How to set a cell to accept null values.


I'm having a problem with my request for insertion. My shape, past year (2010 and more) as a null value. I use access (ugg) and I can't accept this value null. I tried setting required in no. and allow a length zero, even removed from the table and he again... STILL, I get this error:

Run database query error.

[Macromedia] [SequeLink JDBC Driver] [ODBC Socket] [Microsoft] [ODBC Microsoft Access driver] Numeric value out of range (null)The error occurred in C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 234
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 206
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 204
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 4
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 1
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 234
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 206
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 204
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 4
Called from C:\Websites\187914kg3\accManage\signUp.cfm: line 1

232 :         <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#form.securitCode#">,
233 :         <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#form.ExpirationMonth#">,
234 :         <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.ExpirationYear#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR">)
235 : </cfquery>
236 : 

SQLINSERT INTO MerchandiseOrdersItems (c_ID, cc_type cc_num, cc_verify, cc_expir_m, cc_expir_y) VALUES ((param 1), (param 2), (param 3), (param 4), (param 5), (param 6))


It's my form element and the query that is the source of the problem:

< name cfparam = "FORM. Default ExpirationYear"=" ">

< form >

< select name = "ExpirationYear" class = 'formSelect' >
< cfloop index "i" = from = "" #VARIABLES.y1 # "to =" #VARIABLES.y2 # ">"
< option value = "#i #" < cfif FORM. ExpirationYear EQ I > selected < / cfif > > #NumberFormat (i, "0000") # < / option >
< / cfloop >
< / select >

< / make >

< datasource = "" #APPLICATION.dataSource # cfquery "dbtype ="ODBC">"
INSERT INTO MerchandiseOrdersItems
(c_ID cc_type cc_num, cc_verify, cc_expir_m, cc_expir_y)
VALUES (< cfqueryparam value = "" #getUpdate.NewID # "cfsqltype =" CF_SQL_VARCHAR">,)
< cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "cf_sql_varchar" value = "#form.creditType #" >.
< cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_LONGVARCHAR" value = "#form.creditCard #" >.
< cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_INTEGER" value = "#form.securitCode #" >.
< cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_INTEGER" value = "#form. ExpirationMonth #">,"
< cfqueryparam value = '#FORM. ("ExpirationYear #" cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_VARCHAR" null = "yes" >)
< / cfquery >

The string that is the slightest error is the following:

< cfqueryparam value = '#FORM. "ExpirationYear #" cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_VARCHAR" >

I still get this error. SO there must be something inside the access database does not allow this value null. It is defined as text now, allowing a length null and useless.

Can someone help me please?

If you open the database in Access and go to design view for the table in question and look at the definition of this field, what are the settings for 'necessary' and ' allow a length zero "?


Tags: ColdFusion

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    I want to change the type of null cells lines in docs open.

    could someone please to tell me how to set Docs [i] .everyItem ().stories.everyItem ().tables.everyItem ().cells.everyItem ();?

    my script as:

    var Docs = app.documents.

    for (var i = Docs.length - 1; i > = 0; i--) {}

    var s = Docs [i] .everyItem ().stories.everyItem ().tables.everyItem ().cells.everyItem ();

    s.topEdgeStrokeType = null;

    s.bottomEdgeStrokeType = null;

    s.rightEdgeStrokeType = null;

    s.leftEdgeStrokeType = null;


    What is wrong with him?

