I need to insert data from the parent to the child table inheritance

Hi everyone I m using jdeveloper 12

I have this use EDC:

I m trying to have mini-programm in which i

create porject, used to create and assign an employee as the project manager:

It is therefore my phyiscal using uml data model



My problem is: I need to see the values in the employee table, choose an employee id s and with the form create in this table: Project Manager: insert the employee with the s project id id

but when I navigate to the form it is already full of I don't know why

I did not understand your problem clearly.

Could you please explain the problem with some screen shots and step by step flow?

See you soon


Tags: Java

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  • Code to get the data in the child table in composite SOA using the IOM APIs

    Hi all

    I am a new bie to IOM. I have a query related to obtaining data in the child table using the API of the IOM in the task of embeded java SOA composite.

    I've created a workflow that has a form of child of providing service of slef. I created a composite SOA custom also approval. In the composite approval I have embedded java code and I want to get the values entered in the child form using the API IOM inot the java code embeded in composite SOA.

    I tried gettting the child form data by using getChildAttributes(), but I'm getting the following exception.

    The local Exception stack:
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    at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException.instantiatingValueholderWithNullSession(ValidationException.java:994)
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    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.DatabaseValueHolder.getValue(DatabaseValueHolder.java:83)
    at oracle.iam.request.vo.RequestBeneficiaryEntityAttribute.getChildAttributes(RequestBeneficiaryEntityAttribute.java:100)
    to com. CASApproval.main (CASApproval.java:137)

    Please suggest me if I'm following the correct procedure of the child form data or if we can use another approach.

    Can we get the data using formInstanceOperationsIntf.getProcessFormChildData ().

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Thank you

    When you're in approvals, there is no form of process data. Process form data would come only when approvals are completed. If you want to read data from the child form of the DataSet (i.e. the form object as in OIM9.x) you can use the RequestService on the id of the request and read the data. Or another approach would be to the child the dataset data value in the payload of the request and read the XML payload in the composite.
    Let me know if you need more information about the second approach. As for the first approach, search through the forums here and you should find my previous posting on how to reach child dataset values using the ask service API.


    Found these for you:
    OIM11G: Way to get values from dataset of the application for approval
    Re: How to get the value of the AD details of payload of SOA user group

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    Use this external case: http://eshop.macsales.com/item/OWC/MSTG800U3K/.  I replace in clone disks, data readers, testdrives for new OSXes, etc.  Any 2.5-inch drive, really.

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    How insert again I can put / call data from another table insert in this table (emp2).

    I don't know if my example is correct (my English is very bad).

    This is an example: (sorry for the points).

    table EMP2:

    1 data... 2 data... 3 data... data 4... data 5
    (from emp1)... (from emp1)... 8534... 2347... 4544

    Thanks for the help.

    Published by: user10182692 on 24-May-2009 08:39

    Published by: user10182692 on 24-May-2009 08:40

    Published by: user10182692 on 24-May-2009 08:45

    Welcome! on the forum.

    You can include the code and data in the {code} tags

    If I'm good, and I know what is your condition

    insert into emp2 ( data1, data2)
    select data1, data2
    from emp1


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    Try to connect as a system and make the insert and check. Always think about the issue.

    -Pavan Kumar N
    Oracle 9i / 10g - OCP

    Published by: pounet on January 4, 2010 16:29

  • Inserting data from the user-defined Type

    Hi all

    I have the following type
    create or replace type answer_obj is object (all_employee_seq integer,questionseq varchar2(10),text_answer varchar2(4000),optionseq varchar2(10));
    create or replace type answer_tbl is table of answer_obj;
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                                   INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
    PROCEDURE submit_survey (p_answers IN OUT answer_tbl)
          l_answers_tbl   answer_tbl_type;
          FOR i IN p_answers.FIRST .. p_answers.LAST
             l_answers_tbl (i).all_employee_seq := p_answers (i).all_employee_seq;
             l_answers_tbl (i).questionseq := p_answers (i).questionseq;
             l_answers_tbl (i).text_answer := p_answers (i).text_answer;
             l_answers_tbl (i).optionseq := p_answers (i).optionseq;
          END LOOP;
          FORALL idx IN l_answers_tbl.FIRST .. l_answers_tbl.LAST
                  VALUES l_answers_tbl (idx);
    My question is, is it better to insert the data directly from the (record) (records) argument using for LOOP INSERT or the conversion of the argument in an associative array and a FORALL?
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    I think the above is even faster because of the first LOOP IS done in memory and real integration is carried out with FORALL.
    I want to get as many opinions.

