File recovery of data that is in State of RECOVERY in NOARCHIVELOG mode


I have following the database in restoring state

12 /oradata/ORADATA/undo_tbs.dbf offline

I tried to recover the following errors but is...

SQL > recover datafile 12;
ORA-00279: change 29659636 September at 26/03/2011 00:47:23 necessary to screw 1
ORA-00289: suggestion: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/archivelog/2011_04_07/o1_mf_1_4608_%u_.arc
ORA-00280: change 29659636 thread 1 is in sequence #4608

Specify the log: {< RET > = suggested |} Filename | AUTO | CANCEL}

ORA-00308: cannot open archived log ' / u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/archivelog/2011_04_07/o1_mf_1_4608_%u_.arc'
ORA-27037: unable to get file status
Linux-x86_64 error: 2: no such file or directory
Additional information: 3

because of this data file that we are not able to create... is tables there any solution except restore backup... Helppp pl

Type this in the SQL prompt and share output

SQL > archive log list

Tags: Database

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  • Not possible to export a list of virtual machines that are created in the past 7, 30, 120 and 180 days since an imported csv file containing the date of creation of virtual machine

    Not possible to export a list of virtual machines that are created in the past 7, 30, 120 and 180 days since an imported csv file containing the date of creation of virtual machine. My questions is the correct statement to the variable: $VmCreated7DaysAgo: $_CreatedOn "-lt" $CDate7.


    $file = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\08-18-2014\VM-Repo.csv".

    $Import = import-csv $file

    $VMCreatedLast7RDayRepoFile = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\08-18-2014\Last7Days.csv".

    $start7 = (get-Date). AddMonths(-1)

    $CDate7 = $start7. ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')

    $VmCreated7DaysAgo = $Import | Select-object - property name, Powerstate, vCenter, VMHost, Cluster, file, Application, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, NumCpu, MemoryGB | Where-Object {$_.} CreatedOn - lt $CDate7} | Sort-Object CreatedOn

    $TotalVmCreated7DaysAgo = $VmCreated7DaysAgo.count

    $VmCreated7DaysAgo | Export-Csv-path $VMCreatedLast7RDayRepoFile - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

    Write-Host "$TotalVmCreated7DaysAgo VMs created in 7 days" - BackgroundColor Magenta

    Invoke-Item $VMCreatedLast7RDayRepoFile


    You can use the New-Timespan cmdlet in the Where clause, it returns the time difference between 2 DateTime objects.

    An example of this cmdley

    New-TimeSpan-start (Get-Date). AddDays(-7)-end (Get-Date). Select days - ExpandProperty

    In your case, you could do

    Where {(New Timespan-démarrer ([DateTime] $_.))} CreatedOn) - end $start7). {7 days - gt}

    But beware of negative numbers.

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    ·          These files are encrypted?

    Step 1: Step 1: temporarily disable the security software and check if it makes a difference.

    Note: Make sure to allow him to return so that your computer is protected.

    Step 2: Run a check disk.

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    I downloaded Win8 and installed, thinking that I would be able to run both I expected to install on drive d (Yes). It was late to do anything about it either once it all started, but he wiped the drive C. I decided to return to the factory settings.

    This is what is happening.

    After pressing F8, everything is OK up to choose recovery tool.

    No "HDD RECOVERY BUTTON_ _TOSHIBA." Is displayed at the bottom.

    Recovery disc and this is the message I received.

    "System restore failed.

    File recovery HARD drive on the second disc of the first hard drive not found.

    There is no valid disk HARD recovery environment on this computer. »

    I ran a program of partition and the result is that I have a partition 400meg on the front of the C drive and all files are intact.

    Can you help me?


    Saved on the HARD drive recovery image can be used if the laptop has only factory settings. After installing Win8 you have changed everything and factory settings have been deleted. If use of F8 are unable to work.

    This 400MB you see have nothing to do with the Toshiba recovery image. This small partition is owned by the operating system.

    One thing confuses me in the history. It is the use of recovery disks.
    You have created recovery discs using the preinstalled Toshiba recovery disc creator?

