IE8 is the error in the file edge.6.0.0.min.js with "if(b===b.window)".

I completed the first stage of a larger project on board animate and everything works in current browsers.

The last phase is to get all the files in IE8, which unfortunately has to happen.  I used to have a backup for Modernizr my. SVG and I went to take the test.

In IE8 for Windows XP, I get the error 'window' is null or not an object and the error returns me to the line in the edge.6.0.0.min.js file...


I have no idea what to do from here, because it is written by Edge code and I don't know what that references nor understand the provisions of the code effect... of the suggestions at?

Here is the complete code for the .js file, if this helps anyone, but I'm horribly stuck with a date limit Friday so any help will be forever appreciated, including more information about that contains this file.  Thank you.

(function(f, r, u) {function e (a) {return! a |}}) 'load'== a. == 'complete'a | { "uninitialized"== a}function p() {var a = c.shift (); n = 1; has? a.t.? s (function({(==a.t?w.injectCss:w.injectJs)(a.s,0,a.a,a.x,a.e,1)},0):(a(),p()«c»)): n = 0}function h (g, d, m, t, v, f, h) {function part {If(! z & & e (y.readyState) & & (q.r = z = 1,! n & & p (),)) {"img"! = g & & s (function() {k.removeChild (y)} 50);}}})} for (var b in B [d]) if (B [d] .hasOwnProperty (b)) B [d] [b] .onload (); y.OnLoad = y.onreadystatechange =null}} h = h | w.errorTimeout; var y = r.createElement (g), z = 0, A = 0, q = {t:m, d,

{e:v, a: f, h: x}; 1 = B [d] & &(A=1,B[d]=[]); 'object'is g? ( = d, y.setAttribute ('type',' text/css ')): (y.src = d, y.type = g); y.width = y.height ="0"; y.OnError = y.onload = y.onreadystatechange =function() { (this, A)}; c.splice(t,0,q); « img »! = g & &(A|| 2 === B [d]?) ((P), k.insertBefore (, a? )) NULL: b), s (w, h)):B[d].push(y))}function l (a, b, g, d, k) {n = 0; b = b |} « j »; z b? h ('c'== b? y: m, a, b,this.i ++, g, d, k): (c.splice (this. i ++, 0, a), 1 == c.length & & p()); return ce} q() function {var a = w; a.loader = {load:l, i: 0}; return }var x = r.documentElement, s = f.setTimeout,.

b = r.GetElementsByTagName ('script') [0], d = {} m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString, c = [], n = 0, v =function() {}, t ="MozAppearance"in, a = t & &! r.createRange (.compareNode, k = a)? x: b.parentNode, g = f.opera & & =='[object Opera]'(f.opera), g =! r.attachEvent & &! g, x ="webkitAppearance"in & &! ("async"in r.createElement ('script')), m = t? 'object': g | x? 'script':'img', y = g? 'script': x? "img": m, A = Array.isArray | function (a) {return'[object Array]'== (a)}, z =function() {return'string'==typeof one}, E =function() {return"[object Function]"== (a)},

P =function() {b & & b.parentNode |} (b = r.getElementsByTagName) ("script") [0]}, Q = [], B = {}, L = {timeout:function(a, b) {b.length & &(a.timeout=b[0]); return a}}, M, w; w =function() {function b (a) {a = a.split (".");}} var g = Q.length, c = a.pop (), d is a.length, c = {url: c, origUrl:c, prefixes: a}, m, k, n; for (k = 0; k < d; k ++) n = a [k] .split ('='), (m = L [n.shift ()]) & & (c = m (c, n)); for (k = 0; k < g; k ++) c = Q [k] (c); return c}function g (a) {a = a.split ("?")} [0] ; Return a.substr (a.lastIndexOf (".")) (+ 1)}function c (a, d, m, k, n) {var t = b (a), e = t.autoCallback; g (t.url); } If(! t.bypass) {d & &}

(d = E (d)? d: d [a] | d [k]: d [a.Split ("/") .pop () .split ("?")]) [0]]); if (t.instead) Return t.instead (a, d, m, k, n); B [t.URL] & &! 0!==t.reexecute?t.NOEXEC=!0:B[t.URL]=1;a & & m.load (t.url, forceCSS t.:! t.forceJS & &'css'== g (t.url)?) ( 'c': u, t.noexec, t.attrs, t.timeout); (E (d) |) E (e)) & & m.load (function() {q (); d & & d (t.origUrl, n, k); e & & e (t.origUrl, n, k);}) B [t.URL] = 2})}}function d (a, b) {function g (a, d) {If(""! == a & &! a)! d & & e(); else If(z (a)) d |}} (n =function() {var a = []. (arguments); t.apply (this, a); e ()}), c(a,n,b,0,k); else if (Object (a) = a) for (h en f =

function () {var b = 0, g;} for ( in a) a.hasOwnProperty (g) g & & b ++; & ({d | & b} (), has) a.hasOwnProperty (h) of back - f | {(E (n)? n =function() {var a = []. (arguments); t.apply (this, a); (e)}: n [h] =function() {return function() {var b = []. (arguments); has & & a.apply(, b); e()}}(t[h])), c (a [h], n, b, h, k))}var k=!!a.test,m=a.load||a.both,n=a.callback||v,t=n,e=a.complete||v,f,h;g (k? a.yep:a.nope,! m | |! a.complete); m & & g (m);! {m & & a.complete & & g (' ')}var m, k, n =this. yepnope.loader; if (z (a)) c (a, 0, n, 0); else if (A (a)) for (m = 0; m < a.length; ++ m) k =

a [m], z (k)? c(k,0,n,0):A (k)? w (k): object (k) = k & & d (k, n); else {Object (a) = a & & d (a, n)}; w.addPrefix =function(thefunctionof a, b) {T [a] = b}; w.addFilter = (a) {Q.push (a)}; w.errorTimeout = 1E4; == nullr.readyState & & r.addEventListener & & (r.readyState ='loading', r.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', M =function() {r.removeEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', M, 0); r.readyState ="complete"}, 0)); f.yepnope = q (); f.yepnope.executeStack = p; f.yepnope.injectJs =function(a, g, c, d, m, k) {var n = r.createElement ('script'), t, h; d = d: w.errorTimeout; n.src =}

one; for (h in c) n.setAttribute (h, c [h]); g = k? p:g | v; n.onreadystatechange = n.OnLoad =function() {! t & & e (n.readyState) & & (t = 1, g (), n.onload = n.onreadystatechange =null)}; s (function() {t |}) ((t = 1, g (1))}, d); P();m?n.OnLoad():b.parentNode.InsertBefore(n,b)}; f.yepnope.injectCss =function(a, g, c, d, m, k) {d = r.createElement ('link'); var n; g = k? p:g | v; d.href = a; d.rel ='stylesheet'; d.type =' text/css ';} for (n in c) d.setAttribute (n, c [n]); m | (P (), b.parentNode.insertBefore(d,b), s(g,0))}}) (thisdocument),

'function'! =typeof Array.prototype.forEach & & (Array.prototype.forEach =function(f) {for(var r = 0; r <this. length; r ++) f.apply (this, [this[r], r,this])}); 'function'! ==typeof String.prototype.trim & & (String.prototype.trim =function() {return thisreplace ("/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,' '')}); var aBootcompsLoaded = []; window. AdobeEdge = window. AdobeEdge | {};

(function(f) {definedfunction {return'[object Array]'= (A)}function u (a, b) {var g; for(g = 0; a & & g < a.length; g ++) b [b.length ++] = a [g]}function e (a, b) {var g, c; }) If(r (a))for(c = a.length, g = 0; g < c; g ++) b(g,a[g]); else for (g dans a) (g) a.hasOwnProperty & & b(g,a[g])}function p {var b =, g, c; for(c = 0; c < a.length; c++)If(g = a [c],Sub 0! == b [g])return! 0;} return! 1}function h (a) {a =' "+; if(!)} (G.RGBA & & 0==a.indexOf ("rgba")) {var b = a.lastIndexOf (","); 0 < b & & (a =' rgb ("+ a.substring(5,b) +" "") "" ")}return a}function part {var b;

e (,function(a, g) {null! == g & & (b =! 0)}); return! b}function q (a, b) {e (b,function(b, g) {a [b] = g}); return a}function (a) {var b={};b.num=parseFloat(a);b.units=String(a).match(/[a-zA-Z%]+$/);r(b.units) & & (b.a STI = b.units [0]); return b}function s (a) {return a.replace(/^-ms-/,"ms-" () .replace (/-([a-z] |))} {([0-9]) / GI,function(a, b) {return String (b) .toUpperCase ()})}function b (a) {var g; (this); this.length = 0; if (! a) return this; if (a and b instanceof ) return a; if ('chain'=typeof a) if (a=a.trim(),/^#([\w\-]+)$/.test(a)) (g =

D.getElementById (a.substring (1))) & & (this[this.length ++] = g); else if (/ < | & #? \w+; .test (a)) {this.length = g ++;} var c = a; a = document.createElement ("div"); var d = (ma.exec (c) |) ["",""]) [1] .toLowerCase (), d = da [d] | da._Default; + c.replace a.innerHTML = d [1] (na,"< $ 1 > < / $2 >"' ") + d [2]; for (c = d [0]; c - ;) a = a.lastChild; ce [g] = one}else u (D.querySelectorAll (a),this); else {g = a; c = g.length; g =null! == g & & g = g.window? 1: 1 = g.NodeType & & c? 0: r (g) |} 'function'! ==typeof g & & (0 = c |) ( 'number'=typeof c & & 0 < c & & c-1 in g); if (g) return u (,this); a.nodeType?

ce {{[this. length ++] = (this, a)}return this}function d (a) {return new b (a)}function constituting a Farmout {return a.parent () .hasClass (' Centre-wrapper ')}function n (a) {c (a) | a.Wrap ("< div class = 'flow-wrapper' style =" width: 1px "> < div class ="Center-wrapper"> < / div > < / div >")}function v (a, b, g, m, k, t) {function e() {var k = c (a) n = k? a.parent () .parent () .parent (): a .parent (), h is n.width (), n.height () = v, f = a.width (), l is a.height (), y = d (window) .height (), s = 1; (n ='body'= n [0].nodeName.toLowerCase ()) & &(v=y); t | (v = d (window) .height (), h = d (window) .width ());

" h = Math.round (h) v = Math.round (v); h / = f; v / = l;. the two'= b? s = Math.min (m, v):'height'= b? s = v:'width'= b & &(s=h); Sub 0! == m & & (s = Math.min (s, m, f)); Sub 0! == g & & (s = Math.max (s, g, f)); a.css (' transform - o - original "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' transform - ms - origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' transform - o - original "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS ('transform-origin' "0 0""); v ="scale ("+ s +")"; a.css ("- o - transform", v); a.css (' - ms - transform ", v); a.css (' - webkit - transform ', v); a.css (' - moz - transform ', )

(v); a.CSS ("- o - transform", v); a.css ("transform", v); n & &! k | a.Parent (). Height (Math.Round (l * s)). Width (Math.Round (f * s)); {k & & (k = a.parent () .pare () nt, k.height (Math.round (l * s + a.offset () .top - k.offset () .top)))} k? (a [0],"alreadyWrapped"). ( (a [0],"alreadyWrapped",! 0), d (window) .bind ('Resize',function() {e()}), W (function() {e()})): c (a) | (n a, d (fenêtre) .bind ('Resize',function() {e()}), e ())} Function t (a, b) {var g = d (a); (g) & & (g = g.parent ()); } Si(« tant »=== b || ( "horizontal"= b) ('position','absolute'), g.css g.css ('left margin',

( 'auto'), g.css (' margin-right ','auto'), g.css ('left','0'), ('straight','0') g.css; if (« tant »=== b || ( «verticale»=== b) g.css ('position','absolute'), g.css (' margin-top ','auto'), g.css (' margin-bottom ','auto'), g.css ('top','0'), g.css ('bottom','0')}function a() {var a =this. notify = {}; a.obs = []; a.lvl = 0}function k (a, b, g) {If(b) {g |}} (g = {}); g.methodName = b; var c = a.notifier, d = c.obs, k, m; c.lvl ++; for (k = 0; k < d.length; k ++) if (m = (m = d [k]) & &! m.deleted? m.o.:void 0) if ('function'=typeof m) m(b,a,g); else If m (m [b]) [b] (a, g); -c.LVL; if (0 = c.lvl) for (a =

d.Length, k = a - 1; 0 < = k; {(k--) .deleted d [k] & & d.splice (k, 1)}}function g (a, b, g) {var c, d, k, m, n = g?""} «:"", t = / \S + / g, e = / / g [\t\r\n\f] ; if (g? "undefined"=typeof b | " ( 'chain'=typeof b & & b:'string'=typeof b & & b) =(b|| ch. ""). match (t) | [], a.each (function(a, t) {If(d = 1 = t.nodeType & & (t.className?)}) () ""+ t.className +"' ().replace(e," "):n)) {for(m = 0; k = c [m ++];)If(g)for(;}" 0 < = d.indexOf (" "+ k +" «) ;) d=d.replace (""+ k +"","") ; else 0 > d.indexOf (""+ k +"""") & & (+= d k +""); {({{t.className = g? b? d.trim ():' ': d.trim ()}})}function m (a, b) {var g = c' # '==}

b [0], d is! c & &'. " == b [0], k = c | d?b.slice(1):b,m=/^[\w-]*$/.test(k); return null! = a & & a.nodeType == a.DOCUMENT_NODE & & m & & c? (g = a.getElementById (k))? [g]: []: 1! == a.nodeType & & 9! is a.nodeType? []: (m & &! c? d? a.getElementsByClassName (k): a .getElements ByTagName (b):a.querySelectorAll(b))}function y(a,b) {b = b.replace ([/ = #-] / g,"=" #"]'");}) var g, c, d is pa.exec (b); d & & d [2]in fa & & (g = f [d [2]], c = d [3], b = d [1], c & & (d = number of c, c = isNaN (d)? c.replace (/ ^ ["'"] |))) [""] $/ g » «):d)) ; if(!b) back! g | g.Call (a, c, null) = one; If (! b |! a |)

1! == a.NodeType)return! 1; if (g = a.webkitMatchesSelector | a.mozMatchesSelector | a.oMatchesSelector |,b); c = a.parentNode;(g=!c)) ( return a.matchesSelector) & &(c=tempParent).appendChild (a); d = ~ m(c,b).indexOf (a); g & & tempParent.removeChild (a); return d}function A (a) {a = d (a); return! (! a.width () & &! a.height ()) & &'none'! == a.css ("display")}function z (a, b, g) {function constituting a Farmout {g._l [b] =null; l (g._l) & & k (g,"assetsLoaded"{})}If(!)})}} Breturn AdobeEdge.supported.addEventListener); if (g & &'chain'=typeof b & &! g._l [b]) switch (a) {case 'image': a =}

new Image; a.addEventListener ('error', c); a.addEventListener ("load", c); a.src b = g._l [b] = a; Break; case "audio": a =new Audio; a.addEventListener ('error', c); a.addEventListener ('canplaythrough', c); a.src b = g._l [b] = a; Break; case {{ 'video': a = document.createElement ("video"), a.addEventListener ("error", c), a.addEventListener ('canplaythrough', c), a.src = b, g._l [b] = a}}function E (a, b) {var g = q ({name:, conf:b, apply:function(a, b) {1 =this. conf.a? a.attr (, b): (1 =this. conf.cb & & (a.css ("- webkit-"+this. name, b), a.css ("- ms-"+)))}})}

this. {(name,b), a.css ("- moz -"+this. name, b), a.css ("- o -"+this. name, b)), a.css (, b))}, units:function() {var b;""} Auto'! == a & &this. conf.u & & ('chain'=typeof a & & (b = x (a)), b & & b.units |) (un +=cette. conf.u)) ; return a}, prep:function(a, b, g, c, d, k, m) {void 0! == c & & b [g]?} () 0 Sub = b [g] [c] & & k & &(c=k),Sub 0! == d & & b [g] [c]? (a = b [g] [c] [d]: (a = b [g] [c],zero 0 = a & & (a =this. conf.d))): a = b [g]; 0 Sub ! == a & & (a =this.units (a), 1 =this. conf.p & & (m._getFullURL (a) b.type, m), zthis. conf.t & & (a =this. conf.t.replace ("@@0", a))); return a}, render:function(a,

(b, g) {var c =this. conf.f |}; Sub 0 = b [c] | 0 Sub ! isthis. conf.o & &this. conf.o! == b.tag | 0 Sub ! isthis. conf.e & &this. conf.e = b.tag | ({(c =ce.prep (a, b, c,ce. conf.i,ce. conf.j,ce. conf.ii,g),null! == c & &Sub 0! == c & &this.apply (a, c, b, g))}}, E.prototype); E.splitUnits = x; b.x & & (g = q (g, b.x)); return g}function p {e (a,function(a, b) {S [a]new E = (a, b)})}function Q (a, b, g, c, m, n, t, v) {var h = d (document.createElement (g.tag |))} " « div »)), f = h [0] ; AdobeEdge. $.data (f, g,"domDef"); h.attr ("id",; h.css ('position','absolute');

h.CSS ('margin','0px'); b & & g.symbolName & & b._applyBaseStyles (h, g.symbolName); e (S,function(b, c) {c.render(h,g,a))}; h.CSS (' - webkit - tap-highlight-color ',"rgba (0, 0, 0, 0)"); b & & b.register (f, g, b.ele?""); h.addClass (h.attr ("id") +"_id"); v. k (AdobeEdge,"beginEle", {sym:b, ele:f, definition: {dom: g, style: c}}); n & & h.addClass (n); (c = document.getElementById ( & & (n = d (c) .parent ()) & & n [0] == m & & m.removeChild (c); m.children & & 0 < = t & & t < m.children.length? m.insert Before(f,m.children[t]):m.appendChild (f); AdobeEdge. $.data (f,"originalid",

g.ID); AdobeEdge. $.data (f,"symparent", b); b & & (m =, b.gpuAccelerate & & & & ("undefined"=typeof m |)) ""===m|| ( 'none'= m)? window.edge_authoring_mode & & = f.nodeName | 'BODY' ( =' translateZ (0) '):! & & window.edge_authoring_mode & & ( = 0)); b & &(v|| k (b,"newEle", {ele:f, defn:g}));)) return h}function b (a) {abdel & & (a.t = a.t.toLowerCase (), a.type = a.t); a.cs & & (a.className = a.cs); for(var b in Y)null! = a [b] & & (a [[b] Y] = a [b], [b] =null); a.rect |} (a.rect = []); for (; 4 >)

