Export of Get-VIEvent event


I found the get-vievent command output looks like this

model: false

key: 8240

chainId: 8240

Createduserid: 2009-03-23 14:38:03

user name:

Data Center: VimApi.DatacenterEventArgument

computeResource: VimApi.ComputeResourceEventArgument

Host: VimApi.HostEventArgument

VM: VimApi.VmEventArgument

fullFormattedMessage: Machine virtual viedfs1-clone is connected



It is possible to get there real name of the host instead of the value VimApi.HostEventArgument?

What I'm trying to do is to get the list of errors and warnings with time stamp, name the source (host or guest) and completely formatted message. Perfect example is event VC GUI export

Error 2009-01-30 12:43:20 cannot communicate with a primary agent of HA cluster Cluster1 in Test environment

error 30/01/2009 12:43:20 abcd.fqdn.com host in Test environment does not

It is possible to reproduce the logfile that way by VI toolkit?

Thnx a lot

The following should do what you want.

Note that I have export text to a CSV file, which makes it easier to see the different areas

$report = @()
get-vievent -Types Error,Warning -Start (Get-Date).addminutes(-15) | %{
  $row = "" | Select Time, Text, Host
  $row.Time = $_.CreatedTime.ToString()
  $row.Text = $_.fullFormattedMessage
  if($_.host -ne $null){
     $row.Host = $_.host.name
    $row.Host = ""
  $report += $row
$report | Export-Csv "C:\report.csv" -noTypeInformation 

Post edited by: LucD

Just noticed I put 1500 instead of 15 as an argument to the addminutes method.

Tags: VMware

Similar Questions

  • Get-VIEvent - how to export the event type?  error, warning, or info


    I know that the Get-VIEvent command allows you to specify the type of events to get back... that is to say [-Types < EventCategory [>]

    but, I want to extract all the events and export them to a CSV file. I want one of the columns to be "EventCategory", which will be ERROR, WARNING, or INFO, but I can't seem to find it.  $_. GetType(). Name gets me the type of event, but not the category.  I know that I can have my script executed 3 times (each time specifying the - parameter Types) but I want to run only once.  Any ideas?

    Thank you!


    Hello, horningj-

    I worked on a few elements that should attract the event category.  The first selects a few properties, including a calculated property that gets the event category:

    ## works well if no events of type 'EventEx'## get the .Net View object of the EventManager (used for getting the event Category) $viewEventMgr = Get-View EventManager ## get some VIEvents, select a few properties, including a calculated property for EventCategory Get-VIEvent | Select FullFormattedMessage, CreatedTime, @{n="EventCategory"; e={$strThisEventType = $_.GetType().Name; ($viewEventMgr.Description.EventInfo | ?{$_.Key -eq $strThisEventType}).Category}}

    It becomes VIEvents (the last 100, because I did not specify the parameter - MaxSamples) and returns the properties of data.  The calculated "EventCategory" property uses the type of the VIEvent object to search for in the collection of items EventDescriptionEventDetail in ownership eventInfo found in .net object View for the EventManager.  He then grabs the 'Category' of the corresponding element of EventDescriptionEventDetail property.

    Works fine unless you have any VIEvents type "EventEx" - then, this 'research' in EventDescriptionEventDetail collection method fails, because there is more than one element of this type (there are 91 of them at the moment).

    This led me to the next bit.  It is similar to the previous method, but it handles EventEx events too:

    ## get the .Net View object of the EventManager (used for getting the event Category)$viewEventMgr = Get-View EventManager
    ## get some VIEvents (the last 100, as "-MaxSamples" is not specified) Get-VIEvent | %{    ## put the pipeline varible into another variable; get its type    $oThisEvent = $_; $strThisEventType = $_.GetType().Name    ## if this event is of type "EventEx"    if ($strThisEventType -eq "EventEx") {        $strEventTypeId = $oThisEvent.EventTypeId;        ## get the EventInfo item (of type EventDescriptionEventDetail) whose "FullFormat" property begins with the EventTypeId of the VIEvent at hand, and get its "Category" property        $strCategory = ($viewEventMgr.Description.EventInfo | ?{$strRegexPattern = "^$strEventTypeId\|.*"; $_.FullFormat -match $strRegexPattern}).Category    } ## end if     ## else, can just grab the EventInfo item whose "Key" is the same as this event's type    else {$strCategory = ($viewEventMgr.Description.EventInfo | ?{$_.Key -eq $strThisEventType}).Category}    ## add a NoteProperty "EventCategory" to this event    $oThisEvent | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EventCategory -Value $strCategory -PassThru} | Select FullFormattedMessage, CreatedTime, EventCategory

    It seems that the EventTypeId of the event returned by Get-VIEvent is included in the first part of the property FullFormat of elements EventDescriptionEventDetail with EventEx key, separate from the rest of the value by a vertical pipe.  Thus, the EventTypeId of the VIEvents can be used to make a match on EventEx of events .net EventManager View object types to get the event 'category' (info, warning, error, user).

    You can, of course, change the Select statements to choice/choose the pieces of information you want to export and then export to a file of data as you please.

    How does do for you?

    * The message has been edited by mattboren on April 5, 2011 - added line at the beginning of the second piece of code '$viewEventMgr = Get-view event Manager.  It was already in the first room and assumes that the user has run the two parts in the same session, but added for completeness.

  • Look at a record events with get-vievent

    How can I use get-vievent to see everything that follows?

    -All exports of VMS in vCenter

    -All exports of virtual machines in an ESXi host

    -All downloads of files vmdk to a store of data using client operations or copy of Vmware on the vmdk from the dcui / ssh console?

    The idea is to see every time a vmdk left the environment.

    You can report export (EGGS or OVF) with the following

    $start = (get-Date). AddHours(-1)

    Get-VIEvent-Start $start - MaxSamples ([int]: MaxValue) |

    where {$_-is [VMware.Vim.TaskEvent] - and $_.Info.DescriptionId - eq "VirtualMachine.ExportVmLRO"} |

    Select CreatedTime,UserName,@{N='VM'; E={$_. UMM name}}, FullFormattedMessage,

    @{N = 'Event'; {E = {$_.Info.DescriptionId}}

    Download files through the browser data store does not all events as far as I know.

  • Events not shown in get-vievent

    What types of events are NOT displayed in


    For example, suppose that a user connects to a server ESXi directly, rather than connecting to vCenter Server.  This ESXi server is managed by the vcenter Server.  Everything is done on the ESXi server can still to report through



    the server vCenter Server?

    What could be missing if I don't

    Get-vievent - username 'ADDOMAIN\adusername '.

    the server vCenter for this user?

    Server ESXi and vCenter server have their own set of events.

    As you can easily check with my Event-O-Matic script, when you connect to a server ESXi and vCenter server.

    ESXi events, both there are connectivity, are copied to the vCenter by the vpxa service that runs on the ESXi.

    So in theory you should, as far as I know, see all ESXi appearing in the vCenter events events & tasks

  • Getting VM event for some days


    I wan to pull events for a particular virtual machine for the last 2 months. I want to know who made changes to the configuration of the VM (like adding disks, Flash, etc.). Also, this command gives a result for all virtual machines, but I'm looking for particular VM e.g.VM1. Let me know if any script or command in cli.

    Thank you


    Right channel output to Export-CSV.

    Get-VIEvent-beginning (Get-Date). AddMonths(-2) - MaxSamples ([int]: MaxValue)-entity (Get - VM someVM) | Export-CSV - NoTypeInformation ' VM - Events.csv.

  • Virtual MACHINE created on date export csv - get - vm testvm works but says testvm get-vmcreationdate is not found.


    I entered the following two functions in my shell powercli

    Two functions I have installed

    function {Get-VMEvents

    < #.

