Impossible to test the creation of XML document

I tried the JUnit forum first and they suggested a XML forum

I suspect that this could be a simple error in my code or a race condition. Please see the comments in the code.

My test is as follows. I have create an org.w3c.dom.Document using my EncryptedData class

Public Sub testDocument() throw TransformerException {}

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ();
try {}
documentBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder ();
Document document = documentBuilder.newDocument ();
EncryptedData encryptedData = new EncryptedData (text);
assertNotNull (encryptedData.getEncryptedData ());
printXML (encryptedData.getEncryptedData ());
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {}

It is

private encryptedData element;

document Document private;

public EncryptedData (Document document) {}
This.document = document;
encryptedData =
document.createElement ("EncryptedData");

+ / / When I add the child in the constructor it is no exception.
document.appendChild (encryptedData);


public Document getEncryptedData() {}
+ / / When I add the child in this method there is an exception.
encryptedData =
document.createElement ("EncryptedData");
return the document;

org. W3C. DOM. DOMException: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: an attempt was made to insert a
node where it is not allowed.
at org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl.insertBefore (unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl.appendChild (unknown Source)
to (XMLEncryptionTestC\
ASE. Java:85)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.jav\
a: 25)
org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$ 1.runReflectiveCall (\
(: 44).
to (
35 k
org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively (\
org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate (\
org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild (\
org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild (\
to org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
to org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ 1.schedule(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
to org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$ 000 (
to org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ 2.evaluate(
com IntelliJ.junit4.JUnit4IdeaTestRunner.startRunnerWithArgs (JUnit4IdeaTestRunne\
com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.JUnitStarter.prepareStreamsAndStart (JUnitStarter\
. Java:192)
at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.JUnitStarter.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(

That's what you expect, but again, you have the evidence that something is happening. He won't have to make a difference when you enter the code, both the same work. But "it doesn't work", then you're doing something wrong without realizing it.

Step through the code in a debugger and see what is actually happening.

Tags: Java

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    Help would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    Hi all

    I got this error too, with OBIEE (version from the repository: 320). I tried to copy everything in live coneccted to the Server repository. I copied the repository in my PC, open in offline mode and it worked.

    I hope this helps.


    ANA GH

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    -< ns1:PcrDocument id = "PCR-13562" title = "disclosures of EU - CE-1060/2009" version = '1' pcrPublishDate = "' 2012-01 - 11 T 12: 49:02" container = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns:ns1 = "" > "
    -ns1:PcrOrganization core_org_id = "345840" >
    < ns1:PcrLinkedTo value = "ISSUE" / >
    -< ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    < ns1:Info type = "AdditionalInfo_QuartelyReport_URL" > < br > < other >MGH< / ns1:Info >
    < / ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    -< ns1:Issues >
    -< ns1:Issue id = "705230" >
    -< ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    < ns1:Info type = "R_DATE" > credit Release Date: April 9, 2010 < / ns1:Info >
    < ns1:Info type = "R_REVIEW_DATE" > credit last review Date: October 12, 2011 < / ns1:Info >
    < ns1:Info type = "AdditionalInfo_QuartelyReport_URL" > < br > < other >MGH< / ns1:Info >
    < / ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    -< ns1:IssueDetail id = "114766798" >
    -< ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    < ns1:Info type = "R_DATE" > credit Release Date: April 9, 2010 < / ns1:Info >
    < ns1:Info type = "R_REVIEW_DATE" > credit last review Date: October 12, 2011 < / ns1:Info >
    < ns1:Info type = "AdditionalInfo_QuartelyReport_URL" > < br > < other >MGH< / ns1:Info >
    < / ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    < / ns1:IssueDetail >
    < / ns1:Issue >
    -< ns1:Issue id = "727193" >
    -< ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    < ns1:Info type = "R_DATE" > credit Release Date: April 9, 2010 < / ns1:Info >
    < ns1:Info type = "R_REVIEW_DATE" > credit last review Date: October 12, 2011 < / ns1:Info >
    < ns1:Info type = "AdditionalInfo_QuartelyReport_URL" > < br > < other >MGH< / ns1:Info >
    < / ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    -< ns1:IssueDetail id = "117994574" >
    -< ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    < ns1:Info type = "R_DATE" > credit Release Date: April 9, 2010 < / ns1:Info >
    < ns1:Info type = "R_REVIEW_DATE" > credit last review Date: October 12, 2011 < / ns1:Info >
    < ns1:Info type = "AdditionalInfo_QuartelyReport_URL" > < br > < other >MGH< / ns1:Info >
    < / ns1:AdditionalInfo >
    < / ns1:IssueDetail >
    < / ns1:Issue >
    < / ns1:Issues >
    < / ns1:PcrOrganization >
    < / ns1:PcrDocument >

