How not to sort datagrid column on double click


I'm currently building an application containing a DataGrid for the representation of data. I created a datagridheader custom in order to add an input text for the filtering of the columns (see code below).

My goal is to hide the textinput and then display it on a double click on the header. So I would like to know how to avoid the type of this column whenever I double click. ?

<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >

" < = xmlns:fx s:GridItemRenderer ' "

xmlns:s = "library://".

xmlns:MX = "library://" resize = "onColumnResize (event)" clipAndEnableScrolling = 'true' doubleClick = "managefilterField (event)" > "

< fx:Declarations >

<!-the default value of the sortIndicator < code > < code > property.

It must be an IFactory for an IVisualElement.

< p > This value is specified in a < code > < code > fx:Declaration block and can be overridden

by a supporting statement < code > = "defaultSortIndicator" </postcode >

in an MXML subclass. < /p >

@langversion 3.0

@playerversion flash 10

@playerversion AIR 2.0

@productversion flex 4.5


< fx:Component id = "defaultSortIndicator" >

< data s:Path = "M 3.5 7.0 L 0.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 L 3.5 7.0 L" implements = "spark.components.gridClasses.IGridVisualElement" >

< fx:Script >

<! [CDATA]

Import spark.components.DataGrid;

Import spark.components.Grid;


* @private


public void prepareGridVisualElement(grid:Grid,_rowIndex:int,_columnIndex:int):void


const dataGrid:DataGrid = grid.dataGrid;

If (! dataGrid)


const color: uint = dataGrid.getStyle("symbolColor");

arrowFill1.color = color;

arrowFill2.color = color;


[]] >

< / fx:Script >

< s:fill >

< s:RadialGradient rotation = "90" focalPointRatio = "1" >


< s:GradientEntry id = "arrowFill1" color = "0" alpha = "0.6" / >


< s:GradientEntry id = "arrowFill2" color = "0" alpha = "0.8" / >

< / s:RadialGradient >

< / s:fill >

< / s:Path >

< / fx:Component >

<!-displays the label of renderer property, which is the value of the column < code > < code > headerText.

It must be an instance of a TextBase < code > < code > < code > < code > s:Label.

< p > This Visual element is added to the < code > < code > labelDisplayGroup by of the rendering engine

prepare() < code > < code > method.   Constraint of size/location specified by the labelDisplay

define its location relative to the labelDisplayGroup. < /p >

< p > This value is not specified with a < code > < code > fx:Declaration and can be overridden

by a supporting statement < code > = "labelDisplay" < code >

in an MXML subclass. < /p >

@langversion 3.0

@playerversion flash 10

@playerversion AIR 2.0

@productversion flex 4.5


< s:Label id = "labelDisplay".

Red left = "1" = "0" right = "0" top = low '0' = '0 '.

textAlign = 'start '.

fontWeight = "bold".

verticalAlign = "middle".

maxDisplayedLines = "1".

showTruncationTip = "true" / >

< / fx:Declarations >

< fx:Script >

<! [CDATA]

Import net.awl.ismp.console.components.misc.FilterCriteria;




Import spark.components.gridClasses.IGridVisualElement;

Import mx.core.IVisualElement;

Import spark.components.DataGrid;

Import spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup;

Import spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn;

Import spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement;

variables and constants of color chrome

DEFAULT_COLOR_VALUE:uint private static const is 0xCC;.

DEFAULT_COLOR:uint private static const is 0xCCCCCC;.

Private static const DEFAULT_SYMBOL_COLOR:uint = 0 x 000000;

private static var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();


* @private


private void dispatchChangeEvent(type:String):void


If (hasEventListener (type))


dispatchEvent (new Event (type));



protected function onColumnResize(event:ResizeEvent):void


dispatchEvent (new ColumnResizedEvent (ColumnResizedEvent.COLUMNRESIZED_EVT, this.width, this.column.columnInde x));





private var _maxDisplayedLines:int = 1;

[Bindable ("maxDisplayedLinesChanged")]

[Inspectable (minValue = "-1")]


This property value is used to initialize the

* < code > < code > maxDisplayedLines property of this converter

* < code > labelDisplay < code > element.