    . Logbook

    Get events for an entity or query all events.

    . Description

    This function returns the events for the entities. It is very similar to

    cmdlet Get-vievent. Please note that get-VMEvent can handle 1 vm at a time.

    You can't send picture of vms in this version of the script.

    . Example of

    Get-VMEvents 0All-types "VmCreatedEvent", "VmDeployedEvent", "VmClonedEvent".

    He will receive all events of type "VmCreatedEvent", "VmDeployedEvent"

    'VmClonedEvent '.

    . Example of

    Get-VMEvents-name 'vm1' - type 'VmCreatedEvent '.

    Will be out of the events of creation of virtual machine: "vm1. It's faster than the vms piping is of

    result of Get - vm. There is no need to use get - vm to move names to get-vmevents.

    Yet, it is OK when you do, it will be just a little more slow < span class = "wp-smiley wp-emoji wp-emoji-blink of eye" title = ';') > ;) </span >

    . Example of

    Get-VMEvents-name 'vm1' - category 'WARNING '.

    Will be out all events for vm: 'vm1. It is is faster than the names of piping of

    cmdlet Get - vm. Category will get-vmevent to search only the defined category


    . Example of

    Get - vm "vm1 | Get-VMEvents-types "VmCreatedEvent", "VmMacAssignedEvent".

    Shows events for vm1 which will be regarding the events of creation,.

    and events when when / what mac address is assigned

    . VM parameter

    This setting is a unique string that represents the name of the vm. He expects this single vm name

    There in the virtual Center. Now in the first version of the script, it will only load a case

    where there is 1 instance of vm selected name. In the future it will load multiple as


    . Types of parameters

    If none is specified, it will return all the events. If specified will return

    Only the events with selected types. For example: "VmCreatedEvent."

    "VmDeployedEvent", "VmMacAssignedEvent" "VmClonedEvent", etc...

    . Category of a parameter

    Possible categories are: warning, info, error. Please use this setting if you

    you want to filter events.

    . Setting all the

    If you need to set this parameter, so command queries all events

    Center Virtual Server virtual machines.

    . Notes

    NAME: VMEvents

    AUTHOR: Grzegorz Kulikowski

    LASTEDIT: 09/11/2012

    DOES NOT? #powercli @ irc.freenode.net

    . Link


    # >


    [Parameter (ValueFromPipeline = $true)]



    [String []] $variétés.

    [string] $category,

    [switch] $All


    $si = get-view ServiceInstance

    $em is get-view $si. Content.EventManager

    $EventFilterSpec = new-Object VMware.Vim.EventFilterSpec

    $EventFilterSpec.Type = $types

    {if ($Category)}

    $EventFilterSpec.Category = $category


    If {($VM)

    $EventFilterSpec.Entity = new-Object VMware.Vim.EventFilterSpecByEntity

    switch ($VM) {}

    {$_-is [VMware.Vim.VirtualMachine]} {$VMmoref = $vm.moref}

    {$_-is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineImpl]} {$VMmoref = $vm. ExtensionData.moref}

    default {$vmmoref = (get - view - ViewType virtualmachine-filter @{'name' = $VM}) .moref}


    $EventFilterSpec.Entity.Entity = $vmmoref

    $em. QueryEvents ($EventFilterSpec)


    If {($All)

    $em. QueryEvents ($EventFilterSpec)



    function get-vmcreationdate {}

    < #.

    . Logbook

    Gets if possible virtual machine created.

    . Description

    This function will return the object with information about the creation time, method, of months,.

    creator of particular virtual machine.

    VMname: SomeVM12

    Createduserid: 10/08/2012 11:48:18

    CreatedMonth: August

    CreationMethod: cloned

    Creator: office\greg

    This function displays NoEvent property in case when your VC do not

    more information on these specific events, or your vm events no longer have

    entries for the subject being created. If your VC data base has more tension date it is no longer possible

    you find this event.

