Help with scrolling images...

If I put an announcement of landscape in a portrait setting and make a frame floating on this ad, how to make page content when this requires a horizontal sweep? Thank you

Update your viewer v28 and v29. We have published a patch v28 changed managers scrollables how to behave.


Tags: Digital Publishing Suite

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  • Need help with tutorial images Gallery.

    Hi all

    No response from Apex listener Forum... moved here...

    Headset - apex

    Apex -

    When you run the image gallery application according to the tutorial, page just show a blank screen with no image upload button.

    Use 22.0 Firefox and Chrome 28.0.1500.72.

    Firebug does not display a script error.

    Has recreated the tutorial on with the same result as above.

    Workspace: HANAMIKE

    User name: [email protected]

    Password: yesla

    Using the user name = resteasy_admin password = resteasy_admin on

    Had changed the JS tutorial below:

    var workspace_path_prefix = "resteasy";     = > var workspace_path_prefix = "hanamike";

    Another strange problem was when to try the RESTFUL according to the tutorial service when you click on the button 'TEST', has detected the error 404

    Problem on behalf of space of overtime in the URL as below:

    Had to manually change:

    Note that the version of the listener on is:


    Thanks in advance.


    Post edited by: Zack.L

    Hi Zack,

    Please provide the credentials to connect to your workspace.  I took a quick glance to your RESTful Service and applications associated and noticed that he was missing something - the "Upload Image" button! It seems therefore that the section "Create the gallery app" is not a step to create an HTML region, with the model "Button region without title" of the region and with its region defined as source:

    Download Image

    You will see in the JS that there is a reference to #upload - btn, but there is no object on your page.  I created a copy of your application, which includes this new area of HTML, and you'll see I downloaded an image as a demo.  I contacted the team APEX listener re missing instructions, for which I hope will be fixed in the next version.  My apologies for the confusion, but I hope that you are on the right track now.  Regarding the behaviour you noticed with the URL generated by the 'Test' utility, thanks for that bring to our attention.  I'll do some additional research it and log a bug if necessary.

    Kind regards


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    I suggest you change the order of layers autour i.e. have the images scroll BELOW the menu instead of on top of it, but it's your companion site.

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    The model is set to resize the logo when the user scroll down. The default size for the logo worked well for my needs (too small) so I changed the max width to 295px in global.css (line 10)

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    I received assistance from technical support gurus of the BC.

    They said:

    change line 24 in custom.js to

    jQuery('.logo').stop () .animate ({width: '295px'}, 500);

    I did it and it worked.

    Accessories for BC gurus!

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    Hello. I am a newbie and really wrong with the basics. Please can someone help me?

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    You're prob. saying "duhhh" in your head right now! but I'm used to photoshop and illustrator, I find dreamweaver so complicated!

    You can see what I mean on my topic page - (down under in Scripture it says logo AOI. This is what I'm trying to put.)

    Any help MUCH appreciated! XX

    Still, you define a local site folder in Dreamweaver?

    Sites > Manage Sites > new...

    If you ignore this critical first step all your links will be broken.

    Start here:

    Nancy O.
    ALT-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

  • Help with the images to be copied


    Thank you to spend some time to help me with this problem. IM new in the Flash world

    I'm actually designing a website and need to copy images from one page to another. The problem is that after pasting images in another place I don't seem to be able to change it without going through the change in original frame. Is there anyway I can copy images (animation, buttons etc.) and still be able to edit them without going through the change of original?

    My intention is that both have multiple pages with the same basic design but the slight modification on each page.

    Thank you

    You can change the objects in the images pasted regardless of the originals.  But if you double-click or otherwise go objects 'timeline', will you change all instances of that object, including the (s) on the original images.

    to remedy this, create duplicate objects and use the properties panel to switch the original copied with duplicates.  You can then change the duplicates without editing the original.

  • Good afternoon - need help with two images

    Good afternoon

    First of all, I apologize if my English isn't the best but it is a translation.

    I am new to Photoshop and decided to ask for help here in the forum to try to solve a problem that I can't solve alone.

    I have a normal 2D image .jpg and have another .gif image is a logo rotating in 3D (I can export this logo in .swf or other format if the .gif is not in the correct format).

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    The final format, could be .jpg or .gif, or any other format.

    My question is if may be possible to do this with Photoshop or another program to form Adobe?

