I want to get all the paragraphs in a document


I want to get all the paragraphs of a document (document has table and cell and it contains a few para as well)

Here is my script.

var objDoc = app.activeDocument;

var objDocName = objDoc.fullName.toString ();

var a = objDoc.stories.everyItem ().paragraphs.everyItem () .getElements ();

var paraLength = per .length;

$.writeln (paraLength);

for (j = 0; j < par.length; j ++)


$.writeln (j);

var text = nominal .silence [j];

var IpFin [j] =.insertionPoints.firstItem ();

var endTF = endIP.parentTextFrames [0];

var endCitationPage = endTF.parentPage;

var index = endCitationPage.index;

var offset = endCitationPage.documentOffset;

~ $.writeln (text + "Page:" + endCitationPage.name);

~ $.writeln (index);


This script does not give me the text which is part of the cells.

Is there a property where we can get all the para doc as:

var a = objDoc.paragraphs.everyItem () .getElements ();

Try this,

var objDoc = app.activeDocument;
var par=objDoc.stories.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().getElements();
var paraLength=par.length;
var b = 0;
for (j = 0;j=1)
                var a = j;
                for(var i=0;i

Kind regards


Tags: InDesign

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    You can use the notebook (Firefox/tools > Web Developer) to inspect and edit files in JSON format quite easily.
    There is a "Pretty Print" button to add line breaks.

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    I'm afraid you cannot access the SMS Inbox and not either, you can manipulate the messages as soon as they reach the Inbox.
    However, as you already mentioned, you can listen to them on their way to the Inbox.

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    Johney says:
    Hi, VT

    A doubt.

    This query will give the names of the tables to only select stmt used in the procedure


    List of table names that accompany in all DML operations inside the procedure?

    Thank you

    It will give all the table to be used in select or any DML...

    You can also view by creating a temp proc

    SQL> drop procedure proc_test;
    Procedure dropped.
    SQL> select name, referenced_name, dependency_type from user_dependencies
      2  where type = 'PROCEDURE' and referenced_type = 'TABLE' and name='PROC_TEST';
    no rows selected
    SQL> create or replace
      2  PROCEDURE proc_test
      3  IS
      4  v_ID    number;
      5  v_PRID  number;
      6  v_PRLID number;
      7  v_DATERECEIVED date;
      8  Cursor C1 is
      9  select * from table_c;
     10   BEGIN
     11   open c1;
     12     LOOP
     14      EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND;
     15      insert into table_b values(v_ID,v_PRID,v_PRLID,v_DATERECEIVED);
     16      Commit;
     17     END LOOP;
     18   CLOSE C1;
     19   END;
     20  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> select name, referenced_name, dependency_type from user_dependencies
      2  where type = 'PROCEDURE' and referenced_type = 'TABLE' and name='PROC_TEST';
    REFERENCED_NAME                                                  DEPE
    ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----
    TABLE_B                                                          HARD
    TABLE_C                                                          HARD



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    var myPara = app.selection [0] .paragraphs [0];

    Alert (myPara.appliedFont.FontFamily);

    Thank you and best regards,

    Robert S

    var myPara = app.selection [0] .paragraphs [0];

    Alert (myPara.textStyleRanges.everyItem (.appliedFont));

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    Acrobat Pro is certainly not the right tool for editing. You want to change the manual using the source - MS Word files for example. Once you have the full changes including OCD work as you want, Acrobat Pro is the tool to convert the source document to PDF format, and ensure the accessibility requirements of 508 - and preferably ISO 14289 (PDF/UA) - are met.

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    Try this,

    var doc = app.activeDocument,
        pstyles = doc.allParagraphStyles,
        report = "";
    for(var i =0;i

    Kind regards


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    How to create a shortcut on the desktop?

    If the item is located in the start menu:

    1. click on start. The start menu appears.

    2 find the item that you want to create a shortcut. If the element is in a submenu of the menu, go to the submenu.

    3 right click on the element. A context menu is displayed.

    4. click on send to. A submenu appears.

    5. click on desktop (create shortcut). XP creates a shortcut to the item.