    . Example of

    Get-VMCreationdate - VMnames 'my_vm1', 'My_otherVM '.

    This will return items that contain date information of creating virtual machines with names

    myvm1 and myvm2

    . Example of

    Get-VM-location 'Cluster1 | Get-VMCreationdate

    This will return items that contain information created for virtual machines that are

    Located in Cluster1

    . Example of

    Notice-EEG - viewtype virtualmachine - SearchRoot (get-datacenter "mydc") user.user | Get-VMCreationDate

    This will return items that contain information created for virtual machines that are

    located in the data center "mydc" container If you use this feature in an existing loop where you

    having the cmdlet get-view virtual machines, you can pass them via pipes or as a parameter VMnames.

    . Example of

    $report = get-cluster "cl-01' | Get-VMCreationdate

    $report | Export-csv c:\myreport.csv

    Stores all reported creationtimes object in the array $report variable and export the report to a csv file.

    You can also filter the report before you write in the csv file using select

    $report | Where-Object {$_.} {CreatedMonth - eq "October"} | Select VMName, CreatedMonth

    So that you see only the vms that have been created in October.

    . Example of

    Get-vmcreationdate - VMnames "my_vm1", testvm55

    WARNING: my_vm1 is not found, typo?

    VMname: testvm55

    Createduserid: 05/10/2012 14:24:03

    CreatedMonth: October

    CreationMethod: NewVM

    Creator: home\greg

    In case when you receive virtual machine that is not appropriate in the infrastructure of yor, a warning is displayed.

    You can always store the full text of the report in the $report variable, but it includes all the information on

    dates of creation of the missing vm. A warning always only for your information there is

    probably a typing mistake in the name of the virtual machine.

    . Parameter VMnames

    This parameter must contain objects of virtual machine or strings representing vm

    names. It is possible to supply this function wiith VM objects coming from get - vm or

    get - view.

    . Notes

    NAME: Get-VMCreationdate

    AUTHOR: Grzegorz Kulikowski

    LASTEDIT: 27/11/2012

    DOES NOT? #powercli @ irc.freenode.net

    . Link


    # >


    [Parameter (ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)]


    [Object []] $VMnames


    {in process

    {foreach ($vm to $VMnames)

    $ReportedVM = "" | Select VMname Createduserid, CreatedMonth, CreationMethod, creator

    If ($CollectedEvent = $vm |) Get - VMEvents - types "VmBeingDeployedEvent", "VmRegisteredEvent", "VmClonedEvent", "VmBeingCreatedEvent" - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)


    If ($CollectedEvent.GetType ().) IsArray) {$CollectedEvent = $CollectedEvent |?} {{$_-is [vmware.vim.VmRegisteredEvent]}}

    $CollectedEventType = $CollectedEvent.gettype () .name

    $CollectedEventMonth = "{0: MMMM}" $CollectedEvent.CreatedTime f

    $CollectedEventCreationDate = $CollectedEvent.CreatedTime

    $CollectedEventCreator = $CollectedEvent.Username

    Switch ($CollectedEventType)


    "VmClonedEvent" {$CreationMethod = "Cloned"}

    "VmRegisteredEvent" {$CreationMethod = "RegisteredFromVMX"}

    "VmBeingDeployedEvent" {$CreationMethod = "VmFromTemplate"}

    "VmBeingCreatedEvent" {$CreationMethod = "NewVM"}

    default value {$CreationMethod = 'Error'}


    $ReportedVM.VMname = $CollectedEvent.vm.Name

    $ReportedVM.CreatedTime = $CollectedEventCreationDate

    $ReportedVM.CreatedMonth = $CollectedEventMonth

    $ReportedVM.CreationMethod = $CreationMethod

    $ReportedVM.Creator = $CollectedEventCreator

    } else {}

    If ($?) {

    If ($vm - is [VMware.Vim.VirtualMachine]) {$ReportedVM.VMname = $vm.name} else {$ReportedVM.VMname = $vm.} ToString()}

    $ReportedVM.CreatedTime = 'NoEvent.

