Identifier not declared "DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_HANDLE".

LabWindows/CVI 8.5

Trying to teach me "tips of wire.

When I compile I get error: identifier not declared "DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_HANDLE".

I think there is a library, that I need to understand, but I do not see in the docs.  Help, please?

Here's the entire program:

#include 'thread.h.
#include 'globals.h.

public static int panelHandle;

int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
If (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0)
Returns - 1;    / * memory * /.
If ((panelHandle = LoadPanel (0, "thread.uir", PANNEAU)))<>
Returns - 1;
DisplayPanel (panelHandle);
RunUserInterface ();
DiscardPanel (panelHandle);
CmtWaitForThreadPoolFunctionCompletion (DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_HANDLE, functionID, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
return 0;

int CVICALLBACK (int, int int event control panel Run,
void * callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
public static int Thread_ID = 0;
switch (event)
GetCtrlVal (PANEL, PANEL_BINARYSWITCH, & running);
If (Thread_ID == 0)
CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunction (DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_HANDLE, DataAcqThreadFunction, NULL, & functionID);

return 0;

int CVICALLBACK (int, int int event control panel Quit,
void * callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
switch (event)
QuitUserInterface (0);
return 0;

int CVICALLBACK DataAcqThreadFunction (void * functionData)
int clock_div = 0;
int count = 0;
While (! running)
for (clock_div = 0; clock_div)<10000000 ;="">
Count ++;
If (count > 10000)
Count = 0;
functiondata = count;
return 0;

int CVICALLBACK UpdateGauge (int, int int event, control panel,
void * callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
switch (event)
SetCtrlVal (PANEL, PANEL_NUMERICGAUGE, functiondata);

return 0;

Nevermind, all.  Did a global search on the directories of the CVI.

It is in "util.h.

Tags: NI Software

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  • ORA-19228: XPST0008 - identifier not declared when using more then a var.

    HI gentlemen,

    Given an XMLTYPE table with only one line. Under the root element, it has a header of <>and < body > where things inside the body has a different namespace. When I try to dig with the statement in p.SQL/ below, I always get

    SQL > @c:\xsl\p
    FEHLER in line 10:
    ORA-19228: XPST0008 - nicht deklarierter identifier: Prafix 'j' lokaler name "(undeclared identifier)

    I have also tried to include a WHERE clause, he always complains with $j. When I use only a single variable, $i, that's OK. DB XML Developer's Guide includes examples that are very close to that - they run A1. Can you help me where I'm wrong?

    Thank you, best regards
    Miklós HERBOLY
       XMLQuery('xquery version "1.0"; (: :)
       declare namespace n1="urn:ehd/001"; (: :)
       declare namespace n2="urn:ehd/go/001"; (: :)
       for $i in /n1:ehd/n1:header
    let $j := /n1:ehd/n1:body/n2:gnr_liste/n2:gnr
       return $i,$j'
       PASSING xml_document
       RETURNING CONTENT) as ziffer
      FROM z 

    Hi Miklos,

    You need parentheses to indicate that you return the sequence of $i and $j:

    xquery version "1.0"; (: :)
    declare namespace n1="urn:ehd/001"; (: :)
    declare namespace n2="urn:ehd/go/001"; (: :)
    for $i in /n1:ehd/n1:header
    let $j := /n1:ehd/n1:body/n2:gnr_liste/n2:gnr
    return ($i, $j)

    or a shorter version (if there is only one header per document):

    xquery version "1.0"; (: :)
    declare namespace n1="urn:ehd/001"; (: :)
    declare namespace n2="urn:ehd/go/001"; (: :)
    , /n1:ehd/n1:body/n2:gnr_liste/n2:gnr
  • error "Ibsta" no was not declared in this scope

    I have a "error: 'Ibsta' was not declared in this scope."

    I try to program with C++ and GPIB test equipments, but so far, I have this problem.

    I'm sorry, but my knowledge of C++ is very limited because I took a module on it for about 4 months in College and now I have to rectify emergency for my project. Any help would be much apprciated, I tried searching the forums, but I still have to find an answer. I think it has something to do with my linker. BTW, I use Code blocks to compile program, so it may be different from other IDEs posted here such as Microsoft Visual C++, Borland, Dev C++.

    The program that I write to you is as follows:

    #include "ni488.h".
    #include "Decl. - 32.h"

    using namespace std;

    void GpibError (const char * msg); / * Function to Error statement * /.

    Device int = 0; / * Peripheral device descriptor * /.
    int BoardIndex = 0; / * Interface index (GPIB0 = 0, GPIB1 = 1, etc..) * /.

    int main() {}
    int PrimaryAddress = 28; / * Main unit address * /.
    int SecondaryAddress = 0; / * Secondary unit address * /.
    char Buffer [101]; / * Read buffer * /.

    * Boot - made only once at the beginning of your application.