    Here is the vista forums

    Try the xp forums at the below link for any other question of XP


    Answers by topic

  • Get all the images of devices, but how do I know in what images is seclected


    in my application I want to show all the images in the first screen, after selecting any image in all we will see in the next screen (full screen) actually I get all images but problem how do I know what image is clicked

    I used this code...

    package mypackage;

    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    to import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Vector;

    Import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
    Import javax.microedition.io.file.FileConnection;

    Import net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.EncodedImage;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BitmapField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.FlowFieldManager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
    Import net.rim.device.api.util.Comparator;
    Import net.rim.device.api.util.SimpleSortingVector;

    * A class that extends the class screen, which offers default standard
    * behavior for BlackBerry GUI applications.
    / public final class screen extends MyScreen

    private static final String DEVICE_DIR_PATH = System
    .getProperty ("fileconn.dir.photos");
    private static final String SD_IMAGE_DIR_PATH = System
    .getProperty ("fileconn.dir.memorycard.photos");
    private static final String OS6_CAMERA_PATH = "file:///store/home/user/camera/";
    private static final String OS6_SD_CARD_PATH = "file:///SDCard/BlackBerry/camera/";

    public static final int DEVICE_AND_SD = 0;
    public static final int DEVICE_MEM = 1;
    public static final int SD_CARD = 2;
    public static final int OS6_CAMERA = 3;
    public static final int OS6_SD_CAMERA = 4;
    public static final int DEVICE_ALL = 5;
    private static String [] _allImagePaths = null;
    private EncodedImage [encodedbitmap];
    Private bitmap image in Bitmap [];
    private BitmapField [imagebitmapField];

    int dataSize;
    private ButtonField [] bitmapf;

    * Creates a new object of MyScreen
    public MyScreen()
    Set the displayed title of the screen
    setTitle ("MyTitle");

    String [] imagePaths = getImagePaths (DEVICE_ALL);
    FlowFieldManager imageFlowField = FlowFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL | nouveau Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR);
    If (imagePaths! = null & imagePaths.length > 0) {}
    encodedbitmap = new EncodedImage [imagePaths.length];
    image bitmap = new Bitmap [imagePaths.length];
    imagebitmapField = new BitmapField [imagePaths.length];

    for (int i = 0; i)< imagepaths.length;="" i++)="">
    encodedbitmap [i] = loadEncodedImage ([i] imagePaths);
    [i] bitmap image is scaleImage (encodedbitmap [i], 200, 100);.
    imagebitmapField [i] = new BitmapField(bitmap[i],Field.FOCUSABLE);
    imageFlowField.add (imagebitmapField [i]);
    Add (imageFlowField);


    public Bitmap image scaleImage (EncodedImage img, int width, int height) {}

    int currentWidthF32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getWidth ());
    int currentHeightF32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getHeight ());

    If (height == 0) {}
    int requiredWidth = Fixed32.toFP (width);
    int x = Fixed32.div (currentHeightF32, currentWidthF32);
    int y = Fixed32.mul (x, requiredWidth);
    int scaleX = Fixed32.div (currentWidthF32, requiredWidth);
    int scaleY = Fixed32.div (currentHeightF32, y);
    IMG = img.scaleImage32 (scaleX, scaleY);
    } else {}
    int currentWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getWidth ());
    int currentHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getHeight ());
    int requiredHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (height);
    int requiredWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (width);
    int scaleXFixed32 = Fixed32.div (currentWidthFixed32,
    int scaleYFixed32 = Fixed32.div (currentHeightFixed32,
    IMG = img.scaleImage32 (scaleXFixed32, scaleYFixed32);

    Return img.getBitmap ();

    protected EncodedImage loadEncodedImage (String filePath) {}

    FileConnection connection = null;
    Byte [] byteArray = null;
    Image EncodedImage = null;
    Bitmap bitmap image = null;
    Connection = (FileConnection) Connector.Open (FilePath);
    If (Connection.Exists ())
    byteArray = byte [(int) connection.fileSize (new)];
    InputStream inputStream = connection.openInputStream ();
    inputStream.read (byteArray);
    inputStream.close ();
    image = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage (byteArray, 0, -1);
    catch (System.Exception e)
    System.out.println ("Exception" + try ());
    return image;


    public static String [] getImagePaths (int source) {}

    If get path for all do this recursively
    If (source == DEVICE_ALL) {}
    If (_allImagePaths! = null) {}
    Return _allImagePaths;

