How to manage the pause embedded inside the CSV column line


I'm under pressure to make it work. I've already put this question on the forum of the APEX, but on reflection, I think that it relates more to PL/SQL rather than APEX APEX 4.1 having already utility to manage the Upload of CSV.
If you already read in the forum of the APEX, please ignore.
I'm sorry for that. Thanks for reading.

I need to develop an application that allows the user to upload a CSV file to a table of interface.
The APEX version on my workplace is 4.0.2.
I used the code of
It all works fine until recently I find
If a column in a CSV file cotain a break line (or line spacing) for example (the tester copy and paste this text which has a line break on a column in a spreadsheet)

It is the first sentence.
It is the second sentence.

It will break the 'it's the second sentence In a new column.

The contents of the CSV read next to Notepad as below
Date of assessment, Date, assessment provider, name of the assessor, Court, first name, middle name, last name, PRN person record, NHI number, assisted defendant Y/N number, is dependent on O/N, Notes, primary of ethnicity, "the ethnic origin other, please specify", gender, currently in treatment O/N, another Substance, Substance of concern 5 specified
22/09/2012, Co name of the provider, Warren Edgley, Wellington, sale, 2545554, dgsdf,, 'is the first sentence.
It's the second sentence. ', Japanese, woman, b.

This is the CSV UTIL code, please help me how can I replace the line break to a space so that the download process is correct.
     --strip the beginning and the end quotes, then replace double quotation with single 
   FUNCTION de_quote (p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2)
   v_str VARCHAR2(32767) := p_str;
      IF (p_enc_by IS NULL)
         RETURN p_str;
        IF SUBSTR(p_str,-1) = p_enc_by THEN
           v_str := SUBSTR(p_str,1,LENGTH(p_str)-1);
        END IF;
        IF SUBSTR(p_str,1,1) = p_enc_by THEN
           v_str := SUBSTR(v_str,2);
        END IF;  
        RETURN REPLACE (v_str,
                         p_enc_by || p_enc_by,
      END IF;
   END de_quote;

   PROCEDURE parse (p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2, p_sep IN VARCHAR2)
      l_n          NUMBER   DEFAULT 1;
      l_in_quote   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE;
      l_ch         NCHAR (1);
      l_len        NUMBER   DEFAULT NVL (LENGTH (p_str), 0);
      IF (l_len = 0)
      END IF;

      g_words := g_empty;
      g_words (1) := NULL;

      FOR i IN 1 .. l_len
         l_ch := SUBSTR (p_str, i, 1);

         IF (l_ch = p_enc_by)
            l_in_quote := NOT l_in_quote;
         END IF;

         IF (l_ch = p_sep AND NOT l_in_quote)
            l_n := l_n + 1;
            g_words (l_n) := NULL;
            g_words (l_n) := g_words (l_n) || l_ch;
         END IF;
      END LOOP;

      g_words (l_n) := de_quote (g_words (l_n), CHR(10));
      g_words (l_n) := de_quote (g_words (l_n), CHR(13));
      FOR i IN 1 .. l_n
         g_words (i) := de_quote (g_words (i), p_enc_by);
      END LOOP;
   END parse;


Author: Oleg Lihvoinen
Company: DbSWH

10.02.2011, There was a miscalculation of the file line last position in case it is the end of file


   PROCEDURE upload (p_file_name VARCHAR2, p_collection_name VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2, p_sep_by IN VARCHAR2, p_rows NUMBER)
      v_blob_data    BLOB;
      v_clob_data    CLOB;
      v_clob_len     NUMBER;
      v_position     NUMBER;
      v_char         NCHAR (1);
      c_chunk_len    NUMBER           := 1;
      v_line         VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
      v_data_array   vcarray;
      v_rows         NUMBER           := 0;
      n_seq          NUMBER           := 1;
      dest_offset    NUMBER           := 1;
      src_offset     NUMBER           := 1;
      amount         INTEGER          := DBMS_LOB.lobmaxsize;
      blob_csid      NUMBER           := DBMS_LOB.default_csid;
      lang_ctx       INTEGER          := DBMS_LOB.default_lang_ctx;
      warning        INTEGER;
      l_sep          VARCHAR2(100)    := CASE WHEN p_sep_by = '\t' THEN chr(9) ELSE p_sep_by END;
                                      (p_collection_name      => p_collection_name);

      -- Read blob from wwv_flow_files
      SELECT blob_content
        INTO v_blob_data
        FROM wwv_flow_files
       WHERE NAME = p_file_name;

      v_position := 1;
      DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (lob_loc      => v_clob_data,
                                CACHE        => TRUE,
                                dur          => DBMS_LOB.SESSION
      DBMS_LOB.converttoclob (v_clob_data,
      v_clob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength (v_clob_data);
      IF v_clob_len = 0 THEN
      END IF;
      WHILE (v_position <= v_clob_len + 1)
         v_char := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (v_clob_data, c_chunk_len, v_position);
         v_line := v_line || v_char;
         v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;

