Impossible to get 'notes' of the virtual machine

I tried to use a powershell script to get information from the virtual machine. I can get VMHost, VMname and GuestVersion using the script in the following, but failed to get the notes of the virtual machine. Anyone know why I can't get notes, please help me with that. Thank you in advance.

report = @)
foreach ($vmView in (Get-View - ViewType VirtualMachine))
$report += $vmView. Select-Object @{Name = "$vmhost"; Expression = {($vmView.Runtime.Host Get-View).} Name}},
@{Name = "VMName"; Expression = {$_.} Name}},
@{Name = 'Notes'; Expression = {$_.} Description}},

@{Name = "GuestVersion"; {Expression = {$vmView.Guest.GuestFullName}}
$report | Sort-Object VMName-descending | Export-Csv "d:\vm_GuestVersion.csv" - NoTypeInformation

There is no need to do it with the cmdlet Get-View.

You can do

$report = @()foreach ($vm in Get-VM){    $report += $vm | `        Select-Object @{Name="VMHost"; Expression={($_.Host).Name}},            @{Name="VMName"; Expression={$_.Name}},            @{Name="Notes"; Expression={$_.Description}},            @{Name="GuestVersion"; Expression={$_.Guest.OSFullName}}}$report | Sort-Object VMName -Descending | Export-Csv "d:\vm_GuestVersion.csv" -NoTypeInformation

If you want to do with the cmdlet Get-View for any reason, you can do

$report = @()
foreach ($vmView in (Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine))
    $report += $vmView | `        Select-Object @{Name="VMHost"; Expression={(Get-View $vmView.Runtime.Host).Name}},
            @{Name="VMName"; Expression={$_.Name}},
            @{Name="Notes"; Expression={$_.Config.Annotation}},
            @{Name="GuestVersion"; Expression={$vmView.Guest.GuestFullName}}
$report | Sort-Object VMName -Descending | Export-Csv "d:\vm_GuestVersion.csv" -NoTypeInformation

But note that as you need a view of the GET each time for the host name, performance will suffer.

Tags: VMware

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    When I have a virtual machine to export to the FVO on an ESXi 4.0 and then try again to import the FVO on VMware Player or Workstation 7.1, I get the following message:

    «Could not open the Virtual Machine: failed to query the Source for more information.» I can successfully re-import this file OVF in an ESXi server without any problems. Anyone know why this is happening and what can be done to remedy this?

    Thank you



    Try to use ovftool to convert a VMX of the FVO.

    Good luck!

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    "" "WW 10_1" attached file contains the "WW 10_1 S2008_32.vmx" file created under VMware Player 3.1.4 and was then modified to reflect the values of parameter that you might want to stay the same as uuid etc.  Start VMware Player and then check the settings before running the virtual machine.

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    What is the operating system installed on your computer?
    You can ask your question on the Minecraft forums for assistance. Check out the following link.
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    Published by: 942925 on June 26, 2012 10:23


    This message appears usually when the JVM cannot allocate sufficient memory. It may be the consequence of the stage Builder set - Xmx1024m command line: this is currently followed by default TLD-4515 and will be fixed in the next few weeks.
    For the time being you can give a try on a system with more memory. Moreover, what is your current hardware configuration?

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    The VMware Fusion team:

    I impatiently force them to leave my MacBook Pro as my virtual machine was frozen... as a result, whenever I try and open my VM, I get this error: .

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    Tips, thoughts, suggestions? Thanks a lot for your help.

    I do not have the fainest idea why you're engaging again the truncated .vmx file of origin that you posted first however back a review what I said.  The line at the bottom is the .vmx file that I have attached to my last answer should be used to replace your computer in the Virtual Machine "s as package but the Virtual Machine must be stopped, not suspended and merger closed when you replace the truncated by a good I have attached.»  I can't do it, is more obvious or simple then I already have!

  • Could not enumerate the virtual machines that are used as models

    Hey guys,.

    I have a simple script that collects information from a virtual computer. Unfortunately, I'm getting a lot of mistakes, he doesn't pull out information if the virtual machine is used as a model.

    $date = get-Date-format-M - d - yyyy

    Import-Csv C:\test\servers_mate.csv - UseCulture | %{

    Get-VM-name $_. Name |

    Select Name,

    @{N = 'Center'; E = {Get-Datacenter - VM $_______ |} {{Select - ExpandProperty name}}.