    $ReportedVM.CreatedMonth = 'NoEvent.

    $ReportedVM.CreationMethod = 'NoEvent.

    $ReportedVM.Creator = 'NoEvent.

    } else {}

    $ReportedVM = $null

    Write-Warning "$VM is not found, typo?







    Now, if I use the first command

    Get - vm testvm

    I get a response of

    Name PowerState Num CPU MemoryGB

    ----                 ---------- -------- --------

    Receiving TestVM 4 4,000

    But if I do

    Get-vmcreationdate testvm

    he responds with

    WARNING: testvm is not found. misspelling?

    I can't understand why he says this?

    What will be the final objective to query the server vcenter set and export a CSV of the creation of each day VM - is their an easier way to do it?

    I was intending to use

    get - vm | Get-VMCreationDate | Export-Csv-path "d:\\reports\vmcreationinventory.csv ".

    But at the present time, each unique virtual machine is indicating "is not found."

    Attached is an example with a virtual machine called gbvls

    Although you may be better communicate with the author of these functions, from what I can tell, it seems to indicate that none of the specified events were found for these virtual machines.

    You can check if there are targeted with the cmdlet Get-VIEvent ordinary events.

    If you can see events, there could be a problem with the Get-VMEvents function.

    $vmName = 'testvm '.

    $tgtEvents = "VmBeingDeployedEvent", "VmRegisteredEvent", "VmClonedEvent", "VmBeingCreatedEvent".

    $vm = get-VM-name $vmName

    Get-VIEvent-body $vm - MaxSamples ([int]: MaxValue) |

    Where {$tgtEvents - contains $_.} GetType(). Name}

  • Get-vievent formatted output

    Hello Luke,.

    Instead of the select-object cmdlet, I would use format-table - Autosize. If I do this, I can only direct to cmdlet convertto-html I want. What is the trick here? I need an output formatted due to FullFormattedMessage.

    $fileloc = "c:\error.csv".
    $vievents = get-VIEvent-start (Get-Date). AddHours(-24)-Types 'mistake ' |
    Select-object Createduserid, username, FullFormattedMessage |
    Export-Csv-path $fileloc - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

    Thank you

    You must use a Format-* cmdlet only as the last cmdlet in a pipeline. The Select-Object cmdlet is used to select only the properties that you want. To better keep this cmdlet. You can convert the output to html format with:

    $a = ""
    Get-VIEvent -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-24) -Types "Error" |
    Select-Object CreatedTime, UserName, FullFormattedMessage |
    ConvertTo-HTML -head $a -body "

    VI Events Information

    " | Out-File VIEvents.htm Start VIEvents.htm

    Best regards, Robert

  • Get-VIEvent "vSphere HA restarted virtual machine.

    Hi score

    Can someone help me complete this script

    Get-Cluster 'test ' | Get - VM | Get-VIEvent | Where-Object {$_.} FullFormattedMessage-LIKE "{vSphere virtual machine rebooted HA *'} |" Select ObjectName,@{N="IP addr; E={($_. Guest.IpAddress)}}, Createduserid, FullFormattedMessage

    Out put:

    ObjectName IP addr Createduserid FullFormattedMessage

    ----------                          -------                             -----------                        --------------------

    VM1 05 - Sep - 14 16:14:29 vSphere restarted my virtual HA...

    VM2 05 - Sep - 14 16:14:25 vSphere restarted my virtual HA...

    VM3 05 - Sep - 14 16:14:25 vSphere restarted my virtual HA...

    Failed to get the IP address on this script.

    Thank you for giving if any good script to get vSphere HA restarted event when the host failure.

    Try like this

    Get-Cluster 'test ' | Get - VM |

    Get-VIEvent |

    where {$_.} FullFormattedMessage-match 'vSphere virtual machine rebooted HA'} |

    Select ObjectName,@{N="IP addr; E = {(Get-vue-Id $_.)} {{Vm.Vm). Guest.IpAddress}}, Createduserid, FullFormattedMessage

    Not sure property you are trying to achieve with ObjectName.

