Import an another qml fle

I have Header.qml

import bb.cascades 1.2

    Container {
        topPadding: 20
        leftPadding: 20
        rightPadding: 20
        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties { spaceQuota: -1 }
        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
        ImageView {
            imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_logo_black.png"


want to import it here

import bb.cascades 1.2
import "Header"

Page {
    Container {
        background: Color.LightGray

        Container {

            preferredWidth: DisplayInfo.width
            leftPadding: 20
            rightPadding: 20
            bottomPadding: 20
            //   preferredHeight: (DisplayInfo.height-(((DisplayInfo.width-50)/3.71)+20))-60
            layout: StackLayout {
                orientation: LayoutOrientation.BottomToTop
            layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                spaceQuota: 1

            Container {
                rightPadding: 20.0
                leftPadding: 20.0
                topPadding: 10
                layout: StackLayout {
                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight

                Button {
                    rightMargin: 10
                    layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                        spaceQuota: 1
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_help.png"
                    text: "Help"


                Button {
                    rightMargin: 10
                    layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                        spaceQuota: 1
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_phone.png"
                    text: "Contact us"


            Container {
                rightPadding: 20.0
                leftPadding: 20.0
                topPadding: 10
                layout: StackLayout {
                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                Button {
                    rightMargin: 10
                    layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                        spaceQuota: 1
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_marker.png"
                    text: "ATM Locator"
                Button {
                    rightMargin: 10
                    layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                        spaceQuota: 1
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_display.png"
                    text: "Full Website"

            Container {
                rightPadding: 20.0
                leftPadding: 20.0
                topPadding: 10
                layout: StackLayout {
                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight

                Button {
                    rightMargin: 10
                    layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                        spaceQuota: 1
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_user.png"
                    text: "Login"
                Button {
                    rightMargin: 10
                    layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                        spaceQuota: 1
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_id.png"
                    text: "Register"


part in bold, I get the import file does not exist

It worked

I changed my qml in TopHeader.qml file

and instead of the header, I used TopHeader

Header is probably something built in already.and was an accident my qml file

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    I'm quite confused about a simple problem, I'm sure. Let me put some of my code and then I'll ask my question

    hand. QML

    // Default empty project template
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import 1.0
    // creates one page with a label
    TabbedPane {
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Refresh"
        showTabsOnActionBar: true
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Employee")
            NavigationPane {
                id: everyonePane
                Page {
                    id: everyoneFeed
                    ListView {
                        objectName: "FeedView"
                        id: FeedView
                        layout: StackListLayout {
                            headerMode: ListHeaderMode.Sticky
                        listItemComponents: [
                            ListItemComponent {
                                type: "item"
                                DetailFeed {
                attachedObjects: [
                    ActivityIndicator {
                        objectName: "indicator"
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        preferredHeight: 200
                        preferredWidth: 200
                onCreationCompleted: {
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("TimeSheet")
            Page {
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Calendar")
            Page {


    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Container {
        layout: StackLayout {
            orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom // this line stacks everything below
        bottomPadding: 20
        Container { // single row
            id: row1
            // individual row container
            layout: DockLayout {
            preferredWidth: maxWidth
            Container { // container for image
                preferredWidth: 150 //size of image if known
                preferredHeight: 150
                topPadding: 10
                leftPadding: 20
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                ImageView {
                    preferredWidth: 150 //size of image if known
                    preferredHeight: 150
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/person.jpg" // some image
            // stack labels
            Container { // container for labels
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left // align this container to the left
                translationX: 200
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                layout: StackLayout {
                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom // this stacks the labels
                Label {                objectName: "firstname"
                    text: "first label"
                Label {
                    text: "second label"
        Divider {


