How to connect NEWSPAPER of INFORMATION to the table of the newspaper so that the operation of ROLLING BACK of the user?

How to connect NEWSPAPER of INFORMATION to the table of the newspaper so that the operation of ROLLING BACK of the user? any example?

Fjean wrote:
What is the independent procedure/function?

You can create stand-alone procedure to record messages even if the transaction is rolled back messages is stored in the table and are committed.

Example of

  3    emp_id NUMBER(6);
  4    amount NUMBER(6,2);
  5  BEGIN
  6    emp_id := 200;
  7    amount := 200;
  8    UPDATE employees SET salary = salary - amount WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
  9    COMMIT;
 10  END;
 11  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

---log_error procedure
-- Table Err_tab ( seq number , time_stamp date, message varchar2(4000))
CREATE PROCEDURE log_error (p_message VARCHAR2)  AS
  INSERT INTO Err_Tab(seq.err_seq,SYSDATE,p_message) ;
END log_error;

-- You can use this procedure to log
-- error messages as follows in a transaction
  log_error('Start emp update') ;
  UPDATE emp set
  log_error('End emp update');
  log_error('Update Error '||SQLERRM);
Even in case of Rollback error messages will be inserted to log table 


Tags: Database

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    VARCHAR2 (30 BYTE) "NAME."

    VARCHAR2 (30 BYTE) 'NAME')

    I configured the WebLogic environment using the the "reading- SQL only the authentication provider ' and then I configured ADF Security as ADF authentication -> Forms -authentication.

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    public String doLogin() {}

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    Byte [] pw = _password.getBytes ();

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    fctx.addMessage (null, msg);

    } catch {} (the LoginException)

    reportUnexpectedLoginError ("LoginException", the);


    Returns a null value.


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    securityContext.userName returns the value of the 'U_NAME '.
    How can I get more information about the user logged as NAME, first NAME, ID?

    You can not.

    You need to query DB.

    How to store the value of the field 'ID' in table 'ADM_USERS' in any table with the 'IDUSER' with objects of entity created in application scope?

    Record this value in UserData structure so it will be available in the model.

    Then use as default expression for your objects of entity attributes (something like: adf.userSession.userData.yourUserDataVar).


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    Can't get PC to recognize external speakers


    Thanks for posting your query on the Microsoft Community.

    According to the description, I understand that the PC recognizes not the external speakers.

    This could be due to hardware conflicts.

    I suggest you to refer to the suggestions of Fahimulla K replied on March 4, 2010 and check if that helps.

    Hope this information helps. Please let us know if you need any other help with Windows in the future. We will be happy to help you.

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    Kind regards


    Hi Tim,.

    Please contact Microsoft Community.

    I understand that you want to prevent the user details stored connection and deletes automatically the most recently used (MRU) list. To help you better ask you to answer the following questions:

    Your computer is connected to the domain?

    Please see the configuration group policies section below.

    If the problem persists, thanks for posting the same question in the Microsoft TechNet forum for assistance.

    Hope this information helps. Response with status so that we can help you.

  • CONNECT IN a loop in the user data

    Could someone help me because I can not find a solution.

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    CREATE TABLE nineham (organisatie_id NUMBER

    (, naam VARCHAR2 (50));


    CREATE TABLE seizoenen (seizoen_id NUMBER

    organisatie_id NUMBER

    (, naam VARCHAR2 (50));


    CREATE TABLE competities (competitie_id NUMBER

    seizoen_id NUMBER

    (, naam VARCHAR2 (50));


    INSERT INTO nineham (organisatie_id, name) VALUES (1, 'ORGANISATIE_1');

    INSERT INTO nineham (organisatie_id, name) VALUES (2, 'ORGANISATIE_2');


    INSERT INTO seizoenen (seizoen_id, organisatie_id, naam) VALUES (1, 1, 'SEIZOEN_1');

    INSERT INTO seizoenen (seizoen_id, organisatie_id, naam) VALUES (2, 1, 'SEIZOEN_2');

    INSERT INTO seizoenen (seizoen_id, organisatie_id, naam) VALUES (1, 2, 'SEIZOEN_3');

    INSERT INTO seizoenen (seizoen_id, organisatie_id, naam) VALUES (2, 2, 'SEIZOEN_4');


    INSERT INTO competities (competitie_id, seizoen_id, naam) VALUES (1, 1, 'COMPETITIE_1');

    INSERT INTO competities (competitie_id, seizoen_id, naam) VALUES (2, 1, 'COMPETITIE_2');

