How to send a file of errors

I just set up the CDF_Email function and was able to send an email a calculation at the end, however, now I want to send an email after loading data and say that the charge was "Loaded without errors in data" or "loaded with data errors. If data loading, but with errors, I want to join the error file in the email. This is achieved by using the same CDF_Email function or do I have to take a different path. Thanks in advance!

Here you go

'  Script      : sendmail.vbs
'  Author      : Celvin Kattookaran  - Original Version
'  Description : To send error file and log files
'  Date        : 8th Mar 2011
'  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'  Updates     :
'  Author Date  Description
' "Usage: 1st argument is the Text body which is the file location of your mail body"
'            "2nd to 5th Arguments are the Attachments that you wish to send"
'            "6th or the penultimate argument is the Subject of the mail"
'            "7th or the ultimate argument is the recepient mail address"
'            "All arguments should be sperated by space and should be enclosed in between,If there are multiple receipents then sperate them like""[email protected];[email protected]"
'  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'  celvin.v.kattookaran 08-Mar-2011 Creation
' #################################################################################

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -- Variable declarations --
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'  Option Explicit

  Dim arg
  Dim aArg(7)
  Dim i

 For each arg in Wscript.Arguments
    aArg(i) = arg
    i = i + 1

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -- Parameter declarations --
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

' Text Body   : aArg(0)
' Attachments : aArg(1)
' Attachments : aArg(2)
' Attachments : aArg(3)
' Attachments : aArg(4)
' Attachments : aArg(5)
' Subject     : aArg(6)
' To          : aArg(7)

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -- User ID and SMTP Server declarations --
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  strMessageFrom = "[email protected]"
  strSMTPserver = ""
  strSMTPPort = 25
  ' If your SMTP server needs authentication then uncomment the line below
  ' ***_*** strSMTPpassword = "password"

' ########################################
' # Please don't update below this point #
' ########################################

  strMsgBody =  CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(aArg(0), 1).ReadAll

' #####################################################
' ############# MAIN PART OF SCRIPT ###################
' #####################################################

Select case Wscript.Arguments.count
 case 3
 strMessageTo = aArg(2)
 strEmailSubject = aArg(1)
 Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
 objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
 objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
 objMessage.To = strMessageTo
 objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody

 case 4
 strMessageTo = aArg(3)
 strEmailSubject = aArg(2)
 strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
 Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
 objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
 objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
 objMessage.To = strMessageTo
 objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
 end if
 case 5
 strMessageTo = aArg(4)
 strEmailSubject = aArg(3)
 strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
 strEmailAttachment2 = aArg(2)
 Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
 objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
 objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
 objMessage.To = strMessageTo
 objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment2)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment2
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment2
 end if
 case 6
 strMessageTo = aArg(5)
 strEmailSubject = aArg(4)
 strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
 strEmailAttachment2 = aArg(2)
 strEmailAttachment3 = aArg(3)
 Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
 objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
 objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
 objMessage.To = strMessageTo
 objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment2)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment2
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment2
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment3)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment3
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment3
 end if
 case 7
 strMessageTo = aArg(6)
 strEmailSubject = aArg(5)
 strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
 strEmailAttachment2 = aArg(2)
 strEmailAttachment3 = aArg(3)
 strEmailAttachment4 = aArg(4)
 Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
 objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
 objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
 objMessage.To = strMessageTo
 objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment2)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment2
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment2
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment3)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment3
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment3
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment4)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment4
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment4
 end if
 case 8
 strMessageTo = aArg(7)
 strEmailSubject = aArg(6)
 strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
 strEmailAttachment2 = aArg(2)
 strEmailAttachment3 = aArg(3)
 strEmailAttachment4 = aArg(4)
 strEmailAttachment5 = aArg(5)
 Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
 objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
 objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
 objMessage.To = strMessageTo
 objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment2)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment2
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment2
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment3)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment3
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment3
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment4)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment4
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment4
 end if
 if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment5)) then
 objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment5
 Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment5
 end if

end Select 

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -- Please enable this part for testing purpose only --
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' --- Steps for testing ---
'     1. Remove ' **-**  from the script.
'     2. Open a command prompt and move to the directory where sendmail.vbs is located.
'     3. type sendmail.vbs "arguments" -- arguments must be seperated by space and should be enclosed in "".
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