    OS6 device Gallery
    String [] os6CameraSDPaths =
    getImagePaths (OS6_SD_CAMERA);

    OS6 Gallery of SD card
    String [] os6CameraPaths =
    getImagePaths (OS6_CAMERA);

    SD card Gallery
    String [] sdCardPaths = getImagePaths (SD_CARD);
    Gallery of the device
    String [] devicePaths =
    getImagePaths (DEVICE_MEM);

    Combine the two in an ImageViewer
    int numOS6CameraSDPaths = os6CameraSDPaths! = null? os6CameraSDPaths.length
    : 0 ;
    int numOS6CameraPaths = os6CameraPaths! = null? os6CameraPaths.length
    : 0 ;
    int numSDCardPaths = sdCardPaths! = null? sdCardPaths.length: 0;
    int numDevicePaths = devicePaths! = null? devicePaths.length: 0;

    int totalNumPaths = numDevicePaths + numSDCardPaths
    + numOS6CameraPaths + numOS6CameraSDPaths;
    If (totalNumPaths > 0) {}
    String of paths [] = new String [totalNumPaths];

    If (os6CameraSDPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (os6CameraSDPaths, 0, 0, paths)
    If (os6CameraPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (os6CameraPaths, 0, paths,)
    (numOS6CameraSDPaths, numOS6CameraPaths);
    If (sdCardPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (sdCardPaths, 0, numOS6CameraSDPaths)
    + numOS6CameraPaths, numSDCardPaths);
    If (devicePaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (devicePaths, 0, paths, numOS6CameraSDPaths)
    + numOS6CameraPaths, + numSDCardPaths,

    _allImagePaths = sortPaths (paths);

    Return _allImagePaths;
    } else {}
    Returns a null value.

    Set the path to look for
    String imagePath = DEVICE_DIR_PATH;
    If (source == SD_CARD) {}
    imagePath = SD_IMAGE_DIR_PATH;

    If (source == OS6_CAMERA) {}
    imagePath = OS6_CAMERA_PATH;

    If (source == OS6_SD_CAMERA) {}
    imagePath = OS6_SD_CARD_PATH;

    Listed in the directory looking for image files
    ImagePaths vector = new Vector();
    FileConnection imageDir = null;
    try {}
    imageDir = Connector.open (imagePath) (FileConnection);
    If (imageDir! = null) {}
    Enumeration = imageDir.list ();

    imageDir.close ();
    While (enumeration.hasMoreElements ()) {}
    String imageName = (String) enumeration.nextElement ();
    If (isSupported (imageName)) {}
    imagePaths.addElement (imagePath + imageName);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    XLogger.error (ImagePath.class, "cannot read file:")
    + e.getMessage ());
    } {Finally
    If (imageDir! = null) {}
    try {}
    imageDir.close ();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    XLogger.error (ImagePath.class, "cannot close the file:")
    + e.getMessage ());

    If there is no images don't return the null value
    If (imagePaths.size)<= 0)="">
    Returns a null value.

    Return the results in an array of strings
    _allImagePaths = new String [imagePaths.size ()];
    imagePaths.copyInto (_allImagePaths);
    Return _allImagePaths;

    private static String [] sortPaths (String [] paths) {}
    Sort the paths of the time, where modified files.
    Class PathAndLastModified {}

    timeStamp long private;
    private String path;

    {} public void setTimeStamp (long timeStamp)
    this.timeStamp = timeStamp;

    {} public void setPath (String path)
    This.Path = path;

    public String GetExtension() {}
    Returns the path;