(a.Rect.Length;) a.Rect [a.Rect.Length] = 0; a.Transform & & (1 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [0] = [0,0,0]), 2 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [1] = [0,0,0]), 3 > a.transform.length & & (a.transfor [m2] = [0,0,0]) 4 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [3] = [1,1,1])); a.children & & (= a.children a.c, e (a.children,function(a, b) {B (b)}))}function L (a, b, g, c (, m, n, t) {If(m | b | b.ID) m = m | d ("." + b.ID) [0], e (g,function(l, r) {var e = Q (a, b, d, c, m, n, t ++), h = {sym:b, ele:e [0], defn:d}; d.c. & & L (a, b, d.c,Sub 0, e [0], n, 0); k (AdobeEdge,'endEle', h)})}function M (b,

g, c, d, m) {a.Call (this); c._s.push (this); q (this, {name: g, composition: c, data: b, prnt:d, tl: [, variables]: m |})} {}}) ; k (c,"newSymbol", {symbol:this, parent: d}); return ce} Function w (a, b) {If(b & & g = 0; g <; ++ g) {var c = [g]; c & & w (c, b)} g = (._getTimeline)? a () .getState () ._getTimeline: {play:void 0}; } Sub 0 == a.autoPlay | a.autoPlay? { Sub 0 == g.playing & & (0):Sub 0 == g.playing & & a.stop(-1,!1)}function F (a, b) {var g, c; for(g to b)If(b.hasOwnProperty (g)) {c = b [g]; c.typeName = g, resume & &(c.version=c.v); & &}}

(c.minimumCompatibleVersion =; c.b & & ( = c.b); c.bS & & (c.baseState = c.bS); c.iS & &(c.ini tialState=c.iS); null! = c.gpu & & (c.gpuAccelerate = c.gpu); null! = c.rI & & (c.resizeInstances = c.rI); & & (c.content =; if (c.content) {var d = c.content; null! = d.sI & & (d.symbolInstances = c.content.sI); if (d.symbolInstances) for (var m = 0; m < d.symbolInstances.length; ++ m) {var k = d.symbolInstances [m]; null! = k.sN & & (k.symbolName = k.sN); null! k.a = & & (k.autoPlay = k.a); null! {{= k.x & & (k.variables = k.x)}} e (c.content.dom,function(a, b) {B (b)}); for (var n in (n) & &

B ( [n]); c.CG & & (c.centerStage =; c.stf & & (c.scaleToFit = c.stf); c.x Fokker-built & & (c.varia = c.x Fokker-built wheats); & &(; d = c.timeline; if (null! = d) for {{(null! = d.d & & (d.duration = d.d),null! = da & & (d.autoPlay = d.a.), d.l & & (= d. d.labels), c = 0; c <; c++) [c] & & [c] [8] & & [c] [8] .vt & & ( [c] [8] .valueTemplate = [c] [8] .vt), [c] & & [c] [1] & &"tr"= [c] [1] & & ( [c] [1] =} a.sym = b}function I (b (, c) { (this); } This. $= d ; q (this, {id: b, opts: q(c||)}) {}, aa), _urlRegExp: / ^ (?: [a - z] + :)?-/-/ / I, )

_the: {}, _d: {}, _s: [], loaded:function(a, b, c) {this._d [a] =null; (this._d) & &this. ready()}, load:function(a, b) {b |} (ce._d[a]=!0) ; var c =ce; {yepnope ({load:this._getFullURL (a), callback:function(g, d, m) {b? b(a,d,m):c.loaded (a, d, m)}})}, set:function(a, b, c, d, g, m) {F(, b); } This.fnt = c; this.res = d; this.fx = m; ja (b); this.registerFonts (c); var k =ce; {g & & 0 < g.length & & g.forEach (function(a) {k.load (a)})}, _getFullURL:function() {return this. _urlRegExp.test (one)? a: (this. opts.htmlRoot |)} "") +}, definePreloader:function(a) {this.preloaderDOM =

has}, defineDownLevelStage:function(a) {this.downLevelStageDOM = a}, getStage:function() {return this.stage}, registerFonts:function(a) {If(a) b, c, g, m, k, n, t; f.fonts = f.fonts |} {var {}; for (n in one) if (a.hasOwnProperty (n) & &! f.fonts [n] & & (g = a [n]) & &""!) == g) {b = ! 1 ; for (t in f.fonts) f.fonts.hasOwnProperty (t) & & f.fonts [t] = g & & (b =! 0); if ( ! b). if (f.fonts [n] = g, b = g.indexOf (' / / '), 0 > b & & (b = g.indexOf ("" / / "")), 0 > b & & (b = g.indexOf ("/ /"), k = 0 < b, window._adobewebfontsappname_ ="Animate"), 0 < b) c =

g.indexOf (' "', b + 1"), 0 < c & & (g.substring (b, c), k = b & &"file:"= window.location.protocol & & (b ="http:"+ b), g = document.createElement ("script"), g.src =this._getFullURL (b) = g.type,' text/javascript ', document.getElementsByTagName ('head') [0] .appendChild (g), k |) (m =function() {try{window. (({Typekit.Load ()}catch(a) {window.setTimeout (m, 100)}}, window.setTimeout (m, 100))); else if (0 > g.indexOf ("< script""") & & 0 > g.indexOf ("< link ')) .append (document.createTextNode (g)) d ('head'); else if (0 > g.indexOf ("< script ')) .append (g) d ('head'); else if (b =

g.indexOf (' > '), c = g.indexOf (' \x3c/script > '), 0 < b & & 0 < c) {g = g.substring (b + 1, c); {{Try{window.eval (g)}catch(e) {}}}, getSymbols:function(a) {If(! a)return this._s; var b = []; e (this._s,function(g, c) { = a & & b.push (c)});} return b}, rC:function(a) {return a}, rR:function() {this.stage & & (this.stage, one) O}, ready:function() {var a =this;} AdobeEdge.ready (function() {a.preloaderDOM & & a.preloaderDOM.script & & (new function ('e', a.preloaderDOM.script.loading)) ({event:"done", progress: 1, reason:"complete"});}) C.AdobeEdge & & C.AdobeEdge.bootstrapLoading & &

(c = c |) {}, c.bootstrapLoading =! 0); window.edge_authoring_mode. (c & & c.framework$ & & (f $c.frame work = $), window.jQuery & &(f.$=window.jQuery)); AdobeEdge.addTouchSupport (); a.bindingFn & & a.bind ingFn(f.$); var b = a.stage =new M (a.sym,'stage', a), g, m ="." + a.ID, k = d (m); k [0] | (k = .addClass (m) d ('body')); b.init (k [0],' - edgeLoad '+; b._applyBaseStyles (k,"stage"); k.CSS ('position','relative'); if (! window.edge_authoring_mode | c.sym) si (k =,! k |) 'height'! == k.scaleToFit & &'width'! == k.scaleToFit & &'both'! == k.scaleToFit |

n (d (m))! k | "vertical"! == k.centerStage & &'horizontal'! == k.centerStage & &'both'! == k.centerStage | (b.Ele, k.centerStage), t = k.scaleToFit | 'height' = k.scaleToFit | 'width' ( "both"= k.scaleToFit) {var m = ["${stage} '] | [" ${stage} '], e, h, ca = / px | ^ $0 /; m & & m.sizeRange & & (e = m.sizeRange [0], e = ca.test (e)? parseInt (e, 10): 0, h = m.sizeRange [1], h = ca.test (h)? parseInt (h, 10)Sub :Sub 0); v (b. $("step"), k.scaleToFit, e, h,! 0, a.opts.bScaleToParent)} g =function() {If(a.launchCalled | a.opts.bootstrapLoading & &)}

! f.doPlayWhenReady) f.readyAndWaiting.push (g); else {a.launchCalled =! 0; d (' - .edgePreload '+ .css ('display','none'); d (' - .edgeLoad '+ .removeClass (' - edgeLoad '+; aBootcompsLoaded.push (;} for (var c = window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners.length, k = 0; k < c; k ++)try{window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners [k] (}catch(m) {console.log ("bootstrap error"+ m)} c is d.Event ("compositionReady");. c.compId =; d (document) .trigger (c); a.readyCalled =! 0; window.edge_authoring_mode? He's b.stopA (0):w(b,!0)}}; l (a ._l)? g (): a .addObserver ({assetsLoaded:function(a,})

({{(b) g ()}})})}, getCompId:function() {return thisuser.user}}); return ce} function N {e (H,function(b, g) {a = Math.min (g.rC (a), a)}); return a}function J (a, b) {e (H,function(g, c) {var d = c [b]; d & &,a)})}function O (a, b) {If( g = 0; g <; ++ g) {var c = [g]; c & & O (c, b)} a & & a._getTimeline () (b) .tick}function K (a) {({event (:"commencer"})}function W (a) {If(U |)} ( 'complete'= D.readyState) a (); else if (D.addEventListener) {var b =. 1; D.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded',function(g) {U =! 0; b |})} {((), b = a! 0)},! (1); D.onreadystatechange =

function () {'complete'== document.readyState & & (U =! 0); D.onreadystatechange =null; b |} {{((), b = a! 0)}} else {D.attachEvent & & D.attachEvent ("onreadystatechange",function(b) {U =! 0; a (b)})}function set {return one & &'chain'=typeof a & & (0 < a.indexOf ('%') | 0 < a.indexOf ("em") |)} "auto"= a | « null »=== un) ? ! 1 : ! 0}function $(a) {If(! a)return 0; } If('number'=typeof a)return a; var b = a.indexOf ('px') .val; return 0 < b? (val = a.substring (0, b), parseFloat (val)):parseFloat(a)}function X (a, b, g, c, d) {var k, m, n; for(k = 0; k < a.length; k ++) m = a [k], n ="$ {}"+}

m.ID +"} ', g [n] & & (b [n] =! 0, m.rect |) (m.rect = m, m =Sub 0, m.rect |) (m.rect = [0,0,0,0])), m.rect & & (m.transform |) (m.transform =, =Sub 0, m.transform |) (m.transform = [])), m.transform [0] | (m.transform[0]=[0,0]), R(m.rect[0]) & & (Mr. transform [0] [0] = c [n] = m.transform [0], $(m.rect [0]) [0], m.rect [0] ="0px"), R(m.rect[1]) & & (m.transform [0] [1] = $ (m.rect [1]), d [n] = m.transform [0] [1] m.rect [1] ="0px"))), m.children? {X: m (m.children, b, g, c, d) & & X (m, b, g, c, d)}function ja (a) {If(! window.edge_authoring_mode)for(var b in a)If(a.hasOwnProperty (b)) {var g =}

a [b], c =Sub 0, d =Sub 0 mSub = 0, k =Sub 0, n = {}, t = {}, e = {} and h = {}; if (g.timeline) for (m = g.timeline, c = 0; c <; c++) (k = [c]) & & ('left'== k [1] |) ( 'top'== k [1]) & & R (k [7]) & & (h [k [5]] =! 0); g.content & & g.content.dom & & X (g.content.dom, e, h, n, t); if (g.timeline) for (m = g.timeline, c = 0; c <; c++) (k = [c]) & & ('left'== k [1] |) {( «top»==k[1]) & & R (k [7]) & & e [k [5]] & & ('left'= k [1]? d ='translateX':'top'= k [1] & & (d ="translateY""), k [1] = d)}}var D = document, window, S = C = {}, H = {}, aa = {imagesDir:' images / '}, ba = Array.prototype.forEach;

T, ka = [], V, U, oa = [] .push, ga = {}, da = {option: [1,'< select multiple 'multiple' = >',"< / select > '], thead: [1,'< table >','< /table >'], col: [2,'< table > < colgroup >'," < / colgroup > < / table > '], tr: [2,"< table tbody > > <","< / tbody > < / table > '], td: [3," < table tbody > < tr > > < " " < /tr > < / tbody > < / table > "" "]} , _default : [1,« »,« »]}, ma = / < ([\w:]+)/,na=/ < ( ? ! Area: br | col | embed | HR: img | Input | Link | Meta | param) (([\w:]+) [^ >] *)------/ > / gi, G = {}, Z is {}; f.doPlayWhenReady =! 1; f.readyAndWaiting = []; var qa = {columnCount:! 0, fillOpacity:! 0, fontWeight:! 0, lineHeight:! 0, opacity:! 0,}

order:! 0, orphans:! 0, widows:! 0, zIndex:! 0, zoom:! 0}, ha = {letterSpacing:0, fontWeight:400}; V = ument.createElement ("div"); the doc ba = p (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform","MozTransform","OTransform","msTransform"]); e = d.each; d.extend = q; =function(a, b, g) {var c ='Babar'+ b; 2 < arguments.length & &(a[c]=g); return has [and c]}; q (a.prototype, {addObserver:function() {If(a) {var b =this. notifier.obs, g, c, g = b.length; for(c = 0; c < g; c ++)If(b [c] .o = a)return; b [g] = {o: a}}}, removeObserver:function(a) {If(a) {var b =this. notify, g = b.obs, c;}}})

for (c = 0; c < g.length; c++) if (g [c] .o = a) if (0 = b.lvl) {g.splice (c, 1); break} else g [c] .deleted =! 0}}, notifyObservers:function(a, b) {return k (the, a, b)}, removeObservers:function() {var a =this.notifier? } This. Notifier.OBS:null; ({{has & & a.splice(0,a.length)}}); b.expr = {}; var f = b.expr [': '] = {visible:function() {If((this) A)return this}, hide:function() {If(!)}} {A (this))return this}, selected:function() {If(this.selected)return this}, check:function() {If(thischecked)return this}, parent:function() {return this.parentNode}, first:function() {If(0 =)}

{{a)return this}, last:function(a, b) {If(a = b.length - 1)return this}, eq:function(a, b, c) {If(a = c)return this}, has:function(a, b, c) {If(m (this, c) .length)return this}}, pa = /(.*): (\w+)(?:\ {(([^)] +) \))?$\s*/,ra={tabindex:"tabIndex", readonly:"readOnly",'for':'htmlFor','class':'className', maxlength:"maxLength", cellspacing:"cellSpacing", cellpadding:'cellPadding', rowspan:"rowSpan", colspan:"colSpan", well:"well", frameborder:"frameBorder", contentEditable:contentEditable 'a'}; q (b.prototype, {css:function(a, b) {If(!)}}) () 1 >

(( this.length)) {If('string'==typeof a) {var c, g = s (a); } If(1 < arguments.length) {isNaN (parseFloat (b)) |! isFinite (b) |} QA [g] | (b+="px"); for (c = 0; c <this.length; c ++) ce [c] .style [g] = b; return ce} c = C.getComputedStyle? C.getComputedStyle (this[0]) [g] | ce [0] .style [g]:this[0] .style [g]; 'normal'= c & & g in ha & &(c=ha[g]); return c}If(r (a)) {var m = {}, k =this[0]; d.each (r b? r: [a],function(a, b) {var c = s (b);m[b][c]||C.computedStyle.getPropertyValue(k)[c]});})} return m}for(g in one)this.css(g,a[g]); return this}}, prop:function(a,

(b) {a = ra [a] | one;} returns 1 in arguments? { this.each (function(c, g) {this[a] ='function'==typeof b? (this, g,this[a]): b}):this[0] & &this[0] [has]}, addClass:function(a) {g (this, a); return this}, removeClass:function(a) {g (this,! 0); return this}, hasClass:function(a) {a =""+ a +""; ""} for(var b = 0, c =this.length,g=/[\t\r\n\f]/g;b < c; b ++)If(1 =this[b] .nodeType & & 0 < = (""+this[b] .className +"""").replace(g,__"_"_).indexOf (a))return! 0; return! 1}, attr:function(a, b) {If('chain'! ==typeof a |!)} ( this.length)return null; if (Sub 0 = b) return ce [0] .getAttribute (a);

this.each (function(c, g) {b? }) ({This.setAttribute (a, b):this.removeAttribute (a)}); return this}, removeAttr:function(a) {If('chain'! ==typeof a |!)} ( this.length)return null; this.each (function(b, c) {c.removeAttribute (a)}); return this}, each:function(a) { (this,function(b, c) { (b, c, b)}); return this},get:function() {If(this.length & & a <this.length)return this[a]}, _s:function(a, b) {If(this.length) {If(Sub 0 = a)return this[0] [b]; }} This.each (function(c, g) {this[b] = one}); return this}}, parent:function() {var a =this[0] .parentNode;}

{ return one & & 11! == a.nodeType? d (a):null}, parents:function() {for(var a =this[0], b = []; (a = a.parentNode) & & 9! == a.nodeType;) 1 = a.nodeType & & b.push (a); return b}, text:function(a) {return this._s (one,"textContent")}, html:function(a) {return this._s (one,"innerHTML")}, show:function() {return this.each (function() {'none'==this. style.display & & (this. style.display =""); })} If('none'== getComputedStyle (this,"') .getPropertyValue ("display")) {var a, b =this.nodeName, c, g; Z [b] | (c = document.createElement (b), (c) document.body.appendChild,)

{({{(g = getComputedStyle(c,__""_).getPropertyValue ('view'), c.parentNode.removeChild (c),'none'is g & & (g ="block"), Z [b] = g); a.display = Z [b]}})}, hide:function() {return this.css ('display','none')}, wrap:function() {var b ='function'==typeof a; } If(this[0] & &! b)var c = d (a). get (0), g = c.parentNode | 1 <this.length; return { this.each (function(m) {d (this).wrapAll(b?,m):g? c.cloneNode(!0):c)})}, wrapAll:function(a) {If(this[0]) {for(this[0].parentElement.insertBefore (one,this[0]); a.firstElementChild;) a = a.firstElementChild; d (a) of (this) .append}return this},.