    Generally the recovery disk contains all the important data for the installation of the OS, so I put t understand how you can get this message.

  • Access to the OE 6 dbx file recovery

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    Two reasons the most common for what you describe is disruption of the compacting process, (never touch anything until it's finished), or bloated folders. More about that below.

    Why OE insists on compacting folders when I close it? :
    Recovery methods:
    If you are running XP/SP3, then you should have a backup of your dbx files in the Recycle Bin (or possibly the message store), copied as bak files.
    To restore a folder bak on the message store folder, first find the location of the message store.
    Tools | Options | Maintenance | Store folder will reveal the location of your Outlook Express files. Note the location and navigate on it in Explorer Windows or, copy and paste in start | Run.
    In Windows XP, the .dbx files are by default marked as hidden. To view these files in the Solution Explorer, you must enable Show hidden files and folders under start | Control Panel | Folder options | View.

    Note: If you have new messages in the folder you are go restore, move them to a folder first created user, or they will be lost. They can be moved once the old posts have been restored.

    Close OE and in Windows Explorer, click on the dbx to the file missing or empty file, then drag it to the desktop. It can be deleted later once you have successfully restored the bak file. Minimize the message store.
    Open OE and, if the folder is missing, create a folder with the * exact * same name as the bak file you want to restore but without the .bak. For example: If the file is Saved.bak, the new folder should be named saved. Open the new folder, and then close OE. If the folder is there, but just empty, continue to the next step.
    First of all, check if there is a bak file already in the message. If there is, and you have removed the dbx file, go ahead and rename it in dbx.

    If it is not already in the message, open the trash and do a right-click on the file bak for the folder in question and click on restore. Open the message store up and replace the .bak by .dbx file extension. Close the message store and open OE. Messages must be in the folder.
    If messages are restored successfully, you can go ahead and delete the old dbx file that you moved to the desktop.
    If you have not then bak copies of your dbx files in the Recycle Bin:

    DBXpress run in extract disc Mode is the best chance to recover messages:

    A general warning to help avoid this in the future:

    Do not archive mail in default OE folders. They finally are damaged. Create your own folders defined by the user for mail storage and move your mail to them. Empty the deleted items folder regularly. Keep user created folders under 300 MB, and also empty as is possible to default folders.

    Disable analysis in your e-mail anti-virus program. It is a redundant layer of protection that devours the CPUs, slows down sending and receiving and causes a multitude of problems such as time-outs, account setting changes and has even been responsible for the loss of messages. Your up-to-date A / V program will continue to protect you sufficiently.
    For more information, see: 
    And backup often.
    Outlook Express Quick Backup (OEQB Freeware)  

  • ORA-19809: limit exceeded for file recovery


    Following maintenance on our server (battery replacement raid + restart) my database (Oracle 11 g) is no longer available. I m a newbie in Oracle and I've been through the forum and I can t find the solution to my pb, I can fix the error ORA-19809 t since I can t connect to the DB as sysdba, everything I found the solution needs to be connected in sysdba. Please help I have struggled on this for days and I seem to go in the circle at the moment. Here's what I have:

    C:\ > set oracle_sid = APPLICATION

    C:\ > sqlplus/nolog

    SQL > connect / as sysdba

    ERROR ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

    Here are the mistakes I have in my c:/oracle/diag/rdbms/mytikka/mytikka/trace/alert_mytikka.log:

    Errors in the c:\oracle\diag\rdbms\mytikka\mytikka\trace\mytikka_arc1_6420.trc file:

    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for file recovery

    ORA-19804: cannot recover 30839808 bytes of limit 10485760000 disk space

    Arc1: 19809 error creating archive log file to ' C:\ORACLE\FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA\MYTIKKA\ARCHIVELOG\2015_03_31\O1_MF_1_88141_%U_. ARC'

    Errors in the c:\oracle\diag\rdbms\mytikka\mytikka\trace\mytikka_ora_7524.trc file:

    ORA-19815: WARNING: 10485760000 bytes db_recovery_file_dest_size is 99.86% used and 14655488 remaining bytes available.