    See you soon,.


    Because you created the SQL Types, what just to do this within your procedure?

    INSERT INTO QUESTION_ANSWER (all_employee_seq, questionseq, text_answer, optionseq)
    SELECT all_employee_seq, questionseq, text_answer, optionseq
    FROM TABLE(p_answers);
  • Support for mandatory request - insert, select from the same table

    Hi all

    I need your help to write queries effectively.
    Oracle Version:

    I have a METRICS_TBL that is mentioned below table.

    08/17/2008 COST-TV 100
    08/17/2008 COST-JOURNAL 50
    08/17/2008 COST-POSTALMAIL 25
    08/17/2008-PROD-TV 10
    08/17/2008-PROD-JOURNAL 25
    08/17/2008-PROD-POSTALMAIL 5

    Any data above, I have to add (Insert into select METRICS_TBL METRICS_TBL) at the same table with the records as mentioned below.

    2008-08-17 COSTPERPROD-TV 10
    08/17/2008-COSTPERPROD-LOG 2
    2008-08-17 COST PROD-POSTALMAIL 5

    Basically, I need to calculate the cost per product for each category. Depending on the settings available, metric should also be changed as COSTPERPROD and values should be cost/prod under each category.

    Can someone help me with the query.

    Thank you

    Something like this:

    INSERT INTO metrics_tbl
    (cycle_date, metrics, value)
    SELECT cost.cycle_date
             , 'COSTPERPROD-'||cost.mtype
             ,cost.value / prod.value
    FROM  (
       select cycle_date,substr(metrics, 1, 4) mtype, substrmetrics,instr(metrics,'-')+1) mmetric
       where substr(metrics, 1, 4) = 'PROD'
       ) prod
    INNER JOIN (   select cycle_date,substr(metrics, 1, 4) mtype, substrmetrics,instr(metrics,'-')+1) mmetric
       where substr(metrics, 1, 4) = 'COST'
       ) cost on cost.cycle_date = prod.cycle_date and cost.mmetric = prod.mmetric

    Ideally you would divide your METRICS column into two: one for the thing you're measuring (e.g. TV or NEWSPAPER) and the other for the metric (COST, PROD, COSTPERPROD etc.). That's what I did in the views online. Without it, it's kinda a mess and behave so, if the table becomes much more.


    Nigel cordially

    Edited by: nthomas on January 14, 2009 15:57 - small correction SQL

  • Insert data into the same table based on certain conditions

    Hello. I'm new to this forum.
    I have to write a stored procedure to insert data in a table MYTABLE say, having a structure like:

    Col1 Col2 Col3... TotalInstallments CurrentInstallment PaidAmount MonthYear
    I have to insert all the data that it is in the same table (MYTABLE) except change some fields based on certain conditions:

    1. if PaidAmount > 0 & & CurrentInstallment < TotalInstallment then

    CurrentInstallment = CurrentInstallment + 1

    2. in the field MonthYear I have data ex. 01/2012, 11/2012 formate(month/year)...

    So, I have to insert data by incrementing the month and year. for example:

    If currentdata is 11/2012 next data will be 12/2012

    But following will be 01, 2013
    I have to select all records that belongs to the previous month (across the field MonthYear) and put the audit on each record selected and insert data and then turns them into table (MYTABLE) even.

    How to achieve that?

    Thank you.

    978184 wrote:
    Hello. I'm new to this forum.
    I have to write a stored procedure to insert data in a table MYTABLE say, having a structure like:

    Col1 Col2 Col3... TotalInstallments CurrentInstallment PaidAmount MonthYear
    I have to insert all the data that it is in the same table (MYTABLE) except change some fields based on certain conditions:

    1. if PaidAmount > 0 & CurrentInstallment

    CurrentInstallment = CurrentInstallment + 1

    2. in the field MonthYear I have data ex. 01/2012, 11/2012 formate(month/year)...