    Already thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards


    Alongside the Mylenium suggestion, you can do it in first (the Pro, or the Elements version), BUT you'd end up with an AV file and NOT a file 'image', as such.

    An additional step using a NLE (of Non-linear editing) would be that your animated GIF would work better, if it has been converted into file AV with Alpha for transparency. Then, like layers in Photoshop, one would put the image on the video from track 1, with the converted GIF AV file on video Track 2. Export to a format/CODEC selected AV. Fact. Don't forget, this exported file would be an AV file, NOT an image.

    Rather than use the animated GIF, I would rather choose export as a file of my 3D application AV. Most allow several formats/codecs. For material from SD (Standard definition), the ultimate choice would be DV - AVI Type II, using the MicroSoft DV CODEC, or on a Mac, like. MOV with the CODEC of Animation. In these cases, you want to export in million + colors. This + is important, because it will be the Alpha channel for transparency.

    Good luck


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    Lightroom does not take into account metadata settings that are what is applied when you are working with RAW and use the Canon picture Style settings.

    Those who apply to the format JPG, but not VINTAGE.  It's actually a feature, not a bug, because it is considered to give you more control by using the settings in Lightroom for Monochrome and apply red shades - more you could have always still the flexibility of manufacturing was if color printing you want, that you would lose if RAW applied the picture Style settings.  If it you shoot in RAW + Jpeg (or Jpeg only), bugs and provide JPEG images in LR, but I recommend to stick to RAW and applying the changes in Lightroom instead.

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    Hi Brookeal

    Which version of Photoshop and the operating system are you using?

    Have you tried to reset Photoshop Preferences(refer How to delete/reset Photoshop preferences ) after saving your Presets (Actions, brushes, etc.)?



  • Help with moving Image file path

    I have 4 animations that I want to put on the same page. These animations contain SEQs png images. Given that I can't import a seq directly image on BOARD (if I can please let me know how) I export Fireworks symbols. This process renames all images exported to "s (frameNumber). as a result, all of these animations have at least 100 images with the same name. what I need to do, is create an Images / (subfolder) for each of these animations. How can I change the default path to the folder of images I can do this?

    I suppose I could change the names of the files in the SEQ to be different by using a script in PShop, but then they will have to be reassigned to the time on board, which would be a major pain, or unless the .ansym file can be modified to change the names of file before importing? It just seems that control Image folder path is the simple solution. In the futrue a pref project that would allow the user to choose a picture file path would be great.

    Thanks for any direction here

    Joel H

    Hi Joel, Edge defines the path to default image via a variable called "im" in this file: "yourFileName_edge.js".

    However, sometimes, Edge does not use this var and instead uses the path of the full image like this:

    filling: ['rgba (0,0,0,0)','images / test_1.jpg ',' 0px 0px ',' ']

    Anyway (by creating a new var with your unique paths and adding the var for the paths of the image, or hard-coding new paths of image), you can manually change the paths to your images in this file.

  • Help with panoramic image


    I'm building a site that features a panoramic panoramic image with buttons integrated in it. I have a piece of script that made for me, but I have two questions.

    1. my panoramic image is 500 pixels high and my document is 700px, right now the effect of pan works everywhere, but I would limit to only work when the cursor is over the image (500px in the Center with white upstairs and downstairs 100px). So basically need some kind of "IFS" variable for the y axis...

    2. also would like to know if it is possible to stop the pan if the cursor moves away from the area of the image. Currently if you pan on the side and as you move the mouse, it will keep pan until it reaches the end of the image.

    The script I use:

    _Global.Plotis = Stage.width;
    Centre._x = _global.plotis / 2;
    Speed = 40;
    Full._y = 50;

    {this.onMouseMove = function ()}

    delete this.onMouseMove;

    this.onEnterFrame = function() {}
    If (_xmouse < 150 | _xmouse > 750) {}
    var A:Boolean = false;
    var X = _xmouse - _global.plotis / 2;
    Full._x += x / speed;
    If (full._x > = 0) {}
    Full._x = 0;
    If (full._x < =-(full._width-_global.plotis)) {}
    Full._x =-(full._width-_global.plotis);


    Thank you very much

    Spawn NZ

    You should be able to include these limits in the conditional that you already have...