         -- When the whole line is retrieved and not end of file or end of file
         IF v_char = CHR (10) AND v_position < v_clob_len OR v_position = v_clob_len + 1
            parse (p_str => v_line, p_enc_by => p_enc_by, p_sep => l_sep);
            v_data_array := g_words;
            FOR i IN 1..g_words.count LOOP
               IF i <= 50 THEN
                  v_data_array(i) := g_words(i);
               END IF;
            END LOOP;
            FOR i IN g_words.count + 1..50 LOOP
               v_data_array(i) := null;

            END LOOP;            
            v_rows := v_rows + 1;
            -- exit if uploaded specified number of rows
            IF p_rows IS NOT NULL AND v_rows > p_rows THEN
            END IF;
            -- Store data to collection
            n_seq :=
                                     (p_collection_name      => p_collection_name,
                                      p_c001                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c002                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c003                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c004                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c005                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c006                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c007                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c008                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c009                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c010                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c011                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c012                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c013                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c014                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c015                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c016                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c017                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c018                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c019                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c020                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c021                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c022                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c023                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c024                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c025                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c026                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c027                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c028                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c029                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c030                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c031                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c032                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c033                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c034                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c035                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c036                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c037                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c038                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c039                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c040                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c041                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c042                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c043                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c044                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c045                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c046                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c047                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c048                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c049                 => v_data_array
                                      p_c050                 => v_data_array
            -- Clear the line
            v_line := NULL;
         END IF;
      END LOOP;
In my applications, I save these lines in a table rather than a collection of APEX because the number of columns can contain greater than 50.
I want to know how can replace these newline within a column to a space.
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

Thank you very much in advance.

Tags: Database

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    Create after submit conditional process your button

    UPDATE your_table
    SET cancel_flag = 'Y'
    WHERE your_chk_column = APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i);

    Change 'your_table' and 'your_chk_column' according to your table
    BR, Jari

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    14/08/12 07:59:40 1

    14/08/12 07:59:40 inside

    14/08/12 07:59:40 date difference is 86400000

    14/08/12 07:59:40 date difference is 1

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    14/08/12-08:00:13 inside

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    My custom logic:

    If (DutDetSEndDat".equals (pageContext.getParameter (EVENT_PARAM))) {" "}
    DateDiff (pageContext, webBean);
    //Am = XxDutyTravelAMImpl
    //(XxDutyTravelAMImpl) pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean);
    OAViewObject = oaviewobject1
    (OAViewObject) am.findViewObject ("XxDutyTravelDuDetEOVO1");

    If (oaviewobject1! = null) {}
    System.out.println ("Inside");
    oaviewobject1. Reset(); New line added
    oaviewobject1. Next(); new line added
    Line OARow = (OARow) oaviewobject1.getCurrentRow ();

    Date sDate = (Date) row.getAttribute ("DutdetStartDate");

    Date = eDate (Date) row.getAttribute ("DutdetEndDate");
    java.util.Date VChangeDateTime =
    new java.util.Date (sDate.timestampValue () .getTime ());

    If (sDate! = null & & eDate! = null) {}
    long m1 = sDate.timestampValue () .getTime ();
    long m2 = eDate.timestampValue () .getTime ();

    long diff = m2 - m1;
    System.out.println ("difference in date is" + diff);
    int diffDays = Math.round (diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
    System.out.println ("difference in date is" + diffDays);
    If {(diffDays > 365)
    System.out.println ("Date is greater than 365");
    } else {}
    System.out.println ("Date is less than 365");

    Kind regards


    Hi Srini,

    To get the event line descriptor that shot please use code below.

    If (DutDetSEndDat".equals (pageContext.getParameter (EVENT_PARAM))) {" "}
    DateDiff (pageContext, webBean);
    Am = XxDutyTravelAMImpl
    (XxDutyTravelAMImpl) pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean);

    String rowRef = pageContext.getParameter (OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_SOURCE_ROW_REFERENCE);
    OARow line = (OARow) am.findRowByRef (rowRef);

    Date sDate = (Date) row.getAttribute ("DutdetStartDate");

    Date = eDate (Date) row.getAttribute ("DutdetEndDate");
    java.util.Date VChangeDateTime =
    new java.util.Date (sDate.timestampValue () .getTime ());

    If (sDate! = null & eDate! = null) {}
    long m1 = sDate.timestampValue () .getTime ();
    long m2 = eDate.timestampValue () .getTime ();

    long diff = m2 - m1;
    System.out.println ("difference in date is" + diff);
    int diffDays = Math.round (diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
    System.out.println ("difference in date is" + diffDays);
    If {(diffDays > 365)
    System.out.println ("Date is greater than 365");
    } else {}
    System.out.println ("Date is less than 365");