    So, I have to insert data by incrementing the month and year. for example:

    If currentdata is 11/2012 next data will be 12/2012

    But following will be 01, 2013
    I have to select all records that belongs to the previous month (across the field MonthYear) and put the audit & on each of the selected data record and insert then turns them into table (MYTABLE).

    You can do this way:

    This is not tested, but if you can provide the example of table structure and data (IN create table and insert scripts), it can be put to the test.

    insert into your_table
    (col1, col2, col3...current_installment, month_field)
    select col1, col2, col3..,
           current_installment +
           case when paidamount > 0 and current_installment < total_installment then
            row_number() over (
                                partition by column1, column2,.. columnn      -->You may choose partition if you want the
                                                                              --Increment of Current_installment to reset after particular combination ends
                                order by primary_key        -->Order the Increment, you may choose to add more columns to order by
            0                                               --> if condition is not met, then Add 0
          end curr_installment,
          add_months(to_date(month_field, 'MM/YYYY'), 1) nxt_month
      from your_table;
  • Inserting data in the PLSQL table


    I'm trying to create a table of records and try to insert some data into it. But it is throwing error when compiling. Can someone help me solve the problem. My procedure is:

    create or replace
    procedure 'IL_BAL_CAL_PROC' is

    type il_bal_cal_acc_tab_rec is record (GID_NO VARCHAR2 (4), REG_CODE VARCHAR2 (2), VAC VARCHAR2 (10), BRANCH_CODE VARCHAR2 (4), CTL VARCHAR2 (4), OPEN_DT DATE, RECORD_STAT VARCHAR2 (1), CLOSE_DT DATE);
    type il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type is table of the il_bal_cal_acc_tab_rec;
    il_bal_cal_acc_tab il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type:=il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type();


    -first approach
    insert into il_bal_cal_acc_tab values('12');

    --deuxieme approach
    / * Insert in il_bal_cal_acc_tab
    Select p_gidno,
    NULL as closdt
    stvws_cust_account_if a.,
    b stvws_branch_dates,
    sttms_account_class c,
    sttms_dda_maininfo d
    where a.acc = d.customer_account
    and a.brncd = b.branch_code
    and b.branch_code = d.branch_code
    and a.account_class = c.account_class
    and a.accopendt < trunc (to_date(b.today,'dd-mon-yy'), 'mm')
    and a.record_stat = 'O'
    and I'm c.dda_account_type <>'
    and a.auth_stat = 'A'
    and d.region_code = p_region
    Select p_gidno,
    stvws_cust_account_if a.,
    b stvws_branch_dates,
    stvws_cust_ac_closure_if c,
    sttms_dda_maininfo d
    where a.acc = c.ac_no
    and c.ac_no = d.customer_account
    and a.brncd = b.branch_code
    and b.branch_code = c.branch_code
    and c.branch_code = d.branch_code
    and a.record_stat =' it
    and c.closdt > = trunc (b.today, 'mm')
    and d.region_code = p_region;
    commit; * /


    Please tell me how to insert data into tables of this kind?

    I generally do like this

       CURSOR cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type
          SELECT p_gidno,
                 NULL AS closdt
            FROM stvws_cust_account_if a,
                 stvws_branch_dates b,
                 sttms_account_class c,
                 sttms_dda_maininfo d
           WHERE     a.acc = d.customer_account
                 AND a.brncd = b.branch_code
                 AND b.branch_code = d.branch_code
                 AND a.account_class = c.account_class
                 AND a.accopendt < TRUNC (TO_DATE (b.today, 'dd-mon-yy'), 'mm')
                 AND a.record_stat = 'O'
                 AND c.dda_account_type <> 'M'
                 AND a.auth_stat = 'A'
                 AND d.region_code = p_region
          SELECT p_gidno,
            FROM stvws_cust_account_if a,
                 stvws_branch_dates b,
                 stvws_cust_ac_closure_if c,
                 sttms_dda_maininfo d
           WHERE     a.acc = c.ac_no
                 AND c.ac_no = d.customer_account
                 AND a.brncd = b.branch_code
                 AND b.branch_code = c.branch_code
                 AND c.branch_code = d.branch_code
                 AND a.record_stat = 'C'
                 AND c.closdt >= TRUNC (b.today, 'mm')
                 AND d.region_code = p_region;
       TYPE il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type IS TABLE OF cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type%ROWTYPE
                                          INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
       il_bal_cal_acc_tab   il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type;
       OPEN cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type;
       FETCH cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type
       BULK COLLECT INTO il_bal_cal_acc_tab;
       CLOSE cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type;
  • move old data from the mysql table