    Comparator to sort paths
    Comparator pathComparator = new Comparator() {}
    public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) {}
    If (((PathAndLastModified) o1) .timeStamp)< ((pathandlastmodified)o2).timestamp="" )="">
    Return 1;
    } ElseIf (((PathAndLastModified) o1) .timeStamp > .timeStamp (o2 (PathAndLastModified))) {}
    Returns - 1;
    } else {}
    return 0;

    Return (int) (((PathAndLastModified) o2) .timeStamp - .timeStamp (o1 (PathAndLastModified)));

    Add the paths to the vector sorting
    SimpleSortingVector sortedPaths = new SimpleSortingVector();
    sortedPaths.setSortComparator (pathComparator);
    for (int i = 0; i)< paths.length;="" i++)="">
    String filePath = path [i];
    long lastModified = 0;

    FileConnection baseConn = null;
    try {}
    baseConn = (FileConnection), Connector.open (paths [i]);
    lastModified = baseConn.lastModified ();

    PathAndLastModified pathAndLastModified = new PathAndLastModified();
    pathAndLastModified.setPath (filePath);
    pathAndLastModified.setTimeStamp (lastModified);

    sortedPaths.addElement (pathAndLastModified);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    Do nothing
    } {Finally
    try {}
    baseConn.close ();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    Do nothing
    sortedPaths.reSort ();

    Browse to create an array of sorted paths
    String [] sortedArray = new String [sortedPaths.size ()];
    for (int i = 0; i)
    sortedArray [i] = ((PathAndLastModified) sortedPaths.elementAt (i)) .getPath ();

    Return sortedArray;

    private static Boolean isSupported (image String) {}
    Make sure that the image is of the correct type
    If (image == null) {}
    Returns false;
    check the directory
    If (image.indexOf("/") > = 0) {}
    Returns false;

    int delimiterIndex = image.indexOf(".");
    If (delimiterIndex ==-1) {}
    probably a directory
    Returns false;

    the text is a list of extensions supported
    String [] extensions = {".jpg", ".jpeg"};
    for (int i = 0; i)< extensions.length;="" i++)="">
    If (image.length () > extensions [i] .length ()) {}
    Dim ext = image.substring (image.length)
    (-extensions [i] .length ());
    If (ext.equalsIgnoreCase (extensions [i])) {}
    Returns true;
    Returns false;

    my suggestion was supposed to replace navigationclick on-screen.
    If you want to ignore it for the field that you do not have to use getLeafFieldWithFocus.

    I suggest that you think your code, don't write things and try to operate, fist think about something and then implement.
    our projects at the University were generally 80% design, 20% of coding - it was strange at first, but it produced a lot more code.

  • without the license key can we get all the features of the ips

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    Yes, you will get all the features of IPS sensor - its fully functional devices, you don't only have latest signatures (against the latest attacks - but anyway IPS uses also heuristic analysis to detect attacks)... and 5.0.1 contains a lot of signatures in order to have the right IPS device

    Signatures can be downloaded from EAC, if you smartnet - location even agreement as with IOS... :))


    Hope that helps the rate

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    I suggest you to send your query in the TechNet Forums to get help.


    It will be useful.

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    Get all the things, a user has done more than 1 week in vcenter...

    Tell the X user logged in vcenter

    This user X put A host in miant mode

    The user X did disable DRS on cluster B

    So now...

    I know what to use

    If someone can guide?

    for example, I know his Get-VIEvent

    Get - VM | Get-VIEvent - MaxSamples ([int]: MaxValue)-Start (Get-Date).adddays(-7) | `

    where {$_.} GetType(). Name - eq "VmDeployedEvent" - or $_. GetType(). Name - eq "VmCreatedEvent" - or $_. GetType(). Name - eq "VmRegisteredEvent" - or $_. GetType(). Name - eq "VmClonedEvent"}

    It must get all the events initiated by the user specified in the last seven days.