    You have choice to free up space in the recovery area:

    1 consider changing STRATEGY OF RETENTION of RMAN. If you are using Data Guard

    then consider changing POLICY of DELETE ARCHIVELOG RMAN.

    2 back up files on a tertiary device such as a tape with RMAN


    3. Add space drive and increase the db_recovery_file_dest_size setting to

    reflect the new space.

    4 remove the unnecessary files using the RMAN DELETE command. If a service

    the system control has been used to remove the files, and then use the RMAN DUPLICATION and

    Commands DELETE has EXPIRED.


    Errors in the c:\oracle\diag\rdbms\mytikka\mytikka\trace\mytikka_ora_7524.trc file:

    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for file recovery

    ORA-19804: cannot recover 30839808 bytes of limit 10485760000 disk space

    ARCH: 19809 error creating archive log file to ' C:\ORACLE\FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA\MYTIKKA\ARCHIVELOG\2015_03_31\O1_MF_1_88141_%U_. ARC'

    Errors in the c:\oracle\diag\rdbms\mytikka\mytikka\trace\mytikka_ora_7524.trc file:

    ORA-16038: log 1 # 88141 sequence can be archived

    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for file recovery

    ORA-00312: thread 1 1 online journal: ' C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\MYTIKKA\REDO01. JOURNAL"

    USER (ospid: 7524): put an end to litigation because of the error 16038

    Kill Mar 31 16:08:06 2015

    ARC3 started with pid = 23, OS id = 8104

    Instance of stopped by USER, pid = 7524

    TNSPING seems to work

    C:\ > tnsping application

    AMT Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 01-APR-2

    015 02:32:14

    Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

    Use settings files:


    TNSNAMES adapter used to resolve the alias

    Try to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = 420025-w

    EB1) (PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = application)


    OK (0 msec)

    C:\ > lsnrctl status

    LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production April 1, 2015 02:35 :21

    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

    Connection to (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = 420025-web1)(PORT=1521))




    Alias LISTENER

    TNSLSNR for Windows 64-bit version: Version - Prod


    Start date March 31, 2015 16:08:17

    Uptime 0 days 10 h 27 min 4 sec

    Draw level off

    Security ON: OS Local Authentication


    Listener parameter File C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\listen


    Listener c:\oracle\diag\tnslsnr\420025-web1\listener\alert\log log file.


    Summary of endpoints listening...

    (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp) (HOST = 420025-web1)(PORT=1521)))


    The listener supports no services

    The command completed successfully

    Here are my tnsnames.ora:

    tnsnames.ora # Network Configuration file: C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora

    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.



    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = 420025-web1)(PORT = 1521))



    (SERVICE_NAME = application)





    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = 420025-web1)(PORT = 1521))



    (SERVICE_NAME = application)



    It can be a lot of problems (or pb)

    the server hosts multiple instances?

    of the right services.msc on that OracleService, properties and see what oracle_home it runs

    c:\oracle\product\... or that each path, it can

    computer management, make sure that the user logged in to the server, is also in the ora_dba group

    computer management / configuration / local users and groups / groups

    then from the cmd prompt:

    set oracle_home = whatever_path_you_found

    set path=%oracle_home%\bin;%path%

    Set oracle_sid = APPLICATION

    sqlplus / as sysdba

    REM > if you know the password for sys, try also

    sqlplus sys/password as sysdba

    check the value NTS sqlnet.ora

    etc... etc

    Googling for ora-12514

  • put the offline data file when the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode

    My question is when the database is in log mode Archive No. I am not able to take the database offline.

    When I tried in my computer I noticed set-aside.


    SYS > alter database datafile 5 offline;

    ERROR at line 1;

    ORA-01145: offline immediately rejected at least media recovery enabled.

    case 2:

    SYS > alter database datafile 5 immediate offline;

    ERROR at line 1;

    ORA - 00933:SQL not correctly completed order


    I tried the command drop alter database datafile offline 6; (in NOARCHIVELOG mode) and it is to show the same effect that alter database datafile offline 6; (in ARCHIVELOG mode).