' **-**  Wscript.echo Wscript.Arguments.count
' **-** if strMessageFrom = "" then
' **-**  msgbox("ERROR: Sender is not specified")
' **-**  end if
' **-** if strMessageTo = "" then
' **-** msgbox("ERROR: Receiver is not specified")
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailSubject = "" then
' **-**  msgbox("ERROR: Mail Subject is not specified")
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strMsgBody = "" then
' **-**  msgbox("ERROR: Mail Body is not specified")
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strMessageFrom <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail is send by: " & strMessageFrom)
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strMessageTo <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail is send to: " & strMessageTo)
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailSubject <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail Subject is: " & strEmailSubject)
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strMsgBody <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail body is: " & strMsgBody)
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment = "" then
' **-**  msgbox("ERROR: There is no Mail attachement, please specify one.")
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment)
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment2 = "" then
' **-**  msgbox("You have opted for sending only one attachement, if you wish to send one more attachment please specify the location of the next file")
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment2 <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment2)
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment3 = "" then
' **-**  msgbox("You have opted for sending only one or two attachements, if you wish to send one more attachment please specify the location of the next file")
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment3 <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment3)
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment4 = "" then
' **-**  msgbox("You have opted for sending only one or two or three attachements, if you wish to send one more attachment please specify the location of the next file")
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment4 <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment4)
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment5 = "" then
' **-**  msgbox("You have opted for sending only one or two or three or four attachements, if you wish to send one more attachment please specify the location of the next file")
' **-**  end if
' **-**  if strEmailAttachment5 <> "" then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment5)
' **-**  end if

' **-**  dim answer
' **-**  answer=msgbox("Do you wish to send a mail",vbYesNo)

' **-**  if answer = vbYes then
' **-**  msgbox("A mail will be send with the given arguments to " & strMessageTo)

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -- Configuration --
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'==Normally you will only change the server name or IP.
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2 

'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSMTPserver

'If your SMTP server needs authentication then uncomment the lines below starting with obj

'Your UserID on the SMTP server
' ***_*** objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strMessageFrom

'Your password on the SMTP server
' ***_*** objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSMTPpassword

' Set the authentication method
' ***_*** objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1

'Server port (typically 25)
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSMTPPort



' **-**  elseif answer = vbNo then
' **-**  msgbox("Mail will not be send")
' **-**  end if

What I do in my bat file is then add a line after success

call %LOG_ROTATE_SCRIPTS_DIR%\vb\sendMail.vbs "%BASE_DIR%\mail\LOG_ROTATE_Procedure_Sucess.txt" "%SCRIPTLOG%" "Oracle Hyperion %EPMENV% - Procedure for Log Rotate is successful" "%MAIL_RECIPIENT%"



Please check the answers as useful/correct as appropriate

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    elizachristine wrote:

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    You can have many compositions of AE related dynamically in a Premiere Pro sequence. Just select an item (or multiple clips) in the Assembly of the sequence, right-click, then choose replace with After Effects Composition.

    Note: this is not how I would do, but that's what you ask and a lot of people do it this way.

    I just usually copy and paste clips from first in an AE project, working on it in AE and then make it in an intermediate codec in AE render queue and bring back the file obtained in the first.

    elizachristine wrote:

    I would like to have my changes remain the same, but also like to be able to change them.

    I don't know what you mean by that.

    elizachristine wrote:

    Is it possible to send the. MOV file and make it appear in the order that I already spent hours of editing?

    Again, I'm not quite clear on what you're asking. You can certainly do AE work and drop it in your Premiere Pro sequence.

    elizachristine wrote:

    In addition, after creating a new composition in sequels, the film does not show in the preview window Comp. I'm sure it's a newbie thing, but can you please tell me what the H am I doing wrong?

    I'm not sure. Move your time indicator current far in your composition.

    It might behoove you to read the help on work with Premiere Pro AE file.

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    Such a long thread, so many errors.

    > Send an end of file marker after each file

    Eventually, which cannot work unless the EOF marker can occur in the file, which is unknowable, or there is a convention of escape agreed where it occurs in the file. In which case, you must also apply the convention to escape to escape Convention. For example, you can terminate with ETX and escape with ESC, but this means that the ETX and ESC must be escaped in the data file, and which in turn means that you need to escape out of ETX and ESC ESC ESC when you receive.

    > In the link, they said the error to happen is because of the header

    No, in the link, they said that the error is caused by using a BufferedReader and then read directly the data stream. Jet disappears in a BufferedReader, err, buffering.

    > BufferedReader has a read (byte [] buffer) method

    No, BufferedReader doesn't have a read (byte [] buffer) method.

    Follows a proven response, unspeculative with code.