    Thank you


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    [12:53:43.135 2014-05-09] [I] the available settings:

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    < ServiceRequestID > SR138917 < / ServiceRequestID >

    OS DEPLOYMENT < ServiceRequestStatus > < / ServiceRequestStatus >

    < ServiceRequestCreated > 09/05/2014-15:20:25 < / ServiceRequestCreated >

    < ServiceRequestCompleted > < / ServiceRequestCompleted >

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    < ActivityEndUTC > < / ActivityEndUTC >

    < DurationTotalSeconds > < / DurationTotalSeconds >

    < AverageDurationSeconds > < / AverageDurationSeconds >

    < SecondsOffAverage > < / SecondsOffAverage >

    < EstimatedCompletionUTC > < / EstimatedCompletionUTC >

    < / OutputParameters >

    < warning > < / warnings >

    < exceptions > < / Exceptions >

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    It will be better to try and parse text or try and use another method with vCO

    If you haven't done so already, take a look at the action of com.vmware.libarary.soap.processOutParameters.  It is the action that generated the log you have placed in us.  It generates an object Properties (key, value pairs) with the value for each setting that results.

    In your case, assuming that 'outProps' is the result of the above, you can use:

    var getRequestStatusResult = outProps.get ("GetRequestStatusResult");

    And to analyze the code XML with E4X as Ilian said.

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    Why the 1 iteration for loops?

    Why two Index tables?  He's just trying to solve the problem created by the loops For on the original 1 d arrays.

    Two of these things create 2D tables which are what complicates things and can be eliminated.

    You can take your 2 1 d tables, use build table and right-click to set 'concatenate the inputs.

    If you have a 2D array, you can use table remodel to make a 1 column of the table of N line 2D.

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    52439 52430

    52440 52437

    52209 52214

    51065 51070

    52206 52390

    I use the serial of Visa service and I can read the first column of data from the serial port, but I can't understand how to read the second column.

    I want to both sets of chart data.

    I enclose my VI.

    Thank you for your help.

    The analysis of string function takes a "Format string" on top (with the right button of the function and choose Help, which explains all the entries).  In particular, you can say 'Give me two numbers separated by a tab' and the output will be two numbers (whole or floating, depending on the chosen format).  In particular, %d\t%d specifies a decimal integer, , whole decimal.

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    I suggest you to visit these links and check if it helps:

    It will be useful.

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    I want to see the Cooments ColonneB in my WMP ads, but it is not giving me the option.


    1. What do you mean exactly by the column comments?
    2. are you referring to in Windows Media Player?

    If you want to change the information contained in the Windows Media Player, you can follow the steps in this article.

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    I think the best way is to add the column at the end of the table and create a new view with the order of the columns...

    Another option...

    places the data into a temporary table and recreate the table with the correct order of the columns, and then insert data to the table from the temporary table


    Add column (from table) in the desired position


    CREATE TABLE temp_my_user LIKE)

    SELECT * FROM password);

    DROP TABLE password;

    (Password) CREATE TABLE

    userID NUMBER

    , first name VARCAHR2 (25)

    , middleInitial VARCHAR2 (1)

    (, name VARCHAR2 (25));

    INSERT INTO password (userID, firstName, lastName)

    (SELECT username

    first name


    OF temp_my_user);

    DROP TABLE temp_user;

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    Hi all

    This is pavan, using Apex version 4.2.3

    I am trying to download the csv file I followed this link , and I'm able to download excel with headers, when I try to download with headers of this error "'ORA-01858: a non-digit character was found here where was waiting for a digital" I searched in google but could not find the right solution, "

    can anyone help on this please.

    Thanks in advance,

    Kind regards


    This article is 6 years old.

    You should study the solutions that are available for APEX 4.2: data loader or the 'Excel2Collection' plugin (which also manages the CSV files).

    Data Loader

    It is a wizard that generates an Assistant for your application.


    You will use the Excel2Collection (in a single process) to convert the BLOB in a Collection

    Then, in a 2nd address), you just do a "INSERT...". SELECT statement.  Add ' where seq_id > 1 "for files with a header.


    PS - Use the "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE" article is not necessary.

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    I use Jdeveloper and right now I have the .jspx UI page that includes < af:selectonechoice / > components and according to the requirment I have to fill one of the column in the table in this drop-down list.

    can someone tell me how to fill the database column value in this drop-down list. I know I need to create the VO for the same thing, but I'm new to this technology. Then please suggest.

    Thanks in advance.,

    This will help u

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    2. Add the text element in the layout editor. But this position is not correct. It overlaps with another column. How to add the new column to the layout editor?

    Thank you

    In the layout editor, you can simply drag the fields so that they do not overlap.

    Sandeep Gandhi

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