* @copy #maxDisplayedLines spark.components.supportClasses.TextBase


* @default 1


* @langversion 3.0

* @playerversion flash 10

* @playerversion AIR 1.5

* @productversion flex 4.5


public function get maxDisplayedLines (): int


Return _maxDisplayedLines;


override the stateChanged(oldState:String,_newState:String,_recursive:Boolean):void function


trace ("status changed to:" + oldState + "to" + newState);

super.stateChanged (oldState, newState, recursive);



* @private


public function set maxDisplayedLines(value:int):void


If (value == _maxDisplayedLines)


_maxDisplayedLines = value;

If (labelDisplay)

labelDisplay.maxDisplayedLines = value;



dispatchChangeEvent ("maxDisplayedLinesChanged");





private var _sortIndicator:IFactory;

private var sortIndicatorInstance:IVisualElement;

[Bindable ("sortIndicatorChanged")]


* A visual element that appears when the column is sorted.


* < p > the sortIndicator visual element is added to the < code > < code > sortIndicatorGroup

* by this converter < code > < code > prepare() method.  Constraint of size/location

* specified by the sortIndicator set its location relative to the sortIndicatorGroup. < /p >


* @default null


* @langversion 3.0

* @playerversion flash 10

* @playerversion AIR 1.5

* @productversion flex 4.5


public function get sortIndicator (): IFactory


return (_sortIndicator)? _sortIndicator: defaultSortIndicator;



* @private


public function set sortIndicator(value:IFactory):void


trace ("setSortIndicator");

If (_sortIndicator is value)


_sortIndicator = value;

If (sortIndicatorInstance)


sortIndicatorGroup.includeInLayout = false;

sortIndicatorGroup.removeElement (sortIndicatorInstance);

sortIndicatorInstance = null;



dispatchChangeEvent ("sortIndicatorChanged");



* @private

* Create and add the sortIndicator to the sortIndicatorGroup and the

* labelDisplay in the labelDisplayGroup.


override public function prepare(hasBeenRecycled:Boolean):void


trace ("ready!");

Super.Prepare (hasBeenRecycled);

If (labelDisplay & & labelDisplayGroup & & (labelDisplay.parent! = labelDisplayGroup))


labelDisplayGroup.removeAllElements ();

labelDisplayGroup.addElement (labelDisplay);


trace (sortIndicator);

trace ("sortIndicatorInstance:" + sortIndicatorInstance);

column: GridColumn = const this.column;

If (sortIndicator & & column & & column.grid & & column.grid.dataGrid & & column.grid.dataGrid.columnHeaderGroup)


const dataGrid:DataGrid = column.grid.dataGrid;

const columnHeaderGroup:GridColumnHeaderGroup = dataGrid.columnHeaderGroup;

If (columnHeaderGroup.isSortIndicatorVisible (column.columnIndex))


If (! sortIndicatorInstance)


sortIndicatorInstance = sortIndicator.newInstance ();

sortIndicatorGroup.addElement (sortIndicatorInstance);

chromeColorChanged = true;



Initialize the sortIndicator

sortIndicatorInstance.visible = true;

const gridVisualElement:IGridVisualElement = sortIndicatorInstance as IGridVisualElement;

If (gridVisualElement)

gridVisualElement.prepareGridVisualElement (column.grid,-1, column.columnIndex);

sortIndicatorGroup.includeInLayout = true;

sortIndicatorGroup.scaleY = (column.sortDescending)? 1:-1;


on the other


If (sortIndicatorInstance)


sortIndicatorGroup.removeElement (sortIndicatorInstance);

sortIndicatorGroup.includeInLayout = false;

sortIndicatorInstance = null;





private var chromeColorChanged:Boolean = false;

private var colorized: Boolean = false;


* @private

* Apply the chromeColor style.


