Errors checking - but only on 4.6,4.7 etc.?

I know they are a pain to diagnose, but can you give me some clue?

All devices with OS 4.x see verification of errors regardless of the device. Simulators and real devices behave the same. Some simulators or devices that I try with OS 5 or 6 work very well.

I crossed the technical note on debugging them and have gotten nowhere.

Clues to a BONE of a mistake?

Thank you


In eclipse, I deleted the Library 5.0 and added 4.6 library in project properties - Java Build Path.

It gave me an error more explicit UnsupportedLocaleException.

I then watched the same newspaper in the Simulator - Alt-l-g-l-g and who gave an error making reference to the trainer.

Googling a bit more and found trainer only supports localization 'in' in 4.6. So I searched in my code and changed all references to the new trainer in new Formatter("en").

It is now very well. I suspect that just add him 'en' would have sufficed.

Hey Eclipse... an error message would have been nice.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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