    Device = ibdev (/ * create a device descriptor pointer * /)
    BoardIndex, / * Board Index (GPIB0 = 0, GPIB1 = 1,...) * /.
    PrimaryAddress, / * address of the primary device * /.
    SecondaryAddress, / * peripheral secondary address * /.
    T10s, / * delay (T10s = 10 seconds) option * /.
    1, / * line EOI assert at the end of writing * /.
    (0); / * Mode of termination EOS * /.
    If (Ibsta() & ERR) {/ * find GPIB error * /}
    GpibError ("ibdev Error");

    ibclr (Device); / * System * /.
    If {(Ibsta() & ERR)
    GpibError ("ibclr Error");

    * Body - writing the majority of your GPIB application code here.

    ibwrt (device, "* IDN?", 5 "); / * Send the command ID of the query * /.
    If {(Ibsta() & ERR)
    GpibError ("ibwrt Error");

    Bird (device, buffer, 100); / * Read up to 100 bytes of the device * /.
    If {(Ibsta() & ERR)
    GpibError ("Bird error");

    Buffer [Ibcnt ()] = '\0 '; / * Null terminate the string ASCII * /.

    printf ("%s\n", buffer); / * Print the device identification * /.

    * UN-initialize - done only once at the end of your application.

    ibonl (device, 0); / * Turn off the line * /.
    If {(Ibsta() & ERR)
    GpibError ("ibonl Error");


    * Function GPIBERROR
    * This function will warn you that a function of NOR-488 failed by
    * a print error message. The State IBSTA variable will also be
    * printed in hexadecimal with the senses mnemonic of the forest
    * position. The State IBERR variable will be printed in decimal form
    * with the mnemonic significance of the decimal value. The status
    * Variable IBCNT will be printed in decimal form.
    * The NOR-488 IBONL function is called to turn off the equipment and
    * software.
    OUTPUT Comptrollership will end this program.
    void GpibError (const char * msg) {}

    printf ("%s\n", msg);

    printf ("Ibsta () = 0 x %x<",>
    If (Ibsta() & ERR) printf ("ERR");
    If (Ibsta() & TIMO) printf ("TIMO");
    If (Ibsta() & END) printf ("END");
    If (Ibsta() & SRQI) printf ("SRQI");
    If (Ibsta() & RQS) printf ("QR");
    If (Ibsta() & CMPL) printf ("CMPL");
    If (Ibsta() & LOK) printf ("LOK");
    If (Ibsta() & REM) printf ("REM");
    If (Ibsta() & CIC) printf ("CIC");
    If (Ibsta() & ATN) printf ("ATN");
    If (Ibsta() & TAC) printf ("TAC");
    If (Ibsta() & MFP) printf ("LAKES");
    If (Ibsta() & CDI) printf ("CDI");
    If (Ibsta() & DCAS) printf ("DCAS");
    printf ("" > \n ");

    printf ("Iberr() = %d", Iberr() ");
    If (Iberr() == EDVR) printf ("EDVR \n");
    If (Iberr() == ECIC) printf ("in ECIC \n");
    If (Iberr() == ENOL) printf ("ENOL \n");
    If (Iberr() == EADR) printf ("EADR


    If (Iberr() == HELLO) printf ("the GRAE \n");
    If (Iberr() == ESAC) printf ("ALD \n");
    If (Iberr() == EABO) printf ("EABO \n");
    If (Iberr() == ENEB) printf ("ENEB \n");
    If (Iberr() == PAES) printf ("PAES \n");
    If (Iberr() == ECAP) printf ("ECAP \n");
    If (Iberr() == EFSO) printf ("EFSO \n");
    If (Iberr() == USBE) printf ("USBE \n");
    If (Iberr() == ESTB) printf ("ESTB \n");
    If (Iberr() == ESRQ) printf ("ESRQ \n");
    If (Iberr() == XTAB) printf ("Established\n");
    If (Iberr() == ELCK) printf ("ELCK \n");
    If (Iberr() == MART) printf ("MART \n");
    If (Iberr() == EHDL) printf ("EHDL \n");
    If (Iberr() == EWIP) printf ("EWIP \n");
    If (Iberr() == ERST) printf ("ERST \n");
    If (Iberr() == EPWR) printf ("EPWR \n");

    printf ("Ibcnt () = %u\n", Ibcnt() ");
    printf ("\n");

    / * Call the ibonl to get the device and interface offline * /.
    ibonl (device, 0);

    "exit" (1);

    The program I had is a sample I found the Instrument National software called GPIB Explorer.

  • Error "batteryInfo" has not declared in this scope

    Hi, I have this error in my project, I understand the example of the battery of the sample, but I get the error of generation.