override the updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,_unscaledHeight:Number):void function


trace ("update list display");

Apply the color chrome

If (chromeColorChanged)


var chromeColor:uint = value ("chromeColor");

If (chromeColor! = DEFAULT_COLOR | colorized)


colorTransform.redOffset = ((chromeColor & (0xFF << 16)) > > 16)-DEFAULT_COLOR_VALUE;

colorTransform.greenOffset = ((chromeColor & (0xFF << 8)) > > 8)-DEFAULT_COLOR_VALUE;

colorTransform.blueOffset = (chromeColor & 0xFF) - DEFAULT_COLOR_VALUE;

colorTransform.alphaMultiplier = alpha;

transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;

var exclusions: Array = [labelDisplay, sortIndicatorInstance];

Apply reverse colorization exclusions

If (exclusions & & exclusions.length > 0)


colorTransform.redOffset = - colorTransform.redOffset;

colorTransform.greenOffset = - colorTransform.greenOffset;

colorTransform.blueOffset = - colorTransform.blueOffset;

for (var i: int = 0; i < exclusions.length; i ++)


var exclusionObject:Object = exclusions [i];

If (exclusionObject & &)

(exclusionObject is DisplayObject |)

exclusionObject is GraphicElement))


colorTransform.alphaMultiplier = exclusionObject.alpha;

exclusionObject.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;




colorized = true;


chromeColorChanged = false;


super.updateDisplayList (unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);



* @private


override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void


var allStyles:Boolean =! styleProp | styleProp == "styleName";

super.styleChanged (styleProp);

If (allStyles | styleProp == "chromeColor")


chromeColorChanged = true;




protected function managefilterField(event:MouseEvent):void


trace ("double click on sortIndicator:" + this.sortIndicatorInstance);

this.filterInput.visible =! this.filterInput.visible;

this.filterInput.includeInLayout = this.filterInput.visible;

this.filterSpacer.visible = this.filterInput.visible;

this.filterSpacer.includeInLayout = this.filterInput.visible;



this.filterInput.text ="";

dispatchEvent (new ColumnFilteredEvent (ColumnFilteredEvent.COLUMNFILTERED_EVT, new FilterCriteria (this.column.dataField, this.filterInput.text)));


this.filterInput.setStyle ("borderColor", 0xFF6319);

this.filterInput.setStyle ("focusColor", 0xFF6319);

() this.filterInput.setStyle


protected function onTextInputSelection(event:MouseEvent):void



this.filterInput.setStyle ("borderColor", 0xFF6319);

this.filterInput.setStyle ("focusColor", 0xFF6319);


protected function onKeyUp(event:KeyboardEvent):void




internship. Focus = null;



protected function onFocusOut(event:FocusEvent):void


this.filterInput.setStyle ("borderColor", 0x00ff00);

this.filterInput.setStyle ("focusColor", 0x70B2EE);

dispatchEvent (new ColumnFilteredEvent (ColumnFilteredEvent.COLUMNFILTERED_EVT, new FilterCriteria (this.column.dataField, this.filterInput.text)));


[]] >

< / fx:Script >

< s: states >

< name s: State = "normal" / >

< name s: State = "flat" / >

< name s: State = "low" / >

< / s: states >

<!-layer 1: shadow->


< s:Rect id = "shadow" left = "-1" right = "-1" high = low '-1' = '-1' radiusX = "2" >

< s:fill >

< s:LinearGradient rotation = "90" >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000".

Color.Down = "0xFFFFFF"

Alpha = "0.01".

Alpha. Down = "0" / > "

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000".

Color.Down = "0xFFFFFF"

Alpha = "0.07"

Alpha. Down = "0.5" / > "

< / s:LinearGradient >

< / s:fill >

< / s:Rect >

<!-layer 2: fill->


< s:Rect id = "fill" left = "0" right = "0" top = low "0" = "0" >

< s:fill >

< s:LinearGradient rotation = "90" >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0xFFFFFF".

