FF does not return to the entrance of which I went to a Web site

When I go on a Web site somewhere down the list, after scrolling down and then come back on this website, FF screen does not show the 'somewhere', but shows all the list displayed by the top. How can I get the FF to come back showing the 'somewhere' hit? I find the current method really annoying and a waste of time, especially if I'm deep into the bottom of the drop-down list of hits.

This is not new for FF since at least FF3.

I tried this with and without AutoPager. Same results.

Have you tried to open the link in a new tab? Doing this, your original tab will remain in the position you left it. To open a bookmark or a link in a new tab:

  • Click the link or bookmark (= Middle-click press the scroll of the mouse wheel
  • Click the link or bookmark, and choose open in a new tab
  • Hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the link or bookmark

Tags: Firefox

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  • Newbie: Esc closed the window and does not return to the screen

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    does anyone know a solution for this:

    This is my first application. I tried a view-Details-app. I started to change the uiExample available on blackberry.com. In the start.htm is now an onload Script that calls a Web service to get data and present them in a list (the view). When you click an item in the list a new site called detail.htm is open. I had trouble getting data from the Web service to this new site. So I created this new site via JavaScript/DOM, everything works fine, but when you are in the site detail and press the Esc key to close the current window you see not the previous window of the application as I'd expect, but you get the blackberry homescreen. And I suppose that my application is still running but not visible.

    Thank you for any suspicion.



    PS: Here are a few snippets:



















    addEventListener ('load', doLoad, false);

    function doLoad() {}
    document. Body.style.Height = screen.height + 'px ';

    var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

    function callWebService() {}
    var url = "";

    XMLHTTP.open("get",URL,true) ('POST', url, true);
    xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = callbackFunction;
    xmlHttp.setRequestHeader ("Content-Type', ' text/xml");
    var xmlDaten =""
    "xmlDaten = xmlDaten +"\ http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"container = \ 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema \" xmlns:soapenv = \'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ \"xmlns:tns = \" "urnefaultNamespace\" ">" "
    xmlDaten = xmlDaten + "".
    xmlDaten = xmlDaten + ""<>ANOM >ANOM > ""
    xmlDaten = xmlDaten + "
    xmlDaten = xmlDaten + «»
    xmlHttp.send (xmlDaten);

    function callbackFunction() {}
    If (xmlHttp.readyState! = 4)

    var xmlHttpRequest = xmlHttp;

    var result = xmlHttp.responseXML.documentElement;

    var vorkommnisse = result.getElementsByTagName ("RECORD");

    for (var i = 0; i)
    createListItem (vorkommnisse [i], i);
    createListItem (vorkommnisse [i] Sublst.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(0) [10] .textContent, i);


    function createListItem (vorkommnis, ListItemIndex)
    var obj = document.getElementById ("itemList");

    var newDiv = document.createElement ("div");
    newDiv.setAttribute ("class", "arrowList");
    newDiv.setAttribute ('x-blackberry-Focus "," true");
    newDiv.setAttribute ("onClick", "createDetailPage (" "+ ListItemIndex +" ");");
    newDiv.setAttribute ("onclick", "location.href =" detail.htm";");)
    var newSpan = document.createElement ('span');
    newSpan.setAttribute ("class", "arrowListText");

    var newImg = document.createElement ("img");
    newImg.setAttribute ("class", "arrow");
    newImg.setAttribute ("src", "images/arrow.png");

    var newText = document.createTextNode(vorkommnis.childNodes[10].textContent);

    newSpan.appendChild (newText);
    newDiv.appendChild (newSpan);
    newDiv.appendChild (newImg);

    obj.appendChild (newDiv);


    function writeStatic (text)
    document. Write (')



    VORKOMMNISSE - details
















    function createDetailPage (index)
    var result = xmlHttp.responseXML.documentElement;
    var vorkommnisse = result.getElementsByTagName ("RECORD");
    var vorkommnis = vorkommnisse [index];
    Labels var = new Array ("Meldungseingang:", "", "vom Vorkommnis:", "", "Linie/Kurs:", "Ort:", "Vorkommnis:", "direction:", "course of events:", "Bemerkung:", "Info:", "", "Bearbeiter :"))
    var generator = window.open (", 'detailPage');

    writeStatic (generator.document);
    Generator.document.Body.style.Height = screen.height + 'px ';
    var detailItemList = generator.document.getElementById ("detailItemList");
    First line... Anzeige
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode(vorkommnis.childNodes[6].textContent);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);

    First line... Bearbeiter
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode (vorkommnis.childNodes + labels [12] [12] .textContent);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);

    First line... Meldungseingang
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode (vorkommnis.childNodes + labels [0] [0] .textContent + "" + vorkommnis.childNodes [1] .textContent + "Uhr").