    // Default empty project template
    #include "Employee.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    QString mQueryUri;
    Employee::Employee(bb::cascades::Application *app) :
            QObject(app) {
        // create scene document from main.qml asset
        // set parent to created document to ensure it exists for the whole application lifetime
        mQml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
        // create root object for the UI
        mRoot = mQml->createRootObject();
        // Retrieving my activity indicator
        //mActivityIndicator = mRoot->findChild("indicator");
        // Retrieving my list from QML
        mListView = mRoot->findChild("dribbbleFeedView");
        // set created root object as a scene
    void Employee::GetFeed(QString feedType) {
        // First off we initialize our NetworkManager
        QNetworkAccessManager* netManager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
        if (!netManager) {
            qDebug() << "Unable to create QNetworkAccessManager!";
            emit complete("Unable to create QNetworkAccessManager!", false);
        // First off we initialize our NetworkManager
        netManager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
        if (!netManager) {
            qDebug() << "Unable to create QNetworkAccessManager!";
            emit complete("Unable to create QNetworkAccessManager!", false);
        mQueryUri = "http://mycompany" + feedType;
        // We setup our url
        QUrl url(mQueryUri);
        QNetworkRequest req(url);
        // Setup the reply and connect to the reply function
        QNetworkReply* ipReply = netManager->get(req);
        connect(ipReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onReply()));
    void Employee::onReply() {
        QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast(sender());
        QString response;
        bool success = false;
        if (reply) {
            if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
                int available = reply->bytesAvailable();
                if (available > 0) {
                    int bufSize = sizeof(char) * available + sizeof(char);
                    QByteArray buffer(bufSize, 0);
                    int read = reply->read(, available);
                    response = QString(buffer);
                    success = true;
            } else {
                response =
                        QString("Error: ") + reply->errorString()
                                + QString(" status:")
                                + reply->attribute(
                qDebug() << response;
        if (response.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
            response = "Request failed. Check internet connection";
            qDebug() << response;
        bb::cascades::GroupDataModel* dm = new bb::cascades::GroupDataModel(
                QStringList() << "id");
        // parse the json response with JsonDataAccess
        bb::data::JsonDataAccess ja;
        QVariant jsonva = ja.loadFromBuffer(response);
        QVariantList feed = jsonva.toMap()["employee"].toList();
        QVariantMap player;
        foreach (QVariant v, feed)
            QVariantMap feedData = v.toMap();

    OK so here is my question. I load a listview, in my hand, calling another qml, detailview. Given that my PPC is load my json file how can I send what I receive in my datamodel in my detailfeed can I change we tell the label with objectName: "firstname" to change the text for

    Hope I am clear enough.

    Thank you

    I think that you can access ListItemData in detailView.qml. Say

    Why do you add only a mapping in groupdata. I think you need to add all the necessary fields such as firstname and so on. Right?

    bb::cascades::GroupDataModel* dm = new bb::cascades::GroupDataModel(
                QStringList() << "id");
  • How to call javascript in an another QML


    I have 2 file QML file qml 1A listview with ArrayDataModel as the source of data, when the user clicks on a line, it nav push another QML to change/remove, the arrayDataModel consist of a given amount of time, which 1 contains a qml file label to display the subtotal of all time values in the data model. I also have a javascript that will do a loop through the ArrayDataModel to update the label of the total time that I call the file onCreationCompleted 1 qml, all works well.

    However, when deleted, the listview will automatically update, now the problem is how can I trigger a refresh on qml file 1 in order to update this label.

    Here's the qml file 1

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        backButtonsVisible: false
        Page {
            titleBar: TitleBar {
                title: "Interval Timer"
            content: Container {
                id: root
                background: Color.LightGray
                // Javascript definition
                function udpateTotalTimeLabel() {
                    var totalHour = 0, totalMinute = 0, totalSecond = 0;
                    var print = function(o) {
                        var str = '';
                        for (var p in o) {
                            if (typeof o[p] == 'string') {
                                str += p + ': ' + o[p] + '; 
    '; } else { str += p + ': {
    ' + print(o[p]) + '}'; } } return str; } for (var i = 0; i < eventsModel.size(); i ++) { var currentEvent =[ i ]); totalHour += parseInt(currentEvent["EventHour"]); totalMinute += parseInt(currentEvent["EventMinute"]); totalSecond += parseInt(currentEvent["EventSecond"]); } if (totalHour < 10) totalHour = "0"+ totalHour; if (totalMinute < 10) totalMinute = "0" + totalMinute; if (totalSecond < 10) totalSecond = "0" + totalSecond; totalTimeLabel.text = totalHour + ":" + totalMinute + ":" + totalSecond; } ... Container { // Container for the total time id: digitsContainer preferredWidth: 780.0 background: Color.create(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) bottomPadding: 50.0 layout: DockLayout { } verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center topPadding: 50.0 topMargin: 0.0 Label { id: totalTimeLabel horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center text: "88 : 88" textStyle.fontSizeValue: 0.0 textStyle.lineHeight: 1.5 textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Center topMargin: 0.0 verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center // Apply a text style to create large, light gray text textStyle { base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText color: Color.Green } } // end of total time container } Container { // Conatiner for the Go button id: goButtonContainer layout: StackLayout { ..... onCreationCompleted: { root.udpateTotalTimeLabel(); console.log("No of EventsModel: " + eventsModel.size()); console.log("In sheet creationCompleted"); mainObj.dataReady.connect(root.onDataReady); }

