How to put a table as parameter name in the name of the cursor and the header as a variable?


I have the code:
create or replace procedure transpose_table_row2column(table_source IN VARCHAR2 ,table_result IN VARCHAR2) is

-- set serveroutput on;

v_nazwa_kamp      varchar2(100);
v_czas_start      date;
v_czas_stop       date;
err_code          varchar2(50);
err_msg           varchar2(2000);

cmd_1_drop        varchar2(50);
cnt_1             pls_integer;
cnt_2             pls_integer;
cnt_3             pls_integer;
cnt_4             pls_integer;
v_col_name        varchar2(50);
test              varchar2(5);

-- deklaracja wyjatku dla nieistniejacej lub niedostepnej tabeli
TableDoesNotExist     EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(TableDoesNotExist, -942);

-- nazwa pierwszej kolumny tabeli zrodlowej
cursor first_column is
    SELECT column_name FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = upper(table_source) and column_id = 1;

-- wartosci z pierwszej kolumny tabeli zrodlowej
cursor first_col_data_header is
       select v_col_name from table_source;


test := 'true';
v_nazwa_kamp := 'transpose_table_row2column';
v_czas_start := sysdate;

-- sprawdzenie czy istnieje tabela zrodlowa
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' || table_source INTO cnt_4;
         WHEN TableDoesNotExist
             test := 'false';
             err_code := SQLCODE;
             err_msg := substr(SQLERRM, 1, 2000);
             INSERT INTO log_errors (time_err, object_name, campaign_name, error_number, error_message)
             VALUES (sysdate, 'transpose_table_row2column', v_nazwa_kamp, err_code, err_msg);
             test := 'false';
             err_code := SQLCODE;
             err_msg := substr(SQLERRM, 1, 2000);
             INSERT INTO log_errors (time_err, object_name, campaign_name, error_number, error_message)
             VALUES (sysdate, 'transpose_table_row2column', v_nazwa_kamp, err_code, err_msg);
         WHEN OTHERS
             test := 'false';
             err_code := SQLCODE;
             err_msg := substr(SQLERRM, 1, 2000);
             INSERT INTO log_errors (time_err, object_name, campaign_name, error_number, error_message)
             VALUES (sysdate, 'transpose_table_row2column', v_nazwa_kamp, err_code, err_msg);

-- jesli istnieje tabela zrodlowa to przetwarzamy
if test = 'true' then 

-- pobieram nazwe pierwszej kolumny tabeli zrodlowej
for v_first_column in first_column
  v_col_name := v_first_column.column_name;
end loop;

-- sprawdzenie czy istnieje tabela docelowa, jesli tak to trzeba usunac
select count(*) into cnt_1 from user_tables t
where t.table_name = upper(table_result);

-- jesli istnieje tabela docelowa to usuwamy
if cnt_1 > 0 then
   cmd_1_drop := 'DROP TABLE ' || table_result;
   execute immediate cmd_1_drop;
end if;

-- pobranie liczby wierszy tabeli zrodlowej - nalezy stworzyc tyle samo kolumn w tabeli docelowej
-- ponizej sprawdzenie czy w pierwszej kolumnie tabeli zrodlowej sa unikalne wartosci - jesli nie to nie mozna 
-- transponowac tabeli poniewaz musi ona miec te wartosci jako naglowki nowej tabeli i musza wystepowac one tylko 1 raz
execute immediate 'select count(' || v_col_name || ') from ' || table_source into cnt_2; 
execute immediate 'select count(distinct ' || v_col_name || ') from ' || table_source into cnt_3; 

-- jesli wartosci w 1 kolumnie sa unikalne to przetwarzamy dalej
if cnt_2 = cnt_3 then

-- tutaj rozpoczynamy odczytywanie tabeli zrodlowej i tworzenie nowej przetransponowanej tabeli

for v_first_col_data_header in first_col_data_header
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(': ' || v_first_col_data_header.v_col_name);
end loop;

v_czas_stop:= sysdate;

insert into log_campaigns (campaign_name, time_start, time_stop, records_count, time_diff_min)
values (v_nazwa_kamp, v_czas_start, v_czas_stop, cnt_2, round((v_czas_stop - v_czas_start) * 24 * 60, 2));

end if;
end if;

          err_code := SQLCODE;
          err_msg := substr(SQLERRM, 1, 2000);

