How do panelHeader title in red color.


I must point out the panelHeader three Tititle in red color.
I've already put as inline style
inlineStyle = "color: Red;"

But still, it renders with the default color.


Thank you
Sumit Yadav

Published by: Sumit yannick August 24, 2011 15:20

To change the text of the header:

Should NOT be
. MyCustomPanelHeader af | panelHeader {color: #006699; background-color: black ;}}

It should be
. MyCustomPanelHeader * af | panelHeader:title - text0 {*}
color: Red;

Thank you

Tags: Java

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    .slider.knobStyle:unfocused .knob {
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            -fx-padding: 10;

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    rajnikids wrote:

    If (ConditionUnderlineIndicatorAppearance.WAVY == {}

    Alert ("document badly spelled words")


    You cannot compare a value of aspect listed with an enumerated value of UIColors. The real 'value' of the constant ConditionUnderlineIndicatorAppearance.WAVY is 1937208953, the UIColors. RED is 1767007588 (values taken directly from and In any normal circumstances should these values be identical.

    In addition, you test "If apples are sad then heaven is rich" to check the misspelled words:

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    3. the color of the interface 'Red' has nothing to do with misspelled words.

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    Hi Brenda19605,

    You can use this article to set the fonts and colors: & s = do & r = 0 & s = as

    The default settings for the police are in this article:

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    Let me know if you need help more!


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