dimension:function() {var b =this[0], c = a [0]? a [0] .toUpperCase () + a.substr (1):""; if(b===b.window)return b.document.documentElement ["client"+ c]; } If(9 = b.nodeType)return Math.max (b.body ["scroll"+ c], D ["scroll"+ c], b.body ["offset"+ c], D ["offset"+ c], D ["client"+ c]); cthis.css (a) = | ""; if ('auto'! = c & & (c = x c,! c.units |)) (( 'px'== c.units))return c.num;b=b.getBoundingClientRect(); if ('width'= a) return Math.Round (b.Width); if ('height'= a) return Math.Round (b.Height)}, width:function() {return void 0! = a? } This.css ("width", one):

this.dimension ('width')}, height:function() {return void 0! = a? } {This.css ('height', a):this.dimension ('height')}, offset:function() {If(! )} This.length)return null; var a =this[0] .getBoundingClientRect (); return ({{left:a.left + window.pageXOffset, top: + window.pageYOffset, width:Math.round (a.width), the hei (a.height) ght:Math.round}}, is:function() {return 0 <this.length & & y (this[0], a)}}); P ({opacity: {}, on the left: {f:"rect", i: 0, sup:"px"}, up: {f:"rect", i: 1, sup:"px"}, width: {f:"rect", i: 2, sup:"px"}, height: {f:"rect", i: 3, sup:'px'}, right: {f:"rect",})

{i: 4, sup:'px'}, down: {f:'rect', i: 5, sup:'px'}, CBC: {o:'img'f:'fill', i: 1, one: 1, p:1, x: {apply:function(a, b, c, g) {b = g? g._getFullURL (b): b; a.attr ('src', b)}}}, poster: {f:'post', o:'video', a: 1}, preload: {f:'preload', one: 1}, medsrc: {e:'img','source', a f:: 1, x: {apply:function(a b}} (, c, g) {var m; a: {m = c.type; var k = c.preload;} if (! AdobeEdge.isIOS) {var n, t; for(n = 0; n < b.length; n ++)If(t = b [n] .split ("."), t = t [Extremity-1] .toLowerCase (), AdobeEdge.supported [m] [t]) {t =! 1;}} (t =null= k |) ""==k? == 'auto'("audio"== m? g.opts.gAudioPreloadPreference:)

(g.opts.gVideoPreloadPreference):'auto'== k) & & z (m, g._getFullURL (b [n]), g); m = g._getFullURL (b [n]); { Break one}} m =Sub 0}If(d.isArray (b) & & 1! = b.length)for(m = 0; m < b.length; ++ m) k = document.createElement ("source"), d (k) .attr ('src', g._getFullURL (b [m])), a.get(0) .appendChild (k); else m? a.attr ('src', m):a.attr ('src', d.isArray (b)? g._getFullURL (b [0]):g._getFullURL(b));) {{{ "audio"== c.tag & & a.attr ("orders","block"== c.display)}}},' background-image ': {e:'img'f:'fill', i: 1, w:"url(@@0)", p:1, x: {prep:function(a, b, c, g, d, m, k) {var n; b [c] & &}}}

(n = b [c] [g]); 0 Sub ! == n & & (n = z (b.type, n, k), k._getFullURL (n), n =this. conf.t.replace ("@@0", n)); retour n}}},« background-color »: {f:« remplissage », i:0, x: {s’appliquent :function(a,b){a.css (« couleur de fond », h (b))}}}, texte : {x: {s’appliquent :fonction(a,b){a.html(b)}}},« min-width »: {f :« sizeRange », i:0},« max-width »: {f :« sizeRange », i:1},« min-height »: {f :« sizeRange », i:2},« max-height »: {f :« sizeRange », i:3}, débordement : {x: {s’appliquent :fonction(a,b){a.css (« overflow », b) ;« cachée »! == b & &« scroll »! == b || a.CSS (« text-overflow » (,«clip»)}}},' background-repeat ': {e:"img",

{ f:'fill', x: {apply:function(a, b) {b & & 1! = b.length & & (d.isArray (b [1]) | a.CSS ('background-repeat', b [6]:"no-repeat""))}}},"background-attachment": {f:"fill", i: 7, x: {apply:function(a, b) {"scroll"! == b & & a.css ("background-attachment", b)}}},"background-size": {f:"fill"i: 4, d:'100% 100% '}, autoOrient: {x: {apply:function(a, b) {AdobeEdge. $.data(a[0],"doAutoOrient",b)}}}, clip : {}, display: {},"border-top-left-radius": {f:"borderRadius", i: 0},"border-top-right-radius": {f:"borderRadius", i: 1, ii:0},"border-bottom-right-radius": {f:"borderRadius" }

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b, c, g, d, m, k) {If('text'== b.type)return g =this. conf.i, d = 0, c =this. conf.f, a = b [c] [g] [d], b = b [c] [g] [d + 1] b & &' '! = b |} (b=this.conf.u),a+b}}},"font-weight":{f:"font",i:3},"letter-spacing":{f:"textStyle",i:0},"word-spacing":{f:"textStyle",i:1},"line-height":{f:"textStyle",i:2},"text-indent":{f:"textStyle",i:3},"text-transform":{f:"textStyle",i:4},color:{f:"font",i:2,x:{apply:function(a,b){a.css("color",h(b))}}},"text-decoration":{f:"font",i:4},"font-style":{f:"font",i:5},"word-wrap":{f:"font" i:6} ,' text-align ': {f:'align'},

'spaces': {f:'rect', x: {prep:function(a, b) {If(b.font)return 7 < b.font.length? b.font [7]:b.rect}, apply:function(a, b) {d.isArray (b)?}} (! b [2] | 0 > = b [2] |) ( 'auto'== b [2]) & & (! b [3] | 0 > = b [3] |) {{( «auto»==b[3]) & & (a.css ("spaces","nowrap"), a.css ('wordWrap',' word-break ')): (a.css ('space', b),"nowrap"== b & & a.css ('wordWrap',' word-break '))}}}, volume: {f:'volume', x: {apply:function(a, b) {.volumegeta (0) = b}}}, className: {f:'uc', x: {apply:function(a, b) {a.addClass (b)}}}, controls: {a: 1}, alt: {a: 1}, title: {a: 1}, tabindex: {a: 1},

AutoPlay: {a: 1}, loop: {a: 1}, linkURL: {f:'linkURL', one: 1, x: {prep:function(a, b) {ga [a user.user [0]] = b; a .onclick [0] =function() {var a = [thisuser.user] ga; a.linkTarget? (a.linkURL, a.linkTarget): window.location.href = a .linkURL}; a [0]. style.cursor ="pointer"}}}); var Y = {c:'children', from left to right:'rect', zr:"sizeRange", br:'borderRadius', cl:'clip', al:'alt', tt:"title", ti:"tabindex", cn:'orders', SR.:'source', ps:"poster", pr:"preload", cu:"cursor", ap:"autoplay", lp:'loop', n:"police", tf:"transform", sh:'boxShadow', ts:"textStyle", o:'opacity',}

{UC:'userClass's:'stroke','fill', v f::'view', fi:'filter', sN:'NomSymbole', tr:'trigger'}; q (M.prototype, a.prototype); q (M.prototype, {init:function(a, b) {var c =this[] .data; c & & L (this.composition,this, c.content.dom,, a, b)}, register:function(a, b) {}, play:function() {}}); q (I.prototype, a.prototype); I have ._playAuto = o; (function() {var ; T | (a = C.requestAnimationFrame |) C.webkitRequestAnimationFrame | E C.mozRequestAnimationFram | C.msRequestAnimationFrame | C.oRequestAnimationFrame | function (a) {C.setTimeout (a,

(17)}, T =function() {var b; b = N (0); J (b,"rP"); J (b,"rR"); J (b,"rA") ; (C, T)}, (C, T))}) (); G.cssTransform = p (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform","MozTransform","OTransform","msTransform"]); G.cssTransform3d = p (["perspectiveProperty","WebkitPerspective","MozPerspective","OPerspective","msPerspective"]); =function() {var a = document.createElement ("audio"), b = {}; a.canPlayType & &(b.m4a=!! a.canPlayType (' audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2» ') replace (/ No. /," "), b.aac = b.m4a, b.mp3 =!)} a.canPlayType ("audio/mpeg;"). Replace (/ No. /,)

""),b.wav=!! a.canPlayType (' audio/wav; codecs = "1" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogg =! a.canPlayType (' audio/ogg; codecs = "vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.oga = b.ogg); Return b} (); G.Video =function() {var a = document.createElement ("video"), b = {}; a.canPlayType & &(b.webm=!! a.canPlayType («vidéo/webm») replace (/ No. /,""), b.mp4 =!)} a.canPlayType ("video/mp4;"). Replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogv =! a.canPlayType (' video/ogg; codecs = "theora, vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogg =! a.canPlayType (' video/ogg; codecs = "theora, vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,"""));

Return b} (); G.customEvent =function() {If(! window.)} CustomEvent)back! 1; try { void return 0! ==new CustomEvent ('testCustomEvent',! 1! 1)} catch (a) {return!} 1}() ; G.addEventListener =Sub 0! == window.addEventListener; var a = G, here. ='background - color:rgba (150,255,150,.5)'; AI = 0 == (' "+ .indexOf ("rgba")? 0:! 1; his. RGBA = AI; q (f, {version:"5.0.0", Composition: I, defaultOpt:aa, $: d, a$: b, renderDOM: L, ready: W, camelize: s, splitUnits:x, loadCom position:function(a, b, c, g, m) {function n (a, g) {W (function() {var m = "})

d ("." [ + b),k=/PX|^0$/,n=c.scaleToFit,e=c.centerStage,h=c.minW,f=c.maxW,l=c.Width,s=c.Height,y=m[0] |) document.getElementsByTagName ('body') [0]; "absolute"! = & &"relative"! = & & ( ="on"); s & & (s =; l & & (;/^height$|^width$|^both$/.test(n) & & (h = (h) k.test? parseInt (h, 10): 0, f = k.test (f)? parseInt (f 10)Sub :Sub 0,v(d(y),n,h,f,!1,c.bScaleToParent));/^vertical$|^horizontal$|^both$/.test(e) & & t (y, e); a & & L (H [B],null, a.dom and, m [0], g + b); m.removeClass (' - edgeLoad '+)

(b)})}function e() {K (function EA {a? ea & & setTimeout (ea, 20): a = {event:'loading', progress:0}; f.preloaderDOM.script & & (new function ('e', f.preloaderDOM.script.loading)) (a)}); n (f.preloaderDOM,' - edgePreload ')}function h() {n (f.downLevelStageDOM,"edgeDownLevel")}var f = H [b] AdobeEdge.compositions [b] =new = I (b, c), k (AdobeEdge,"newComp", {model: f} "); BA? (window.edge_authoring_mode |) (g? ((f.definePreloader (g), e (): f.load (a +"_edgePreload.js", e)), a & & (c & & c.bootstrapLoading? ka.push (a): window.edge_authoring_mode & & c.sym? f.load(a+))

+ c.sym):f.load ' _edge.js? symbol = '(a +"_edge.js"))): window.edge_authoring_mode | (m? {((f.defineDownLevelStage (m), h (): f.load (has +"_edgePreload.js", h))}, registerCompositionDefn:function(a, b, c, g, d, m) {H [a] .define (m, b, c, g, d)}, registerEventBinding:function(a, b) {H [a] .bindingFn = b}, getComposition:function() {return H [a]}, defineProps:P, Accessories: S, symbol: M, stating: a, isSupported:p, supported: G, isIOS:function() {var a = navigator.userAgent; return'webkitAppearance'in & &(/iPad/.test(a)|| /iPod/.test(a) |}

() /iPhone/.test(a))}, isOpera: / Opera/.test (navigator.userAgent), registerFonts:function(a) {AdobeEdge.getCurrentComposition () .registerFonts (a)}, playWhenReady:function() {f.doPlayWhenReady =! 0; for(var a = 0; a < f.readyAndWaiting.length; a ++) f.readyAndWaiting [a] ()}, _: {c:H, P:E, p:S, rE: Q, no.: k, nDN:B}});} q (f, a.prototype); ( (f)})(window.) AdobeEdge); window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners | (window w. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners = []);

window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback =function(f) {window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners.push (f); if (0 < aBootcompsLoaded.length) for (var r = 0; r < aBootcompsLoaded.length;r++)f(aBootcompsLoaded[r])};) window.AdobeEdge.compositions | (window.AdobeEdge.compositions = [];) window. AdobeEdge.yepnope = window.yepnope;

(function(f) {function r() { (this); }}) {This.animationID =' - animID '+ r.nextID; r.nextID += 1}function u (b, d, c) { (this);"function"=typeof b?} this.handler = b:'chain'=typeof b & & (this.eventType = b); this.handlerContext = c; = d; this.isTrigger =! 0}function e (b, d, c, n, h) { (this); } This.animation = b; thiswhich .position = 0; this.duration =-1; this. opts = {}; l.extend (this.opts, h); this.easing ='function'=typeof n? n to n & & l.easing [n]? n: e.defaultEasing; 0 Sub ! == d & & (thiswhich .position = d). 0 Sub ! ==

c & & (this.duration = c); this.timeline =null; this.dScale = 1; this.dDuration = 0; the.done =! 1}function p { (this); l.extend (this, f.Timeline.config); l.extend(, b); } This.startPositionthis.timerStartthis.timer = = = 0; this.currentPosition =-1; this.playing =Sub 0; thisthis.duration = .iteration = 0; this.interval = 1E3 /this*. FPS; this.objects = []}function h (b) {return s.test(b[1])}var l = $ f, q is {}, x = {}, s = / ^(trigger|@) $/; l.isArray =function(b) {return'[object Array]'= (b)}; l.easing = l.easing |

{} ; l.extend (l.easing, {linear:function(b, d, c, n) {return c + n * b}, swing:function(b, d, c, n) {return(-Math.cos(b*Math.PI)/2+0.5)*n+c}});r.nextID=1;l.extend(r.prototype,f.Notifier.prototype);}}) l.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function() (), update:function(b, d) {}, getDuration:function() {return 0}}); l.extend (u.prototype, r.prototype); l.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, update:function(b) {this.fired |}}) (this= .fired 0,this.handler?) this. (this.handlerContext, b, & &this.timeline & &

this. (timeline.notifyObservers (ce.eventType, {écoulé: b, donné}))}, Setup:function(b, d) {var c =Sub 0 = b.executeTriggers |} null= b.executeTriggers; this. fired = b.startingFromCurrent & & c | ! c & &! b.executeTriggers? "backside"! == b.playDirection? b.currentPosition > = d: b.currentPosition < = d:'backside'! == b.playDirection? b.currentPosition > d: b.currentPosition < d; this. timeline = b}}); e.defaultEasing ='linear'; l.extend (e.prototype, f.Notifier.prototype); l.extend (e.prototype, {constructor: e, Setup:function(b) {this.timeline =})

b; var d =this.duration, c =null; this.animation & &this. animation.getDuration & & (c =this. animation.getDuration ()); this.dScale =-1. == d & & 0! == d ? c / d: 1; this.dDuration =-1. == d ? d; the.done =! 1; this.animation & &this. {animation.setup & &this. animation.setup (b,thiswhich .position)}, update:function(b) {If(! )} This.done) {var d =this.dDuration, c; This.animation & & (0 = d? c = 0 < = b? 1:0: (b > = d & &(b=d), 0 > = b & & (b = 0), c = l.easing [this.easing](b/d,b,0,1,d)),this. animation.update (b *this.dScale, c)); ("reverse"=this. timeline.playDirection? 0 > = b: b > = d) & &

{{ this. complete()}}, complete:function() {this= .done! 0; } This.timeline & &this. (this) timeline.updateComplete}, getPosition:function() {return this.position}, setPosition:function(b) {thiswhich .position = b}, getDuration:function() {return-1! ==this.duration? } This.duration:this.animation & &this. animation.getDuration? { this. animation.getDuration (): 0}, setDuration:function(b) {this.duration = 0 < = b? b:-1}});} p.config = {dropFrames:! 0, fps:60, pauseThreshold:250}; p.prototype.tick =function(b) {this._handleTimer (b)}; l.extend (p.prototype, r.prototype);

l.extend (p.prototype, {constructor: p, reading:function(b) {b = b |}}) {}; this.notifyObservers ('play'); this= .playing! 0; this._stop ({}); if ("undefined"=typeof b.pos |) ( null= b.pos)If("reverse"== b.playDirection) b.pos =this.currentPosition, 0 > = b.pos & & (b.pos =this. getDuration()); else if (0 >this.currentPosition |) ( this.currentPosition > =this. getDuration()) b.pos = 0; l.extend(, b); (b.pos, b); this.iteration = 0; this.timerStart = (new Date) .getTime (); this.startPosition =this.currentPosition; this.lastUpdateTime =this.timerStart;

this.firstUpdate =! 0; this. _handleTimer(); this.firstUpdate =! 1; return this}, stop:function(b) {this= .playing! 1; b & & b.bSeek? } { (b.pos, b):this._stop (b)}, get:function(b, d) {this.notifyObservers ("seek"); Thisextinguish (d); var c =this.currentPosition; this._stop (d); l.extend (this, d); 0 Sub ! == b & & (this.currentPosition = b); this.startingFromCurrent ='number'=typeof b & & c! isthis.currentPosition? 1 : ! 0; thisfacility (this); this.firstUpdate =! 0; this.updateSeek (this.currentPosition, 1, c); this.firstUpdate =! 1; return this}, add:function(b,

d, c, n, h) {b =new e (b, d, c, n, h); This.objects.push (b); this.sorted =! 1}, sort:function(b) {var d = {width: 1, height: 2,' - webkit - transform-origin ': 3,' transform-origin ': 4,"- moz - transform-origin ': 5," - ms - transformation-origin ": 6, left: 7, top: 8, down: 9, right: 10, motion: 11}; } This.sorted | (this. objects.sort (function(b, c) {var a = b.animation, k = c.animation; })) If(a | k) {If(! a)return- 1; } {If(! k)return 1;else return b.position - c.Placez; if ( | k.Property) {If(!;} Si (! { return 1}else return b.position - c.Placez;

var g = d [], m = d []; return a.sourceElements! == k.sourceElements? a.sourceElements > k.sourceElements? 1:-1: g & &(!m|| m < g)? 1: m & &(!g|| m>g)? ({- 1:b.position - c.Placez}),that.sorted =! (0); for (b = 1; b <this. objects.length; b ++) {var c =this[b-1] n, .objects =this. objects [b]; c.animation & & n.animation & & = & & c.anima tion.sourceElements = n.animation.sourceElements?} (c.animation._nextObj = n.animation, n.anima tion._prevObj = c.animation): (c.animation & & (c.animation._nextObj =null))

{(n.Animation & & (n.animation._prevObj=null))}}, getDuration:function() {var b =this.duration,this.objects,this= c = d. objects.length, n = Math.max, e, t; for(e = 0; e < c; e += 1) t = d [e], b = n (b, t.position + t.getDuration ()); return b}, getCurrentPosition:function() {return this.currentPosition}, update:function(b, d) {this. sort(); } This.notifyObservers ("PreUpdateest", {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});}) var c =this.objects, n =this. triggers, e = c.length, t = n.length, a ='backside'! ==this.playDirection,k=!1,g=!0,m=!window.edge_authoring_mode & &this.executeTriggers.

h =! Window.edge_authoring_mode & & (Sub 0 =this.executeTriggers |) ( null=this.executeTriggers), f, l, s, q, p, r; this.currentDirection = one? 'before':'backside'. for (s = 0; s < t; s += 1) if (q = n [a? s: t-s-1], p = q.animation.isTrigger & &!) (this.startingFromCurrent & &this.firstUpdate), (h & & p | m |!) ( this.firstUpdate) & &! q.animation.fired & & (a? b > = q.position:b < = q.position + q.duration)) {p =this. currentPosition = q.position; r =the. getState(); for(k = 0; k < e; k += 1) f = c [a? k: e - k-1], (l = a & &! f.opts.reverseOnly |! a & &! f.opts.forwardOnly) & &! f.anima tion.isTrigger & &}

(a? p > = f.position:p < = f.position + f.duration) & & ((l = p-f.position) | f.Duration | a |) (l = 1), f.upd ate (l)); k =! 0; q.animation.update (p); if (! { this.equalState (r)) {g =. 1; break}}If(! k)for(k = 0; k < e; k += 1) f = c [a? k: e - k-1], (l = a & &! f.opts.reverseOnly |! a & &! f.opts.forwardOnly) & &! f.Anima tion.isTrigger & & (a? b > = f.position:b < = f.position + f.duration) & & ((l = b-f.position) | f.Duration | | a |) (l = 1), f.update (l)); this.notifyObservers ('fxUpdate', {elapsed: b}); this.notifyObservers ('postUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});}) this.notifyObservers ('update',

{elapsed: b, easingConst:d});} return g}, setLoop:function(b) {this.loopCount = b}, getState:function() {return{pos:this.currentPosition, dir:this.playDirection, playing:this.playing}}, equalState:function(b) {var d =! b.Playing, c =!} this.playing; { return b.pos =this.currentPosition & & b.dir =this.playDirection & & d = c}, _handleTimer:function(b) {b = b |} (new Date) .getTime (); var d ='backside'=this.playDirection, c = -this.timerStart - bit.iteration * (d? ) This.startPosition:this.duration -this.startPosition), d =this.startPosition +.

