Search engine Google which is integrated in the browser settings

Search engine Google is integrated into the browser. How can I set it so the search results will be shown on a new window, as the fact of the toolbar Google and in the same window (after entry)?

in your topic: configuration settings

  • Browser.Search.openintab user set to true


with or without the parameter, you can do something, concluded the
Search bar or in the location bar to open in a new tab with "Alt + Enter".

Tags: Firefox

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    SearchEngines = {DuckDuckGo: {"name": "DuckDuckGo(SSL)", "searchUrl":
    "", "image":
    "data:image/png;base64, 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"}}
    localStorage["search-engine"] = JSON.stringify(SearchEngines["DuckDuckGo"]);
  • How can I add Google search under "manage search engines"? I tried to find the link to the module, but cannot find anything.

    I can't find any plugin search google for firefox 4, Ask and Bing are the default.

    Install this module:

    Then right-click in any search field and choose "Add to search bar."

    Uninstall if via modules | Because extensions which it seeks only results with paid advertisers.

    Alternatively, you can go back to Google as default search engine as follows.

    • In the address bar, type Subject: config and press ENTER.
    • In the filter at the top, type: keyword. URL
    • Double click top and delete everything in it and replace it with

    The URL to add in "keyword. URL"becomes a link in this message, right-click and choose"Copy link location"to copy it to the Windows Clipboard. Then press CTRL + V to paste. You have to type all of this saves.

    To reset your home page, follow these steps.

    • Go to the site you want to set as your home page.
    • Click on the orange button Firefox and go to Options | Options | General (Firefox 4.0.x and above).
    • Go to Tools | Options | General (The previous version of Firefox).
    • Make sure that it says in the first drop 'show my home page'.
    • Click on the button called "use current Pages' to set the home page to the one you have on the screen.

    After completing the steps above, install this add-on to prevent another search engine to change your preferences:

  • With the current caveat regarding internet explorer, your search engine 'google' is safe? If this is not the case, what would the search engine more safe?

    Same as above. I am concerned by the help of internet explore right now. I would like your answer.

    Firefox is a browser, not a search engine. Also, Internet Explorer is a browser, not a search engine. Google is a search engine (even if they make a browser called Chrome). Firefox is more secure than Internet Explorer, and you should consider moving to this full time. But Google is just a search engine used by Firefox to help you better use the internet and has nothing to do with the security of Firefox in general.

  • Help me with search engine Google buscar

    Search on Google with mozilla firefox start page and search engine google at the top right

    In for example. I search on "mesuaferrea" that show me & ie = ISO-8859-1 & q = baby % 20image & SRC = & source = HP & Channel = #GSC NP. Tab = 0 & GSC.q=baby%20image & = 1

    But if I go to the google home page, and search for "mesuaferrea" once again. & output = Search & sclient = psy - ab & q = mesuaferrea & btnG =

    How can I remove this search? and return to the normal Google search?

    Hello lovedragon, you can try to install the addon searchreset to reset the most common internal settings in firefox related search.

    Please also update firefox & your plugins to the latest version as soon as possible, because older versions contain fixed security flaws that can leave your computer and the data personal open to attacks!

    Update to the latest version of Firefox

  • The list of search engines appears when I click on the arrow in the search window.

    Search engines are still listed when I access "Change settings of search engine", but do not appear when I click on the arrow in the search box. Other that 'add Firefox support.'

    I beg of you!


  • Although the home page of Mozilla Firefox uses the Google search engine, whenever I enter something on the address bar, I get Yahoo instead of Google expected search results.

    On the address bar, when I write something, I would get Yahoo instead of Google search results. I don't know how to change it because the Options under the Tools tab do not seem anything which changes the search engine for the address bar.

    There is a hidden preference that you can edit to make it use Browse of Google search of name that has been used in Firefox 3.6

    1. Type of topic: config in the address bar and press on enter
    2. Accept the warning message that appears, you will be taken to a list of preferences
    3. Locate the preference keyword. URL, double-click it and change its value on the link below & oe = UTF - 8 & SourceId = navclient & gfns = 1 & q =

    If after changing the preference it is still using Yahoo, there will be an add-on that is the cause. Check for modules of Yahoo and if not necessary to uninstall them. If you have the add-on of net assistant , which can cause research go to Yahoo, uninstall this add-on -

  • How to change the address bar of search engine uses when you type in the search for something that is not Google

    I left all the Google services currently, I used Gmail, Chrome, etc... due to the recent sale of information to the Gov't and what not and even though she may or may not be true I'm sure and switched to Firefox and a different email provider. In any case so far, I like Firefox I use DuckDuckGo as my current default search and I would use as my search engine when I type a search in the address bar, by default it is Google, how can I change to a search provider I want as DuckDuckGo?


