Flash crashing after 5 seconds of use

I was wondering if someone else has the same problem I have with flash. For me Flash cannot even stay open for 5 seconds without it completely crashing and having to restart. Nobody else seems to be talking about it so I think it could only happen with me. in any case, it would be good to know other people.

It's good to know. It's a good thing that Adobe has kept CS3 on the hard drive that work very well.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    I have this problem where I can't play a flash streaming after that I did a clean install of drivers in the subject. (8.982.7 - 120808 a (display - 20130925091525.zip))

    Flash crashes everytime.
    Flash banners are displayed, but while streaming - youtube etc does not work.

    OS: 8-64 Bit Windows
    Here is the description of the driver:
    display - 20130925091525.zip 25/09/13 v8.982.7 AMD display driver - 120808 a

    + This driver improves the functionality of display device and allows you to make various settings, such as color management, monitor properties or control of overlay. You can also get help if you have related troubleshooting display issues. +

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    + System: 8-64 Bit Windows +.

    Driver Toshiba page provides another ADM display drivers for Win 8 64 bit.

    -8.982.7 - a 120808-1450

    I recommend to uninstall the current driver (this in Device Manager), reboot the laptop and test one version drivers mentioned.

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    Follow the suggestions mentioned in the following articles:

    Check and tell if its working.

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    Try our UN install and reinstall the program and make it to day.

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    We shipped a new version yesterday.  It might be useful to update.

    That said, if you could provide links to submitted incident reports, I'd be happy to take a look.

    Go about: crashes

    If the link does not start with "bp", click on the link submit accident report

    Return to the about: crashes page

    Click the subject link and choose Copy link location

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    Hello RachelPierce,

    1. what happens when you try to play the files with Windows Movie Maker?

    This problem can be caused by codecs supporting not the file that you created. If you use a converter, I suggest that you convert the files to MPEG format and verify if you are able to play the files.

    Thank you
    Irfan H, Engineer Support Microsoft Answers

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    There are several Chrome addons that will interfere with the AI. Alternatively, you can have software security such as Webroot or some security password that is causing problems.

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    You to Extension Manager CS5.5 update 5.5.3. You can get the 5.5.3 http://www.adobe.com/exchange/em_updates/patch.

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    • Run utility disk to repair the disk (was Ok)
    • Disk utility to repair permissions of the drive running (fixed some of them, no of course Firefox related)
    • Remove Firefox app
    • And rename ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox ~/Library/Application Support/NotFirefox so it will not be used
    • Reinstall the latest 23.0.1 of the Firefox 23.0.1.dmg Firefox
    • It still crashes
    • Run Safe Mode and it still crashes

    The bug below report comes from the crash to safe mode. He had previously worked for many years.

    Any suggestions?
    Thank you

    You may have a problem with fonts.

    You can write a check for corrupted fonts and duplicate and other police issues:

  • Certainly stop Adobe Flash crashing?

    Adobe Flash crashes whenever I try to use YouSendIt - I tried all your solutions recommended, but nothing works.

    Recent crashes of some multimedia content (this includes the Youtube videos, some flash games and other applications), in collaboration with Firefox are most likely caused by a recent update Flash and/or malfunction like Real Player browser plugin.

    To resolve this problem, follow the steps in these articles in the Knowledge Base:

    We'll find other information on more technical issues under these links:

    Please tell us if it helped!

  • iTunes crashes after playing the song for about 30 seconds


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    I already tried things:

    (1) the preferences removed from the library, so that they can be recreated - did not work;

    (2) reinstalled iTunes - not worked;

    (3) removed freshly installed Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac - did not help.

    Product: Macbook Air

    OS X El Capitan

    I receive the following information in the log file


    Crashed thread: queue main iTunes shipping 0: com.apple.main - wire

    Exception type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)

    Exception codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0 x 0000000000000011

    Note the exception: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

    Can you help me please?


    It seems that your iTunes software seems to be stop unexpectedly when you play the music back after about 30 seconds or more. First, I would check to see if there are errors on the disc that need repair:

    Disk utility (El Capitan): a disc repair

    Once the repair and verification done go ahead and test the issue again. If that fixes it, then great! If this is not the case, however, I would then remove third-party plug-ins that may interfere with the operation of iTunes:

    Test with iTunes plug-ins removed.