    $user = "domain\username"
    Get-VIEvent -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue)  -Start (Get-Date).adddays(-7) | Where-Object Username -eq $user

    If you want an exported CSV

    $user = "domain\username"
    Get-VIEvent -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue)  -Start (Get-Date).adddays(-7) | Where-Object Username -eq $user | Export-Csv C:\path\UserEvents.csv -NoTypeInformation
  • Get all the layers and apply to other documents

    Hello everyone,

    I'm copying all layers from one document to the other. But just copy paste is not enough for several reasons (root document may already be closed, copy at a time when the new document is not open yet,...).

    This means that I have to remember all the layers and use them later.

    At the moment I am sth. Like this:


    public static std::vector < PIActionDescriptor > layeractions;

    Sub testGet()


    Result PIActionDescriptor = NULL;

    numLayers Int32;

    SPErr error = kSPNoError;

    DescriptorTypeID typeID = 0;

    Int32 docCounter = 1;

    error = PIUGetInfoByIndex (docCounter,



    & numLayers,


    If (numLayers > 0)

    for (int32 layCounter = 1;

    layCounter < = numLayers & & error == kSPNoError;

    layCounter ++)


    error = PIUGetInfoByIndexIndex (layCounter,





    and result,


    layeractions.push_back (result);



    Sub testSet()


    SPErr error = kSPNoError;

    Result PIActionDescriptor = NULL;

    for (auto & it: layeractions)


    error = sPSActionControl-> Play (& result, eventMake, he, NULL);




    So what I'm doing, open a doc with some layers. Then testGet(), open new document then testSet().

    But bench always puts "the command 'Make' is not currently available." and error = - 128.

    Hope you get what I'm trying.

    Thanks for any thoughts!

    Who's going to be a difficult path to travel to this topic. Even if you can get all the properties of the active document and the layers within the document, you have not dealt with pixels on a normal layer data. You will need to save this broad as well. And for dynamic objects and linked smart objects... you have a job to do. Any topic of a document is not capable 'get '.

    Trying to cope with this: "document might already be narrow" would be almost impossible IMO.

    Remember, the source document, which is now closed I now want to copy. Then you can do:

    1. open closed source document. (Or make it more if it is already open)

    2. for each layer in the source document

    a. Select the layer

    b. copy of the document target

    3. close source document.

    The Get accessor routines are not for 'read' directly. You must get the interesting bits of information on and then use the game code that you found using listener.

  • A better way to get all the text style ranges in a table

    I am trying to get all the text varies from the style of my document into one. I'm scripting in JavaScript, which I'm not very familiar with, so maybe that's the problem.

    This is what, in my view, should work:


    The above doesn't give me a text string, not an array of objects of text style than I expected. If I were using Applescript I would ask just for the beaches of text style object reference, but it is not a property that I found in the javascript object model.

    So I resorted to what is slower, but gives me what I want:

    var allStyleRanges = new Array();
    for (var g = 0; g < myStories.length; g++) {
      var storyStyleRanges = (myStories[g].textStyleRanges);
      for (var s = 0; s < storyStyleRanges.length; s++) {

    Does anyone have a better way?


    May it as your requirment...




  • Get all the vCAC:VirtualMachine


    I will try to find all the VMS (vCAC:VirtualMachine) connected to a vCAC:vCAChost, put them in a table/loop, then use System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcac").getPropertiesFromVirtualMachine (vCAChost, ARRAY), to get all the properties for all machines,

    I looked around and tried several actions but found no one that gets me what I want.

    There is a getAllVMsMatchingRegexp that works perfectly for com.vmware.library.vc.vm but not for com.vmware.library.vcac!

    I'm I missed something or there is a work around, Can someone help me understand this?

    Thank you


    Hope the script below helps you.

    This will retrieve the entity VM VCAC by match the name of the computer, but you can customize and iterate with action "getPropertiesFromVirtualMachine" to get the properties.

    var vCACVirtualMachines = Server.findAllForType ("vCAC:VirtualMachine"); The machine used here vCAC ID is not the same as adopted by vCAC

    vCAC VM

    var vCACVM = null;

    for each {(var vCACVirtualMachine in vCACVirtualMachines)


    If (vCACVirtualMachine.VirtualMachineName == virtualMachineName) {}

    vCACVM = vCACVirtualMachine;




    Kind regards


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