    INSERT INTO competities (competitie_id, seizoen_id, naam) VALUES (3, 2, 'COMPETITIE_3');

    INSERT INTO competities (competitie_id, seizoen_id, naam) VALUES (4, 2, "COMPETITIE_4");

    INSERT INTO competities (competitie_id, seizoen_id, naam) VALUES (5, 2, "COMPETITIE_5");




    SELECT LPAD (' ', LEVEL * 2, ' ') | Naam AS display

    LEVEL AS lvl


    SELECT NULL AS parent

    child organisatie_id


    To nineham


    SELECT organisatie_id AS parent

    child seizoen_id


    OF seizoenen


    Seizoen_id SELECT parent

    Child AS NULL


    OF competities



    CONNECT BY PRIOR child = parent



    When you perform a CONNECT BY query, you must have an identifier unique to each child.  You use numbers that are unique to each table, but are no longer unique when you UNION the paintings together.  When the query finds children 1, the fact that average organisatie_id = 1, or does that mean seizoen_id = 1, or does this mean competetite_id = 1?

    Etbin suggested you change data.  Which can be difficult; It might not even be possible.  In addition, you must make sure that the new IDS are unique.  When you assign advent = 10 to a node, for example, you must be sure that 10 is not an organisatie_id.

    Here is another solution that is guarranted to generate unique IDS, without changing the actual tables:

    SELECT LPAD (' ', LEVEL * 2, ' ') | Naam AS display

    LEVEL AS lvl


    SELECT NULL AS parent

    organisatie_id AS child

    , 1 AS the level of


    To nineham


    SELECT organisatie_id AS parent

    seizoen_id AS child

    , 2 AS the level of


    OF seizoenen


    SELECT seizoen_id AS parent

    Child AS NULL

    , 3 AS the level of


    OF competities



    AND level = 1

    CONNECT BY PRIOR child = parent

    AND layer = FIRST + 1


    The composite key formed by your original ID, and the new level number is unique.

    Note that the query above is exactly what you have posted, with the addition of the lines that refer to level.

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    How prevention JButton to actions generated when the user hold down the key or the short cut
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    We want to stop the JButton to generate multi shares just a share only
    A code example shows the behavior that needs to be prevented. Keep pressing "Alt + O" and you will see that the standard ouptput will print the timestamp
    Note Please, I'm NOT interested in the mouse press which is a solution by adding a threshold (setMultiClickThreshhold (long line) on the JButton as an attribute.

    public class TestPanel extends JPanel
       private JButton btn;
       public TestPanel()
          btn = new JButton("Open");
          registerCommand(new MyAction(), InputEvent.ALT_MASK,
                KeyEvent.VK_O, btn, btn.getText(), 0);
       public static void registerCommand(AbstractAction action,
             int mask,
             int shortCommand,
             JComponent component,
             String actionName,
             int mnemonicIndex)
          InputMap inputMap = component.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
          KeyStroke knappKombination = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(shortCommand, mask);
          if ((component instanceof AbstractButton)
                && mnemonicIndex >= 0
                && mnemonicIndex < actionName.length()
                && (shortCommand >= KeyEvent.VK_A && shortCommand <= KeyEvent.VK_Z))
             ((AbstractButton) component).setDisplayedMnemonicIndex(mnemonicIndex);
          if (inputMap != null)
             ActionMap actionMap = component.getActionMap();
             inputMap.put(knappKombination, actionName);
             if (actionMap != null)
                actionMap.put(actionName, action);
       public static class MyAction extends AbstractAction
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
       public static void main(String... args)
          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
             public void run()
                JFrame frame = new JFrame("Testing");
                JPanel panel = new TestPanel();
                frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 500));
                frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(500, 500));
    Published by: user12130673 on 13-feb-2013 03:01

    Use getKeyStroke (int keyCode, int modifiers, boolean onKeyRelease) hit with onKeyRelease = true instead?

  • How can I mount types defined by the user of the package?

    I have two types of similar packages (gt_Teste) in two different packages.