    @{N = "Cluster"; E = {Get-Cluster - VM $_______ |} {{Select - ExpandProperty name}}.

    Host, NumCpu, MemoryGB,

    ProvisionedSpaceGB, Powerstate,

    @{N = "Path"; E = {}

    $current = get-view $_. ExtensionData.Parent

    $path = $_. Name


    $parent = $current

    if($parent.) Name - only "vm") {$path = $parent. {Name + "\" + $path}

    $current is get-view $current. Parent

    } While ($current. Parent - no $null)

    [channel]: join ('-',($path.)) Split('\') [0.. ($path). Split('\'). (Count-2)]))



    @{N = "Manufacturer"; E = {(Get-VMHost-Name $_.)} Host). Manufacturer reference}},

    @{N = ' model'; E = {(Get-VMHost-Name $_.)} Host). Model}},

    @{N = "ProcessorType"; E = {(Get-VMHost-Name $_.)} Host). ProcessorType}}

    } | Export-Csv "C:\test\servers-vcenter-servers-vmpath-$date.csv" - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

    the output current is like that.

    NameData CenterClusterHostNumCpuMemoryGBProvisionedSpaceGBPowerStateFolder pathFolderIdManufacturerModelProcessorType

    I just also want to collect the same information, even if the virtual machine is used as a model. Introduction 1 additional column is perhaps something like below. So we can clearly identify if it is a virtual machine or be used as a model? Thank you.

    NameData CenterClusterHostNumCpuMemoryGBProvisionedSpaceGBPowerStateFolder pathFolderIdManufacturerModelType of processorVirtual MACHINE or template

    Erros I receive.

    Get - VM: get-VM VM with name 03/08/2015-12:40:44

    "xxxx" was not using the specified

    filter (s).

    Online: 2 char: 5

    + Get-VM-name $_. Name |

    +     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: (:)) [Get - VM], VimException)

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: Core_OutputHelper_WriteNotFoundError, VMware.VimA


    Try something like this

    Import-Csv C:\test\servers_mate.csv - UseCulture | %{

    Notice-EEG - ViewType VirtualMachine-filter @{'Name' = $_.} Name} | %{

    $esx = get-view-Id $_. Runtime.Host

    $_ | Select Name,

    @{N = 'Template'; E={$_. Config.Template}},

    @{N = 'Center'; E = {Get-Datacenter - VM $_.} Name | {{Select - ExpandProperty name}}.

    @{N = "Cluster"; E = {Get-Cluster - VM $_.} Name | {{Select - ExpandProperty name}}.

    @{N = 'Host'; E = {$esx. Name}},

    @{N = "NumCpu"; E={$_. Config.Hardware.NumCpu}},

    @{N = "MemoryGB"; E = {[int]($_.)} Config.Hardware.MemoryMB/1KB)}}.

    @{N = "ProvisionedSpaceGB"; E = {($_.Summary.Storage.Committed+$_.Summary.Storage.Uncommitted)/1 GB)}},

    @{N = "Powerstate"; E={$_. Runtime.PowerState}},

    @{N = "Path"; E = {}

    $current = get-view-Id $_. Parent

    $path = $_. Name


    $parent = $current

    if($parent.) Name - only "vm") {$path = $parent. {Name + "\" + $path}

    $current is get-view $current. Parent

    } While ($current. Parent - no $null)

    [channel]: join ('-',($path.)) Split('\') [0.. ($path). Split('\'). (Count-2)]))


    @{N = "FolderId"; E={$_. Parent.ToString ()}}.

    @{N = "Manufacturer"; E = {$esx. Hardware.SystemInfo.Vendor}},

    @{N = ' model'; E = {$esx. Hardware.SystemInfo.Model}},

    @{N = "ProcessorType"; E = {$esx. Hardware.CpuPkg [0]. Description}}



    The error you see seems to indicate that there is an entry in the CSV file for a nonexistent VM.

  • Could not start the virtual machine after you use vmkfstools to resize - HELP!

    I thought I knew what I was doing, but apparently not...

