EP 9: "no options for the current tool.

When I try to replace the color in PSE 9, will not change the color. Instead, I get the message 'no options for the current tool. "

The instructions are simple: improve-> adjust color-> Replace color. However, when the eyedropper tool is selected, I get "no options for the current tool.» Any help will be greatly appreciated.


If you see that in the options toolbar, this is normal.

Here's a video showing how to use Enhance > adjust color > replace color

Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 - color replacement - YouTube

Tags: Photoshop

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    You have the close option enabled bar, so it can be confusing at first.

    Anyway the left most icon is that of automatic selection

    If you want to return to the options bar your opportunity, go to Photoshop > Preferences > Interface and uncheck the box Enable close Bar Options , and then restart photoshop.

  • use Image catalog script for the current document

    Is it possible to use the script to image catalogue for the current document in which we work instead of leaving the mark of script a new document fees for placed images?


    //An InDesign CS6 JavaScript
    @@@BUILDINFO@@@ "ImageCatalog.jsx" 3.0.0 15 December 2009
    //Creates an image catalog from the graphic files in a selected folder.
    //Each file can be labeled with the file name, and the labels are placed on
    //a separate layer and formatted using a paragraph style ("label") you can
    //modify to change the appearance of the labels.
    //For more information on InDesign scripting, go to http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/scripting/index.html
    //Or visit the InDesign Scripting User to User forum at http://www.adobeforums.com .
    //The myExtensions array contains the extensions of the graphic file types you want
    //to include in the catalog. You can remove extensions from or add extensions to this list.
    //myExtensions is a global. Mac OS users should also look at the file types in the myFileFilter function.
    function main(){
      var myFilteredFiles;
      //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
      app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
      myExtensions = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".eps", ".ps", ".pdf", ".tif", ".tiff", ".gif", ".psd", ".ai"]
      //Display the folder browser.
      var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select the folder containing the images", "");
      //Get the path to the folder containing the files you want to place.
      if(myFolder != null){
      if(File.fs == "Macintosh"){
      myFilteredFiles = myMacOSFileFilter(myFolder);
      myFilteredFiles = myWinOSFileFilter(myFolder);
      if(myFilteredFiles.length != 0){
      myDisplayDialog(myFilteredFiles, myFolder);
    //Windows version of the file filter.
    function myWinOSFileFilter(myFolder){
      var myFiles = new Array;
      var myFilteredFiles = new Array;
      for(myExtensionCounter = 0; myExtensionCounter < myExtensions.length; myExtensionCounter++){
      myExtension = myExtensions[myExtensionCounter];
            myFiles = myFolder.getFiles("*"+ myExtension);
      if(myFiles.length != 0){
      for(var myFileCounter = 0; myFileCounter < myFiles.length; myFileCounter++){
      return myFilteredFiles;
    function myMacOSFileFilter(myFolder){
      var myFilteredFiles = myFolder.getFiles(myFileFilter);
      return myFilteredFiles;
    //Mac OS version of file filter
    //Have to provide a separate version because not all Mac OS users use file extensions
    //and/or file extensions are sometimes hidden by the Finder.
    function myFileFilter(myFile){
      var myFileType = myFile.type;
      switch (myFileType){
      case "JPEG":
      case "EPSF":
      case "PICT":
      case "TIFF":
      case "8BPS":
      case "GIFf":
      case "PDF ":
      return true;
      for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter-1){
      return true;
      return false;
    function myDisplayDialog(myFiles, myFolder){
      var myLabelWidth = 112;
      var myStyleNames = myGetParagraphStyleNames(app);
      var myLayerNames = ["Layer 1", "Labels"];
      var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Image Catalog"});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Source Folder:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:myFolder.path + "/" + myFolder.name});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Images:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:myFiles.length + ""});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Rows:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myNumberOfRowsField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:3});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Columns:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myNumberOfColumnsField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:3});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Horizontal Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myHorizontalOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:12, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Vertical Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myVerticalOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:24, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