    * In NOARCHIVELOG mode are we really drop the data file to use the offline data file? You please tell me the effect of the dropkeyword.

    Oracle protects you. Please review ARCHIVELOG and NOARCHIVELOG mode.

    When you take the database offline in NOARCHIVELOG mode:

    (1) the file is offline

    (2) the RCS in which you took the database offline will be is more to be in the online redo logs

    (3) at this point, you need to perform a media recovery to enable again the file online (ie. restore the database)

    So you can see why you shouldn't do that.

    The DROP Offline command does not actually remove the data file. It removes the control file file details and updates the offline data file. It can be used for purposes of recovery or when you actually plan on deleting data files.

  • With data that don't exist - Android null pointer exception

    I'm having a problem with my program when retrieving data that do not exist, where the program hangs and gives a null pointer exception in logcat. I use a path as the primary key. I have no insertion of data and data recovery problem that exists. The program does not register on the db if I restart android or when the program crashes. When I try to recover data with the key file path that I already had, the program crashes. I really have no idea, as I catch the exception of the database.
    My Code:
        private void insertData(String keyData)
          throws DatabaseException {
          try {
                File fi = new File(keyData);
                try {
                  AudioFile f =;
                  Tag tag = f.getTag();
                  Song song = new Song(keyData, tag.getFirst(FieldKey.TITLE), 
                           tag.getFirst(FieldKey.ARTIST), tag.getFirst(FieldKey.ALBUM));
                } catch (CannotReadException e) {
                    AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(MusicTagExample.this).create();
                catch (TagException e) { }
                catch (ReadOnlyFileException e) { }
                catch (InvalidAudioFrameException e) { }
              }  catch(IOException e) { 
                   AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(MusicTagExample.this).create();
        private void getData(String key) 
          throws DatabaseException {
          try {
                   Song song = sa.songByKey.get(key);
                   new AlertDialog.Builder(MusicTagExample.this).
                   setTitle("Put Data").setMessage("You put the song: " + song.getTitle()).
                   setPositiveButton("Confirm", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
              } catch (DatabaseException e) {
                  new AlertDialog.Builder(MusicTagExample.this).
                  setTitle("Put Data").setMessage(e.toString()).
                  setPositiveButton("Quit", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
    Logcat Info:
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331): java.lang.NullPointerException
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at org.MusicTag.MusicTagExample.getData(
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at org.MusicTag.MusicTagExample.access$100(
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at org.MusicTag.MusicTagExample$2.onClick(
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at android.view.View.performClick(
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at android.view.View$
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at android.os.Looper.loop(
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    E/AndroidRuntime(  331):      at$
    Source code:

    The NullPointerException occurs on line 95 of It is of course your code. One of the objects you are referring to the line is null. The first step is for determine you which object is null.


  • Hi, I use iTunes on a Windows 7 computer. I don't seem to be able to import files from a CD that contains the files on it as mp3 files. If I launch iTune and then put the CD in, it doesn't appear and I can't drag and drop.

    Hi, I use iTunes on a Windows 7 computer. I don't seem to be able to import files from a CD that contains the files on it as mp3 files. If I start iTunes and then put the CD in, it doesn't appear and I can't drag and drop.

    It would not seem like an audio CD, as a drive in this way is a data disc when it contains mp3 files. You would need to access the file menu in iTunes, manage files here. If you manually manage music, you will need to access it as a regular folder on your computer. In iTunes, go to file > add file to library, and select individual files.

  • Cannot open the terminal failures of the file 'C\:HP\DATA\HP. DAT' to read.

    I've just updated my bios on my HP Pavilion g6-2102au Notebook PC.

    I had continuous multi color screens, thought it was overheating but not so much.

    I installed the latest version of the bios and it seems to have worked? having had a twinkle while writing


    My query is to start up when he started I get this message and I said OK

    Terminal Failute cannot open the file 'C\:HP\DATA\HPLB. DAT' to read.