    If {(_xmouse<150 ||="" _xmouse="">750)

    perhaps something like...

    If (((_xmouse > 1 && _xmouse<150) ||="" (_xmouse="">750 && _xmouse < 900))="" &&="" (_ymouse=""> 100 && _ymouse))<>

  • Hello from a new Member and help with random images when updating

    Hi all

    I just joined the forum. In fact I have really just started using Dreamweaver. I covered a lot of ground in recent weeks and

    have managed to put in place a basic site using CSS for layout but now I hit my first problem.

    On the index page of the site- there is a large main image that I would change every time that someone

    visits the refresh of the site or hits. I hunted around and found a lot of scripts, while using java, which seem to do all that, but I'm not all have

    chance for them to work.

    My page code is as follows:-

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Humphrey Cook Associates - Architects - Interior Designers - Project Managers</title>
    <link href="styles/hca_styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="header"><img src="images/header.gif" width="800" height="100" alt="hca_header" /></div>
      <div id="menu">
          <li>About Us</li>
          <li>Residential </li>
          <li>Special Needs Housing</li>
      <div id="main_image"><img src="images/haydock_atrium_420x300.jpg" width="420" height="300" alt="haydock_atrium" />
      <div id="menu_right">
        <h3>Latest News</h3>
        <p>Planning permision finally granted for the proposed 'Villa De France'</p>
        <div id="news_image_01">
          <p><img src="images/news_villa_de_france_90x50.jpg" alt="villa_de_france" width="90" height="50" /></p>
        <p>Application submitted for new 30 storey hotel with retail in Tower Hamlets</p>
        <div id="news_image_02"><img src="images/news_alie_St_90x50.jpg" width="90" height="50" alt="alie_street" /></div>
      <div id="spacer"></div>
      <div id="bottom_left"><img src="images/riba_logo_127x67.gif" width="127" height="67" alt="riba_logo" /></div>
      <div id="bottom_thumb_01"><img src="images/thumb_beckton_95x67.jpg" width="95" height="67" alt="beckton" /></div>
      <div id="bottom_thumb_02"><img src="images/thumb_edgeworth_link_95x67.jpg" width="95" height="67" alt="edgeworth" /></div>
      <div id="bottom_thumb_03"><img src="images/thumb_tov_bathroom_95x67.jpg" width="95" height="67" alt="haydock" /></div>
      <div id="bottom_thumb_04"><img src="images/thumb_edgeworth_interiors_portrait_95x67.jpg" width="95" height="67" alt="the_old_vicarage" /></div>
    <div id="bottom_right">
      <h1>Interior Designers</h1>
      <h1>Project Managers</h1>
      <div id="footer"></div>

    I've highlighted where the image must rotate is red.

    The scripts I found have usually put something in the head of <>, something where the image should be (but I didn't know if it should be

    a_le_sein_de the div or img src or what?) and also a file separate *.js stored in the directory root.

    In any case I'm not getting anywhere and need assistance because I don't really know what I'm doing with javascript.

    See you soon

    Put aside the random banner thing until what gain you more experience with HTML code.  You can't do things advanced in DW without a basic knowledge of the code syntax. Start at the link below:

    HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tutorials-

    Nancy O.
    ALT-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

  • help with an image effect

    Hey guys I'm not exactly sure if im this ad in the right section but I am very new to the forum

    and im new to Flash so bear with meh lol

    Ive been looking for a tutorial recreating this effect flash on pictures or words. the effect is on the site I linked the word titled shows the effect

    any help is welcome im a little desperate she ^_^

    which is created with a blur, alpha and interpolations of position 2.

  • My picture if you go full screen has white particles everywhere. I don't see it until I save for web. [was: need help with an image]

    Self-adhesive transparent GIF - find and share on GIPHY

    My picture if you go full screen has white particles everywhere. I don't see it until I save for web. No idea how to solve this problem? I've never had this problem before.

    This article gives to think the matte color change Transparent gif in Photoshop tutorial - PhotoshopCAFE

    See if that helps.

  • Still problems with scrolling images...

    I thought it was supposed to be fixed in the latest version, but it still seems to "activate" a scroll frame until it is floating. Does anyone else know this?

    When do us release a new version that includes changes to the Viewer (which is, to be honest, each version) you must rebuild your application to get the new features/changes.


Maybe you are looking for