How to clear the Ref Cursor runtime error

Hello everyone,
the code as follows
create or replace 
procedure Country_sel(key in varchar2)
cc Res_RelcountryLan.countrycode%type;
len Res_Language.langname_en%type;
lid Res_Language.langid%type;
ab Res_Language.Abrivation%type;
type refcursorr is ref cursor;
cur refcursorr;
d_stmt varchar2(100);
d_stmt := 'select RCL.countrycode,RL.langid,RL.langname_'||key||',
RL.Abrivation from  Res_RelCountryLan RCL inner join Res_Language RL ON RCL.LangId = RL.LangId';
open cur for d_stmt;
fetch cur into cc,lid,len,ab;
if cur%found then
end if;
end loop;
close cur;
end  Country_sel;
When I run this code im getting
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at "RASOOL.COUNTRY_SEL", line 11
ORA-06512: at line 6
can you please help me get rid of this problem.

thanking you,

d_stmt varchar2(100); 

Increase the size of d_stmt. Your an a larger string assignment

d_stmt := 'select RCL.countrycode,RL.langid,RL.langname_'||key||',RL.Abrivation from  Res_RelCountryLan RCL inner join Res_Language RL ON RCL.LangId = RL.LangId'; 

The size of the string above is more than 100 characters.

Tags: Database

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    Thanks in advance.

    It would be simpler:

        type dep_emp_list_tbl_type
          is table of sys.OdciVarchar2List;
        v_dep_emp_list_tbl dep_emp_list_tbl_type;
        v_dep_id_tbl sys.OdciNumberList;
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          bulk collect into v_dep_id_tbl,v_dep_emp_list_tbl
          from hr.departments d;


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    gn res_grades.gradename_en%type;
    stid sub_topics.subtopic_id%type;
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    the screen output result:
    Connecting to the database rasool.
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    Disconnecting from the database rasool.
    Can u please help me,

    thanking you,

    jeenesh sorry I am fresh I don't know it is case sensitive.i tried with "Pre - K" instead of "PRE - K" now, my code is working.sorry to bother guys
    my code as follows...

    create or replace
    procedure Sel_subgroup(key in varchar2,gradename in varchar2,rc out sys_refcursor)
    gid res_grades.grade_id%type;
    gn res_grades.gradename_en%type;
    stid sub_topics.subtopic_id%type;
    stn sub_topics.subtopicname_en%type;
    cc res_grades.countrycode%type;
    estid exsub_topics.exsub_topics_id%type;
    estn exsub_topics.exsubtopicname_en%type;
    d_stmt varchar2(500);
    d_stmt :='SELECT RG.Grade_ID,RG.Gradename_'||key||',ST.SubTopic_ID,ST.SubTopicname_'||key||', RG.CountryCode,
    Est.ExSub_Topics_ID, Est.ExSubTopicname_'||key||' from
    Res_Grades RG INNER JOIN Sub_Topics ST ON RG.Grade_Id= ST.Grade_ID
    INNER JOIN ExSub_Topics Est ON ST.SubTopic_ID = Est.Sub_Topics_Id
    Where Gradename_'||key||' = '''||gradename||'''';
    open rc for d_stmt;
    fetch rc into gid,gn,stid,stn,cc,estid,estn;
    exit when rc%notfound;
    end loop;
    close rc;
    end Sel_subgroup;
      KEY VARCHAR2(200);
      RC sys_refcursor;
      KEY := 'en';
      GRADENAME := 'Pre-K';
        KEY => KEY,
        RC => RC
      /* Legacy output:
      :RC := RC; --<-- Cursor

    Thank you for all your responses guys


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      2  is
      3  begin
      4    open p_refcur for select * from dual union all select * from dual;
      5  end test;
      6  /
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    SQL> begin
      2    test(:r);
      3  end;
      4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print r;
    2 rows selected.
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    We use JDev WL 10.3.6 and Java 7.

    We are at the beginning of our transition from Oracle Forms to ADF.  We have a very large forms that uses many store procedures that have IN/OUT ref Cursor parameters and tables plsql.  I tried to find information on best practices to achieve, but only seemed to find tutorials on SEO of the Oracle ref Cursor return functions.  I hope we don't have to rewrite our code of database to work with ADF.