    Select extract (CLOB_DATA, ' PcrDocument/PcrOrganization/core_org_id) CORE_ORG_ID of pcr_files where existsNode (CLOB_DATA, ' PcrDocument/PcrOrganization/questions/problem [@id = "705230"]') = 1;
    -returns nothing...

    Some remarks (apart the obvious syntax error ' to leave'):

    -You are missing the namespace declaration in the functions existsNode() and extract()
    -You must use extractValue() to extract scalar values
    -Given that core_org_id is an attribute, you must use an attribute axis to access (@core_org_id or attribute::core_org_id)

    SQL> select extractValue( CLOB_DATA
      2                     , '/PcrDocument/PcrOrganization/@core_org_id'
      3                     , 'xmlns=""' ) CORE_ORG_ID
      4  from pcr_files
      5  where existsNode( CLOB_DATA
      6                  , '/PcrDocument/PcrOrganization/Issues/Issue[@id="705230"]'
      7                  , 'xmlns=""' ) = 1
      8  ;
    SQL> select extractValue( value(x)
      2                     , '/Issue/AdditionalInfo/Info[@type="R_DATE"]'
      3                     , 'xmlns=""' ) as R_DATE
      4       , extractValue( value(x)
      5                     , '/Issue/AdditionalInfo/Info[@type="R_REVIEW_DATE"]'
      6                     , 'xmlns=""' ) as R_REVIEW_DATE
      7  from pcr_files t
      8     , table(
      9         xmlsequence(
     10           extract( t.clob_data
     11                  , '/PcrDocument/PcrOrganization/Issues/Issue[@id="705230"]'
     12                  , 'xmlns=""' )
     13         )
     14       ) x
     15  ;
    R_DATE                                                                           R_REVIEW_DATE
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Credit  Release Date: 09-Apr-2010                                                Credit Last Review Date: 12-Oct-2011

    You don't mention the version of your database.
    The foregoing is deprecated in 11.2, use XMLTable/XMLQuery if you're on 11g.

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    NA not leave a space between the time and the file

    T touch primary/03052130/Screen\ Shot\ 2016-02-25\ at\ 11.41.39\ AM.jpg

    However, unless your screenshot is located in a folder directly inside your hard drive and it is named Primary, then that won't work. In this case, we cannot give you a cut and paste the examples because we do not know where your file is located.

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    I found the solution on another post (Re: running/debugging on a device with Flash Builder 4.7 on OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) and iOS7) having a problem installing app on the Mavericks.

    Disable your WiFi device and install your application in Flash Builder. Then activate your wifi device. It works for me.

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    sounds like a vista problem, not a problem first pro...

    Check out sites like this by Googling, "vista creates document duplicate files"... - folder.html

    Good luck

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    Thank you very much for your answer. It seems that the information about the real tutorial I followed had incorrect information. However, by playing with layer properties and ensure that they were all together for movieclip seems to fix.