    Respect of


    I deleted my previous post because it was false. The error in the code is Docs [i] .everyItem () - you can do that. Instead, follow these steps:

    s = app.documents.everyItem().stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem();
    s.topEdgeStrokeType = null;
    s.bottomEdgeStrokeType = null;
    s.rightEdgeStrokeType = null;
    s.leftEdgeStrokeType = null;


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    Code1 is used:


    output_header varchar2 (4000);

    fichier_en_sortie VARCHAR2 (255);

    Varchar2 (2) EOL: = Chr (13) | Chr (10);


    output_header: = 'tls_tracking_id ' | Chr (9) | ' fnn_ext' | Chr (9) | "path_id' | EOL;

    fichier_en_sortie: = 'report_excel' |'. XLS;

    owa_util.mime_header ("application/octet ', false");

    HTP.p ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = "" | ") fichier_en_sortie |' « ') ;


    HTP. PRN (output_header);

    for r in)

    Select tls_tracking_id, fnn_ext, DWD_DTOV_OUT_VW path_id

    where nbn_loc_id = 'LOC000138413115. '

    The order of tls_tracking_id LOOP)

    HTP. PRN (r.tls_tracking_id

    || Chr (9) | r.fnn_ext

    || Chr (9) | r.path_id

    || EOL




    Code2 used :

    create or replace PACKAGE BODY IS pkg_excel_export

    PROCEDURE excel_open (l_xml_body IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS


    l_xml_body: = ' <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "ISO-8859-9"? > ' | Chr (10) |

    "< workbook xmlns =" "urn: schemas-microsoft - com:office:spreadsheet" ' | "

    Chr (10) |

    ""xmlns:o ="urn: schemas-microsoft-com ' ' |

    Chr (10) |

    "xmlns: x =" "urn: schemas-microsoft-com: excel" ' | "

    Chr (10) |

    ""xmlns:ss ="urn: schemas-microsoft - com:office:spreadsheet" ' |

    Chr (10) |

                            'xmlns:html=" ">' ||

    Chr (10) |

    ' < ExcelWorkbook xmlns = "urn: schemas-microsoft-com: excel" > ' |

    Chr (10) | ' < WindowHeight > 8580 < / WindowHeight > ' |

    Chr (10) | ' < WindowWidth > 15180 < / WindowWidth > ' | Chr (10) |

    ' < WindowTopX > 120 < / WindowTopX > ' | Chr (10) |

    ' < WindowTopY > 45 < / WindowTopY > ' | Chr (10) |

    ' < ProtectStructure > false < / ProtectStructure > ' | Chr (10) |

    ' < ProtectWindows > false < / ProtectWindows > ' | Chr (10) |

    ' < / ExcelWorkbook > ' | Chr (10) | "< Styles > | Chr (10) |

    '< ss:ID of style = 'Default' ss:Name 'Normal' = >' | Chr (10) |

    "< ss:Vertical alignment = 'Bottom' / >" | " Chr (10) |

    ' < borders / > '. Chr (10) | ' < police / > '. Chr (10) |

    ' < Interior / > '. Chr (10) | ' < NumberFormat / > '. Chr (10) |

    ' < protection / > '. Chr (10) | "< / style > | Chr (10) |

    '< ss:ID of style 's22' = >' | Chr (10) |

    "< x: font family = ss"Swiss":"BOLD"="1"ss:Underline ="Single"/ >" | "

    Chr (10) | "< / style > | Chr (10) | "< / style >";

    END excel_open;

    PROCEDURE excel_close (l_xml_body IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS


    l_xml_body: = l_xml_body | ' < / workbook > ';

    END excel_close;

    / * Opens a worksheet in the Excel file. , You can open multiple worksheets. **/

    PROCEDURE worksheet_open


    l_xml_body IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,

    p_worksheetname in VARCHAR2

    ) IS



    -Create the worksheet


    l_xml_body: = l_xml_body | "' < worksheet ss:Name = ' ' | p_worksheetname |

    "" > < table > ";"

    END worksheet_open;

    / *Farm the worksheet in the Excel file.   **/

    PROCEDURE worksheet_close (l_xml_body IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS


    l_xml_body: = l_xml_body | ' < / table > < / worksheet > ';

    END worksheet_close;

    / *Opens the tag line * /

    PROCEDURE row_open (l_xml_body IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS


    l_xml_body: = l_xml_body | "< row >."

    END row_open;

    / *Farm the tag line * /.