      with (dialogRows.add()){
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Fitting:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myFitProportionalCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Proportional", checkedState:true});
      var myFitCenterContentCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Center Content", checkedState:true});
      var myFitFrameToContentCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Frame to Content", checkedState:true});
      var myRemoveEmptyFramesCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Remove Empty Frames:", checkedState:true});
      var myLabelsGroup = enablingGroups.add({staticLabel:"Labels", checkedState:true});
      with (myLabelsGroup){
      //Label type
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Type:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLabelTypeDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:["File name", "File path", "XMP description", "XMP author"], selectedIndex:0});
      //Text frame height
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Height:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLabelHeightField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:24, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
      //Text frame offset
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLabelOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:0, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
      //Style to apply
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Style:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLabelStyleDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myStyleNames, selectedIndex:0});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Layer:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLayerDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myLayerNames, selectedIndex:0});
            var myResult = myDialog.show();
            if(myResult == true){
      var myNumberOfRows = myNumberOfRowsField.editValue;
      var myNumberOfColumns = myNumberOfColumnsField.editValue;
      var myRemoveEmptyFrames = myRemoveEmptyFramesCheckbox.checkedState;
      var myFitProportional = myFitProportionalCheckbox.checkedState;
      var myFitCenterContent = myFitCenterContentCheckbox.checkedState;
      var myFitFrameToContent = myFitFrameToContentCheckbox.checkedState;
      var myHorizontalOffset = myHorizontalOffsetField.editValue;
      var myVerticalOffset = myVerticalOffsetField.editValue;
      var myMakeLabels = myLabelsGroup.checkedState;
      var myLabelType = myLabelTypeDropdown.selectedIndex;
      var myLabelHeight = myLabelHeightField.editValue;
      var myLabelOffset = myLabelOffsetField.editValue;
      var myLabelStyle = myStyleNames[myLabelStyleDropdown.selectedIndex];
      var myLayerName = myLayerNames[myLayerDropdown.selectedIndex];
      myMakeImageCatalog(myFiles, myNumberOfRows, myNumberOfColumns, myRemoveEmptyFrames, myFitProportional, myFitCenterContent, myFitFrameToContent, myHorizontalOffset, myVerticalOffset, myMakeLabels, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle,  myLayerName);
    function myGetParagraphStyleNames(myDocument){
      var myStyleNames = new Array;
      var myAddLabelStyle = true;
      for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter < myDocument.paragraphStyles.length; myCounter++){
      if (myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myCounter).name == "Labels"){
      myAddLabelStyle = false;
      if(myAddLabelStyle == true){
      return myStyleNames;
    function myMakeImageCatalog(myFiles, myNumberOfRows, myNumberOfColumns, myRemoveEmptyFrames, myFitProportional, myFitCenterContent, myFitFrameToContent, myHorizontalOffset, myVerticalOffset, myMakeLabels, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle,  myLayerName){
      var myPage, myFile, myCounter, myX1, myY1, myX2, myY2, myRectangle, myLabelStyle, myLabelLayer;
      var myParagraphStyle, myError;
      var myFramesPerPage = myNumberOfRows * myNumberOfColumns;
      var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
      myDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
      myDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
      var myDocumentPreferences = myDocument.documentPreferences;
      var myNumberOfFrames = myFiles.length;
      var myNumberOfPages = Math.round(myNumberOfFrames / myFramesPerPage);
      if ((myNumberOfPages * myFramesPerPage) < myNumberOfFrames){
