How to get user defined Native Types is displayed

I added a new user defined native Type using type Admin

Define Custom Type.png

I saved, closed and then reopened the Data Modeler, but he does not appear in the Source Type drop-down list when I define a column in the relational model. I've defined the relational model to use 12 c as the Site of RDBMS. Am I missing a step in the installer?

I use 4.1.3 on a Mac.

Hello Kent,

the native DB types never appear in the column definition. You need to create the new type of logical data and map it to the native type or change the mapping of logical type existing. The steps are confusing because it's like the problem or chicken (which is the first), you you will be defined first:

(1) define the native type - save definitions - defined by the user of the native types had to be saved in order to be available for native types logic mapping

(2) identify the type of logic - probably VARIANT in your case, define the mapping of native type logic

(3) in native type definition define the mapping of native code to the logical type (it is mapped on the CLOB type on your photo - probably you will change it)

(4) save the definitions


Tags: Database

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    G_user wrote:
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    Your question is quite broad and fuzzy then I suggest the security catalog presentation to read documentation:

    And I think that you mix you two things which are managed in different places:

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    BPM has exposed all this security stuff to access progrmmatically in many ways:

    1. statement of the public to call in pure java classes API. Here is a class. You can find examples for this interface. Then you can call all methods, including your for users in a particular role (role of corridor JDeveloper BPM or defined in weblogic or level EM etc.)

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    4. Once you have explored API, firs try simple EJB. Then create a Wrapper for your EJB who has all the methods. and use this as adapater WebService or EJB adapter in the process also model.

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    You must have a developer Session Apex opened in the browser, to get the option below the report options:

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    It will be useful.

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    This should do the job:

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    $clusterName = Read-Host
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    //Helper functions
    function print(i) {
        if(i == "object"){ 
            print("you are trying to printObject, use printObj(); function"); 
        else {  
    // Program
    app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var selected = doc.selection;
    //print(selection[0].height+", "+selection[0].position);
    var selectedHeight = selected[0].height;
    print("selectedHeigh: "+selectedHeight);
    var selectedPosition = selected.position;
    var newItem = selected[0].duplicate( doc, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND );
    print("newitem position: "+newItem.position);
    var margin = prompt('enter margin','10');
    print("margin prompt: "+margin);
    var newHeight = selectedHeight + newItem.position[1]+margin;
    print("newHeight: "+newHeight);
    newItem.position = [newItem.position[0], newHeight];

    Hello hilukasz,

    Try this:

    //var margin = prompt('enter margin','10');   //you'll get only a String and not a number
    //change to
    var margin = Number(prompt('enter margin','10'));
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    Haven't found anything yet on the forum or in the help system.

    See you soon


    Yes it is.

    Tools > Options

    ini entry is in this format

    colorUserItem = "3D object = BCBCBC; Control the background = SCOTT; indicator background = D2D2D2; object Active 3D = 969696; Text = 000000; LED on = 64FF00; The LED is off = 1E4B00; Thermometer of filling = FF0000; Drag fill = 0041DC; Drag the housing = 6D6D83; Tank fill = 0041DC; Housing of the tank = A9B3CB; Classic = B3B3B3; Classic Slide thumb = 3399FF; Wire RefNum = 007F7F; Comment by model = 91FBFE; Warn = FF7F00; DAQ = 893900 "

    WARNING: most of these colors apply to the new screws, no changes are made to existing screws, however, "Coersions points" apply to FG Blink new or existing screw. and BG Blink applies only to the new screws.

    Changing some people can be a royal pain.  For example, you wouldn't want to remove "Control background" and replace it with "success."

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