    1 use the sender DataOutputStream and DataInputStream to the receiver.

    2 send the file name with writeUTF() and read with readUTF().

    3. send the length of file with writeLong() and read it with readLong().

    4. send and receive exactly that number of bytes, as follows:

    length = din.readLong (); in the receiver, or File.length (to sender)

    total length = 0;

    int count;

    ubyte [] buffer = new byte [8192]; or what you want, any size > zero

    While (total < length="" &&="" (count="," 0,="" (int)math.min(buffer.length,="" length-total)))=""> 0)


    dout. Write (buffer, 0, count);

    Total += count;


    Errors and omissions excepted. You can use this code on both ends.

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    Just open the user's email program, you can use the standard jargon:

    goToNetPage (mailto:[email protected])

    This approach is kind of annoying because it actually opens a vacuum
    the browser window then the user's e-mail program. I don't think that you can use
    This approach however send attachments.

    A much better way is the fabulous of DirectXtras DirectEmail xtra.
    Visit their site:

    DirectEmail can do everything you ask (and more). It's
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    Spare part, can use a mail server or not and is really easy to use.

    The same company makes DirectFTP you can get:

    DirectFTP can put files on an FTP site with a minimum of fuss. I have
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    write an e-mail or ftp full program with these xtras and Director.

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    You can use your favorite search engine to download & install a third-party software converter to change the file format. Then, try to print the file.

    Note: This response contains a reference to third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft provides this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and no has not tested any software or information found on these sites; Therefore, Microsoft cannot make any approach to quality, security or the ability of a software or information that are there.

    Hope the helps of information.
    Joel S
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    If you want to download a file to your server using flash, use the Flash filereference class (and its upload() method) and backend scripts.

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    I tried several times to upload a file to the server of the University Complutense of Madrid from the adf page, but I can't do it.

    First: I have used this method to do, but it feel that the file downloaded successfully and when I open the server I haven't found this...

    public String addNewContent() {}
    InputStream fileStream = null;

    try {}
    String filePath = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\ucm classes\\";
    String autherName = "weblogic";
    fileStream = new FileInputStream (filePath);
    = New File (filePath);
    String [] fileTitle = filePath.split("/");
    long fileLength = new File (filePath) .length ();
    param.getBinder (.putLocal (CMConstants.CM_SERVICE_NAME),
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocType", "Application");
    Title of the downloaded file
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocTitle", fileTitle [fileTitle.length - 1]);
    Name of the author
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocAuthor", autherName);
    Content security for (Group and account)
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dSecurityGroup", "Public");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocAccount", "");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dFormat", "text/html");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("xCollectionID",
    (getFolderIdFromPath ("/ Contribution dossiers/22 /"))) ;
    param.getBinder () .addFile ("primaryFile", file);
    param.setServiceResponse (param.getIdcClient (.sendRequest (param.getIdcContext ()),
    (param.getBinder ()));

    InputStream myInputStream = param.getServiceResponse () .getResponseStream ();
    String myResponseString = param.getServiceResponse () .getResponseAsString ();
    System.out.println ("downloaded file Details: \n" +)

    DataBinder myResponseDataBinder =
    param.getServiceResponse () .getResponseAsBinder ();

    System.out.println ("file uploaded successfully");
    } catch {(IdcClientException idcce)
    System.out.println ("IDC customer Exception occurred. Cannot download the file. Message: «+»
    idcce.getMessage () + ", the stack trace:");
    idcce.printStackTrace ();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {}
    System.out.println ("IO Exception has occurred. Cannot download the file. Message: «+»
    ioe.getMessage () + ", the stack trace:");
    ioe.printStackTrace ();
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    System.out.println ("Exception occurred. Cannot download the file. Message: «+»
    e.getMessage () + ", the stack trace:");
    e.printStackTrace ();
    } {Finally
    If (param.getServiceResponse ()! = null) {}
    param.getServiceResponse (m:System.NET.Sockets.Socket.close ());
    If (fileStream
    ! = null) {}try {}fileStream.close ();} catch (Exception e) {}e.printStackTrace ();}}}

    Returns a null value.