(d?-c); b -this.lastUpdateTime >this.pauseThreshold & & (this.timerStart += b -this.lastUpdateTime +this.interval, c = b -this.timerStart); if (this.playing) {If(this.currentPosition = d = Math.max (0, Math.min (d,this.duration)),this.update(d,1),this.lastUpdateTime = b, b = (d ="backside"=this.playDirection)? 0 <this.currentPosition:this.currentPosition <this.duration,! b) {If(this.loopCount & & (this.iteration += 1,this.notifyObservers ('iterationComplete', {elapsed: c, count:this.iteration}),«forever»=this.loopCount |))}} this.iteration <

(( this.loopCount)) {c =this. objects; b = c.length; for(d = 0; d < b; d += 1) c [d] = .done! 1;} this. tick(); return} this. stop(); {{{ this.notifyObservers ("complete", {elapsed: c})}}else this.notifyObservers ('fxUpdate', {elapsed: c})}, Setup:function(b) {, b); } This.triggers = []; b =this.objects; var d =ce. objects.length, c, n; for (c = 0; c < d; c += 1) n = b [c], n.done =! 1, (this) n.setup, n.animation.isTrigger & &this.triggers.push (n); { this.duration =this. getDuration()}, updateComplete:function(b) {b.done =! 0}, _stop:function(b) {b & &}

b.dontNotify | this.notifyObservers ('stop'); this.timer & & not (this.timer) clearTimeout(). thisthis.timer = .timerStart = 0; return this}}) ; p.prototype.updateSeek = p.prototype.update; f.Animation = r; f.TimelineObject = e; f.Timeline = p; f.Timeline.createTimeline =function(b) {return new f.Timeline (b)}; f.Timeline.createTween =function(b) {var d = q [b]; return d? d.func.apply (d.context, (arguments, 1)):null}; f.Timeline.addTweenType =function(b, d, c) {q [b] = {func:d, context:c}}; f.Timeline.addTweenProperty =function(b,

(d) {x [b] = d}; f.Timeline.getTweenType =function(b) {return x [b] |} 'style'} ; f.Timeline.createTrigger =function(b, d) {return new u(b,d,arguments[arguments.length-1])}; f.Timeline.isTrigger = h; f.Timeline.isTween =function(b) {return! h (b)}; f.Timeline.createTL =function(b, d, c) {var n = f.Timeline.createTimeline (), e = b.length, t, a, k, g; k = b.duration? b.duration:0;} var m; n.duration = k; c & & c.loop & & n.setLoop (c.loop); for (c = 0; c < e; c += 1) t = b [c], a =null, k = - 1, h (t)? (g = t.slice (3.5), g.push (d), a = f.Timeline.createTrigger.apply (null, g), g = t [5],)

m ='none'): t [1] & & (k = x [t [1]] |) ( 'style', g = [k, t [1]] .concat (t.slice (5)), a = f.Timeline.createTween.apply (null, g), k = t [3], m = t [4], g = t [8]), a & & ( = t [0], n.add(a,t[2],k,m,g)); )(window.) ( return n}} AdobeEdge);

(function(f) {var r = f. $; r.easing.jswing = r.easing.swing; r.extend (r.easing, {def:"easeOutQuad", swing:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return r.easing [r.easing.def](f,e,p,h,l)}, easeInQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / l =) * e + p}, easeOutQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {*(e/=l)returnh * (e-2) + p}, easeInOutQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e + p}})}) {: h/2 * (-EI * (e-2)-1) + p}, easeInCubic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / l =) * e * e + p}, easeOutCubic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e + 1) + p}, easeInOutCubic:function(f, e, p, h,

(l) {return 1 > (e / l/2 =)? h/2 * e * e * e + p:h / 2 * ((e-=2) * e * e + 2) + p}, easeInQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / = l) * e * e * e + p}, easeOutQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {returnh * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e * e-1) + p}, easeInOutQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e * e * e + p} {: h/2 * ((e-=2) * e * e * e-2) + p}, easeInQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / = l) * e * e * e * e + p}, easeOutQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e * e * e + 1) + p}, easeInOutQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / l/2 =)? h/2 * e * e * e * e * e + p} {: h/2 * ((e-=2) * e * e * e * e + 2) + p}, easeInSine:function(e,

e, p, h, l) {(return- h*Math.cos(e/l*(Math.PI/2)) + h + p}, easeOutSine:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h*Math.sin(e/l*(Math.PI/2)) + p}, easeInOutSine:function(f, e, d, h, l) {returnh/2 * (Math.cos (Math.PI * e/l)-1) + p}, easeInExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 0 == e?:h*Math.pow(2,10*(e/l-1)) + p p} , easeOutExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return e == l? p + h:h * (-Math.pow (2, -10 * e/l) + 1) + p}, easeInOutExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 0 == e? p:e == l? p + h: 1 > (e/=l/2)?h/2*Math.pow(2,10*(e-1)) + p:h / 2 * (-Math.pow (2, -10 *-e) + 2) + p}, eas eInCirc:function(f, e, p, h l) {returnh *}

{(Math.sqrt (1--(e / = l) * e)-1) + p}, easeOutCirc:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * Math.sqrt (1--(e = e/l-1) * e) + p}, easeInOutCirc:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e/=l/2)?-h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-e*e)-1)+p:h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-(e-=2 *) + 1)) e + p}, easeInElastic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0} r = h; if (0 == e) return p; if (1 ==(e/=l)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); return-(r * Math.pow (2, 10 * (e-=1))*Math.sin(2*(e*l-f)*Math.PI/q)) + p}, easeOutElastic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0, r = h;})

if (0 == e) return p; if (1 ==(e/=l)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); { Return r * Math.pow (2, -10 * e) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) + h + p}, easeInOutElastic:function(e, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0, r = h;} if (0 == e) return p; if (2 ==(e/=l/2)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l * 1.5); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); { return 1 > e?-0,5 * r * Math.pow (2, 10 * (e = 1)) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) + p:r * Math.pow (2, -10 *(e-=1)) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) * 0.5 + h + p}, easeInBack:function(e,

e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return h * (e / l =) * e * ((q+1) * e-q) + p}, easeOutBack:function(f, e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * ((q+1) * e + q) + 1) + p}, easeInOutBack:function(f, e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e * (((q * = 1,525) + 1) * e-q) + p} {: h / 2 * ((e-=2) * e * (((q * = 1,525) + 1) * e + q) + 2) + p}, easeIn Bounce:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h - r.easing.easeOutBounce (f, l-e, 0, h, l) + p}, easeOutBounce:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return(e / = l) < 1/2.75?7.5625*h*e*e+p: e < 2/2.75? h * (7.5625* (e = 1.5/2.75)*e+0.75)+))}

p:e < 2.5/2.75?h* (7.5625* (e = 2.25/2.75)*e+0.9375)+p:h* (7.5625* ({e = 2.625/2.75)*e+0.984375)+p}, easeInOutBounce:function(e, e, d, h, l) {return e < l/2?0.5*r.easing.easeInBounce(f,2*e,0,h,l)+p:0.5*r.easing.easeOutBounce(f,2*e-l,0,h,l}) + 0.5 * h + p}})})(window.)) AdobeEdge);

(function(f) {function r (a, b) {return b? b +'_'+ a: has +'_'+ k ++}function u (a) {a.length & &(a=a[0]); return has? a.edgeSymbol:null}function e (a, b) {.}}) Length & & (a = a [0]); {a & & (a.edgeSymbol = b)}function p {var b, c, d, k = a.length; } If(n.isArray (a))for(b = [], d = 0; d < d; k ++) c = a [d], b [d] =null! = c & &'object'=typeof c? (c) p: c; else for (a d in b = {}) a.hasOwnProperty (d) & &'prototype'! == d & & (c = a [d], b [d] =null! = c & &"object"=typeof c? p (c): c); return b}function h (a) {a = [b.SID]; return a.timeline?}function part {a = [b.SID];

{ return a.timeline? a.timeline.duration:0}function q (a, b, c) {function d (a, b) {for(k = 0; k <.)}} Length; (k += 1) {If(a [k] user.user = b)return a [k]; {{If(a [k] .children)return (a [k] .children, b)}return null} b = b.replace (/ [-{\}------$] "/ g,' ''); a = [b.SID]; var k; if (a = a.content? a.content.dom:null) if (b = d (a, b)) if (a = f.props [c]) Return a.prep (null, b, c, a.i, a.j.); return null} Function x (a, b, c, d, k) {return['generated','place', d, k,'linear', a, [[b.x, b.y, 0, 0], [c.x Fokker-built, c.y, 0, 0]]]}function s (b, c) {var d, k; c & & (b.tlCached =Sub 0); var n = h (b);} if ( ! n). return null;

n.Duration = l (b); n.dirty & & b.tlCached & & (d = b.tlCached.currentPosition, k = b.tlCached.notifier.o bs, b.tlCached =Sub 0); if (! b.tlCached) {var e, v is [] .timeline, s, p = {}, r = {}, u, w, F = n.duration, I; e = []; var N; s = n.Length; for (w = n.length - 1; 0 < = w; w-) "injected"= n [w] [0] & & n.splice (w, 1); s = n.length; 'number'! ==typeof e.timeline.duration & & (e.timeline.duration = 0); for (N = 0; N < s; N++)(w=n[N]) & & a (w) & & (u = w [5], p [u] |) (p [u] = []), p [u] .push (w), u = u +": '+ ("query"= w [1]?'location': w [1]), [u] r | (r [u] = []), r [u] .push (w)),

w & & a (w) & & (I = o [3] | 0, F = Math.Max (F, w [2] + I)); p = Math.max (e.timeline.duration, F); w =function(a, b) {return a [2] b [2]}; for ( in r u) (u) r.hasOwnProperty & & r [u] extinguish (w); for (u in r) r.hasOwnProperty (u) & & (w = r [u] [0], 0 < w [2] & & (e = q (b, w [5], w [1]),null== e & & (e = w [6]),'place'= w [1]?)) () w = r [u] [0], s = {x: w [6] [0] [0], y: w [6] [0] [1]}, e = x (w [5], s, s, 0, Math.Max(0,w[2]-1)), e [0] ='injected', n.push (e)):void 0! == e & & (w = f.cloneJSONObject (r [u] [0]), [6] w = w [7] = e, w [3] = w [2], w [2] = 0, w [0] ='injected', w [8] & &' '! = .valueTemplate w [8] & &'string'==typeof e & & (= .valueTemplate w [8])

' '), n.push (w))), s = r [u] .length-1, 0 < = s & & (w = r [u] [s], [2] e = w + w [3], e < F & & ('place'= w [1]?)) (s = w [6]) .length-1, s = {x: w [6] [s] [0], y: w [6] [s] [1]}, e = x (w [5], s, s, e, p-e), e [0] ='injected'): (e = f.cloneJSONObject (r [u] [s]), e [6] = w [7], e [2] = p, e [3] = 0, e [0] ='injected', e [8] = e [8] |) {}, e [8] .reverseOnly =! 0), n.push (e))); F < p & & (w = ['injected','-an_resting ', F, p - F,'linear',' ${stage} ','0','100'], n.push (w)); b.tlCached = t.createTL (n, b, {loop:v.loop});}) n.dirty & &(b.tlCached.currentPosition =d,b.tlCached.notifier.obs=k|| b.tlCached.notifier.obs);

b.tlCached.sort ()}}function b (a, b) {If('chain'=typeof b) {var c = [b.SID]: 0;}} return {(c=c?c.timeline:0) & & c.labels? c.labels [b]: 0}return b}function d (a) {var b = a, c;'chain' (=typeof a & & - 1!\$\{/) & & (\$\{/),\}/),b=a.slice(b+2,c),'string'=typeof b & & (b = f.trimString (b), b = b.replace (/ [""] / g, "")));} Return b} function c (a, b) {for ("var c = a, k; b & &"string "= typeof c & & - 1!")} == (/ \ $------{/}) ;) k = d (c), c = 0 Sub = b [k]? void 0:c.replace (/------$------{[^-]}] {*------} / b [k]); return c} var n = window.jQuery?

window.jQuery:f. $v = f.Symbol, t = f.Timeline, a = t.isTween, k = 0; v._makeUniqueID = r; f.symbol = v; v.get= v.getSymbol = u; v.setSymbol = e; f.addObserver ({newComp:function(a, b) {b.comp.addObserver ({newSymbol:function(a, b) {b.symbol.addObserver ({newEle:function(a, b) {var c = n (b.ele), g = b.defn, d = a.composition; g.userClass & & c.addClass (g.userClass); f. $.data (c [0],'definition', g); g.symbolName & & (new v (d.sym g.symbolName = g}})}})}}) (, d, a), g.init (c [0]), = | [], (g), g.prnt = (a)}})}})}}); f.CL oneJSONObject = p; s = v.bldTL; v.p2n = b; f.trimString =

function (a) {return a.replace (/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,"")}; d = v.parseVariableName; v.substituteVariables = c; n.extend (v.prototype, {init:function(a, b) {var c =this[] .data, d = n (a), k = d [0] user.user, t; }}) This. gpuAccelerate = c.gpuAccelerate; "undefined"=typeof this.gpuAccelerate & & (this.gpuAccelerate =! 0); this.gpuAccelerate =this.gpuAccelerate & & f.supported.cssTransform3d; this.variablesthis.variables = | {}; this._variablesthis._variables = | {} ; a = a | n("." + b) [0] ; this.autoPlay = c.timeline? c.timeline.autoPlay:! 1; e (a,ce) ; if (this= .ele

(a) k & &' '! == k || (k = r ('stage'), d [0] user.user = k), t ="#"+ k,this._variables [k] isthis. _variables.stage = t,this. _variables.symbolStage = t,this. _variables.symbolSelector = t, d.css ("position","absolute"), d.css (' z-index ','0'); if (c) {f.renderDOM (this.composition,this, c.content.dom,, a, b);} var c =, h, v.; for (h in c) if ("${symbolSelector}"! = h & & c.hasOwnProperty (h) & & (d=h,k=/^\$\{/,k.test(d)?) () d = d.Replace (k,""), d = d.replace ({/------} /,""), dthis.find = $(d)):d=f.$(d),d))for(v in f._.p) f._.p.hasOwnProperty (v) & & f._.p [v] even (d,

c [h],this.composition)} h = {symbol:this, element:this.ele, performDefaultAction:! 0}; n.extend (h,Sub 0); { this.notifyObservers ("creationComplete", h)}, lookupSelector:function(a) {If('chain'=typeof a)try{return c ("$ {}"+ one +"")} "(,this._variables)}catch(b) {}}, getSymbolTypeName:function() {return}, getComposition:function() {return this.composition}, are looking for$:function(a) {a = a.split (" "); } var b =this._variables [[0]]; if (2 > a.length |! b) return b? f$ (b):null; b = f.$ (b); if (! b |! b.Length) return null; a.splice (0,1); a = a.join (' ");

return {(b = u (b))? b.find$ (a):void 0}, $:function() {var b = a; } If('chain'=typeof a)try{(\$\{/)?} {((b =this.lookupSelector (a)),'undefined'=typeof b & &(b=a)): b = c (a,this._variables)}catch(k) {}void 0 = b & & (b = d (a)); { return f.$ (b)}, register:function(a, b, c) {var d =; c = r(d,c); } {This._variables [d] ="#"+ c; b.oldId =; = c}, seek:function(a, b) {s (this); {This(a, b)}, play:function(a, c, and d) {s (this); This.tlCached & & (a b (this, a) =this. ({pos: one, variables:this._variables, executeTriggers:c,}))

{(playDirection:d}))}, stop:function(a, c) {s (this); {This.tlCached & & (a = b (this, a),this. tlCached.stop ({pos: a, variable:this._variables, executeTriggers:c, bseek:Sub 0! = a}))}, playReverse:function(a, b) {this(a, b,"reverse") .play}, isPlaying:function() {var a =this. _getTimeline(); return a & &! a.Playing}, isPlayDirectionReverse:function() {var a =this. _getTimeline(); return & &'backside'= a.currentDirection? 0:! 1}, getTimelinePosition:function() {return this. getPosition()} , getPosition:function() {s (this); return this.tlCached?