  • Filtering some results in Get-VIEvent

    How would be to filter the results of Get-VIEvent or other specific keywords in the FullFormattedMessage, or by the MessageInfo property?

    I'm trying to use Get-VIEvent to get a list of warning and error events and want to filter the "insufficient result of RAM video.

    I am trying to filter either by the insufficient "vidéo RAM" text in the property of FullFormattedMessage, or the result of "{msg.svgaUI.badLimits}" in the MessageInfo property.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hello, aydeisen-

    You can use a statement Where-Object to filter the events as you wish.  As:

    Get-VIEvent | Where-Object {    ($_.FullFormattedMessage -like "*Insufficient video RAM*") -or    ($_.MessageInfo | ?{$_.id -like "*msg.svgaUI.badLimits*"})} ## end where-object

    This verifies VIEvents whose FullFormattedMessage property is as the given string, or whose MessageInfo property (which is zero or more objects of VirtualMachineMessage ) is an VirtualMachineMessage object with the id as the given string property.

    Of course, you will use the other Get-VIEvent settings for changing the scope of the events gathered initially (for a given entity, a time limit given, maxSamples, etc.).  How does do for you?

  • Get-VIEvent question

    I'm trying to generate a list of all users who are connected.  I have this command and it works, but I would exclude 1 or more users of this list, which is "root".

    Here is the command I use.

    $events = get-VIEvent - MaxSamples 1000

    foreach ($event in $events) {if ($event.fullFormattedMessage - match '(.*)@\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b connected the user') {Write-Host ('User' + $matches [1] + "" connected to: "+ $event.createdTime")}}

    Hi, mchunger,

    This should work for you, if you know the names you want to exclude:

    $excl = @(«root», «admin», «dcui»)

    foreach ($event in $events) {if ($excl - notcontains $event.username) {if ($event.fullFormattedMessage - match '(.*)@\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b connected the user') {Write-Host ('User' + $matches [1] + "" connected to: "+ $event.createdTime")}}}

    Kind regards


  • Don't PowerCLI v5 changes that behaves in the way that get-vievent?

    Hi all

    I just installed v5 powerCLI and some scripts I was using don't work anymore.

    the get-vievent-start (get-date command).adddays(-2) that I have used to analyze events in the course of the last 2 days, is now back only a few events, all of the current day.

    is - anyone notice the same behavior?

    Hello, nicolasbouyssy-

    Hmm, strange.  So, if you run the line of your script that gets the desired events and count the number of items that it returns is - this superior to the default value of 100?  In other words, something like:

    (Get-VIEvent -Start (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)).Count

    I understand wanting to have things run fast.  Can possibly restrict you the events that you retrieve by specifying an array of entities for which to get the events (using parameter - entity), either by limiting the event types with the parameter - Types (to represent types of error, Info, or Warning)?

    Regarding, "unless it is smart enough to stop navigation when the date is reached" - Yes, it must be the behavior when you use the MaxSamples parameter with - Start - it will return up to MaxSamples number of events, but none is older than the specified start date.  So, if there are 100000 events, but only 2200 in the past two days, specifying for MaxSamples 100000 with a start of two days should return only 2200 events.

    As for fixing the MaxSamples number to cover all events - I assumed that to be sure that you get all you can, you can use the maximum value for MaxSamples.  It's a [int32], whose maximum value is 2,147,483,647 (which is (2 ^ 31) - 1).  So to be sure you have found all the events gave as you can, you can use this maximum value for MaxSamples, as such:

    Get-VIEvent -MaxSamples 2147483647 -Start (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)

    Or, using mathematics (maybe for readability):

    Get-VIEvent -MaxSamples ([Math]::pow(2,31) - 1) -Start (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)

    But, filtering of events on some of the other things mentioned above (type, entity) apparently is a good idea before the entry to get about 2 ^ 31 events...