Color.hovered = "0xBBBDBD"

Color.Down = "0xAAAAAA"

Alpha = "0.85" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0xD8D8D8".

Color.hovered = "0x9FA0A1"

Color.Down = '0 x 929496'

Alpha = "0.85" / >

< / s:LinearGradient >

< / s:fill >

< / s:Rect >

<!-layer 3: filling lowlight->


< s:Rect id = "lowlight" left = "0" right = "0" top = low "0" = "0" >

< s:fill >

< s:LinearGradient rotation '270' = >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" ratio = "0,0" alpha = "0,0627" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" ratio = alpha '0.48' = "0,0099" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" ratio = alpha "0.48001" = "0" / >

< / s:LinearGradient >

< / s:fill >

< / s:Rect >

<!-layer 4: highlight of fill->


< s:Rect id = "highlight" left = "0" right = "0" top = low "0" = "0" >

< s:fill >

< s:LinearGradient rotation = "90" >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0xFFFFFF".

ratio = "0.0".

Alpha = "0.33".

Alpha.hovered = "0.22"

Alpha. Down = "0.12" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0xFFFFFF".

ratio = '0.48 '.

Alpha = "0.33".

Alpha.hovered = "0.22"

Alpha. Down = "0.12" / > "

< s:GradientEntry color = "0xFFFFFF".

ratio = "0.48001."

Alpha = "0" / >

< / s:LinearGradient >

< / s:fill >

< / s:Rect >

<!-layer 5: race to highlight (all States except down)->


< s:Rect id = "highlightStroke" left = "0" right = "0" top = low '0' = '0' excludeFrom 'low' = >

< s:stroke >

< s:LinearGradientStroke rotation = "90" weight = "1" >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0xFFFFFF" alpha.hovered = "0.22" / > "

< s:GradientEntry color = "0xD8D8D8" alpha.hovered = "0.22" / > "

< / s:LinearGradientStroke >

< / s:stroke >

< / s:Rect >

<!-layer 6: highlight of the stroke (to the low State only)->


< s:Rect id = "hldownstroke1" left = "0" right = "0" top = low "0" = "0" includeIn = "bottom" >

< s:stroke >

< s:LinearGradientStroke rotation = "90" weight = "1" >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" alpha = "0.25" ratio = "0,0" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" alpha = "0.25" ratio = "0.001" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" alpha = "0.07" ratio = "0,0011" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" alpha = "0.07" ratio = "0,965" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" alpha = "0.00" ratio = "0.9651" / >

< / s:LinearGradientStroke >

< / s:stroke >

< / s:Rect >


< s:Rect id = "hldownstroke2" left = "1" right = "1" top down = '1' = '1' includeIn = "bottom" >

< s:stroke >

< s:LinearGradientStroke rotation = "90" weight = "1" >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" alpha = "0.09" ratio = "0,0" / >

< s:GradientEntry color = "0x000000" alpha = "0.00" ratio = "0.0001" / >

< / s:LinearGradientStroke >

< / s:stroke >

< / s:Rect >

<!-< s:Rect id = "fill" left = "0" right = "0" top = low "0" = "0" >

< s:fill >

< s:LinearGradient rotation = "90" >

"< s:GradientEntry color.normal"0xf9f9f9"color.hovered =" = 0xfcfdfa ".

Color.Down = "0xdceac2" alpha = "0.85" / > "

"< s:GradientEntry color.normal"0xeaeaea"color.hovered =" = 0xdceac2 ".