    I have a Web page that retrieves the content in a database. The table are filled via a restricted page that was created for the data entry. I just want to know is anyway we can push the old data to another table after so long. For example if the data was created in table1 for seven days, the eighth day, I like the data that have been put on the day 1 to table2 kind that table1 will have room for the data that will be created to update 8. I would like to only 7 days worth of data in table1. Also how to remove completely from table2 data after 90 days. Also, what must you do to have the last entry in the table of row1.of

    Thank you

    keramatali wrote:

    what I need to do to display the data of the day 2 to day 7 instead of shoiwng given from day 1 to day 7

    It's a simple matter of logic. Get the last seven days is to retrieve dates that have overtaken less seven. To get days 2 to 7, you need to dates that are less than or equal to today less than 1 AND greater than or equal to 7 today.

    SELECT column1, column2, column3FROM myTableWHERE date_created <= SUBDATE(NOW(), 1) AND date_created >= SUBDATE(NOW(), 7)ORDER BY date_created DESC
  • Using data from the control table


    I would like to use the data entered in a table to automate volume/sequence of airflow for a test Chamber. As shown in the screenshot of control table, the first column indicates the number of iterations by elements of array in a series of tests and the second data column specifies the length of each line sequence. Entries in the other columns are specific to different valves and specify values set required in the flow meter.

    I guess my question is how can I index/assign each column of the table such that the data to exploit the respective valves are obtained in subsequent iterations all acquire simultaneously with data from other components in the order? While I recognize that the solution may be very simple, I searched on through various examples and messages on the tables and the tables without knocking on a solution. The attached .vi allows me to be a part of the series of tests.

    Best regards


    Hi Callisto,

    If I understand your question then the solution is actually quite simple. The important point to keep in min is the fact that the Table control can actually be treated as an array of string. You can then use all the traditional table manipulation tools and techniques to manipulate your data as you wish. For example, use the Array Index function to retrieve specific columns and then if you want to spend the individual elements in a column in a loop, wire the table until the loop and ensure that indexing is enabled. If you then want to use these data elements to control your test application, you can convert a portion of the resulting string in more useful to digital.

    All these concepts are illustrated in the attached VI. I hope this helps, but let me know if you have any other questions.

    Best regards

    Christian Hartshorne


  • How to copy the data from the indicator table 1 d to the Clipboard

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    I use LV8.6.


    Sorry, I wasn't sure if it was available in 8.6, apparently not.

    You could create an indicator of fine print and use 'picture to a worksheet string' to complete. Now, you can just cut & paste the text instead.

  • Inserting data in the nested table

    I explore the differences between the OBJECT and RECORD.

    As I'm still learning, I found that both are structures which essentially brings together different elements of types of different data or columns of data types, one is used in SQL and other is used in PL/SQL, please correct me if I'm wrong in my understanding.

    Below, I am trying to insert data into an array of type object, but I can't can you please help.

    v1 NUMBER,
    v2 VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)
    ---Nested Table---
    create or replace type t_sam as table of sam;
    --Inserting data----
    insert into table(t_sam) values(sam(10,'Dsouza'));

    Error message:

    Error starting at line 22 in command:
    insert into table(t_sam) values(sam(10,'Dsouza'))
    Error at Command Line:22 Column:13
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00903: invalid table name
    00903. 00000 -  "invalid table name"

    Ariean wrote:

    So the only purpose of the equivalent concept of SQL types of nested tables is to use one of the data types when you define an actual table?

