Infrastructure of validation for the issue of


We already use the validation infrastructure to record the action. We now have a new requirement to send email notification when a specification is issue upward. I realized that we can achieve by using the validation framework using problem event

We use the version and extensibility Pack 2.5

I need the following information:

1. question is Up event is supported in the Ext 2.5 pack?

2. I tried my sample code with the configuration below but the code had not pulled

< rule type "1004" = >
< event condition 'question' = >
< if type = "MaterialValidator" / >
< / condition >

< / rule >

Private bool DoValidate (IValidationContext ctx)


code here


I don't know what context object to use for the question until validation

If you can provide me with an example of code that would be useful

Thank you

Hi Mathieu,

I checked the document and 2.5 ep should support the cause an event.

Although I did have the chance to check it out in 6101, I have a sample which has been run in 6114 for you.


Imports System.Xml;

using Xeno.Data;

using Xeno.Prodika.Application;

using Xeno.Prodika.Reflection;

using Xeno.Prodika.Services;

using Xeno.Prodika.Validation;

using Xeno.Prodika.Validation.Validators;

namespace Oracle.Agile.PlmProcess.Validation



Allows the instantiation of ShelfLifeValidator s.



public class SampleValidatorFactory: XmlConfigValidatorFactoryBase


Private Shared readonly IValidatorFactory m_factory = new SampleValidatorFactory();

public static IValidatorFactory GetInstance() {return m_factory ;}

Private SampleValidatorFactory() End Sub

Protected Overrides IValidator Create_Internal (XmlNode node)


back again (SampleValidator)




internal class SampleValidator: BaseValidator


Private readonly string m_parentToShelfLifePropertyPath;

Private readonly int m_minimumMinimumDaysRemaining;

Private readonly int m_maximumMinimumDaysRemaining;

Private readonly string m_errorTranslationId;

Public Overrides Function Validate (IValidationContext ctx)


bool verdict = true;

ISpecSummary specSummary = (ISpecSummary) ReflectionHelper.GetPropObject (ctx. ValidationTarget, 'SpecSummary');

IEmailService emailService = (IEmailService) AppPlatformHelper.ServiceManager [typeof (IEmailService). FullName];

String from = "[email protected]";

string to = "[email protected]";

object String = 'test subject ';

String body = "test body:"+ specSummary.FreeTextName.Name; "

emailService.SendMessage (from, to, subject, body);

return the verdict;





Thank you


Tags: Oracle Applications

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    Add just like a new data store.

    Login to your web access, select your host (not the virtual machines) in the left menu.

    You should see a link on the right side with "Add data store", give it a name of store and add the directory.

    Now, you can add a virtual machine to this place.

    Good luck!




    Visit VMware developers at wiki

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    Hi Bartl,

    It is a specific widget on the page. So if you want to provide this functionality on all pages you can then place this in master pages and make sure that each page of the child is linked to a master page.

    Kind regards


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    Thanking you,

    Noor ul Huda

    This article will be very useful:

    ORACLE-BASE - Oracle Forms and reports 11 GR 2 Installation under Windows (32 bit)

    Kind regards

    Noor ul Huda

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    I do not understand what I need to fix here:

    Line 138, column 37: there is no attribute "align".

    ' < table width = "585" border = "0" align = "" " center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >

    You use the attribute named above in your document, but the document type, you are using does not support this attribute of this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of document type "Strict" with a document that uses frames (e.g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the 'target' attribute), or using extensions such as "marginheight" owners (it is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the effect desired instead).

    This error can also occur if the item itself is not supported in the document type, you use, as an undefined element will have no attributes supported. in this case, check the error message undefined element for more information.

    How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (remember XHTML is all lowercase) or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you receive this error when you use the < embed > element to incorporate flash in a Web page media, see the FAQ on valid flash.

    Line 144, column 24: there is no attribute 'bgcolor '.

    < td > < table bgcolor = " " " #931 C 08" width = "625" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadd...