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);
    First line... Vom Vorkommnis
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode (vorkommnis.childNodes + labels [2] [2] .textContent + "" + vorkommnis.childNodes [3] .textContent + "Uhr").

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);

    First line... Linie/Kurs
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode (vorkommnis.childNodes + labels [4] [4] .textContent);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);

    First line... Direction
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode (vorkommnis.childNodes + labels [7] [7] .textContent);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);

    First line... ORT
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode (vorkommnis.childNodes + labels [5] [5] .textContent);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);

    First line... Course of events
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode (Labels [8]);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);

    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "details");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode(vorkommnis.childNodes[8].textContent);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);

    First line... Bemerkung
    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "label");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode (Labels [9]);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);

    var theRow = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRow.setAttribute ("class", "line");
    var theRowLabel = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theRowLabel.setAttribute ("class", "details");

    var theRowLabelText = generator.document.createTextNode(vorkommnis.childNodes[9].textContent);

    theRowLabel.appendChild (theRowLabelText);
    theRow.appendChild (theRowLabel);
    var theSeparator = generator.document.createElement ("div");
    theSeparator.setAttribute ('class', "listSeparator");

    detailItemList.appendChild (theRow);
    detailItemList.appendChild (theSeparator);

    Generator.document.Close ();


    Oh. Found.

    History.back() () does not work but history.go("local:///index.htm") works very well for me.

    Thank you all for listening to my monologue...



  • Buttons does not return to the early state in the state machine.


    I downloaded a program that is used to back up data. I used a machine to States with different States. State 1 is initialization, where it moves automatically select the State, which allows to select one of the remaining States to copy the data. The selection is made by command buttons. Once u pressed a button, it goes to that respective State and in this state when you press the backup, the backup of data occurs. Once the backup is located the program goes back to the selection state. So far, it works fine. The problem then. Once he returned to the selection state after that copy was made, then none of the buttons are working properly. Then when it goes back to select State and I tried to select a State, nothing happens, not even the stop button works. I don't know why this is happen. Please help me solve this problem. Thanking you in advance.

    You have many States where you have the event structures ("All data" "given more older that '" young data that ' 'Defined Data') (worse there are two of them in "Data set")

    Each of these event structures are for a "Backup" mouse event down.  A singularity is now why you use a mouse event down on a button.  This really should be a value change event.  But this is not the big problem.

    The big problem is that all of these structures events are set to lock the front until the end of the case of the event.  Well, when you click the mouse down on this button, all 4 of these structures tail event this event.  If you are luckly, one of the event will execute and process the event.  Others, that you will never run because the state machine will not get through these cases.)

    You have multiple structures of event you VI and certainly not buried in the event.

    Reading guard and recommendations when using events in LabVIEW

    Then fix your VI architecture.  You must limit the structures of the event or a separate parallel loop, or to a single case of your state machine that your code will frequently return to, without any other user interaction, in order to service the structure of the event.

  • Phone button does not return to the screen of the phone on the Treo 680

    I had a Treo 680 for the past two years. Software is listed as Treo680 - 2.11 - ATT, which I think refers to the update that came out a year ago. But the other day, the phone button (left) brings me to the Favorites screen instead of the phone's screen. I can't understand what I did, assuming that I did anything to make that happen or how do go back. When I check the personal touches, preferences, it lists the phone to phone button, and you can not choose something different.

    Any ideas?



    Are you sync'ing the new device the same username in Palm Desktop as an older device?
    If you are, this will cause problems on the new device. When you synchronize the device, it records the device settings, applications, 3rd party, preferences, etc. in the backup folder in the folder on the PC username. When you synchronize the new device it copies the content of the backup for the old device folder in the new device. This will cause corruption in the settings of the new device, which causes erratic behavior of the new device.

    Here are the instructions for the hard reset and rename the backup file procedure. This procedure will not be re - install any 3rd party applications. You will need to re - install these applications. If you do not have the applications. on your PC for re-setup, you can take the apps. Copy the renamed backup folder, those in the newly named backup folder. When you synchronize applications will be installed. on the Treo.