{ this. tlCached.getCurrentPosition (): 0}, getDuration:function() {s (this); {If(this.tlCached)return this. tlCached.getDuration ()}, getLabelPosition:function(a) {return b (this, a)}, _getTimeline:function() {s (this); return this.tlCached}, _rebuild:function() {s (this,! 0)}, getTimelineData:function() {return (this) h}, getTLD:function() {return this. getTimelineData()}, _applyBaseStyles:function(a, b) {var c =this[b] .data; If(c.content & & & & [' ${symbolSelector} ']) {var c = [' ${symbolSelector} '],}

d; if (a & & a [0]) for (d in f._.p) if (f._.p.hasOwnProperty (d)) {If('width'== d |)} ( 'height'== d) {var k = a [0] .style [d]; } If(null! = k & &""!) = k & &"auto"! ({({{{(= k)continue} f._.p [d] even (a, c,this.composition)}}}, getAutoPlay:function() {return this.autoPlay}, setAutoPlay:function() {this.autoPlay = one}})})(window.) AdobeEdge);

(function(f) {function r (h, l, q, p, s, b) { (this); }}) ="prop tween"; thisthis.elements = q = .sourceElements; this.deferElementResolution =! 0; this.tweenType = e [h]; this.updateTriggered =! 1; = l; this.fromValue = p; thiss = .toValue; this.duration = 1E3; thisthis.tokens =this=null.valueTemplate = .fromValues; b & & u.extend(, b); this.deferElementResolutionthis.deferElementResolution = | ( 'chain'=typeof q & & - 1!\$\{[^\{\}]+\}/); this.deferElementResolution | (this.elements =this.resolveElementSelector (q));

this.toValues = q = []; p =this.parseValue (s); var d; u.isArray (s) | (s = [s]) ; p & & 0! == p.length | (p = s); h = p.length; for (s = 0; s < h; s += 1) b = p [s], [l] f.props & & (b = f.props [t] .units (b)), d = {},'string'=typeof b? (d.value = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")), d.unit = b.replace (/ ^-?)) [ 0-9] * (\. [ 0-9] +) ? ((/,' '), isNaN (d.value) & & (d.value = b, d.unit ="""")): ('number'=typeof b & & (b = parseFloat (b)), d.value = b, d.unit =""), q.push (d); if (null! =this.fromValue) for (l =this.fromValues = [], (s =this.parseValue (this.fromValue)) & & 0 < s.length?) this.fromValue =

(this.fromValue) s:u.IsArray | (this.fromValue [this.fromValue] =), h =this. fromValue.length, s = 0; s < h; s += 1) b =this.fromValue [s],'string'=typeof b? ([e] l = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")), isNaN (l [s]) & & (l [s] = b)): ('number'=typeof b & & (b = parseFloat (b)), l [s] = b); if (thisfilter) for ((thefilter) u.isArray |) (thisfilter = [thisfilter]), l =this. filter, h = l.length, s = 0; s < h; s += 1)'chain'=typeof l [s] & & (l [s] = Math [l [f]]),'function'! ==typeof l [s] & & (l [e] =null); { this.valueTemplate & & (this.tokens =this.parseTemplate (this.valueTemplate))}

var u = $ f, e = {style: 0, attribute: 1 property: 2}, p ="webkitAppearance"in; f.trimString =function(e) {return e.replace (/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,"")}; r.Token =function(e, f) {this.value = e; This. isPlaceholder = f}; r.parseVariableName =function(e) {var l = e, q;'chain' (=typeof e & & - 1!\$\{/) & & (\$\{/),\}/),l=e.slice(l+2,q),'string'=typeof l & & (l = f.trimString (l), l = l.replace (/ ["'"] "/ g," "")));} return l}; r.substituteVariables = function (e, f) {for (var q = e, p; f & & "string" = typeof q & &)}

-1! == (/ \ $\ {/}) ;) p = r.parseVariableName (q), q =Sub 0 = f [p]? ([Sub 0:q.replace(/\$\{[^\}]*\}/,f[p]); Return q}; u.extend (r.prototype, f.Animation.prototype); u.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function(e) {this.updateTriggered =! 1; }}) This.timeline = e; { this.animData =Sub 0}, update:function(e, f) {var q =this(.getElementSet), p =this, s isthis.tweenType, b, d; This.updateTriggered | (this= .updateTriggered 0,this. setupForAnimation()); q.each (function(c, n) {var v = p.getPropertyTweenData (n, s, b), t, a, k, g, m,})

q, r; if (v.animationID = p.animationID) {t = v.fromValues, a = v.toValues, v = v.tokens; k = p.filter, g = t.leng e; m = []; for (d = 0; d < g; d += 1) q = t [d], r = a [d], q ='string'=typeof q? 0 = f & & 0 < p.duration? q:r.value:q + (r.value - q) * f, k & & k [d] & & (q = k [d] (q, p,this, b, r.unit, e)),'number'=typeof q & & 1 > q & & (q = q.toFixed (6)), m.push(q+r.unit), t = p.formatValue (m); if (0 < t.length) v = t; else if (v) {t = v.length; a = []; for (d = 0; d < t; 1) k = v [d], k.isPlaceholder? a.push += d (m [k.value]): a .push (k.value); {v = a.join (' ')}else v = m.join ("'); (this, s, b, v); p.notifyObservers ('onUpdate',

{(({écoulé: element, propriété: b, e, valeur: v, easingConst:f:cette})}})}, setValue:function(e, f, q) {switch(e) {case 0:e = u (this); e.css (f, q); p & &' background-size '= f? e.css (' - webkit - background-size ", q):'view'= f & &"AUDIO"==this.nodeName & & e.attr ('orders','none'= q? )}} NULL:'orders'); Break; case 1:this.setAttribute (f, q); Break; {{ case 2:this[f] = q}}, getDuration:function() {return this.duration}, resolveElementSelector:function() {var e = r.substituteVariables (this.elements,this. timeline.variables); e |} (e =this.elements);/^\$\{/.test(e) & &

(e ="bad_selector"); return u (e)}, getElementSet:function() {var e =this.animationID f; This. timeline.animData =this. timeline.animData | {} ; (f =this. timeline.animData [e]). (f =this. timeline.animData [e] =this.deferElementResolution?) ( this. resolveElementSelector():this.elements); f return }, getValue:function(e, f) {var q; switch(f) {box 0:q = u (this) .css (e); break; case 1:q isthis.getAttribute (e);. Break; {{ case 2: q = (this[e]) String}return q}, setupForAnimation:function() {var e =this, fthis.tweenType, q =this= .property; } This() .each (function(p) .getElementSet,

(s) {var b = e.getPropertyTweenData (s, f, q), d, c, n, v; b.animationID = e.animationID; b.toValues = e.toValues; b.tokens = e.tokens; } If(e.fromValues) b.fromValues = e.fromValues; else if (d = (this, q, f),Sub 0 = d & & (d ="0"), (c = e.parseValue (d)) & & 0 < c.length) for (b = b.fromValues = [], d = c.length, n = 0; n < d; n += 1) v = c [n], b [n] ='string'=typeof v? parseFloat (v.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")): v, isNaN (b [n]) & &(b[n]=v); ( else b.fromValues=[parseFloat (d (/ [a-zA-Z] % + $/,))]})}, parseTemplate:function(e) {var f = e.length, q = [], p = 0, s =

/@@[0-9]+@@/g,b=null; for (p < f & & (b = s.exec (e)); b ;) b.index! == p & & q.push (new r.Token (e.substring (p, b.index),! 1)), q.push (new r.Token (parseInt (replace b [0] (/ @ / g,""), 10),! 0)), p = s.lastIndex, b =null, p < f & & (b = s.exec (e);)) p < f & & q.push (new r.Token (e.substring (p, f),! 1)); return q}, parseValue:function(e) {return[]}, formatValue:function(e) {return""}, getPropertyTweenData:function(e, l, q) {var p = $ f..} data (e,"tweenData"); p | (p = {}, f. . data (e,"tweendata", p)); (e = p [l]) | $ (e = p [l] = {}); (l = e [q]) | (l = e [q] = {animationID:-1});}) return l}});

f.PropertyTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('style',function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ('style', e, f, p, u, s)}); AdobeEdge.Timeline.addTweenType ("attribute",function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ("attribute", e, f, p, u, s)}); ({AdobeEdge.Timeline.addTweenType ('property',function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ('well', e, f, p, u, s)}); f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('volume','property')})(window.) AdobeEdge);

(function(f) {var r = $ f, u =function(e) {this.handlers = {}; }}) This. timeline = e}; u.Register =function(e, f, h) {var l = e.updateFinalizer;'undefined'=typeof l & & (e.updateFinalizer = l, l =new (e), e.addObserver (l)); l.handlers [f] = h}; u.unRegister =function(e, f) {var h = e.updateFinalizer;"undefined"! ==typeof h & &Remove h.handlers [f]}; r.extend (u.prototype, {_finalizeUpdate:function(e, f) {var h = {elapsed: e, context: f}, l; for(l in this.handlers)If(this.handlers.hasOwnProperty (l)) {var q =this.handlers [l]; }}) {If(the.handlers q.onFinalUpdate) q.onFinalUpdate (h)} =.

{}, postUpdate:function(e, f) {this._finalizeUpdate (f.elapsed, f.context)}, complete:function(e) {this.timeline & &this. timeline.removeObserver (this); } This. (timeline.updateFinalizer=_0}}); f.UpdateFinalizer =Sub u})(window.) AdobeEdge);

(function(f) {function r (b, d, e) {var f = l.event.the [d]; e & & f.teardown & & (b, d, e); var f = b.AnListeners = b.AnListeners |}}) {}, a, k ; a = f [d] = f [d] | []; if (null! = e) for (b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener(d,e):b.detachEvent & & b.detachEvent (d, e), k = f.le ngth-1; 0 < = k; k-) a [k] = e & & f.splice (k, 1); { another d & & (f [d] .forEach (function(a) {b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener(d,a): b.detachEvent & & b.detachEvent(d,a)}), f [d] = [])}function u (b, d, e, f) {hasfunction {If(2 < = a.length & &'object'=typeof a [0] & &'object'=)}}

typeof a [1] & &'onError'! == a [1] .Guy) {var g; g = l.Event ("onError"); b & & (g.compId = b.getComposition () .compId);g.originalEvent=a[1];document.dispatchEvent(g)} w indow.console.log ("Javascript error in the event handler.} Type of event = "(+ d)}var k = b [f [0]], g;" return 'function'=typeof k? ('element'= d? g =function() {var d; d = (arguments); d.unshift (b); }) If(2 < = d.length & &'object'=typeof d [0] & &'object'=typeof d [1] & &'compositionReady'= d [1] game & &'chain'=typeof d [1] .compId & &'object'=typeof d [0] .composition & &)

d [1] .compId! == d [0].composition.ID)return null; try {return k.apply (b, d)} catch (g) {d}}:'timeline'= d? g =function(g, e) {var f, t; t = e & & e.methodName & & /^trig_/.test (e.methodName)? l.Event ("trigger"): l.Event (d); e & & l.extend (t, e As EventArgs) f = (arguments); t.timeline = g; ; e f.splic (0,0,t); f.unshift (b) try{return k.apply (b, f)}catch(v) {a (f)}}:'symbol'= d & & (g =function(b, c) {var g e, f; e = c & & c; c.methodName? l.Event (c.methodName): l.Event (d) & & (l.extend (e, c), e c.variableValu & &(f=c.variableValue)); g = (arguments);

g.splice (0,0,e,f); g.unshift (b); try {return k.apply (b, g)} catch {{(t) a (g)}}), g):null}function e (b, d) {var e = d [0], f = s [e [0]], a; f & & (a = u (b, e [0], e [1], d.slice (1))) & & f.apply (b, [a] .concat (e.slice (1)))}function p (b, d) {d = d | b.Data [b.Name] .actions |} { ;} l.extend (b, d)}function h(b,n,v,t,a,k) {var g = f.getComposition (b) .sym [n], m = x ("binding"); v = [[k, v, t], m]; var h;} if (g & & (g.actions = g.actions |)) {}, g.actions [m] = a, g.bindings = g.bindings | [], g.bindings.push (v) = f.getComposition (b)) b & & (b.addObserver (d), b = b.getSymbols ()))of(g = b.length,

k = 0; (k < g;k++) t = b [k], h =, n = h & & (h = {}, h [m] = a, p(t,h), e(t,v))}var l = $ f, q is f.Symbol, x = f.Symbol._makeUniqueID, s = f.triggerDict = {timeline:function(b, d, e) {If(b) {[e] d = b, d = {}; var f =this._getTimeline (); f.addObserver (d)}}, element:function(b, d, e) {If(b)If('document'= d) l (document) .bind (e}} ,b) ; else si ('window'= d) l (window) .bind (e, b); else (({var f=/^\$\{/;f.test(d) & & (d = d.replace (f,' "" '), d=d.replace(/\)},"')); {{{(dthis.find = $(d)) & & d.bind (e, b)}}, symbol:function(b, d, e) {b & & (d = {}, d [e] = b,this.addObserver (d))}}, b, d; l.Event =

function (b) {If(f.supported.customEvent)return new CustomEvent(b,{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0});) var d = document.createEvent ('Event'); d.initEvent(b,!0,!0); return d}; leventthe Group {}; levent.the group {};. l.extend (f.An$ .prototype, {bind:function(b, d) {this.each (function(e, f) {var a = l.event.the [b]; a & & a.setup & & (f, b, d); f.addEventListener? f.addEventListener(b,d):f.a ttachEvent & & f.attachEvent (b, d); a = f.AnListeners = f.AnListeners |})}}) {} ; a [b] = a [b] | [] ; ({a [b] .push (d)}); return this}, unbind:function(b, d) {this.each (function(e,

(f) {r (f, b, d)}); return this}, trigger:function(b) {var d = document; } This[0] & & (d =this[0]); d.dispatchEvent (b); return this}}) ; b = {creationComplete:function(b, d) {p (b); var f; f = [] .bindings |}} []; var t = f.length, a, k; for (a = 0; a < t;a++)k=f[a],e(b,k)}};) d = {newSymbol:function(c, d) {d.symbol.addObserver (b)}}; q.bindElementAction =function(b, d, e, f, a) {h (b, d, e, f, a,'element')}; q.bindTimelineAction =function(b, d, e, f, a) {h (b, d, e, f,"timeline")}; q.bindTriggerAction =function(b, d, e, t, a) {var k = f.getComposition (b) .sym [d], g;

{k & & (k = k.timeline? & & (g = x ('trig'), t = ['trigger', t, g, g], k.push (t), k.dirty is! 0, h (b, d, e, g, a,"chronology"), k.dirty =! 1)}; q.bindSymbolAction =function(b, d, e, f) {h (b, d,"", e, f,"symbol")}; q.bindVariableAction =function(b, d, e, f) {h (b, d,"","variableChanged:"+ e, f,"symbol")}; l.extend (q.prototype, {executeSymbolAction:function(b, d) {If(!)}}) () 'object'! ==typeof d | 3 > d.length)) {var e = d [0], f =this. $d [1], a = d [2];! f: 1 > f.length |} (f = q.getSymbol (f [0])) & & e & & (a & &"object"=typeof a |) {{(un =null), f [e] .apply (f a)),}}, eSA:function(b,

(d) {this.executeSymbolAction (b, d)}})}) (window. AdobeEdge);

(function(f, r, u) {document.createEvent & & (f.addTouchSupport =function() {var e = f. $, p = f.An$; e.fn = e.fn |})}) {} ; e.each ("touchstart touchmove touchstart blow swipeleft swiperight".split (""),function(b, d) {p.prototype [d] = e.fn [d] =function(b) {return b? }}) {This.bind (d, b):this.trigger (d)}; e.attrFn & &(e.attrFn[d]=!0)}); var h ="ontouchend"in the document, l =! h & & r.navigator.msPointerEnabled, q = h? "touchstart":"mousedown", x = h? "touchstart":"mouseup", s = h? "touchmove":"mousemove"; e.event. Special.swipe = {scrollSupressionThreshold:30, durationThreshold:1E3,

horizontalDistanceThreshold:30, verticalDistanceThreshold:75, swipeEvent:e.Event ("swipe"), swipeLeftEvent:e.Event ("swipeleft"), swipeRightEvent:e.Event ("swiperight"), setup:function() {If(! )} This.setupDone) {var b = e (this); l & & b.css (' - ms - touch-action ',' pan-y pinch-zoom double-tap-zoom '); b.bind (q,function(d) {function c (d) {b.unbind (x, c); b.unbind (f, s); t & & a & & a.time - t.time < e.event. special.swipe.durationThreshold & & Math.abs(t.coords[0]-a.coords[0]) > e.event. special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold & & Math.abs (t.coords [1]-)}})}

a.coords [1]) < e.event. {special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold & & b.trigger(e.__event__.special.swipe.swipeEvent).trigger (t.coords [0] > a.coords [0]? e.event. special.swipe.swipeLeftEvent:e.event. special.swipe.swipeRightEvent); t = a = u}function FB {If(t) {var c = b.touches? b.touches [0]:b.originalEvent.touches? b.originalEvent.touches [0]: b; a = {time: (new Date) .getTime (), coords: [c.pageX, c.pageY]};}} Math.ABS(t.coords[0]-a.coords[0]) > e.event. {{special.swipe.scrollSupressionThreshold & & b.preventDefault ()}} h = d.touches? d.touches [0var ]:

d.originalEvent.touches? d.originalEvent.touches [0]: d, t = {time: (new Date) .getTime (), coords:[h.pageX,h.pageY],origin:e(},a;b.bind(s,f).bind(x,c)});} this.setupDone =! 0}}} ; (e.each_({swipeleft_:__"swipe"__,_swiperight_:__"swipe"__},__fonction__(b,_d) {e.event.the [b] = {Setup:function() {.bind (d, e.noop) e (this)}, remove:function(b, f, h) {e (b) .unbind (d)}}})})})(AdobeEdge,window);