    Thanks again

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    Thank you

    This file is a copy of the database (.itl) iTunes created by iTunes, during an update.  The XML version of the library is always called iTunes Library.xml.  Is there is no basis for comment by Sonos, that it may be related to the length of the absolute path of the XML file - where it is on your system?

  • No data when querying XML document which does not have all the elements that are populated

    Hi people

    Following the previous post forum, I met a new show that I'm looking to solve today.

    General information:

    The xml document, I try to shred them may exist in 2 forms; b limited form and (b) complex form, which
    to comply with the same xmlschema.

    The structure of the two forms of the document is:

    b limited version

    (1) under the parent node (of BASANTA) is a child node - RTDRFileHeader
    (2) also under the parent node is a node of complex "ConnectionList. This can consist of thousands of child nodes 'connection '.
    (3) below a given node of "Connection" are child nodes that are of interest, they are:
    (b) extended version

    The structure of the Extended version is identical to the above limited version but there are elements of additional group under the /chargeInfo. element
    It's TrafficBreakdownList and AdditionalChargeInfo. In addition, the TrafficBreakdownList has child nodes that contain elements of the group.
    For example.
    What I'm trying to achieve, if possible, is to have a SQL statement that can interrogate the two versions of the xml document. Currently
    the following SQL statement works properly against the extended version XML document, but when used against the limited version he returns no rows.

    I guess what I'm after is like a LEFT JOIN XML :-) If the node is not present, returns NULL for this element.

    b limited Version of XML
     </RTDR> '
    (b) extended version of XML
    <RTDR xmlns:tadig-gen="" xmlns="">
                        <CallEventType>CS MO</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MT</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>GPRS Calls</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MO</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MT</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>GPRS Calls</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MO</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MT</CallEventType>
    It's the query I want to be able to run against the two XML documents. As mentioned, this works very well against the complex XML but no result against the simple XML.
            ,EXTRACTVALUE(rtd.rtdr , '/RTDR/RTDRFileHeader/PMN' )                                      client_pmn
            ,connXML."VPMN"                                                                            vpmn
            ,connXML."HPMN"                                                                            hpmn
            ,fileXML."TAPSeqNo"                                                                        tap_seq_no
            ,chrgXML."TAPTxCutoffTmstp"                                                                tap_tx_cut_off_tmstp
            ,chrgXML."TAPAvailTmstp"                                                                   tap_avail_tmstp
            ,chrgXML."TAPCurrency"                                                                     tap_currency
            ,chrgXML."TotalNetCharge"                                                                  total_net_charge
            ,chrgXML."TotalTax"                                                                        total_tax
            ,traffXML."CallEventType"                                                                  call_event_type     
            ,callEvtXML."NumberOfEvents"                                                               number_of_events
            ,callEvtXML."TotNetCharge"                                                                 call_event_ttl_net_charge
            ,callEvtXML."TotTaxValue"                                                                  call_event_ttl_tax_value
    FROM     t   rtd
                        DEFAULT ''
                      PASSING  rtd.myXML
                      "VPMN"       VARCHAR2(5)    PATH '/Connection/VPMN'
                     ,"HPMN"       VARCHAR2(5)    PATH '/Connection/HPMN'
                     ,"FileXML"    XMLTYPE        PATH '/Connection/FileItemList/FileItem/FileType/InitTAP'
                     )  connXML
                        DEFAULT ''
                      PASSING  connXML."FileXML"
                      "TAPSeqNo"       VARCHAR2(50)   PATH '/InitTAP/TAPSeqNo'
                     ,"ChargeInfoXML"  XMLTYPE        PATH '/InitTAP/ChargeInfo'
                    )  fileXML
                        DEFAULT ''
                      PASSING  fileXML."ChargeInfoXML"
                      "TAPTxCutoffTmstp"          VARCHAR2(30)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TAPTxCutoffTmstp'
                     ,"TAPAvailTmstp"             VARCHAR2(30)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TAPAvailTmstp'
                     ,"TAPCurrency"               VARCHAR2(30)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TAPCurrency'
                     ,"TotalNetCharge"            NUMBER(22,5)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TotalNetCharge'
                     ,"TotalTax"                  NUMBER(22,5)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TotalTax'
                     ,"TrafficBreakdownListXML"   XMLTYPE          PATH 'TrafficBreakdownList/TrafficBreakdownItem'
                    )  chrgXML
                        DEFAULT ''
                      PASSING  chrgXML."TrafficBreakdownListXML"
                      "CallEventType"             VARCHAR2(20)     PATH '/TrafficBreakdownItem/CallEventType'
                     ,"CallEventInfoXML"          XMLTYPE          PATH '/TrafficBreakdownItem/CallEventInfo'
                    )  traffXML
                        DEFAULT ''
                      PASSING  traffXML."CallEventInfoXML" 
                      "NumberOfEvents"            NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/NumberOfEvents'
                     ,"TotNetCharge"              NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/TotNetCharge'
                     ,"TotTaxValue"               NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/TotTaxValue'
                    )   callEvtXML
    Thank you very much