    Looks like you may need to reset your device and rename your backup folder. Go to http://www.palm.com/cgi-bin/cso_kbURL.cgi?ID=887 and follow the directions to do a hard reset. Then before of you hotsync your data back you will need to rename your backup folder, to do than go here.

    C:\Program files\palm or palm one\ [hotsync username]------and rename your backup
    file Backup.Old

    Start--> documents\Palm OS Desktop\ [hotsync username]------and rename your backup
    file Backup.Old

    Then hotsync from your current name of hotsync and all your contacts, calendar,
    tasks and memos coming back.

    Show the file extensions for XP or Vista

    If you cannot view the extensions of file on your PC I would you open a
    folder, go to Tools--> Folder Options--> View (tab) and under Show hidden
    files and folders to uncheck Hide extensions of known file types.

    Open control Panel, go to--> View (tab) and under show hidden folder Options
    files and folders to uncheck Hide extensions of known file types.

    Message relates to: Palm i705

  • After the update to firefox 17.0 when I do a scan with Norton 360 it does not pick up the tracking cookies which changed 16.0.02

    After the update to firefox 17.0 when I do a scan with Norton 360, it is no longer captures the rejected. These cookies that have been picked up with firefox 16.0.02 what you have changed? Plus, I'm getting sick of these updates - at least we tell users what has changed in new versions.

    First of all, we do not say what has changed in each version, http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/17.0/releasenotes/.

    Secondly, Norton should always be able to delete your cookies (just so that you know that the cookies are generally harmless, and you don't need to worry to remove). If not, you can delete the cookies in Firefox Cookies - Information that Web sites store on your computer

  • iPhone 6 does not return to the top of automoatically. Software problem?

    A friend with an iPhone 6 may not get the phone to save automatically. Mine done but she heard there was a software problem affecting random phones. Someone at - he heard of this?

    Start here:


    If you are unable to make a backup of your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch - Apple Support iTunes

  • No sound from speaker, but sound does not return when the headphones are connected

    I have an Acer ASpire V3 - 572G
    When I unplugged my headphones don't switch on my speakers. When I reconnected my headphone the sound returned ony through the headphones.

    Things Ive tried
    Checked in the playback devices to see if the speakers have been checked as audio by default
    Reinstalled and updated my Realtek Audio drivers.

    Was finally able to get the sound back to my speakers. Seems it was my audio jack, sensing that something was plugged when none existed.

    I'm a Manager DD Realtek Audio and messed with the retasking speaker options. With the help of user help? "s solution and audio in my speakers briefly returned." Then went away.

    So I turned off my laptop has had little compressed air and a toothpick and went slightly on the edges of the socket. Transformed sound and return on return.

  • Hello! I have FF 10.0.1 and me lived an annoying bug for a while. Every time I open a PDF file, the scroll function on my computer becomes invalid and does not return until the PDF is closed.

    My mouse scroll function crashes whenever a pdf file is opened.

    I searched online and that you have not found a solution. I would appreciate help!

    Hi cjromano,

    Have you checked to see if your PDF is updated? I would take a glance files PDF view in Firefox. There is a lot of information in there, and it lists some different add-ons PDF. I would like to try both to see if it is localized to a single.

    Hope this helps!

  • 128 - GB MicroSD card does not work with the new Clip +.

    My old Clip + (black, 8 GB) was getting very long in the tooth, so I ordered a replacement off Amazon.  As far as I know, it is identical to the old, but a very unpleasant difference is presented - it does not work with the MicroSD card which has been a huge part of why I got a Sansa at all.  He acknowledges, but after a media updated I'm lucky if more than one album appears.  And that's what's so crazy!  You just blow through the update in a few seconds, and when I navigate on the map, there is nothing or a handful of albums random, orphaned.  That's happened?  I updated the new Clip + for the current firmware (as I had done with previous); I made sure to reproduce all the parameters that I would be put in place before--I can't imagine what could be the cause!

    Treats quick closing:

    The card is formatted in FAT32 with the same sector size in storage aboard the player (32 768 bytes).

    A 64 GB card format works even without any problem.

    I tried to update the media in MTP and MSC mode; the problem is the same in both.

    There is ample space for MTABLE. SYS - I have not yet loaded all the music on the Clip + itself.

    Rockbox plays the card without problem, but the sound quality is horrible (at least on this player; I'm sure that other versions sound best), and its interface is a headache.  No thanks.

    HM.  Looks like to run CHKDSK /F on the map the problem resolved!

