How to invoke the basic application of e-mail that sending emails to multiple receivers?

Hello world:

I want to call the application of basic messaging to send email to multiple(>3) receptors, but how to write the uri?

both receivers of document see the e-mail addresses:

mailto:[email protected][email protected]

It's ok, it can be analysed at '[email protected]' and '[email protected]', but how do you send email of 3 or 4 addresses?

There is another question: how to write the json type in 'QVariantMap '?

  "to" : ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
  "from" : 1234,
  "cc" : ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
  "bcc" : ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
  "subject" : "Some punctuation. Symbol in the $ubject!!",
  "body" : "HI! Here is some more stuff.\n\n14% of emails have #1 newline or
stuff* @ home.\n",
  "attachment" : ["file:///path/to/my/item.txt"]

Thank you very much!

Thanks much alopix!

mailto:[email protected][email protected][email protected]

It works very well.   Thank you once again!

But for the QVariantMap, I try like this, it doesn't work yet! Help, please!

    bb::system::InvokeManager m_invokeManager;
    bb::system::InvokeRequest m_request;





    QVariantMap map;
    map.insert("to", QVariantList() << "[email protected]" << "[email protected]");    // required

    QByteArray requestData = PpsObject::encode(map, NULL);


    const InvokeReply *reply = m_invokeManager.invoke(m_request);
    if (reply) {
        // Ensure that processInvokeReply() is called when the invocation has finished
        //QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(processInvokeReply()));
    } else {
//      QString m_errorMessage = tr("Invoke Failed! InvokeReply is empty.");
        //emit errorMessageChanged();

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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