    Kind regards

    Simon Gadd

    Hi Simon,.

    I guess what I'm after looks like a LEFT JOIN XML


    Try to add a (+) after the last two XMLTABLEs operator:

                        DEFAULT ''
                      PASSING  chrgXML."TrafficBreakdownListXML"
                      "CallEventType"             VARCHAR2(20)     PATH '/TrafficBreakdownItem/CallEventType'
                     ,"CallEventInfoXML"          XMLTYPE          PATH '/TrafficBreakdownItem/CallEventInfo'
                    ) (+)  traffXML
                        DEFAULT ''
                      PASSING  traffXML."CallEventInfoXML"
                      "NumberOfEvents"            NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/NumberOfEvents'
                     ,"TotNetCharge"              NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/TotNetCharge'
                     ,"TotTaxValue"               NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/TotTaxValue'
                    ) (+)  callEvtXML


    PS: the declaration of namespaces does not appear in the 'limited' version, perhaps you simply forgotten in your sample? Could you confirm?

  • Unable to parse the file config.xml - bad xml structure

    I'm doing a simple application for blackberry phones.  I used the code on the site of dev on creating your first application. ".
    "xmlns:RIM =""
    version = "" >
      BlackBerry Developer Blog
    email = '[email protected]' > John Doe
  "/ >

    I edited it for the site we want to and other details as follows: ".
    "xmlns:RIM =""
    version = "" >
     DeVry University Library 
    email ="[email protected]" > Danny coats "
  "/ >

    It gives me the following error when I compile it:

    C:\Program Research In Motion\BlackBerry WebWorks Packager > bbwp "C:\Users\".
    Danny Coats\workspace\applications\DeVryLibrary\
    [INFO]                  Parsing of the command line options
    [INFO]         analysis
    [INFO]                  Validation of archive application
    [INFO]                  The analysis of config.xml
    [ERROR]                 Impossible to analyze the file config.xml - bad structure XML

    I use Windows 7 Professional and the latest version of the SDK of Blackberry WebWorks.  I find nothing in the community for this to solve.

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    I had the same error when you try your config.
    So, I try to analyse.
    I found the error is in the value of the content item, you must:

    and should be: & page = First

    If the special characters in the URL must be converted to their html entities.

  • The opening of the RPD MDS XML error

    The landscape

    I have a relatively simple SPR with a single Oracle data source considered. OBIEE version

    I followed best practices and star schema article to define the logical subject area: 8 dimensions and a fact table.

    dashboards and reports on OBIEE work well and no problems of RPD to date.

    Usage tracking is enabled and modeled.

    The problem

    I'm in the early stages of planning for automated deployment, but so far I can't properly re - open the RPD in the form of XML documents.