  • Get-VIEvent command line options

    Hello list,
    Options of I have a question about the command line for Get-VIevent. I need to get the logs between a given time limit. I'll use this command in a script. If I can make use of Get-Date command output to - Start - Finish settings.
    I have to get the logs between a given time limit. for example I need newspapers between 16:00 to 17:00 on the same day. for that I do use Get-Date command output?
    Thank you

    Ghislain wrote:

    This way to grep for a particular string. I know there is an option called "findstr". can you please cite the use of this option of findstr?

    There are a few (dozen) different ways to approach this problem in PowerShell. I hope these examples help:

    PS > $a = Get-VIEvent
    PS > $a | group { $_.GetType().BaseType }
    Count Name                      Group
    ----- ----                      -----
       20 VimApi.AlarmEvent         {13875, 13874, 13873, 13872, 13853, 13852, 13846, 13845, 13809...
        8 VimApi.SessionEvent       {13871, 13870, 13869, 13823, 13816, 13815, 13813, 13812}
       65 VimApi.VmEvent            {13868, 13867, 13866, 13865, 13864, 13863, 13862, 13861, 13860...
        2 VimApi.HostEvent          {13821, 13819}
        3 VimApi.Event              {13820, 13818, 13784}
        1 VimApi.GeneralEvent       {13817}
        1 VimApi.CustomFieldDefE... {com.icomasoft.PowerScripter.script}
    PS > $a | Where-Object { $_.key -eq 13875 }
    source               : VimApi.ManagedEntityEventArgument
    entity               : VimApi.ManagedEntityEventArgument
    from                 : gray
    to                   : green
    alarm                : VimApi.AlarmEventArgument
    key                  : 13875
    chainId              : 13845
    createdTime          : 12/7/2008 11:17:27 AM
    userName             :
    datacenter           : VimApi.DatacenterEventArgument
    computeResource      : VimApi.ComputeResourceEventArgument
    host                 : VimApi.HostEventArgument
    vm                   : VimApi.VmEventArgument
    fullFormattedMessage : Alarm Virtual Machine Memory Usage on openfiler changed from Gray to Green
    dynamicType          :
    dynamicProperty      :
    PS > $a | ? { $_.fullFormattedMessage -match "memory" } | select -first 5 | ft key, full* -auto
      key fullFormattedMessage
      --- --------------------
    13875 Alarm Virtual Machine Memory Usage on openfiler changed from Gray to Green
    13873 Alarm Virtual Machine Memory Usage on vcenter.halr9000.com changed from Gray to Green
    13853 Alarm Virtual Machine Memory Usage on vcenter.halr9000.com changed from Green to Gray
    13846 Alarm Virtual Machine Memory Usage on openfiler changed from Green to Gray
    13809 Alarm Virtual Machine Memory Usage on openfiler changed from Gray to Green

    [PowerShell MVP |] [ https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile=5547F213-A069-45F8-B5D1-17E5BD3F362F], the VI Toolkit forum moderator

    Author of the forthcoming book: VMware Infrastructure Management with PowerShell

    Co-host, PowerScripting Podcast (http://powerscripting.net)

    Need help in General, other than VMware PowerShell? Try the PowerShellCommunity.org forums

  • How to get the event when we change our simcard in BB device

    Hi all

    Please, someone tell how to get the event or any listener method that can automatically called when we change our SIM card device.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Tej,

    I came across some post, which may be useful for you



  • Get - vm | Get-vievent email html output

    Hello world

    I am having trouble pushing results table in an object and then adding the members of the object to an array.  I have had success using the slot method in the past, but I've only tried (previously) with a cmdlet.  In the example below, I'm piping several cmdlets.  Basically, $vms outputs very well, but I can't get any instantiated table to fill later.  The $mainArray will always send as null in the email.  Any ideas?  I really don't want to get vievent in the foreach loop, as it will really slow down the query.