    ../src/MarcossitMobile10.cpp:17:42: error: 'batteryInfo' was not declared in this scope
    cc: C:/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/win32/x86/usr/lib/gcc/arm-unknown-nto-qnx8.0.0eabi/4.6.3/cc1plus caught signal 1
    make[2]: *** [o.le-v7-g/.obj/MarcossitMobile10.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/marcossit/ndk-10.0.9-workspace/MarcossitMobile10/arm'
    make[1]: *** [debug] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/marcossit/ndk-10.0.9-workspace/MarcossitMobile10/arm'
    make: *** [Device-Debug] Error 2
    **** Build Finished ****

    I don't understand this part I declare scope

    This is the main.cpp Batterysample

    /* Copyright (c) 2012 Research In Motion Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    using namespace bb::device;
     * This sample application shows some basic
     * usage of the BatteryInfo API, such as charging level and charging state.
    Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char **argv)
        qmlRegisterUncreatableType("bb.device", 1, 0, "BatteryChargingState", "");
        Application app(argc, argv);
        QTranslator translator;
        const QString locale_string = QLocale().name();
        const QString filename = QString("batterysample_%1").arg(locale_string);
        if (translator.load(filename, "app/native/qm")) {
    //! [0]
        // Create the battery info object
        BatteryInfo batteryInfo;
        // Load the UI description from main.qml
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml");
        // Make the BatteryInfo object available to the UI as context property
        qml->setContextProperty("_battery", &batteryInfo);
    //! [0]
        // Create the application scene
        AbstractPane *appPage = qml->createRootObject();
        return Application::exec();

    It's my main.cpp

    * Copyright (c) 2012 Jason I. Carter
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    #include "Flashlight.hpp"
    #include "MobileMarcossit.hpp"
    #include "RegistrationHandler.hpp"
    #include "InviteToDownload.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    using namespace bb::cascades::advertisement;
    Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char **argv)
        // this is where the server is started etc
        Application app(argc, argv);
        // localization support
        QTranslator translator;
        QString locale_string = QLocale().name();
        QString filename = QString( "MobileMarcossit_%1" ).arg( locale_string );
        if (translator.load(filename, "app/native/qm")) {
            app.installTranslator( &translator );
        BatteryInfo batteryInfo;
        const char *uri = "bb.cascades.advertisement";
           qmlRegisterType(uri, 1, 0, "Banner");
           qmlRegisterUncreatableType("bb.device", 1, 0, "BatteryChargingState", "");
           qmlRegisterType("Flashlight", 1, 0, "Flashlight");
        // Every application is required to have its own unique UUID. You should
        // keep using the same UUID when you release a new version of your application.
        // You can generate one here:
        const QUuid uuid(QLatin1String("c4e27f7c-f9d2-40dc-8630-1d037a0a1309"));
        //Setup BBM registration handler
        RegistrationHandler *registrationHandler = new RegistrationHandler(uuid, &app);
        //AppName.cpp file which contains your main.qml file
        MobileMarcossit *mobileMarcossit = new MobileMarcossit(registrationHandler->context(), &app);
        // Whenever the registration has finished successfully, we continue to the main UI
        // Added finishRegistration() to registrationFinished()
        // This is to emit signal and by pass use of continue button as shown in sample
        QObject::connect(registrationHandler, SIGNAL(registered()), mobileMarcossit, SLOT(show()));
        // we complete the transaction started in the app constructor and start the client event loop here
        return Application::exec();
        // when loop is exited the Application deletes the scene which deletes all its children (per qt rules for children)

    It's my MarcossitMobile10.cpp

    // Default empty project template
    #include "MarcossitMobile10.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    MarcossitMobile10::MarcossitMobile10(bb::cascades::Application *app)
    : QObject(app)
             // create scene document from main.qml asset
        // set parent to created document to ensure it exists for the whole application lifetime
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
        qml->setContextProperty("_battery", &batteryInfo);
        // create root object for the UI
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();
        // set created root object as a scene

    and get the error in this line that I declare.

     qml->setContextProperty("_battery", &batteryInfo);


    Organizing in this way PPH, but already now, run nothing comes in my dev alpha application


    // Default empty project template
    #ifndef MarcossitMobile10_HPP_
    #define MarcossitMobile10_HPP_
    namespace bb { namespace cascades { class Application; }}
     * @brief Application pane object
     *Use this object to create and init app UI, to create context objects, to register the new meta types etc.
    class MarcossitMobile10 : public QObject
        bb::device::BatteryInfo* batteryInfo;
        MarcossitMobile10(bb::cascades::Application *app);
        virtual ~MarcossitMobile10() {}
    #endif /* MarcossitMobile10_HPP_ */

    the qml constructor is bateria.qml

    /* Copyright (c) 2012 Research In Motion Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.device 1.0
    // Page laying out the visual components
    Page {
        Container {
            layout: DockLayout {}
            ImageView {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                imageSource: "asset:///images/bateria/background.png"
            Battery {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            Container {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                bottomPadding: 50
                //! [0]
                Label {
                    id: stateLabel
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    text: {
                        switch (_battery.chargingState) {
                            case BatteryChargingState.Unknown:
                                return qsTr ("Unknown");
                            case BatteryChargingState.NotCharging:
                                return qsTr ("Not Charging");
                            case BatteryChargingState.Charging:
                                return qsTr ("Charging");
                            case BatteryChargingState.Discharging:
                                return qsTr ("Discharging");
                            case BatteryChargingState.Full:
                                return qsTr ("Full");
                    textStyle {
                        color: Color.White
                        fontSize: FontSize.XLarge
                //! [0]
                Label {
                    id: descriptionLabel
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    bottomMargin: 100
                    text: {
                        switch (_battery.chargingState) {
                            case BatteryChargingState.Unknown:
                                return qsTr ("Something is up with the battery");
                            case BatteryChargingState.NotCharging:
                                return qsTr ("Plugged in, just no charge");
                            case BatteryChargingState.Charging:
                                return qsTr ("Plugged in");
                            case BatteryChargingState.Discharging:
                                return qsTr ("Unplugged and discharging");
                            case BatteryChargingState.Full:
                                return qsTr ("Plugged in, full");
                    textStyle {
                        color: Color.Gray
                        fontSize: FontSize.Large