    If you have installed DuckDuckGo on Firefox, you can follow these steps:

    1. Type of topic: config in the address bar.
    2. A warning appears, click on "I'll be careful, I promise!
    3. Type in the search at the top of the page box.
    4. Double-click the item that appears.
    5. Set the value to DuckDuckGo or any search engine you want to use (the case I think).

    (I have attached a screenshot).

  • Search engine Mozilla does not work in the last update. Google and Yahoo windows OK

    The search engine on the Mozilla start page is more functional.
    Yahoo and google are looking for windows work fine.
    Problem seems to have arisen to the latest updated 18.

    It is normal that the parameter will reappear later...

    Another thing you can try is to install the addon from reset search - he will return the most common customizations of search in firefox by default:

  • I had Google as search engine by default, when I used the address bar to search for, but Yahoo has hijacked this function and I can't get default Google.

    Windows Firefox 29.0.01 8.1

    It doesn't seem to be an easy way to reset the default search engine to use in search in the address bar. Am I missing something?

    And also, why can Yahoo turn this function is the default search engine?

    Hi gcraighammond, I just noticed that you had a problem, a right-click. To change the search engine, click with the left button on the icon and a list of search engine options would fall down.

    Yet once, it doesn't until you move the search box back to the toolbar AND to exit to customize the view.

  • How to search engine choices do not apply to the navigation bar

    To reproduce:
    -set google as default search engine
    -Select an item in the search panel (not google)
    -Type a query in the navigation bar (only text)
    -press on enter
    Early in this case google search was conducted
    Now you can search via the search engine selected in the search panel.

    Is it possible to change this behavior, as it was?

    It is an intentional change in Firefox 23 and upward. It also applies to the search box on: home.

    You can use the keyword search to get back to the old behavior. It is available here:

    See also this issue of support for general information on the change of function:

    I hope this helps.

  • Don't want search engine ASK with Firefox or in the toolbar

    Whenever I download Mozilla Firefox, which I used it yesterday, I get ASK with her and she wants to be my search engine and in the toolbar--so I delete it all to get rid of it. I use iGoogle and I don't want to . Can I get Mozilla without it or Babylon or anything else but MOZILLA FIREFOX?

    Ask not is not part of a standard Firefox when installation you download Firefox from official download mirror.

  • Running Firefox 10.0.2, can not add new Mycroft Project search engines. Error message: "you need a browser that supports opensearch to install this plugin" Please help with the steps on how to solve this problem in Firefox, thanks

    Cannot add new Mycroft Project search engines in FF 10.0.2. Error message states: "you will need a browser that supports opensearch to install this plugin.

    You can install the Sherlock plugins or lacking as well?

    Clear the cache and cookies from sites that cause problems.

    "Clear the Cache":

    • Tools > Options > advanced > network > storage (Cache) offline: 'clear now '.

    'Delete Cookies' sites causing problems:

    • Tools > Options > privacy > Cookies: "show the Cookies".

    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/tools > Modules > appearance/themes).

  • for the search engine, is it possible to change the default search engine

    for the search engine, is at - it means to change the search engine by default instead of change everytime I open firefox. (ie: currently mine is yahoo and I want to use google)?

    Type of topic: config in the address bar (address) and press the Enter"" key. When you see a warning, click on I'll be careful, I promise! button.

    -> In the filter bar, type the keyword . URL

    -> In the filter bar, type

    • preference right-click and choose reset from the menu
    • OR click change -> type Google
    • Click OK

    -> In the filter bar, type

    • preference right-click and choose reset from the menu
    • OR click change -> type Google
    • Click OK

    -> Close the topic: config tab and restart Firefox.

    Check and tell if its working.

  • My search engine is not to remember all the names that I type. How can I fix this problem so that the search engine will remember that I have type.

    My search engine doesn't remember all the names that I type. What can I do to make it back as if it were?

    Yes, it's the Google site and this entry field uses autocomplete = off, Firefox won't store form data that you enter in this field of research.

    You can use the build-in on: home page as your home page that does not have this attribute.

    See for a similar case with the name and password fields.

Maybe you are looking for