How to use the Pivot function for range group in oracle SQL



I need to display the data in the format below. There are 2 columns 1 is State and another is rate.

State < 100 100-199, 200-299 300-399 400-499, 500-599 600-699 700-799 800-899 900-999 > = 1000 Total
AK 1 2 0 4 1 4 4 35 35 4 1 25
AL 0 0 2 27 10 17 35 2 2 35 0 103
AR 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 13 13 2 0 6
AZ 0 1 2 14 2 14 13 3 3 13 0 57
CA     0     0     1     6     2     7     3     4     4     3     0     34

Developed the sub query but unable to use the beach on the pivot function. Please help on this.

(select (SELECT short_description
c contacts,
announcement of addresses,
xref_contacts_addresses xca,
neutral_rates nr
where n.contact_id = c.contact_id
and n.address_id = ad.address_id
and xca.address_id = ad.address_id
and xca.contact_id = c.contact_id
and nr.contact_id = n.contact_id
and nr.rate_frequency = 'HOUR')

Like this

with t
select 'AL' state, 12 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 67 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 23 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 12 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 12 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 78 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 34 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 4 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 12 value from dual union all
select 'AL' state, 15 value from dual union all
select 'AZ' state, 6 value from dual union all
select 'AZ' state, 123 value from dual union all
select 'AZ' state, 123 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 23 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 120 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 456 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 11 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 24 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 34 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 87 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 23 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 234 value from dual union all
select 'MA' state, 789 value from dual union all
select 'MH' state, 54321 value from dual
-- End of test data
select state,
       nvl(count(decode(value, 0, 0)), 0) "<100",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 1, 1)), 0) "100-199",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 2, 2)), 0) "200-299",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 3, 3)), 0) "300-399",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 4, 4)), 0) "400-499",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 5, 5)), 0) "500-599",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 6, 6)), 0) "600-699",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 7, 7)), 0) "700-799",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 8, 8)), 0) "800-899",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 9, 9)), 0) "900-999",
       nvl(count(decode(value, 10, 10)), 0) ">=1000"
  from (
          select state, case when value < 100 then 0
                             when value between 100 and 199 then 1
                             when value between 200 and 299 then 2
                             when value between 300 and 399 then 3
                             when value between 400 and 499 then 4
                             when value between 500 and 599 then 5
                             when value between 600 and 699 then 6
                             when value between 700 and 799 then 7
                             when value between 800 and 899 then 8
                             when value between 900 and 999 then 9
                             when value >= 1000 then 10
                        end value
            from t
    by state

Tags: Database

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    I agree completely

    SQL > declare

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    14 end;


    Enter the value of enter_string: Bolton

    2 old: i_var varchar2 (30): = "& enter_string;

    2 new: i_var varchar2 (30): = 'Bolton ';

    Bolton is not a palindrome

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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                from dual
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    Thanks in advance!...

    Any help would be appreciated.

    user590978 wrote:

    Can you please help write the query without using the PIVOT function.

    with indata as (
                    select 1 sn,'123:456,789,323:456,213,344,345:5454' x from dual union all
                    select 2, 'abcd:fgrfr,rfrf,rfred,tg:tg,tg:ophhh,op,vdfgbh:poijn' x from dual
             t1 as (
                    select  x
                      from  indata
                      where sn = 1
             t2 as (
                    select  x
                      from  indata
                      where sn = 2
             t3 as (
                    select  level lvl,
                                   instr(',' || x,',',1,level),
                                   instr(x || ',',',',1,level) - instr(',' || x,',',1,level)
                                  ) col1
                      from  t1
                      connect by level <= length(x) - length(translate(x,'A,','A')) + 1
             t4 as (
                    select  level lvl,
                                   instr(',' || x,',',1,level),
                                   instr(x || ',',',',1,level) - instr(',' || x,',',1,level)
                                  ) col2
                      from  t2
                      connect by level <= length(x) - length(translate(x,'A,','A')) + 1
             t5 as (
                    select  lvl,
                            substr(col1,1,instr(col1 || ':',':') - 1) col1_val1,
                            substr(col1,instr(col1 || ':',':') + 1) col1_val2
                      from  t3
             t6 as (
                    select  lvl,
                            substr(col2,1,instr(col2 || ':',':') - 1) col2_val1,
                            substr(col2,instr(col2 || ':',':') + 1) col2_val2
                      from  t4
    select  col1_val1,
      from      t5
            full join
            on (
                t6.lvl = t5.lvl
      order by coalesce(t5.lvl,t6.lvl)
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------
    123        456        abcd       fgrfr      23-OCT-12 AM -04:00
    789                   rfrf                  23-OCT-12 AM -04:00
    323        456        rfred                 23-OCT-12 AM -04:00
    213                   tg         tg         23-OCT-12 AM -04:00
    344                   tg         ophhh      23-OCT-12 AM -04:00
    345        5454       op                    23-OCT-12 AM -04:00
                          vdfgbh     poijn      23-OCT-12 AM -04:00
    7 rows selected.