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    / * my record type which houses the information I want to go back * /.

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    rec_rownum NUMBER (5),

    return_column SAM_VACPAC.vacpac_status%TYPE,

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    / * Sets the ref cursor type * /.

    TYPE lcur_hist_vacpac_status IS REF CURSOR;

    / * This is a procedure that would take some info link go / return

    Return the ref cursor of this information as an in / out * /.

    PROCEDURE prc_myinfo_refcur)

    pnum_identify_seq_id in NUMBERS

    pcur_myinfo IN OUT lcur_hist_vacpac_status);

    Can anyone point me in the right direction on documentation on this?

    Thank you!

    Hi Cemerson:

    See this example:

    1. 1. create a TYPE as an object








    1. 2. create a TABLE TYPE AS




    1. 3 create a function, it returns the TYPE of the TABLE

    FUNCTION fn_equiposarriba)

    pa_cdelem IN VARCHAR2,

    pa_nucomp in NUMBERS

    pa_anperi in NUMBERS

    pa_meperi in NUMBERS



    CURSOR trae_equimani (va_cdelem VARCHAR2) IS

    SELECT cdelem, tielem, cdelempadr,

    (SELECT cdequi

    Of evm_alim

    WHERE anperi = eq.anperi

    AND meperi = eq.meperi

    AND nucomp = eq.nucomp

    AND cdalim = eq.cdalim) cdalim

    Of evm_equimani eq

    WHERE anperi = pa_anperi

    AND meperi = pa_meperi

    AND nucomp = pa_nucomp

    AND cdelem = va_cdelem

    AND cdelempadr <> cdelem

    AND tielem <> 'A ';

    equimani trae_equimani % ROWTYPE;

    va_cdalim VARCHAR2 (100);


    -Loading los equipos aguas arriba

    WHILE equimani.cdelempadr IS NOT NULL LOOP

    OPEN trae_equimani (equimani.cdelempadr);

    equimani: = NULL;

    SEEK trae_equimani INTO equimani;

    CLOSE Trae_equimani;

    IF equimani.cdelem IS NOT NULL THEN

    PIPE ROW (gotyob_equi (equimani.cdelem, equimani.tielem));

    END IF;




    1. 4 SQL Query with the help of the function... you can use this SQL in a display object




    TABLE (gopq_eventos.fn_equiposarriba (' F-SCZ-043-103', '))






    Best regards, Marcelo

  • Fetch the Ref Cursor several times

    create or replace 
    PROCEDURE refcursor1
    TYPE r_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
    rcv_emp r_cursor;
    TYPE rec_emp IS record
    empno NUMBER,
    ename VARCHAR2(20 CHAR),
    deptno number
    recv_emp rec_emp;
    recv_emp2 rec_emp;
    PROCEDURE printemployeedetails AS
      fetch rcv_emp INTO recv_emp;
      exit WHEN rcv_emp%notfound;
      END loop;
    PROCEDURE printemployeedetails2(p_emp r_cursor) IS
      fetch p_emp INTO recv_emp2;
      exit WHEN p_emp%notfound;
      end loop;
      FOR i IN (SELECT deptno FROM dept order by deptno)
        OPEN rcv_emp FOR SELECT empno,ename,deptno FROM emp WHERE deptno=i.deptno;
        dbms_output.put_line('calling printemployeedetails');
        dbms_output.put_line('                    ');
        dbms_output.put_line('calling printemployeedetails2');
        dbms_output.put_line('                    ');
        CLOSE rcv_emp;
      END loop;


    calling printemployeedetails
    calling printemployeedetails2
    calling printemployeedetails
    calling printemployeedetails2
    calling printemployeedetails
    calling printemployeedetails2
    calling printemployeedetails
    calling printemployeedetails2

    Hi all

    If I open a cursor once can I collect the elements of a cursor n times as above? I see one of these procedures to print the details, but not both.

    Wonder why that I'm passing same ref cursor to a second procedure.

    It doesn't throw me an error indicating that the elements of the ref cursor is already read.

    Thank you.