      //If myMakeLabels is true, then add the label style and layer if they do not already exist.
      if(myMakeLabels == true){
      myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.item(myLayerName);
      //if the layer does not exist, trying to get the layer name will cause an error.
      catch (myError){
      myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.add({name:myLayerName});
      //If the paragraph style does not exist, create it.
      myParagraphStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myLabelStyle);
      myDocumentPreferences.pagesPerDocument = myNumberOfPages;
      myDocumentPreferences.facingPages = false;
      var myPage = myDocument.pages.item(0);
      var myMarginPreferences = myPage.marginPreferences;
      var myLeftMargin = myMarginPreferences.left;
      var myTopMargin = myMarginPreferences.top;
      var myRightMargin = myMarginPreferences.right;
      var myBottomMargin = myMarginPreferences.bottom;
      var myLiveWidth = (myDocumentPreferences.pageWidth - (myLeftMargin + myRightMargin)) + myHorizontalOffset
      var myLiveHeight = myDocumentPreferences.pageHeight - (myTopMargin + myBottomMargin)
      var myColumnWidth = myLiveWidth / myNumberOfColumns
      var myFrameWidth = myColumnWidth - myHorizontalOffset
      var myRowHeight = (myLiveHeight / myNumberOfRows)
      var myFrameHeight = myRowHeight - myVerticalOffset
      var myPages = myDocument.pages;
      // Construct the frames in reverse order. Don't laugh--this will
      // save us time later (when we place the graphics).
      for (myCounter = myDocument.pages.length-1; myCounter >= 0; myCounter--){
      myPage = myPages.item(myCounter);
      for (var myRowCounter = myNumberOfRows; myRowCounter >= 1; myRowCounter--){
      myY1 = myTopMargin + (myRowHeight * (myRowCounter-1));
      myY2 = myY1 + myFrameHeight;
      for (var myColumnCounter = myNumberOfColumns; myColumnCounter >= 1; myColumnCounter--){
      myX1 = myLeftMargin + (myColumnWidth * (myColumnCounter-1));
      myX2 = myX1 + myFrameWidth;
      myRectangle = myPage.rectangles.add(myDocument.layers.item(-1), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2], strokeWeight:0, strokeColor:myDocument.swatches.item("None")});
      // Because we constructed the frames in reverse order, rectangle 1
      // is the first rectangle on page 1, so we can simply iterate through
      // the rectangles, placing a file in each one in turn. myFiles = myFolder.Files;
      for (myCounter = 0; myCounter < myNumberOfFrames; myCounter++){
      myFile = myFiles[myCounter];
      myRectangle = myDocument.rectangles.item(myCounter);
      myRectangle.label = myFile.fsName.toString();
      //Apply fitting options as specified.
      //Add the label, if necessary.
      if(myMakeLabels == true){
      myAddLabel(myRectangle, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle, myLayerName);
      if (myRemoveEmptyFrames == 1){
      for (var myCounter = myDocument.rectangles.length-1; myCounter >= 0;myCounter--){
      if (myDocument.rectangles.item(myCounter).contentType == ContentType.unassigned){
      //As soon as you encounter a rectangle with content, exit the loop.
    //Function that adds the label.
    function myAddLabel(myFrame, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyleName, myLayerName){
      var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
      var myLabel;
      var myLabelStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myLabelStyleName);
      var myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.item(myLayerName);
      var myLink =myFrame.graphics.item(0).itemLink;
      //Label type defines the text that goes in the label.
      //File name
      case 0:
      myLabel = myLink.name;
      //File path
      case 1:
      myLabel = myLink.filePath;
      //XMP description
      case 2:
      myLabel = myLink.linkXmp.description;
      if(myLabel.replace(/^\s*$/gi, "")==""){
      throw myError;
      myLabel = "No description available.";
      //XMP author
      case 3:
      myLabel = myLink.linkXmp.author
      if(myLabel.replace(/^\s*$/gi, "")==""){
      throw myError;
      myLabel = "No author available.";
      var myX1 = myFrame.geometricBounds[1];
      var myY1 = myFrame.geometricBounds[2] + myLabelOffset;
      var myX2 = myFrame.geometricBounds[3];
      var myY2 = myY1 + myLabelHeight;
      var myTextFrame = myFrame.parent.textFrames.add(myLabelLayer, undefined, undefined,{geometricBounds:[myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2], contents:myLabel});
      myTextFrame.textFramePreferences.firstBaselineOffset = FirstBaseline.leadingOffset;
      myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.item(0).appliedParagraphStyle = myLabelStyle;
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    If you have not all panels in the Titler then go and reset the current workspace that is located under the window.