  • When I return from the page of google search for a link then button does not return return

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    the problem was resolved after remooving extenshion «user agent overrider»

  • HP 640 c: HP640c cartridge does not return to its original position and the printer will be no print anything

    Printer cartridge does not return to its original position on the right side of the printer after the top cover is opened, with the resume light continues to Flash.

    After restarting the printer, the cartridge moves to the right, but not all the way and remained there when the printer is off.

    The printer will not print anything.

    How can I get the cartridge is positioned correctly?

    Solved the problem... it's a defective color print cartridge, which was the carrage Act strangely.

  • PC Windows 7 does not return the document or the printed page

    I had a setting for this in XP control but can't find the page, that I got it.

    This occurs in AN application, or a browser.  I print from a workbook Excel specific, for example, when I have a number of them opens.  The system does not return the workbook that I printed.  It's maddening and causes all sorts of questions.  Searching the Web for this instant product nothing and I know I can't be the only person who saw this.

    It is a platform of Windows 7 in a commercial network environment.  I use the snap Menu Addintools classic because I can't stand the Ribbon and never loved.  In Windows 7, I run a couple of other supplements that restore the XP the taskbar properly use, so you can work efficiently.

    None of the supplements are causing this problem because I was running the same classic Menu Add-in in the XP box and he had the same problem until I found workaround that I don't remember now.

    Everyone knows about this problem?

    Jeff Lynch

    Hello Jeff,.

    Please contact the Microsoft community.

    As the Windows 7 computer is under the corporate network environment, the issue that you are facing is more complex than what is generally answered in the Microsoft Answers forums. It is better suited for the IT Pro TechNet public.

    Please post your question in the TechNet Forum.


    Hope the information above has been a useful answer, Mercia back to us if you respect them more.

  • Network type changes 'Public' and does not return to work when the default gateway is detected

    Original title: Type of network not restored on ethernet cable reconnect.

    I have a Dell Precision R5500 running Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1. It is connected to a network that is stored as a type of 'work '. When the ethernet cable is removed and replaced network type changes to 'Public' and does not return to work when the default gateway is detected. I also have a Toshiba Tecra M10 running Window 7 Professional Service Pack 1 that initially detects the network restored as 'Public', but 'Work' once again Exchange is a connection to the default gateway. Is there a setting somewhere in the strength of the network to double check its type periodically?


    You have any other network assets wireless (specifically) running on the computer?

    Have another active network connection could also cause this.

    Allows us to follow the methods mentioned below and see if they help.

    Method 1: Run the network troubleshooter.

    When the network type gets changed to 'Public' after the cable is disconnected and reconnected. The troubleshooter should let you know if there are errors with the associated services.

    See the following article:

    Using the troubleshooter from network in Windows 7:


    Method 2:
    check if network discovery and file sharing options are enabled in the network and sharing Center.

    See the following steps:

    a. click on start toreduce this top, type network and sharing Center in the Start Search box, and then click network and sharing Center in the programs list.

    b. If network discovery is off, click the arrow to expand the section, click turn on network discoveryand then click apply.

    Reduce this includes this imIf that you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password or click continue.

    c. If file sharing is off, click the arrow to expand the section, click turn on file sharingand then click apply.

    Collapse this includes this ima

    If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click continue.

    Method 3: Uninstall the network drivers and then install the last set of drivers on the manufacturer's Web site and check the issue.

    See the following steps:

    (a) click Start, right click on computer.

    (b) click on properties, click on Device Manager

    (c) expand the network adapter, right click on the adapter option

    (d) click on uninstall

    (e) now go to your computer / site Web of the manufacturer of the device, download the updated drivers and install them.


    Updated a hardware driver that is not working properly:

    http://Windows.Microsoft.com/en-us/Windows7/update-a-driver-for-hardware-that-isn ' t-work correctly

  • Satellite Pro 6100: USB port does not work after the return of the mode "Eve"

    I have a strange error on my USB ports on Satttelite Pro 6100 with XP SP2.

    Two USB 1.1 ports work fine after cranking up what the laptop goes into mode 'sleep' (automatically or manually).
    The restart afret optical mouse connected to the USB port does not illuminate and the XP system displays the error message on the device not recognized on USB port.

    Plug the mouse on or off doesn't change anything. Only restart helps.

    Any ideas?

    It's very strange, but it will be interesting to see if the same problem persists with other USB devices. Can you test and post again on the results?

Maybe you are looking for