    You use the attribute named above in your document, but the document type, you are using does not support this attribute of this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of document type "Strict" with a document that uses frames (e.g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the 'target' attribute), or using extensions such as "marginheight" owners (it is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the effect desired instead).

    This error can also occur if the item itself is not supported in the document type, you use, as an undefined element will have no attributes supported. in this case, check the error message undefined element for more information.

    How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (remember XHTML is all lowercase) or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you receive this error when you use the < embed > element to incorporate flash in a Web page media, see the FAQ on valid flash.

    If not for the use of electronic mail and then forget validation. Html email is strongly dependent on the old deprecated html attributes. What you used

    Align = 'center' and bgcolor = # "# 931 08" are perfect for html emails

    Use the Doctype "transitional" / "coward."">

    or you can just go with the html5 Doctype:

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    I have a requirement for field validation NRIC number, I put the validation in the field as first digit is followed by a character of 7 integer digits and last digit as the character. The format is S7975363G. The user is not leave the key in full for 1 and the last digit. Please let know us if this is possible.
    Thanks in advance.

    Try the following domain validation:

    Len ([]) = 9 AND FindOneOf (Mid ([], 1, 1), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') + FindOneOf (Mid ([], 9, 1), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') = 2 AND Len (1 * Mid ([], 2.7)) = Len (Mid ([], 2.7))

    Replace the NRIC wearing the correct domain name

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    niScope_ConfigureDigitial (with a positive delay)


    followed by

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    I would use it to make a set FecthForever to date, but synchronized to an external trigger waveforms up to about a minute.

    It seems that the delay of release for the 5122 should be able to hande a minimum delay time of about 170 seconds (at the max rate of sampling more at lower rates), so the data I would need could all be borrowed buffers read-ahead externally triggered and properly after off-delay measurement.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.


    In the case that you are extracting data from before trigger (extraction of data before a relaxation was produced., relativeInitialX will have the same value as absoluteInitialX.)

    Kind regards


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    When I click on 'Restore' after few seconds the bed message "no backup is available for this device.

    Is there a function "no, really, RESTORE THIS FILE ' emergency can I call it? I don't want to have to redownload all my apps and reconfigure the whole device.

    Thanks a lot for the quick reply... I did some additional checking and I confess that sometimes Windows file permissions are strange and mysterious to me... for some reason, Windows Home Server share where I write my backups to was ' write only ' BlackBerry-link point-of-view... when I searched and had difficulties, just pick it up and copy the file, I added my user login to the official list of the users 'Total control' on this file. , and then BlackBerry link found the file very well... now is restoration.

    Sorry for the false alarm, but maybe this will help someone else in the future :-)

  • Parameters for the issue of "launch a Java application from another Java application.

    In: _...

    Specifically for example 2.


    Where can I get information on what these settings are: '? param1.  There are the existing settings for the BlackBerry native apps like tasks and Messages? Are they the same as the arguments of the application when you use the API 'Invoke '?

    Or are they only for third-party applications. If this is the case, the third party sets the setting? And if so, how do you define a parameter in your third-party application?

    1-Yes 2. There is no documentation on this subject, you can find either on the web or a forum somewhere.

  • Another entry point for the issue of the application


    As I read on this KB about to enter another application

    But on the KB above, the main application is UiApplication and other entry point is not UiApplication!

    1. I wonder how to create the entry point alternative in which the two project is UiApplication

    2. for example, I have the application main who have 3 screens A, B, C. When user clicks on the icon for the main Application screens A. When the user clicks on the application of alternative entry point (another icon on the home screen), B screen. I wonder how we can do?

    Thank you.

    No, you create only one project. the ASP is set to the application descriptor.

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    I want to skip the validation when the user clicks on the link on the train to the af:train component. Since it is a link, I tried to get my hands on the immediate property programmatically through af: component train but no luck so far.

    How to get this functionality?

    Thank you


    User, tell us your version of Jdev, please!

    You set the property of validation of the jump. Reading Oracle ADF: All Aboard that describes this too.


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