    and the qml plugin is Battery.qml

    /* Copyright (c) 2012 Research In Motion Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.device 1.0
    Container {
        preferredWidth: 498
        preferredHeight: 318
        layout: DockLayout {}
        //! [0]
        ImageView {
            id: batteryOutline
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            imageSource: _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.Unknown ? "asset:///images/bateria/battery_plugged_error.png" :
                         _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.NotCharging ? "asset:///images/bateria/battery_plugged_bad.png" :
                         _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.Charging ? "asset:///images/bateria/battery_plugged.png" :
                         _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.Discharging ? "asset:///images/bateria/battery.png" :
                         _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.Full ? "asset:///images/bateria/battery_plugged.png" : ""
        //! [0]
        //! [1]
        ImageView {
            id: loadingLevel
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            translationX: 75
            preferredWidth: _battery.level * 350.0 / 100.0
            imageSource: _battery.level <= 10 ? "asset:///images/bateria/fill_red.png" :
                         _battery.level <= 20 ? "asset:///images/bateria/fill_yellow.png" :
                         _battery.level < 100 ? "asset:///images/bateria/fill_grey.png" : "asset:///images/bateria/fill_green.png"
        //! [1]
        ImageView {
            id: stateIndicator
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            imageSource: _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.Unknown ? "asset:///images/bateria/exclamation.png" :
                         _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.NotCharging ? "asset:///images/bateria/exlamation.png" :
                         _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.Charging ? "asset:///images/bateria/flash.png" :
                         _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.Discharging ? "" :
                         _battery.chargingState == BatteryChargingState.Full ? "" : ""

    It will be something else?

    qml->setContextProperty("_battery", &batteryInfo);

    for example

    qml->setContextProperty("_bateria", &batteryInfo);
    qml->setContextProperty("Battery", &batteryInfo);
  • error: 'QmlDocument' was not declared in this scope

    I followed along the following:

    And added the following code to main.cpp:

    #include "app.hpp"
    using ::bb::cascades::Application;
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        Application app(argc, argv);
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("main.qml");
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootNode();
        return Application::exec();

    When compiling, I get the error:

    error: 'QmlDocument' was not declared in this scope

    Your weird namespace.

    using bb::cascades;

    Try this.

    Edit: Also if I were you I wouldn't want to create a new project and select HelloCasades as a model.  That will be running a lot faster than to try to do it from scratch.

  • Toast not declared in the scope


    I am going through the updated documentation and having problems of implementation of the toast.

    void App::showToast() {
        toast = new SystemToast(this);
        toast->setBody("Welcome to the BlackBerry 10 Cascades documentation!" + "You have lots of space, but your text will wrap around in the dialog box.");

    Returns an error: "toast not declared in the scope" on this line:

    toast = new SystemToast(this);

    I've added all these header files to my name .cpp

    using namespace bb::cascades;
    using namespace bb::system;

    My .pro includes these:

    LIBS   += -lbbdata -lbbsystem

    My header app.hpp file looks like this

    // List with context menu project template
    #ifndef App_HPP_
    #define App_HPP_
    namespace bb { namespace cascades { class Application; }}
     * @brief Application pane object
     *Use this object to create and init app UI, to create context objects, to register the new meta types etc.
    class App : public QObject
        App(bb::cascades::Application *app);
        virtual ~App() {}
        void showToast();
    #endif /* App_HPP_ */

    Have a blast to find out why its not working. Anyone of you has a working example that connects everything to display a simple toast?

    Thank you

    I guess you missed the variable declaration.

    Declare an SystemToast object in the method itself or in app.hpp like this:

    SystemToast *toast;

    Kind regards

    Nishant Shah

  • SqlDataAccess has not declared in this scope

    Learn how to use SQL statements in the Cascades.

    I'm following the example provided in

    I copied the code example in my app.cpp and consisted of two instructions include:


    Here is the code

    // create a data model with sorting keys for firstname and lastname
    GroupDataModel *model =
      new GroupDataModel(QStringList() << "firstname" << "lastname");
    // load the sql data from contacts table
    SqlDataAccess sda("contacts.db");
    QVariant list = sda.execute("select * from contact order by firstname");
    // add the data to the model
    // create a ListView control and add the model to the list
    ListView *listView = new ListView();

    When I compile I get the following:

    ../src/app.cpp:21:5: error: 'SqlDataAccess' was not declared in this scope

    What I am doing wrong?