    I tried to increase the size of a VM over 36 GB drive and now I can not start the server. Here's the change front of directory list:

    -rw - 1 root root 16781312 Sep 20 19:46 PJAEast-DL01-000001 - delta.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 325 28 August to 01:52 PJAEast-DL01 - 000001.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 4096 9 February 14:55 PJAEast-DL01-000002 - delta.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 277 9 February 14:55 PJAEast-DL01 - 000002.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 28201 28 August to 01:52 PJAEast-DL01 - Snapshot1.vmsn

    -rw - 1 root root 28267 9 February 14:55 PJAEast-DL01 - Snapshot2.vmsn

    -rw - 1 root root 131604480 26 August at 08:04 PJAEast-DL01 - flat hard

    -rw - 1 root root 8684 25 August at 21:03 PJAEast - DL01.nvram

    -rw - 1 root root 589 25 August at 15:18 PJAEast - DL01.vmdk

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 1042 28 August to 01:52 PJAEast - DL01.vmsd

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2779 Feb 9 15:10 PJAEast - DL01.vmx

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 267 Feb 9 15:10 PJAEast - DL01.vmxf

    -rw - 1 root root 9898631168 9 February 14:54 PJAEast-DL01_1-000001 - delta.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 331 28 August to 01:52 PJAEast-DL01_1 - 000001.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 73728 9 February 14:55 PJAEast-DL01_1-000002 - delta.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 283 9 February 14:55 PJAEast-DL01_1 - 000002.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 36322836480 28 August at 01:41 PJAEast-DL01_1 - flat hard

    -rw - 1 root root 597 25 August at 15:18 PJAEast - DL01_1.vmdk

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 78710 25 August at 16:06 vmware - 1.log

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 68108 25 August at 20:43 2.log - vmware

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 122302 28 August at 01:41 vmware - 3.log

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 90557 Sep 20 19:54 4.log - vmware

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 69453 9 February 14:54 vmware.log

    Then, I run the command:

    vmkfstools x 256g PJAEast - DL01_1.vmdk

    And now the virtual machine does not start, return an error: "the virtual disk parent has been changed since the child was created."

    The directory listing is now ("BOLD" indicates the change of information post-vmkfstools):

    -rw - 1 root root 16781312 Sep 20 19:46 PJAEast-DL01-000001 - delta.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 325 28 August to 01:52 PJAEast-DL01 - 000001.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 4096 Feb 9 16:12 PJAEast-DL01-000003 - delta.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 277 Feb 9 16:12 PJAEast-DL01 - 000003.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 28201 28 August to 01:52 PJAEast-DL01 - Snapshot1.vmsn

    -rw - 1 root root 28267 9 February 14:55 PJAEast-DL01 - Snapshot2.vmsn

    -rw - 1 root root 131604480 26 August at 08:04 PJAEast-DL01 - flat hard

    -rw - 1 root root 8684 Feb 9 16:12 PJAEast - DL01.nvram

    -rw - 1 root root 589 25 August at 15:18 PJAEast - DL01.vmdk

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 1015 28 August 01:52 PJAEast - DL01.vmsd

    -rwx - 1 root root 2779 Feb 9 16:12 PJAEast - DL01.vmx

    -rw - 1 root root 267 Feb 9 16:12 PJAEast - DL01.vmxf

    -rw - 1 root root 9898631168 9 February 14:54 PJAEast-DL01_1-000001 - delta.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 331 28 August to 01:52 PJAEast-DL01_1 - 000001.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 73728 Feb 9 16:12 PJAEast-DL01_1-000003 - delta.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 283 Feb 9 16:12 PJAEast-DL01_1 - 000003.vmdk

    -rw - 1 root root 274877906944 28 August 01:41 PJAEast-DL01_1 - flat hard

    -rw - 1 root root 599 9 Feb 16:11 PJAEast - DL01_1.vmdk

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 68108 25 August at 20:43 2.log - vmware

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 122302 28 August at 01:41 vmware - 3.log

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 90557 Sep 20 19:54 4.log - vmware

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 69453 9 February 14:54 5.log - vmware

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 39510 Feb 9 16:12 6.log - vmware

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 39411 Feb 9 16:12 vmware - 7.log

    -rw - r - r - 1 root root 39410 Feb 9 16:14 vmware.log

    I can't do anything else until I get comments. Can anyone recommend a way to solve this problem?

