I used the inverse function for a palindrome bulk pl/Sql program, but it is said to declare the inverse function and my code is below! Please suggest me some friends of ideas and thanks in advance


i_var varchar2 (30): = '& enter_string';

Vout varchar2 (20);


:=Lower(Reverse(i_var)) Vout;

If lower (i_var) = vout can

dbms_output.put_line ('this is a palindrome');

on the other

dbms_output.put_line ('this is not a palindrome');

end if;


I agree completely

SQL > declare

2 i_var varchar2 (30): = "& enter_string;

3 vout varchar2 (20);

4 start

5 Select lower (reverse (i_var))

6 in vout

7 double;

8 lower (i_var) = vout

9. can

10 dbms_output.put_line (i_var |) 'is a palindrome');

11 other

12 dbms_output.put_line (i_var |) (' ' is not a palindrome ");

13 end if;

14 end;


Enter the value of enter_string: Bolton

2 old: i_var varchar2 (30): = "& enter_string;

2 new: i_var varchar2 (30): = 'Bolton ';

Bolton is not a palindrome

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Tags: Database

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