    Second: I used this method, but it did not work also

    public String uploadFile() {}
    try {}
    String inputFile1 ="";
    UF UploadedFile = (UploadedFile) inputFile1.getValue ();
    String filePath="C:\\Setup\\mmm.txt; »
    InputStream fileStream = null;
    try {fileStream = new FileInputStream (filePath) ;} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {}}
    String [] fileTitle = filePath.split("/");
    long fileLength = new File (filePath) .length ();

    //DataBinder Binder = IdcClient.crea
    param.getBinder (.putLocal (CMConstants.CM_SERVICE_NAME),
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocAuthor",
    "weblogic"); If the user is admin, can specify any user
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocTitle", "titleee");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocName", "nameee");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocType", "DigitalMedia");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("xCollectionID",
    getFolderIdFromPath ("/ files/11 Contribution")); parent folder
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dSecurityGroup", "Public");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("dDocAccount:", "");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("xComments", "Review of Montreal");
    param.getBinder () .putLocal ("xWCTags", "Montréal");

    param.getBinder () .addFile ("primaryFile",
    new TransferFile (fileStream, 'child',
    ServiceResponse response =
    param.getIdcClient (.sendRequest (param.getIdcContext ()),
    param.getBinder ());

    } catch (Exception e) {}

    Returns a null value.


    Can someone tell me what's wrong? !

    Thank you

    This will definitely work

    package demo;
    import oracle.stellent.ridc.*;
    import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.*;
    import oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.*;
    import oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.intradoc.*;
    import oracle.stellent.ridc.common.log.*;
    import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.serialize.*;
    import oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.http.*;
    import java.util.List;
     * This is a class used to test the basic functionality
     * of submitting a checkin to Content Server using RIDC.
    public class TestRIDCCheckin {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Create a new IdcClientManager
            IdcClientManager manager = new IdcClientManager();
            try {
                // Create a new IdcClient Connection using idc protocol (i.e. socket connection to Content Server)
                IdcClient idcClient = manager.createClient("idc://localhost:4444");
                // Create new context using the 'sysadmin' user
                IdcContext userContext = new IdcContext("sysadmin");
                // Create an HdaBinderSerializer; this is not necessary, but it allows us to serialize the request and response data binders
                HdaBinderSerializer serializer = new HdaBinderSerializer("UTF-8", idcClient.getDataFactory());
                // Databinder for checkin request
                DataBinder dataBinder = idcClient.createBinder();
                dataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL");
                dataBinder.putLocal("dDocTitle", "Test RIDC Checkin");
                dataBinder.putLocal("dDocType", "Document");
                dataBinder.putLocal("dDocAccount", "");
                dataBinder.putLocal("dSecurityGroup", "Public");
                dataBinder.addFile("primaryFile", new File("c:/test.txt"));
                //dataBinder.putLocal("doFileCopy", "1");
                // Write the data binder for the request to stdout
                serializer.serializeBinder(System.out, dataBinder);
                // Send the request to Content Server
                ServiceResponse response = idcClient.sendRequest(userContext, dataBinder);
                // Get the data binder for the response from Content Server
                DataBinder responseData = response.getResponseAsBinder();
                // Write the response data binder to stdout
                serializer.serializeBinder(System.out, responseData);
            } catch (IdcClientException ice) {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
  • How to send .cod file to mobile bb using eclipse?


    I am a beginner in the development of blackberry... I try to push the .cod file to my Blackberry... Someone knows it please help me.

    Thanks cordially


    Right-click on the project, the blackberry, the load on the device project.
    Or alt + shift + E, L

    You can also use the desktopmanager with the alx created in the folder of expected results.
    or use javaloader for quick and simple command line access

  • How share/send a file .folio for designer to open and work on?

    What are the steps here? We both use CS5.5 and both using V19.

    Thanks in advance


    Yes. Recreate the folio using the multiple/sidecar.xml to import method, or use the option repeat the link in Control Panel.

    Once again, the key is to make sure that all files are transferred correctly and superimpose active related if necessary. In ID CS6, there is better support for packaging and linking the assets of overlay.

  • How to send a file from a servlet to a user to download

    Hello, I would like to transfer a file from a servlet to a user and then delete the file on the server. I read that streaming the file to the user via the HttpServerResponse.getOutputStream () is the best method, because then I can remove the temporary file that I transfer. However, this appears to view the contents of the file. What I would like is to have the file be downloaded the disk hard users or preferably allow the user to accept or reject the file before it is downloaded to the disk. In addition the files to be transferred range of txt files to CSV for docx etc. What is the best way to do it?

    Thank you

    You must set the Content-Disposition header. Find it in the RFC HTTP specification.

  • How to send specific file downloads

    All my downloads automatically in the download folder. I want to ask me where to save each specific download to the computer. I use laptop, Windows 7

    If you choose record under, you can select any folder you want to save.

  • How to send files for printers Barocde prn

    How to send a file prn for barcode printers


    What is the make and model of printer?

    What version of Windows are you using?

    Follow the steps listed here.

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