    • Quit iTunes.
    • Mac OS X:
      • ~/Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins(The "~" represents your home folder)
      • /Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins
    • If all the files in this folder, move it to the desktop temporarily.
    • Open iTunes and test to see if the problem is resolved. If so, you can leave these plug-ins removed iTunes. If you want to reuse these iTunes plug-ins, check with the supplier of iTunes plug-ins to see if updates are available.

    From: iTunes: may crash when you plug in the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

    If the problem is still there after removing the plugins or there is none to remove, then you must then create a new library, add content to it and see if the problem persists it:

    Open a different iTunes library file or create a


    1. If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
    2. Hold down the Option key when you open iTunes.
    3. You will see a message that says choose iTunes library. Depending on what you want to do, choose Create or choose library.

    Now if the problem is still not resolved then you can create a new user admin on your computer and test it there too well?

    OS X El Capitan: set up users on your Mac.

    Add a user

    1. Choose the Apple menu > System Preferences, and then click users and groups.

    2. Click on the lock icon to unlock, then enter an administrator name and password.

    3. Click on the button Add below the list of users.

    4. On the pop-up menu click new account, and then choose a user type.

    • Administrator: An administrator can add and manage other users, install applications, and change the settings. The new user that you create when you set up your Mac is an administrator. Your Mac can have multiple administrators. You can create new ones and convert standard users to administrators. Don't set up the automatic connection to an administrator. If you do, someone could simply restart your Mac and access with administrator privileges. To secure your Mac, don't share administrator names and passwords.

  • Enter a display name for the new user. An account name is automatically generated. To use a different account name, enter it now, you can't change it later.

  • Enter a password for the user, and then enter again to verify. Using an index of password is recommended to help the user remember the password.

  • Click on create user.

  • The result of the new user will determine what we then so let us know how it goes! Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

  • Photoshop CS4 crashes on startup after 15 seconds

    I used Photoshop working on a project all day yesterday and now today whenever I try to launch Photoshop it loads then crashes after about 15 seconds and crashes. I don't know what caused that the program worked without problems on my computer for as long I had CS4. Any ideas?

    That sound like one caused by a corrupted font for myself, but

    Although it seems to do the same thing, it could be a corrupt police


    Cocktail can clean your cache of police files there are other utilities

    as well, and some are free.

    I'd look back at him.

  • Thunderbird crashes a few seconds after the start, even when the reinstalled. Caused by Facebook Photo Uploader' (fbplugin) [@ CoreFoundation@0x9186]

    The basics: Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite, 10 GB of RAM. Version of Thunderbird 31.3.0 (although the same thing happens when I try the previous and subsequent versions).

    Symptom: Thunderbird crashes after a few seconds of commissioning. I have enough time, click a menu or two, maybe watch a message, then it crashes.

    Attempts at solutions:

    -Departure of Thunderbird in Safe Mode.

    -From the Mac in Safe Mode.

    -Removed ~/Library/Preferences/org.mozilla.thunderbird.plist and ~/Library/Preferences/Thunderbird, removing the Thunderbird application, empty the trash and reinstall Thunderbird of mozilla.org.

    -With the help of Yosemite Cache Cleaner to scan the hard disk for viruses and deep - clean all user and system puts in cache.

    -Boot from the recovery partition, repair disk permissions and repair the file system.

    The only time that Thunderbird has more or less stable is just after I deleted all preferences, it starts, and I do the initial editing for my email account. Everything seems normal, and my list of IMAP folders. But shortly after that Thunderbird crashes again and hangs at each subsequent reboot.

    It is a problem that has developed in the last Wednesday, 24 Dec. before that the program worked very well. No other program on my computer at work doesn't show any symptoms. Thunderbird runs on my Mac at home (same versions of software) and on my Linux computer at work.

    I'm at a loss what to try next. Any ideas?

    Please visit https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=548197#c5

  • Portege Z930 - 14L + Dynadock U3 crashes after a few minutes of use

    Dynadock freeze, after a few minutes using or when I play the movie on youtube in a few seconds.
    Laptop works fine now, but the display through dynadock solidifies (freezes and the picture will become.) Its stil game.

    Toshiba Portege Z930 - 14L, Toshiba Dynadock U3
    Both aged two weeks. Coercive power disconnect on dynadock and display of the restoration.

    I have test the driver cd, driver of site Web of Toshiba and last pilot displaylink official sites.


    What USB port to connect the Dynadock U3 device did you use?
    Have you tested the Dynadock U3 as part of different USB ports?

    AFAIK the Z930 Portege - 14L supports a USB 3.0 port on the right side and two USB 2.0 ports on the back.

Maybe you are looking for