Color.Down = "0xd2e1b5" alpha = "0.85" / > "

< / s:LinearGradient >

< / s:fill >

< / s:Rect >->

<!-< right '7' = left s:VGroup = '7' high low = '5' = '5' gap = "6" verticalAlign = "middle" >

< s:TextInput width = "100%" / >

< s:HGroup width = "100%" >

< s:Group id = "labelDisplayGroup" width = "100%" / >

< s:Group id = includeInLayout = "false" "sortIndicatorGroup" / >

< / s:HGroup >

< / s:VGroup >->

< s:VGroup verticalAlign = "middle" left = "7" = "5" top right = '7' low gap '5' = '2' = >

"< s:TextInput id ="filterInput"width ="100% "visible ="false"includeInLayout = 'false' keyUp =" onKeyUp (event) "Focusout/focusouthandler() =" onFocusOut (event) "click ="onTextInputSelection (event)"/ >

< s:Spacer id = "filterSpacer" visible = "false" includeInLayout = "false" height = "5" / >

< s:HGroup width = "100%" height = "100%" verticalAlign = "middle" >

< s:Group id = "labelDisplayGroup" width = "100%" / >

< s:Group id = includeInLayout = "false" "sortIndicatorGroup" / >

< / s:HGroup >

< / s:VGroup >

< / s:GridItemRenderer >

You can use 'alt' or 'Ctrl' click and just check on the event to see if one of these is 'true '.

Tags: Flex

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    875991 wrote:
    Hi all

    I have to sort the column date OBIEE answers. I applied the sort by using the sort option by clicking on change of object-> sorting-> sorting option growing option. Even in this case sorting will not apply to the column. What could be the problem.

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    Thanks in advance,

    You are talking in a PivotTable? If Yes, then you do this:

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    (2) apply the type of this column.

    (3) hide.

    In PivotTables, OBIEE sorts from left to right, whatever by clicking on the arrows to sort. To sort by a particular column, it must be further. If you want a secondary sort, to duplicate the layer of this column and move to second on the far left. Hide the columns so that you do not see the columns twice. Of course, if the column you want to sort by is already in the extreme is left, so no need to duplicate the layer. Simply apply the sort. Most people, however, that the sort to be elsewhere in the section column lines and that's why you need to duplicate the layer, sort and hide.

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    import javafx.scene.control.SelectionMode;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
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      public static void main(String[] args) {
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
        primaryStage.setTitle("TreeView Test");
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        final TreeView treeView = new TreeView();
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            return new ClickableTreeCell();
        return new Scene(stackPane);
      private TreeItem createModel() {
        TreeItem root = new TreeItem("RootNode");
        TreeItem packageA = new TreeItem("package A");
            Arrays.asList(new TreeItem("A1"), new TreeItem("A2"), new TreeItem("A3"))
        TreeItem packageB = new TreeItem("package B");
            Arrays.asList(new TreeItem("B1"), new TreeItem("B2"), new TreeItem("B3"))
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      private class ClickableTreeCell extends TreeCell {
        ClickableTreeCell() {
          setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler() {
            public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
              // Handle double-clicks on non-empty cells:
              if (event.getClickCount()==2 && ! isEmpty()) {
                System.out.println("Mouse double-clicked on: " + getItem());
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          super.updateItem(item, empty);
          if (empty) {
          } else {
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    Original title: music file won't play second hard drive by double click.

    Windows 7 ultimate/64

    I have a second hard drive on which I store my music files. If I open a player (Foobar is what I use now) and open the music file in the program, he plays very well, since the second HD.

    But if I double click on the music file (.mp3, usually), I get the message:

    "The requested operation requires a rise."

    I think it should open in the player by default when I do that.

    I remember well, it wasn't the case when I started to use this computer (it's fairly new), while something might have changed.
    I have the .mp3, .wav etc all default extensions for the Foobar player program.

    I went through elaborate measures to appropriate the entire disk and have granted full permissions for me as a user, following to the letter one of the many sites of the detailed instructions for this operation. But there is no help in sight.
    Original title: music file won't play second hard drive by double click

    So I can let my reader opens a music file leave a second drive, but I can't call him by double click or click right/context citing the player. When I do that, nothing happens, but I don't get the message "requires a rise."

    Every time I think that I am getting to know Windows 7, something like this happens. Avoid to receive life dull, of course.

    Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I've pretty much exhausted my own attempts.


