How to integrate the search engine (Google) customized with oracle apex 5.0?

  (function() {
    var cx = 'aaaaaaaaaaaa:bbbbb';         
    var gcse = document.createElement('script');
    gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
    gcse.async = true;
    gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') +
        '//' + cx;
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);
<gcse:searchbox ></gcse:searchbox>

Like, I then politico who and want to change the settings of the CSE research must have be take place. Above the CSE code works for any thing you search I want to connect this way regardless of the setting I have spend in search results will go.

For this I need to use Json rest api in oracle apex to bind the varibales. Say for example: cr = (country); LN (language) = en; This value will be passed through JSON ESC (google), and the result will appear any suggestion I how to get this...
Thank you.

Used JavaScript get json response and show it to the page. You can also use the pl/sql to achieve this.

Tags: Database

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    SearchEngines = {DuckDuckGo: {"name": "DuckDuckGo(SSL)", "searchUrl":
    "", "image":
    "data:image/png;base64, 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"}}
    localStorage["search-engine"] = JSON.stringify(SearchEngines["DuckDuckGo"]);
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    I use the address bar to find, place of the actual search bar field. Why? It is easier. Or it used to be. He used to use Google. He is now using Yahoo!. This is unacceptable. Haha. How can I change that search engine is used in the ADDRESS bar?

    You can change the pref keyword. URL on the topic: config page to use Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" or "Browse by name" Google.

  • How to change the search engine?

    I just bought my first HP laptop. This is my first laptop ever, it's a HP Pavilion. I don't know how to change the default Bing search engine, I want to use Google. Help?

    Kate, welcome to the forum.

    Congratulations on your first ever HP laptop!  I am sure that you will enjoy using it.

    If you left click on the far left of the search box, you should get a drop down search engines that are available.  Select 'Google' and it will become your default.

    Please, click on "Thumbs Up +" if I helped you and click "Accept as Solution" If your problem is resolved.

  • How to change the search engine when you use the functionality of Firefox Home button Search?

    In Firefox itself, I have configured duckduckgo as my default search provider.

    But when I use the host Firefox search button it is always defined on google and I don't see any possibility to change that?

    I love the Firefox Home button Search (or whatever we call it) otherwise, but it's annoying that it does not use the default Firefox.

    I use the Google Launcher now.

    Hi mrt181, it is planned to use the same search engine as in firefox - however, there is a bug at the moment, so it does not apply in all situations.
    usually, it will be enough to change the default engine in firefox back once to work around the problem in the search widget and get the same as set in the browser search provider.

  • What is the search engine "install custom converter web search?

    I downloaded Open Office. Unfortunately, I also had a 'Video Converter' toolbar, that I didn't. I got rid of it using tools. But I still have a search bar that says (in gray) "Installl converter custom Web Search". It is part of the 'converter Installl Community Toolbar (with three "L"s)". This means that even if I can't not see the toolbar, it is always LURKING in my MacBook Pro (Mac OS X, 10.7.5). How can I get rid of this?
    Thank you!

    Make itself comfortable.

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    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > appearance/themes).

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    Regardless of the search engine: after research adding information associated with the search engine appears below the toolbar. Example: For searches on Google, I get a Google sign in and a button with an additional search bar apps.

    Hi ev2163, this is normal. This is the page of Google for Firefox. The results page is perhaps different chrome because of the intimate relationship of Google with himself.

    There are a lot of things to change the appearance of web pages, and if you really want to remove this upper area from the results page, you can use several techniques:

    (1) Add on versatile such as remove it permanently, allowing you to select areas of pages to hide

    (2) custom style rule (this can be saved in a file named userContent.css or can be applied using the Stylish extension)

    (3) personalized userscript (a script that runs in the Greasemonkey extension to edit selected pages)

    Maybe Google has an option somewhere to change? But I never saw one.

  • How can I remove the search engine of Google Chrome borowser?

    Original title:

    How can I remove this annoying search engine of my borowser of Google Chrome? I use Vista. I don't know even how I downloaded it.

    Hi Liz Connell,.

    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft Community.

    Since you are facing a problem to remove the search engine of Google Chrome, I suggest you contact Google support for assistance.

    Support Google

    You can also check out the Google support link and check if it helps.

    Why does Google allow pipe to divert the Chrome?

    If you need help to resolve any issues related to Windows, please reply and we will be happy to help you.

  • Search engine Google which is integrated in the browser settings

    Search engine Google is integrated into the browser. How can I set it so the search results will be shown on a new window, as the fact of the toolbar Google and in the same window (after entry)?

    in your topic: configuration settings

    • Browser.Search.openintab user set to true


    with or without the parameter, you can do something, concluded the
    Search bar or in the location bar to open in a new tab with "Alt + Enter".

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    For example, I have this link below, how can I give a description to it as if it were a web page?

    I would like to do something more, as in this example from google searh... See the 4th line results... There is a pdf document with a complete description of the search engines...


    Hello Elindo586,

    Please see the links below. Seems like you need to achieve in the PDF file.

    How to optimize PDF Documents for search - YouMoz - Moz

    8 tips to make your PDF Page SEO - Search Engine Journal


    Kind regards


  • How to copy and paste into the search engine does not work?

    How to copy and paste into the search engine does not work?

    It should be.

    Restart your Mac and try again.

    Other than that, make sure that OS X is updated.

    Open the App Store, and then select the updates menu.

  • The search engine used to open the selections in a new tab. Is not doing that. How can I get that back?

    I prefer Yahoo search. In previous versions of Firefox, the search engine could pull the top of the list of possible sites. By clicking on the link would open this site in a new page. He is not doing that. There is no that opens the link forcing me to constantly go back to the place just to be able to close the new tab if it's not what I'm looking for. How can I get the old way to work again?

    Some added addons toolbar and anti-virus are known to cause
    Firefox issues. Disable all of them.

    Right-click on the link and select new open...

  • When firefox load it also load another tab for the search engine. How can I remove this where it will load only my start page?

    When firefox load it also load another tab for the search engine. How can I remove this where it will load only my start page?

    You can check the setting of the home page and make sure that it doesn't have a leak ' |'.

    Firefox supports several home pages separated by ' |' symbol.

Maybe you are looking for