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    GoTo is generally frowned upon by the programmers.

    The only legitimate use of goto is when you need to escape from a nested loop.

    If you need to jump into a routine, use break or simply in return from the current function.

    The model currently used by the SDK looks like this:

         if(condition1 == false)
         if(condition2 == false)
         if(condition3 == false)

    'break' the jumps at the end of the do / while loop that always comes out when you reach the end of it (while (false))


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    100 > Storage Dimensions marked as stored (marked as intentionally as I want to calculate the value using the calculation script)

    100. 10 (+)

    100-20 (+)

    100-30 (+)

    I'm trying calculation Script

    100 = @Accum (@children("100"), jan: Feb);

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    100 = @Accum("100-10",Jan:Feb);

    Error:-number of Dimensions [1] does not match number of gen/lev [3] office [@Dim]

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    you do this more difficult it must be. If you want to accumulate up to 100 then you could just make your calc

    '100 '.

    but that would be only 100, to make the OU any dimension would

    AGG (Product);

    Or better yet

    AGG (Product, Market);

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    Thank you

    You should not do that...

    Greatest (NVL (Sum (Quantity), 0)-NVL (SUM (quantity_received), 0), 0) AS qty_arrival

    will do the same


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    Thanks in advance

    Use it instead:

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    Thank you

    If you say you have variable1 organise a date for example 01/01/2015 and variable 2 holding a certain number of months for example 7?

    If so in your mapping expression simply use the date functions available to your database technology (step/target) and replace the variable in the function

    that is for Oracle your mapping would be ADD_MONTHS (#Variable1,Variable2of #)

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    'Where' cursor clause...

    and nvl (sn.c_attribute1,'x@#$%') in nvl (p_desig,'x@#$%'( )

    translated parameter values...

    and nvl (sn.c_attribute1,'x@#$%') in nvl ('SPRT''GOOD' 'BAD' 'x@#$%') -NVL does not parse the value correctly

    Any idea on how to get NVL recognize 'x@#$%' , if p_desig is null?

    Thank you


    HI, Scott.

    Whenever you have a problem, please post a small example data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) of all the tables involved, so that people who want to help you can recreate the problem and test their ideas.

    Also post the results you want from this data, as well as an explanation of how you get these results from these data, with specific examples.

    Always say what version of Oracle you are using (for example,

    See the FAQ forum:

    My best guess, based on what you posted bone is present, that your problem is discussed in the following:

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    The BB10, you can use the element of the rim: splash:

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    I branch domain name where I have all the information of the branch names, now some of the branch names are too large with an extension after the name.
    now I want substing it, but the length of characters varies for each branch.
    so is it possible where we use a box where we can define if the character of name plug exceed a value then he substing with this length.

    Try something like this:

    LENGTH WHEN CARTER (tablename. Branch_Name) > n THEN SUBSTRING (...) Of ANOTHER tablename. Branch_Name END

    where n is the number of characters that you want to start the break.

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    can you guys please help.

