politics (MRU, FIXED, RR) to a logical unit number?

    Thanks in advance,

    Kind regards



    for active/passive, please use MRU;

    as you know, when fixed in use and the LUNS mapped to multiple hosts, 1 host perhaps selects path fixed-to-controller 0 and 2nd host perhaps selects fixed path to controller 1, then the current path will change between two controllers, way stolen here;

    Binoche, VMware VCP, Cisco CCNA

  • ESX 3.5 Service Console memory

    I run an ESX 3.5 server and it has 800 MB of memory allocated to the service console. We use IPMonitor to monitor our servers and uses 750MO regularly for a while now. Is it necessary to upgrade the service console memory? Then the cause of performance problems?

    Thank you


    The important line is the + / cache line, which shows that you have 480 MB of free space.  You're golden and good to go.

    Basically linux (which is the service console) will use 'extra' memory for caching, leading many monitoring programs to believe you have only 26 MB of free space in this case.  Recommend that you find a monitoring program that is more intelligent.


    VCP, vExpert, Unix Geek

  • Newbie question: accessibility vs. insulation Service Console

    Hi all

    I wonder what people do in practice to balance isolate the service console/vCenter to be able to access essential services (updates, NTP, etc.) and to administer the host and vCenter.

    Quick reminder:

    Local government, not a department store. Just is about to go into production with ESX3.5/VC2.5, have licenses for the VDI which is one of the reasons why I'm not starting with v4. Had ESX in test for about a year.

    Network is a bit sophisticated, equipment Alcatel, can do VLAN etc., but managed by one other team so I didn't know very well how it can or can not do access control.

    Firewall is on the periphery of the network only; an inter - VLAN firewall or an ISA Server would be new for me, and probably ask a negotiation.

    Because I'm not quite yet in production, I know that my best chance now is to configure the network according to best practices. I have read the Security Hardening Guide, now I'm hoping to get some opinions 'the street '. Should I go the distance and set up a firewall, or can configure us a VLAN enough tight to be a good (if the second best) choice? What are the trade-offs of usability? How do you get updates if you do not connect that network to the Internet? All the creative solutions out there for the budget conscious?

    Thanks for your help,

    Jenna Flanagan

    City of Belmont COMPUTER service

    The service console is often regarded as the "keys to the Kingdom", if it is compromised, you have access to all the guests running.  the hardening guide is a very good starting point, an internal firewall would be a very good option there are several out there that are safe, but have a low learning curve, ISA is one, but there so smoothwall.

    However that said, even VLAN even though they are not considered as a security mechanism, should be used to separate your traffic, more important still is to separate traffic flows.  Make sure that your Service console and VMKernel traffic are separated from your Production comments traffic, this may be at the lowest level by exchanges and VLANs (not particularly sure, but better than nothing), moving to separate from Teddy and vSwitches and finally a game completely separated from pSwitches in order to guarantee a circulation independent flow (very safe but also very expensive.

    How many bears will you have in the comments. We're crazy.  with as little as 4 pNiICs you can start the design with real security in mind.

    vmnic0 + vmnic2-> traffic Service Console and VMKernel

    vmnic1 + vmnic3-> traffic Production comments.

    Very good Ed Haletky (Texiwill) reading series on the placement of NIC in design found here

    Now you are aware that the view output 4 is just around the corner, (guesstimated release date: mid November) this would introduce you to all the benefits of vSphere and use of VDI.  just a thought

    If you have found this device or any other answer useful please consider useful or correct buttons using attribute points

    Tom Howarth VCP / vExpert

    VMware communities user moderator

    Blog: www.planetvm.net

    Writer on "[vSphere of VMware and Virtual Infrastructure Security: securing ESX and virtual environment | ]. "[http://www.Amazon.co.uk/VMware-vSphere-Virtual-Infrastructure-Security/DP/0137158009/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=Books&qid=1256146240&SR=1-1].

  • PCI, antivirus and service console

    We are trying to get security to buy on our design of the PCI ESX cluster. One thing that came was antivirus in the COS. Is need antivirus in the cos ESX and if not a good white paper or statement of VMware that I could show as proof? and the next question; If it is not something like that, how about ESXi? I thought that ESXi eliminated the COS, so shouldn't have an AV agent be negligible in this situation? Once more, is there proof on that? And last question! Only VMSafe for vSphere address and solve many of these issues?

    My anitvirus software experience is not necessary for the service console.

    This is an article written on techtarget on the subject since last year.


    It is also a good post on the subject Council


    www.phdvirtual.com, manufacturers of esXpress

  • Service Console port group

    I have a test box that I started to use a VLan tagging with. Unfortunately, I forgot to place the service console port group. Is there a way to change the port group to service the console kvm CLI console?

    You can define a VLAN with command portgroup esxcfg-vswitch-p - v vlanid


    VMware vExpert 2009


  • Service Console problem

    I try to install ESX4.0 in our test environment, I have checked so that all the

    esxcfg-vswif - l

    esxcfg-NICs - l


    the parameters of air but can not 'ping' of the Service Console to other servers or can I 'ping' even the gateway to the ESX host.  I've tried deleting and recreating the vswitch and vswif, but can not get the ESX to access the network or access the ESX from the network through virtual Center.

    I have already activated the SSH and try and putty, but can't.

    Any suggestions on what might be the cause, I already checked the 'hosts' and /etc/resolv.conf files but can not identify why I can't connect to the ESX host.

    Any help appreciated.

    See you soon

    I tried to add an ESX4 (trial mode) for the VC2, 5 and cannot me.

    It is not possible.

    You need VC4 to manage ESX4.


    * If you found this device or any other answer useful please consider awarding points for correct or helpful answers

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