    Update: I think I've solved the problem. I have no idea that what caused it, but here's what fixed it:

    1 uninstalled Foobar with usual Control Panel uninstall
    2A through the startup disk everything and delete folders or files with the name "foobar" in them.
    3 did the same for the registry (creating a point of restoration first, of course)
    4 restarted
    5 download and install Foobar.


    Works very well.

    A big thank you to all who responded.


  • How can I sort a column of short phrases in numbers?

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    Hi Ricketer,

    Here are two methods. Both the screening of the string at the top of its column to the string in column B, but are not distinguished between this chain as a word on its own or part of a word string (as in the examples highlighted).


    C2: = IF (ISERROR (FIND(C$1,$B2,)),"", $B2 ")

    Filled on the right in column C and all lines below.

    E2: = IF (LEN ($B2) > LEN (SUBSTITUTE($B2,E$1,"",)) ", $B2," "")

    Filled on the right in column F and all lines below.

    Kind regards


  • How ItemRenderer change for DataGrid column based on the value of this column?

    Hello! I am trying to create a DataGrid that has a component Button to register when the value of this column is 'Open', then a label saying full when the value of this column is "Full". But Im having a hell of a time he find.

    Here's my MXML with 2 different inline installation of components for different rendering engines point 2:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
    "" < mx:Application xmlns:mx = ' ' layout = "absolute" >

    < mx:Component id = "RegFull" >
    < mx:VBox horizontalAlign = "center" verticalAlign = "middle" >
    < mx:Label id = 'Full text' text = "Full" / >
    < / mx:VBox >
    < / mx:Component >

    < mx:Component id = "RegButton" >
    < mx:VBox horizontalAlign = "center" verticalAlign = "middle" >
    < mx:Button label = "Save" / >
    < / mx:VBox >
    < / mx:Component >

    < mx:DataGrid id = "scGrid" width = "100%" height = "100%" number of lines = "4" >

    < mx:dataProvider >
    < mx:Object label = "Status" data = 'Open' / >
    < mx:Object label = "Status" data = "Full" / >
    < mx:Object label = "Status" data = 'Open' / >
    < mx:Object label = "Status" data = "Full" / >
    < mx:Object label = "Status" data = 'Open' / >
    < mx:Object label = "Status" data = "Full" / >
    < / mx:dataProvider >

    < mx:columns >
    < mx:DataGridColumn id = "RegCol" headerText = "Reg" dataField = "data" / >
    < / mx:columns >

    < / mx:DataGrid >
    < / mx:Application >

    How can I dynamically use the right of itemrenderer based on the value of the field? THANKS FOR ANY HELP PROVIDED!

    The best

    You can have more than 1 column renderer engine. There are two ways to do this. One way would be to use States. A State for each possible value in the data. Since you either want a button (data == 'open') or a label (data == 'Full') by using the States wouldn't be a bad choice.

    Alternatively, you can use a canvas instead of a VBox. Make a label and a button with horizontalCenter = "0" "0" = red to make them each other. Make it visible according to the data value:

    where dataField is the value of the property dataField on this converter DataGridColumn.

  • Photoshop smart object layer does not open in ACR when I double click

    I have a file open in photoshop raw, it reproduces, is smart, when objects I click on the smart object on the file icon, I get another copy of the file in photoshop, the file does not open up in acr, is there a setting I'm missing?

    Post edited by: Rodwf

    This is because the smart object is a raster layer image not a raw file.  If you want a smart object RAW you must do the ACR. Instead of clicking the image open in Photoshop button. Hold down the SHIFT key the key will change to open the object in Photoshop.

  • I am not able to open user accounts, double-click on and nothing happens.

    I want to check my administrator settings because I can't load my new printer.

    Hi acapellasky,

    Welcome to the Windows Vista answers Forum!

    First try to set the default Administrator account and check if you can access the account.

    1. click on the Start button

    2. on the Start Menu, click all programs Accessories followed

    3. in the menu accessories, right click on the option from the command line

    4. in the menu that appears, click on the option "Run as Administrator"

    5. If you have the User Account Control (UAC) enabled, you will be asked permission before the opening of the command line. You simply press the button continue if you are the administrator or insert password etc.