    Published by: sharad sapra on March 31, 2011 11:33


    1. create a property file (this example is relevant if you have a repository of ORACLE, you can find more information in]):

    SOURCE_APP_JDBC_DRIVER = Hyperion.JDBC.Oracle.OracleDriver
    SOURCE_APP_JDBC_URL = jdbc:hyperion:oracle://RepositoryDatabaseServer; SID = DatabaseSID
    SOURCE_APP_JDBC_PASSWORD = schemaPassword
    SOURCE_APP_OLAP_SERVER = olapServerName:port
    SOURCE_APP_OLAP_PASSWORD = olapUserPassword

    TARGET_APP_JDBC_DRIVER = Hyperion.JDBC.Oracle.OracleDriver
    TARGET_APP_JDBC_URL = jdbc:hyperion:oracle://RepositoryDatabaseServer; SID = DatabaseSID
    TARGET_APP_JDBC_USERNAME = DatabaseSchemaName
    TARGET_APP_JDBC_PASSWORD = DatabaseSchemaPassword
    TARGET_APP_OLAP_SERVER = olapServerName:port
    TARGET_APP_OLAP_PASSWORD = olapUserPassword

    2. open CMD and type copyapp /S:yourSourceAppName T:yourTargetAppName /L:yourLogFileName.log

    Once the migration has been successful, you must update your users using the UpdateUsers.cmd (UpdateUsers.cmd and PlanningUserName PlanningUserPassword TARGET_APP).

    I hope this helps...

    Kind regards

  • Do I need to use the NVL function for this request?

    I seem to have some problems using the NVL function on a date. I'm trying to create a query pulls back just a date a file was sent between the sysdate and the date_sent more a minute. Here is the code I use...

    Oracle: 10.2 G
    SELECT date_sent as date_sent
    INTO    iDateSent
    FROM    tableX
    WHERE  file_id= 9999
    AND    date_sent BETWEEN sysdate AND date_sent + 1/1440; 
    Currently Output (null):
    Desired output when date_sent is null:
    0:0:000 0:00:00
    date_sent column is in a normal date - same format as sysdate format.

    The problem I encounter is when date_sent is null, the stored procedure, I built crashes because date_sent returns a null and a null value cannot be stored in the variable 'iDateSent '. I was thinking about using the NVL function here to resolve, however, I'm not entirely sure who will work with the above query. Any thoughts?

    Published by: user652714 on July 9, 2010 12:58

    Published by: user652714 on July 9, 2010 13:11


    you said: "desired output when date_sent is null: date_sent: 0".
    It is not possible to have a date of 'zero '.

    "and a null value cannot be stored in the variable 'iDateSent'. '.

    I do not think: If this variable is declared normally (without any not null not constrained to this topic) so that it can contain a null value. (it's 99% of the time in PL/SQL).

    I think it's that your SQL retrieves no rows, to manage what you should put an exception handler:

    SELECT date_sent as date_sent
    INTO    iDateSent
    FROM    tableX
    WHERE  file_id= 9999
    AND    date_sent BETWEEN sysdate AND date_sent + 1/1440;
    exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then

    So what you can do if you don't want the date empty a nvl:

    return(nvl(iDateSent,sysdate));  -- or another date ...

    Published by: user11268895 on July 9, 2010 22:09

  • How to use the node function call library for a function in the dll with the data SUB type

    Hi all

    I would ask for your kind help

    I am facing a problem with the call library node.

    I have a C++ (stdcall) function, which has Sub as data type

    XXXX error code (hwnd, lid, getValue, * Sub data1, * Sub data2)

    data1 and data2 types are constantly changing based on the value of 'getValue '.

    Mainly I can use the call library node several times and adapt each node according to the types of data data1, data2 and extract the values and use in the code. Here is no question. Real question is:

    My question:

    How can I use a node of library time call and make a case according to the 'getvalue', who will control the data1, data2 data type. Here I really seeking solutions.

    My tests:

    I used varaints as entry to the libray call node of the data1, data2 and selected parameters in the call libraby node as "Adapt to type. Here labview just crashed.

    I appreciate your suggestions to feedbackand.

    Thank you


    You must allocate enough space for data1 and data2, and then pass a pointer to this space. An easy way to do this is the function to initialize table. Set the U8 type and size for the number of bytes required. Pass this array to the function as a pointer of table data.

    After the function call returns, you need to extract the data in the table. You can do it manually, but a simple approach is to use the array of bytes to a string. Then, in a housing structure, use Unflatten chain to convert the string to the correct data type. This method also converts the "endianness" which will be probably necessary; Be sure to only set all entries for unflatten correctly.

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