    Here's the qml file 2

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.system 1.0
    Page {
        titleBar: TitleBar {
            title: "Edit Event Detail"
        property alias txtEventName: eventNameText
        property alias pickEventTime: eventTimePicker
        property int selectedIndex: 0
        // Javascript implementation
        content: Container {
            id: editEventPage
            Container {
                layout: StackLayout {
                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                Container {
                    Container {
                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                        leftPadding: 20.0
                        topPadding: 50.0
                        bottomPadding: 50.0
                        Label {
                            text: "Event Name"
                            preferredWidth: 200.0
                        TextField {
                            id: eventNameText
                            hintText: "Enter Event Name"
                            preferredWidth: 500.0
                    Container {
                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                        leftPadding: 20.0
                        Label {
                            text: "Event Time"
                            preferredWidth: 200.0
                        DateTimePicker {
                            id: eventTimePicker
                            mode: DateTimePickerMode.Timer
                            minuteInterval: 1
                            preferredWidth: 500.0
                            onValueChanged: {
        // Attached Objects
        attachedObjects: [
            SystemDialog {
                id: dialogConfirmDelete
                title: "Confirm Delete"
                body: "Do you really want to delete this event?"
                onFinished: {
                    if (dialogConfirmDelete.result == SystemUiResult.ConfirmButtonSelection) {
                        console.log("Commiting to delete " + selectedIndex);
                    else {
        // Context actions
        actions: [
            ActionItem {
                title: "Save"
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: "Delete"
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: "Cancel"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                onTriggered: {

    Thanks in advance

    NVMD, I solved it.

    QML 2 file-> refresh C++ function signal-> qml file 1 onDataReady call javascript to label fresh

  • If I export my contacts from my Windows Mail and import in another computer (same e-mail program), will be replaced existing contacts on this computer?

    If I export my contacts from my Windows Mail and import in another computer (same e-mail program), will be replaced existing contacts on this computer?

    original title: about Contacts


    Ideally, it should not be replaced.

    See also:

  • Cannot use the context property in a page created from an another qml with createObject()

                        gestureHandlers: [
                            TapHandler {
                                onTapped: {
                                    var page = infoPage.createObject();
                                    taskCont.ListItem.view.pushNewPage(page); //this pushes page to navigationPane (function at top of qml)
                                attachedObjects: ComponentDefinition {
                                    id: infoPage;
                                    source: "asset:///taskInfo.qml"

    This is how I created the page of 'taskInfo. In the PRC, I registered a context property that I am able to access it from the current page but not in 'taskinfo. "gestureHandlers: []" is "listItemComponents".

    I expect to access the object of 'taskInfo' is because I am able to access it from another page created the same way.

    Here's how to register the context property.

    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
    mainModel = new ListModel();
    qml->setContextProperty("Model" , mainModel);

    OK, I found my problem.

    The reason why he doestn can't work because the page is pushed out "main.qml".

    This is part of my main.qml

    Container {
                id: main_content
                TaskList {

    TaksList is another qml file. When I createObject from this qml file, somewhy context property is not trafered to this object.

    I've found a workaround. I created a function in main.qml and only now I create object, so the contextproperty is transferred

  • Manipulate the object in another QML file

    I have a drop down menu with some functions that modify sldiers Beach

    onTriggered: {}

    Slide1.toValue = 10


    It works fine, but when I move the piece that has the cursor in another qml file and include it like that...



    It stops working. Someone knows why, or how to fix it?

    One option is to give an id to MyInclude:

    MyInclude {
      id: myInclude

    And reference it like this:

    myInclude.slide1.toValue = 10

    But it is better to create an alias of the upper level in MyInclude.qml property to define a public interface. Pseudo-code for MyInclude.qml:

    Page {
      property alias toValue: slide1.toValue
      Slider {
        id: slide1

    These alias properties can be referenced like this:

    myInclude.toValue = 10

    This is not limited to the alias properties, they can be of any type (int, var, etc.).