    6. in the command prompt window, type the command net user administrator / Active: Yes and press ENTER.

    7. close the elevated command prompt.

    8. close the session (in the Start Menu) and you will see your new administrator integrated next to your current account.

    9. click on the new account administrator display photo icon and connect to it.

    For more information, see the following links on the configuration of the user account control: (WS.10) .aspx

    If it works on the default Administrator account, and then you try to create a new user account and check if it works.

    For more information, you can consult the following link to correct the corrupted user profile.

    Hope this information is useful.

    Jeremy K

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • How do you disconnect the double click to single click? or it is not available in Windows 7

    How can I change my mouse to double click to single click?  or is this not possible in Windows 7?  I think remember me from that of previous versions.

    Thank you

    It is in the Folder Options

  • How do I sort on datagrid spark.

    I am trying to sort a spark datagrid column when users click on the individual column header. I put the sortableColumns property to true, but still have no luck

    I would be grateful if anyone here can help me out. Thank you very much.

    You will get useful information from the link:

  • How to really sort by name of no type.

    I am trying to sort my files strictly by name when I press 'name' not of type file, and then by name alias is the same thing by clicking on sort by type. Can you please explain to me how not to sort by name, regardless of the type.

    I am trying to sort my files strictly by name when I press 'name' not of type file, and then by name alias is the same thing by clicking on sort by type. Can you please explain to me how not to sort by name, regardless of the type.


    Looks like you're in a library folder.

    The options you choose may depend on what type of files are in the folder. If you are in a file optimized for photos, you can see the different options available in a file optimized for Documents.

    Alphanumeric sorting in an images folder, select the folder in the menu arrange by.

    Just above the menu arrange by, click the drop-down Options menu, and then select Details.

    Now you have columns, name, Date, label, size, etc.

    Click the upper part of the column name to sort by name. Whenever you click on the top of the column, reverse the order. You can do the same thing with any of the other columns.

    In a file optimized for the Documents, it is substantially the same, except that the list in the menu arrange by is different. Simply click name in the list and details in the Options menu.

    Outside the libraries, in the normal files, such as images of C:\Users\yourname\My. You will see no the menu reorganization, only the View Menu. Simply select the details to get the named columns.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Thank you for using Windows 7

    Ronnie Vernon MVP
  • Resizing DataGrid column width

    How can I enable the user to quickly adjust automatically a column by double-clicking it, as you can do in Excel?

    Also, how could I have the columns automatically sized this way during load?

    No mechanism built as far as I know. This shuold help you get started:

    var int cols = this.dg.columnCount;
    for (var i: int = 0; i< cols;="" i++)="">
    Col: DataGridColumn var = dg.columns [i];

    var tlm:TextLineMetrics = dg.measureText (col.headerText);
    Col.Width = tlm.width;

    Basically, you'll need to go on each column, measure the width of the text that is in this case, I will put only the width as wide as the header text - using the TextLineMetrics class and set the column width. You might alos have invalidated the DataGrid Properties after the loop to force a refresh.


  • Images, do not open by double-clicking


    This problem happened to me a little lonely with CS4, so I thought I would finally ask. Virtually all of my images are configurΘ for dΘmarrer with Photoshop. My problem is that many times, I double click on an image on my computer to open it in photoshop, and then photoshop rises and don't open it or even try. Usually, the image opens if photoshop is currently not open, and is lanuched by double clicking the image well. The problem seems very random and it to JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP, and TIFF, as far as I am awear. PSD looks good. Note that this problem has not been resolved by resetting the preferences as I recently have doen it and it's still there. Any suggestions on how to make it work?

    How are defined the default file associations?  In Vista go to control programs by default/Panel associated with the files.

    Not a geek but see my jpeg file is set for Windows Photo Gallary and PDS is defined for CS3.

    Can check it because this program is open could influence where it loads?

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