    How can I mount types defined by the user of the package?
    (I shouldn't want to made a new statement va_Teste2 pkgl_lu2.gt_teste due to the desire to increase memory allocation)

    va_Teste pkgl_lu1.gt_teste;
    va_Teste2 pkgl_lu2.gt_teste;
    pkgl_lu1.prcl_init (va_Teste);
    pkgl_lu1.prcl_print (va_Teste);

    -I don't want to do it because of memory allocation:
    Because me in va_Teste.First... va_Teste.Last loop
    va_Teste2(va_Teste2.Count+1): = va_Teste (i);
    End loop;

    pkgl_lu2.prcl_print (CAST (va_Teste AS pkgl_lu2.gt_Teste));

    create or replace package pkgl_lu1 is
    type gt_teste is table of index varchar2 (100) by simple_integer;

    procedure prcl_init (pi_teste in out nocopy gt_teste);
    procedure prcl_print (pi_teste gt_teste);

    create or replace package body is pkgl_lu1
    procedure prcl_init (pi_teste in out nocopy gt_teste)
    pi_teste (pi_teste.count + 1): = 'A ';
    pi_teste (pi_teste.count + 1): = 'B ';.
    pi_teste (pi_teste.count + 1): = 'C ';
    pi_teste (pi_teste.count + 1): = ';
    procedure prcl_print (pi_teste gt_teste)
    I'm in pi_teste.first... pi_teste. Last loop
    dbms_output.put_line (pi_teste (i));
    End loop;

    create or replace package pkgl_lu2 is
    type gt_teste is table of index varchar2 (100) by simple_integer;
    va_teste gt_teste;

    -procedure prcl_init (pi_teste in out nocopy gt_teste);
    procedure prcl_print (pi_teste gt_teste);

    create or replace package body is pkgl_lu2
    procedure prcl_print (pi_teste gt_teste)
    I'm in pi_teste.first... pi_teste. Last loop
    dbms_output.put_line (pi_teste (i));
    End loop;

    I see, well it's unfortunate bloody.

    Ideally you would have a package (utility package or something) with objects like that, that can be shared between the development environment, unless you never have an interface code (each package is entirely distinct from all other packages, and honestly, it's not likely to happen).

    I guess that your only option (I think) If you are concerned with memory usage would be to remove the table while assigning a new.

    For i In va_Teste.First..va_Teste.Last
      va_Teste2(va_Teste2.count+1) := va_Teste(i);
    End Loop;
  • How to get IP/MAC information of the governing body ILO as stated in the material status tab


    I know there are scripts of HP to collect information of the IPC/MAC (hpconfg get_network.xml) ILO Governing Council and then use VMware powercli IPMI script to feed DPM.

    as published on

    Add-PSSnapin vmware. VimAutomation.core - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    SE connect-VIserver-Server your.vcenter.server

    $VMHosts = @(import-Csv "C:\scripts\host-info.csv")

    $IPMIUser = "dpmuser".
    $IPMIPass = "dpmpass".

    {foreach ($VMhost to $VMHosts)

    $esxMoRef = get-vmhost $VMHost.Hostname | % {Get-view $_.} ID}
    $IpmiInfo = new-Object Vmware.Vim.HostIpmiInfo
    $IpmiInfo.BmcIpAddress = $VMHost.iLOIP
    $IpmiInfo.BmcMacAddress = $VMHost.iLOMAC
    $IpmiInfo.Login = $IPMIUser
    $IpmiInfo.Password = $IPMIPass
    $esxMoRef.UpdateIpmi ($IpmiInfo)


    But, the question I got recently. How can get out us of this info via vCenter? The vClient has the named material status tab and we see this info.


    Did anyone tried it this way?

    PowerCLI or SDK (c#), his is not serious.

    Thanks in advance


    You may have gotten a solution now...

    In any case, I found this function (Get-VMHostWSManInstance) which works fine:

    The most difficult part is to identify the CIM class containing the BMC MAC/IP address (in my case I need just an IP address). After digging in this doc:

    I had the chance to locate: OMC_IPMIIPProtocolEndpoint

    The Get-VMHostWSManInstance call:

    Get-VMHostWSManInstance - VMHost (get-vmhost 'vmhost1') - OMC_IPMIIPProtocolEndpoint - ignoreCertFailures of the class | Select IPv4Address, MACAddress

    will give the address IP/MAC of BMC.

    BTW, I'm using PowerCLI 5.0.1 on Windows 7, is the host ESX 4.x

  • How to get more information about the users in oracle 11g

    Hi all

    I need to know more information on users in oracle 11g.

    1. how to check when user times last connection to the database.
    2. If the user account is blocking why it is blocked? If it is locked trying Loing with wrong password how to check how many times he tried with wrong password... and other reasons also
    3 reaction strives to select user expire date is to show the value empty... we can check expire date by querys or we need to check the profile?
    4. how to check while he was reset his password, the last time.

    Please correct me if am wrong. Thank you


    1. how to check when user times last connection to the database.