  • Images not showing Up when importing from another photographer catalog

    I am an editor for a wedding photographer and I had this problem happens often, and I don't know what is the cause. I can see all the information behind the image, the ranking and if there is no previous editing on it, but the image itself is not displayed. The photographer sends on the catalogue, forecasting and intelligent preview. There are moments that all transfer perfectly and other times the images are not there.

    We tried to delete everything on both ends and start making sure that everything is done correctly, but it still happens. I tried to discuss with the support, but they have not been able to help. Whenever this happens, I lose money because I can't be their editor. We have both the most recent LR so it's not the question.

    How we are currently transferring Weddings:

    She takes is export as catalog with preview and intelligent preview. Once it's she will post the three files (catalogue, smart overview and overview) on Dropbox and sends them on. When I get it, I download the catalog of smart zip preview and preview of the zip. Once downloaded, I extract the prediction and intelligent preview. Can I go to file > import from another catalog... I click on the catalog file and select choose.  Sometimes it works and other times it does not.

    What we're doing wrong?

    OK, so after talking with Adobe on two different days, then post it here, I called Adobe and they set about 5 minutes. Here's what he once let him access my computer...

    (1) closed LR

    (2) he checked my monitor has been fixed by default sRGB as shown above.

    (3) then it went to the folder and change the smart preview to a different name by putting .old to the end

    (4) then instead of extracting the zip file it opens the zip file and copied the file and pasted with other files

    (5) opened LR and images where it!

  • Cannot import from another catalog

    Lightroom is (or I) get confused in the attempt to import from another catalog.

    I shot 193 images. I imported the to my catalog on my desktop computer. Decide later that I wanted to edit on the road, I copied (using the operating system) photographs for the catalog of my laptop. I edited the and then exported the folder as a catalogue, deciding not to export the negative files too since that they were already on my desktop.

    Back on the desktop, I tried to "import an another catalog" (by selecting the catalog on my key USB has more of the laptop). But all were grayed out and it wouldn't let me check the files at the top left under catalog content. I think the other options said 'New photos (found nothing)' and "Changed (Nothing found) existing photos." Under "existing photos that are missing," said he found 193, but it made no difference what choice I made there, because the import tab is grey.

    Thinking that Lightroom was not aware that the 193 pictures on desktop and laptops were one and the same, I went back to the laptop and this time this export negative files too. Then I deleted the original folder of photos, who intend to import from the catalog again, this time with the negative of files in my Office catalogue. For Lightroom have forgotten they ever existing on the desktop. But the same problem still occurs in the dialog box - it wont let me select the folders, the photos are grayed out and import the button is too.

    Anyone know why I can not import anything from this catalogue?

    Thank you!

    I does not solve the problem but I have found an acceptable workaround. I restored the images that I had deleted in the original folder and then copied the files .xmp of images published on the laptop (using the file manager), paste it into the original folder on the desktop and then said LR to replace the original metadata. It is not the same as importing the catalog, but it is good enough for now.

  • Import from another catalog problem

    Hi there anyone able to provide assistance.

    I have 834 images in a catalog that I captured on an assignment and would like to import into my main catalog on my desktop.

    When I select import into another catalogue (launched from my catalog of office), I get the following dialog box. The problem is I can see no sign of these files anywhere on my main catalog either through Lightroom or Explorer and for some reason usually allow me to save all 834 files in this catalog. I even tried to change the file names of all 834 files with the same result.

    I do not want to import these files through the import method, as I have already done editing files and would like to keep these corrections.

    I am a loss as what to do next - anyone with any suggestions?


    Hi Boley

    • Open the catalog from the old
    • In Lightroom (library Module) go to the library > find all missing Pictures(Menu bar)
    • Also check how many photos does in all of the photographs
    • Check how many of them is missing (a new option will appear photographs of missing persons)

    Lack of files in the develop Module, they will have to tick ' ! . Sign



  • Import from another catalog

    I try to import a catalog (travel images) in my main catalog.

    Using the file/import from another catalog, the option of copy new Photos again location and import does not appear in my options dialog box.  I can't find any user preferences specific to import that affects it.  I scoured Adobe LR help, nothing helps.