    Backup repository happily in XML format, but on open after several attempts, accepts the password but gives the following error:

    "nQSError 90028] XML Validation error to line number 5: data type error: Type: InvalidDatatypeValueException, ID of Message: 'mError' is not unique."

    Troubleshooting so far

    • Like a madman, google-> nothing (if this isn't common)
    • RPD light up to the basic set, same problem
    • Tried on another server with an export charges of an RPD offline (the most recent version of the same file). Same question. (so, not my machine)
      Tried with SampleApp DPR installation - error does not (not the application)
    • I opened all the MDS XML files exported in Notepad ++ and sought non-unique value. It is 250 hits around 9 files - all were the logical table XMLs. In each case the offending value is located in the < AttrDefn > element of a column of logic and resembles this example:

    < LogicalColumn mdsid = ' m4000001b-0ab3-1580-92e1 - a 0, 0102420000 "name ="Date time"isWriteable ="false">

    "< AttrDefn mdsid = 'mError" name = "AD_3900:73941442851546" > "

    < mdsid Expr = 'm00000001-01f4-0000-cff2-f3fb00000000' name = 'Expr' >

    < ExprText > <! [CDATA ['%1']] > < / ExprText >

    < ExprTextDesc > <! [CDATA ['MDM'. » ». "' MDM '. "" "" A_DIM_VALUE_DATE '. "" DATE_TIME_END']] > < / ExprTextDesc >

    < ObjectRefList >

    "< RefId="m00000001-01f4-0000-cff2-f3fb00000000-mc0000002-ddf7-156e-806e-0a0102420000 RefObject "objectTypeId ="3003"objectRef="/oracle/bi/server/base/PhysicalTable/c0000000-ddf7-156e-806e-0a0102420000.xml#mc0000002-ddf7-156e-806e-0a0102420000"/ >

    < / ObjectRefList >

    < / Expr >

    < / AttrDefn >

    < / LogicalColumn >

    See attached the error and the XML example.


    • Raise a SR?
    • Rebuild my logical Tables - and the presumable presentation layer?
    • ?

    Thanks in advance for any guidance - Niamh

    You want to integrate with version control in the House and the script / automate patches rpds based environments onward.

    You can do this with comparerpd/patchrpd command line tools - on the binary RPD. You need not MDS XML. You can put the RPD in control source (and if you want to use XML MDS, keep a copy of it in the source code control too - but use it as your exclusive of the RPD representation)

    At the Stewart Bryson blog on with git as an example.

    Yes, Stewart and I disagree on this subject ;-)

    Development of simultaneous RPD in OBIEE - Consulting Rittman Mead

    But - I think that what you say about is not so much simultaneous development, such as the automated environment implementation service/deployment. And as I said, this can be done with standard command line tools, no MDS needed XML (and I think that Stewart would agree with me on this...)

  • Impossible to analyze the xml.aspx contained in the main.js.Iam get the following error"could not obtain XML document, and the connection has failed: status 500

    Impossible to analyze the xml.aspx contained in the main.js.Iam get the following error"could not obtain XML document, and the connection has failed: status 500

    My main.js resembles

    xmlDataSource var = {}
    URL: 'dcds. - symbianxml.aspx", etc. (sample).
    init: function() {}
    URL, successful reminder, the reminder of failure
    This.Connect (this.) (URL, this.responseHandler, this.failureHandler);
    * Analyzes the XML document in an array of JS objects
    @param xmlDoc XML Document
    * @returns {table} array of objects of the device
    parseResponse: {function (xmlDoc)}
    var chElements = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName ("channel");
    channels of var = [];
    Console.log (chElements.Length);
    for (var i = 0; i)< chelements.length;="">
    var channel = {};
    for (var j = 0; j)< chelements[i].childnodes.length;="">
    var node = Sublst.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(0) chElements [i] [j];
    If (node.nodeType! = 1) {//not an element node}
    Channel [node. TagName] = node.textContent;
    Channels.push (Channel);
    Console.log (Channels.Length);
    return the strings;
    Manages the response and displays the data from device web app
    @param xmlDoc
    responseHandler: {function (xmlDoc)}
    var channel = this.parseResponse (xmlDoc);
    var markup = "";
    for (i = 0; i< channels.length;="">
    markup += this.generateHTMLMarkup (i, channels [i]);
    document.getElementById("accordian").innerHTML = mark-up;
    Generates HTML tags to insert in to the DOM Web App.
    * @index i, index of the device
    @param device, device object
    generateHTMLMarkup: function (i, channel) {}
    var str ="";
    "Str += '.