    PROCEDURE row_close (l_xml_body IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS


    l_xml_body: = l_xml_body | "< / row > | Chr (10);

    END row_close;

    / *After the opening of the line, we can write something the first cell* /

    PROCEDURE cell_write


    l_xml_body IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,

    p_content in VARCHAR2

    ) IS


    l_xml_body: = l_xml_body | ' < cell > < data ss:Type = "String" > ' |

    p_content | ' < / data > < / cell > ';

    END cell_write;

    / * If you use this package of APEX, you get to download the excel file. **/

    PROCEDURE excel_get


    l_xml_body IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,

    p_filename in VARCHAR2

    ) IS

    XX BLOB;

    make the NUMBER;

    This NUMBER;



    w NUMBER;



    make: = 1;

    so: = 1;

    BC: = dbms_lob.default_csid;

    LC: = dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;

    w: = dbms_lob.no_warning;

    DBMS_LOB.converttoblob (xx,





    British Colombia,



    owa_util.mime_header ("application/octet ', FALSE");

    -set the size so that the browser knows how to download

    HTP.p ("Content-length: ' |") DBMS_LOB.GetLength (xx));

    -the name of the file will be used by the browser if users only one save as

    HTP.p ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = "" | ") p_filename |

    '.xls ' | '"');

    -close the headers


    -Download the BLOB

    wpg_docload.download_file (XX);

    END excel_get;

    END pkg_excel_export;

    I know it's a bit long code, but to better understand please consider...

    Thank you.

    I did worked putting just one extra line in my l_xml_body in the XML (Code 2 used). Now my excel generates with cells type 'Text' and there are no left falling to zero. Also the columns display not scientific format as 2.3D + 12. Current recording shows without default formatting.


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    Kind regards

    Published by: Iancu, Ciprian on March 31, 2011 06:45

    Hi CIPI

    The properties are defined in the attribute as follows (imagine a SEX attribute group INOUTGRP1 in the CUSTOMER table operator in LOAD_CUSTOMER mapping);


    TP resolve PK/UK/FK keys use the clause "CHANGE KEYS_READONLY" to reference the key within the operator;


    See you soon

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    Indicative PFR:

    if(xxMDateBean == null)
    OAMessageDateFieldBean xxMDate = (OAMessageDateFieldBean) webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive ("xxMDate");
    oracle.jbo.domain.Date date1 = am.getOADBTransaction () .getCurrentUserDate ();
    Impossible displayDateFormat impossible new = ("dd-MM-yyyy');
    String OracleDateForm = displayDateFormat.format (date1.dateValue ());
    xxMDate.setValue (pageContext, OracleDateForm);

    I get the following error:

    Error (81.8): variable xxMDate not found in the class (CONTROLLER)

    Published by: Eddy on January 20, 2011 17:09


    I think that the code I gave you can use directly by changing just the VO, the column names.
    Please let me know what exactly you are looking.

    You might be the method call AM to run the query, after which followed this procedure (with your VO, columns).

    Thank you.

    With respect,

  • How to avoid the link of a null value in a column of link


    How to avoid the link of a column with the value zero. Is that the link should be disabled for the column with the value null, and it must be enabled for all that have a value.


    DEPTNO NAME (link column)

    10 SCOTT
    20 MAC
    30 SMITH
    40         -
    50 SAM

    I don't want to link to the value null in the name column, but the name remaining should have link. Please help me.

    Kind regards


    One way is like this:
    1. create a column not displayed, called link_display in your report to return N or Y depending on whether you want the link by adding the SQL report:

        NVL2(name, 'Y', 'N') link_display 

    2. in the header of the region, define a class for the column name using:


    3. for the name column containing the link add link attributes: class = "" display_link_ #LINK_DISPLAY # ""

    Rod West

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    I work with the driver NI - DAQmx 6025 and want to know, how do I configure the digital channels in c# for control lines different ports by trigger rising "PFI0" and the meter "ctr0.

    digitalWriteTask = new Task();
    digitalWriteTask.DOChannels.CreateChannel ("Dev1/Port3 / line0:7", "", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines);
    digitalWriteTask.Control (TaskAction.Verify);

    digitalWriteTask.Triggers / / how to configure to change Digital line on rising "PFI0"?

    digitalWriteTask.Timing / / how to configure to change Digital line on County "ctr0?