    I thought I knew what I was doing, but apparently not...

    I agree

    Two a problem with the new drive.

    1. You get the error message comes from the basic disk with a different size than the disks of the snapshot.
    2. With a size of 256 GB, you will not be able to create snapshots of the disk (on ESXi prior to 5.0 with a block size of 1 MB)

    What you can try to do is to edit the file PJAEast - DL01_1.vmdk :

    • 536870912 VMFS 'PJAEast-DL01_1 - flat hard' RW--> RW 70943040 VMFS 'PJAEast-DL01_1 - flat hard. "
    • DDB. Geometry.Cylinders = "33418'-> ddb.geometry.cylinders = '4416.

    After that, I would recommend to clone the virtual disk to a new one, replace the virtual disk in the virtual machine settings and resize it to a maximum of 254GB (see "calculates the time system required by the snapshot files" at

    • vmkfstools-i PJAEast-DL01_1 - 000003.vmdk PJAEast - DL01_1a.vmdk


  • Failed to create snapshot - now I can not start the virtual machine.

    Hi guys,.

    I took a snapshot of my VM and got the error:

    Cannot open disk ' / vmfs/volumes/xxxxxxxx.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.

    Reason: Invalid drive string: cannot mix ESX and hosted style discs in the same chain.

    I deleted the snapshot in the Snapshot Manager, but my VM will always start (same error)

    Can anyone help? Its a vanilla install, just 1 VM on it.

    Thanks in advance

    Always pointing the Flash disk VMX configuration file. Whenever you remove the Flash disk, the drive-VMX configuraiton must be updated correctly. In your case it does not somehow. Anyway, lets get a work around.

    1 take the backup of the VMX configuration file

    2. edit the VMX file

    3 scsi0:0.fileName = "QFES_1.2.25 - RHEL52_x86.vmdk" (Please check the VMDK file name correctly it)

    4. save the file

    5. turn on the virtual machine

    Check your luck now

  • Do not allow the virtual machine to power on if the host memory usage over 75%?

    Hi all

    I'm looking for a way to do not allow the power of virtual machines on if the clutser average memory usage is greater than 75%, or if its corresponding host memory usage is greater than 75%.

    Any idea.

    Thank you very much

    Hey Valot,.

    One way to achieve this is HA admission control that does not allow a virtual machine to be turned on if the availability constraints are not met

    Also chwck on



  • Could not start the virtual machine: "the specified file is not a virtual disk.

    Hi, I have a problem from a guest vm-workstation.

    Details below - I've done some reading here for some other "the file specified."


    not a virtual disk' messages and I suspect that I am out of luck

    but I have

    wanted to ask just in case there was something miss me

    Here I tried to gather records / logs that other threads

    mentioned - I

    Welcome to all the tips on the revival of the guest, or a

    pointer to a how-to on recovering the files of a given snapshot.

    Thank you



    VMware workstation: 7.0.1 build 227600

    host of os: Vista sp2, 64-bit

    (16 GB of ram)

    guest operating system: sles10 sp2 64-bit (4 GB ram)

    the virtual machine folder:

    drive eSATA (samsung 320, blacx attachment)

    symptom: guest vm

    does not start: says "the specified file is not a virtual disk.

    history: this particular comments works fine; I've done about 30 shots

    during the last 2 months.  The guest is not a copy - even if she did start life as a full-clone

    another linux-client with or without an operating system installed.  In any case, I've used it to very good

    effect for 2 months now.

    So last night I wanted to power off of the host, while I lived my usual steps:

    (1) stop my os of burst (# shutdown - h now)

    (2) even worksation vmware (file - & gt; exit)

    (3) stop start vista (not "suspend" but the real stop turn off the power).

    (4) visa bluescreened.  Now she is doing this every so often, so I thought that it would be

    a big deal.

    (5) this morning I tried to turn on the virtual machine and I got the 'not a virtual disk' error.

    My best guess at this point is the bluescreen stopped some write cache to be

    flushed to disk.  The funny thing is, after the previous bluescreens 3 or 4, the

    Comments to restart without a hitch.

    shrug In any case, just to be weave, I disabled write Vista for outside cache

    device (set to security policy / deletion in Device Manager).  Seems smarter to

    an external device.