    Thank you!

    SqlDataAccess is located in the bb::data namespace.

    Also, need to add the line:

    LIBS += -lbbdata

    in *.pro in your project file. See here:

  • another namespace issue? 'CameraSettings' was not declared in this scope

    I have a camera native c ++ application coded and run successfully.

    I want to change the flash mode.  So I add:

    CameraSettings* cameraSettings = new CameraSettings();

    I also add:


    When I build, I get the error:

    'CameraSettings' was not declared in this scope.

    Is it a matter of namespace or a:

    LIBS += ?

    ... question?

    Something else?

    My current LIBS:

    LIBS += -lcamapi -lscreen

    I see what is happening, I mix with QT c functions.

    I need to use the settings as shown in this example:

    Thanks for your help.

  • setScene not declared in this scope

    Im working on the c ++ here Navigation pane:

    I get the error:

    setScene has not declared in this scope.

    Any ideas how to fix?

    With the help of beta3.


    You must use following syntax to define the method of application setScrene.

    NavigationPane * rootPane = qml-> createRootObject();

    Application::instance()-> setScene (rootPane);

  • SOA 12.1.3 ORABPEL-02118 - variable is not declared in the current scope


    I'm trying to run a code example for the conversion of input XML XSD inside BPEL (SOA Suite 12.1.3). )

    1 file xsd

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "windows-1252"? >

    " < xsd: Schema container = ' "xmlns =" " "

    " targetNamespace = ' "elementFormDefault ="qualified"> "

    < xsd: element name = "email" >

    < xsd: complexType >

    < xsd: SEQUENCE >

    < xsd: element name = "ovdTriggeredDate" type = "xsd: String" minOccurs = "1" / >

    < xsd: element name = "query" type = "RequestType" / >

    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >

    < / xsd: complexType >

    < / xsd: element >

    < xsd: complexType name = 'RequestType' >

    < xsd: SEQUENCE >

    < xsd: element name = "requestId" type = "xsd: long" minOccurs = "1" / >

    < xsd: element name = "service" type = "xsd: String" minOccurs = "1" / >

    < xsd: element name = "action" type = "xsd: String" minOccurs = "1" / >

    < xsd: element name = "customer" type = "xsd: String" minOccurs = "1" / >

    < xsd: element name = "delivery" type = "xsd: String" minOccurs = "0" / >

    < xsd: element name = "local" type = "xsd: String" minOccurs = "0" / >

    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >

    < / xsd: complexType >

    < / xsd: Schema >

    2 BPEL code

    < variable name = "emailVar" element = "ns3:email" / > / / variable of type XSD

    < variable name = "emailDataVar" type = "xsd: String" / >

    < assign the name 'Assign2' = >

    < copy >

    < from > "& lt;" Email & gt; & lt; ovdTriggeredDate & gt; 16thFeb & lt; / ovdTriggeredDate & gt; & lt; request & gt; & lt; requestId & gt; 1111 & lt; / requestId & gt; & lt; Service & gt; OVDOngoing & lt; / service & gt; & lt; action & gt; Retry & lt; / action & gt; & lt; customer & gt; Batch & lt; / customer & gt; & lt; delivery & gt; Email & lt; / delivery & gt; & lt; local & gt; & lt; countryCode & gt; U.S. & lt; / countryCode & gt; & lt; languageCode & gt; English & lt; / languageCode & gt; & lt; / settings regional & gt; & lt; / request & gt; & lt; / e-mail & gt; "< / from >

    < to > $emailDataVar < /pour >

    < / copy >

    < copy >

    < from > ora: parseEscapedXML (ora: getContentAsString (bpws:getVariableData('$__emailDataVar__'))) < / from >

    < to > $emailVar < /pour >

    < / copy >

    < / assign >

    < / details >

    Get after exception when I run the application.

    < detail >

    XPath expression cannot run.

    An error occurs during the processing of the XPath expression; the term is ora:parseEscapedXML (ora:getContentAsString (bpws:getVariableData('$emailDataVar'))).

    The XPath expression cannot run; the reason was: ORABPEL-02118

    Variant could not be found.

    The variable '$emailDataVar' is not declared in the current scope. All variables must be declared in the scope before accessed. Component DN is "default/Project1!1.0*soa_c1383edb-7f32-4860-8d21-82d312a0e1da/BPELProcess1" and the corresponding Instance Id is 20 042

    There was an internal error. The flow was not generated correctly by the BPEL compiler.

    Contact Oracle Support Services. Please provide definition component of the "default/Project1!1.0*soa_c1383edb-7f32-4860-8d21-82d312a0e1da/BPELProcess1" trail and verification of instance id 20 042 using enterprise console manager.

    . Check the detailed origin described in the text of the exception message and verify that the XPath query is correct.


    There is a solution, I found in the forum to add the following in bpel code. (Problem of access to the variables in BPEL - ORABPEL-02118)


    < property name = "keepGlobalVariables" > true < / property >

    < / configuration >

    But when I add <>configurations in 12.1.3 BPEL, editor-in-Chief is showing 'element configurations is not supported'.