    Hi an alle!

    Am mit dem OR-DAQmx 6025 und möchte like wissen, die ich wie digital channels in c# konfigurieren muss um einzelne Ports der Leitungen auf dem Trigger "PFI0" und dem Zahler "ctr0' anzusteuern.

    digitalWriteTask = new Task();
    digitalWriteTask.DOChannels.CreateChannel ("Dev1/Port3 / line0:7", "", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines);
    digitalWriteTask.Control (TaskAction.Verify);

    digitalWriteTask.Triggers / / Wie konfigurieren, um den logical Pegel eines feature pine bei der der zu winds PFI0 goods?

    digitalWriteTask.Timing / / Wie konfigurieren, um den logical Pegel eines pines beim ctr0 zu go digital?

    NEITHER told me, with the NOR-DAQmx 6025 driver not supported!

    ICH habe von NOR learn, dass dies mit der 6025 OR AQmx supported wird nicht!

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    You can't do AT & T or Comcast Webmail by default. There are solutions for Gmail and Yahoo, but no one else I know. Customer e-mail like Outlook Express, Outlook, Windows Live Mail can be done by default and it is looking for the error message.
    Start a new message, and that join the pix.
  • How to know the history have not null value

    Hi all

    I want to find records that have prior LOG_REVIEW_STAGE = "HHH" have (DT_LOG_BEGIN is not null and DT_LOG_END IS NULL and LOG_STATUS = pending)
    based on the identification number

    Thanks in advance
    For Example my Ouput should be 
    20     700          Pending          FFF               1/26/2004     
    10     100          Complete     AAA               1/13/2004     1/13/2004
    10     200          Complete     BBB               1/23/2004     1/23/2004
    10     300          Pending          CCC               1/23/2004     
    10     400                    DDD          
    10     601                    EEE          
    10     700                    FFF          
    10     800                    GGG          
    10     900                    HHH         ---------------------->>>>>>>>>
    10     1000                    JJJ          
    10     1100                    KKK          
    20     100          Complete     AAA               1/13/2004     1/13/2004
    20     200          Complete     BBB               1/23/2004     1/23/2004
    20     300          Complete     CCC               1/23/2004     1/23/2004
    20     400          Complete     DDD               1/24/2004     1/24/2004
    20     601          Complete     EEE               1/25/2004     1/25/2004
    20     700          Pending          FFF               1/26/2004     
    20     900                    HHH          ---------------------->>>>>>>>>
    20     1000                    JJJ          
    20     1100                    KKK          
    create table TEMP_TABLE
      id               NUMBER(2),
      sort_order       NUMBER(10),
      log_status       VARCHAR2(50),
      log_review_stage VARCHAR2(50),
      dt_log_begin     DATE,
      dt_log_end       DATE
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 100, 'Complete', 'AAA', to_date('13-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('13-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 200, 'Complete', 'BBB', to_date('23-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('23-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 300, 'Pending', 'CCC', to_date('23-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 400, null, 'DDD', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 601, null, 'EEE', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 700, null, 'FFF', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 800, null, 'GGG', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 900, null, 'HHH', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 1000, null, 'JJJ', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (10, 1100, null, 'KKK', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 100, 'Complete', 'AAA', to_date('13-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('13-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 200, 'Complete', 'BBB', to_date('23-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('23-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 300, 'Complete', 'CCC', to_date('23-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('23-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 400, 'Complete', 'DDD', to_date('24-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('24-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 601, 'Complete', 'EEE', to_date('25-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('25-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 700, 'Complete', 'FFF', to_date('26-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('26-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 800, 'Pending', 'GGG', to_date('27-01-2004', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 900, null, 'HHH', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 1000, null, 'JJJ', null, null);
    insert into TEMP_TABLE(id, sort_order, log_status, log_review_stage, dt_log_begin, dt_log_end)
    values (20, 1100, null, 'KKK', null, null);

    Please provide examples of data, as well as an explanation of your logic. It is very useful!

