How to install PS CS2 on Windows 7 64 bit?

Please do not advise to buy me or upgrade to upgrade to CS4, 5 or 6 Please!

I read that there is a certain way to install CS2 (or any 32-bit version of PS) on Windows 7 64 bit with success with a code in the folder "C:\progra~2\adobe" or... C:\Program~2\adobe...or the same code but with the backslashes in the opposite direction, as /.

I'm completely confused: why the first code say "progra" and abandon the 'm' and on the other say to spell "program" entirely?

WHICH is correct "progra' or 'issue' and how the slashes have to go?

I'm very non technical and do not understand how at all if someone can you please explain the installation in specific clear steps to insert the CD at the end?

I've seen a member named Marian Driscoll post on this installation, but do not understand how to do every step of the way.

I need a new PC and thought I would be forced to get a used Windows XP machine to use CS2 but prefer to get Windows 7 64 bit but won't unless I install PS CS2 on it successfully.

Can someone please help with detailed installation instructions using this code floder?

Thank you very much, I'm desperate!

The reason for the use of progra ~ 2 on a 64-bit system when installing a 32-bit application is the 8 character limit imposed by Windows. PROGRA ~ 2 totals up to 8 characters, program ~ 2 is 9

You have 2 options:

1. in the installation, change your path to C:\progra~2\... and install it. It should work.

2 copy Setup on your local drive. The right click on Setup.exe, properties > Compatibility tab > run in compatibility mode. The choice of XP SP2. Click OK. Run Setup.exe

Either we have to work.

Tags: Photoshop

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