    Appreciate your quick help.

    Thank you



    The problem is "$", you don't need a dollar in this case


    Please mark this message as useful/correct if it helps.



  • PL/SQL - change the value of a parameter (not declared as NOCOPY)

    Hi all

    In the following simple example, which should be in p_invar, when it is called to dbms_output?
    I'd say "BEFORE", because it is not declared as NOCOPY, but looks like I'm wrong...
    On our HP - UX 11 GR 2 database, p_invar is set to "AFTER" - it is a 'feature' / bug?

    g_var VARCHAR2 (4000);
    procedure showvar (p_invar in VARCHAR2) is
    g_var: = "AFTER";
    dbms_output.put_line(p_invar||) e /'|| g_var);
    end showvar;
    g_var: = "BEFORE";
    showvar (p_invar = > g_var);

    Oracle® database PL/SQL language reference
    * 11g Release 2 (11.2) *.
    Part number E17126-04
    Chapter 8

    Subprogramme Aliasing parameter with the parameters passed by reference

    When the compiler passes a real parameter by reference, the actual and formal parameters refer to the same memory location. Therefore, if the subroutine changes the value of the formal parameter, change immediately shows in the real setting.

    The compiler always happening IN reference parameters, but the aliasing resulting cause any problems, because the subprogrammes could not assign values to the PARAMETERS.

    PARAMETERS are passed by reference, so when you change the actual variable, you change even as a variable IN.

    Published by: david.sweet on February 17, 2011 10:30

    Published by: david.sweet on February 17, 2011 10:30, typo

  • LPX-00234: Namespace prefix 'xbrli' is not declared


    with this request

    Select updateXML
    XmlType ("< xbrli:period > < xbrli:StartDate > 1 < / xbrli:StartDate > < xbrli:EndDate > 3 < / xbrli:EndDate > < / xbrli:period > '").
    ' / xbrli:period / xbrli:StartDate / text () ', 6,' / xbrli:period / xbrli:EndDate / text () ', 7
    of the double

    I becam this error
    LPX-00234: Namespace prefix 'xbrli' is not declared

    What should I do to fix this error



    You try to build an invalid XML.
    The namespace prefix must be declared within a top-level element (or at least in the first qualified element):


    Then, with updateXML, you will need to specify the mapping of namespace:

    SQL> select xmlserialize(document
      2  updateXML
      3  (
      4  xmltype('
      6  1
      7  3
      9  ')
     10  , '/root/xbrli:period/xbrli:StartDate/text()', 6
     11  , '/root/xbrli:period/xbrli:EndDate/text()', 7
     12  , 'xmlns:xbrli="some-namespace-uri"'
     13  )
     14  as clob indent
     15  ) result
     16  from dual;
  • Compiler error message: BC30451: name 'UserEmail' is not declared.

    Get the message when I test the page. Anyone sugest a solution please?
    Compiler error message: BC30451: name 'UserEmail' is not declared.

    Code in the page below.

    < % @ Page Language = "VB" ContentType = "text/html" ResponseEncoding = "iso-8859-1" % >
    < % @ register TagPrefix = "MM" Namespace = Assembly "DreamweaverCtrls" = "DreamweaverCtrls, version =, publicKeyToken = 836f606ede05d46a, culture = neutra l" % > "
    < MM:DataSet
    ID = "dsUsers".
    Runat = "Server".
    IsStoredProcedure = "false".
    ConnectionString = "< % # System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ('lle MM_CONNECTION_STRING_conSQLPerene") % > '.
    Type_base_donnees = ' < % # System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ("Perenelle MM_CONNECTION_DATABASETYPE_conSQL") % > '.
    CommandText = "< % #"SELECT dbo. " Users.UserEmail, dbo. Users.UserPassword FROM dbo. Users WHERE dbo. Users.UserEmail=@UserEmail AND dbo. Users.UserPassword=@UserPassword"% > '
    Expression = '< % # IsPostBack % > '.
    Debug = 'true '.
    > < Parameters >
    "< Name="@UserEmail parameter "Value =" < % # IIf ((Request.Form ("UserEmail") <>Nothing), Request.Form ("UserEmail"), "") % > ' Type = "NVarChar" / > "
    "< Name="@UserPassword parameter "Value =" < % # IIf ((Request.Form ("UserPassword") <>Nothing), Request.Form ("UserPassword"), "") % > ' Type = "NVarChar" / > "
    < / Parameter > < / MM:DataSet >
    < MM:PageBind runat = "server" PostBackBind = "true" / >

    < script language = "VB" runat = "server" >
    Protected Sub Page_Load (ByVal Src As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
    "Don't cache this page.
    Response.Expires = - 1
    Response.AddHeader ("Pragma", "no-cache")
    Response.AddHeader ("cache-control", "no-store")

    "Check the user credentials in the page".
    If (UserEmail.Value = dsUsers.FieldValue ("UserEmail", Nothing)) & & (UserPassword.Value = dsUsers.FieldValue ("UserPassword", Nothing)) Then
    ' The user has been authenticated.
    "1. create the authentication ticket."
    "2 redirect to the appropriate page.

