RelativeInitialX is valid for the externally triggered measures? NEITHER SMU 5122 64 MB per channel

For example when you use the following commands

niScope_ConfigureDigitial (with a positive delay)


followed by

niScope_FetchBinary16 (loop to retrieve the data most wfmInfo)

What will be the value of the wfmInfo.relativeInitialX before the external trigger?  It matches?  It is set to a number to indicate the outbreak did not appear until the trigger has been received and it then becomes accurate after receiving the trigger?

I would use it to make a set FecthForever to date, but synchronized to an external trigger waveforms up to about a minute.

It seems that the delay of release for the 5122 should be able to hande a minimum delay time of about 170 seconds (at the max rate of sampling more at lower rates), so the data I would need could all be borrowed buffers read-ahead externally triggered and properly after off-delay measurement.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


In the case that you are extracting data from before trigger (extraction of data before a relaxation was produced., relativeInitialX will have the same value as absoluteInitialX.)

Kind regards


Tags: NI Products

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    Welcome to the Adobe Forums.

    In order to change the default program for the external application Editor. Please follow the instructions below.

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    Kind regards


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    Click Start, right click on computer and select Properties.

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    Select the option to disable the Protection system for this drive.

    Click Apply/OK.

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    Hello Bill,

    Two possibilities come to mind. The first is that the program of the archiver to change icons, in which case you will need to reinstall the program, understand how the icons have been changed, reverse the process and then uninstall the program again. Phew. Its a lot of work, but I got a program do just this thing very to my car icons and it's the process that I had to follow to cancel his "practical work"!

    The other possibility is that his associates to make it an external drive, which is still not very good with Windows. Lets start with this possibility first. First of all, try this Fix It from Microsoft: . Not fixed? Try this second difficulty: . Still not fixed? Is the drive recognized by Windows - right disk size / type format?

    If the disc itself is not recognized by Windows, try this trick. Download and install the freeware Aomei Partition Assistant application, download it from here;1 - use the link Direct download only. Then once its installed, select the external hard drive, then select Properties. That's it, just by selecting the drive and choosing properties are sufficient to get Windows to recognize the drive.

    Now that the drive is recognized by Windows, has the problem of the icon "disappeared"? If the answer is still no, then I think you need to look at the program archive as a real possibility. The only way to know of course is to install the program again and look for a setting (try Configuration) where the program changes the icons of the programs.

    Post your results here and let me know how you fare.

    Kind regards


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    Thank you


    If you are using PEAP (mschapv2) [password based authentication] your best bet is to tie ACS to AD, because PEAP-mschapv2 is a hash mechanism that is only supported when you bind to AD, it will not work if you use the ldap integration.

    Your best option is to connect ACS for the root domain, so he can use the transitive trust relationships to find the information in its subdomains.

    Thank you

    Tarik Admani
    * Please note the useful messages *.

  • Remote Desktop for the external IP address is no longer works

    Hello and thanks for your help.

    For months I could access my desktop from my laptop (via Remote Desktop) / Tablet (via PocketCloud), both inside and outside my network.

    Recently, the external IP address for my router has changed. As this happened, I was not able to access my desktop to the outside.

    Other possible factors:

    -A had a problem of invalid system disk on my desktop which has been resolved by changing the boot order.

    -J' I registered a domain name, which I redirected to the old IP address. I have since updated the domain to redirect to the new IP address.

    I tried the IP address and the URL (using my domain name) to try and MOP with no luck.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you


    I suggest you post this question in this forum to improve assistance:

  • Media Player deletes all the songs that were added just for the external drive

    I am using Windows 7 media player. I start the media player and my music list is empty.  Media Player begins to add songs to my portable media player. After adding songs it removes so all of the songs added.  What I can do to keep the songs is the library?


    1. have you tried to play the songs of the external hard drive?
    When you remove the external hard drive, you will lose the library of the media player library list, it's the design of the media player library and this is how it works in the location list monitoring.