    I think that's what you want:

    SELECT id
         , sort_order
         , log_status
         , log_review_stage
         , dt_log_begin
         , dt_log_end
            SELECT id
                 , sort_order
                 , log_status
                 , log_review_stage
                 , dt_log_begin
                 , dt_log_end
                 , LEAD(log_review_stage) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY sort_order) AS next_log_review_stage
            FROM   temp_table
    WHERE  log_status            = 'Pending'
    AND    dt_log_begin          IS NOT NULL
    AND    dt_log_end            IS NULL
    AND    next_log_review_stage = 'HHH'

    When run on your dataset, it returns:

                      ID           SORT_ORDER LOG_STATUS      LOG_REVIEW_STAGE                                   DT_LOG_BEGIN        DT_LOG_END
    -------------------- -------------------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
                      20                  800 Pending         GGG                                                01/27/2004 00:00:00

    If this is incorrect, please explain why.

    Thank you!

  • Properties: Treatment of NULL values

    I wanted to ask you how you deal with NULL values, on the properties of JavaFX.

    Properties of the wrapper for the primitive data types like SimpleIntegerProperty or SimpleBooleanProperty Don t accepts NULL values.


    1. IntegerProperty integerProperty = new SimpleIntegerProperty() )
    2. integerProperty. setValue (null) ;
    3. System. out. println () integerProperty. getValue ());

    Output is 0 (default value for "int").

    I think the primitive property wrappers (IntegerProperty, BooleanProperty and friends) as of the wrappers for primitive types. Probably they shouldn't really inherit WritableValue as which allows the call to setValue with a type reference, but I think that indigestion API would be worse than the implementation of setValue with a slightly incorrect signature. I would just avoid defining a wrapper of primitive type to null property: If you want to restrict yourself using set (.) instead of setValue (...) you are forced to spend in the primitive type: either you cannot pass null.

    If you want an integer property where null values are handled in an intuitive manner, use ObjectProperty .

    The test below shows that call setValue (null) on IntegerProperty assigns the default value. (Although I don't see the behavior documented anywhere).

    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    public class PrimitivePropertyWrapperTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IntegerProperty integerProp = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
            integerProp.addListener(new ChangeListener() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue observable,
                        Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
                    System.out.println("integerProperty changed value from "+oldValue+" to "+newValue);
            ObjectProperty objectProp = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
            objectProp.addListener(new ChangeListener() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue observable,
                        Integer oldValue, Integer newValue) {
                    System.out.println("objectProperty changed value from "+oldValue+" to "+newValue);
            System.out.println("setting integerProp back to null:");
            System.out.println("setting integerProp to 0:");
  • Oracle Apex open modal dialog URL sent a Null value


    I am trying to open a url in a modal dialog window, when you click an item in a report, defining a local variable with the primary key using ' $s ('P95_X9', #SEQ_ORDEM_SERVICO #); "return false", but in a javascript call to open the field of modal dialog P95_X9 previously set is sent with a null value.

    Below the call to URL:

    f? p = & APP_ID.:67: & APP_SESSION.:P67_NUMEROOS, P67_HIDENPROJETO: & P95_X9, & P95_PROJE. »

    & P95_X9. -> is sent with a null value.

    How to solve this problem?

    Thank you.

    981949 wrote:

    I am trying to open a url in a modal dialog window, when you click an item in a report, defining a local variable with the primary key using ' $s ('P95_X9', #SEQ_ORDEM_SERVICO #); "return false", but in a javascript call to open the field of modal dialog P95_X9 previously set is sent with a null value.