    Your condition is not clear. Cursor is a pointer. He points to the result set of your query. At the time wherever you collect once, it advances the pointer to the next line and so on. I wonder if the pointer can return to the previous line once you recovered.

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    Thank you

    cad0227 wrote:

    I write a stored procedure that returns a REF CURSOR. However, there are times when the cursor is not open if certain conditions are not met, so I wonder if there is a way to initialize the REF CURSOR so that the appellant does not receive the "ORA-01001: Invalid cursor" error when you try to work with the cursor, if it has not been opened.

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    Thank you

    The most appropriate way would be the caller to handle the situation. The caller must capture the exception of INVALID_CURSOR and do what is necessary.

    Other suggestions like having a separate Pavilion or a model select all will lead the appellant to act to the particular situation, that slider is not being opened. What is the case with the exception of INVALID_CURSOR raised by oracle.

    All the need for the appellant to do is manage the exception of INVALID_CURSOR and you should be good. And also INVALID_CURSOR is not a mistake, it's an exception that has a special meaning for her. In the case you sense it takes the condition when not together to return a cursor.

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    type rc is ref cursor;
    p_data rc;
    call_my_proc (p_data);
    : result: = p_data; ((- If I run this in TOAD I can see the data here, but I want to create a table based on it rather than showing)

    Thank you.

    Edit: sorry. typed this wrong, first time, should be right now

    I recommend you read this first... {: identifier of the thread = 886365}

    and then you'll have a better idea of how to make to create a table in your query.

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    Thank you


    Hello Claudia,.

    Can you please check if the user that you are trying to connect with is a "presenter or host? If the user is not presenter or host, and is just a participant user won't be able to clear the history of cats. And in this case, you will most likely the error you get. Please try to give such a user the role 'Presenter' or ' home' then try again and see if it works.

    Let us know if this helped.

    Thank you


  • Return of the ref cursor of procedure where the cursor is defined in the specification


    Here's pseudo-code

    create or replace package test
    cursor c_emp (number cv_emp_id)
    Select emp_name emp where emp_id = cv_emp_id;

    type ref_c is ref cursor;

    function get_emp_name (number p_emp_id) return ref_c;
    end test;

    create or replace the test physics package
    ref_c function get_emp_name (number p_emp_id)
    ret_val ref_c;
    Open c_emp (p_emp_id);
    ret_val: = c_emp;
    return ret_val;

    end get_emp_name;
    end test;

    Returns me "PLS-00382: expression is of the wrong type. I tried to use a strongly typed Ref cursor based on the cursor, but nothing helped.

    Clearly, I understand something... and if I can't assign as ' ret_val: = c_emp "and if there is another key way it so please let me know.

    Thank you


    Published by: user13024707 on May 5, 2010 04:43

    user13024707 wrote:
    Clearly the point of my question is being missed.

    Or maybe the question is not been clearly asked. ;)

    I want to set the cursor in the PACKAGE SPECIFICATION, and not in the package body. The issue of the bind variable and the string is neither here nor there because I pass parameters to the cursor.

    What you ask is to use a PL/SQL cursor (defined in the specifications of the package or elsewhere) and that convert a Ref Cursor. N ° cannot be done.
    PL/SQL cursors should be used in the PL/SQL code. REF CURSOR is primary used to pass back a reference to a cursor (and all queries are cursors) to a layer of application outside of PL/SQL for example .net, java, etc.. Once you start using the ref Cursor only really, you have the choice of opening it based on a (dynamic) or a fixed query string as in the examples given. You cannot open a cursor of a PL/SQL cursor definition Ref.

    The difference is that when you do:

      CURSOR cur_mycursor IS
        SELECT ...

    you declare a cursor in pl/sql definition, not actually a slider itself. The cursor itself is created when you issue an OPENING or a statement FOR etc. So a Ref Cursor (reference to a slider) cannot refer to the definition of the cursor because it is only a definition, not a cursor (i.e. it has not been sent engine sql and instantiated at that time here). Instead the Ref Cursor must reference a cursor (query), itself, and that may be presented as a string or as the query itself that is issued against the sql engine and then the ref cursor points

    Thus, slider ref and PL/SQL cursors are different concepts, both designed to manage cursors in a slightly different way of programming. You cannot mix them.

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