How tween object drawing?

I received a number of graphs of an Illustrator user - they imported as symbols that contains drawing objects.   When I open one of these symbols and tried to tween (fade out) the object drawing, I don't have the option to Alpha.   I don't use Illustrator myself and I had to install CS4, so I'm not used to it either.   I searched for centuries, but cannot find any info on the manipulation of graphics Illustrator.

All advice appreciated.


You can only use some motion tweens timeline with symbols, so if you're trying to gross graphic interpolation, which will not work.  You'll get to interpolate a graphic symbol or symbol movieclip or button symbol.  If you try to tween in actionscript, then he must be a symbol named, which excludes graphic symbols.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    The light meter example is pretty much what you want to do. It is located here:

    \National Instruments\\examples\Vision\2. Functions\Light Meter\Light meter Example.llb\Light meter

    In the example, the x axis are the number of iteration, but it is easy to modify to use a graphic instead of a graph and chart the time instead.

    Hope that helps.


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    Your question immediately... you could try something like this

    In this scenario, you start with your video on video 1 track with the Timeline indicator placed in the appropriate location of content timeline.

    The Titler line file created will be automatically placed at the position of the indicator in the timeline.

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    Please consider. If any questions or need any clarification on the above, do not hesitate to ask.

    Thank you.


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    Hi Al - R,.

    This video tutorial will how to draw vector shapes in Photoshop CS6. If you are still having problems draw an oval I recommend the reading of this document: help Photoshop: drawing shapes

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    Open the palette of information Document.

    In the context menu, turn on selection only and objects.

    The palette not remember these settings. You must reselect the whenever you restart Illustrator.

    The Document Info palette is a hack demi-cuite, tagged-on to display a subset of the information in the window of the normally hidden programmer, rather than incorporate the data correctly in the interface of the program. It is therefore an another catch-all completely intuitive information that everyone needs, but nobody would expect to get there.


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    Here is a very rough idea on how to record and playback of drawing.

    Capture the drawing:

    -drawing points are stored in a table "_pointArray".

    -the "_pointArray" coded JSON is published on the server.

    -Next - server, save the string in a file or a database.

              private function mouseDownHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
                   //start new segment
                   //mark the point as starting point , "newline=true"
                   _pointArray.push({x:stage.mouseX, y:stage.mouseY, time:getTimer(), newline:true});
              private function mouseMoveHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
                        //draw line
                        drawLine(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);
                        //record the points
                        _pointArray.push({x:stage.mouseX, y:stage.mouseY, time:getTimer()});
              private function moveTo(x:Number, y:Number):void{
              private function drawLine(x:Number, y:Number):void{
              private function saveData():void{
                   var json:JSONEncoder = new JSONEncoder(_pointArray);
                   var urlVariable:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                   var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest('{URL_TO_POST_AND_SAVE_POINTS}');
                   urlVariable.points = json.getString();
                   urlRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
          = urlVariable;
                   var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                   urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, saveCompleteHandler);
              private function saveCompleteHandler(e:Event):void{
                   trace("Saved the animation");

    Load and replay the animation:

    -load the json string

    -Decode the json string to array

    -Playback of the animation

                             private function loadData():void{
                        var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest('{REQUEST_URL_TO_LOAD_POINTS}');
                        var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                   private function loadCompleteHandler(e:Event):void{
                        var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
                        var json:JSONDecoder = new JSONDecoder( as String);
                        _pointArray = json.getValue() as Array;
                        //start the animation
                   //Playback the drawing on an EnterFrame/Timer event
                   private function playBackHandler(e:Event):void{
                        var nextPoint:Object = _pointArray[_currentIndex];
                        var nextMilliSec:Number =  nextPoint.time;
                        var timeLapsed:Number = getTimer() - _startTime;
                        while(timeLapsed >= nextMilliSec){
                                  //stating point
                                  moveTo(nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y);
                                  //draw line
                                  drawLine(nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y);
                             //next array index
                             //reached the end?
                             if(_currentIndex >= _pointArray.length){
                                  nextPoint = _pointArray[_currentIndex];
                                  nextMilliSec =  nextPoint.time;


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    If I understand what you're saying, looks like you want to have the update of XY graph with each new data point (or points) acquired, but also choose to keep the previous data on the XY graph.  If that's what you're after, I build on my previous example.  For the method of use of the express VI build XY graph, you can simply double click on it and uncheck the "erase data on each call.  For the other method of construction of the dashboard cluster, you will need to add a few records to offset to maintain the previous itterations table values.  Here's the updated image:

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    Kind regards


    Why start a new thread?

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    You can use the pen tool to draw directly:

    Or you can use the Pathfinder palette to subtract an ellipse from a rectangle:

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    But, how can I caress a path?

    To create your path, click on the button "Create a new path", second from right at the bottom of the garbage can. Select the pen tool. Draw your way. Click on the small triangle at the top right (highlighted). Select the path of the path.

    Select an option for how you want to stroke the path. I chose the brush. Brush properties are applied to the way such as a stroke.

    That's all. It will be useful.



    PS: Semaphoric: did not know the shortcut. Thanks for the tip.

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    OK, two things to know about the vectorization. (1) you must develop the trace to be able to change her visit at this time there (no pun intended) track is no longer live. (2) open the properties of the trace to disable fill background with white. It is enabled by default.

    OK I lied, yet one thing if you plan use illustrator, you will need use the pen tool that your life will be easier than using the vectorization. Also, using the pen, you will have an idea of good works of the tool pen with photoshop. They are slightly different, but close enough you will beable to use one or the other. As a bonus with the tool pen in photoshop, you can export the drawing as an illustrator file that you can then work on directly in illustrator if necessary.

    OK I'm done...

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    Go to window > Document Info, in the drop down menu on the side right ensure selection only and objects are checked. If the lines (and only the lines you want to count) are selected, the number of lines will appear next to paths in the palette.

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