    Below the call to URL:

    f? p = & APP_ID.: 67: & APP_SESSION. : P67_NUMEROOS, P67_HIDENPROJETO: & P95_X9, & P95_PROJE. »

    & P95_X9. -> is sent with a null value.

    How to solve this problem?

    Thank you.

    f? p = & APP_ID.: 67: & APP_SESSION. : P67_NUMEROOS, P67_HIDENPROJETO: & P95_X9, & P95_PROJE. »

    Replace above with

    var vUrl = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:67:&APP_SESSION.::::P67_NUMEROOS,P67_HIDENPROJETO:'+$v('P95_X9')+','+$v('P95_PROJE');

    now use the many vUrl as necessary!

  • How to define cell line type = Null

    Hi experts

    How to set the type of cell shots = Null

    my script like this:

    app.documents.stories.everyItem (). tables.everyItem (). cells.everyItem (.topEdgeStrokeType = Null)

    app.documents.stories.everyItem (). tables.everyItem (). cells.everyItem (e .bottomEdgeStrokeTyp = Null)

    app.documents.stories.everyItem (). tables.everyItem (). cells.everyItem (.rightEdgeStrokeType = Null)

    app.documents.stories.everyItem (). tables.everyItem (). cells.everyItem (.leftEdgeStrokeType = Null)

    someone could tell me what's wrong with him?


    Respect of


    N in "null" must be lowercase: null instead of Null. And to add ". everyItem()" after "app.documents".

    app.documents.everyItem().stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().topEdgeStrokeType = null;
    app.documents.everyItem().stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().bottomEdgeStrokeType = null;
    app.documents.everyItem().stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().rightEdgeStrokeType = null;
    app.documents.everyItem().stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().leftEdgeStrokeType = null;
  • How to set programmatically the ' input length Max ' of a cell of the tree

    I want to specify a maximum length of N_MAX for names of cell of a tree, so that when the user press the F2 key to rename, it has failed to enter more characters N_MAX.

    For existing items in the file of the uir, I am able to get this behavior by setting the tree Edit > edit columns/cells > change cell > entry length Max to 5 (see attached img03.png).

    When the user tries to rename this article, he has failed to enter more than 5 characters (see attached img02.png).

    But how to set this attribute for items added programmatically (for example, through InsertTreeItem ()).

    I was not able to find the right attribute, because the attribute of cells ATTR_LABEL_TEXT_LENGTH (which seems more or less what I'm looking for) is "not definable.

    You have found an omission in documentation. You can use ATTR_MAX_ENTRY_LENGTH and ATTR_MAX_ENTRY_CHARS with SetTreeCellAttribute and SetTreeItemAttribute to set the max entry for a cell of the tree.

    Please report to us this and sorry for the inconvenience.

  • How to set a null column in a where clause clause involving a statement box

    In oracle APEX, I a (selection list) element called: P32_STATUS. It contains two values of interest (for this discussion): 'Available' and 'checked '. In my report, I have a column called vc_status that contains two values: "Checkbox" and NULL. In my application I want to use a case statement in my where clause similar to the lines of





    AND (vc_status = CASE WHEN: P32_STATUS = "Checkbox" THEN : P32_STATUS )

    WHEN : P32_STATUS = 'Available' THEN NULL END)

    The 'box' filtering works but the filtering to try to vc_status the NULL value does not work. Can someone help me? Thank you!

    (P.S. My intuition says that there because I can not put vc_status = NULL, but I must say that vc_status IS NULL... However, I don't know how to do execution IS ZERO inside a CASE statement)


    Your intuition is right...

    In Oracle NULL is a bit special:

    NULL = NULL is false

    NULL <> NULL is false

    Thus, instead of the parameter a NULL value in the CASE WHERE there is just set a value on the other side:

    NVL (vc_statut, 'Available') =: P32_STATUS

    That's all! Simple, clean and functional

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