    2. If the user account is blocking why it is blocked? If it is locked trying Loing with wrong password how to check how many times he tried with wrong password... and other reasons also

    Check the profile of this user and attr.

    3 reaction strives to select user expire date is to show the value empty... we can check expire date by querys or we need to check the profile?

    SQL> select EXPIRY_DATE from dba_users ;

    EXPIRY_DATE in dba_users is null

    4. how to check while he was reset his password, the last time.


  • c# how to connect to vcserver webservice using the sessionid / cookie

    " Is it possible to connect to the web service VcServer ' https://server.FQDN/SDK "using VimService2005.dll (VimObjects.cs)? "

    There are methods called LoginbySSPI which takes the user/pw and Login and none works with the session id.

    So far I managed to connect using cookies by using VimSoapService.25u2.dll - which is non-standard and get accessories object is too difficult to use.

    Any help is very appreciated. -pls also provide examples of code (beginner, sorry)


    SessionID is a valid string that must be once authenticated by the server and when reuse must be living in the session pool.

    Now to use sessionid, you need to use the API to login once to retrieve valid sessionid, you can then save it in a session file and later use the recorded session ID to fill your cookieString. For information about how to set this id in cookiestring, you should refer as a result of the LoadSession and SaveSession methods

    public void LoadSession (String fileName, String urlString) {}

    If (_service! = null) {}



    _Service = new VimService();

    _Service. URL = urlString;

    _Service. Timeout = 600000;

    _Service. CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer ();

    BF BinaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter;

    S Stream = File.Open (fileName, FileMode.Open);

    C cookie = bf. Deserialize (s) cookie;

    s.Close ();

    _Service. CookieContainer.Add (c);

    _Sic = service . RetrieveServiceContent (svcRef);

    _State = ConnectionState.Connected;

    If (AfterConnect! = null) {}

    AfterConnect (this, ConnectionEventArgs()) of new;



    public void SaveSession (String fileName, String urlString) {}

    Cookie cookie is _service. CookieContainer.GetCookies)

    New Uri (urlString)) [0];

    BF BinaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter;

    S Stream = File.Open (fileName, FileMode.Create);

    BF. Serialize (s, cookie);

    s.Close ();


    You should consult the latest SDK c# samples shipped long VI SDK for more details. Believe me, creating samples using vimService2005.dll is not at all confusing.

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    Thus, its what

    If I have an old TOSHIBA 28W23 - how it connectable to an other PC gx270s?

    If someone has any advice id love it.

    It depends on the ports/plugs available.

    Don t know both devices but maybe your laptop supports a SCART.
    In this case you must use a cable SCART.
    Is the computer supports s-video port? If Yes, then you can use a cable SCART-s-video to connect the two devices.

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    Help, please...


    1st thing to try is the system in safe mode restore to before the problem

    Windows Vista

    Using the F8 method:

    1. Restart your computer.
    2. When the computer starts, you will see your computer hardware are listed. When you see this information begins to tap theF8 key repeatedly until you are presented with theBoot Options Advanced Windows Vista.
    3. Select the Safe Mode option with the arrow keys.
    4. Then press enter on your keyboard to start mode without failure of Vista.
    5. To start Windows, you'll be a typical logon screen. Connect to your computer and Vista goes into safe mode.
    6. Do whatever tasks you need and when you are done, reboot to return to normal mode.

    If that does not solve it read more

    read the tutorial below

    When you log on a Windows Vista-based or a Windows 7 computer by using a temporary profile, you receive the following error message:

    The user profile Service has not logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

    Your user profile was not loaded correctly! You have been logged on with a temporary profile.

    If you tried to log on to Windows and received an error message telling you that your user profile is damaged, you can try to fix it. You will need to create a new profile and then copy the files from the existing to the new profile. You must have at least three user accounts on the computer to perform these operations, including the new account that you created.

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    I want to plug the additional monitor which by the way, it's a Dell (sorry) to work on a project I'am doing right now. I try to use the screen that she has on the All In One and I didn't like how my project came out looking

    I see on the back of its All In One, it has a VGA port. I Google several times and different words from Google, which told me that you cannot plug an additional external monitor for all in one PC, so I'm confused as to why there is a VGA port, if you couldn't plug the external monitor

    in any case, can someone please help me and give me details on how to connect an external monitor, in addition to its gateway all in one model #-ZX4931

    Looking at your specific model, I think you can try to connect an external monitor via the VGA port.

    Once you have connected the secondary monitor using the VGA port, press control + p and main Windows logo if you are able to extend or clone your desktop.

Maybe you are looking for

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