          INSERT INTO log_errors (time_err, object_name, campaign_name, error_number, error_message)
          VALUES (sysdate, 'transpose_table_row2column', v_nazwa_kamp, err_code, err_msg);

end transpose_table_row2column;
and I don't know how to create the slider:
cursor first_col_data_header is
       select v_col_name from table_source;
I have error this table does not exist
because table_name is the name of the parameter and v_col_name is variable which I initialize later in the code:
for v_first_column in first_column
  v_col_name := v_first_column.column_name;
end loop;
Thanks for help

Here is the code you are looking for:

create or replace procedure transpose_table_row2column (table_source IN VARCHAR2, table_result IN VARCHAR2) is

-set serveroutput on;

v_nazwa_kamp varchar2 (100);
date of v_czas_start;
date of v_czas_stop;
err_code varchar2 (50);
err_msg varchar2 (2000);

cmd_1_drop varchar2 (50);
cnt_1 pls_integer;
cnt_2 pls_integer;
cnt_3 pls_integer;
cnt_4 pls_integer;
v_col_name varchar2 (50);
test varchar2 (5);

-deklaracja wyjatku dla nieistniejacej lub niedostepnej tabeli
TableDoesNotExist EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (TableDoesNotExist,-942);

-name pierwszej kolumny tabeli zrodlowej
l_first_column varchar2 (32767): = 'SELECT column_name FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = upper(:table_source) and column_id = 1';

-z pierwszej kolumny tabeli zrodlowej wartosci
l_first_col_data_header varchar2 (32767).
first_col_data_header sys_refcursor;
l_first_col_data varchar2 (32767).


test: = "true";
v_nazwa_kamp: = 'transpose_table_row2column ';
v_czas_start: = sysdate;

-sprawdzenie czy istnieje image zrodlowa
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' SELECT count (*) FROM "| table_source INTO cnt_4;
WHEN TableDoesNotExist
test: = "false";
err_code: = SQLCODE;
err_msg: = substr (SQLERRM, 1, 2000);
INSERT INTO log_errors (campaign_name, time_err, object_name, error_message, error_number)
VALUES (sysdate, 'transpose_table_row2column', v_nazwa_kamp, err_code, err_msg);

test: = "false";
err_code: = SQLCODE;
err_msg: = substr (SQLERRM, 1, 2000);
INSERT INTO log_errors (campaign_name, time_err, object_name, error_message, error_number)
VALUES (sysdate, 'transpose_table_row2column', v_nazwa_kamp, err_code, err_msg);

test: = "false";
err_code: = SQLCODE;
err_msg: = substr (SQLERRM, 1, 2000);
INSERT INTO log_errors (campaign_name, time_err, object_name, error_message, error_number)
VALUES (sysdate, 'transpose_table_row2column', v_nazwa_kamp, err_code, err_msg);


-jesli istnieje image zrodlowa at przetwarzamy
If test = "true", then

-pobieram nazwe pierwszej kolumny tabeli zrodlowej
run immediately l_first_column in v_col_name using table_source;

-sprawdzenie czy istnieje image docelowa, tak jesli to trzeba usunac
Select count (*) in the user_tables cnt_1 t
where t.table_name = upper (table_result);

-jesli istnieje image docelowa at usuwamy
If cnt_1 > 0 then
cmd_1_drop: = 'DROP TABLE ' | table_result;
immediately run cmd_1_drop;
end if;

-pobranie liczby wierszy tabeli zrodlowej - nalezy stworzyc tyle samo kolumn tabeli w docelowej
-czy sprawdzenie ponizej w pierwszej kolumnie zrodlowej his unikalne wartosci tabeli - jesli nie to nie mozna
-transponowac tabeli poniewaz musi ona IMCs you wartosci tabeli nowej naglowki jako I musza wystepowac a tylko 1 raz
run immediately "select count (' |)" v_col_name | ') de ' || table_source in cnt_2;
run immediately "select count (distinct ' |)" v_col_name | ') de ' || table_source in cnt_3;