    This is the message that someone help me get rid of it

    See you soon


    Hi @shiner2348,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    I understand that you receive the error message "Terminal failure cannot open the file"C\:HP\DATA\HPLB. " DAT' to read '.

    This is a reference to the launch of HP software box.    I suggest to uninstall and then restart your laptop.

    If you want to keep this app I suggest that you try to download it and install it using compatibility mode.

    Here are links to help you in this process:

    Compatibility mode

    HP launch box Windows 8

    Please let me know the results.

    Thank you for your participation in the Forums of HP! We want to help you as well as others who may encounter a similar problem as you. Please consider tagging the post in order to solve your problem as "accept as Solution" to help other members of the community!

    To show recognition for my efforts please click the Thumbs Up below.

  • How to search a file .csv for data using its timestamp, then import into labview

    Hi, I am currently get density, viscosity and temperature of an instrument, adding a timestamp data and write to a .csv file that I can view in Excel. It works very well (see attached code) but reimport what I have to do now is search this csv file of data that has been obtained at one time, temperature, density & the values of viscosity at the moment in Labview to do some calculations with them, so that the data acquisition process is still ongoing.

    I found several examples on how to import a CSV together in labview, but none on how to extract data at a specific time. Also, every time I try to do anything with the file .csv for my data acquistion VI is running, I get error messages (probably because I'm trying to write and import data from the .csv file at the same time). Is there a way to get around this, perhaps using the case structures?

    If you need to know my skill level, I use LabVIEW for a few weeks and before that have basically no experience of writing code, if any help would be great. Thank you!

    TDMS is a little more complex than that.  Here is a proof of concept quickly lifting together:

    You should look at some of the examples of read/write TDMS to get a better handle on the tool.  While I should...

  • I had to reinstall the operating system after that Itried to restore my files for the backup that I had already taken in an external drive, the problem is tha files are empty?

    When I am trying to restore my file that I can't reach them, in some cases I can read the name of the file such as the name of a singer, but when I tried to open the file is empty, he said. This happens with my contact and all my media. I lose my stuff.

    [Moved from comments]

    Hi Hector.

    1. what version of Windows operating system is installed on your computer?

    2. you use software to perform the system backup and restore?

    3 is the issue limited to any particular file?

    First of all, I suggest you click with the right button on the backup files and check the size of the file in the Properties window.

    Try to copy and paste the files to the computer and check if you are able to access the files.

    You can also check if the folders are hidden. If the folders are hidden, so you can view folders and check if you are able to access the data.

    1. press the ALT key on the keyboard in any Windows Explorer window to display the toolbar.
    2. click on tools, then Options of folders, and then on the view tab.
    3. then choose "show files and folders". After clicking OK, they appear with the other files.

    Hope that the information provided is useful.

  • Pavilion g6: I deleted files recovery on D drive

    I have a HP Pavilion with Windows installed 8.1 g6. I accidentally deleted my files recovery on D drive. How can I restore them. I have Windows 8 recovery disks.

    It is unlikely. You can try the Recycle Bin of Windows, but it is unclear if it will work.

    I could try removing just to see if it works on my HP spectrum 13 XT ultrabook product loan.


    Ok. I tried today. I have found that if you want to delete the file, it would require administrator privileges. A specific and very important file is too large for the tank and asked me if I was sure I want to delete it again.

    Recovery of files that are located in the partition cannot be retrieved from the trash.

    You need to perform a factory image recovery if you want to have a labour recovery partition.

  • When clicking on the icon browser I get "choose the program you want to use to open this file". Any icon that I choose, I get the same message

    all this happened after I did a "start analysis" by using my Avast Anti Virus.  Now I can't use my anti virus yet because the same message appears.  Any suggestions I'd appreciate

    Its seems not that file associated to open the program appear to be corrupt . Or you might have to perform a repair install or try to create a new user account and see if it works if it does not record the data that you have on a flash drive and transfer it to a new account, and then start to use the new account



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