(function(f) {function r(b,c,a,k,g,e) {null! == s [c] & & (this.superProperty s = .cssProp, b = s [c] [c] game,"color"= b? f.ColorTween & & (p.extend (this, f.ColorTween.prototype), p.extend (this, d), (this, b, c, a, k, g, e)): (p.extend (this, h.prototype), p.extend (this, d), (this, b, c, a, k, g, e))); }}) { ="subpropertyTween"}function u() {var b = $ f..} data (thiselement,thisprop); {b & & r.applySubproperty (the. element, b, b.tween)}function e (b, c) {var a = b [0], k, g = $ f..} data (a, .cssProp s [k]); g | (g = ({superProperty: s [k] .cssProp},))

( a), f$.data(a,s[k].cssProp,g)); g [k] = c;{element:a,prop:s[k].cssProp})}var p = $ f, h is f.PropertyTween, l = f.UpdateFinalizer, q, x {'box-shadow': {def:'box-shadow',' ' - webkit - box-shadow ':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split (""),'- moz - box - shadow':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split (""),'box-shadow':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split ("")}, }

'text-shadow': {def:'text-shadow','text-shadow': ['textShadow.color','textShadow.offsetH',' textShadow.offsetV',' textShadow.blur']}, filter: {def:'- webkit - filter','- webkit - filter':' filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur '.split (""),'- moz - filter':' filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur '.split (""),}

{{ filter:"filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur".split ("")},'background-size': {def:'background-size','background-size': ['background - size.x','background - size.y']},'background-position': {def:'background-position','background-position': ['background - position.x','background - position.y']}}, s = {'boxShadow.offsetH': {cssProp:'box-shadow' }}

type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:1},"boxShadow.offsetV":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2},"boxShadow.blur":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3},"boxShadow.spread":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:4},"boxShadow.color":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",i:5},"boxShadow.inset":{cssProp:"box-shadow",def:"",i:0},"textShadow.offsetH":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"style" def {:"0px"u:"px", i: 1},'textShadow.offsetV': {cssProp:'text-shadow' }

type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2},"textShadow.blur":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3},"textShadow.color":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",i:0},"filter.drop-shadow.color":{cssProp:"filter",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",strReplace:"drop-shadow(%1",combinedNum:4,i:8},"filter.drop-shadow.offsetH":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:9},"filter.drop-shadow.offsetV":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px" de sup {: 'px', i: 10},' filter.drop - shadow.blur ': {cssProp:'filter', }

type:"style",def:"0px",strReplace:"%1)",u:"px",i:11},"filter.grayscale":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"grayscale(%1)",i:6},"filter.sepia":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"sepia(%1)",i:5},"filter.saturate":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"1",strReplace:"saturate(%1)",i:3},"filter.hue-rotate":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0deg",strReplace:"hue-rotate(%1)",u:"deg",i:1},"filter.invert" : {cssProp:"filter", type:'style', def:'0', strReplace:'invert (%1)', i: 0},'filter.brightness': {cssProp:'filter', }

type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"brightness(%1)",i:4},"filter.contrast":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"1",strReplace:"contrast(%1)",i:2},"filter.blur":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px",strReplace:"blur(%1)",u:"px",i:7},"background-position.x":{cssProp:"background-position",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2,domProp:"fill"},"background-position.y":{cssProp:"background-position",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3,domProp:"fill"} ,'background - size.x': {cssProp:'background-size', type:'style', }

{{def: sup: i: 4,'%',' 100% ', domProp:'fill'},"background - size.y": {cssProp:' background-size ', type:'style', def: sup:'%',' 100% ', domProp, i: 5:'fill'}}, b = 1, d = {setValue:function(b, c, a) {f. $.data (this, s [c] .cssProp) [c] = a}, getValue:function(b, c) {$ f..}} {data (this, s [b] .cssProp)}, setupForAnimation:function() {var b =this; } This.getElementSet () .each (function() {var c = f. $.data (this, b.superProperty); c |}) (c=b.buildProp_(__ce_), f. $.data (this, b.superProperty, c))}) ; (this)}, buildProp:function(c) {var d = {},

k =this.superProperty, g = f.getSubProps (c, k); for (d to g) g.hasOwnProperty (d) & & (a [d] = g [d]); =this.superProperty + b; b += 1; a.element = c; a.prop k = a.onFinalUpdate = u; return a}, update:function(b, c) { (this, b, c); var a =this() .getElementSet, d =this, g, e =this. tweenType; a.each (function() {If((this, e, g) d.getPropertyTweenData .animationID = d.animationID) {var a = $ f..}})} data(, d.superProperty); a.timeline = d.timeline; a.tween = d; (l.Register (d.timeline,,a)}})}}; r.Pro totype.constructor = r;

f.getSubProps =function(b, c) {var a = p (b), d, g; for(g in x [c])If(x [c] .hasOwnProperty (g) & & (d = a.css (g)) & &""!)} == d & &"none"! == d) {If(c ==) {g = x [c] [g]; d = d.replace'filter'(/, \s*/g,","); var a = [], e =Sub 0; a = (e=d.match(/invert\((.*?)}} [["filter.invert"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/hue-rotate\((.*?) [[' filter.hue - rotation '] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/contrast\((.*?) [["filter.contrast"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/saturate\((.*?) [["filter.saturate"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/brightness\((.*?) (((['filter.brightness']-) /))?

e [1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/sepia\((.*?) [["filter.sepia"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/grayscale\((.*?) [["filter.grayscale"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/blur\((.*?) [["filter.blur"] \)/))?e[1]:null; (d=(e=d.match(/drop-shadow\((.*?\)\s*.*?) \)/))?e[1]. Split (""): [null,null,null,null;] an [' filter.drop - shadow.color '] = d [0]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.offsetH '] = d [1]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.offsetV '] = d [2]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.blur '] = d [3]; d = [] ; e =Sub 0; for (e = 0; e < g.length; e += 1) r [l [e]] = a [[e] g] | s .def [[e] g]; return d} a = d; g = x [c] [g];

a = a.Replace (/, \s*/g,","); a = a.split ("'); d = [] ; e =Sub 0; for (e = 0; e < g.length; e += 1) r [l [e]] = a [e] | s .def [[e] g]; { return d}return[]}; r.getSubType =function(b) {return s [b]? s [b] game: 0}; r.getStyle =void function(b) {return s [b]? s [b] .cssProp: 0}; r.applySubproperty =void function(b, c, a) {var d, g, e, f = p (b); for(g in x [c.prop])If('def'! == g & & x [c.prop] .hasOwnProperty (g)) {d =""; var n =! 0;}} for (b = 0; b < x [c.prop] [g] .length; b += 1) {e = c [x [c.prop] [g] [b]]; Sub 0 = e & &(e=s[x[c.prop][g][b]].def);} if ("combinedNum"in s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]]) for (var n =

! 0, h = b; h < b + s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] .combinedNum; ++ h) 0! == c [x [c.prop] [g] [hSub ]] & & c [x [c.prop] [g] [h]]! s = [x [c.prop] [g] [h]] .def & & (n=!1);x[c.prop][g][b].match(/^filter./) & & e == s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] .def & & n | {("strReplace"in s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] & & (e = s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]].strReplace.replace ("%1", e)), d += e, b! == x [c.prop] [g] .length-1 & & (+= d"""))} (window.edge_authoring_mode & & g = x [c.prop] .def |!) {Window.edge_authoring_mode) & & f.css (g, d)} a & & a.notifier.obs.length & & a.notifyObservers ("onUpdate", {elapsed: 0, easingConst:0, property: g, value: d})

(Element:f[0]})}; f.SubpropertyTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('subproperty',function(b, c, a, d, g) {return new r ('subproperty', b, c, a, d, g)}); var c, n; for (q s) c = {}, s.hasOwnProperty (q) & & (f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (q,"Subproperty""), n = s [q] c [q] = {f: n.domProp |}) (f.camelize_(n.cssProp), i: NI, j: n.j, def:n.def}, u s [q] & & (u c [q] s = [q] .u), f.defineProps (c), f._.p [q] .apply = e)}) (window. AdobeEdge);

(function(f) {function r(b,a,c,d,e,n) { (this, b, a, c, d, e, n); }}) { ="transformTween"}function u (b) {var a = 0;'chain'=typeof b? a = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")):'number'=typeof b & &(a=b);} return a}function e(b,a,c) {If(Sub 0 = a)return c; If(Sub 0 = c)return a; var d = u (a), (c) e = u, n; if ( ! d). return c; if ( ! e). Return a; a = f.splitUnits (a) .units; c = f.splitUnits (c) .units; n = a; a! == c & & ('%'= a & & (n = c, d = d/100 * b),'%'= c & & (e = e / 100 * b)); return d + e + n}function p() {}var h = $ f, l = f.PropertyTween, q =

f.UpdateFinalizer,x=Math.cos,s=Math.PI/180,b,d='translateX translateY, translateZ scaleX scaleY rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ Scewx skewY'.split (' "); b = f.supported = f.supported | {}; var c = 1, n = {translate3d:0, translation: 0, translateX: 0, translateY:0, translateZ:0, rotation: 1, rotateZ: 1, rotateX:1, rotateY:1, rotate3d:1, tilt: 2, skewX:2, transformations: 2, scale3d:3, scale: 3, scaleX:3, scaleY: 3, scaleZ:3, point of view: 4}, v ="webkitAppearance"in; b.cssTransform = f.isSupported (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform",

'MozTransform','OTransform','msTransform']); b.cssTransform3d is f.isSupported (["perspectiveProperty","WebkitPerspective","MozPerspective","OPerspective","msPerspective"]);. f.An$.prototype.hasClass = f.An$.prototype.hasClass | function (b) {If(this[0]) {var a = (this[0] .className |)}} ""). Split(/\s+/), c; for (c = 0; c < a.length; c += 1) if (b = a [c]) return! 0}return! 1}; r.removeData =function(b) {var a = f. $.data (b, r.dataName); a & & (a.timeline & & q.unRegister (a.timeline,, $ f..)} (data (ame b,r.dataN,Sub 0))}; r.getNumber = u; r.splitUnits =

f.splitUnits; r.applyTransform =function(b, a, c, and d) {void 0! == f.applyCount & & (f.applyCount += 1); b = h (b); var m: n =! 0, l, p; d & & (n =! d.dontForceZ); m = e (1, a.translateX, a.motionTranslateX); l = e (1, a.translateY, a.motionTranslateY); d = e (1, a.rotateZ, a.motionRotateZ); p = f.supported.cssTransform3d; v?} (m =«translate ("+ m +",) ' "+ l +') ', l = u (a.translateZ) (0. == l || (n) & & p & & (m +="translateZ ("+ a.translateZ +"" ")" "), m +=" turn ("'+ d +'") ", p & & (l = u (a.rotateY), 0!" == l & & (m +="rotateY ("+ a.rotateY +"" ")" "), l = u (a.rotateX), 0. == l & & (m +="rotateX ("+ a.rotateX +"" ")" ")).

a.skewX & &'0deg'! == a.skewX & & (m +="Scewx ("+ a.skewX +"" ")" "), a.skewY & &'0deg'! == a.skewY & & (m +="skewY ("+ a.skewY +"" ")" "), m +=" scale ("+ a.scaleX +","+ a.scaleY +" ")", l = u (a.scaleZ), 1. == l & & p & & (m +="scaleZ ("+ a.scaleZ +"" ")" "),! (window.edge_authoring_mode & & p & & b.css («-webkit-transform-style»,«chasse gardée-3d»), b.css (' - webkit - transform ', m)): (p = u (a.rotateX), n = u (a.rotateY), n = a.scaleX * x(s*n), p = a.scaleY * x(s*p), m ="translate ("+ m +",) '+ l +" ")"+ (' turn ("+ d +") '), a.skewX & &'0deg'! == a.skewX & & (m +="Scewx ("+ a.skewX +"" ")" "), a.skewY & &'0deg'! == a.skewY & &

(m +="skewY ("+ a.skewY +"" ")" "), m +=" scale ("+ n +","+ p +" ")", b.css (' - moz - transform ', m), b.css ("- o - transform", m), b.css ("- ms - turn", m), b.css ("msTransform", m)); " {c & & c.notifier.obs.length & & c.notifyObservers ("onUpdate", {elapsed: 0, easingConst:0, property:'transform', value: m, element:b [0]}); b.css ("transform", m)}; r.dataName ="EdgeTransformData"; h.extend (r.prototype, l.prototype); h.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function(b) {this.timeline = b; }) This= .updateTriggered! 1}, setValue:function(b, a, c) {f. $.data (this, r.dataName) [a] =}

c}, getValue:function(b, a) {f. $.data (this, r.dataName)}, setupForAnimation:function() {var b =this, a; } This.getElementSet () .each (function() {a = f. $.data (this, r.dataName); a |}) (a=b.buildTransformData_(__ce_), f. $.data (this, r.dataName, a))}) ; (this)}, update:function(b, a) { (this, b, a); var c =this.getElementSet (), d =this, e, n =this. tweenType; c.each (function() {var a; d.getPropertyTweenData (this, n, e) .animationID = d.animationID & & (a = f. $.data (this, r.dataName),)})}

a.Timeline = d.Timeline, a.Tween = d, q.Register(d.Timeline,a.ID,a))})}, buildTransformData:function(b) {var a = f.parseCanonicalTransform (b); a |} (a = {translateX:'0px', translateY:'0px', translateZ:'0px', scaleX:1, scaleY: 1, scaleZ:1, rotateX:'0deg', rotateY:'0deg', rotateZ:'0deg', skewXZ:0, skewXY:0, skewYZ:0, Scewx:'0deg', transformations:'0deg'}, a.matrix & & a.matrixdelete ); null= a & & (a = {}); ="transform_"+ c; c += 1; a.element = b; a.onFinalUpdate = q.prototype.applyTransform; return a}, buildDefaultTransformData:function(b) {var a = {translateX:'0px',}}

{translateY:'0px', translateZ:'0px', scaleX:1, scaleY: 1, scaleZ:1, rotateX:'0deg', rotateY:'0deg', rotateZ:'0deg', skewXZ:0, skewXY:0, skewYZ:0, Scewx:'0deg', transformations:'0deg'}; a.ID ="transform_"+ c; c += 1; a.element = b; a.onFinalUpdate = q.prototype.applyTransform; return a}}); f.getTransform =function(b) {b = h (b); var a = b [0] .style, c; v & & ((c=b[0].style.webkitTransform) |)} (c = b.css) (("- webkit - transform")) ; if (c) return c;(c=b[0].style.msTransform) | (c = b.css ("- ms - turn")); c | (c = b.css ('msTransform')); c | (c = a.MozTransform); c. (c = a [' - moz - transform ']);

c | (c = b.css (' - moz - transform ')); c | (c = a.oTransform); c. (c = b.css ("- o - transform")); c | (c = a.transform); c. (c = b.css ("transform")); c return | ""}; f.parseCanonicalTransform =function(b, a) {var c = ('chain'= a?a:f.getTransform(b)).match(/(\w+\s*\([^\)]*\)typeof ) (/ g), d = {}, e = {}, h, s, l;} if ( ! c). return null; e.translateX ='0px'; e.translateY ='0px'; e.translateZ ='0px'; 1 = e.scaleX; e.scaleY = 1; e.scaleZ = 1; e.rotateX ="0deg"; e.rotateY ="0deg"; e.rotateZ ="0deg"; e.skewXZ = 0; e.skewXY = 0; e.skewYZ = 0; e.skewX ="0deg"; e.skewY ="0deg"; for (h = 0; h <)

c.Length; h += 1) {s = c [h] .match(/\w+/); If(d [s [0]] | 0 > n [s [0]])return null; l = c [h] everyone (/ \ ([^-])] *------) /); l = l [0] replace (/ [\ (\)] "/ g,' ''); l = l.split (","); switch (s [0]) {case 'matrix':return null;} case "translate3d": e.translateX = l [0]; e.translateY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; e.translateZ = 2 < l.length? l [2]:'0px'; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX = d.translateY = d.translateZ =! 0; Break; case 'translate': e.translateX = l [0]; e.translateY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX = d.translateY =! 0; Break; case "translateX": e.translateX =

l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX =! 0; Break; case "translateY": e.translateY = l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateY =! 0; Break; case "translateZ": e.translateZ = l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translateZ =! 0; Break; case "rotate3d": d.rotate3d = d.rotate = d.rotateX = d.rotateY = d.rotateZ =! 0return ,null; case "rotateX": e.rotateX = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotateX =! 0; Break; case "rotateY": e.rotateY = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotateY =! 0; Break; case "rotateZ":case "rotation": e.rotateZ = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotate = d.rotateZ =! 0; Break; case "crosswise": e.skewX =

l [0]; e.SkewY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; d.skew = d.skewX = d.skewY =! 0; Break; case "Scewx": e.skewX = l [0]; d.skew = d.skewX =! 0; Break; case "skewY": e.skewY = l [0]; d.skew = d.skewY =! 0; Break; case 'scale3d': l [0] = e.scaleX; 1 = e.scaleY < l.length? l [1]: 1; e.scaleZ = 2 < l.length? l [2]: 1; d.scale3d = d.scale = DS = d.scaleY = d.scaleZ = caleX! 0; Break; case 'ladder': l [0] = e.scaleX; 1 = e.scaleY < l.length? l [1]: l [0]; d.scale = d.scaleX = d.scaleY =! 0; Break; case "scaleX": l [0] = e.scaleX; d.scale3d = d.scale = d.scaleX =! 0; Break; case "scaleY": e.scaleY = l [0]; d.scale3d = d.scale =

d.scaleY =! 0; Break; case "scale": e.scaleZ = l [0]; d.scale3d = d.scaleZ =! 0; Break; case {{{ "perspective": d.perspective =! 0}} e}; r = f.TransformTween;return h.extend (q.prototype, {applyTransform:function(b) {var a = f. $.data (this. element, r.dataName); has & & b & & r.applyTransform (this. element, a, a.tween, b.context)}}); p.applySubprop =function(b, a) {var c = b [0], d, e = r.prototype.buildTransformData (c); e [d] = a; r.applyTransform (c, e,null, {})}; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('transform',function(b, a, c and e d) {return new r ("transform", b, a, c)})

d, e)}); for (b = 0; b < d.length; b += 1) f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (d [b],"transform"); f.defineProps ({translateX: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 0, u:"px"}, translateY: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 1, u:"px"}, translateZ: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 2, sup:"px"}, rotateZ: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 0, u:"deg"}, rotateX: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 1, u:"deg"}, rotateY: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 2, u:'deg'}, Scewx: {f:'transform', i: 2, d: 0, u:"deg"}, transformations: {f:'transform' }) {, i: 2, d: 1, u:"deg"}, scaleX: {f:'transform', i: 3, j: 0}, scaleY: {f:'transform', i: 3, d: 1}, scaleZ: {f:'transform', i: 3}

j:2}}); for (b_=_0_;_b_<_d.length;b_+=_1) f._.p [d [b]] .apply = p.applySubprop}) (window. AdobeEdge);