    "1. create the authentication ticket."
    "Create and use forms authentication ticket.
    FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = New FormsAuthenticationTicket(1,)
    Request.Form ("UserEmail"),
    DateTime.Now, ' issue times
    DateTime.Now.AddMinutes (30), ' expires in 30 minutes
    False, ' no persisting
    Dim ' role assignment is stored in the UserData as 'Users')

    "Create a new HttpCookie (encrypted) using the ticket has created."
    ' and name it accordingly to the value specified in the < forms > element
    ' in the web.config file.
    Dim Cookie As HttpCookie = New HttpCookie (FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, FormsAuthentication.Encrypt (ticket))

    ' Add the cookie to the outgoing response.
    Response.Cookies.Add (cookie)

    'Redirect as appropriate.
    Dim ReturnUrl As String
    If Request.QueryString ("ReturnURL") Is Nothing Then
    ReturnUrl = "/client-area/index.aspx."
    On the other
    ReturnUrl = Request.QueryString ("ReturnURL")
    End If
    Response.Redirect (ReturnUrl)

    On the other
    Msg.Text = "Invalid Credentials: Please try again."
    End If
    End Sub
    < /script >

    Replied. Just named incorrectly input fields. Couple of other problems too but sorted and now works fine...

  • Identifier not valid key foreign error

    Hi people,

    I'm new in the Oracle environment, and I try to create the below tables for a University project. I checked with the Professor, and he's OK with me consultation of the Oracle forum on the issues I'm having.

    So far, PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION, LAB_INFORMATION, EXPERIMENTAL_DRUG_TRIAL_DATA and STUDY_INFORMATION have been done without problems. For the other three tables (VITAL_SIGNS, AE_SAE and STAFF_TIME_CARD), I have need of foreign keys that reference the above created paintings, but I get the error message ' ERROR on line 1:
    "ORA-00904: invalid identifier" issue when you try to run the CREATE statement. I know the syntax for the STAFF_TIME_CARD fk is wrong - I worked only on those VITAL_SIGNS and AE_SAE so far, but any help would be appreciated.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum or area - any advice would be appreciated!

    Thank you!

    1 CREATE TABLE PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION (patientID char (5) PRIMARY KEY, race NVARCHAR2 (10), height TANK (2), (3) tank weight, ethnicity NVARCHAR2 (10), dateOfBirth DATE, childbearingStatus NVARCHAR2 (2), NVARCHAR2 type (1), dateOfInformedConsent DATE, affectedSystem NVARCHAR2 (15), DATE startDate, endDate DATE, issueStatus NVARCHAR2 (15), diagnosis NVARCHAR2 (20));
    3 table created.
    6 CREATE TABLE LAB_INFORMATION (IDB char (5) PRIMARY KEY, testStatus NVARCHAR2 (10), labValues char (10), collectionData NVARCHAR2 (15), labAddress NVARCHAR2 (50), studyLocations NVARCHAR2 (50));
    8 table created.
    11 CREATE TABLE VITAL_SIGNS (temperature INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY (patientID) REFERENCES PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION (patientID), uid tank (3), (2) TANK breaths, pulse tank (3), blood pressure NVARCHAR2 (7));
    16 TABLE of CREATE AE_SAE (uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, patientID char(5) PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION (patientID), sideEffects NVARCHAR2 REFERENCES (50), timeOfOnset TIMESTAMP, natureOfEvent NVARCHAR2 (50), gravity, NVARCHAR2 (50), finalOutcome NVARCHAR2 (50));
    21 CREATE TABLE EXPERIMENTAL_DRUG_TRIAL_DATA (drugID char (5) PRIMARY KEY, baselineSignsAndSymptoms NVARCHAR2 (50), dosage, NVARCHAR2 (50), dateOfDosage TIMESTAMP, postAdministrationSymptoms NVARCHAR2 (50));
    23 table created.
    CREATE TABLE STUDY_INFORMATION 26 (Coordinator NVARCHAR2 Organizer (25) PRIMARY KEY, NVARCHAR2 (25), studySize (5) tank, studyDeadline DATE, studyDescription NVARCHAR2 (50), studyInformation TIMESTAMP, studyCompensation CHAR (4));
    28 table created.
    31 CREATE TABLE STAFF_TIME_CARD (employeeID PRIMARY KEY of char (5), sponsor NVARCHAR2 (25) FOREIGN KEY, CHAR (6) salary, loginTime TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP logoutTime, fName NVARCHAR2 (20), lName NVARCHAR2 (20), address NVARCHAR2 (50), and NVARCHAR2 (15));


    Welcome to the forum!