-jesli wartosci w 1 kolumnie his unikalne to przetwarzamy dalej
If cnt_2 = cnt_3 then

-tutaj rozpoczynamy tabeli zrodlowej odczytywanie I create nowej przetransponowanej tabeli
l_first_col_data_header: = 'choose ' | v_col_name | 'from ' | table_source;
Open the first_col_data_header for l_first_col_data_header;
extract the first_col_data_header in l_first_col_data;
When the output first_col_data_header % notfound;
DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (': ' | l_first_col_data);
end loop;

v_czas_stop: = sysdate;

insert into log_campaigns (campaign_name time_start time_stop, records_count, time_diff_min)
values (v_nazwa_kamp, v_czas_start, v_czas_stop, cnt_2, round ((v_czas_stop-v_czas_start) * 24 * 60, 2));

end if;
end if;

err_code: = SQLCODE;
err_msg: = substr (SQLERRM, 1, 2000);

INSERT INTO log_errors (campaign_name, time_err, object_name, error_message, error_number)

VALUES (sysdate, 'transpose_table_row2column', v_nazwa_kamp, err_code, err_msg);

end transpose_table_row2column;

Tags: Database

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    1. use JDeveloper to connect to your schema custom: view > Database > Database Navigator > new connection

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    There are a few methods that work. Here is one.

    (1) select your table cells

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    If you have a tag for a

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    instead of view code the cursor just after that the '1' key, then press SPACEBAR and a small tag inspector will pop up - choose "style." and press ENTER.

    How you have a choice of style to the selection rules- like this:

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    so you might end up with something like the following if repeat you the above steps a few times:

    You could even write the styles in by handcoding it in, instead of using the popup window if you are familiar with css  :-)

    Hope this helps.

    style=" "="">

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    Hey Meir,

    It seems to me you're missinig a very basic concept on the tab control: each tab IS actually a child Panel! In other words, all of the controls that you have on your test panel can be simply loaded on the desired tab, leaving the other unchanged pages.

    You may be missing the scroll bar on the right, which actually isn't is not present on the controls tab, but as far as I can see your interface might be reduced to a single table control placed on a page of tabs with appropriate row headers and colunm.

    In all cases, if you do not strongly want to change your existing code you can use the command (InsertPanelAsTabPage) to add a panel you have previously loaded to the tab control: in this case a current scroll bar is maintained. Keep in mind that this statement actually makes a copy of the original Panel, you need to retrieve the handle of the appropriate tab of address on the page adding control. The original panel can be thrown immediately after it is added to the tab control.

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    It works.  It's your data.  Put a longer wait statement in the loop and watch.

    You create 1/10 seconds of data in each simulated waveform.  You have a millisecond 33 wait between your 2 simulations.  The loop For will run super fast with only this 33 msec waiting that is less than 1/10th of a second.  Then of course some data will overwrite old data.

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    Have you tried clicking on the column header?

    (Open a folder and go under the headings at the top of the trash... click on the file name column header)

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        var image:Image = new Image();
    private function func2() {
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    Of course, because you don't want to create in the first place of the variables

    But you could add one to a dictionary of class and get your references from there.

    Something like this:

    private var objArray:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    private function init (): void
    var image: Image = new Image();
    ObjArr ['image'] = addElement (image);
    trace (gridArray ['image']);

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    Do you know how?

    Thank you very much


    The best thing would be to follow the advice of dandy63of s, by downloading a third-party application that can handle it. The closest you can get this as standard (without having to download any third-party application), would be to add a shortcut to settings > Wi - Fi. This can be if you long press on an empty space on your home screen > select Apps > shortcuts > settings > Wi - Fi.

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    It seems that there is nothing in the container and because you have not set a width and a height, the size of the container is equal to zero.

Maybe you are looking for