    So-you can certainly use more that a simple "set an actual table. (I'm fairly certain that you can pass a table nested within a procedure, for example - try it, though - I'm not 100% sure on that - it just 'logic'.) If you can define a type, you can use it, pass it around, whatever.).

    Ariean wrote:

    And this nested table could be a record in SQL or object in PLSQL or simple data type (varchar number, etc.)?

    Nested tables are just like any other type of custom data. You can create a nested table of other types of data. You can create a custom of nested tables data type.

    Stupidly, he could become... uh, stupid O_0

    CREATE TYPE o_myobj1 AS object ( id1   number, cdate1  date );
    CREATE TYPE t_mytype1 AS table of o_myobj1;
    CREATE TYPE o_myobj2 AS object ( id2   number,  dumb  t_mytype1 );
    CREATE TYPE t_dumber AS table of o_myobj2;


    OK, my brain is starting to hurt - I hope you get the idea

    Ariean wrote:

    Second is my understanding correct any OBJECT & RECORD?

    I see no benefit to describe another way.

  • Create the flat file data from the oracle table

    d_adp_num char (10)
    d_schd_date tank (8)
    d_sched_code tank (25)
    d_pay_code char (50)
    d_mil_start char (4)
    d_mil_end char (4)
    d_duration char (5)
    d_site_code char (4)
    d_dept_id tank (6)

    Select payroll_id,
    reason_code, (sched_code)
    reason_code, (pay_code)
    of dept_staff
    where schedule_date between (sysdate + 1) and (sysdate + 90)

    loading data for the date range instead.
    sched_code - if 'Unavailable' reason_code = 'OD' and 'THE '.

    pay_code - "Berevevement BD" If reason_code = "BD".
    "UP PTO without reasonable excuse" If reason_code = 'UP '.
    "RG" If reason_code = "SH".
    "PTO" If reason_code = "GO".
    Here are some...

    start_time and end_time - convert military time
    based on start_ampm and end_ampm

    On this basis, I need help to create a flat file. Sewing of the flat and data file in dept_staff sample

    If site_code is there so no need to get department_id (see the sample flat file)

    examples of data to flat file

    ZZW002324006072012 PTO
    ZZW002428106072012 RG
    ZZW002391606072012 RG
    ZZW002430406072012 RG
    1100193008.50 130000

    dept_staff table data

    ZZW0024468 08/06/2012 HS HS 730 HAS 400 850 12 P
    ZZW0000199 08/06/2012 HS HS 730 HAS 400 850 14 P
    ZZW0023551 08/06/2012 SH SH 1145 A 930 975 GH08 95 P
    ZZW0024460 08/06/2012 SH SH 515 HAS 330 P 1025 GH08 95
    ZZW0023787 08/06/2012 SH SH 630 HAS 300 850 24 P
    ZZW0024595 08/06/2012 TR TR 730 HAS 400 850 90 P
    ZZW0023516 08/06/2012 OD OD 800 HAS 400 800 95 P
    ZZW0023784 08/06/2012 OD OD 800 HAS 400 800 5 P
    ZZW0024445 08/06/2012 SH SH 1145 A GH08 930 975 5 P
    ZZW0024525 08/06/2012 OD OD 800 HAS 400 800 23 P
    ZZW0024592 08/06/2012 TR TR 730 HAS 400 850 5 P
    ZZW0024509 08/06/2012 SH SH 95 MK21 830 HAS 330 P 700

    ZZW0023916 06/14/2012 SH SH 1100 A 850 27 730 P

    How to ask questions
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ

    UTL_FILE allows to write the OS file

  • Inserting data in the remote table takes too long


    I have a table in the remote database and insert the data into this particular table... takes too long.

    Could you please advice me some tips for the DML can quickly...


    That takes a lot of time, then don't you have an idea how can we send the data fast

    Buy more band witdth?

    No, honestly. As you can see, the quality of my answers match the quality of your question.

    You must locate the bottleneck, where is - this "too much" time has passed.

    Is it
    collection of data on the local side?
    net send?
    Actual insertion on remote site?
    Maybe you have a condition on the remote site, which causes the data sent to the remote side to local?

    Impossible to give advice without knowing anything about what is happening.


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