    Spare part

    Attached is a file (191KO) containing:

    dircontents.txt - directory of the client's file listing
    sles10_sp2. NVRAM
    VMware.log - other requests asked for *.log files, so I thought
    VMware - 0.log - I should send him these as well.
    VMware - 1.log
    VMware - 2.log
    \ui-logs - 2 IU-logs from C:\Users\jgreve\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-jgreve
    \vmdk_files - subdirectory of *.vmdk files, light, & can be useful

    I checked the VMDK and newspapers - and the VMDK all look great.

    Last departure also seems to succeed?

    As it seems that instant 36 is not used so far - I was just going to throw it away and try again.

    To do this, you would change the line vmx file

    scsi0:0. FileName = 'suse11.2_x64 - cl1 - 000036.vmdk.


    scsi0:0. FileName = 'suse11.2_x64 - cl1 - 000035.vmdk.

    and then try to restart the virtual machine. If that works then remove all the

    suse11.2_x64 - cl1 - 000036-* files


    VMX-settings- Workstation FAQ -[MOA-liveCD |]- VM-infirmary

  • Could not open the virtual machine after Windows blue screen

    I updated my machine Windows 8, he projected blue, now I can't open my VM that I had open at the time of the blue screen.

    This is the message that I received from VMware Workstation 10 attached.

    Search for files of *.lck in virtual machine directory - delete them all.
    Also delete the directories named *.lck

    Then try again - if it still does not need more details

  • LPT1 in the hardware Manager, but not in the virtual machine settings. Parallel port software unable to find LPT. Windows 7, 64-bit and XP virtual


    the forum is full of questions similar to mine and everything seems complete without useful answers some time early last year. I would like to give a try today to see if I get a solution.

    Have Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit and installed XP mode to be able to use the chip programming hardware (GALEP-III), which is connected via the Parallel Port. Downloaded XP mode later than yesterday (24.02.2011) Microsoft.

    In the XP box, the LPT1 port appears in the hardware Manager. But it does not appear in the settings for the XP mode. The Galep software starts just fine, but can't find the PARALLEL port.

    As written above, there are many people who have the same problem and seem to have gotten no solution. One piece of advice I found was to modify the VMC

    LPT1 (378 h-37Fh)


    The above did not work. I think it was for a different version of XP-mode.

    Then there was advice on LPT need 378 h-37Fh. It's fine with my pc.

    Then, there was a Council to stop the 'Print Spool' Service on the host pc. I tried in vain.

    So, if there is a solution to my problem, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

    (Note: I'm not interested to connect a printer.) I have an IC programming material that can connect only through a parallel port. It also comes with a security dongle. GALEP III).

    Good bye.

    Have you tried in this more specific Forum?

    Virtualization of Windows 7

    Under settings is there anything you can do with the section of COM port, if it applies to your problem of material in the first place?

  • DHCP not reaching the virtual machines on the same vswitch

    Hey all,.

    I have vswitch4, VLAN id 99 - but should not question it is a sandbox with the bear on a printer test.

    We have an AD controller in there with running DHCP services.  We have a vm to test windows 7 He thus does not receive a DHCP address.

    We can statically assign an IP address and ping out, but he won't get an automatically.

    What should we do to make this work properly?


    Is the only one with this problem, if not VM, have you checked if the scope is authorized, the server itself is started? Both servers are on the same port group? Basically the same questions as the poster above me.

  • Is it possible to get use of the virtual machine Nic cards?

    Hi all

    I would like to know if there is possible to get the nic card (objectNetworkAdapterImpl ) send/receive rates of VM through the cmd-lets get-stat statistical data?



    I decided to do a blog on it.

    See vNIC send and receive rates

Maybe you are looking for


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    When the discovery of the computer and selecting the image file folder - I use to get the small real individual images of each image in the folder without having to enter in the Windows Photo Gallery.  Now, I have only an icon, the same as that for e

  • Scanning drive for errors does not work - PC freezes

    A scan of disc scheduled to start at the start, the opportunity to cancel the account up to 1 second and the computer freezes.  The scan does not work and I have to kill power PC (and then cancel analysis so it doesn't freeze again). Then I tried the