    SE connect-viserver test.testdomain.com

    $mainArray = @)

    $userArray = @)

    $timeArray = @)

    $msgArray = @)

    $CDT = get-Date

    $vms = get - VM | Get-VIEvent-Types of information - start $CDT. AddDays(-30)-finishing $CDT | Where {$_.} GetType(). Name - eq "VmBeingDeployedEvent" - or $_. GetType(). Name - eq "VmCreatedEvent" - or $_. GetType(). Name - eq "VmRegisteredEvent"} | Select the username, Createduserid, FullFormattedMessage | Format-Table - AutoSize

    foreach ($vm to $vms)


    $username = $vm. Username

    $createdTime = $vm. Createduserid

    $msg = $vm. FullFormattedMessage

    $userArray += $username

    $timeArray += $createdTime

    $msgArray += $msg


    For ($i = 0; $i - lt $userArray.Count; $i ++)


    $item = new-Object PSObject

    $item | Add-Member-type NoteProperty-Name "UserName" - value $userArray [$i]

    $item | Add-Member-type NoteProperty - name "time created" - value $timeArray [$i]

    $item | Add-Member-type NoteProperty-Name 'Message' - value $msgArray [$i]

    $mainArray += $item


    "$Head = @".

    < style >

    TABLE {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse ;}}

    TH {border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; background-color: #6495ED ;}}

    TD {border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black ;}}

    < / style >


    # #begin send e-mail section.

    $comp = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem

    $mailFrom = $comp.name

    $FromAddr = $mailFrom + "@testdomain.com.

    $ToAddr = " " [email protected] "" "

    $Subject = "Virtual machines created in the last 30 days"

    $SMTPServer = "smtp.testdomain.com".

    $Body = $mainArray |  ConvertTo-Html-head $Head | Out-string

    Send-MailMessage-to $FromAddr - to $toAddr - subject $Subject - body ($body) - BodyasHtml - SmtpServer $SMTPServer

    disconnect-viserver-confirm: $false

    Why if complicated, what follows should give the same result.

    SE connect-viserver test.testdomain.com

    $mainArray = @)

    $CDT = get-Date

    $mainArray = get - VM | Get-VIEvent-Types of information - start $CDT. AddDays(-3)-finishing $CDT | Where {$_.} GetType(). Name - eq "VmBeingDeployedEvent" - or $_. GetType(). Name - eq "VmCreatedEvent" - or $_. GetType(). Name - eq "VmRegisteredEvent"} |

    Select @{N = 'Username'; E={$_. User name}}.

    @{N = "time created"; E={$_. Createduserid}},

    @{N = 'Message'; E={$_. FullFormattedMessage}}

    "$Head = @".


    # #begin send e-mail section.

    $comp = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem

    $mailFrom = $comp.name

    $FromAddr = $mailFrom + "@testdomain.com.

    $ToAddr = "[email protected]".

    $Subject = "Virtual machines created in the last 30 days"

    $SMTPServer = "smtp.testdomain.com".

    $Body = $mainArray |  ConvertTo-Html-head $Head | Out-string

    Send-MailMessage-to $FromAddr - to $toAddr - subject $Subject - body ($body) - BodyasHtml - SmtpServer $SMTPServer

    disconnect-viserver-confirm: $false

  • Get-VIEvent to find the name of vm?


    Is it possible to get the name of the vm get-vievent?

    I'll try to find all the VMS created in the last day (easy), then get - vm... basic idea...

    Get-VIEvent - maxsamples 20000 - Start (Get-Date). AddDays(-1) | where {$_.} GetType(). Name - eq "VmBeingDeployedEvent | VmCreatedEvent | VmRegisteredEvent | VmClonedEvent"} | Select the username, Createduserid, FullFormattedMessage |
    % {get - vm $vm}

    Thanks for the help!

    I don't watch carefully your Where clause, it should be like the code above.

    Please try like this.

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