(function(f){function r(){if(!x){var a=document.createElement("div"),a=h(a),e,g;a.css("background-color","transparent");g=a.css("background-color");a.css("background-color","rgb(100, 100, 100)");e=a.css("background-color");s=e!==g;a.css("background-color","transparent");a.css("background-color","hsl(100, 100%, 100%)");e=a.css("background-color");b=e!==g;a.css("background-color","transparent");a.css("background-color","rgba(100, 100, 100,.5)");e=a.css("background-color");d=e!==g;a.css("background-color" ,

( "transparent") ; a.CSS (' background-color ','hsla (100, 100%, 100%., 5) ») ; c; e = a.css ('background colour') = e! == g ; x = ! 0}}function u (a, b, c, d, e, n) { (this, a, b, c and d, e, n); } ="colorTween"; r()}function e (a) {return 0 > a? a 1:1 < a? a-1: a}function p (a, b, c, d) {return d < v? a + c * d: 0.5 > d? b:d < t? a + c * (t & d): a}:var = $ f., l is ['color',' background-color ',' border-color '], q, x! 1, s =! 1, b =! 1 D =! 1 C, =! 1, n = 1/3, v = 1/6, t = 2/3; h.extend (u.prototype, f.PropertyTween.protot type); h.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, getValue:function(a,})

(b) {return h (this) .css (a)}, setValue:function(a, b, c) {.css (b, c) h (this)}, parseValue:function() {var b = (a), c = f.parseColorValue / rgb/gi, d = / hsl/im; } If(b & & b.colorFunction & & b.values) {a = b.values, b = b.colorFunction; } If(b.match (c))If(this.animationColorSpace & &'HSL'=this.animationColorSpace) c = {r:a[0],g:a[1],b:a[2]},(c=f.rgbToHSL(c))? 3 < a.length? (a = a [3], a = [s.h., c.s., c.l, a]): a = [s.h., c.s., c.l]: a = []; else if (! ( this.animationColorSpace)this.animationColorSpace ="RGB"; else {If('RGB'! ==this.animationColorSpace)return a} else if (b.match (d)) if (this.animationColorSpace & &)

( "RGB"=this.animationColorSpace) c = {h:a[0],s:a[1],l:a[2]},(c=f.hslToRGB(c))? 3 < a.length? (a = a [3], a = [c.r, CG limits, c.b, a]): a = [c.r, CG limits, c.b]: a = []; else if (! ( this.animationColorSpace)this.animationColorSpace ="HSL"; else if ("HSL"! ==this.animationColorSpace) &(a[3]=1); {{& a; 3 = a.length return return a}}, formatValue:function(a) {r (); If(a) {var b, e, n,""} HSL"=this.animationColorSpace & & c? (b="hsl",a=4===a.length&&c?b+"a("+a[0]+","+a[1]+"%,"+a[2]+"%,"+a[3]+")":b+"("+a[0]+","+a[1]+"%,"+a[2]+"%)"):d? (b ="rgb", a = 4 = a.length & & d?)

b +« un ("+ [0] +" %, »+ a [1] +« % »,+ un [2] +« %, »+ un [3] +«) »: b +"("+ [0] +"%, »[1] + «, » + un [2] +%« % »)) : (b = [0,] e = a [1], n = a [2],« HSL »===cette.animationColorSpace & & (a=f.hslToRGB ({h : a [0], g : a [1], b : a [2]}), b=a.r,e=a.g, n=a.b), un = 65536 * Mat h.floor(2.55*b)+256*Math.floor(2.55*e)+Math.floor(2.55*n) , un =« # »+ a.toString(16)) ; return a}}}); f.ColorTween = u; f.Color = {formatValue:u.prototype.formatValue, parseValue:u.prototype. parseValue}; f.parseColorValue =function() {If(a) {var b=[],c,d,e=/^\s*#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9]) ([a-fA-F0-9]) \s*$ /, f = / rgb/IM,}}

n = / HSL / GI;(d=/^\s*#([a-FA-F0-9]{2})([a-FA-F0-9]{2})([a-FA-F0-9]{2})\s*$/.exec(a))? (b = [go eInt(d[1],16)/255 * 100, 100/255 * parseInt(d[2],16), parseInt(d[3],16)/255 * 100], c ="rgb"): (d = e.exec (a))? (b = [parseInt(d[1]+d[1],16)/255 * 100, parseInt(d[2]+d[2],16)/255 * 100, parseInt (d [3] + d [3], 16) / 255 * 100], c ="rgb"):"transparent"= a & & (b = [0,0,0,0], c ="rgb"); c | (c = a.toString (.match(/\w+/)), (c) h.isArray? c = c [0]: c | (c_=__""_), (d = a.toString (match) (/------([\d %, \.\s]*\)/)) & & 0 < d.length & & (d=d[0].replace(/[\(\)] "/ g,' ''))); if (0 = b.length) if (c.match (f)) if ((e=))

/ ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3}) \s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s* (?:, \s* ([0-9] (?: \.))) [0-9] +) ?) \s*)? (($/ .exec (d)) & & 4 < e.length =) {for(a = 0; 3 > a; a += 1) b [a] = e [a + 1] / 255 * 100; 4 < e.length & & (e [4] |)} {(e[4]=1), b [3] = e [4])}else{If((d = / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.))))} [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1, 3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*(?:,\s*([0-9](?:\. [0-9] +) ?) (\s*)?$/.exec(d)) & & 4 < = d.length)for(5 < = d.length & & (d.length = 5, d [4] |)) (d [4] = 1)), a = 0; has < d.length - 1; (un += 1) b [a] = d [a + 1]}else If(c.match (n) & & (d = / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)))) [0-9] +) ?) \s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*(?:,\s*([0-9](?:\. [0-9] +) ?) \s*)?$/.exec(d)) & &

4 < = d.length)for(5 < = d.length & & (d.length = 5, d [4] |)) (d [4] = 1)), a = 0; has < d.length - 1; a += 1) b [a] = d [a + 1]; if (b) for (a = 0; a < 1E4/b.length; a += 1) b [a] = Math.round (1E4 * b [a]). return {{{colorFunction:c, values: b}}}; f.hslToRGB =function() {If(null= a | 0 > a.s. | 100 < a.s. | 0 > a.l | 100 < a.l)return null;} for (; 360 < a.h;) a.h-= 360; for (; 0 > a.h;) a.h = 360 + a.h; var b={},c=a.h/360,d=a.s/100;a=a.l/100; var f, h, l; 0 = d? b = b = a b.b: (d = 0.5 > = a? a *(1+d): a + d - a * d, a = 2 * a-d, f = f (c + n), h = e (c), c = e (c - n), l = 6 * (d - a), b = p (a, d, l, f), b = p (a, d, l, h), b.b = p (a, d, l, c)); b.r = Math.min (100 *)

b.r, 100); b = Math.min (100 * b, 100); b.b = Math.min (100 * b.b, 100); b = Math.round (1E4 * b) / 1E4; b.g=math.round(1E4*b.g)/1E4;b.b=math.round(1E4*b.b) / 1E4; return b}; f.rgbToHSL =function() {If(null= a | 0 > a.r | 100 < a.r | 0 > a.g | 100 < a.g | 0 > a.b | 100 < a.b)return null;} var b={h:0,s:0,l:0},c=a.r/100,d=a.g/100;a=a.b/100; var e = Math.max (c, d, a), f = Math.min (c, d, a), n; b. =(e+f)/2; e > f & & 0 < b.l & & (n = e-f, b = 0.5 > = b.? n /(e+f): n / (2-e-f), BH = e = a? 4 + (c - d) / n: e = d? 2 + (a - c) / n:(d-a) n, b.h * = 60, 360 b.h < b.h? b.h = 360:0 > & & (b. h = 360 + BH)); b.s = Math.min (100 *)

b.s, 100); b. = Math.min (100 * b., 100); BH = Math.round (1E4 * BH) /1E4;b.s=Math.round (1E4 * b) / 1E4; b. = Math.round (1E4 * b.l) / 1E4; return b}; f.colorToSupported =function() {r (); If(! d & & / rgba/.test (a) |! s & & / rgb/.test (a) |! c & & / hsla/.test (a) |! b & & / hsl/.test (a)) {var e = f.parseColorValue (a) values, g, h, n; If(4 < e.length = & & 0.5 > e [3])return'transparent'; g=e[0];n=e[1];h=e[2];/HSL/.test(a) & & (a = f.hslToRGB ({h:e [0], g:e [1] b:e [2]}), g = a.r, n = a.g, h is a .b); g = Math.floor (2.55 * g); n = Math.floor (2.55 * n); h = Math.floor (2.55 * h); g =(15<g?"":"0") +

g.toString (16); n = (15 < n?"":"0") + n.toString (16); h = (15 < h?"":"0") + h.toString (16); {{a =' # '+ g + n + h}return }; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('color',function(a, b, c and d, e) {u new return ('color', a, b, c and d, e)}); for (q_=_0_;_q_<_l.length;q_+=_1) f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (l [q],"color")})(window.) AdobeEdge);

{{((function(f) {function r (b) {If( ("webkitAppearance")) {var d = e (b) .css (' - webkit - transform '); d.match(/translateZ/}}}) | d.match(/Matrix3D/) | e (b) .css (' - webkit - transform ", d +' translateZ (0) ')}}function u (b, d, c, n, l, s) {var a =null, k, g; 2 < = l.length & & e.isArray (l [1]) & & 2 < = n.length & & e.isArray (n [1])? a = 1:2 < = l.length & & e.isArray (l [4]) & & 2 < = n.length & & e.isArray (n [4]) & &(a=)} (4); Si ()for(k = n [a] .length < l [a] .length? n [a]: l [a], g = k = l [a]? n [a]: l [a], a = k.length; has < g.length; a += 1) k [a] = k [a-1]; (,

b, d, c, n, l, s); ="" GradientTween""; this.tweenType = h [b]}var e = $ f, p = f.PropertyTween, h = {gradient: 0}, l = {' background-image ': {cssProp:' background-image ', def:"0px", sup:'px', i: 1}}, q, x = f. _ .apply .p [' background-image '], s = _ f.. p [' background-image '] .prep; f.forceGPU = r; e.extend (u.prototype, p.prototype), e.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, setupForAnimation:function() {this.getElementSet () .each (function() {r (this)}); (this)}, getValue:function(b, d) {return e (this) .css (b)}, setValuePre:function(b,})

(d, c) {e (this) .css ("- webkit-"& c d) e (this) .css (d,"- moz-"+ c) e (this) .css (d,"- ms-"+ c); e (this) .css (d),"- o -"+ c}, setValue:function(b, d, c) {.css (d, c) e (this)}, update:function(b, d) {var c =this(.getElementSet), e =this, f =this.tweenType, h, a, k, g, m, s, q = l [] .cssProp; } This.updateTriggered | (this= .updateTriggered 0,this. setupForAnimation()); c.each (function() {var c = e.getPropertyTweenData (this, f,, l, If([c.animationID = e.animationID]) {a = c.fromValues, k = c.toValues, g = e.filter, m = a.length; s =]; for(h = 0; h < m; += h)}})

(1) l = a c [h], is [h] k, l is'chain'=typeof l? 0 = d & & 0 < e.duration? l:c.value:l + (c.value - l) * d, g & & g [h] & & (l = g [h] (l, e,this, q, c.unit, b)),'number'=typeof l & & 1 > l & & (l = l.toFixed (6)), s.push (l + c.unit); c = e.formatValuePre (s); l = e.formatValue (s); (e.setV (cette f,q,c); (this, f, q, l); e.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d, property: q, value: the element:this})}})}, parseValue:function(b) {function d (a, b) {If(1 < a [b] .length)return a [b] [1]; var ;c=0===b?0:b===a.length-1?100:(d(a,b-1)+d(a,b+1)) c /}}

2; a [b] .push (c); c return }If(b & &!) () 2 > b.length)) {"string"=typeof b & & (b = JSON.parse (b)); var c =null, n =null, h =null, l =null, an isnull, k = [], g is! 1, m = [], s; e.isArray(b[1])?} (c = b [0], n = b [1], b [2] & & (g = b [2])): (h = [b [0], b [1]], l = b [2], [3] a = b, n = n [4], b [5], & &(g=b[5])); for (b = 0; b < n.length; b += 1) if (s = f.Color.parseValue (n [0] [b], b)) k = k.concat (s), k.push (d (n, b)); if ((c = {angle: c, colorstops:k, centerPoint:h, ellipse: l mesure: une, répétant: g}) & & c.colorstops) return null! is c.angle? : c.centerPoint m = m.concat (c.angle) & & (m = m.concat (c.centerPoint), m =

({m.Concat ([c.Ellipse, c.extent])), m = m.Concat (c.ColorStops), m.Concat (c.Repeating)}}, formatVal EU:function(b) {return f.formatGradient(b,!1)}, formatValuePre:function(b) {return f.formatGradient(b,!0)}}); f.GradientTween = u; f.Gradient = {parseValue:u.prototype.parseValue}; f.formatGradient =function(b, d) {If(b) {var c ="", e =null, h,l,a;2===b.length%5?}} () e = 1, c = c +"degraded (linear)"+ ((d? b [0]:(450-b[0]) %360) +"deg",)): (e = 4, c +='gradient (radial)', c = d? c + (b [0] +'%','%'+ b [1] + (1 == b [2]?""))) Ellipse »:« cercle ») ++ b [3] +«, ») : c + (b [3] +

" "+(1==b[2]?" Ellipse »:« cercle »)« à »+ b [0] + « » + b [1] +%« % »)) ; 1 == b [b.length - 1] & & (c ="extensible-"+ c); if (! (12 > b.length | 0! ==(b.Length-e-1) %5))) {a=Math.Floor((b.Length-e-1)/5); for (h = 0; h <; h += 1) l = 5 * h + e, c + = f.Color.formatValue (b.slice (l, l + 4)),-1! == b [l + 4] & & (ch. +=""+ b [l + 4] +"%"), h ! == a-1 & & (ch. +=","); retour c +=«) »}}} ; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('gradient',function(b, d, c, e, f) {return new u ("degraded", b, d, c, e, f)}); f._.p ["background-image"] .apply =function(b, d) {var c, e; If('chain'=typeof d)return (f._.p, ["background-image"],

(b, d); c = f.gradient.ParseValue (d); e = f.formatGradient (c,! 1); c = f.formatGradient (c,! 0); {b.css (' background-image ','- webkit -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- moz -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- ms -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- o -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ', e)}; f._.p [' background-image '] .prep =function(b, d, c, e, h, l, a) {return void 0 == d [c] |} { 'chain'=typeof d [c] [e]?[__"background-image"__],b,d,c,e,h,l,a):d [c] [e]}; for (q) l.hasOwnProperty (q_ _en_ _l) & & f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (q,"gradient")})(window.) AdobeEdge);

(function(f) {function r (b, d, c, e, f, h) { (this, b,'query', c,Sub 0,Sub 0, h); }}) ="motionTween";(this.path = e) & & 1 < e.length & & 6 > e [0] .length & & (e [0] [4] = e [0] [5] = 0, e [e.length - 1] .splice (2,0,0,0)); this. keyframes = []; b = document.createElement ("div"); c = q (b); null! == document.body & & document.body.appendChild (b); c.CSS ('left','-9999px ") .css ("width","100px"); c.CSS (' transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css ("- webkit - transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css (" - moz - transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css ("- ms - transformation-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css (" transform - o - origin ",)

« 50 % 50 % ») ; d = c.css ('transform-origin'). c.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' transform - o - original "); c.CSS ('border-width' '10px') .css ('border-style' 'solid'); c = c.css ('transform-origin'). c.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' transform - o - original "); null ! == b.parentNode & & (b) b.parentNode.removeChild; ce { .originIncludesBorders = d! == c} function u (b, d, c) {try{If(b [0] = d [0] & & b [1] = )}}

(d[1])returns{x: p [0], y: d [1]}}catch(e) {var f = {}, h = c * c, a = h * c, k = 2 * a - 3 * h + 1; c = a - 2 * h + c; var g =-2 * 3 a + * h, h = a - h; f.x = k * b [0] + c * b [2] + g * d [0] + h * d [4]; f.y = k * b [1] + c * b [3] + g * d [1] + h * d [5]; return f}function e (b, d, c) {If(b [0] = d [0] & & b [1] = d [1])return{dx:0, dy:0}; var e = {}, f = c * c, h = 6 * f - 6 * c, a = 3 * f - 4 * c + 1, k = f *-6 + 6 * c; c = 3 * f - 2 * c;} var f = b [3], g = d [5]; e.dx = h * b [0] + a * b [2] + k * d [0] + c * d [4]; e.dy = [1] h * b + a * f + k * d [1] + c * g; return e}function p (b, d) {var c = b .x - d .x, e = b.y - Nathalie; return Math.sqrt (c * c + e * e)}function h (b, d, c, e, f) {var l = Math.floor ([e] c .b), a = ([e] c .b +)}

c[e+1].b)/2-l,k=u(b,d,a),g=0;p({x:(c[e].x+c[e+1].x)/2,y:(c[e].y+c[e+1].y)/2},k) > f & & (k.b = a + l, c.splice(e+1,0,k), g = h (b, d, c, e + 1, f), g = g + h(b,d,c,e,f) + 1); lbfunction return g} {var d, c, e, f, l, a, k, g; for(d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d ++) {f = [0,0, 3 * b [d].upper.x, 3 * b [d].upper.y, 3 * b [d].lower.x, 3 * b [d].lower.y]; l = [1, 1, 3 * b [j + 1].upper.x, 3 * b [j + 1].upper.y, 3 * (1-b [j + 1].lower.x), 3 * (1-b [j + 1].lower.y)]; a = []; for(c = 0; 5 > c; c ++) e = c/4}} k = {b:e}, g = u (f, l, e), k.x is g.x, k.y = g.y, k.b = e, has [and c] = k; a: {c = a; e = p (c [c.length - 1], c [0]); var m = kSub = 0, s = m =Sub 0; g =}