  • POLL: Blend mode options in the Brush tool?

    layers.pngIt is a survey question for users of all versions of fireworks. In Fireworks 8, I noticed a difference in the properties of the Brush tool depending on whether the selection is an object or mask - in particular, the blend mode options do NOT appear in the property inspector when a bitmap mask is selected, * except * the object was chosen in the first place, as well as the Brush tool.

    Please try the steps below and let me know the results:

    1. From the pointer tool, select a mask bitmap image (by selecting its thumbnail in the layers panel) and choose the Brush tool.
      The blending mode menu in the property inspector?
    2. Now, with the still active brush tool, select the thumbnail of the object being masked.
      The blending mode menu in the property inspector?
    3. Now, select the pointer tool and then re - select the Brush tool.
      The blending mode menu in the property inspector?
    4. Finally, select the mask, with the still active brush tool again.
      The blending mode menu in the property inspector?

    In Fireworks 8 (on Mac OS 10.6.8), the answers to the above questions are, "no, no, Yes, Yes." So it is possible to use the blending mode of the options with the Brush tool when you are working with a mask bitmap image, but it's a complicated process to get these options appear. I'm interested to know if future versions of fireworks exhibit the same behavior. Anyone with a different version, please chime.

    Brush_no blend options.pngBrush_mask w_blend options.png

    UPDATE: I still would like to hear from users of Fireworks CS3, CS4and CS5, CS5.5 on this issue! Please take a moment to help. All it takes is a Fireworks document with a bitmap object and a mask (not vector). Don't forget to indicate which version of Fireworks you are using.

    Using Fireworks CS5 on Win 7, same results:

    1 NO.

    2 NO.

    3. Yes

    4. Yes, it still seems to work as expected with multiply that blendmode

    Maybe the blendmodes are disabled simply because they are not that useful on a mask bitmap?



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    I am trying to sync my iphone to my computer via i-tunes soft ware.  It does give me an option for the phone device. How can I get the phone icon in the menu bar?

    Mac or Windows?

  • where the requirements for the current download? This used to be posted prominently.

    where the requirements for the current download? This used to be posted prominently.


    You can find the full version of the latest version of Firefox 24.0 in all languages and for all systems operating here:

  • In integration (the command-line developer), I can not enter the options for the command of the jsb

    > jsb http://url

    > jsb http://url 4
    gives a 'available Options, too many arguments' ToolTip window

    There is a blue [options] after the http://url, probably an indication I would add my options here.
    But I can't get the syntax right, or it's bugged.

    How can I enter the options presented by 'help jsb' on integration?

    You can see the options, if you type ' - '. You will need to manually enter the options in the current versions of Firefox.

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    How can I restore 'folder options' in the section "Tools"?

    One of the solutions in the following thread will solve your problem:

    "Why don't I have Folder Options in tools?
    <>http://answers.Microsoft.com/en-us/Windows/Forum/windows_xp-files/why-Don >


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    See the methods listed in the articles below and check.
    You receive an error "Microsoft has not been installed for the current user" message when you try to start an Office 2003 program or an Office XP program for the first time
    You receive a message "Microsoft has not been installed for the current user" when you start an Office XP program or start of Microsoft Office Maintenance mode

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you, and in what concerns:
    Shekhar S - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
    If this post can help solve your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

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    I looked at how to make a point of my computer because I have a usb wireless internet device for my laptop and I tried to get an ad hoc network setup but there is NO option for the CONFIGURATION of the NETWORK AD HOC when I go to network and sharing Center... what should I do?

    original title: ad hoc isn't here...

    Hi NickBean2,

    You can refer to the following articles and see if it helps.

    Set up a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network
    Solve problems, find wireless networks

    Hope this information is useful.

  • How can I add "Shut down" as an option for the action of the Power button if it is not available

    How can I add "Shut down" as an option for the action of the Power button if it is not available.


    Welcome to the Microsoft Community and thanks for posting the question. Looks like you want to add shut down as an option for the power button.

    Visit this link and try the steps mentioned:

    There are two ways to change what happens when you press the power button on your computer. You can change what happens when you press the power button on your computer case (or the edge of your laptop) and you can change what happens when you press the close button in the start menu.

    Change what happens when you press the power button on your computer


    Hope this information helps. If you have questions to answer us and we will be happy to help you.

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    Hello. Guy

    How to get the last date of 3 days for the current month?


    JANUARY 29, 2016

    JANUARY 30, 2016

    JANUARY 31, 2016

    GUYS HELP ME / / /...

    SQL > select last_day (sysdate) - level + 1 double connect by level<= 3="" order="" by="">



    29 JANUARY 16

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  • Hi, I am trying to buy creative cloud for photographers, but my profile continues to view the payment options for the Argentina

    Try to pay in Mexico with a Mexican credit card, but couldn't find options in Mexican pesos. And when you fill my card info shows the price in Argentine pesos and there is no option for the Mexico.

    I already change my account and updated information to Mexican day with my address.

    Have not now what else to doy in order to make the payment...


    Thank you.


    Hi Cecilia

    The country associated with your Adobe ID is the Argentina.

    You can create a new Adobe ID with the country or the following workaround solution allows to create a new ID using the same email address:

    Change the country associated with your Adobe ID

    Thank you


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