    ' onclick =-"mwl.setGroupTarget ('#accordian ',' #items_" + i + "', 'ui-show ',' ui - hide');" + ".
    "mwl.setGroupTarget ('#accordian ',' item_title_ #" + i + "', 'ui-open', 'ui-farm'); Returns false; \ » > » ;
    "" Str += "" + channel ['name'] + ' ";
    "Str += '.
    "Str += '.
    "Str += '.
    "+" id: "+ channel ['id'] +" ' "
    "Str += '.
    "+" type: "+ channel ['type'] +" ' "
    "Str += '.
    "+" language: "+ channel ['language'] +" ' "
    "Str += '.
    «+ "bandwidth:" + "fast" channel + "»»
    "Str += '.
    "+" cellnapid: "+ channel ["cellnapid"] +". "
    "Str += '.
    «+ ' link: '+'start the video »»
    "Str += '.
    return str;
    generateHTMLMarkup: function (i, channel) {}
    var str ="";
    "Str += '.
    str +=  "" +
    "" + channel ['name'] + ""+""
    "Str += '.
    «+ ' link: '+'start the video »»
    return str;

    failureHandler: {function (reason)}
    document.getElementById("accordian").innerHTML = "could not get XML document.
    '+ reason;
    Retrieves a resource XML in the given URL using XMLHttpRequest.
    @param url URL of the XML resource to retrieve
    @param called successCb, in the XML resourece is recovered successfully. Retrieved XML document is passed as an argument.
    @param failCb called, if something goes wrong. Reasons, in text format, is passed as an argument.

    Connect: {function (url, successCb, failCb)
    var XMLHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest();
    XMLHTTP. Open ("GET", url, true);

    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader ("Cache-Control", "non-cache");
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader ("Pragma", "non-cache" "");
    var that = this;
    XMLHTTP.onreadystatechange = function() {}
    If (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {}
    If (XMLHTTP. Status == 200) {}
    {if (!) XMLHTTP.responseXML)}
    try {}
    If server has not responded with good an XML MIME type.
    var domParser = new DOMParser();
    var xmlDoc = domParser.parseFromString(xmlhttp.responseText,"text/xml");
       (that, xmlDoc);
    } catch (e) {} (, "answer was not in an XML format.");
    } else {} (that, xmlhttp.responseXML);
    } else {} (this, "connection failed: status"+ xmlhttp.status ");
    XMLHTTP. Send();

    Please see the content in main.js is fully analyzed.

    Forward for the solution to my request all members of the community...

  • "Error loading XML Document from saw.dll./answers/saw.selections.xml?fmapId=RRxCfQ. "The answer was: ' when you access analytic dashboards

    During these months, we were faced with an error "" error when loading XML Document saw.dll./answers/saw.selections.xml?fmapId=RRxCfQ. "The answer was: ' when you access analytical dashboards OBIEE.

    It is a global problem, and users cannot access any dashboard in OBIEE analytics.

    We used weblogicPlugin 1.1 to configure the reverse proxy for our 64-bit using IIS 7.5 weblogic server. WebLogic Server Version: We see the error "resolveRequest: application ' / analytics/saw.dll/answers/saw.selections.xml' has not been sent." Found OR '?', or ';' in URI "in the IIS Proxy log.

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