    917284 wrote:
    ... So far, PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION, LAB_INFORMATION, EXPERIMENTAL_DRUG_TRIAL_DATA and STUDY_INFORMATION have been done without problems. For the other three tables (VITAL_SIGNS, AE_SAE and STAFF_TIME_CARD), I have need of foreign keys that reference the above created paintings, but I get the error message ' ERROR on line 1:
    "ORA-00904: invalid identifier" issue when you try to run the CREATE statement. I know the syntax for the STAFF_TIME_CARD fk is wrong - I worked only on those VITAL_SIGNS and AE_SAE so far, but any help would be appreciated.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum or area - any advice would be appreciated!

    As said by DCarter, this forum is for SQL * more and iSQL * more front-end. It's actually a problem with the SQL language, and so it would be preferable, in the future, questions like this in the forum SQL and PL/SQL:
    SQL and PL/SQL
    Many more people read this forum, too, so you will probably get faster answers.

    ... 11 CREATE TABLE VITAL_SIGNS (temperature INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY (patientID) REFERENCES PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION (patientID), uid tank (3), (2) TANK breaths, pulse tank (3), blood pressure NVARCHAR2 (7));

    There are 2 different ways to specify constraints:
    (1) table constraints (or constraints of Out-of-Line ), which are delimited by a comma in the other elements of the CREATE TABLE statement
    (2) forced column (or Constraints In-Line ), which are placed at the end of a column definition, not separated by a comma.

    What you've posted has been the correct form for a table constraint when you use a table constraint, you must have a separate column for each referenced column statement You never said a column in the table called patiendID vital_signs.
    This is a good way to use a table constraint:

    CREATE TABLE     vital_signs
    (       u_id              INTEGER         PRIMARY KEY
    ,     patientID         CHAR (5)                              -- Column declared here
    ,     temperature          CHAR (3)
    ,     respirations         CHAR (2)
    ,     pulse              CHAR (3)
    ,     bloodPressure         NVARCHAR2 (7)
    ,     FOREIGN KEY (patientID) REFERENCES PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION (patientID)     -- Column referenced here

    Most people put the table constraints after all columns have been reported, as I did above, but is not mandatory.

    Here's a way to get the same effect by using a column constraint:

    CREATE TABLE     vital_signs
    (       u_id              INTEGER         PRIMARY KEY
    ,     patientID         CHAR (5)         REFERENCES PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION (patientID)
    ,     temperature          CHAR (3)
    ,     respirations         CHAR (2)
    ,     pulse              CHAR (3)
    ,     bloodPressure         NVARCHAR2 (7)

    Personally, I prefer the path column constraint. I find it easier to read and understand, because it is easier to notice the constraint when you see the column definition in the code. I also find it interesting to give meaningful names to foreign key constraints, like this:

    CREATE TABLE     vital_signs
    (       u_id              INTEGER         PRIMARY KEY
    ,     patientID         CHAR (5)         CONSTRAINT     vs_patientID_fk
                                      REFERENCES PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION (patientID)
    ,     temperature          CHAR (3)
    ,     respirations         CHAR (2)
    ,     pulse              CHAR (3)
    ,     bloodPressure         NVARCHAR2 (7)

    If you violate the constraint, the error message will say "Violated VS_PATIENTID_FK", that helps to identify exactly what was wrong.

    For more information, search for "Constraints" in the manual of the SQL language:

    Moreover, the CHAR data type is very confusing, and there is no good reason to not use VARCHAR2 instead.

  • Identifier not valid several nesting query

    For the life of me I can't understand why I am getting an error on the first line (in bold) - something is wrong with my nesting, but I can't understand that. It is an invalid identifier on 'CLIENT' error in line 1 has something to do with my nesting I think. Any help?

    Select * from (select cust. ) Region_ID of

    (select cust_nbr from)

    (select region_id,

    Sum (tot_sales) tot_sales the Group of commands by region_id) reg


    (select sum (tot_sales) tot_sales, region_id,

    cust_nbr of the order of cust_nbr group, region_id) cust

    on cust.region_id = reg.region_id

    where cust.tot_sales > reg.tot_sales *. 2)) ca

    inner join customer c

    We ca.cust_nbr = c.cust_nbr;

    2776946 wrote:

    I'll edit the select * part so the global query can be likened to an analytic function, but the moment I can't get why my request is not read the alias 'CUST '...

    You must take into account the scope of alias variables

    They are valid from the outside to the inside; not inside out like you trying

Maybe you are looking for

  • Zoom percent does not change

    I have 29 installed Firefox and I added the zoom to the new menu box. When I touched the most or minus the percentage does not change, but it is at the origin of the content of the page get the smaller or more.

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    can not access on vista, typed in the search, that nothing comes

  • Windows is not geniune 0xC004F200

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    I am running Windows 7 on Samsung computer. I don't remember installing the optimizer pro and keep getting pop ups saying I have over 3,000 threats to my computer but my antivirus does not pick up anything. I tried to uninstall it by using the ad/rem

  • HTTP 400 response code

    Hello I'm trying to set up an HTTP connection with a Web site to retrieve some info and update my SQLite database. I use the MDS in my Simulator and I get a HTTP 400 response code when I try to access the web page. Just to test, I tried to set up a c