.x .x - c c [c.length - 1] [0]; var q = there there - c c [c.length - 1] [0]; for (k = 1; k < c.length - 1; k ++) if (m = {x: c [k] .x - c [0] .x, there there - c [0] y: c [k]}, m = MX * g + m.y * q, s = e * p c [k], c [0], 0.005 < Math.abs ( os(m/s))) {c = ! 1 ; Break a} c =! 0}If(c) a.splice (1.3); else for (c = 0; 4 > c; c ++) e = 3 - c, h (f, l, a, e, 0.01); f = b [d]; l = 1; s = m = q = g = k = e = c =Sub 0; for (c = 0; c <.) Length-1; c ++) 0 < [c + 1] .x - a [c] .x & & (l=Math.min(l,a[c+1].x-a[c].x));k=Math.ceil(1/l); g = 1/k; q = [] ; m = 0; q [0] = {t: 0, e:0}; for (c = 0; c < k; c ++) {for(e = c * g; e > a [m + 1] .x & & m < a.length - 2 ;) m ++; s = a [m + 1] there; 0 < a [m + 1] .x .x - a [m] & &)}

(s=a[m].y+(e-a[m].x)*(a[m+1].y-a[m].y)/(a[m+1].x-a[m].x)); q [c] = {t:e, e:s}} 1 > .t q [q.length - 1] & & (q [q.length] = {var q =:1,e:1});f.easingTable=q}} t $ f, x = f.TransformTween, s = f.UpdateFinalizer;})} q.extend (r.prototype, x.prototype); q.extend (r .prototype, {constructor: r, getValue:function(b, d) {}, setupForAnimation:function() { (this); }}) This.points | (this. setUpPoints(),this.setUpLen2bMap (), l (this.keyframes)); this.deltas | Window.edge_authoring_mode | (this.getElementSet () .each (function() {var b =

(this) q, c = f. $.data (this,"p_x"). 'left', e = f. $.data (this,"p_y"). 'top', h = q (this.parentElement), l = + parseFloat (b.css (c)). 0, a = + parseFloat (b.CSS (e)). 0; '%'= f $.data (this,"u_x") & & (l = l/100 * + h.width ()); '%'= f $.data (this,"u_y") & & (a = a/100 * + h.height ()); f. $ (this"deltaX", l) .data; f. $.data (this,"deltaY", a); b.CSS(c,__"0px"_).CSS (e,"0px")}),that.deltas =! (0); for (var b =this; b._prevObj & & (2! = b._prevObj.path.length | b._prevObj.Path [0] [0]! == b._prevObj.path [1] [0]: b. _prevObj.path [0] [1]! == b._prevObj.path [1] [1]);) b = b._prevObj;

b = e(b.Path[0],b.Path[1],1e-6); this.deltaRotate=180*Math.atan2(b.dx,b.dy)/Math.PI}, computeEasing:function(b) {var d = b /this=. getDuration(),this.keyframes; var c = 0, e, f, h;} for (e = 0; e < d.length - 1 & &!) (c = e, b < = d [e + 1] .t); e ++) ; e = d [c] .easingTable; f = d [c + 1] l - d [c] l; b = (b - d [c]. t)/(d[c+1].t-d[c].t);h=Math.floor(b/(e[1].t-e[0].t));h=Math.min(e.length-2,Math.max(h,0)); { return d[c].l+(e[h].e+(b-e[h].t)*(e[h+1].e-e[h].e)/(e[h+1].t-e[h].t)) * f}, originInPx:function(b) {var d, c = {}, e is b.width (), h = b.height (), l, one; d = (b.css (' transform-origin "" ') |)}

b.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' transform - o - original "). "50% 50%"). Split (' "); 0 < d [0] .indexOf ('%')? (l = parseFloat (d [0].substring(0,d[0].length-1)) / 100, a = parseFloat (d [1] .substring (0, d [1] .the ngth-1))/100,c.x=e*l,c.y=h*a):(c.x=parseFloat(d[0].substring(0,d[0].length-2)), c.y = parseFl oat (d [1].substring(0,d[1].length-2))); this.originIncludesBorders | (l = l | c.x Fokker-built/e, a = a | c.y/h,d=f.splitUnits (b.css (' border-left-width ')) .num + f.splitUnits (b.css ("border-right-width")) .num |)

0, d * = l, b = f.splitUnits (b.css (' border-top-width ')) .num + f.splitUnits (b.css ("border-bottom-width")) .num | 0, c.x Fokker-built += d, c.y += b * a); return c}, update:function(b, d, c) {this.updateTriggered |} (this= .updateTriggered 0,this.setupForAnimation (c)); c =this.getElementSet (c); var h =this, l, p =this.tweenType, a =this.findSegment (d), k isthis.path, g =this.easeToB (d), m isthis.points [this.points.length-1] l, r, g = Math.min (1, Math.max (0, g - a));r=Math.max(1E-6,Math.min(0.999999,g)); var A = u (k [a], [a + 1] k, g), a = f (k [a], k [a + 1], r), g = 180 *.

Math.atan2 (a.dx, a.dy) Math.PI, z, E; this._prevObj & & 2 = k.length & & k [0] [0] = k [1] [0] & & k [0] [1] = k [1] [1]? (E =! 0, z = 0): z =this.deltaRotate-g; if (0 > d | 1 < d) k = Math.atan2 (a.dy, a.dx), a 1 = < d? d 1:d, A.x += Math.cos (k) * m * a, A.y += Math.sin (k) * m * a; c. each (function() {var a = q (this), c = h.getPropertyTweenData (this, p, l), e = f. $.data (, x.dataName), g =this. parentElement, k; e.tween = h; }) If(c.animationID = h.animationID) {var a = h.originInPx (a), c = f. $.data (this,'p_x') |} 'left', m = $.data (this,"p_y"). 'top', r = A.x, u = A.y, y = f.$ .data(,"u_x").

"px", J = f. $.data (this,"u_y"). "px", O =! window.edge_authoring_mode, K = f.$ .data (this,"doAutoOrient"), K ="true"= K? 0:'false'= K? 1: k; O & & (k = q (g), g = k.width (), k = k.height (),'%'= y & & (r = r/100 * g),'%'= J & & (u = u/100 * k)); r +='right'= c? a. x:-1 * a.x; u +=« bas »=== m ? a. there:-1 * a.y; O & & (r = 0, u = 0); r = 0. == r & & 1E-6 > Math.abs (r)? r.toFixed (6): r.toString (); u = 0! == u & & 1E-6 > Math.abs (u)? u.toFixed (6): u.toString (); E | (K || (z = 0), z = 0.01 < Math.abs (z)? z: 0, f. $.data (this,"motionRotateZ", z +'deg'), (thisSub 0,"motionRotateZ", z +)

(( 'deg'), s.Register (h.timeline,, e)); O? {({{(( (cetteSub 0,"motionTranslateX", r +"px"), (thisSub 0,"motionTranslateY", u +'px'), s.Register (h.timeline,, e)):(q(this) .css (c, r + y), h.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed:b, easingConst:d, property:c, value: r + y, element:e.tween}), q (this) .css (m, u + J), h.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d, property: m, value: u + J, element:this}))}})}, findSegment:function(b) {b =this.len2b (b *this.points [this.points.length - 1] l); b = Math.floor (b);}

return {Math.min (Math.Max(b,0),this.path.length - 2)}, easeToB:function(b) {return this.len2b (b *this.points [this.points.length - 1] l)}, setUpLen2bMap:function() {var b = 0, d, c, e = 60 *this.getDuration () / 1E3, f =this= [], h =this.points .len2bMap, a; for(d = 0; d < h.length - 1; d ++) l h [d] = b, b += p (h - h [d], [j + 1]); c = h [h.length - 1] l = b;} this.len2bStep = e = c/e; d = b = 0; if (0, c) {for(; b < = c ;){for(; d < h.length - 1 & & b > h [j + 1] l ;) d += 1; ))} If(d > = h.length - 1)break; a = h [d] .b + (b - h [d] .l) *(h[d+1].b-h[d].b) / (l - h h [j + 1] [d] l); f.push ({l:b, b: a}); b += e} f [f.length-1] .b <

h [h.length - 1] .b & & f.push ({t:h[h.length-1].l,b:h[h.length-1].b})}else f.push({l:0,b:h[0].b})}, setUpPoints:function() {var b =this.path, d, c, e, f; ) This.points = []; for (d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d ++) for (c = 0; 5 > c; c ++) if (4 > c | d = b.Length - 2) f = c/4, e = {b:d + f}, f = u (b [d], b [j + 1], f), provable = f.x, e.y = f.y,this.points.push (e); for (d = 1; d < b.length; d ++) for (f = b.length - d-1, c = 0; 4 > c; c ++) e = 3 - c + 4 * f, h (b [f], b [f + 1],this.points, e, 2); return this.points}, len2b:function(b) {this.len2bMap |} this. setUpLen2bMap(); var d =this.len2bMap,c=Math.min(Math.max(0,Math.floor(b/

((( this.len2bStep)),this.len2bMap.length - 2); return 0 = d.length? 0:1 = d.length? d [0]. ({{b: (b - d [c] l) * (d [c + 1] .b - d [c] .b) / (d [c + 1] l - d l [c]) + d [c] .b}}); f.MotionTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('query',function(b, d, c, e, f, h) {return new r ('motion', b, d, c, e, f, h)}); f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('motion','movement'); (f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('place','movement')})(window.) AdobeEdge);

(function(f) {function r (e, b, d, c, f, l) {If(d & & c & & e & & e._s & & e.sym & & e.sym [d]) {var p = [], a;'object'==typeof c? a = c:(a=b.find$(c)) |}}}) (a = b.$ (c)); a.each (function() {var a = h (this), b is document.createElement ("div"), c = ._children (one), r = {}, u, x; x = q.getParentSymbol (this,! 0); }) If(u =new q(e.sym,d,e,x,l))(f|| 0 === f) & & a._children () .eq (f) [0]? 0 > f? ch.. insertAfterdownload(f) (b): ch. insertBeforedownload(f) (b): a .append (b), u.opts = u.opts | (), h.extend (u.opts, r), u.init (b), u._applyBas eStyles ((b), d (h), ( = |) ([]) .push (u), p.push (u)}); e.readyCalled & &

p.forEach (function() {x._playAuto (a,! 0); a.getSymbolElement () .css ("position","relative")}); return p}}function u (e, b) {var d, c = b.getSymbolElementNode () user.user; for(d = e.length - 1; 0 < = d; - d) e [d] .getSymbolElementNode (user.user = c) & & e.splice (d, 1)}function e (f, b) {b = b |} []; var d = f.parentNode; f & & 1 = f.nodeType & & (b.push (d), e(d,b)); return b}function p (e, b) {b = b |} {}; var d = e.composition? e.composition._s:null, c = {}, f = h.Event ("beforeDeletion"); h.extend (f, {Symbol:e,element:e.ele,performDefaultAction:!0});}) c & & h.extend (f, c); c =;

if (d & & (e.notifyObservers ("beforeDeletion", f), f.performDefaultAction)) {e.stop (0);} if {{(c) for (; 0 < c.length;) p (c [0], b); e.prnt & & & & u (, e), u (e.composition._s, e); e.composit ionSub = 0; e.prnt = 0; d = e.ele; q.setSymbol (h (d)Sub [0],Sub 0); b._keepElement? h (d) .empty (): () .remove (d) h e.tlCached =null; e.ele =null; e.removeObservers ()}} var h = x = f.Composition; q = f.Symbol, $l = f.An, $ f. h.extend (l.prototype, {_parents:function() {var f = []; }}) This.each (function(b, d) {e (d, f)}); return SP (FRA)}, _children:function() {var e = [];

this.each (function(b, d) {for(var c = e, c = c |)}) [], f is d.firstElementChild;f;)c.push(f),f=f.nextElementSibling}); return ({SP (ang)}, eq:function(e) {return (this[e]) h}, add:function(e) {var b =this; h (e) .each (function(d, c) {b.each (function(b, d) {d.appendChild (c)})})}}); q.getParentSymbol =function(e, b) {var d = h (e), c = d._parents (), f = c.length, l; If((l = q.getSymbol (d [0])) & & b)return l; for (d = 0; d < f; d ++) if (l = q.getSymbol (c [d])) return l; return null} ; h.extend (l.prototype, {void:function() {var e; }) This.each (function(b, d) {for(e = d.firstChild; e;) d.removeChild (e),})

(e=d.firstChild})}, remove:function() {var e; This. empty(); ({{ this.each (function(b, d) {(e=d.parentNode) & & e.removeChild (d)})}}); h.extend (q.prototype, {deleteSymbol:function(e) {return p(e)}, createChildSymbol:function(e, b, d, c) {If(e & & b) {"var f;' object'==typeof b? f = b: (fthis.find = $(b)) |}}}) (f =ce. $(b)) ; if (f & & f [0] & & (e = r (.composition,this,this, e, b, d, c))) {{ Return e.forEach (function(b) {}), e [0]}}, getVariable:function(e) {return this[e] .variables}, setVariable:function(e, b) {this. variables [e] = b; window.edge_authoring_mode & &}

(this._variables [e] = b); if (e) {var d =this.getVariable (e), c ="variableChanged:"+ e, d = {variableValue:d}, f = h.Event (c); h.extend (f, {symbol:this, element:this.ele, performDefaultAction:! 0}); h.extend (f, d);} { this.notifyObservers (c, f)}return this}, getSymbol:function(e) {e =this. $(e); return q.getSymbol (e)}, getParentSymbol:function() {return q.getParentSymbol (this.ele,! 1)}, getChildSymbols:function() {return } {This. ci.slice (0): []}, playAll:function() {this. play(); for(var e =this(.getChildSymbols, b = 0; b) < e.length; b ++) e [b] .playAll ()}.

stopAll:function(e, b) {this.stop (e, b); for(var d =this(.getChildSymbols, c = 0; c) < d.length; c++) d [c] .stopAll (e, b)}, getSymbolElementNode:function() {return this.ele}, getSymbolElement:function() {return f. $(this.ele)}, _executeMediaAction:function(e, b) {If(!)} () 'object'! ==typeof b | 3 > b.length)) {var d = b [0], c =this. $(b[1]) [0]; } If(c & & d) {var f = b [2]; e & &'object'=typeof f |} (f =null); 'play'= d? {{(f & & 0 < f.length & &«nombre»===typeof f [0] & & (c.currentTime=f[0]), ()):'pause'= d & & c.pause ()}}}, _executeSymbolAction:function(e,

b){if(!( 'object'! ==typeof b | 3 > b.length)) {var d = b [0], c = f.Symbol. } Download(this. $(b[1])); if (c & & d) {var = b [2] h; h & &'object'=typeof h |} (h =null); ({c [d] .apply (c, h)}}}, eMA:function(e, b) {this._executeMediaAction (e, b)}}); q.prototype.getParameter = q.prototype.getVariable; ({q.prototype. setParameter = q.prototype.setVariable; h.extend (x.prototype, {createSymbolChild:function(e, b, d, c) {return r (this,this.stage, e, b, d, c)}, removeSymbol:function(e, b) {If(this.symbolInstances) {var d = q.get(e); d & & d.deleteSymbol (b)}}})}) (window. AdobeEdge);

OK... as usual, I didn't get no help here, but if anyone runs into this problem, the solution was that the command window was causing the error because IE8 does not recognize the responsiveness.  The thing was this piece of code added to the upper part of the script in the file index.html...

It detects all versions of IE, especially useful as IE 10 and later versions have not been called by a number more

function detectIE() {}

UA = window.navigator.userAgent var;

MSIE = ua.indexOf ('MSIE') var;

If (msie > 0) {}

IE 10 or more-online version of back number

return parseInt (ua.substring (msie + 5, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', msie)), 10);


Trident var = ua.indexOf('Trident/');

If (trident > 0) {}

IE 11 => the version number of return

var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:');

return parseInt (ua.substring (rv + 3, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', rv)), 10);


edge of the var = ua.indexOf('Edge/');

If (m > 0) {}

IE 12 => version number of return

return parseInt (ua.substring (edge + 5, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', edge)), 10);


other browser

Returns false;


var scaleString = "width";

{if (detectIE () == 8)}

Alert ("this is IE8");

scaleString = 'none ';


else {}

scaleString = "width";


The variable scaleString then goes into the code already present in the index file replacing "width" (in my case, it could also be used for height and at the same time).

scaleToFit: scaleString,

Tags: Edge Animate

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    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for posting your query in Microsoft Community.

    I would say first of all allows you to check if the Volume Shadow Copy service is running.

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    ·         What is the brand and model of the computer?

    You should check the settings of the computer BIOS (Basic Input\Output System) to boot from the CD/DVD. Check the manual or the support of the computer Web site for the same.

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    You can order form of the manufacturer's recovery media.

    The reason why the system as non-authentique shows currently is using a license in Volume KMS - these licenses must be re-activated at least every 6 months by connecting to the KMS user license activation server.

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    You can use this Recovery Partition to reinstall Vista to his new condition with the right edition of Vista.

    This recovery partition was photographed on your hard drive by HP during the manufacturing of the factory.

    You press F11 on startup to start the process of recovering back to factory settings.

    Here is the information about HP.

    If the recovery partition is damaged, you can buy HP's Vista recovery discs for a small fee.

    If HP's Vista recovery disks, you may need to try this instead:

    You can also borrow and use a Microsoft Vista DVD, which contains the files for the different editions of Vista (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Ultimate) must be installed. The product key on your computer / Laptop box determines what Edition is installed.

    Other manufacturers recovery DVDs are should not be used for this purpose.

    And you need to know the version of 'bit' for Vista, as 32-bit and 64-bit editions come on different DVDs

    Here's how to do a clean install of Vista using a DVD of Vista from Microsoft:

    "How to do a clean install and configure with a full Version of Vista '

    And phone Activation may be necessary when you use the above installation method.

    "How to activate Vista normally and by Activation of the phone '

    See you soon

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    You may be stuck re - install the version you have the key for or by purchasing a key for the version that you have installed.

Maybe you are looking for