    However, if you want to keep the music files in the library even after having remove the external HARD drive, you do not delete the location in the location tracking list. You can add the location to avoid the problem.

    For more information, please visit:

    Hope this helps
  • Infrastructure of validation for the issue of


    We already use the validation infrastructure to record the action. We now have a new requirement to send email notification when a specification is issue upward. I realized that we can achieve by using the validation framework using problem event

    We use the version and extensibility Pack 2.5

    I need the following information:

    1. question is Up event is supported in the Ext 2.5 pack?

    2. I tried my sample code with the configuration below but the code had not pulled

    < rule type "1004" = >
    < event condition 'question' = >
    < if type = "MaterialValidator" / >
    < / condition >

    < / rule >

    Private bool DoValidate (IValidationContext ctx)


    code here


    I don't know what context object to use for the question until validation

    If you can provide me with an example of code that would be useful

    Thank you

    Hi Mathieu,

    I checked the document and 2.5 ep should support the cause an event.

    Although I did have the chance to check it out in 6101, I have a sample which has been run in 6114 for you.


    Imports System.Xml;

    using Xeno.Data;

    using Xeno.Prodika.Application;

    using Xeno.Prodika.Reflection;

    using Xeno.Prodika.Services;

    using Xeno.Prodika.Validation;

    using Xeno.Prodika.Validation.Validators;

    namespace Oracle.Agile.PlmProcess.Validation



    Allows the instantiation of ShelfLifeValidator s.



    public class SampleValidatorFactory: XmlConfigValidatorFactoryBase


    Private Shared readonly IValidatorFactory m_factory = new SampleValidatorFactory();

    public static IValidatorFactory GetInstance() {return m_factory ;}

    Private SampleValidatorFactory() End Sub

    Protected Overrides IValidator Create_Internal (XmlNode node)


    back again (SampleValidator)




    internal class SampleValidator: BaseValidator


    Private readonly string m_parentToShelfLifePropertyPath;

    Private readonly int m_minimumMinimumDaysRemaining;

    Private readonly int m_maximumMinimumDaysRemaining;

    Private readonly string m_errorTranslationId;

    Public Overrides Function Validate (IValidationContext ctx)


    bool verdict = true;

    ISpecSummary specSummary = (ISpecSummary) ReflectionHelper.GetPropObject (ctx. ValidationTarget, 'SpecSummary');

    IEmailService emailService = (IEmailService) AppPlatformHelper.ServiceManager [typeof (IEmailService). FullName];

    String from = "[email protected]";

    string to = "[email protected]";

    object String = 'test subject ';

    String body = "test body:"+ specSummary.FreeTextName.Name; "

    emailService.SendMessage (from, to, subject, body);

    return the verdict;





    Thank you


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    Thank you


    Hi Bartl,

    It is a specific widget on the page. So if you want to provide this functionality on all pages you can then place this in master pages and make sure that each page of the child is linked to a master page.

    Kind regards


  • Column filtering for the current year measure


    I'm blocked up with the question, we have a report of three tables D1, D2, and F1. Where D1 is of time dimension. We now report D2 and F1 with action, and the report is placed on the dashboard which is having the guest of the year.

    F1 is joined with dimension D2 and D1 time as well, the requirement is in the report we measure column say X should always show the values for the current year, while others displayed according to the prompt values... In short, I want to show the column to measure for the current year, even if the user selects the value of prompt for year earlier and it must not change the values.

    Please let me know, how to get there.

    Thanks in advance

    I am able to do this by following steps.

    1. I created a column in the MDB layer with similar to above said Srini case statement.
    2. Then I made the logic level of the time dimension column at ALL. So obiee ignores / filter join with the dimension of time to this measure, and the measure will always displays the data from the current year according to the case statement.
    3. If I did not this measure to all levels at the logical level, it's not working to the dashboard, when we change the year with the previous year it shows null values or zero according to the instruction box.

    Thank you.

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