    Thank you

    If the trip catalog and photos are all on an external hard drive, USB stick or SD card the normal sequence is:

    1. Connect the support/device to the main computer
    2. Open the catalog main LR and click file > import from another catalog
    3. Navigate to and select your *.lrcat file or double-click on the file *.lrcat on your device
    4. Import from Catalog dialog box should open
    5. Click on the drop down menu to file handling
    6. Choose news copy Photos to a new location and Import
  • Cannot "import and copy it to the new location" when imported into another catalog

    I have only one LR Master catalog on my desktop computer (Mac Pro). When I shoot on location, I use my laptop (MacBookPro retina), with an external HD which stores a temporary catalog of 'Place' LR and photos. Both machines run the Mavericks. When I go home, I connect the external drive 'place' to my desktop, choose "Import an another catalog" and navigate to the catalog 'Place' on the external HD normally I have the option "import and copy to a new location, so that the new originals are moved to my master of library of images on an internal HD dedicated in the MacPro. After the upgrade to 5.6 LR, I no longer get this option in the dialog box. What Miss me? I've done this dozens of times without problem.Click image for larger version.   Name: Import_from_Catalog_“2014_Tonga”.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 83.3 KB  ID: 5085

    There is plenty of space to move the originals to another destination.

    Sorry - Here's the screenshot for this forum...

    In addition, it seems that I solved the problem by starting the 'Place' of the HD catalogue externally while connected to desktop MacPro and its closure. After that, the option 'Import and copy to a new location' appeared. Don't know why this time did not differ many other times I did it, but at least it's fixed!

  • import form another project

    How to import video to another one before. draft elements.  Do I need to export this project as avi and then re import it.  I will not be able to change as much as it will be something solid rather than many short with transitions.  I would like to just stick something in the other.

    I made the headlines and video separate projects.  Also, is there a way to flatten a video that consists of several video tracks. (my titles were made on six video tracks) I think a similar function to flatten layers in photoshop elements.

    Hope it makes sense.  I use pre 9

    Thank you



    Suggestions from Steve/export and import, is the best method.

    Until you do, there is a review, and that's the one you mention - additional editing.

    The thing to consider is, "should I make any further changes?

    If Yes, then I recommend to do a very loose editing, leaving additional images at each end, or each Clip handles, then export/share that loose change import in another project. See this ARTICLE on the handles.

    However, if we know they did all edit in the first project, completely, then just export/share and import, is easier, but, and as you have mentioned, things are now "set in stone" and are difficult to re - edit.

    I have several "models" which re - used, intros, outros, credits, etc., which are strongly modified. Get them just Shared exported and then imported in each new project. However, when I know that I'll want to tighten my changes later, I just change very loosely, leaving a lot of additional images (handles) on each Clip to be strengthened later, in the final draft.

    Good luck, and with a little planning, things will be very simple.


  • Passwords can be imported from another browser like PaleMoon

    I have to many passwords stored in my browser PaleMoon. others that the copy of each individual password, how can I import all passwords at once to my Firefox browser?

    Not sure if it works with palemoon, but see Import Bookmarks and data from another browser.

    If this does not work, you can transfer the file 'Key3db' of the old profile in Palemoon, to the new in Firefox.

  • Project imported from another computer, the audio files are jumping or any waveform?

    Hey everybody,

    I import a project from another version to date of first Pro CC 2014, it was working fine on another computer but on import some audio in the order and in the source monitor are jump or play just back all choppy as a bad CD. Some audio in the Control Panel Assembly have no waveform. I tried to replace some, that works, but there are a LOT of audio to replace and I'm not 100% sure those who read evil or of the previous editor.

    I visited, re-rendering, clear cache and it always does. I'm not sure what is the problem. Also sometimes when I try to make the entire project for the preview, it gives me 'cannot compile the film' unknown error.

    Any advice/help would be appreciated. Thank you!

    Pense thought to it, here's what I did in the case where someone has a similar problem - had to remove manually everything in the 'Clean' media Cache files did not really work. Am entered and removed everything for re - conform files, worked for some files, but not all. Turns out that on the other drive, there were some PEK and CFA project hidden files in this local disk. I searched .cfa files both .pek and all removed so first can regenerate new ones.  Things work now

  • How can I import an another LR catalog book?

    How do I import books and collections in an another LR catalog? The first catalog was just my catalogue of 'training', but some books worked like I wanted. If I want to import these books in a new catalog, where the images themselves already exist. How is that possible?

    Hi Klsteven,

    Please try the suggestions below:

    • Right-click on the book in the Collections Panel
    • Choose the Export Collection in the catalog.
    • Open a different catalog.
    • Go to the file menu > import from catalog.

    Let me know if this helps.

    ~ David

Maybe you are looking for